英语I Iwantmoney a descent life怎么翻译?

日出生于黎巴嫩贝鲁特的基努o里维斯是一位.. 翻译
日出生于黎巴嫩贝鲁特的基努o里维斯是一位混血儿,他的父亲是拥有一半中国血统的夏威夷人。每一次谈到《黑客帝国》系列电影时,都会由衷地表示:“这是我生命中最棒的礼物!”他略带忧伤的神采成就了一整座“骇客帝国”,但谁也没想到 更多: ,正是《黑客帝国》成就了基努o里维斯的演艺事业,他也成为“黑客”最大的受益者。他凭借第二、三集中的表演,收入超过3亿美元,成为好莱坞收入最高的演员之一。《黑客帝国》改变了他的人生。
翻译结果(英语)1:日出生于黎巴嫩贝鲁特的基努o里维斯是一位混血儿,他的父亲是拥有一半中国血统的夏威夷人。每一次谈到《黑客帝国》系列电影时,都会由衷地表示:“这是我生命中最棒的礼物!”他略带忧伤的神采成就了一整座“骇客帝国”,但谁也没想到 更多: ,正是《黑客帝国》成就了基努o里维斯的演艺事业,他也成为“黑客”最大的受益者。他凭借第二、三集中的表演,收入超过3亿美元,成为好莱坞收入最高的演员之一。《黑客帝国》改变了他的人生。 ~翻译结果(英语)2:Born on September 2, 1964 in Lebanon Beirut jinu·liweisi is one of mixed blood, his father is half Chinese descent of Hawaiians. Every time when it comes to the matrix series of films, is genuinely said: "this is the best gift of my life! "He's slightly sad expression makes the whole" hacker Empire ", but who never thought 更多: , is the matrix made jinu·liweisi acting career, he has also become" hackers "the biggest beneficiaries. He, with performances in dier、Sanji, earning more than $ 300 million, becoming one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood.The matrix has changed his life.翻译结果(英语)3:In September 1964, born in Beirut, 2 of keanu reeves, is a hybrid, his father is have half of Chinese ancestry Hawaiian. Every time about "the matrix" movies series, will sincerely said: "this is my life the best gift!"He slightly sad look achievements a whole block" hacker empire 更多: , "but who also have never thought, it is" the matrix "achievement keanu reeves' acting career, he also became" hackers "the biggest beneficiaries. He relies on the second, SanJiZhong performance, income more than $300 million,To become a Hollywood actor of the highest income. "The matrix" changed his life.
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All Rights ReservedA Course of E-C & C-E TranslationFor Humanities Contents Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4Introduction Comparison and Translation Translation Skills Translatability and Untranslatability Chapter 5 Translation of Pragmatic texts Chapter one Introduction1.1 Role of Translation 1)cultural exchange 夫语也者所以表观念也,增加三万五千语, 即增加三万五千个观念也 (梁启超) about 35,000 Chinese words created from Buddhism scripture translation 唯心、觉悟、报应、苦果、真理、实际、平 等、世界、甘露、光明、自在、地狱、清 净、智慧、现在、未来、刹那About 700 words borrowed from Japanese 政党、革命、共产主义、 世界观、唯心论、虚无主义、偶然、 处女作、主笔、素材、脚本、改编 Thousands of words from other sources, esp. from English science 格致——赛因斯——科学 democracy 德谟克来西——民主 e.g. 我们欢迎“德谟克来西”与“赛因思”两位 先生(陈独秀) “费尔泼赖”应该缓行(鲁迅) telephone 德律风——电话 bourgeoisie 布尔乔亚——资产阶 级 logic 逻辑初至我国,译曰“辨学”,继从 东籍,改称“论理”;侯官严氏陋 之,复立“名学”。(章士钊语) recent borrowing white collar/blue collar/gold collar/grey collar/open collar summit meeting think tank sunrise industry right wing out-party the no-fly zone He is an old screw. 他吝啬得像一只启不动的螺丝钉。 kang coolie mahjong kowtow yamen sunburn macroskirt talk show mummy mosaic yuppies hippies bus cool show 2) Chinese language evolution 代词变化 他——他、它、她 (he, it, she) 曹、属、等、辈(吾辈、尔曹)——们(他 们、我们、它们) 教我如何不想她?秋水伊人,隔岸观花。相 思欲寄久徘徊,吹哑长啸,弹断琵琶。 (刘半龙) 教我如何不想他?一字之功,誉满天涯。刘 郎大爱感红颜,上自女娲,下至村丫 句法变化 并列句——复合句(关联词) 这样的译本,不但在输入新的内容,也在输 入新的表现手法。中国的文或话,法子实在 不太精密了,……要医这病,我以为只好陆 续吃一点苦,装进异样的句法去,古的,外 省外府的,外国的,后来便可以占为己有 (鲁迅) 构词变化 反(反革命)、抗——anti, counter 主义(资本主义,浪漫主义)——ism 性(科学性,可读性、可操作性)— ty, cy, ship, hood, ness 家、者、师、员—— or, er, cian, ist, or, eer Should You Spy on Your Teen? Ruth Ann and Robert Lipic Knew their children could make mistakes that would last a lifetime-maybe even shorten a lifetime. 父母应该监管小孩吗? 露丝﹒安妮和罗伯特﹒利比知道:小孩可能 犯下持续一生的错误——也许甚至缩短一 生的错误。 儿女管教多是非 安妮和利比夫妇深知,孩子一旦犯错,将会 伴至终生,甚至过早了结人生。 ? As former chairwoman of the Illinois chapter(分 会) of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Ruth Ann is well aware of the dangerous combination of teens, alcohol and cars. All three boys are now in their 20s, and ―we‘re proud of them,‖ she says. ? 作为反酒驾协会伊利诺斯分会主席,露丝﹒安妮 非常知道小孩、酒、汽车的危险综合,所有的三 个小孩都在二十几岁,“我们对他们非常自豪,” 她说。 ? 安妮是伊利诺斯反酒驾分会前主席,她非常清楚, 孩子、酒、汽车三者结合带来危险,她的三个男 孩都在二十几岁,“有他们,我们非常自豪,” 她说。 ? The Lipics are not alone. In recent years many parents have thought they had to engage in espionage to keep tabs on their kids. The reason for parental anxiety is clear. ? 利比夫妇并不孤单,近年来许多父母都认 为他们必须从事间谍活动来跟踪小孩的行 动,父母焦虑的原因非常清楚。 ? 利比夫妇的担忧并不是个例,近年来许多 父母都认为,他们有必要监管孩子的行动。 他们焦虑的理由显而易见。 ? A 1999 report by the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan showed that about 62 percent of high school seniors reported having gotten drunk. The report also indicated that about 42 percent had used drugs in the last year. ? 密西根大学的社会调查学院1999年的一份报告表 明:百分之六十二的高中生报告喝过酒。报告也 表明:42%的人在上一年吸毒。 ? 密西根大学的社会学院1999年的一份报告表明: 62%的高中生有过酗酒行为,还有42%在上年有 过吸毒经历。 ? Another survey shows that roughly 50 percent of high school girls and boys have engaged in the sexual intercourse. Add to this the trouble found via Internet sex merchants and chatroom stalkers. ? 另一份调查表明:大约50%的男女高中生 从事过两性行为,更加如此,问题发现通 过网上性商人,和聊天室。 ? 另一份调查显示:50%的高中生有过性行 为,更为糟糕的是,这一行为是以互联网 和聊天室为中介进行的。 ? What isn‘t as clear is the propriety of parents‘ spying on their children. Is it right to read children‘s diaries, search their rooms, tail them to hangouts? Conscientious parents can be found on both sides of the issue. ? 父母监督小孩的得体性还不清楚。阅读小 孩的日记、搜查房间、跟踪到他们经常去 的场所恰当吗?有责任的父母有两种不同 的态度。 ? 悄悄监视儿女是否恰当,目前父母态度还 不明朗。对于看日记、查房间、跟踪,尽 责的家长有两种截然不同的态度。 ? One camp believe that protection of a teen outweighs the right to privacy. Yvonne Webster, a mother of four boys aged 11 to 24, worried when she heard rumors that gangs were infiltrating the local high school. ? 一方认为,不让孩子学坏的重要性远远大于 对孩子隐私的尊重。温妮﹒韦伯斯特,一位 四个男孩的母亲,年龄从11岁到24岁不等, 听说拉帮结派之风气在当地高中悄悄蔓延, 她非常担心。 ― As parents, we are very anxious not to let children make mistakes, and our anxiety only causes more problems than it solves,‖ Scott said. ―身为父母,我们非常担心孩子走上歧途, 与其说这种操心可以解决问题,倒不如说 会造成更多的问题,”司各特说。 ―That is not to say there aren‘t times teenagers show signs we need to take very seriously— evidence of drug use, an eating disorder or a drinking problem. It is our job as parents to sort it out. I personally would try to do it in a more straight-forward way.‖ ―这并不等于说,孩子出现诸如吸毒、饮食没规 律、饮酒之类的征兆,我们不需认真对待,做 父母的就是要解决问题,我个人总会采用更为 直接的方式来解决问题。” ? Severe distress will manifest itself in ways that don‘t require spying, she said, such as drastic changes in moods and grades or associations with new friends. ? 她说,孩子的压力会自动表现出来,如情 绪大起大落、成绩下滑、或者结交了新朋 友,这些不需采用监视的方式, ? Loving but firm confrontation is a better approach than spying, said Scott. And if parents see evidence of severe trouble, she added, ―seek professional help. Your goal is not to vent your anger. Your goal is to help your child.‖ ? 司各特说,柔中带刚面对孩子比暗中监视 孩子效果会更好,她还说,如果看到孩子 有严重问题的迹象,“寻求专业帮助,因 为你的目的不是撒气,而是帮助孩子解决 问题。” 二、汉译英 1. 据传说,五十年代中期,渠那边有一个黄 花闺女,为了抗拒父母包办的婚姻,大白天 跑过斗渠到这屋里来上吊。 It was said that in the mid-50s there lived a maiden at the other side of the channel. She came over the channel to a deserted house in the day to hang herself in order to protest against the marriage arranged by her parents. 这是个上吊的好地方,屋上没有顶棚,弯弯 曲曲的木头檐子露在外面,随便哪个椽子 都可以搭上绳子。 It was indeed a good place for such a purpose, as there was no roof over the house, with crooked wood rafters exposed, of which one could readily hold a rope. 2. 少壮不努力,老大徒悲伤。 If one doesn‘t exert oneself when he is young, he will regret it when he becomes old. 3. 他穷得养不起老婆。 He was so poor that he could not support his wife. 4. 不错,你有天赋,可是天赋就像深藏在岩 石底下的宝石,没有艰苦的发掘,精心的 雕琢,它自己是不会发出光彩来的。 Of course you have gifts, but gifts are like deeply buried precious stones that need to be laboriously dug out and polished until they sparkle. 君子怀德,小人怀土;君子怀刑,小人怀德。 (论语.里仁第四) 如果君子考虑道德操守,那么小人就思恋宅土; 如果君子考虑法度,那么小人就想着恩惠。 Westernized style collocation 仔细观察、详细分析并且认真研究问题 我不能,也不肯忙中偷闲。(冰心《闲情》) 像常年干着粉笔黑板营生的我们。 (《秦牧《海滩拾贝》) 那个从落地的苹果悟出万有引力的牛顿 这是交通不便的往昔的到浙江省城的唯一的重 要的道路。(阿英《盐城杂信》) Western style compound sentence 我因为还要去教书,所以没有许多功夫与你 聊天。 他虽然得到了这样的成功,他却一点也不自 满,想到国外去求深造,不料在第一段旅程 上,他做了无名的牺牲 passive voice 后湖便被我喜欢了 李成又被上级提拔到区上工作 Negative effects on Chinese 严谨、精确,失却美感 云鬓轻笼蝉翼,蛾眉淡拂春山;朱唇缀樱 桃,皓齿排两行碎玉。莲步半折小弓弓,一 声娇滴滴。《警世通言· 崔待诏生死冤家》 两弯似蹙非蹙笼烟眉,一双似喜非喜含情 目。态生两靥之愁,娇袭一身之病。泪光点点, 娇喘微微。闲静似娇花照水,行动如弱柳扶风。 心较比干多一窍,病如西子胜三分。(《红楼 梦》) 他现在只记得,她的身量并不高大;她的 身材轻盈瘦削,只是属于普通叫作苗条那一派 的。他当时看到的就仅如此。她在仪态方面并 没有女神石像那样庄严美丽;而在举动方面却 表现出一种易喜易怒的敏感气质。她的神情活 泼、面目生动。但是据一个画家看来,他却不 一定生得整齐或者美丽。(《无名的裘德》) He remembered now that she was not a large figure, that she was light and slight, of the type dubbed elegant. That was about all he had seen. There was nothi all was nervous motion. She was mobile, living, yet a painter might not have called her handsome or beautiful. 我绝不原谅任何事先没有得到我的 同意就擅自引述我的话的人。 改:没有得到我的同意就擅自引述 我的话,我决不原谅。 他被委派了明天上午陪伴那位新来 的医生去病房巡视一周的轻松的任 务。 改:他委派到了一个轻松的任务, 明天上午陪伴那位新来的医生去病 房巡视一周。 long attributive 当许先生回到家里看见那枝手枪 仍然放在他同事送给他的那糖合子 里的时候,他放心了。 改:许先生回到家里,看见那枝手 枪仍然放在他同事送给他的那糖合 子里,他放心了。 English structure 对于这件事,你们还没有做出 决定吗? 改:这件事你们还没有决定吗? 截至目前为止,劫机者仍未有 明确表示。 改:至今,劫机者仍未有明确的表 示。 3)李白是中国最伟大的诗人之一。 改:李白是中国的大诗人Conjunctions 当你把稿子写好之后,立即用挂 号信寄出。 改:稿子写好就用挂号信寄出。 formal elements 你这件新衣服真漂亮,我真喜它。 改:你这件新衣服真漂亮,我真喜欢。 他这三项建议很有道理,我们不妨 考虑它们。 改:他这三项建议很有道理,我们不妨 考虑一下。 More examples (1)作为一个中国人,我们怎能不爱 中国? (2)你有关于老吴的消息吗? (3)关于这个人究竟有不有罪的问题, 谁也不敢判断。 (4)杜甫的诗中存在着浓厚的人民性。 (5)旅伴之间总难免会有摩擦的发生。 (6)这本新书正被千千万万的读者所 抢购着。 (7)献身于革命的壮烈大业的他,早 已将生死置之度外。 (8)男女之间的一见真情,是一种浪 漫的最多只能维持三四年的迷恋。 (9)你怎么能说服他放弃这件事,当 他的太太不能说服他的时候。 (10)那家公司并不重视刘先生在工商 界已有了三十多年的经历的这个 事实。 A new pidgin (1)衬衣非常乖乖女look (2)别把自己打扮得太cheap,要有 style (3)她那么的sexy (4)他们可以组合得很lady,也可以 casual, 还可以很urban (5)这样一个男人,往那一站, MAN味像新鲜出炉的面包香气 一样绵长热烈地散发出来,非常 man,非常power。头发乱乱 的,有点雅痞,有点反叛,更是 大都市里时尚的smart casual形 象。 (6)其实她本不愿意看《天使之 城》,但因为凯奇那句让人掉 泪的话:“I‘d rather give up forever for a touch of her lips‖ (7)你是电,你是光,你是美丽的 神话,我只爱你,you are my super star;你主宰,我崇拜,没 有更好的办法,只能爱你,you are my super star. (8)男:今天天气很sunny,两位 小姐很 beauty,气质动人pretty, 若能共游country,我们将会很 happy 女:天气变差叫rainy,两位先生 真ugly,看到你们就angry,再不 走我会crazy. (9)在新的一年中有棒棒的body, 满满的money,多多的happy,每 天心情都sunny,无忧无虑像个 baby. 网络语言 94(就是)、偶(我)、3ks(谢谢) 泥(你)、酱紫(这样子)、偶稀饭粗稀饭 (我喜欢吃稀饭)、介素虾米东东? (这是什 么东西?) 2)make known Chinese culture and achievements 4 municipalities 23 provinces 5 autonomous regions 2 special administrative regions 56 ethnic minorities e.g. Manchu people 风骚国度 the land of literary glory 文学情结 literary-minded /preoccupation 《诗经》 Book of Songs 将仲子兮,无逾我里,无折我树杞。岂敢爱之?畏 我父母。仲可怀也,父母之言,亦可畏也。 Prithee (求求你) Prithee, my dear sweet heart, Don‘t climb into our yard, Nor break the willow branch. It‘s not for the branch I My parents are o‘er there! You are deep in my heart, But what my parents say Will worry me all day. 《楚辞》 Elegies of Chu 汉乐府 :感于哀乐,缘事而发 express the joys and sorrows on certain events 上邪!我欲与君相知,长命无绝衰。山无陵, 江水为竭,冬雷震震,夏雨雪,天地合, 乃敢与君绝。 Oh heaven! How I long to know you. Live ever happily with you till the end of my life. Till mountains are leveled to the ground. Rivers dry up, Thunders reverberates in winter, Snow falls in summer, The sky and the earth become one, Only then will I dare to part with you! 爱我要加倍,不爱我没所谓,早点来排队, 否则你没座位,爱我要加倍,又不是没人 追,如果你真的喜欢我就说hey hey 春江花月夜 反复吟唱的主题 Moonlit Night by the River in Spring inscriptions on bone and tortoise shell rectangular si mu wu ding ritual cauldron History as a Mirror Chinese culture in western world less known, culture intrusion, imbalance of exchange Chinese culture and young people cult of western culture, ignorance of Chinese culture appreciate Chinese culture cultural mainstream Confucianism: the way of medium harmony with diversities governing of benevolence religion: Buddhism, Daoism// dedication ceremony(开光典礼), pratipatti(修行), pilgrimage to a holy land(进香) B holy mirage (佛光) transcendental meditation(参禅) praying for world peace (祈祷世界 和平) steady state and peaceful civilians 国泰民安 self cultivation 修身养性 Enjoy what comes naturally 安天知 命 Chinese food: royal dishes, official cuisine, ethnic specialties, eight categories of cuisine, tea (national drink) Chinese festival: pure brightness day, double ninth festival, family reunion dinner Traditional Chinese arts and crafts (传统工艺):paper cutting, clay figurines, silk embroidery Chinese architecture and horticulture: classical Suzhou garden, Beijing quadruples (quadruple courtyards) mountain villas and water resorts (休闲山庄), world heritage list (世界遗产名录) 1.2 History As early as the Zhou Dynasty, in the ninth century BC, there were special government officials in charge of interpreting
their title varied according to the group of languages they covered 周代 象(翻译南方语言者) 狄鞮(西方语言者) 译(北方语言者) 统称“舌人” (tongue man) 舌人,能达异方之志,象胥之职也 1)translation of Buddhist scriptures for more than 800 years (Eastern Han dynasty——Northern Song dynasty) Sanskrit into Chinese 子曰:“质胜文则野,文胜质则史(虚浮)。 文质彬彬,然后君子”。 “文”(ornament)和“质”(substance) ―文质”、“达旨”、“因循本旨,不加文 饰”、“失本”、“因本循旨”、“易晓” Chinese language, ideographs Vernacular (白话文) Classical Chinese (文言文) characterized by its high density, often compared to the style of telegrams its grammatical versatility, where the same character can function as a noun, verb, adjective or adverb translation forum chief translator Xuan Zang famous for his pilgrimage to India (rendered 1,300 volumes) 即须求真,又须喻俗 2)missionaries and translation in China(明末清初科技翻译)Jesuit missionaries (耶稣会士) Matteo Ricci 利玛窦 Scall von Bell, Johann Adam 汤若望 mathematics astronomy geography physicsFour Books (Great Learning, Doctrine of the Mean, Confucius Analects 论语, Mencius) Five Classics (Book of Songs, Book of Documents, Book of Rites, Book of Changes, The Spring and Autumn Annals) 3)From the Opium War to the May 4th Movement (五四前期的 西学翻译) College of Languages (同文馆), 1862 Translation Bureau of The Jiangnan Arsenal, 1865 (江南制造局翻译馆) intellectuals and reformists 梁启超 欲新一国之民,不可不先新一国之 小说;欲新政治,必新小说;欲新 风俗,必新小说;……乃至欲新人 心,欲新人格,必新小说 严复 The main figure in the field of philosophy and social science Evolution and Ethics 《天演论》 A milestone, polarized Social Darwinism Survival of the fittest 物竞天择,适者生存 In the preface three desiderata 译事三难:信、达、雅。求其信,已大难矣。 顾信矣不达,虽译尤不译也,则达尚焉。 (faithfulness, expressiveness/ communicability, elegance) 一名之立,旬月踟蹰 The Wealth of Nation 《原富》 appended extensive commentaries, incorporated his observations to his translation. 林纾 ignorant of foreign languages more than 180 fictions ?rewrite man‘ 《巴黎茶花女遗事》 可怜一卷茶花女,断尽支那荡子肠 (严复) 或喜或愕,一时颜色无定,似书中 之人,即吾亲切之戚畹。遭难为悲, 得志为喜,则吾身直一傀儡,而著 书者为我牵丝矣 。 中国传统小说风味 The Betrothed 现译: 《未婚妻》 林译: 《剑底鸳鸯》 Dombey and Son 现译: 《董贝父子》), 林译:《冰雪姻缘》 Le Chevalier de maison-Rouge, 现译: 《红屋骑士》 林译: 《玉楼花劫》 Antonine 现译: 《安东妮》 林译: 《香钩情眼》 《昕夕闲谈》,原名Night and Morning Edward Bulwer Lytton ,蠡勺居士译 第一部由中国人翻译的小说,1873 明清章回小说体 上卷第一节标目:山桥村排士遇友,礼拜堂 非利成亲。 非利与妻子相见:部进门来,只见内中走出 一个娇滴滴、如花似玉的美貌妇人,非利 见了慌忙上前,搂着亲吻接唇,十分亲热 了半晌。 1.3 How to know something of everything and everything of something 1)well-acquainted with Chinese culture 秦始皇 Qin Shi huang, China‘s first president Qin Shi Huang, first Emperor of China ( 259-210 B.C)三通一平 one level three through provision of water, power, road access and leveled ground 2)Good mastery of two languages我买了五本书,这五本书一共花了 我七元钱,我拿回家去一看,都 是半新半旧的。 I bought five books? these five books totally cost me seven yuan, I took them home to see, all were half new and half old. I bought five books which cost me seven yuan. When I took them back home, I found they were just half new. 昨天我买了一枝钢笔,小明借走了, 结果摔坏了。 Yesterday I bought a pen. Xiaoming borrowed it. And then it was broken. Xiaoming borrowed the pen I bought yesterday, but unexpectedly, he broke it. 你来,我走。 I‘ll go,as soon as you come here. 想吃什么,只管告诉我。 Whatever you like to eat,just tell me. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 If you fail to enter the tiger‘s den, how can you get the tiger‘s cub? 一个英国人,不会说中国话,有一次在中国 旅行。 An Englishman who could not speak Chinese was once travelling in China. 那太阳,整天躲在云层里,现在又光芒四射 了。 The sun, which had hidden all day, now came out in full splendor. You compare Nora with your English women who wolf down from three to f and naturally you find her a sylph (身材窈窕的女子). 译文1: 你把娜拉和你们英国每天狼吞虎咽吃三至 五餐肉食的妇女相比,那么你自然觉得她 是个窈窕女人了。 译文2: 你们英国妇女每天狼吞虎咽吃上三、五餐 肉食,你把娜拉和她们相比,自然觉得她 是个窈窕女人了。 The draft resolution,carefully written in moderate terms,which,despite its flaws, we shall support,is primarily an appeal. 译文1: 这个用温和的词句审慎草拟的、虽然有些缺 点、而我们仍然要支持的决议草案,基本上 是一项呼吁。 译文2: 这个草拟的决议案,措词温和谨慎,基本是一 项呼吁。尽管有缺点,我们仍要支持。 3) consult 4) creative use of language Rubber gives way to pressure. 橡胶给人让路(死译) 橡胶屈服于压力(硬译) 橡胶遇到压力会变形(be creative) A dry cell is dry only in the sense that there is no liquid in it. A.干电池是干的,仅在这个意义上 说,里面没有液体。(硬译) B.因为里面没有液体,所以干电池 被说成是“干”的。(be creative) Thomas Gray () Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard (乡村墓园挽歌) The curfew (晚钟) tolls (鸣钟) the knell (钟声)of parting day, The lowing herd slowly o‘er the lea, The ploughman homeward plods his weary way, And leaves the world to darkness and to me. 三、“以顿代步”的译法(韵式也与原来的 一致) 晚钟响起来一阵阵给白昼报丧, 牛群在草原上迂回,吼声起落, 耕地人累了,回家走,脚步踉跄, 把整个世界留给了黄昏与我。(卞之琳) 以古典诗歌形式翻译 晚钟殷殷响,夕阳已西沉。 群牛呼叫归,迂回走草径。 农夫荷锄犁,倦倦回家门。 唯我立旷野,独自对黄昏。(丰华瞻) 用韵的半自由译法(韵式未必按原作) 暮钟鸣,昼已暝, 牛羊相呼,纡回草径, 农人荷锄归,蹒跚而行, 把全盘的世界留给了黄昏与我。(郭沫若) keep your eyes wide open before marriage and half shut afterwards 结婚前讲究,结婚后将就。 I‘ll do a lot for love, but I‘m not ready to die for it. A: 良宵诚销魂,生命更有价! B: 我可以为爱付出,但我不会为之付出生命。 Not all cars are created equal. All men are created equal. A: 不是所有的车都是生来平等的。 B: 人有尊卑贵贱,车分三六九等。 3) Better late than the late. Better late than never. A:迟到总比死掉好。 B:晚到总比丧命好。 C:宁停一分,不抢一秒。 D:宁迟一时,不辞一世。 Live and Let Live. (2002世界艾滋病日主题句) 活着,也让人活着 自己活,也让他人活 相互关爱,共享生命 衣食住行,有龙则灵。 (建设银行的龙卡广告) Your everyday life is very busy, Our LongCard can make it easy. 教人求真,学做真人 Educating people to seek truth Learning to be an upright and faithful personTeaching and teaching for searching truth Learning and learning for being a real man Teaching, for truth exploration Learning, toward moral perfectionTeach to search truth Learn to be a true manTeaching, to be qualified Learning, to be excellent To Henry Kissinger, for whose wise counsel and dedicated services far beyond the call of duty I shall always remain grateful. From his friend, Richard Nixon 赠言亨利.基辛格: 善进良策, 献身尔职。 逾于所司, 永志不渝。 你的朋友:理查德.尼克松 致亨利.基辛格: 献良策,忠于职守,不分内外,我将永 生感激。你的朋友:理查德.尼克松 美好江苏 水秀山灵,古韵今辉 Travel in Jiangsu Fairyland of China, Province of Cultural Heritage Jiangsu, a Tourist Paradise 吴风雅致 Graceful Bearing of Wu State (
BC) 汉韵雄阔 Heroic Temperament of Han Dynasty (222BC-280) 凡刹仙宫 Daoism Monasteries and Buddhism Temples 先世遗存 Relics and Remains of Ancestry 民国胜迹 Architecture of Republic of China () 山水毓秀 Scenery and Landscape 美味脍炙 Cuisines and Snacks 精物天工 Traditional Craftsmanship 时风闲趣 Fashions and Leisure Life 此为旅游文体,提供外籍人士,信息第 一位,语言次之。加之英语本来不善神摄, 勉强凑合,反而不知所云,没有效果。 The octagon room at Sir Robert Chiltern‘s house in Grosvenor Square. 郭露斯文诺街,纪尔泰家中,八角式房间。 (The room is brilliantly lighted and full of guests. At the top of the staircase stands Lady Chiltern, a woman of grave Greek beauty, about twenty-seven years of age. She receives the guests as they come up. (八角式室内,灯烛辉煌,宾客满座。纪尔 泰夫人立于楼梯口,容貌端丽,如希腊美 人。年事约二十七。立此迎接宾客。 Over the well of the staircase hangs a great chandelier with wax lights, which illumine a large eighteenth-century tapestryrepresenting the Triumph of Love, from a design by Boucher-that is stretched on the staircase wall. 楼梯对面(上方),悬一大枝形灯架,上置 蜡烛数支,烛光正照一大幅十八世纪法兰 西之图画(织锦),(占据整个楼道的墙 壁)。乃名画师布丘所绘,表明恋爱胜利 之意。 On the right is the entrance to the musicroom. The sound of a string quartette is faintly heard. The entrance on the left leads to the reception-rooms. 右首一门,通音乐室,微闻四声乐器之旋声, 左首一门,通接待室, Mrs. Marchmont and Lady Basildon, two very pretty women, are seated together on a Louis Seize sofa. They are types of exquisite fragility. Their affection of manner has a delicate charm. Watteau would have loved to paint them.) 二美女马孟德夫人及裘锡敦夫人,并坐睡椅 之上,楚楚动人,媚态欲仙。王陀[画师名] 见之,当欲图入画中也。) Chapter Two Comparison and Translation 2.1 Introduction2.1.1 Chinese—— Covert(隐含) /Parataxis (意合) English——Overt (外显)/ Hypotaxis (形合) 1)part of speech the grammatical versatility, where the same character can function as a noun, verb, adjective or adverb老吾老以及人之老, 幼吾幼以及人之幼 。 You should care for the old as you treat your own parents. You should show your affection to children as you raise your own. 大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆 In boundless desert lonely
Over endless river the sun sinks round. 泉声咽危石,日色冷青松。 Spring water sobs its way through treacherous rocks, The color of the sun chills the green pines. 春江水暖鸭先知 When spring comes(春), a duck is the first to feel the warmth of water of a river(江). 市中游侠儿,得佳者笼养之。 Some loafers in town began to keep good crickets in cages (笼) 楼中忽见一人,长三尺许,紫衣朱冠。 In the tower he spotted a man who was only three feet tall, dressed in a purple gown and wearing a red crown. 他忙把那把门的一把拽住。 He snatched the doorkeeper/ the man who held back the door.Statements about crime are n nor are statements about emotions necessarily emotional about emotional language. 关于犯罪的叙述并不是犯罪语言,同 理,关于感情的叙述也并不就是宣泄 情感的语言。 2) Case (格) 你问他、骂他、打他他都一声不 吭。 Whatever you did to him, he never uttered a word. ()孤帆远影碧空尽,()唯见长江天际流。 His lessening sail is lost in the boundless blue sky, Where I see but the endless River rolling by. 晋太元中,武陵人以捕鱼为业。()缘溪行, ()忘路之远近。()忽逢桃花林, One day in the Taiyuan period of the Jin Dynasty, a native of Wuling Prefecture, living on fishing, was boating along a stream. Oblivious of the distance he had covered, he came upon a peach grove, which 我想借你家()客房用一下。 I wonder if I can use your guest room. 3) Tense 你哪本书不看,我就拿哪本。 I‘ll take whatever book you‘re not reading. 4) passive voice and active voice (语态) 这种药用得相当普遍。 The medicine is widely used.颜如其言,遂呼之百日,昼夜不止。 Zhao Yan began, as he was instructed, calling the woman by her name day and night without stop. 5) subjunctive mood (语气) 那天你来个电话,我就不去了。 If you had phoned me that day, I would not have gone to meet you. 2.2 Thinking Patterns and Translation2.2.1 Chinese——holistic thinking English——anatomical thinking 泛爱万物,天地一体也 (庄子) onenessThe objective world and the subjective world are contained in a unity. 万物负阴而抱阳,冲气以为和。(老子) The myriad things shoulder the yin vapors and embrace the yang, and through the coalescing of these vapors, they attain a state of harmony. 观象制器;观物取象;近取诸身,远取诸物 Make things certain by comparing to something else 事难显陈,理难言罄,每托物连类以形 之;郁情欲抒;天机随触,每借物怀以 抒之。(沈德潜《说诗碎语》 以“象”作为语言与思维转换的媒介, 并视为捕捉思想内蕴的工具,通过直观 的“象”,寻求寓于其中的“意”。 学不可以已。青,取之于蓝,而青于蓝; 冰,水为之,而寒于水。——荀子《劝 学篇》 依托事象,蕴意深远 隐喻:思维的共性, 1)将一事物的特征映射到他事物之上 娃娃脸,鸡冠花,金钱豹,映山红,猫头鹰, 鹰钩鼻,麦浪,爪牙,眼帘,火舌 2)寻找两种事物的相似性或相关性 蛇行,龟缩,鼠窜,蜂拥,鱼贯,蚕食,鲸, 牛饮,鸟瞰 英语也有类似现象 pot-bellied,hook-nosed,hen-pecked, almond-eyed,crest-fallen The road snakes among the mountain. That rude man shouldered me aside and got on the bus ahead of me! I tried to stop him, but he elbowed me out of the way. He nodded his approval. The women kissed each other good-bye. The girls giggled their agreement. Anatomical thinking In Western philosophy, anatomical thinking is highly respected. Only in conflict with individual can entirety exist. Everyone should have his own individuality. Universal cannot exist without individual and the essence of matter lies in the general individual. Aristotle (384B.C.-332B.C.)) I think, therefore I am. Descartes () 1) Nomenclature (命名) 人皮,树皮,兽皮,书皮 (categorization) skin, bark, hide, cover 金星,木星,水星,火星,土星, 天王星,海王星,冥王星 Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Sarurn, Urahs, Neptune, Pluto2) Structure repetition 镇子座落在一个峡谷里,东面是 山,西面是山,南面是山,北面也 是山。 这年头什么都要送礼,生要送礼,老 要送礼,病要送礼,死也要送礼。 Nowadays you‘ll have to send presents on almost every occasion— —presents for childbirth, on the birthday of the aged, to show your care when somebody is ill or for somebody‘s funeral. 我们春天需要太阳,秋天需要太阳, 冬天需要太阳,夏天也需要太阳。 We need sunlight all the year round. 2.2.2 English—— impersonal focus Chinese ——personal focus The matter was discussed ex parte by propagandists on both sides. 双方宣传人员对该事件各执片面之词。 His new book hits off the American temperament with amazing insight. 他在新作中对美国人性格的描写可谓 洞察秋毫。/他的新书对美国人性格的 描写可谓入木三分。 Astonishment, apprehension, and even horror oppressed her. 她感到心情抑郁,甚至惊恐不安。 /惊讶、担心、恐惧使她喘不过气来。 Shortness of time has required the omission of some countries 由于时间不够,(他)无法访问一些 国家。 2.2.3 Chinese——active English——passive 我得了感冒 I was hit by flu. 他把整栋房子整修了一番 He had the whole house overhauled. 妹妹又去发廊做了一次头发 My sister had her hair dressed again in that beauty shop. 2.2.4 Chinese——implicated subject English——explicated subject 搞得我心乱如麻 It made me upset. 只听见阵阵笑声从青竹丛中的熊猫 馆传出来。 Laughter burst out /was heard to burst out from time to time from the Panda House among green bamboo. 2.2.5 Chinese —— temporal and space sequential English —— structure required 空间搭架,搭起主语和 谓语,再用连词等连接 我们是在五九年出国的,之后中国 连续三年遭受自然灾害,当我们得 知这个消息,心情颇为低沉。 We had been dismayed at the news of the natural calamities that followed one another for three years after we left China in 1959. I surprised the company by refusing to drink the dark red beverage poured out of a flatbellied bottle dressed in a tight fitting straw jacket. 这种暗红色饮料是从扁平的瓶子 里倒出来的,瓶子又由草衣紧紧包 裹,我不肯喝,这使他们吃惊。 汉语: 1)时序律:先发生的事先说,后发生的事 后说 他五岁时,生了伤寒,变成了聋子。 He became deaf at five after an attack of typhoid fever. 她刚要往下问,一看祥子垂头丧气的样子, 车上拉着个铺盖卷,把话咽了回去。She bit back the rest of her question at the sight of his crestfallen look and the bedding in the ricksaw. 2)空间上的大小律 国家、大小、长短 时间:年月日 地点:国名、省名、市名 3)因果律:条件——结果;假设——可能;让 步——转折;比较——结果;目的——行为; 提前——结论 后来在这栈房里受了种种逼迫,不得不搬离。 As I met with certain kinds of pressure, I had to move. Here too I met with certain kinds of pressure until I had to move. Tell us as soon as possible in case they are unfriendly to you. 万一他们对你们不好要尽快告诉我们。 U. S. A. has a very old-fashioned system of measurements, though it considered itself an advanced country. 尽管美国自认为是一 个发达国家,但是它有很老套的度量体系。 No longer are ―separate but equal‖ schools regarded as being permitted under the “equal protection of the laws” provision of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. 根据(美国)宪法第14次修正案“法律平等 保护条款”,“种族隔离”学校不再具有合 法性。 2.2.6 transformation of thinking patterns 答不出这个问题,我觉得很难堪。 I felt ashamed of not being able to answer the question. Such is human nature that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white collar workers. 为了成为白领,许多人宁愿牺牲较高的薪酬, 这是人之常情。 Aristotle could have avoided the mistake of thinking that women have fewer teeth than man, by the simple device of asking Mrs. Aristotle to keep her mouth open while he counted.亚里斯多德本可以用一个十分简单的办 法,让他妻张开嘴巴,数一数牙齿。 这样就不会认为女人的牙齿比男人少 了。 I think it enough that my parents, such as they were, never cost me a pang, and their son, such as he is, never cost them a tear. 我的父母,虽然碌碌一生,却从未招致 我半点痛苦,而他们的儿子,虽然无甚 作为,也从未惹过大人落泪,想到这些, 足矣。 不冒点风险,做什么事情都有百分之百的 把握,万无一失,谁敢说这样的话? Who dares to claim that he is 100 percent sure of success without taking any risks? Scarlett O‘hara was not beautiful, but men seldom realized it when caught by her charm as the Tarleton twins were. (Gone with the Wind) 那郝思嘉小姐长得并不美,可是极富魅力, 男人见了他,往往要着迷,就像汤家那对 双胞胎似的。(傅东华译) 那郝思嘉小姐长得并不美,但是男人被她的 魅力勾住魂的时候并不会意识到这一点, 就像汤家双胞胎兄弟那样。 In her face were two sharply blended the delicate features of her mother, a coast aristocratic French descent, and the heavy ones of her florid Irish(红润的)father. 译1:原来这位小姐脸上显然混杂着两种特质, 一种是母亲给她的娇柔,一种是父亲给她的豪 爽。母亲是个法兰西血统的海滨贵族,父亲是 个皮肤深浓的爱尔兰人。(傅东华) 译2:原来这位小姐脸上显然混杂着两种特质, 一种是母亲的娇柔,母亲是法国海滨贵族的后 裔,一种是父亲的结实,父亲是爱尔兰人,脸 色红润。 It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. 凡是有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太,这已经成 为一条举世公认的真理。 2.3 Morphology and Translation2.3.1 English——morphological change Chinese—— lexical means Two men are of a mind. 两人同心协力。 You keep an eye on that man. 对那个人你留心点。 In 1970, he was placed under house arrest when he refused to use massive force in suppressing worker riots on the seacoast. 1970年由于拒不动用大规模武力镇 压沿海地区工人暴乱,他遭到了软 禁。 A wise man will not marry a woman who has attainments but no virtue. 聪明的男人是不会娶一个成就有余, 女人味不足的人为妻的。 科学院派给我们两位教师。 The Academy of Science assigned us two teachers. 他有权提出申诉。 He can lodge a complaint. 昨天班里走了几个同学。 Yesterday several students in our class dropped out of school. 以前公路两旁栽过两排法国梧桐。 There used to be phoenix trees along each side of the road. 2.3.2 Translation 1) E-C translation morphological marks into lexical meaning She had a balance at her banker's which would have made her beloved anywhere. 她在银行里有笔存款,本可以使她 令人羡慕。 (3)She knew that Amelia would tell her mother, who would probably tell Joseph. 她知道艾米准会告诉她妈妈。做妈妈 的多半又会说给约瑟夫听。Omission (5)He covered his eyes with his hands. 他用手捂住眼睛。 It isn‘t rum for a woman to want her husband back, for respectability, though for a man to want his old wife back-well, perhaps it is funny, rather!——Jude the Obscure 一个女人为了体面,要她的丈夫回来,这 并不是奇怪的,虽然一个男人要他从前那 个妻子回来,也许是很有趣的事。 女人为了体面,要丈夫回来,这并不奇怪, 虽然男人要前妻回来,也许是很有趣。 Laura wished now that she was not holding that piece of bread and butter, but there was nowhere to put it and she couldn‘t possibly throw it away. 这时劳拉宁愿手里没有这块黄油面 包,拿着又没有地方放,又不可能 扔掉。 Noun substitution Medicine is not a science but a learned profession deeply rooted in a number of sciences and charged with the obligation to apply them for man's benefit. 医学不是一门独立学科,医学 是需要学问的职业,它深深根植于 许多学科之中,医学的责任是要应 用科学知识造福于人类。 Exercises (1)Things of a kind come together, people of a mind fall into the same group. (2)He shrugged his shoulders, shook his head, cast up his eyes, but said nothing. (3) Be a place what it may, one gets to like it, if one lives long in it. (4)Some of the bigger firms are engaged in researches which are of such general and fundamental nature that it is a positive advantage to them not to keep them secret. A millionaire may describe his “just-right‖ wife as charming, beautiful, sexy, intelligent, and well developed. On the other hand, a poor man may define his ―just-right‖ wife as pleasing, attractive, desirable, knowledgeable, and shapely. 富翁可能把心中之妻描绘成娇媚、美丽、性 感、睿智、丰满。穷人则可能将之定义为 乖巧可人、散发魅力、招人爱恋、明达事 理、款款有形。 Men from all nationalities also have their definition of the just-right wife. For example, the Italian man describes his woman as a woman who stands six feet one-inch tall with blonde hair and blue eyes, and who is well developed in the upper portion of her body. 不同国家的男人对心目中的女人有着不同的 定义。如意大利男人的理想女人是六点一 英尺高,金发碧眼,上身丰满。 (1)物以类聚,人以群分。 (2)他耸耸肩,摇摇头,抬起双眼, 一句话不说。 (3)无论在什么样的地方,只要住 久了,总会喜欢上的。 (4)某些大企业所从事的科学研究极 具普遍性和通识性,不对这些研究 保密对大企业具有积极意义。 2.4 Subject and Translation2.4.1 English——obligatory Chinese——optional 实在太荒唐 It‘s utterly absurd. 是我不好 It‘s my fault. 热得我满头大汗 I‘m all in a sweat. 又盖了许多楼堂管所 Many tall buildings, big mansions, hotels and guest houses were built. 有你的份 You‘ve got your share. 2.4.2 English—— noun/ pronoun/ gerund/infinitive as subject SV structure Chinese——diversified forms of subject The policemen are carefully searching the room. (SVO) The girl is now a student at this college. (SVC) The door was painted yesterday. (SVA) It rained steadily all day. (SVA) Her boyfriend presented her a diamond ring at her birthday party. (SVoO) They make him the chairman every year. (SVOC) 我们已经盖了房子 We have built a house. 房子盖在西院子 The house was built in the western compound. 房子我们已经盖好了 We have built the house. 住户家具都搬进屋里了 The owner has moved all his furniture to the house. 去年又盖了一栋新房子 Another house was built last year. 东院又盖了一栋房子 Another house was built in the eastern compound. 这些材料只够盖一栋房子 With the materials only one house can be erected. 这些材料我们只能盖一栋房子 We can build no more than one house with the materials. 这碗饭我不吃了 I‘m not going to eat this bowl of rice. 这点饭够吃吗 Is the rice enough? 今儿早上吃的什么饭 What did you have for breakfast this morning? 干干净净逗人爱 Everybody loves clean things. 我一人干就可以了 It?s enough for me to do it alone. 计算得快是个好条件 The ability to do quick calculation is of course an advantage. It is of course an advantage to do quick calculation. 2.4.3 Translation 1) equivalence 苏轼是位才华横溢的文学家 Su Shi is a writer with superb talent. 这种药治感冒特别灵 The medicine is death on colds. 作弊不算数。 Playing foul doesn‘t hold your score. 倾囊相助是一种美德。 Emptying one‘s purse to help people in need is of course a virtue. It is of course a virtue to empty one‘s purse to help people in need. 2)shift 我们的自然科学还比较落后,要努 力向国外学习。 Being rather backward in natural science,we should make an effort to learn from foreign countries. 日本人的性格是长于出击,你让他随机 应变,他并不擅长;我们的性格则恰 恰相反。 Japanese are characterized by offensive attack, but not adept at use of tactics. We are just the opposite. 我的法语看报纸很吃力。 I can‘t read newspaper in French without difficulty. 3) the last part as subject 一胎生了三个女儿。 Three daughters were born at one birth. 吃饭得用筷子。 Chopsticks are used for meals. 对建筑师来说,将正在营业的饭店进行 翻新实在是难上加难。 One of the greatest challenges for an architect is a renovation of an 沿路都是小商店。 Small shops dot the way. 3)Supplement Supplement one, people, etc. 学好数理化,走遍天下都不怕。 With a knowledge of natural science, one can go anywhere in the world. 活到老学到老。 One should learn as long as one lives. 春到田间耕作忙。 With spring looking on, everyone has been busy plowing and planting. Supplement you, we 老是跟着别人转,就不能独立行事。 If you follow somebody else all the time, you can‘t be able to be on your own. 求那种人,可谓白费劲。不如自己动手 干。 With that kind of man, you will plead in vain. You‘d better do it yourself. 4) Infer from context那里的服务设施已有改善,可以找到 够标准的旅店,吃到风味食品,坐上 空调旅游车了。 Service facilities have been improved. Tourists can find standard hotel rooms, local Chinese food and airconditioned tour buses. 5) Supplement it as subject冷静耐心地处理这个微妙的问题是明 智的。 It would be wise to handle this delicate problem with calmness and patience. 看到学生人数不断减少,校长心理很难受。 It pained the headmaster to find the number of students shrinking. 夏天很难保存食品。 It is difficult to preserve food in summer. 练习:长安有一贫僧,衣衫褴褛,卖一小猿,会 人言,可以驰使。 In Chang‘an there was a poor monk in shabby clothes selling a small monkey who understood human speech and could do things as he was told to. 贫士只有一布衫,遇浆洗时无可替换,只得 昼夜睡。 Once a poor man had only one piece of garment. Whenever he had to wash it, he would lie in bed day and night for he didn‘t have any other garment to change for it. I wish I could have recorded the words as he reflectively meted out (有节奏地讲述) his story, but this is essentially what he said. 他若有所思、一板一眼地诉说他的故事,我 真想()把他的话记下来,他说的话大概 是这样的。 When he finally arrived, there was no market for his goods. Times were hard for everybody. After() exhausting every possibility, he finally accepted the fact that there would be no sale. There would be no exchange for him to get a few simple presents for his children‘s Christmas. 他最终到达这里,东西却卖不掉,大家的 日子都过的很苦。他找到能找的地方,东 西还是卖不掉,最后只得认了。那么,孩 子过圣诞节,也就没有钱买几件简单的礼 了。 Last week I had for about the hundredth time an experience that always disturbs me. Riding on a train, I found myself talking with my seat-mate, who asked me what I did for a living. ―I teach English.‖ 上周有件事困扰着我,大概这是第一百次 了。在火车上,我不知不觉和同座交谈起来。 他问起我是干什么的。“教英语的”。 Do you have any trouble predicting his response? His face fell, and groaned, ―Oh, dear, I‘ll have to watch my language.‖ In my experience there are only two other possible reactions. The first is even less inspiriting: ― I hated E it was my worst subject.‖ 你能想到他的反应吗? 他阴着脸,嘟噜着, “噢,我讲话得注意点”。在我的经历中, 只有两种反应。第一种让人有点沮丧, “我最不喜欢英语,它是我最差的科目” 。 The second, so rare as to make an honest English teacher almost burst into tears of gratitude when it occurs, is an animated conversation about literature, or ideas, or the American language—the kind of conversation that shows continuing respect for ―English‖ as something more than being sure about who and whom, lie and lay. 第二种反应,是对文学、观点、美国语言侃侃而 谈,说话间透露着对英语的无限尊敬,而不是 who 和whom, lie 和lay之间的差异,这一情况很 少,一旦出现,会让英语教师感激得泪流涕下。 复习: 汉语:意合特征 (当)其翁见子(时),(因为见子)趔趔 趄趄从猪舍转出,(所以翁)情知(子) 醉酒,(于是)忙购糖水梨四瓶,强灌之 (后),方解其酒。子酒醒(后),(翁) 再看猪,猪已醉死。 雨是最寻常的,(它)一下就是 两三天。(不过)(你)可别恼, (你试向外边)看,(它)(正在 下着),(它)像花针,(也)像 细丝,(它)(那么)密密地斜织 着,(以至于人家的)屋顶上全笼 着一层薄烟。(朱自清《春》) 人不食,十日则死;大寒之隆,不 衣亦死。《韩非子. 定法》 如果一个人不吃东西,那么只用十 天,他就会饿死,同样,严寒的隆 冬,人不穿衣服也会冻死。 英语:形合特征 The confidence that the west would remain dominant force in the 21st century, as it has for the past four or five centuries, is giving away to a sense of foreboding that forces like the emergence of fundamentalist Islam, the rise of East Asia and the collapse of Russia and East Europe could pose real threat to the west. 在过去的四五百年间,西方一直在世界上处于霸 主地位。但到了二十一世纪,随着伊斯兰原教势 力的出现,亚洲的崛起,它已感到险象将至,不 复昨日之雄心。俄罗斯和东欧的解体,也对其造 成巨大的威胁。 Many authorities who deplore the trend toward preoccupation with self have worries about the future. Harvard sociologist Riesman says: ―When a movement looks strongest, that usually means it is about to fail. But because of the individualistic nature of this movement, it is hard to see how it will fail‖. 因哀叹“人人为我”的风尚,许多 权威人士对未来忧心忡忡,哈佛社 会学家说:“某个运动看似摧枯拉 朽,但常意味着将会一事无成。只 因为运动有着利己的特性,人们很 难明白怎会如此这般”。 练习 翻译下列句子,主义句中的黑体部分 1)今天忽然听说学校要开一个运动会,这个 消息使我很高兴。 Today I was very happy to hear that our university was about to schedule sports meet. 2)晚上,我们从中国大使馆回旅社的时候, 天已经黑了。 Towards evening, it was already dark when we were back to the hotel from the Chinese embassy. 3)我原来打算在今年一月访问中国,后来不 得不推迟,这使我非常失望。 It was a keen disappointment that I had to postpone the visit which I intended to pay to China in January. 4)There are many wonderful stories about the places I visited and the people I met. 我去过一些地方,见过不少人,说起他们, 有很多奇闻。 4)It is strange that he should refuse to see me. 他竟然拒绝见我,真奇怪。 5)It is annoying that she should so easily get excited. 她居然这样容易激动,真恼火。 6)1 am wondering such a man as he should have succeeded. 真奇怪他这样的人竟然成功了。 7)Silver is known to be better than copper in conductivity. 大家知道银的导电性比铜好。 8)他有一个女儿,( )在郊区工作,( )已经 打电话去了,( )下午就能赶回来。 He has a daughter who works in the suburb. Someone has phoned her, and she‘ll come back this afternoon. 10)你领悟到了人生的真谛不很好吗? Isn‘t it good for you to know the real meaning of life? 11)走那么远的路买这么点东西值得吗? Is the shopping worthy of such a long trip? 11)这本书同学们都读过了。 All my classmates have read the book. 12)我买的那幅画人人都很喜欢。 Everybody appreciated the drawing I bought. ―I don‘t know any hunter who hasn‘t felt a sense of sadness after he‘s shot a deer,‖ said David C. Foster, editor of Gray‘s Sporting Journal, a decidedly upscale hunting and fishing magazine, who is himself an enthusiastic hunter. ―我还不知道哪位猎手射杀一只野鹿后不感 到内疚的”,戴维 C. 福斯特说,他是《格 雷野外运动》杂志编辑,一份高档的捕猎 垂钓杂志,他也是一个热心的猎手。 Why do it, then? It is not enough to speak of loving the outdoors, or the comaraderie, or the challenge. No, there is some kind of blood communion between the hunter and that which he kills. 那么,为什么还要为之呢?如果说是喜欢户 外,或者伙伴情意,或者挑战性还不足以 说明问题。是的,不能说明问题。在猎手 和猎物之间存在某种血性交流。 ―It takes courage to kill an animal as beautiful as a deer,‖ another hunter, Ed Van Put of Sullivan County. N.Y., said. Then he mused: Was the courage the right word? For him it was. ―It takes something extra to pull the trigger,‖ said Mr. Van Put, who monitors fish in lakes and streams for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. ―要猎杀一只像鹿这样美丽的动物需要勇气”,另 一位猎手艾德凡蒲说,他来自纽约州萨利文县。 接着,作若有所思状:勇气是恰当的语汇吗?就 他而言,应该如此。“扣动扳机需要胆量”,他 接着说。他现供职于纽约州的环保部,管理江湖 的渔业。 Many non-hunters find such talk absurd, or horrible. Many of them wouldn‘t think of killing wild game yet think nothing of buying meat at the supermarket. 很多不打猎的人认为此种说法荒唐,或者可 怕。他们很多人不赞成猎杀动物,却对超市 购买肉食不以为然。 There are those who don‘t eat meat but do eat fish, as though sure that the flopping in a net or boat is merely reflex, not desperation and that the writhing creature‘s unblinking betrays no more emotion than it will later, staring up from a bed of chopped ice. 还有些人只吃鱼不吃肉,他们认为,鱼在 网兜和船上跳跃拍打是本能反应,不是绝 望,活鱼的眼睛如同日后摆在冰渣摊上的 一样,没有任何表情。 2.4.4 Translation of English nonpersonal subject A careful inspection will show you the leaks in the roof. 仔细检查会让你看到屋顶上的漏隙。/ 你仔细检查会看到屋顶上的漏隙。 This ticket will gain you admission. 这张门票会让你获得入场。 /你有了这张 门票可以入场。 1) Pick up personal pronoun His slowness lost him the chance. 由于动作迟缓, 他失掉了机会。 A thought came into my head. 我产生了一个想法。 Reading the magazine put many new thoughts into my head. 我读了那本杂志产生了许多新的想法。 When her eyes looked up, they were very large, odd and attractive. 她抬起头,眼睛很大,很特别,楚楚动 人。 The job killed my ten good years. 我做这工作,浪费我整整十年时光。/这 工作浪费了我整整十年时光。 The medicine killed my pain. 我用了这药,疼痛消失了。 A great elation overcame them. 他们欣喜若狂 2) pick up place, person or any other noun as subject or no subject Autumn finds a beautiful sunny Beijing. 秋天,北京阳光灿烂,景色优美。 History knows only two kinds of war, just and unjust. 历史上的战争,只有正义和非正义的 两类。 Dusk found the child crying in the street. 黄昏来临,小孩在街上啼哭。 3) non-definite referent By now optimism had given way to doubt. 至此,(人们)不再乐观而是疑惑重重。 Its remoteness effectively masked its activity. 它地处边陲,人们/外界不易了解其中的 活动。 Some new paint will smarten up the house. (你)只要重新粉刷一下,房子的面貌就会 焕然一新。 练习: (1)Fear rooted him to the spot. 他惊吓得呆立不动了 (2)Gifts and messages snowed in on her birthday. 生日那天,她收到了大量的礼品和贺信。 (3)Investigation fathered the baby on him. 调查结果证明,他就是那个婴儿的生父。 (4)A new dignity crept into his steps. 他走起路来,不知不觉平添了几分尊严。 (4)Bitterness fed on the man who had made the world laugh. 这位曾使世人欢笑的人自己却饱尝辛酸。 (5)The thick carpet killed the sound of my foot steps. 我走在厚厚的地毯上,一点脚步声也没有。 (6)The execution of the prisoner preceded the president's arrival. 总统尚未到达,囚犯已被处决。 (7)Dad’s shy grin reflected the devilment that had returned to his eyes. 爸爸似笑非笑的样子,眼里露出了作弄人的 精怪。 (8)The exigency of the case admitted of no alternative. 情况紧急,别无选择。 Life becomes one long exercise in d everything you do, you are doing only because it will someday get you where you want to be. 为了得到未来的满足感,生活成了千日之功, 你所做的一切,你正在做的一切,是为了 某天让你得到你想要的东西。 Between Mr. Muhammad’s teachings, my correspondence, my visitors…and my reading of books, months passed without even thinking about being imprisoned. 在默罕默德的教诲中,在与外界的通信中, 在亲朋的探视中,在我的读书时光中,岁月 就这样流逝,甚至没有了坐牢的感觉。 2.5 Part of Speech and Translation2.5.1 Chinese——characterized by verbs English—— abstract noun and preposition 黛玉把花具放下,接书来瞧,从头看去, 越看越爱,不顿饭功夫,将十六出俱看 完,自觉辞藻警人,余香满口,虽看完 了,却只管出神,内心还默默记诵。 Putting down the flower vase, Daiyu picked up a book and read from the very beginning. The more she read, the more interested she became in it. Before long she went through all the sixteen chapters. She became so preoccupied with its wellcomposed words and with lingering appeal that she tried to learn them by heart. 华大妈在枕头底下掬了半天,掏出一包洋 钱,交给老栓,老栓接了抖抖地装入衣 袋,又在外面按了两下,便点上灯笼, 吹熄了灯盏,走向屋子去了。Fumbling for quite a while, Grandma Hua took out from under the pillow a packet of coins and handed to Old Shuan, who, after some weighing, slipped it into his pocket and pressed it to make sure. 请假坐飞机回家探亲 ask for leave to go home by air to see one‘s relatives( for a visit of his parents) 持枪劫车杀人越货hijack a truck to loot the goods by killing the driver with a gun打电话约个时间见面叙谈fix an appointment over the phone to meet for a chat The main objection to vegetarianism on a long-term basis is the difficulty of getting enough protein——the body-building element in food.反对长期素食的主要理由是:很难得到足够 的蛋白质,它是食物中强健体魄的元素。 During the training, the trainees shall participate the preacceptance at the seller‘s factory.在接受培训期间,受训方须参加在卖方工 厂进行的预验收。 On one memorable occasion a fight broke out at a beach party, with everyone punching and shoving. 海滩上的一次打架是令人难忘的,大家你 推我搡,挥舞着拳头。 Wisdom prepares for the worst;but folly leaves the worst for the day it comes. 聪明人未雨绸缪,愚蠢者临渴掘井。 The absence of intelligence is the indication of satisfactory developments. 没有消息来报,意味着进展顺利。 I marveled at the relentless determination of the rain. 雨无情地下个不停,我感到惊异。 2.5.2 Translation 1)E-C translation: change nouns into verbs Two dials and I was able to get through the switch-board a second time. 两次拨号我才再次接通了总机。 我拨了两次才再次接通了总机。The speculation is that the church is part owner of the weapon company. 人们的推测是教会是武器公司的共有者。 有人推测教会享有武器公司的部分所有权。 I‘m afraid I can‘t teach you swimming. I think my little brother is a better teacher than I. 教你游泳,我恐怕难以胜任。我想我的 小弟弟比我教得好。He was always an unwelcome intruder. 他经常冒冒失失地冲进别人家里。 Change prepositions into verbs The smell of wild flowers came to us on the light breeze that was blowing. 野花的芬芳乘着吹拂的清风扑鼻而来。 The book is beyond me. 这本书我看不懂。China backs UN meeting on Gulf War. 中国支持联合国召开会议,讨论海湾战争问题。 ―Coming!‖ away she skimmed over the lawn, up the steps, across the veranda, and into the porch. ―来啦!” 她转身蹦着跑开了,越过草 坪,跨上台阶,穿过走廊,来到了门 廊。 Change adjectives into verbsBoth newspapers were critical of these measures. 两家报纸都批评了这些措施。 2) C-E translation properly use nouns and prepositions to replace verbs 1964年中国爆炸了第一颗原子弹,震惊了 整个世界。 China‘s first atomic blast in October in 1964 was a great shock to the rest of the world. 你得喝几口水把药丸吞下去。 You have to wash the pill down with sips of water. 他一般坐地铁上下班。 He usually rides subway to and from work. 总理跟他谈了差不多八个小时,谈话中吃 了一顿饭,直谈到深夜。 Premier Zhou talked with him for about eight hours through dinner and well into midnight. 他拿着枪绕着屋子走了一圈。 He walked around the house with a gun. 创一流服务,迎四海佳宾。 ( )First class service to all guests. 上周末,我们开车外出度假,希望避 开城市的喧嚣和污染。 Last weekend, we drove out on vacation, hoping to get away from the noise and pollution of the city. 我怕我唱不好。 I‘m afraid I‘m not a good singer. 他这个人吃得少,却很能睡。 He‘s a light eater but a heavy sleeper. 这些人闹什么东西呢?闹名誉、闹地位、闹 出风头。 What are these people after? They are after fame and position and want to be in the limelight. 2.6 Abstract, Concrete, Idiomatic and translation2.6.1 English——abstract noun Chinese——concrete expression complexity 复杂的局面 dejection 沮丧的情绪 favoritism infiltration jealousy loftiness precaution remedy probability徇私的作风 渗透作用 嫉妒心理 崇高的气质 预防措施 补救办法 可能性 readability 可读性 tension 紧张局势 transportation 运输工具 trifles 鸡毛小事 translation 翻译作品 We have winked at these irregularities too long. 长期以来我们对这些违规行为熟视无 睹。 The crime sent him into notoriety. 这一罪行使他落入声名狼籍的境地。 There were forty-five thousand paid admission. 有四万五千人买了入场门票。 There is more to their life than political and social and economic problems, more than transient everydayness. 他们的生活远不止那些政治的、社会 的和经济问题,远不止一时的日常琐 事。 London is a junction of many roads and also of many influences. 伦敦是公路的交汇之处,也是风云人物 的云集之地。 The black people were fighting against the segregation of the government. 黑人正在和政府的隔离政策作斗争。 The socialists have decided to go into the opposition. 社会党决定充当反对派角色。 There was a wide emptiness over road and pavement. 公路上和人行道上一派空旷景象。 2.6.2 Chinese——vivid, expressive, emotional English——plain, factual E-C translation I am a mere nobody. 我只是一无名小卒。 He was open to charges of willful blindness. 人们指责他固执己见,盲目从事。 C-E translation 那位小伙子真是喝了大胆汤。 That young man has great courage, indeed. 她毛邃自荐来到这所学校做老师。 She volunteered to be a teacher in the primary school. 半夜听到狼嚎,她感到毛骨悚然。 She was horror-stricken when she heard the cries of the wolves at midnight. 他万万没有想到在他前进的道路上会有这 么多拦路虎。 He had never expected that so many obstacles would stand in his way.他这一阵心头如同十五个吊桶打水,七上八下 的,老是宁静不下来。 His mind was in a turmoil these days and he was quite unable to be calm. 2.6.3 in C-E translation, categorized words omitted (省掉范畴词)发展过程 谦虚态度 残暴行为 无知表现 稳定性 development modesty cruelty ignorance stability 我们党结束了那个时期的社会动荡和纷 扰不安的局面。 Our party put an end to the social unrest and upheaval that time. 人民内部的矛盾问题 Contradictions among People 促进和平统一事业。 Promote peaceful reunification. 近年来青少年犯罪现象越来越多。 In recent years juvenile delinquency has been steadily on the rise. 我们要重视沿海与内地贫富差距问题。 We must pay close attention to the gap of living standards between coastal and inland areas. 实践证明,我们协调经济发展与环境保护两 者之间的关系的做法是行之有效。 In practice, our coordination of economic development and environmental protection has proved to be effective. 中国在全国范围内开展污染防治工作和环境 保护活动。 China is carrying out nationwide pollution control and environmental protection. 2.6.4 English abstract noun into Chinese sentence (1)Your silence on this matter puzzled me. 你对此事沉默不语,我感到迷惑不解。 (2)He shook his head and his eyes were wide, then narrowed in indignation. 他摇了摇头,两眼睁得圆圆的,接着又眯成 一条线,露出了愤怒的神色。 (3)The vacancy of his expression made me doubt if he was listening. 他毫无表情,我怀疑他是否在听着。 2.6.5 Abstract noun into Chinese idiomatic expression (1)He waited for her arrival with a frenzied agitation. 他等着她来,躁动不安。 (2)But there had been too much publicity about my case. 但我的事现在已经搞得人人皆知了。 2.7 Compare Conjunction 2.7.1 About Conjunction 2.7.2 The Conjugative Features of Chinese and English 2.7.3 Their Application in Translation 2.7.1 About ConjunctionOne of cohesive devices to create linkage between clauses or words Cohesive devices (Halliday & Hasan) 照应(reference); 替代(substitution ); 省略(ellipsis); 连接(conjunction); 词汇衔接(lexical cohesion) Here‘s Sue. She has just arrived. (reference) I think so. (substitution) Who‘s there? ()Fred? (ellipsis) I drank coffee after coffee. (lexical cohesion) Conjunction I got up and had a coffee. (additive) I got up but went back to sleep. (adversative) I was awake so I got up. (causal) I got up then I had a coffee. (temporal) compare广出猎,见草中石,以为虎而射之,没 镞, Li Kuang was out hunting one time when he spied a rock in the grass which he mistook for a tiger. He shoot an arrow at the rock and hit it with such a force that the tip of the arrow embedded itself in the rock. 视之,石也,因复更射之,终不能 复入石矣。《史记》 Later when he discovered that it was a rock, he tried shooting at it again, but he was unable to pierce it a second time. 他来,我走。 When he comes, I‘ll leave. If he comes, I‘ll leave. 这两个乱撞到此,正要问路,不想遇到贤弟。《水 浒传》 We barged around until we came here. We were just about to ask for directions when you unexpectedly arrived, brother. (沙博理) 问君能有几多愁? 恰似一江春水向东流。 If you ask me how my sorrow has increased, just see the over-brimming river flowing east. 他十分信服老队长,吩咐他做什么,总是 话才出口,抬腿就走。 As he showed great respect to his squad leader, he would act out promptly whatever order he might issue. He respected his squad leader so much that he would act out promptly whatever instruction he might deliver. 2.7.2 The Conjugative Features of Chinese and English English: conjunctives, overt (显性),obligatory (强制性) 1) conjunction (coordinator/ subordinator) and,or,but,yet,so,as well as, (n)either...(n)or.. /that,when,while, if, because, though, for, as,since, until,so...that,unless, etc. 2) conjunctive adverbs A. additive (递进):in addition, besides, similarly, likewise, for instance, indeed, furthermore, moreover, what‘s more, etc. B. adversative (转折): however, instead, on the other hand, by contrast, nevertheless, at any rate, as a matter of fact, in spite of, regardless, etc. C. causal(因果): consequently, it follows, for, under the circumstances, for this reason, hence, thus, etc. D. temporal(先后): then, next, on another occasion, in conclusion, an hour later, finally, at last, etc. 3) attributive conjunction (限定关联词) who,whom, whose,that,which, what,when,where,why,how (1) Soon she will learn that nothing bad will happen to her if she doesn‘t buy anything. (2) Compulsive bargain hunters, however, often buy things that they don‘t need just because they are cheap. Chinese conjunction, optional (非强 制性)(1)结庐在人境,而无车马喧。 I built my hut amid the throng of men, but do not hear the din of life. (2)妾虽浑身碎骨,莫报万一。《水浒传》 Were she torn in pieces for her lord‘s sake it would not repay a thousandth part. No sacrifice on my part could repay even one ten-thousandth of what I owe you. (3)倘有用妾之处,万死不辞。 《水浒传》 Could she be of any use she would not shrink from a myriad deaths. But if there is any way I can serve you, I would welcome death ten thousand times before declining. (4)世人都晓神仙好,只有娇妻忘不了! 君生日日说恩情,君死又随人去了。 (好了歌) All men long to be immortals Yet dote on the wives they‘ve wed, Who swears to love her husband evermore But remarry as soon as he‘s dead. (Yang Hsien-Yi) (5)俺婆婆若见我披枷带锁赴法场餐刀去阿, 枉将他气杀也么哥。《窦娥冤》 If my mother-in-law were to see me in chains being led to the execution ground, she would burst with indignation. (6)既是咱婆婆来了,叫他来,待我嘱咐他 几句话咱。《窦娥冤》 Since my mother-in-law is here, ask her to come closer. Let me say a few words to her. (7)从来就没有什么救世主,也不靠神仙皇帝。 (并列关系) There won‘t be any supernatural beings, or emperors who can save us from sufferings. (3)见秀不但没有露出赚少的意思,反而说 了些领情的话。(转折关系) Xiu didn‘t show any intention that she had less than she should. Instead, she expressed her gratitude. (4)几房的本家大约已经搬走了,所以很寂 静。(因果关系) As several families of our clan moved away, the neighbourhood has become a lonely place. (5)我们把政策交给群众,为的是更好地取 得群众的帮助和监督。(目的关系) We have made our policies known to the public so that they can supervise and help improve our work. generally implied conjunction (隐性为 常态) A. word order (1) 她不老实,我不能信任她。 As she is not honest, I can‘t trust her. (2)他没按时来,我们出发了。 We set out though he didn‘t show up as it was scheduled. (3)你不惹我,我不惹你。 I‘m not to offend you unless I‘m offended. (4)抓住了主要矛盾,一切问题就可以 迎刃而解。 Once the principal contradiction is grasped, all problems can be readily solved. (5)说是说了,没有结果。 I‘ve made proposals, but they proved futile. (6)风太大,船不能开,回去吧。 We‘d better go back, since the wind is too strong and we can‘t set sail. (7)二人彼此见了礼,归坐献茶。 After an exchange of bows and verbal salutation, the two men sat down with tea served. B. proverbs (1)种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 As you sow, so will you reap. (2)不知苦中苦,哪知甜中甜? If you have never tasted the bitterness of gall, how can you know the sweetness of honey? (3)聪明一世,糊涂一时。 Smart you are as usual, but this time you are a fool. (5)跑了和尚,跑不了庙。 The monks may run away, but the temple can‘t run away with them.C. contracted compound sentence (1)有饭大家吃。 Let everybody share the food if there is any. (2)不到黄河心不死。 Until all is over, ambition never dies. (3)狐狸再狡猾也斗不过好猎手。 However sly a fox may be, it is no match for a good hunter. (4)吃饭吃面他都无所谓。 There is no difference to him whether he should eat noodles or rice. (5)我们自己穷无力帮助别人。 As we were poor ourselves, we couldn‘t help others. (6)他在新社会就会成为一个大艺术家. If he had lived in the new society, he would have developed into a great artist. (7)再这样做就不理你。 If you do that again, I shall keep you away. (8)他还说我表扬不得,一表扬就翘尾巴, 净给我吃辣的。 He said I w


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