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‘Well, he’ll just have to wait until Private Igor’s finished looking for
your brain, won’t he?’ snapped the sergeant. ‘Sign here, mister.’
The pen scratched on the paper. After a minute or two the vampire turned
the paper over and continued writing on the other side. Vampires had long
‘But you can call me Maladict,’ he said, dropping the pen back in the
‘Thank you very much, I must say, si— private. Give him the shilling,
corporal. Good job it’s not a silver one, eh? Haha!’
‘Yes,’ said Maladict. ‘It is.’
‘Next!’ said the sergeant. Polly watched as a farm boy, breeches held up
with string, shuffled in front of the table and looked at the quill pen with the
resentful perplexity of those confronted with new technology.
She turned back to the bar. The landlord glared at her in the manner of bad
landlords everywhere. As her father always said, if you kept an inn you either
liked people or went mad. Oddly enough, some of the mad ones were the best at
looking after their beer. But by the smell of the place, this wasn’t one of
She leaned on the bar. ‘Pint, please,’ she said, and watched glumly as the
man gave a scowl of acknowledgement and turned to the big barrels. It’d be sour,
she knew, with the slop bucket under the tap tipped back in every night, and the
spigot not put back, and . . . yes, it was going to be served in a leather
tankard that had probably never been washed.
A couple of new recruits were already knocking back their pints, though,
with every audible sign of enjoyment. But this was Pliin, after all. Anything
that made you forget you were there was probably worth drinking.
One of them said, ‘Lovely pint, this, eh?’ and the boy next to him belched
and said, ‘Best I’ve tasted, yeah.’
Polly sniffed at the tankard. The contents smelled like something she
wouldn’t feed to pigs. She took a sip, and completely changed her opinion. She
would feed it to pigs. Those lads have never tasted beer before, she told
herself. It’s like dad said. Out in the country there’s lads who’d join up for
an uninhabited pair of breeches. And they’ll drink this muck and pretend to
enjoy it like men, hey up, we supped some stuff last night, eh, lads? And then
next thing—
Oh, lor’ . . . that reminded her. What’d the privy be like here? The men’s
one out in the yard back at home was bad enough. Polly sloshed two big pails of
water into it every morning while trying not to breathe. There was weird green
moss growing on the slate floor. And The Duchess was a good inn. It had
customers who took their boots off before going to bed.
She narrowed her eyes. This stupid fool in front of her, a man making one
long eyebrow do the work of two, was serving them slops and foul vinegar just
before they marched off to war—
‘Thith beer,’ said Igor, on her right, ‘tathteth of horthe pith.’
Polly stood back. Even in a bar like this, that was killing talk.
‘Oh, you’d know, would you?’ said the barman, looming over the boy. ‘Drunk
horse piss, have you?’
‘Yeth,’ said Igor.
The barman stuck a fist in front of Igor’s face. ‘Now you listen to me, you
lisping little—’
A slim black arm appeared with amazing speed and a pale hand caught the
man’s wrist. The one eyebrow contorted in sudden agony.
‘Now, it’s like this,’ said Maladict calmly. ‘We’re soldiers of the
Duchess, agreed? Just say “aargh”.’
He must have squeezed. The man groaned.
‘Thank you. And you’re serving up as beer a liquid best described as foul
water,’ Maladict went on in the same level, conversational tone. ‘I, of course,
don’t drink . . . horse piss, but I have a highly developed sense of smell, and
really would prefer not to list aloud the things I can smell in this murk, so
we’ll just say “rat droppings” and leave it at that, shall we? Just whimper.
Good man.’ At the end of the bar, one of the new recruits threw up. The barman’s
fingers had gone white. Maladict nodded with satisfaction.
‘Incapacitating a soldier of her grace in wartime is a treasonable
offence,’ he said. He leaned forward. ‘Punishable, of course, by . . . death.’
Maladict pronounced the word with a certain delight. ‘However, if there happened
to be another barrel of beer around the place, you know, good stuff, the stuff
you’d keep for your friends if you had any friends, then I’m sure we can forget
this little incident. Now, I’m going to let go of your wrist. I can tell by your
eyebrow that you are a thinker, and if you’re thinking of rushing back in here
with a big stick, I’d like you to think about this instead: I’d like you to
think about this black ribbon I’m wearing. Know what it means, do you?’
The barman winced, and mumbled: ‘Temp’rance League . . .’
‘Right! Well done!’ said Maladict. ‘And one more thought for you, if you’ve
got room. I’ve only taken a pledge not to drink human blood. It doesn’t mean I
can’t kick you in the fork so hard you suddenly go deaf.’
He released his grip. The barman slowly straightened up. Under the bar he
would have a short wooden club, Polly knew. Every bar had one. Even her father
had one. It was a great help, he said, in times of worry and confusion. She saw
the fingers of the usable hand twitch.
‘Don’t,’ she said. ‘I think he means it.’
The barman relaxed. ‘Bit of a misunderstanding there, gents,’ he mumbled.
‘Got the wrong barrel in. No offence meant.’ He shuffled off, his hand almost
visibly throbbing.
‘I only thaid it wath horthe pith,’ said Igor.
‘He won’t cause trouble,’ said Polly to Maladict. ‘He’ll be your friend
from now on. He’s worked out he can’t beat you so he’s going to be your best
Maladict subjected her to a thoughtful stare. ‘I know that,’ he said. ‘How
‘I used to work in an inn,’ said Polly, feeling her heart begin to beat
faster, as it always did when the lies lined up. ‘You learn to read people.’
‘What did you do in the inn?’
‘There’s another inn in this hole, is there?’
‘Oh no, I’m not from round here.’
Polly groaned at the sound of her own voice, and waited for the question:
‘Then why come here to join up?’ It didn’t come. Instead, Maladict just shrugged
and said, ‘I shouldn’t think anyone is from round here.’
A couple more new recruits arrived at the bar. They had the same look -
sheepish, a bit defiant, in clothes that didn’t fit well. Eyebrow reappeared
with a small keg, which he laid reverentially on a stand and gently tapped. He
pulled a genuine pewter tankard from under the bar, filled it, and timorously
proffered it to Maladict.
‘Igor?’ said the vampire, waving it away.
‘I’ll thtick with the horthe pith, if it’th all the thame to you,’ said
Igor. He looked around in the sudden silence. ‘Look, I never thaid I didn’t like
it,’ said Igor. He pushed his mug across the sticky bar. ‘Thame again?’
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据了解,美国赛布瑞是由美国Redd Remedies集团研发生产、改善类风湿、保护关节的产品。美国Redd
Remedies集团是全球运用综合方法获得健康的领导者,Redd Remedies始终坚持快速彻底地向消费者提供治疗性的天然健康解决方案。一直以来,Redd
美国赛布瑞(体验装)1瓶 998元
美国赛布瑞(疗程装)3瓶 2699元
美国赛布瑞(调理装)6瓶 4399元
美国赛布瑞(修复装)9瓶 6099元
A score of shaggy shadows hissed assent, but Molly Grue's laughter fell
like hail, rattling and stinging. "Mayhap he will," she mocked, "but it won't be
to such chattering cravens he'll pay it. His castle rots and totters more each
day, and his men are too old to stand up in armor, but he'll rule forever, for
all Captain Cully dares."
Schmendrick raised an eyebrow, and Cully flushed radish-red. "You must
understand," he mumbled. "King Haggard has this Bull—"
"Ah, the Red Bull, the Red Bull!" Molly hooted. "I tell you what, Cully,
after all these years in the wood with you I've come to think the Bull's nought
but the pet name you give your cowardice. If I hear that fable once more, I'll
go and down old Haggard myself, and know you for a—"
"Enough!" Cully roared. "Not before strangers!" He tugged at his sword and
Molly opened her arms to it, still
laughing. Around the fire, greasy hands twiddled dagger hilts and longbows
seemed to string themselves, but Schmendrick spoke up then, seeking to salvage
Cully's sinking vanity. He hated family scenes.
"They sing a ballad of you in my country," he began. "I forget just how it
Captain Cully spun like a cat ambushing its own tail. "Which one?" he
"I don't know," Schmendrick answered, taken aback. "Are there more than
"Aye, indeed!" Cully cried, glowing and growing, as though pregnant with
his pride. "Willie Gentle! Willie Gentle! Where is the lad?"
A lank-haired youth with a lute and pimples shambled up. "Sing one of my
exploits for the gentleman," Captain Cully ordered him. "Sing the one about how
you joined my band. I've not heard it since Tuesday last."
The minstrel sighed, struck a chord, and began to sing in a wobbly
"Oh, it was Captain Cully came riding home From slaying of the king's gay
deer, When whom should he spy but a pale young man, Came drooping o'er the
" 'What news, what news, my pretty young man? What ails ye, that ye sigh so
deep? Is it for the loss of your lady fair? Or are ye but scabbit in your
" 'I am nae scabbit, whatever that means, And my greep is as well as a
greep may be, But I do sigh for my lady fair Whom my three brothers ha' riven
" 'I am Captain Cully of the sweet greenwood, And the men at my call are
fierce and free.
If I do rescue your lady fair, What service will ye render me?'
" 'If ye do rescue my lady fair, I will break your nose, ye silly auld
gowk. But she wore an emerald at her throat, Which my three brothers also
"Then the captain has gone to the three bold thieves, And he's made his
sword baith to shiver and sing. 'Ye may keep the lass, but I'll hae the stane,
For it's fit for the crown of a royal king.'"
"Now comes the best part," Cully whispered to Schmendrick. He was bouncing
eagerly on his toes, hugging himself.
"Then it's three cloaks off, and it's three swords out, And it's three
swords whistling like the tea. 'By the faith of my body,' says Captain Cully,
'Now ye shall have neither the stane nor she.'
"And he's driven them up, and he's driven them down, And he's driven them
to and fro like sheep—"
"Like sheep," Cully breathed. He rocked and hummed and parried three swords
with his forearm for the remaining seventeen stanzas of the song, rapturously
oblivious to Molly's mockery and the restlessness of his men. The ballad ended
at last, and Schmendrick applauded loudly and earnestly, complimenting Willie
Gentle on his right-hand technique.
"I call it Alan-a-Dale picking," the minstrel answered.
He would have expounded further, but Cully interrupted him, saying, "Good,
Willie, good boy, now play the others." He beamed at what Schmendrick hoped was
an expression of pleased surprise. "I said that there were several songs about
me. There are thirty-one, to be exact, though none are in the Child collection
just at present—" His eyes widened suddenly, and he grasped the magician's
shoulders, "You
wouldn't be Mr. Child himself, now would you?" he demanded. "He often goes
seeking ballads, so I've heard, disguised as a plain man—"
Schmendrick shook his head. "No, I'm very sorry, really."
The captain sighed and released him. "It doesn't matter," he murmured. "One
always hopes, of course, even now—to be collected, to be verified, annotated, to
have variant versions, even to have one's authenticity doubted . . . well, well,
never mind. Sing the other songs, Willie lad. You'll need the practice one day,
when you're field-recorded."
The outlaws grumbled and scuffed, kicking at stones. A hoarse voice bawled
from a safe shadow, "Na, Willie, sing us a true song. Sing us one about Robin
"Who said that?" Cully's loosened sword clacked in its sheath as he turned
from side to side. His face suddenly seemed as pale and weary as a used lemon
"I did," said Molly Grue, who hadn't. "The men are bored with ballads of
your bravery, captain darling. Even if you did write them all yourself."
Cully winced and stole a side glance at Schmendrick. "They can still be
folk songs, can't they, Mr. Child?" he asked in a low, worried voice. "After
"I'm not Mr. Child," Schmendrick said. "Really I'm not."
"I mean, you can't leave epic events to the people. They get everything
An aging rogue in tattered velvet now slunk forward. "Captain, if we're to
have folk songs, and I suppose we must, then we feel they ought to be true songs
about real outlaws, not this lying life we live. No offense, captain, but we're
really not very merry, when all's said—"
"I'm merry twenty-four hours a day, Dick Fancy," Cully said coldly. "That
is a fact."
"And we don't steal from the rich and give to the poor,"Dick Fancy hurried
on. "We steal from the poor because they can't fight back—most of them—and the
rich take from us because they could wipe us out in a day. We don't rob the fat,
greedy M we pay him tribute every month to leave us alone.
We never carry off proud bishops and keep them prisoner in the wood, feasting
and entertaining them, because Molly hasn't any good dishes, and besides, we
just wouldn't be very stimulating company for a bishop. When we go to the fair
in disguise, we never win at the archery or at singlestick. We do get some nice
compliments on our disguises, but no more than that."
"I sent a tapestry to the judging once," Molly remembered. "It came in
fourth. Fifth. A knight at vigil—everyone was doing vigils that year." Suddenly
she was scrubbing her eyes with horny knuckles. "Damn you, Cully."
"What, what?" he yelled in exasperation. "Is it my fault you didn't keep up
with your weaving? Once you had your man, you let all your accomplishments go.
You don't sew or sing any more, you haven't illuminated a manuscript in years
—and what happened to that viola da gamba I got you?" He turned to Schmendrick.
"We might as well be married, the way she's gone to seed." The magician nodded
fractionally, and looked away.
"And as for righting wrongs and fighting for civil liberties, that sort of
thing," Dick Fancy said, "it wouldn't be so bad— I mean, I'm not the crusader
type myself, some are and some aren't—but then we have to sing those songs about
wearing Lincoln green and aiding the oppressed. We don't, Cully, we turn them in
for the reward, and those songs are just embarrassing, that's all, and there's
the truth of it."
Captain Cully folded his arms, ignoring the outlaws' snarls of agreement.
"Sing the songs, Willie."
"I'll not." The minstrel would not raise a hand to touch his lute. "And you
never fought my brothers for any stone, Cully! You wrote them a letter, which
you didn't sign—"
Cully drew back his arm, and blades blinked among the men as though someone
had blown on a heap of coals. At this point Schmendrick stepped forward again,
smiling urgently. "If I may offer an alternative," he suggested, "why not let
your guest earn his night's lodging by amusing you? I can neither sing nor play,
but I have my own accomplishments, and you may not have seen their like."
Jack Jingly agreed immediately, saying, "Aye, Cully, a magician! 'Twould be
a rare treat for the lads." Molly Grue grumbled some savage generalization about
wizards as a class, but the men shouted with quick delight, throwing one another
into the air. The only real reluctance was shown by Captain Cully himself, who
protested sadly, "Yes, but the songs. Mr. Child must hear the songs."
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