这个as后面可以加句子吗里的三个 as 分别都是什么词性?

  AS引导限制性定语从句时,通常和such,the same,as(so)等连用,构成such...as/such as,the
same...as/the same as,as(so)...as等结构,在从句中可作主语,宾语和表语。
trust such men as praise you to your face.(as作主语)
should read only such books as you can understand without
with such as will improve your manners.(as作主语)
same...as/the same as意为“与...同样的”,和such一样,the
have arrived at the same conclusoin as they have.(as作宾语)
same...as和the same...that不同,前者是“同那一个相似”,后者是“正是那一个”。如:
is the same watch as I lost.
& This is the same watch that I lost
as pleasant a film as I have ever seen.
many soldiers as marched were killed.
...as与such...that ,so...as与 so...that的区别:
  He is such a nice boy that everyone likes him.
  He is such a nice boy as everyone likes.
  It is so difficult a problem that nobody can work it out.
  It is so difficult a problem as nobody can workout.
  As we all know,Taiwan belongs to China.
  Taiwan,as we all know, belongs to China.
  Taiwan belongs to China,as we all know.
  as is well discussed 正如已讨论过的
  as is often said 正如通常所说
  as is often the case 通常就是这样
  as has been pointed 正如所指出的那样
  as has been said before 如上所述
  as often happens 如同经常所发生的那样
  as might be expected正如所料
  as is well known to all众所周知
  as explained before 如前面所解释的
  as mentioned above 如前面所提到的
  as shown in the figure 如图所示
  as seen from the table 从表中可以看出
  as already discussed 正如已讨论过的
  1.______is known to all,China will be an and powerful country
20 or 30 years’ time.(1994上海)
  C.As;advanced D.It;advancing
  2.______is mentioned above,the number of the students in
high schools is increasing.(1999上海)
  A.It B.As C.That D.Which
  3.These houses are sold at such a low price________people
  A.likeB.as C.that D.which
  4.________is known to everybody, the moon travels round the
once every month.(2001NMET)
  A.It B.As C.That D.What
  5.There at the door stood a girl about the same height
  A.as me B. as mine
  C.with mine D. with me
  6.__________is reported in the newspapers, talks between the
countries are making progress.(2004北京)
  A. It B. As C. That D. What
  7._________is often the case, we have worked out the
  A. Which B. When C. WhatD. As
  8._______I explained on the phone,your request will be
at the next meeting.
  A.When B.AfterC.AsD.Since
  9.The Beatles,_________many of you are old enough to
from Liverpool.
  A.what B.that C.how D.as
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。& “阅读下列各小题,根据汉语提示,用句末括号...”习题详情
阅读下列各小题,根据汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子,并将答案写在答题卡上。1.The phrase “Let’s be friends, tuhao!” set off a language shock,&in an online conversation. (appear)“土豪,我们做朋友吧!” 这句话引发了一场语言震撼, 它最初出现在一个网络对话里。2. &, Sun Yang has been arrested for driving without a license. (as)虽然是冠军,孙杨还是由于无证驾驶被警方拘留。3. &in the “shopping cart”,and you can make a list of potential purchases and avoid purchasing on impulse. (put)把你想要的放到“购物车”中,你就可以生成一个购物清单,以避免冲动购物。4.The air pollution in China is so serious that only when all departments take effective measures &damage hopefully. (reduce)中国的空气污染如此严重,只有所有部门都采取有效措施我们才有望减少危害。5. &in the Wall Street Journal that Apple has already asked its suppliers to increase production of the gold model iPhone 5S to meet the market demand. (report)《华尔街日报》已经报道,苹果公司已经通知供货方增加生产金色的iPhone 5S以满足市场需求。6.I would have attended your party, but I &an examination yesterday. (busy)我应该来参加你的晚会的,但是我昨天忙着准备考试。7.A latest study shows that &the natural sunlight for a few minutes a day helps to reduce the risk of getting cancer. (expose)最新研究表明每天晒几分钟太阳有助于减少得癌症的风险。8. &the cases many times, he was asked to go to the police station to receive the investigation. (involve)多次牵涉到这些案子,他被要求去警察局接受调查。9.I really don't know &he is late for school every day. (it)我真的不知道他到底为什么天天上学迟到。10.When Lisa stood before the audience, she felt very uneasy with &her. (focus)当Lisa站在观众面前的时候,由于所有的目光都集中在她的身上,她感到很不自在。&
习题“阅读下列各小题,根据汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子,并将答案写在答题卡上。1.The phrase “Let’s be friends, tuhao!” set off a language shoc...”的分析与解答如下所示:
语法、词汇、句型等的综合运用1.which first/ originally appeared。上文是一个完整的句子,所以这儿要用非限制性定语从句。先行词为“the phrase”,故用关系代词“which”。还要注意动词“appear”用一般过去时“appeared”。2.Champion as he is。“as”引导让步状语从句,要将句中的表语放在句首,且名词前不用冠词。3.Put what you want/Put everything (that) you want。“你想要的”要用名词从句或定语从句来译:what you want或everything(that) you want。4.can/will we reduce。注意从句中是以“only+时间状语从句(only when all departments take effective measures)”开头的,故要用倒装句:can/will we reduce。5.It has been reported。注意后面是“that”从句,而句子有少主语,故套用句型:It is reported that。还要注意用现在完成时:It has been reported。6.was busy (in) preparing for。“忙于做某事”:be busy doing sth.;为……做准备:prepare for。7.being exposed to。注意这里从句中缺少主语,所以要用动名词短语作主语:being exposed to8.Having been involved in。“涉及”:be involved in。“多次牵涉到这些案子”是在“他被要求去警察局接受调查”前就存在的,所以要用完成式。再者,句子前没有主语,所以用非谓语动词:Having been involved in。9.why it is that。注意“到底为什么”提示我们要用强调句:why it is that。10.all (the) eyes focused on。这是“with复合结构”:with+n.+过去分词。短语:focus one’s eyes on。&“eyes”放在前面就与“focus”构成逻辑上的被动关系,故用过去分词“focused”:with all (the) eyes focused on。
阅读下列各小题,根据汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子,并将答案写在答题卡上。1.The phrase “Let’s be friends, tuhao!” set off a language...
欢迎来到乐乐题库,查看习题“阅读下列各小题,根据汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子,并将答案写在答题卡上。1.The phrase “Let’s be friends, tuhao!” set off a language shock,____in an online conversation. (appear)“土豪,我们做朋友吧!” 这句话引发了一场语言震撼, 它最初出现在一个网络对话里。2.____, Sun Yang has been arrested for driving without a license. (as)虽然是冠军,孙杨还是由于无证驾驶被警方拘留。3.____in the “shopping cart”,and you can make a list of potential purchases and avoid purchasing on impulse. (put)把你想要的放到“购物车”中,你就可以生成一个购物清单,以避免冲动购物。4.The air pollution in China is so serious that only when all departments take effective measures____damage hopefully. (reduce)中国的空气污染如此严重,只有所有部门都采取有效措施我们才有望减少危害。5.____in the Wall Street Journal that Apple has already asked its suppliers to increase production of the gold model iPhone 5S to meet the market demand. (report)《华尔街日报》已经报道,苹果公司已经通知供货方增加生产金色的iPhone 5S以满足市场需求。6.I would have attended your party, but I____an examination yesterday. (busy)我应该来参加你的晚会的,但是我昨天忙着准备考试。7.A latest study shows that____the natural sunlight for a few minutes a day helps to reduce the risk of getting cancer. (expose)最新研究表明每天晒几分钟太阳有助于减少得癌症的风险。8.____the cases many times, he was asked to go to the police station to receive the investigation. (involve)多次牵涉到这些案子,他被要求去警察局接受调查。9.I really don't know____he is late for school every day. (it)我真的不知道他到底为什么天天上学迟到。10.When Lisa stood before the audience, she felt very uneasy with____her. (focus)当Lisa站在观众面前的时候,由于所有的目光都集中在她的身上,她感到很不自在。”的答案、考点梳理,并查找与习题“阅读下列各小题,根据汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子,并将答案写在答题卡上。1.The phrase “Let’s be friends, tuhao!” set off a language shock,____in an online conversation. (appear)“土豪,我们做朋友吧!” 这句话引发了一场语言震撼, 它最初出现在一个网络对话里。2.____, Sun Yang has been arrested for driving without a license. (as)虽然是冠军,孙杨还是由于无证驾驶被警方拘留。3.____in the “shopping cart”,and you can make a list of potential purchases and avoid purchasing on impulse. (put)把你想要的放到“购物车”中,你就可以生成一个购物清单,以避免冲动购物。4.The air pollution in China is so serious that only when all departments take effective measures____damage hopefully. (reduce)中国的空气污染如此严重,只有所有部门都采取有效措施我们才有望减少危害。5.____in the Wall Street Journal that Apple has already asked its suppliers to increase production of the gold model iPhone 5S to meet the market demand. (report)《华尔街日报》已经报道,苹果公司已经通知供货方增加生产金色的iPhone 5S以满足市场需求。6.I would have attended your party, but I____an examination yesterday. (busy)我应该来参加你的晚会的,但是我昨天忙着准备考试。7.A latest study shows that____the natural sunlight for a few minutes a day helps to reduce the risk of getting cancer. (expose)最新研究表明每天晒几分钟太阳有助于减少得癌症的风险。8.____the cases many times, he was asked to go to the police station to receive the investigation. (involve)多次牵涉到这些案子,他被要求去警察局接受调查。9.I really don't know____he is late for school every day. (it)我真的不知道他到底为什么天天上学迟到。10.When Lisa stood before the audience, she felt very uneasy with____her. (focus)当Lisa站在观众面前的时候,由于所有的目光都集中在她的身上,她感到很不自在。”相似的习题。关注今日:16 | 主题:206077
Units9-10重点句型解析作者:李 冬中学生英语·高二版 08年11期   一、 重点句型解析     1. as引起的倒装句型   【课文原句】 A better understanding of the environment is necessary, as is the willingness to act.   【经典考例】   —My room gets very cold at night.   —________. (2007江苏卷)   A. So is mine B. So mine is   C. So does mine D. So mine does   【考点解析】 答案为C。so在此处的意义和用法与as相同,意为“……也一样”,表示前面所说的肯定的情况也适用于另一人或物。其句型是so / as + be (have, 助动词或情态动词) + 主语。   2. 虚拟倒装句   【课文原句】 Had I known that air conditioners cause so much pollution, I would never have bought one.   【经典考例】  ____________fired, your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off.(2006 湖南卷)   A. Would you be B. Should you be   C. Could you be D. Might you be   【考点解析】在虚拟结构中的条件从句中,如果if被省略,那么were,had或should要移至主语之前,形成部分倒装。正确答案为B,相当于If you should be fired, your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off.。   3. only引起的部分倒装句型   【课文原句】 Only by changing the way we live can we save the earth.   【经典考例】   1) Only when I left my parents for Italy ________how much I loved them. (2008 重庆卷)   A. I realized B. I had realized   C. had I realized D. did I realize   2) It was announced that only when the fire was under control __________ to return to their homes.(2008 江西卷)   A. the residents would be permitted B. had the residents been permitted   C. would the residents be permitted   D. the residents had been permitted   【考点解析】 “only + 介词短语、副词或状语从句”位于句首时,句子要部分倒装,即将助动词、be动词或情态动词移至主语之前。例1答案为D,例2为C。   4. where引导的定语从句   【课文原句】 Most of the deaths happen in rural areas, where people burn wood and coal to cook food and stay warm.   【经典考例】   1) All the neighbors admire this family, _________the parents are treating their child like a friend. (2008 安徽卷)   A. why B. where   C. which D. that   2) The Science Museum, __________ we visited during a recent trip to Britain, is one of London’s tourist attractions. (2008 江苏卷)   A. which B. what   C. that D. where   【考点解析】例1答案为B,本题考查定语从句,题意为“所有的邻居都羡慕这个家庭,在他们家里父母像对朋友一样对待自己的孩子。”从句缺少状语,故选where引导定语从句。例2答案为A,句中的visit为及物动词,后需接宾语,故用关系代词,又因本句为非限制性定语从句,故选which。   5. 动词-ing作状语   【课文原句】 He bathed and had dinner, giving everyone the impression that there was no danger at all.   【经典考例】   1) The storm left,__________ a lot of damage to this area. (NMET 2005全国卷)   A. caused B. to have caused   C. to cause D. having caused   2) Finding her car stolen,________. (NMET 2001上海)   A. a policeman was asked to help   B. the area was searched thoroughly   C. it was looked for everywhere   D. she hurried to a policeman for help   【考点解析】例1答案为D。本题考查非谓语动词的用法。分析语境可知,“造成损害”是在暴风雨离开之前就发生的,因此该空应用cause的现在分词的完成式 having caused做结果状语。例2答案为D。动词-ing形式做状语时其逻辑主语就是主句的主语,因此它和主句主语在人称、时态和语态上应保持一致性。由语境可知,Finding her car stolen的动作应由she来完成的。   6. that引导同位语从句   【课文原句】 And if poverty is less of a problem and people are better educated, there is a good chance that we will see less violence and fewer wars.   【经典考例】 There is much chance_________Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race. (2006 天津卷)   A. that B. which   C. until D. if   【考点解析】 答案为A。chance后面是一个同位语从句,Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race补充说明chance的具体内容,由于其句意完整,故用that来引导,that此时只起引导词作用,不在从句中充当句子成分。7. before用作连词的用法   【课文原句】 On the other side of the bay Pompy had made his ships ready even before the danger arrived.   【经典考例】   1) —Why didn’t you tell him about the meeting?   —He rushed out of the room _________ I could say a word. (2006四川卷)   A. before B. until   C. when D. after   2) I’m sorry you’ve been waiting so long, but it’ll still be some time __________ Brian get back. (2008 北京卷)   A. beforeB. sinceC. tillD. after   【考点解析】 before用作连词时,意思是“在……之前”。它引导状语从句时,在不同的句式中意义常常不同。例1答案为A。本题考查连词before表示“……还没来得及……就……”的用法,句意是“我还没来得及说一句话,他就冲出了房间”。例2答案为A。此时的before用于句型“It + will / would be + 时间段 + before ...”,表示“要过多久才 ...”,其否定形式“It will / would not be + 时间段 + before ...”表示“不久就……;过不了多久就……”。     二、 长难句解析     1. Not until we know more will we be able to improve the situation. 直到我们了解了更多的情况,我们才能够改善这种状况。   这是一个倒装句,因为否定词not 位于句首。其正常语序应该是:We will not be able to improve the situation until we know more.。not until ... 位于句首时,主句采用部分倒装语序。例如:   Not until then did I realize I was mistaken.直到那时我才意识到是我错了。   Not until the teacher came did he finish his homework.直到老师来了他才完成作业。   注意until常用于下面三种句式中:   正常句式: I didn’t recognize her until she took off her sunglasses.   倒装句: Not until she took off her sunglasses did I recognize her.   强调句: It was not until she took off her sunglasses that I recognized her.   2. He hurried to a place from which others were fleeing, and held his course directly into danger. 他匆忙赶到别人逃离的地方,直接冲向危险处。   from which是“介词 + 关系代词”引导的定语从句。“介词 + 关系代词”引导的定语从句中介词的选择应根据如下几点:   (1) 根据介词和定语从句中谓语动词的习惯搭配。例如:   Is this the car for which you paid a high price? (pay for) 这是你花大价钱买的车吗?   In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person to whom she could turn for help. (turn to sb. for help)在黑暗的街上,她找不到一个人来帮助她。   (2) 根据定语从句意思的需要,此时不但要注意其前的搭配,也要注意其后的搭配。例如:   This is the pilot for whom I bought a camera.这就是我给他买相机的那位飞行员。   This is the pilot with whom my brother has worked for ten years. 这就是和我弟弟一起工作了十年的那位飞行员。   (3) 根据意思也可用复杂介词,如 by means of, as a result of, in front of, in the back of, all of, most of 等。例如:   The instrument by means of which the temperature is measured is called thermometer. 用来测量温度的仪器叫温度计。   There are forty students in the classroom, all of whom are working hard at a problem in mathematics.教室里有四十个学生,他们都在努力地计算一道数学难题。   此外在“介词 + 关系代词”引导的定语从句中,如果关系代词指代事物就用 which;如果指代人则用 whom;若表示所有关系意为“……的”,则用 whose。   3. Helped by two slaves he stood up, and immediately fell down dead. 在两个仆人的扶持下他站了起来,可又立即倒下,死了。   Helped by two slaves是过去分词短语作状语,相当于With the help of two slaves。当分词作状语时,要注意区分分词所表示的动作与句子主语之间的逻辑关系。二者是主动关系时,用现在分词;是被动关系时,用过去分词。例如:   Reading carefully, you’ll learn something new. 只要你仔细阅读,你会学到一些新的东西。   Given more attention, the trees could have grown better. 如果对这些树多照看一些,它们会长得更好。   The teacher entered the classroom, followed by a group of students. 老师走进教室,后面跟着一群学生。   此外,句中的dead为形容词作状语。再如:   The sun rose red. (= The sun was red when it rose.)太阳升起红艳艳。   They returned home, tired and hungry.他们回到家里,又累又饿。
Units11-12重点句型解析作者:周明波中学生英语·高一版 年12期 字数:4072 字体: 【大 中 小】   一、重点句型解析     1. what引导的主语从句   【课文原句】 What we hear on the radio or see on TV is only a small part of all the wonderful music that is waiting for us.   【经典考例】________ is known to us all is that the 2008 Olympic Games will take place in Beijing.(2008福建卷)   A. ItB. What C. AsD. Which  【考点解析】答案为B。句意“我们都知道的事情是2008奥运会将在北京举行。”what在引导名词从句时既起连结作用,又要在从句中作主语或宾语,在任何情况下它都不能省略,它有具体意义,表示“……的内容”,具体可以译为:“……的东西”、“……的时间”、“……的地点”、“……的事情”等。相当于 the thing(s) which,the place which,the time which等。   2. 现在完成进行时   【课文原句】 People have been playing the blues for many years.   【经典考例】   — I’m sure Andrew will win the first prize in the final.  — I think so. He ________for it for months. (2008江苏)   A. is preparing   B. was preparing   C. had been preparing D. has been preparing   【考点解析】答案为D。现在完成进行时have / has been doing常用来表示某一动作开始于过去某一时间,延续或重复地出现至今,或将继续延续至将来。与现在完成时相比,现在完成进行时更强调在从过去到现在的时间里,动作或状态一直持续或一直反复出现。   3. the next time引导时间状语从句   【课文原句】 So the next time you look for a tape or a CD, don’t just look for Chinese or American music.   【经典考例】   1. By the time Jane gets home, her aunt ________ for London to attend a meeting.(2005天津)   A. will leave B. leaves C. will have left D. left   2. By the time he realizes he ________ into a trap, it’ll be too late for him to do anything about it.(2008山东)   A. walksB. walked   C. has walked D. had walked   【考点解析】答案均为C。含time的短语如the next time, every time, each time,the last time, by the time, the first time等可引导时间状语从句。例1句意“等简到家时,她的姑姑已经动身去伦敦参加会议了。”by后接将来时间,故主句用将来完成时;例2句意“到他意识到他进入了陷阱,对他来说再采取行动已经太迟了。”本句by the time 引导的是表示将来的时间状语从句,所以用realizes 代替will realize, 用 has walked 代替 will have walked。   4. as if引导方式状语从句和表语从句   【课文原句】 It was almost as if the creature was watching them.   【经典考例】1. Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it ________ yesterday.(2006 全国)   A. was happening B. happens C. has happened D. happened  2. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it ________ . (NMET 1995)   A. breaks B. has broken C. were broken D. had been broken   【考点解析】例1答案为D,as if后的谓语动词应采用一般过去时的形式与状语yesterday搭配,表示对现在真实情况的虚拟。例2答案为C,句意“当一支铅笔部分放在一杯水里,它看上去就像是断了一样。”表示所叙述的情况与事实相反。as if意为“似乎,好像”,相当于as though,引出的状语从句谓语多用虚拟语气,表示与事实相反,有时也用陈述语气,表示所说情况是事实或实现的可能性较大。例如: He looks as if (as though) he had been hit by lighting.他那样子就像被雷击了似的。(与事实相反,谓语用虚拟语气。)   It looks as if the weather may pick up very soon.看来天气很快就会好起来。(实现的可能性较大,谓语用陈述语气。)   5. if only用法   【课文原句】If only they could find a way to get to the room, or whatever it was, behind the wall.   【经典考例】   — Any information about your son?   — No, if only I ________ those tough words to him.   A. didn’t say   B. hadn’t said   C. shouldn’t have said   D. couldn’t have said   【考点解析】答案为B。句意“‘有你儿子的消息吗?’‘没有,要是我没有对他说那些不好听的话就好了。’”if only有两种用法,一种是用以表示对现在或未来的愿望,可译为“但愿,要是”;另一种用法是表示与事实相反的愿望,可译为“要是……该多好”,表示与过去事实相反的愿望,句子谓语动词常用过去完成时;表示与现在事实相反的愿望,句子谓语动词常用过去时,be动词用were。例如:   If only he would listen to her.(= We hope he will be willing to listen to her.)但愿他愿意听她的话。   If only you hadn’t said, “Liar”! (= We wish you hadn’t said, “Liar”!)要是你没说“你撒谎”就好了。   6. be about to do … when结构   【课文原句】 He was about to say something when Peter turned around.   【经典考例】He was about halfway through his meal ________ a familiar voice came to his ears.(2006 辽宁)   A. why B. where C. when D. while   【考点解析】答案为C。考查结构be about to do… when。be about to do…when为固定句式,意思是“正要做……,这时……”,when为并列连词,相当于and at that time。当并列连词when用于“就在这时,正在这时”的用法时,常用于以下结构:1)was / were doing +when;2)be+表示状态的介词短语+when;3)be on the point of doing +when。例如:   I was walking in the street when someone called me from behind.我正在街上走,就在这时有人从后面叫我。   Li Ping was on his way home when two boys stopped him.李平正往家走,突然两个男孩拦住了他。   I was on the point of telephoning you when you came back. 我正要给你打电话,你就回来了。
Units9-10重点句型解析作者:付开强中学生英语·高一版 年11期 字数:3242 字体: 【大 中 小】   一、重点句型解析     1. should表推测的用法   【课文原句】I should be home in about ten minutes.   【经典考例】   —When can I come for the phones? I need them tomorrow afternoon.   —They_______be ready by 12:00.  (NMET 1998)   A. can B. should C. might D. need   【考点解析】答案为B。should表推测,指有一定主观根据的判断,意为“估计;按理应当”;can表推测常用于否定句或疑问句中,表示“有时会;可能”;might表示没有把握的推测,语气较弱;need表“必须;需要”,不符合句意。   2. no matter +疑问词引导的状语从句   【课文原句】The answer seems to be that we have a need to stay in touch with friends and family no matter where we are or what we are doing.   【经典考例】He tried his best to solve the problem, _______difficult it was. (2005重庆)   A. howeverB. no matter   C. whatever D. although   【考点解析】no matter这个词组的意思是“不管”,“无论”,常用what,who,when,where等疑问词连用,引导一个表示让步的状语从句,分别表示“不管何事、何人、何时、何地”等意思,可以和“疑问词+ever”相互换用。答案为A。 B项应在no matter后加how才对。   3. in case的用法   【课文原句】Having a cellphone also makes us feel safer, since we can call for help in case of an emergency.   【经典考例】   1. John may phone tonight, I don’t want to go out _______ he phones.(NMET 2000春招)   A. as long as B. in order that C. in case D. so that   2. I don’t think I’ll need any money but I’ll bring some _______ .(NMET 2000)   A. at last B. in case C. once again D. in time   【考点解析】例1答案为C。in case可引起目的状语从句,表示“以免;以防”,句意为“约翰今晚可能给我打电话,我不想出去以便接他的电话。”此外in case还可单独使用,如例2,答案为B。at last意为“最后”,once again意为“再一次”,in time意为“及时”,只有in case符合句意“我认为我不需要钱但我将带一些以防万一。”   4. be used to句型结构   【课文原句】They are all used to their environment.   【经典考例】In my opinion, life in the twenty-first century is much easier than_____. (2007 安徽)   A. that used to be B. it is used to   C. it was used to D. it used to be   【考点解析】答案为D。used to do sth意为“过去常常……”,表示过去经常发生的动作或存在的状态,而现在不再这样了,含有“今昔对比”的意味;句意“在我看来,21世纪的生活比过去的要容易多了。”be / become used to (doing) sth. 意为“习惯于做某事”,to为介词,后接名词或动词的-ing形式;be used to do sth 意为“被用来做某事”,此结构中的used为动词use的过去分词形式。   5. either… or句型结构   【课文原句】The animal or plant has to either adapt to the change or find a new place.   【经典考例】_______ either he or you going with me when the play _______ here?   A. Is; is put on B. Is; is put up C. A is put on D. A put up   【考点解析】either… or…意为“或者……或者……”,“不是……就是……”,当连接两个主语时,其谓语动词与最近的一个主语在人称和数上保持一致。本题答案为A。   6. what引导的名词性从句   【课文原句】If we find out more about what we should do, we can help Steven and others like him keeping animals and plants from becoming endangered.   【经典考例】   —What did your parents think about your decision?   —They always let me do _______I think I should.(NMET 2006)   A. when B. what C. how D. that   【考点解析】what引导名词性从句,表示“……的事情”,在句中可充当主语、宾语或表语。句中的do后接一个名词性从句做宾语,I should后省略了动词do,故空白处应用what,此处的what相当于the thing that。答案为B。     二、长难句解析     1. You can move any side as many steps as you wish.   句中的as many steps as为同级比较,前一个as是副词,后一个as是连词,故形容词、副词应置于第一个as之后,如又有表示倍数的词修饰则常置于第一个as之前。例如:   You can eatas much as you like.你想吃多少就吃多少。   Americans eat more than twice as many vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.美国人现今每人蔬菜摄食量是1910年的两倍多。  
当表示金钱,距离,时间,重量,雨量等概念时,常用as much as结构。例如:   When he worked there, he could earn as much as 500 dollars a week. 当他在那里工作时,一周能挣到500美元。   2. … we may be able to take measures before it is too late, …   句中的before用作连词,引导状语从句,意为“在……之前;还没来得及”。例如:   Three weeks went by before she realized her mistakes. 过了三周,她才意识到自己的错误。   before作连词引导时间状语从句,从句的时态通常用一般现在时代替一般将来时。其基本意思是“在……之前”,但是具体译法视上下文而定。例如:   We do want to buy something now before prices go up. 在物价上涨之前我们的确想买点东西。   Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up before I could answer the phone.(NMET2000) 半夜里有人给我打电话,可是我还没来得及接,电话就挂断了。   He will die before he will tell them what they want to know. 他宁死也不说出他们想知道的事情。   3. We human beings could not survive without all the plants and animals around us.   句中的without和but for一样引出的短语表示一个非真实的条件,相当于一个if引导的含有否定意义的条件句If there were no all the plants and animals around us。故句中用了虚拟语气,表示与现在事实相反的假设,例如:   A fish couldn’t live long without water. = A fish couldn’t live long if there were no water.没有水鱼就活不了多久。   I can’t speak English without making mistakes.我一讲英语就出错。  有的语法学家称这种句子为条件否定句,又因为这种句子表示“没有……就不(没有)”的意思,起着强调语气的作用,所以也有的语法学家称之为强调句。现在有不少老师称之为双重否定句是错误的。双重否定的定义是两个否定词用来否定同一个意念或词,表示说话者的踌躇不决,起着缓和语气的作用,例如:   I said so not without any reason. 我这么说不是没有任何理由的。   这种句子与两个否定词否定两个意念的句子完全不同,不能混为一谈。
Units7-8重点句型解析作者:任小保中学生英语·高二版 08年10期   一、 重点句型解析     1. leave的复合结构   【课文原句】   AIDS is a disease that breaks down the body’s immune system and leaves a person defenseless against infections and illness.   【经典考例】   Don’t leave the water __________ while you brush your teeth.(2004 天津)   A. run B. running   C. being run D. to run   【考点解析】 答案为B。leave表示“使(让)……处于某种状态;让……一直”时,后常接复合结构,宾语补足语常用形容词、副词、介词短语或分词。句意“当你在刷牙的时候不要让水一直在流。”   此外,leave的过去分词left常用作后置定语,表示“剩下的”。这是一种特殊用法,常用在anything, something, nothing或名词之后并大多用在There is (are)和I have之类的结构中。在这样的结构中若用spare,则要用to spare,不能用过去分词spared。例如:   I’ve got two tickets left (to spare) for tonight’s film.今晚的电影票我有多余的两张。   Is there any water left (to spare) in the bottle? 瓶子里还有水吗?   2. wish和as if 后接从句用虚拟语气的用法   【课文原句】 “I wish people would find out the facts,” she says, “and not act as if I were a bad or dangerous person.”   【经典考例】   ① How I wish every family ___________ a large house with a beautiful garden!   A. has B. had   C. will have D. had had   ② When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it_______.   A. breaks B. has broken   C. were broken D. had been broken   【考点解析】 例①答案为B。wish后接宾语从句,从句要用虚拟语气,表示与事实相反的情况,当表示与现在情况相反时,宾语从句的谓语动词用一般过去时形式。例②答案为C。as if后接从句,表示与当前情况相反的假设时,从句中用虚拟语气。   3. remember的搭配及区别   【课文原句】   I remember having an empty feeling in my stomach and thinking that my life was going to end.   【经典考例】   After he became conscious, he remembered _______ and _______on the head with a rod.   A. hit   B. to be hit   C. be hit   D.
hit   【考点解析】 答案为D。本题remember后接不定式表示“记住要去做某事”,不定式所表示的动作发生在remember之后;remember后接动词的ing形式,表示“记得曾经做了某事”,动词的ing形式所表示的动作发生在remember之前。   4. 状语从句中的省略   【课文原句】   The most important thing to keep in mind when dealing with an emergency is to stay calm.   【经典考例】   The research is so designed that once _________ nothing can be done to change it. (NMET 2002)   A. begins B. having begun   C. beginning D. begun   【考点解析】 答案为D。从该句可以看出, “... once begun ...”是一个不完整的状语从句, 该状语从句中省略了it is, 相当于... once it is begun, nothing can be done to change it.。   在含有状语从句的复合句中,当状语从句中的主语和主句的主语一致,或状语从句中的主语是it,并且又含有be动词时,常可以省略从句中的主语和be动词。例如:   While(I was)waiting, I was reading some magazines.我一边看杂志一边等。   You shouldn’t come to his party unless (you were) invited.除非你被邀请,否则你不应该来参加他的宴会。   5. can / could have done表推测用法   【课文原句】   Learning about first aid is the best way to make sure that we will not have to feel that we could have done more.   【经典考例】   ① —I stayed at a hotel while in New York.   —Oh, did you? You ___________ with Barbara. (NMET 1998)   A. could have stayed   B. could stay   C. would stay   D. must have stayed   ② He paid for a seat when he  have entered free. (2005山东)   A. could B. would   C. must D. need   【考点解析】 “can / could have + 过去分词”表示“过去本来可以做某事,但实际上没有做”;否定句表示“不可能已做了某事”;疑问句表示“可能 / 也许已做了某事吗?”。例①答案为A,例②答案为A。   此外还需注意下列结构:“should (ought to) have +过去分词”表示过去本应该做而(实际上)没有做的事情,含有责备或遗憾的语气,意为“本应该……”;其否定形式为“should not / ought not to have + 过去分词”,表示某种行为本不该发生但却发生了;“needn’t have +过去分词”表示过去没有必要做某事, 但实际上做了某事;“may / might have +过去分词”表示对过去情况的一种不太有把握的可能性的推测,表示“过去可能 / 大概已做了某事”;否定句表示“过去可能还没有做某事”;“must have + 过去分词”用于肯定句,表示“过去一定做过某事”,表示一种很有把握的推测。
6. unless引导状语从句   【课文原句】 We should never try to receive a person unless we know how to do it.   【经典考例】   ① We won’t keep winning games ___________we keep playing well. (2006浙江)   A. because B. unless   C. when D. while   ② You must keep on working in the evening ___________ you are sure you can finish the task in time. (2005安徽)   A. as B. if C. when D. unless   【考点解析】 unless引导条件状语从句,相当于if… not,意为“除非……否则;如果不……”。例①答案为B,例②答案为D。     二、长难句解析     1. As with most diseases and disasters, the young suffer the most.正如大多数疾病和灾难一样,青少年遭受的痛苦最多。   句中的as with意为“正如,像……一样”,可以看作是as it is the same as的省略形式,with后常接名词、-ing形式或从句。例如:   2. Xiaohua knows that she will die before she has a chance to grow old, ...小华知道自己没有机会活到老就会死去,……   句中的before用作从属连词,引导时间状语从句,从句的时态通常用一般现在时来代替一般将来时,用一般过去时来代替过去将来时,表示“不等……就……”,“还没有……就”。例如:   Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up before I could answer the phone.(NMET 2000) 半夜里有人给我打电话,可是我还没来得及接,电话就挂断了。   注意before用作从属连词其它的用法:   1) 在……之前   We do want to buy something now before prices go up.在物价上涨之前我们的确想买点东西。   2) ……以后才……   It was midnight before he came back.他半夜以后才回来。   3) 免;免得   Put down her telephone number before you forget it.把她电话号码记下来,免得忘了。   4) 与其…… (宁愿……)   He would die before he told them what they wanted to know.他宁死也不肯说出他们想知道的事情。   5) 构成句型:“It be + 时间段 + before …” 表示“过了多久才……”;“It be not long + before ...” 意为“不久就……”。例如:   It was three days before he came back. 过了三天他才回来。   It will be half a year before you graduate from this school.要过半年你才能从这所学校毕业。   It was not long before he sensed the danger.不久他就感觉到了危险。   3. If everyone in the country knew first aid, many lives would be saved. 倘若每个国民都懂得急救,那么许多人的生命将得到挽救。   这是一个表示与现在事实相反的虚拟条件句。在if引导的条件从句中谓语动词用过去式(如果是be,则不论人称一律使用were);主句中的谓语动词用would / could / might + v.(原形)。例如:   If I were you, I would accept the invitation. 如果我是你,我就会接受这个邀请。(事实上我并不是你,也不会接受这个邀请)   If he knew the secret,he would let me know.倘若他知道这个秘密,他会告诉我的。(事实上他并不知道这个秘密,也不会告诉我)   4. Only by changing the way we live can we save the earth. 我们只有改变自己的生活方式才能拯救地球。   副词only置于句首, 强调方式状语、 条件状语、 地点状语、 时间状语等状语时, 主句要进行部分倒装。例如:   Only in this way can you hope to make improvement in the operating system.只有用这种方式你才能改进这个操作系统。   Only when we had studied the data again did we realize that there was a mistake. 只有当我们再次研究了这些数据的时候, 我们才意识到出了一个错。   Only because there were some cancelled bookings did he get some tickets in the end. 一些预订被取消了,他才得以买到了几张票。   如果放于句首的only所修饰的不是状语时,而是主语等时,不用倒装。例如:   Only John can save me.只有约翰能够救我。   Only some of the children passed the examination. 只有几个孩子通过了考试。
Units1-2重点句型解析作者:令狐昌华中学生英语·高二版 08年7期    1. There is no point in doing sth. 做某事没意义   【课文原句】   There did not seem much point in working on my PhD—I did not expect to survive that long.   【经典考例】   He hasn’t slept at all for three days. __________ he is tired out.(NMET 2005湖北卷)   A. There is no point   B. There is no need   C. It is no wonder   D. It is no way   【考点解析】答案是C。句意“他三天没合眼了。难怪他累坏了”。考查句型It is no wonder +从句,意为“难怪”。There is no point ...和There is no need ...都意为“没有必要……”, D项It is no way意为“肯定不会”。   2. 动词-ing形式作状语   【课文原句】   Sitting in his now-famous wheelchair ... Hawking told the students about his theories and thought.   【经典考例】   Finding her car stolen,_____________ .(2001上海卷)   A. a policeman was asked to help   B. the area was searched thoroughly   C. it was looked for everywhere   D. she hurried to a policeman for help  【考点解析】动词-ing形式做状语时,其逻辑主语应该与句子的主语保持一致。find的动作应该由人来发出,所以句子的主语应该指人。A、D两项主语都是人,据句意可知,应选D。此句可以转换成:When she found her car stolen, she hurried to a policeman for help.。   3. only引起的部分倒装结构   【课文原句】   And only by discovering what we do best can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference.   【经典考例】   Only then _________ how much damage had been caused.(NMET 2006陕西卷)   A. she realized   B. she had realized   C. had she realized   D. did she realize   【考点解析】答案为D。only置于句首修饰副词、介词短语或状语从句时,主句用部分倒装,本题应在主语前面加上助动词did。句意“直到那时她才意识到引起的破坏有多大”。   4. 省略句What if ... ?   【课文原句】   By asking why, how and what if, curious minds find new ideas and solutions.   【经典考例】   —I don’t know it’s good to hang the drawing here.   — __________ I move it over there? Do you think it’ll look better?   A. What about B. What if C. How about D. What with   【考点解析】答案为B。what if意为“倘使……将会怎样;即使……又会如何?”,它是一种省略句式,相当于What will happen if ...?   5. 句型It’s the first / second ... time that ...   【课文原句】   It was the first time that I had written with real passion.   【经典考例】   What a dish! It is the first time, you know, that I _______ this kind of food.   A. have ever enjoyed   B. ever enjoyed   C. have ever enjoying   D. had ever enjoyed   【考点解析】答案为A。It’s the first time that ...意为“这是第一次……”,that从句中的谓语动词用完成时态,表示此前(time)所发生动作带来的影响。如果be动词是is,则that从句中的谓语动词用现在完成时,若be动词是过去时态,则that从句中的谓语动词用过去完成时态。句意“饭菜太香了!你知道,这是我第一次吃这种食品。”   6. make sth. done 复合结构   【课文原句】   More than ninety responsible and caring citizens made their voices heard today.   【经典考例】   Helen had to shout _________ above the sound of the music. (NMET2004)   A. making herself hear   B. to make herself hear   C. making herself heard   D. to make herself heard   【考点解析】答案为D。make sth. done结构中过去分词作宾补,表被动,意为“使某事(或某人)被……”。   7. even if / even though引导让步状语从句   【课文原句】   We shouldn’t ignore what happens even if it is difficult for people to accept some stories.   【经典考例】   Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice, _________ they knew it to be valuable.(NMET 2007 浙江卷)   A. as if B. now that   C. even though D. so that   【考点解析】答案为C。even if和even though用来引导让步状语从句,表示“即使;尽管”。句意“他们中很多人对他的建议充耳不闻,尽管他们知道它很有价值。”as if意为“似乎;好像”,now that意为“既然”,so that意为“结果;以便”。
Units3-4重点句型解析作者:张冬梅中学生英语·高二版 08年7期  1. have sth. done 结构   【课文原句】   Every great culture in the past had its own ideas of beauty expressed in art and architecture.   【经典考例】   You should understand the traffic rule by now. You’ve had it_________ often enough. (NMET 2005天津卷)   A. explaining B. to explain   C. explain D. explained   【考点解析】答案是D。have sth. done为固定句型,意为“让某事被做”。句意为“到现在你应当理解交通规则。我们已经给你解释得够清楚了。”  2. A is to B what C is to D.   【课文原句】   A nest is to a bird what a house is to a man.   【经典考例】   Engines are to machines ___________ hearts are to animals.(NMET 2006 山东卷)   A. as B. that   C. what D. which   【考点解析】A is to B what C is to D.为固定结构,表示“A对B而言正如C对D一样”。句意为“发动机对于机器正如心脏对于动物一样。”  3. 过去分词作状语   【课文原句】   Seen from the top, it looks as if the stadium is covered by a grey net of steel and it looks just like a bird’s nest made of tree branches.   【经典考例】   by a greater demand of vegetables, farmers have built more green houses. (NMET 2007 浙江卷)   A. Driven B. Being driven   C. To drive D. Having driven   【考点解析】答案为A。过去分词作状语时,它常与句子的主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系。作条件、原因、时间状语时,分词短语常位于句首;作伴随、方式、结果状语时,分词短语常位于句末。   When ___________ help, one often says “Thank you.” or “It’s kind of you.” (NMET 2005福建卷)   A. offering B. to offer   C. to be offered D. offered   【考点解析】答案为D。过去分词做状语时有时还可保留连词,构成“连词 + 过去分词”结构做状语。连词when + 过去分词表时间,相当于When he is offered help。   4. other than结构   【课文原句】   Usually remembered for other work than their poetry are eighteenth century poets such as Pope and Johnson.   【经典考例】   I got the story from Tom and __________ people who had worked with him. (NMET 2004 天津卷)   A. every other   B. many others   C. some other   D. other than   【考点解析】答案为C。other than 或other ... than ...意为“不同于;除了;非;不是”,后接名词或名词性短语。如:He came here for other reason than ask for his book back. 他来这里不是不是要取回他的书而是另有原因。本句句意“我从汤姆和其他一些与他共事的人那里听到这个故事的。”   5. 比较级more than any other结构   【课文原句】   More than any other form of literature, poetry plays with sounds, words and grammar. 【经典考例】   Canada is larger than __________ country in Asia. (1998全国)   A. any B. any other   C. other D. another   【考点解析】答案为A。加拿大和亚洲国家不属同一范畴,故不需other来将其排除比较范围。  6. 时间状语从句中的省略   【课文原句】   Once published, his poems became famous for the absence of rhyme at the end of each line.   【经典考例】   When __________ different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities. (NMET2006浙江卷)   A. compared B. being compared   C. comparing D. having compared   【考点解析】答案为C。时间、条件、原因状语从句用了主语 + be + 分词的结构,且在主、从句主语一致时,可省略从句的连接词、主语和be助动词,只保留分词和其它成分。when和comparing之间省略了we are。  7. no matter how引导让步状语从句   【课文原句】   Besides, no matter how well a poem is translated, something of the spirit of the original work is lost.   【经典考例】   This is a very interesting book. I’ll buy it,_______ .(NMET 2006全国卷II)   A. how much may it cost   B. no matter how it may cost   C. however much it may cost   D. how may it cost   【考点解析】答案为C。no matter后接wh-从句,表示“不管,无论”, 在句中作让步状语,其语序为: no matter how (=however)+ 形容词 / 副词 + 主语 + 谓语。句意:“这是一本很有趣的书。不管花多少钱,我都要买下它。”
高三11—13单元重点句型及长难句解析作者:马增援中学生英语·高三版 07年11期  一、 重点句型解析  1. Not only + 部分倒装,but also ...  【教材例句】  Not only will these qualities make you rise in the eyes of others, you will also feel better about yourself.  【高考链结】  snacks and drinks, but they also brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest. (2004年上海)  A. Not only they bought  B. Not only did they bring  C. Not only brought they  D. Not only they did bring  【句型解读】 否定词或具有否定意义的短语如never, little, few, seldom或at no time, not only ... but also, in no way, hardly ... when等位于句首时引起部分倒装。所谓部分倒装是把谓语的一部分(助动词,情态动词,系动词)放于主语前面。其结构为“部分谓语+主语+谓语动词(实义动词)”。  注意: not only ... but also引起的倒装句倒装的是前面的内容也称“前倒后不倒”。例如:  Not only did you read this book, but also the others read it.  2. when作并列连词表“正在这时”引导的句子  【教材例句】  You have just put the baby to sleep when your classmate calls you about a problem with her computer.  【高考链结】  I had just stepped out of the bathroom and was busily drying myself with a towel  I heard the steps. (2006湖南)  A. while B. when C. since D. after  【句型解读】 when可以用作并列连词表示“就在那时,这时”连结两个简单句,此时前一分句一般用进行时态或完成时态,相当于and at this time或and at that time。例如:  I was reading a novel when someone knocked at the door.  3. ... long before ... 在……之前很久  【教材例句】  And you’ll be back long before your neighbour comes back from her evening class.  【高考链接】  Several weeks had gone by_____I realized the painting was missing. (2004全国Ⅳ)  A. as B. before C. since D. when  【句型解读】 before作为连词的基本意义是“在……之前”,用于表示时间或顺序,前面加上long强调“在……之前很久”或“远在……之前”,主句动作一般发生在从句之前。例如:  I had known my mistakes long before you told me.  4. what引导的省略句  【教材例句】  What if you feel comfortable doing a task by yourself?  【名校联考】  if we move the picture here?  A. How B. Why C. What D. When  【句型解读】 简单句常有一些成分被省略掉,这种情况在对话中尤为普遍,不管是回答别人的问题还是接着别人的话说都会发生。例如:  —What if you tell lies to your mother?  —She’ll beat me.  5. when引导的省略句  【教材例句】  When forming teams to complete tasks at school, we are often hardly aware of this.  【名校联考】  When_____help, one often says “Thank you.” or “It’s kind of you.”  A. offering B. to offer  C. offered D. to be offered  【句型解读】 当when引导的从句的主语与主句的主语一致时,从句可使用省略形式。当从句的谓语与主语为主谓关系时,省略句用when + v?鄄ing,当从句的谓语与主语为动宾关系时,省略句用when+ v?鄄ed。  6. no matter引导的让步状语从句  【教材例句】  No matter how hard you try, working towards a career for which you are not suitable is not going to get you there.  【高考链接】  This is a very interesting book. I’ll buy it, _____. (2006陕西)  A. how much may it lost  B. no matterr how it may lost  C. however much it may lost  D. how may it lost.  【句型解读】 no matter引导的让步状语从句意为“无论……”。no matter + 疑问词可以换成however, whenever等,而且no matter后应加陈述句结构而非倒装结构。例如:  Whoever (No matter who) you are, you must obey the rules.  7. 独立主格结构  【教材例句】  These characteristics combine in unique ways in each person, forming personality types, each made up of different inner processes and ways of functioning in the world.  【高考链接】  __________, the more expensive the camera, the better its quality. (2005全国Ⅲ)  A. General speaking  B. Speaking general  C. Generally speaking  D. Speaking generally  【句型解读】分词可以在句中作状语,当句子的主语在逻辑上不可能作分词的逻辑主语时,它必须带上自己的主语,这种结构叫独立主格结构,如教材例句中的each made of ...。而Generally speaking,也可称之为插入语,在句子中当评议性状语。这类分词短语的使用不受句子主语的限制,适用于任何场合。
8. whether ... or引导的让步状语从句  【教材例句】  Each offers gifts and processes that complement the others, contributing in a unique way to the qualitative functioning of the whole, whether the “whole” is a team, a class, a family or a society.  【名校联考】  There are many things to consider when you are looking for a house, _____to buy or just intend to rent.  A. thoughB. atthoughC. ifD. whether  【句型解读】 whether单独用时只能引导名词性从句,只有whether与or在一块儿才能引导让步状语从句,意为“无论……还是……”。例如:  Whether you like it or not, I’ll do it.  9. have no choice ... but to do  【教材例句】  He had no choice but to go abroad to sell the diamond.  【名校联考】  She has nothing to do but_____.  A. to cry B. cry C. crying D. cryed  【句型解读】 but在作“除开”讲时,如果前面出现do的任何形式,后接不带to的不定式,反之则要接带“to”的不定式。例如:  The mother had no choice but to come back.  10. 强调句型  【教材例句】  Is it coincidence or is it the moonstone’s bad luck that causes the tension and strange things that happen during the rest of the evening?  【高考链接】  It is what you do rather than what you say_____matters. (2005天津)  A. that B. what C. which D. this  【句型解读】 强调句型的基本骨架是“It be + 被强调部分(主、宾、状) + that”,强调句型判断的标准是把It be ... that去掉,句子结构完整,不多一词也不少一词。例如:  It was this morning that we did some cleaning.  除掉了上述部份后即为We did some cleaning this morning.    二、 长难句子解析  1. Whoever is guilty must have a stain on his or her clothes.  【问】 whoever引导的是什么从句?  【答】 whoever可以引导认步状语从句,也可以引导名词性从句,引导让步状语从句时相当于no matter who,引导名词性从句时相当于anyone who, whoever在主句和从句中都充当主语,所以此处whoever引导的是主语从句。  2. His move to quit smoking cigars to please her is seen by the servants as evidence that he is in love with Rachel.  【问】 怎样分析这个句子的结构?  【答】 这是一个主从复合句,主语为His move,谓语为is seen ... as ...,后面that从名为evidence的同位语从句,对evidence作补充说明,to quit ... 作定语修饰his move, to please her作目的状语,是quit smoking这一动作的目的。  3. Is it coincidence or is it the moonstone’s bad luck that causes the tension and the strange things that happen during the rest of the evening?  【问】 这里面两个that从句怎么理解?  【答】 第一个that是强调结构中的that,而第二个that引导是一个修饰the strange things ... 的定语从句。  4. It turned out that Godfrey had also seen Franklin move the diamond that night and knowing that Franklin would be accused, he had taken it.  【问】 and到底连接什么?  【答】 and连接两个并列句:Godfrey had also seen Franklin move the diamond that night和he had taken it.而knowing ... 则是后面一个句子的原因状语。  5. Learning through doing means being active in exploring the environment and finding out about things by moving and touching.  【问】 这么多的v?鄄ing都有什么功能?  【答】 Learning through doing作主语,being activing作mean的宾语,exploring the environment和finding out about things作介词in的宾语,moving and touching作介词by的宾语。  6. It is important that all members of the team feel that each of them makes an equal contribution and that they help and support each other.  【问】 怎么理解三个that从句?  【答】 第一个that从句是真正主语,所以是主语从句,后面两个that从句是并列的宾语从句。  7. There are few occasions when members are confused or uncertain of their roles.  【问】 中间为什么要用when这个引导词?  【答】 when引导的是定语从句,因为这个定语从句中缺少状语,而且先行词为oceasion,而occasion的搭配是on ... occasion,指的是时间,所以用when作引导词,也可换成on which。  8. A team is a group of individual people brought together in order to accomplish a task that cannot be efficiently or effectively completed by any member of the group alone.  【问】 这个句子结构怎么分析?  【答】 brought back是过去分词作定语修饰people, in order to 连接目的状语,后面的that从句是定语从句修饰task。  9. We have to take into account how each individual member works best.  【问】 take不是及物动词吗?后面怎样加的是into account而不是一个宾语呢?  【答】 没错,确实是take sth. into account, take的宾语是how each individual member works best,由于宾语是一从句,谓语很短,为了平衡句子的结构而把宾语从句放在后面。  10. While working there, you discover that the management does not take proper measures to ensure hygiene and safety of the food products that are prepared in its kitchens and will be delivered to the customers.  【问】 怎么分析此句的结构?  【答】 此句有两个that从句,前面一个that从句是宾语从句,后面的that从句是定语从句,修饰food products。  11. As with sports teams, group work can only be successful when group members respect, help and support each other, while the work division is clear and each member performs at the right level in the role that is most suitable to him or her.  【问】 when和while怎样理解?  【答】 when的意思相当于“if”, while在此处的意思相当于at the same time。
高三8—10单元重点句型及长难句解析作者:胡 玲中学生英语·高三版 07年10期  一、 重点句型解析    1. as if 引导方式状语从句  【教材例句】  Most exchange students say that they feel as if they were truly part of their host families and that they will always stay in touch.  【高考链接】  Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it_______yesterday. (2006全国卷Ⅰ)  A. was happening B. happens  C. has happened D. happened  【句型解读】  as if / as though常用来引导方式状语从句,意为“好像、似乎”。当从句与事实相反时常用虚拟语气,与事实相符时则用陈述语气。例如:  After breaking the glass, he behaved as if nothing had happened.打破玻璃后,他装作若无其事的样子。  2. 动词 -ing 形式作状语  【教材例句】  Wang Lin was told a health care project that provides treatment at half the cost or less, depending on the needs of the patient.  【高考链接】  We often provide our children with toys, footballs or basketballs, _______that all children like these things. (2006全国卷Ⅱ)  A. thinking B. think  C. to think D. thought  【句型解读】  动词-ing形式作状语时,可表示时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、行为方式、伴随状况等,通常情况下句子的主语与该动词之间是逻辑上的主动关系,表示时间关系的分词短语有时可由when及while 引出。例如:  Having been told many times, he still repeated the same mistake.  3. 完全倒装句  【教材例句】  In the hall below was a mailbox into which no letter would go.  【高考链接】  Just in front of our house_______with a history of 1,000 years. (2006上海春招)  A. does a tall tree stand  B. stands a tall tree  C. a tall tree is standing  D. a tall tree stands  【句型解读】  完全倒装句:为了保持句子平衡,使上下文衔接紧密或为了强调,常将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。此结构通常只用于一般现在时和一般过去时句中。常见的结构有: 1) here, there, now, then, away 等副词置于句首,谓语动词常用be, come, go, lie, run等不及物动词;2) 表示运动方向的副词或地点状语置于句首,谓语常常是表示运动的词。例如:  Down came the brown waves.  4. not ... without ... 结构  【教材例句】  I couldn’t have lived through Christmas without giving you a present.  【名校联考】  You won’t gain anything_______any efforts.  A. unless B. no C. withoutD. with  【句型解读】  该句为双重否定句,即在同一句子中出现两次否定的现象。像这种结构的句子比一般陈述句显得更加生动、有力,给人的印象特别深刻。例如:  There’s no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪。  Man cannot live without air or water. 没有空气和水,人就无法生存。  5. “the + 比较级 , the + 比较级”结构  【教材例句】  The less anxious and more relaxed the learner, the better their language acquisition.  【名校联考】  In recent years travel companies have succeeded in selling us the idea that the further we go, _______.  A. our holiday will be better  B. our holiday will be the better  C. the better our holiday will be  D. the better will our holiday be  【句型解读】  这个结构的意思是“越……,就越……”。从结构上说,前者是表示比较的状语从句,后者是主句。从意义上说,这个句型表示从句和主句的两个变化同时进行。例如:  The more we practice, the better we get at listening to speech in a foreign language. 练习得越多,就越能更好地听懂外语。  6. with 的复合结构  【教材例句】  With the chain on his watch Jim might be properly anxious about the time in any company.  【名校联考】  science and technology developing constantly, the human society as well as nature has experienced a dramatic change.  A. AfterB. WithC. AsD. When  【句型解读】  with + 名词 / 代词(宾格) + 分词 / 形容词 / 介词短语 / 不定式/副词在句中常作伴随状语。动词形式的选择取决于宾语同动词之间的逻辑关系。例如:  The murderer was brought in, with his hands tied behind his back.  7. “主语+连系动词+表语”表示被动意义  【教材例句】  In 1880 an interesting experiment of learning a foreign language proved to be fruitless.  【名校联考】  As a Chinese saying goes, good medicine_______bitter.
A. is tasted B. is tasting  C. tastes D. tasted  【句型解读】  连系动词 feel, look, taste, smell, sound, prove 等常用主动形式表示被动意义。例如:  The cloth feels soft. 这种布料摸起来很柔软。  8. 不定式作表语  【教材例句】  The goal is to explore and develop a new health care model for China.  【高考链接】  It remains_______whether Jim’ll be fit enough to play in the finals. (2006浙江)  A. seen B. to be seen  C. seeing D. to see  【句型解读】  动词不定式在句中可充当主语、宾语、宾语补足语、表语、定语、状语等。不定式作主语时,常用形式主语it代替,而把不定式放在后面。作表语时,通常是用来说明主语的内容。例如:  It is not easy to learn a foreign language. (作主语)  My only wish is to do something for the public. (作表语)  9. nor + 部分倒装  【教材例句】  They cannot afford to consult a doctor or purchase medicines from a chemist when they get sick, nor can they make sure that their children keep a healthy diet.  【高考链接】  Mary never does any reading in the evening, _______. (2005全国Ⅱ)  A. so does John B. John does too  C. John doesn’t too D. nor does John  【句型解读】  以so, neither, nor 开头的句子,可以用于重复前句部分内容,表示“……也这样”,“……也不这样”。so用于肯定句中,neither或nor用于否定句中。  10. when 引导的省略句  【教材例句】  When asked about his discovery, Sir Alexander Fleming said:“One sometimes finds what one is looking for.”  【名校联考】  When_______help, one often says “Thank you” or “It’s kind of you”.  A. offering B. to offer  C. offered D. to be offered  【句型解读】  当when引导的从句的主语与主句的主语一致时,从句可使用省略形式。当从句的谓语动词与主语为主谓关系时,省略句用when + 现在分词;当从句的谓语动词与主语为动宾关系时,省略句用when + 过去分词。    二、 长难句子解析    1. Others think that we learn language in the same way we learn other things, such as walking or solving problems, and that what we are born with is a general ability to learn and adapt, not a language-specific part of the brain.  【问】 怎样分析这个句子的结构?  【答】 整个句子是包含多个从句的复合句。其中think后面接的是两个由that引导的宾语从句:在第一个宾语从句里we learn other things是定语从句,先行词是way;在第二个宾语从句里what we are born with是名词性从句用作主语。  2. The data suggests that what successful language learners have in common is, among other things, that they are interested in understanding their own thinking, curious about the world, willing to take chances and confident in their ability.  【问】 第二个that所引导的句子在句中充当什么成分?  【答】 第二个that所引导的句子在句中与is一起构成系表结构作第一个that所引导的宾语从句的谓语,它本身是一个表语从句。  3. The United Nations AIDS Agency warns that the number of infected people in China could reach 10 million by 2020 unless more is done to prevent the spread of the disease.  【问】 unless 在此起什么作用?  【答】 unless 在此引导条件状语从句,其意思相当于“if ... not”。  【问】 这个句子的主句用的是虚拟语  气,而从句却是陈述语气,为什么?  【答】 用句中的could并不是表示虚拟  语气而是表示某事将来仅仅有发生的可能性,但并不一定会发生。又如:We could go climbing this summer, but I doubt if we’ll have time. 这句话的言外之意是,如果中国采取更多的措施来防止艾滋病的传播,艾滋病感染者的数量就不会达到10,000,000。  4. If they were not, they would not be ready to experiment with new forms and to make mistakes, both of which contribute to their increased ability to learn.  【问】 both of which 所引导的是什么句子? which 指的是什么?  【答】 both of which 引导的是一个非限  制性定语从句。which 作为关系代词指的是主句中的两个动词不定式,即to experiment with new forms 和to make mistakes.  5. While exchange students can learn many useful things, it is also possible that some of them may fall behind in their studies.
【问】 while 在句中引导的是时间状语从  句吗?  【答】 while 可以引导时间状语从句,但  在本句中它所引导的是一个让步状语从句,表示“尽管”的意思。  6. The project that saved Wang Lin’s life is one of the many government programs aimed at improving the situation for the poorest people in China.  【问】 aimed at improving the situation for the poorest people in China在句中的语法功能是什么?  【答】 aimed at improving the situation for the poorest people in China作programs的定语,是过去分词短语作后置定语,相当于which are aimed at improving the situation for the poorest people in China.  7. As our country deve


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