
Mr Matthews maintained that he had done nothing improper.
Improper conditions or methods of treatment are not suitable or good enough for a particular purpose.
The improper use of medicine could lead to severe adverse reactions.
If you describe someone's behaviour as improper, you mean that it is rude or shocking.
He would never be improper, he is always the perfect gentleman.
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in an impudent or impertinent manner
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ad. 熟练地
ad. 冒失地,傲慢地
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seven thousand one hundred and forty two
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intersected英 [?nt?'sekt?d] 美 [?nt?'sekt?d] 原级:第三人称单数:现在分词:intersected 基本解释形容词分割的动词横断,横切,横穿( intersect的过去式和过去分词); (指线条、道路等)相交,交叉intersected 网络解释1. 分割的:lace paper edging (装饰蛋糕用的)纸质花边, 花边垫纸 | intersected 分割的 | fadeproof 不褪(色)的intersected 双语例句1. The intersection of medicine and law derives from the maintenance of life and health for human beings. The two of the oldest subects intersected in the practice and created an, subject-Medical Jurisprudence.&&&&医学与法学的交叉源于两者在实践中对人生命健康与尊严的共同维护,两个最古老学科在实践中交叉并孕育了现代新兴学科—医事法学的诞生。2. When the present experience is intersected and overlapped with the memories in the past, the relationship of time and place, while you are inside, is joined together on the same plane and bizarre visual field. This is like a keyhole through which a totally private world could be peeped and a fantastic space of images could be formed.&&&&或许人的一生都受神秘的力量所操纵,当此时此刻的经历与过去的记忆相交叉重叠时,你置身于其中,远近的时空关系同在一个平面里、同在一个离奇的视点,如透过钥匙孔里看到一个完全私密化的世界,构成了一个离奇的图像空间。3. Is living the black hole late period reachs the quasi-stellar object particular period, Gravitational force inner place the galaxy egg even to the extent that vanishs through the impairment and until resumes, The ether room was hence the intense phase transition happenned, Come into being the powerful light of quasi-stellar object, Spouting runs, The galaxy is intersected shuing, The fresh galaxy is born.&&&&在不违背物理定律的情况下,以太空间的速度梯度的存在,使得超光速成为可能。在黑洞晚期到类星体时期,星系蛋内的引力从减损甚至消失直到恢复,以太空间因此发生了剧烈的相变,产生了类星体强光,喷流,星系交合,新星系诞生。4. I intersected this with the face to make sure my new shapes wouldn't go over the background (CNTRL + ALT + Shift + Clicked on face's layer thumbnail).&&&&i交叉,这与面对,以确保我的新形状不会超过背景( cntrl +按Alt +转移+点击就面对的层缩图)。5. This paper examines the phenomenon of the trafficking of daughters into prostitution during the Japanese colonial period in Taiwan, the ways in which different legal cultures intersected and merged, and how the traditional patriarchal system was transformed and reinforced.&&&&本文试图检视日本殖民时代台湾卖女为娼的现象,在不同的法律文化之间的经验究竟如何汇流、融合,而传统的家父长制,又如何被不同的国家机制重新转化。6. No matter be of main body, still be object is market construction developing cannot intersected unity.&&&&无论是主体的还是客体的都是市场建设发展中的一个不可分割的统一体。7. Excavations can be intersected by multiple discrete faults (non-planar and gouge filled) that slip and open.&&&&挖掘可以相交的多个分立故障的支路和开放。8. Latticed Intersected Cylindrical Shell is a new type of latticed shell with particular shape. In this dissertation, thoroughly study on LICS was carried out, including architectural shapes and structural forms, mechanical behavior of single-layer, double-layer and partial double-layer LICS, nonlinear analysis of pretensioned LICS, etc.&&&&叉简网壳是具有独特叉筒造型的新型网壳结构,本文对叉筒网壳的建筑造型和结构形式、单双层及局部双层叉筒网壳的受力性能、拉索预应力叉筒网壳的非线性分析等方面进行了系统和深入的研究。9. In order to accelerate the speed of the algorithm, this paper presents a fast intersecting technique of a line with some family planes, so using the intersected points can easily gain the sampling points and their characters.&&&&为了提高光线投射算法的绘制速度,本文提出了一种改进求交的自适应光线投射体绘制算法,算法采用一种快速求交方法和自适应采样来提高体绘制速度,试验结果表明该算法能在基本不影响图像质量的同时提高算法的速度。10. In The Horizon Placed at Home (2004), Pak attempted to literally transport the sea level of Hong Kong's Victoria Harbour into the home by bottling seawater from the Harbour at five points of the coast intersected by a straight line.&&&&他首先在维多利亚港的地图上画了一条共穿过五个海岸的横线,其后在各个海岸收集一樽海水,并把五樽海水平放在家里,出现了一条连续的海平线。11. The shark's head was out of water and his back was coming out and the old man could hear the noise of skin and flesh ripping on the big fish when he rammed the harpoon down onto the shark's head at a spot where the line between his eyes intersected with the line that ran straight back from his nose.&&&&&&鲨鱼的头露出在水面上,背部正在出水,老人听见那条大鱼的皮肉被撕裂的声音,这时候,他用鱼叉朝下猛地扎进鲨鱼的脑袋,正扎在它两眼之间的那条线和从鼻子笔直通到脑后的那条线的交叉点上。12. 12. The shark's head was out of water and his back was coming out and the old man could hear the noise of skin and flesh ripping on the big fish when he rammed the harpoon down onto the shark's head at a spot where the line between his eyes intersected with the line that ran straight back form his nose.&&&&&&鲨鱼的头露出在水面上,背部正在出水。老人听见那条大鱼的皮肉被撕裂的声音,这时候,他用鱼叉朝下猛地扎进鲨鱼的脑袋,正扎在它两眼之间的那条线和从鼻子笔直通到脑后的那条线的交叉点上。13. Having noticed that the number indicating the greatest depth was apparently in the centre of the map, I laid a rule on the map lengthwise, and then breadthwise, and found, to my surprise, that the line of greatest length intersected the line of greatest breadth exactly at the point of greatest depth, notwithstanding that the middle is so nearly level, the outline of the pond far from regular, and the extreme length and breadth were got by meas and I said to myself, Who knows but this hint would conduct to the deepest part of the ocean as well as of a pond or puddle?&&&&&&发现那记录着最大深度的地方恰恰在湖心,我用一根直尺放在最长的距离上画了一道线,又放在最宽阔的地方画了一道线,真使人暗暗吃惊,最深处正巧在两线的交点,虽然湖的中心相当平坦,湖的轮廓却不很规则,而长阔的悬殊是从凹处量出来的,我对我自己说道,谁知道是否这暗示了海洋最深处的情形之正如一个湖和一个泥水潭的情形一样呢?14. Takeing the application of CVI graph controls for example, the paper introduces following several aspects: how to set marker and how to capture and dynamicly display the position of intersection which intersected by marker line and waveform and how to plot the histogram by virtue of library function.&&&&&&文章主要以CVI图形控件的应用为例,介绍了如何设置Marker和坐标,捕获并动态显示Marker线与波形交点坐标值,以及正确运用库函数绘制直方图等关键技术。15. The college learning, social education and social education in Guangdong intersected each other, which has resulted in development of the feudal education never seen before.&&&&&&广东书院与社学以及府州县学相互补充,使封建教育的发展出现了前所未有的局面。16. 16. The present invention provides a device as particle switch which can transport or reorientate the particle in suspension, and is characterized by that said switch includes at least three structure branches which are intersected at a public connection place.&&&&&&给出了一种作为微粒开关,可以输运或是重新定向悬液中的微粒。开关包括至少三个结构分支,并且分支在一个公共的连接处交会。17. An irruption of youth inundated that garden intersected with a cross like a shroud.&&&&&&随即涌出一群娃娃,在那片象殓巾一样被一个十字架划分的园地上散开来。18. We know metadata has a lot of memory patterns, and what Adobe uses is XML format, open PDF file with notebook, it is between the keyword that can discover the input in the keyword area below file attribute specification with comma intersected, form if: Keyword (keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3, ), and content criterion form is like the keyword that we show to input in the keyword area below in file metadata: Keyword 1 keyword 2 keywords 3 look according to this kind of form, the search brings those who prop up more possible capture is the information in the keyword area below file attribute specification.&&&&&&我们知道元数据有许多存储格式,而Adobe采用的是XML格式,用记事本打开PDF文件,可以发现在文件属性说明下的关键词区域中输入的关键词之间是以逗号分割的,形如:关键词(关键词1,关键词2,关键词3,),而我们在文件元数据说明下的关键词区域中输入的关键词内容则形如:关键词1关键词2关键词3 按照这种形式看来,搜索引擎更有可能抓取的是文件属性说明下的关键词区域中的信息。19. intersected是什么意思19. Review the economic system reform that comes 20 years, a lot of problems that are accumulated to rise to be solved hard up to now by historical ground, it is to result from be opposite in the process of reform economic schism and understanding of economic intersected rule are not clear, know to the essence of the market then not clear.&&&&&&回顾二十年来的经济体制改革,许多被历史地积累起来至今难以解决的问题,都是源于改革的进程中对经济分立与经济分割的规律认识不清,进而对市场的本质认识不清。20. For the person that rushs into others city pertly to, convenient cover will be him for certain in life cannot intersected partially.&&&&&&对于一个冒冒失失闯进别人城市的人来说,方便面肯定将是他生命中不可分割的一部份。intersected 单语例句1. The path up the hill is intersected with many steep slopes that serve as fortification.2. Chongqing is an inland port city that is intersected by the Jialing River and the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.3. Intersected by so many canals, it is like a town floating on the water.4. At a point where a narrow forest path intersected with the road they were following, the Chinese truck dropped out of the motorcade.5. He was told the two major transport routes intersected in the eastern suburb of Zhengzhou, capital of the relatively poor Henan Province.6. On one column there are 12 beams piled and intersected one upon another, connected with a gable and hip roof and bracket.intersected是什么意思,intersected在线翻译,intersected什么意思,intersected的意思,intersected的翻译,intersected的解释,intersected的发音,intersected的同义词,intersected的反义词,intersected的例句,intersected的相关词组,intersected意思是什么,intersected怎么翻译,单词intersected是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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