负能量爆棚的一句话 什么意思

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CGWANG影视后期包装培训 专业培训机构
老员工每天骂我傻逼,我每天忍着,一直这样,我害怕我上班那个地方,害怕那里的一切,在里面你要不停的站着。坐着了,被领导看到了,你就要被说。觉得你工作不负责,我该干嘛干嘛了。进来第四个月了,我不知道是不是我不够成熟,这种痛苦无法承受。高中三年,高考,我都没有觉得这么累。人累心也累。他们说要珍惜这份工作。对于我来说,老员工真的是魔鬼,我每天都要面对这些魔鬼。我感觉我很难坚持下去,但是这一个月我必须坚持出头。我感觉在里面像坐牢,没有自由你和机器一样,没有思想,被监视,被侮辱,紧张紧张紧张,不知所措,我不知道其他人是怎么熬的,我真的觉得太痛苦了。我最开始没有来这个地方的时候,很多人说不要去。我觉得是因为那些人不够吃苦。或则是不懂得珍惜一份工作。我进来从来没有被发过款,在里面我真的看不到未来。不能进去,以人为本都他妈是幌子。全部是以产品为本。人算个什么东西。累啊累,真的心累心累。难啊,每天都害怕,我几乎害怕信利害怕得晚上不敢睡觉,我再累 我也不愿意睡去,我知道我很累,我只要睡下去了,一早上醒来,又是要去面对那个冰冷的厂房,毫无人情味的厂房。歧视外地人的厂。难受。现在我又要去了。
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9 Helpful Tips To Deal With Negative People
Do you have any friends or colleagues who are negative? If so, you&ll know they aren&t the most enjoyable people to be around. Negative people can be real downers in any conversation. No matter what you say, they have a way of spinning things in a negative direction. Some negative people can be so negative that it feels draining just being around them.
I&ve dealt with a fair share of negative people in my life. When I was in junior college, I was basically surrounded by a college
of negative students and teachers. My school wasn&t the best of the lot, so most people inside were disgruntled by virtue of being there. While I was initially taken aback by negativity of the people, I eventually learned to manage it and channel it into conscious action.
Today, I deal with negativity on-and-off in my personal development work, especially if there are readers or coaching clients in . Rather than be affected by others& negative energy, I&m now able to consciously deal with it. Here, I&ll share with you 9 tips to deal with negative people in your life:
1) Don&t get into an argument
One of the most important things I learned is not to debate with a negative person. A negative person likely has very staunch views and isn&t going to change that just because of what you said. Whatever you say, he/she can find 10 different reasons to back up his/her . The discussion will just swirl into more negativity, and you pull yourself down in the process. You can give constructive comments, and if the person rebutts with no signs of backing down, don&t engage further.
2) Empathize with them
Have you ever been annoyed by something before, then have someone tell you to &relax&? How did you feel? Did you relax as the person suggested or did you feel even more worked up?
From my , people who are negative (or upset for that matter) benefit more from an empathetic ear than suggestions/solutions on what he/she should do. By helping them to address their emotions, the solutions will automatically come to them (it&s always been inside them anyway).
3) Lend a helping hand
Some people complain as a way of crying for help. They may not be conscious of it though, so their comments come across as complaints rather than requests. Take the onus to lend a helping hand. Just a simple &Are you okay?& or &Is there anything I can do to help you?& can do wonders.
4) Stick to light topics
Some negative people are triggered by certain topics. Take for example: One of my friends sinks into a self-victimizing mode whenever we talk about his work. No matter what I say (or don&t say), he&ll keep complaining once we talk about work.
Our 1st instinct with negative people should be to help bring them to a more positive place (i.e. steps #2 and #3). But if it&s apparent the person is stuck in his/her negativity, the unhappiness may be too deeply rooted to address in a one-off conversation, or for you to help him/her unravel it. Bring in a new topic to lighten the mood. Simple things like new movies, daily occurrences, common friends, make for light conversation. Keep it to areas the person feels positive towards.
5) Ignore the negative comments
One way to help the negative person &get it& is to ignore the negative comments. If he/she goes into a negative swirl, ignore or give a simple &I see& or &Ok& reply. On the other hand, when he/she is being positive, reply in affirmation and enthusiasm. Do this often and soon he/she will know positivity pays off. He/she will adjust to be more positive accordingly.
6) Praise the person for the positive things
Negative people aren&t just negative to others. They&re also negative to themselves. If you already feel negative around them, imagine how they must feel all the time. What are the things the person is good at? What do you like about the person? Recognize the positive things and praise him/her for it. He/she will be d at first and might reject the compliment, but on the inside he/she will feel positive about it. That&s the first seed of positivity you&re planting in him/her and it&ll bloom in the long-.
7) Hang out in 3&s or more people
Having someone else in the conversation works wonders in easing the load. In a 1-1 communication, all the negativity will be directed towards you. With someone else in the conversation, you don&t have to bear the full brunt of the negativity. This way you can focus more on doing steps #1 (Empathizing) and #2 (Helping the person).
8) Be responsible for your reaction
Whether the person is negative or not, ultimately you&re the one who is perceiving the person is negative. When you recognize that, actually the negativity is the product of your lens. Take
for your perceptions. For every trait, you can interpret it in a positive and a negative manner. Learn to see the goodness of the person than the negative. It may be tough initially, but once you cultivate the skill, it becomes second nature.
9) Reduce contact with them / Avoid them
If all else fails, reduce contact with them or avoid them altogether. If it&s a good friend, let him/her know of the severity of the issue and work it out where . It&s not healthy to spend too much time with people who drain you. Your time is precious, so spend it with people who have positive effects on you.
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