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Copyright (C) 2006 CERNET All rights reserved.硕士研究生英语运用能力测试模拟题_工程硕士模拟试题
& 硕士研究生英语运用能力测试模拟题
&&&&&& part one  vocabulary and structure
  in this part there are 20 incomplete sentences, each with four suggested answers. choose the one you think is the best answer. mark your choice on the answer sheet by drawing with a pencil a short bar across the corresponding letter in the brackets.
  1. the first, second, and third prizes went to jack, tom, and harry ______.
  (a) equally  (b) differently
  (c) similarly (d)respectively
  2. he had never given a speech to so many people, so he felt ______.
  (a) excited    (b) stupid
  (c) disappointed  (d) nervous
  3. success in the lab doesn‘t always mean immediate success on a large ______.
  (a) business (b) account
  (c) way    (d) scale
  4. dinner will be ready _____, but we still have time for a drink.
  (a) presently (b) currently
  (c) lately   (d) finally
  5. it is impossible to ______with a person whose methods are completely opposed to your own.
  (a) cooperate  (b) correspond
  (c) compete   (d) compare
  6. it was the training that he had as a young man _____ made him such a good engineer.
  (a) has   (b) later
  (c) which  (d) that
  7. other considerations _____ equal, the pressure remains constant.
  (a) being   (b) be
  (c) will be  (d) is
  8. the policeman needs to see _____ your id card or your driver‘s license.
  (a) every   (b) each
  (c) either  (d) both
  9. “let‘s start our meeting immediately _____ everyone has arrived,” the chairman said.
  (a) although  (b) until
  (c) after   (d) now that
  10. i walked eight miles today. i never guessed that i could walk ______far.
  (a) that (b) this
  (c) such (d) as
part two reading comprehension
  in this part there are 4 passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers. choose the one you think is the best answer. mark your choice on the answer sheet by drawing with a pencil a short bar across the corresponding letter in the brackets.
  questions 11-15 are based on the following passage:
  until recently the opportunities for criminal activities on the internet have been low. however, the volume of business done on the internet is growing rapidly, as people order books and other products and make money transactions. all this is creating temptations for hackers(黑客)。
  hackers are often young people who are interested in computers. they use them to move quietly to the internet, looking for ways to break into computers systems run by banks, telephone companies and even government departments. they look for examples of credit cards and try to steal the numbers.
  hackers rarely admit to a successful break-in. the first indication of a hacking may be when a customer discovers a wrong money transaction on a credit card account. it is harder to check on somebody misusing an online connection unless there is a massive download of information which would call the attention of the consumer.
  11. the main idea of the first paragraph is that ______.
  (a) the opportunities for criminal activities on the internet have been low
  (b) the opportunities for criminal activities on the internet are low
  (c) there are more opportunities for criminal activities on the internet
  (d) people should not make money transactions on the internet
  12. the word “temptations” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.
  (a) interests (b) attractions
  (c) benefits (d) profits
  13. in the passage, it‘s said that hackers may attack the internet system of all the following institutions except _____.
  (a) banks
  (b) telephone companies
  (c) universities
  (d) government departments
  14. which of the following is not the reason for a hacking being found?
  (a) the customer found something wrong with his account.
  (b) there was a huge amount of information being downloaded.
  (c) there was a wrong money transaction.
  (d) the hacker proudly admitted his successful break-in.
  15. in the last sentence of the paragraph, “somebody” refers to a______.
  (a) customer (b) card user
  (c) hacker (d) bank clerk
questions 16-20 are based on the following passage:
  for any englishman, there can never be any discussion as to who is the world‘s greatest writer. only one name can possibly suggest itself to him: that of william shakespeare(莎士比亚)。 every englishman has some knowledge of his work. all of us use words and phrases from shakespeare’s writings that have become a part of the english-speaking people.
  shakespeare, more perhaps than any other writer, made full use of the english language. most of us use about five thousand words in our normal employment of english; shakespeare in his works used about twenty-five thousand! there is probably no better way for a foreigner (or an englishman!) to appreciate the richness and variety of the english language than by studying the various ways in which shakespeare uses it. such a study is well worth the effort (it is not, of course, recommended to beginners), even though some aspects of english usage, and the meaning of many words, have changed since shakespeare‘s day.
  16. from the first two sentences of the passage we can conclude that ________.
  (a) it can‘t be discussed about who is the world’s greatest poet
  (b) it can‘t be discussed about who is the world’s greatest dramatist
  (c) shakespeare is regarded as a greatest writer
  (d) englishmen like to discuss about who is the world‘s greatest writer
  17. according to the passage many english words and phrases that we use today are from ______.
  (a) englishmen (b) shakespeare‘s works
  (c) english speaking people (d) ancient people
  18. to learn the richness of the english language, people should ______.
  (a) read shakespeare‘s plays
  (b) learn from an english man
  (c) be glad to be a foreigner
  (d) write and read more
  19. the author does not suggest beginners reading shakespeare‘s plays, probably because _____.
  (a) the works are for native speakers
  (b) only englishmen can understand his plays
  (c) the works are too difficult for a beginner
  (d) some of english usage and the meaning of many words have changed
  20. in this passage the author wants to _______.
  (a) show the richness of english language
  (b) tell how great a writer shakespeare is
  (c) tell that some english words are out of use now
  (d) tell that some aspects of english usage have changed since shakespeare‘s day
questions 21-25 are based on the following passage:
  oxford and cambridge differ from the rest of the universities in great britain in many important respects, but resemble each other quite closely.
  oxford was founded in the 12th century. there are at present 35 colleges: three are for women only and the rest take both men and women. there are at present approximately 9,400 students in residence, of whom over a third are women. the city of oxford is popular with tourists because of the university‘s many beautiful medieval buildings.
  cambridge was founded in the 13th century. there are at present 28 colleges, of which only one is for men students only and two for women only. the remaining 25 take both men and women. there are at present over 9000 students in residence, of whom a third are women. cambridge university has made the city of cambridge an internationally famous tourist entre.
  21. with the first sentence, the author wants to say that _____.
  (a) oxford and cambridge are different
  (b) universities in britain are different in many aspects
  (c) oxford and cambridge share many similarities
  (d) oxford and cambridge are different from each other
  22. the ratio of male to female students in residence at both universities is about _____.
  (a) 1:2 (b) 1:3
  (c) 3:32 (d) 3:10
  23. which of the following statements is not true?
  (a) oxford has a longer history than cambridge.
  (b) there are 32 colleges in oxford that only accept men.
  (c) there is one college at cambridge that only accepts men
  (d) there are more male students than female at both universities
  24. tourists go to the city of oxford to _____.
  (a) study there
  (b) see the medieval buildings
  (c) view the river
  (d) look at the residents
  25. the passage is mainly about the _____.
  (a) history of two famous universities in britain
  (b) comparison between oxford and cambridge
  (c) number of students at oxford and cambridge
  (d) introduction of colleges at oxford and cambrdge
questions 26-30 are based on the following passage:
  the growth of liu yongxing‘s animal-feed business has made him china’s richest man, according to rankings published recently by forbes magazine. with an estimated net worth of us$1 billion, the 53-year-old entrepreneur and his shanghai-based hope group are symbols of the new china.
  but forbes‘ list of the 100 richest individuals in china also illustrates the growing income inequality here that alarms some officials. the forbes survey found that the 100 richest people in china had a combined net worth of us$18 billion in the year ended september 30. that’s small change by us standards: the most recent forbes ranking of global billionaires put the net worth of bill gates alone at more than us$58 billion. but what‘s remarkable about china’s wealth numbers is how fast they‘re rising. the wealth of the top 50 on this year’s china list jumped 40 per cent, to us$14 billion, from us$10 billion last year despite a global economic slump.
  26. the richest man in china acquired his wealth _____.
  (a) in the animal feed business
  (b) in america
  (c) from forbes magazine
  (d) from his ancestors
  27. which of the following statements is not true?
  (a) forbes magazine listed the 100 richest people in china.
  (b) forbes magazine listed the 100 richest people in the us.
  (c) bill gate‘s wealth is much larger than that of the combination of all 100 richest people in china
  (d) hope group is the richest company in china
  28. last year the total wealth of the first 50 richest people in china is about _____ us dollars.
  (a) 18 billion (b) 14 billion
  (c) 10 billion (d) 58 billion
  29. the main purpose of the author is to ______.
  (a) talk about richest people in china
  (b) praise the richest man in china
  (c) compare rich men in china and theus
  (d) call people‘s attention to the growing income inequality in china
  30. the word “slump” in the last sentence means ______.
  (a) depression (b) growth
  (c) success (d) increase
part three cloze test
  for each blank in the following passage, choose the best answer from the choices given below. mark your answer on the answer sheet by drawing with a pencil a short bar across the corresponding letter in the brackets.
  the world has never been more closely and intricately connected. our behavior __31__ the environment we all share, and we are tied into a global economy and global communication system: __32__ choosing to buy one garment rather than another we help determine whether someone on the other side of the world retains or __33__ their job; we can __34__ with others anywhere via satellites, the internet and the mobile phone. this interdependency, __35__ “connexity”, is the defining characteristic of the world today.
  __36__, despite connexity, human beings have also never been more separate. belief in individual rights and freedoms is at the heart of the west‘s world view. people nowadays insist their freedom to choose __37__ to live, who to love, what to consume and what to believe. in economics, the power of the consumer and the shareholder is huge. in politics, the power of nations remains a __38__ concern.
  in his book, geoff mulgan argues that our freedom and our connectedness are set on a collision course and argues that the __39__ way out of our current impasse(僵局)is to go beyond our sense of ourselves as __40__ units, and recognize the webs of mutual responsibility in which we live.
  31. (a) harms (b) influences (c) beautifies (d) dominates
  32. (a) at (b) in (c) by (d) of
  33. (a) keeps (b) gets (c) loses (d) gains
  34. (a) link (b) connect (c) combine (d) communicate
  35. (a) and (b) or (c) else (d) also
  36. (a) thus (b) once (c) but (d) since
  37. (a) when (b) what (c) how (d) while
  38. (a) crucial (b) social (c) curious (d) serious
  39. (a) just (b) another (c) only (d) one
  40. (a) isolated (b) isolation (c) isolating (d) isolate
part four dialogue completion
  there are 10 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked (a), (b), (c) and (d)。 choose the answer that appropriately suits the conversational context and best completes the dialogue. mark your answer on the answer sheet by drawing with a pencil a short bar across the corresponding letter in the brackets.
  41. teacher: where is mike this morning?
  student: he‘s got a cold.
  teacher: ______
  (a) just tell him to take it easy.
  (b) he is absent.
  (c) what‘s the matter with him?
  (d) what? where is he?
  42. connie: it‘s late. i had to say goodbye.
  mrs. white: ______
  (a) why do you want to go now?
  (b) i‘d like to say goodbye, too.
  (c) that‘s all right.
  (d) hope you had a good time. see you tomorrow.
  43. mike: can i get you a cup of coffee?
  tom: ______
  (a) i don‘t take sugar, thank you.
  (b) that‘s very nice of you.
  (c) you can, please.
  (d) thank you for the coffee.
  44. salesman: ______
  customer: yes. what size is that green t-shirt?
  (a) do you want to buy anything?
  (b) excuse me, what are you doing?
  (c) are you just looking around?
  (d) anything i can do for you?
  45. student a: i feel sick.
  student b: ______
  student a: i‘m not sure, but i have got a bad headache.
  (a) i‘m sorry to hear that.
  (b) how are you feeling now?
  (c) do you have a temperature?
  (d) how long have you been sick?
  46. george: you‘ve given us a wonderful chinese dinner, mrs. li.
  mrs. li: ______
  (a) oh, i‘m afraid i didn’t cook very well.
  (b) i‘m glad you enjoyed it.
  (c) come again when you are free.
  (d) it‘s not necessary for you to say so.
  47. a: can i do anything for you?
  b: ______
  (a) no. you can‘t do anything for me.
  (b) never mind.
  (c) it‘s my pleasure.
  (d) no, it‘s alright. i can manage myself.
  48. louise: do you mind if i play some music?
  gill: ______. i‘m writing my assignment.
  (a) not at all
  (b) of course i would
  (c) of course not
  (d) certainly
  49. desk clerk: good afternoon, holiday inn.
  customer: hello, i‘d like to book a double room for the nights of
  23rd and 24th please.
  desk clerk: ______
  (a) what‘s the matter?
  (b) what can i do for you?
  (c) just a minute, please.
  (d) can i help you?
  50. a: i‘ve just heard that the tickets for swan lake have been sold out!
  b: oh, no! ______
  (a) it doesn‘t matter.
  (b) it‘s not at all interesting.
  (c) i was looking forward to it.
  (d) i knew it already.
  1.(d) 2.(d) 3.(d) 4.(a) 5.(a)
  6.(d) 7.(a) 8.(c) 9.(d) 10.(a)
  11.(c) 12.(b) 13.(c) 14.(d) 15.(c)
  16.(c) 17.(b) 18.(a) 19.(c) 20.(b)
  21.(c) 22.(a) 23.(b) 24.(b) 25.(b)
  26.(a) 27.(d) 28.(c) 29.(d) 30.(a)
  31.(b) 32.(c) 33.(c) 34.(d) 35.(b)
  36.(c) 37.(c) 38.(a) 39.(c) 40.(a)
  41.(a) 42.(d) 43.(b) 44.(d) 45.(c)
  46.(b) 47.(d) 48.(b) 49.(c) 50.(c)
硕士研究生英语运用能力测试模拟题 相关内容:查看更多>>MS & MSc 专业硕士项目 | Toulouse Business School, Think & Create您当前的位置:&>&&>&&>&&>&史上最详细美国大学排名前50会计学硕士先修课程要求!
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史上最详细美国大学排名前50会计学硕士先修课程要求!( 04:08:39)
史上最详细美国大学排名前50会计学硕士先修课程要求美国的会计硕士项目对于申请者的背景要求五花八门,简单看可以分成三类,第一类必需是会计学背景,第二类是否是会计学背景均可,有少量先修课要求,第三类必需不能是会计学本科背景。今天把前50有会计学硕士项目的学校一一解析,文章很长,需有耐心。 1. WashingtonUniversity in St. Louis & Master of Accounting
& & &华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校 &综合排名12学校要求如下:While there are no specific accountingcourse prerequisites for admission to the MACC program, most applicants willhave completed Principles of Financial Accounting, Principles of ManagerialAccounting, and perhaps other more advanced accounting courses prior toentering their MACC studies.Students who have not previously takenaccounting course work would be required to come to Washington University inAugust to take preliminary course work prior to the start of the regularacademic year. These preliminary courses are in addition to the 33 hours ofgraduate-level course work required for the MACC degree.简单说,有先修课要求,但如果没有达到,也可到校在上,只不过要另交钱。2.VanderbiltUniversity (TN) & Master of Accountancy
& & &范德堡大学综合排名19Students entering the MAcc program needto have demonstrated strong academic performance in prior university studies.Students must have completed introductory courses in financial accounting,managerial accounting, statistics and microeconomics from an accredited school,with a grade of B or better.有先修课要求,而且成绩还得好,至少B以上。3.University of NotreDame (IN) & Master of Science in Accountancy 圣母大学 综合排名20The following prerequisite courseworkis required by applicants to the program:Accounting:· & & & &Accounting & AccountancyI(Financial Accounting)· & & & &Accounting & AccountingII(Managerial Accounting)· & & & &Measurement and DisclosureI(Intermediate Accounting I)· & & & &Measurement and DisclosureII(Intermediate Accounting II)· & & & &Strategic Cost Management (Cost Accounting)· & & & &Audit & Assurance Services· & & & &Federal TaxationOTHER: (Introductory Level)· & & & &Finance· & & & &Management· & & & &Marketing· & & & &Macroeconomics· & & & &Microeconomics· & & & &Information Technology / Computer Science· & & & &Statistics 超级多先修课要求,不一一赘述,而且这个项目还喜欢招中国有名校背景的学生,慎选。4. University ofVirginia (VA) Master of Science inAccounting & &弗吉尼亚大学 综合排名24A strong basic foundation in accountingas indicated by completion of the following prerequisite coursework:Financial & & AccountingManagerial & & AccountingIntermediate & Accounting IIntermediate & Accounting IIU.S. Federal Taxation Auditing有先修课程要求,而且你会注意到有美国联邦税务审计课程的要求,但之前也有学生没有修过这门课被录取的,可以跟学校争取免除。5. University ofMichigan—Ann Arbor & Master of Accounting & &密歇根大学安娜堡分校 综合排名25Candidates arerequired to satisfy the equivalent of each of the following six prerequisitecourses at an accredited four-year University. To have your applicationreviewed, you must have earned grades of &C& or better in at leastfive of the following six courses. &· & & & &Principles of FinancialAccounting · & & & &Principles of Managerial Accounting· & & & &Intermediate FinancialAccounting · & & & &Intermediate Cost Accounting · & & & &Principles of Microeconomics· & & & &Statistics (300 - 400 level) 有先修课要求,还有成绩要求,作为美国会计最牛的学校之一,6门课中5门以上拿到C的要求真的很低。6. University ofSouthern California & Master of Accounting & 南加州大学 综合排名 27Course work RequirementsSummer Applicants:The following courses must be completed or in progress at the time of applicationsubmission· & & & &Introduction to Financial Accounting· & & & &Micro or Macroeconomics· & & & &Statistics (business preferred)We recommend these courses are taken at your 4-year university or auniversity extension program. We do not recommend communitycollege classes or online classes.Fall Applicants:As a fall applicant, the following courses must be completed or in progressat the time of application submission:· & & & &Introduction to Financial Accounting· & & & &Micro or Macroeconomics· & & & &Statistics (business preferred)· & & & &Intermediate Accounting I· & & & &Intermediate Accounting II· & & & &Cost or Managerial Accounting· & & & &U.S. Federal or Corporate TaxationIn addition, we prefer and recommend the following courses:· & & & &Auditing*· & & & &Advanced Accounting*· & & & &Corporate Finance**Extra units may be added to your degree if you don't have these courses.一定要注意南加州大学有两个开学季,夏季和秋季,录取要求的先修课是截然不同的。7. &University ofNorth Carolina—Chapel Hill & Master of Accounting & & &北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校 综合排名28A One-Year Graduate Accounting Programfor Non-Accounting MajorsThe Master of Accounting Program atUNC's Kenan-Flagler Business School is designed for people with little to noprevious accounting education.Applicants may not have more than 12.0credits of accounting to enter the program. This requirement is a reflection ofthe way the curriculum is structured. You will find that different programsacross the U.S. are structured in various ways. Generally speaking, any course withAccounting, Tax, Audit, or Financial Reporting in the title will count towardthis limit. 你没看错这是一个神奇的项目,专门开设给非会计背景的同学,如果你已经是会计背景了,并且会计学相关学分超过12个,对不起,你就不能被录取。8. Wake ForestUniversity &Master of Accounting & &维克森林大学 综合排名30Students who enter the program do nothave to possess an accounting background. However, students without anaccounting background are required to successfully complete the followingprerequisite courses prior to enrollment (all prerequisite courses must becompleted at WFU and are offered in the summer): · & & & & Principles of Financial Accounting (offered in amini term during the second half of May)· & & & & Intermediate Accounting I (offered in the Summer I session)· & & & &Intermediate Accounting II and Introductory Tax (offered inthe Summer II session)In addition, the followingundergraduate courses are required to be taken as pre- or co-requisites:· & & & &Principles of Finance (offered in the Summer I, Fall and Springsessions)· & & & & Principles of Managerial Accounting (offered in theSummer II, Fall and Spring sessions)说的很好,没有先修课程只要夏天提前到学校去学就可以了,但是看看这些课程吧,一个夏天怎么可能学完,所谓不对会计背景有硬性要求只是个传说。并且这个项目国际生比例很低,竞争相当激烈,之前送去的几个学生GMAT都在740以上。9. LehighUniversity (PA) MS Accounting and Information Analysis & &里海大学 综合排名31Students who did not major inaccounting, but have an undergraduate business degree, are required to takefive accounting courses prior to beginning the graduate MSAIA course work. Thecourses are:· & & &Financial Accounting I and II (twosemesters of intermediate financial accounting)· & & &Accounting Information Systems· & & &Fundamentals of Auditing· & & &Cost Accounting里海大学这所身处宾州伯利恒的学校名不见经传,培养了大批会计和信息分析人才。因为这个学校的数学专业很牛。并不一定是会计学背景,但去之前要学过上述课程。10. Boston College &Masterof Science in Accounting
& & 波士顿学院 综合排名 31Undergraduate students and workingprofessionals whose degrees are not in accounting beg in the Carroll School’sMSA Program in June. Students matriculate through one summer and two academicsemesters, typically completing between 10 and 14courses. Required courseworkis determined by faculty through the review of the student's academictranscripts. Each student receives a personalized MSA course worksheet uponentering the program. Based on the student’s undergraduate transcript, theworksheet lists the specific courses the student must take to fulfill the MSAdegree.波士顿学院,一所天主教背景的大学,学风浓厚,治学严谨。学生入学前不一定是会计背景,就连入学上的课程也可能都不一样,学校会根据你的成绩单给你“私人订制”。11. College ofWilliam and Mary (VA) & Master of Accounting & & & 威廉玛丽学院 &综合排名 33All students must complete thefollowing courses prior to matriculation into the Master of Accounting program. However,you do not need to have completed them prior to the time you submit yourapplication.· & & & &Principles of Accounting· & & & &Statistics· & & & &Financial Management · & & & &Intermediate Accounting I and II· & & & &Auditing· & & & &Cost Accounting· & & & &Introduction to (US) Taxation· & & & & 威廉玛丽学院这所几乎没有人听说过的学校竟然和纽约大学排名一样,同样的先修课要求,在入学前必需完成。12. University ofRochester (NY) & M.S. in Accountancy & & & &罗切斯特大学 综合排名34The following courses must have beentaken at the undergraduate level pre-enrollment at Simon in order to be eligiblefor the MS in Accountancy:3 credits of financial accounting3 credits of managerial & &accounting3 credits of business statistics3 credits of computer science3 credits of economics3 credits of finance15 credits of business electives30 credits of liberal arts and & &sciences51 credits of free electives罗切斯特大学这两年风生水起,在中国录取了大量的优秀学生,会计的先修课程不但有常见的商业课程,还有计算机和人文、科学等课程要求。13. University ofWisconsin—Madison & Master of Accountancy & &威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 综合排名 38The Graduate Master of Accountancy(GMAcc) degree is a two-year graduate degree designed to prepare students withlimited or no accounting background for licensure as a certified publicaccountant. The program is not appropriate for students with an undergraduatedegree in accounting (from a U.S. or international school).又是一个神奇的项目,就不是给你会计背景的人设计的。14. Case WesternReserve University (OH) Master of Accountancy
& & &凯斯西储大学综合排名38· & & & &Prerequisites & & may be completed before orduring the MAcc program, but must be completed & & before a studentbegins the final semester at Weather head· & & & &A & & grade of B or better must be earned inall prerequisite courseworkGeneral Business Prerequisites· & & & &Corporate & & Finance· & & & &Marketing· & & & &Economics & & (Micro and Macro)· & & & &Statistics· & & & &Operations & & Management· & & & &U.S. & & Business LawAccountancy Prerequisites· & & & &Principles & & I (Financial Accounting)· & & & &Principles & & II (Managerial Accounting)· & & & &Intermediate & & Financial Reporting I (May betaken in summer pre-session before program & & begins)· & & & &Intermediate & & Financial Reporting II· & & & &Advanced & & Financial Reporting· & & & &Auditing凯斯西储大学的先修课程其实还不如叫毕业前必修课程,只要你在这个会计硕士项目毕业之前修完就可以,成绩还要好,不能低于B。15.University ofWashington & Master of Professional Accounting & & &华盛顿大学西雅图分校 综合排名41The Masterof Professional Accounting (MPAcc) Program &is designedprimarily for applicants who have an undergraduate business degree with anaccounting option or major.Students without adegree in business, or with a degree in business but without an accountingoption, may ap however, all prerequisite classes must becompleted before the start of the MPAcc Program. Students without anundergraduate degree in business need to complete all the courses or theirequivalents listed below.Accounting Option IntermediateAccounting I, II, III (series offered as 2 classes in semester systems) Cost Accounting Accounting Information Systems Tax Effects of Business Decisions
AuditingOther Prerequisite Business Courses ManagerialEconomics &
Business Finance
Human Resource Management & Intro. to Information Systems & International Environment of Business
Marketing Concepts & Principles of Operations Management美国西北部地区最好的学校,周围有波音、微软、亚马逊、星巴克这样的大公司,不愁找工作。不过要完成的先修课程真不少。(学校只接受持有F1签证的学生申请)16. University ofTexas—Austin & Master in Professional Accounting
& & &德州大学奥斯丁分校 综合排名 44The following undergraduate courses arepre-enrollment requirements for the Texas MPA program and should be completedwith a passing grade prior to applying for admission:· & & & &Principles of & & Macroeconomics · & & & &Principles of & & Microeconomics · & & & &Introduction & & to Statistics · & & & &Introduction & & to Financial Accounting· & & & &Introduction & & to Managerial Accounting &Introduction to cost behavior,budgeting, responsibility accounting, cost control, and product costing.请忽略德州大学奥斯丁分校稍稍偏低的综合排名,这是美国会计硕士最好也是最难申请的项目,没有之一。纵使你完成所有的先修课程,也建议你慎重考虑选择此校,它优先招收本校毕业生。总结:以上就是综合排名前50的大学的会计学硕士入学前的先修课要求,可以明显看出,很少有学校要求一定是会计学背景,但大多数学校又要求学过相关会计学课程。并且,不少学校对于课程少有不足的学校提供6月份入学的夏季课程,而由于中国的大学大都是7月份大学毕业,想去这类项目的同学必需申请提前毕业答辩,做好毕业照上没有你的准备。
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