dick often gets up late.改为否定句怎么改

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Unit 3 Topic 1 Section AWhat are your hobbies?I. Learning Aims 学习目标 1. 同学们会用 prefer, like, love, enjoy, be interested in, be fond of 表达喜好。 2. 同学们会用简单的语言形式谈论个人的兴趣爱好。 II
. The Key Points 重点 1. 重点掌握下列词及短语的写法、读法及用法|: collect 收集;value 价值; hobby 爱好; stone 石头; doll 玩具; coin 硬币; act 表演/条列; novel 小说;used to do sth 过去常常做某事; be interested in 对……感兴趣; be fond of 喜欢 2. 请同学们掌握下列句型: (1) I am interested in playing basketball.我对打篮球感兴趣。 (2) I love singing and playing the guitar.我喜欢唱歌和弹吉他。 (3) I enjoy dancing to music.我喜欢跟着音乐跳舞。 (4) I like reciting poems.我喜欢朗诵诗歌。 (5) I am fond of acting.我喜欢表演。 (6) I prefer playing soccer.我更喜欢踢足球。 (7) ―What are your hobbies?你的爱好是什么? ―I used to enjoy listening to rock music, but now I love collecting paintings and telephone cards.我曾经喜欢听摇滚,但是现在我喜欢收集油画和电话卡。 (8) ―What do you love collecting?你喜欢收集什么? ―I love collecting …我喜欢收集…… ―Why do you like collecting them?你为什么喜欢收集它们? ―Because …因为…… (9) Pleased to see you!见到你很高兴! (10) Collecting stamps must be fun!集邮一定很有趣! III. Preview 自主预习 1. 请同学们认读生词表中 P53-54 词汇五遍,直至读熟。若有词读不准,请标出来。 2. 请同学们从 Section A 中划出含有下列单词的短语并理解 Section A: fond 3. 仔细阅读 1a,用自己的语言概述 Michael 和 Maria 爱好,准备在课堂上展示。 4. 请同学们熟读 2a 中的句子并尝试将其背会。 5. 根据 1c 提供的句型与同桌编一组对话,准备课堂上展示。 IV. Hot links 知识链接 1. be pleased to do 很乐意,高兴做某事 pleased adj. 高兴的,满意的 Pleased to see you! 相当于 Glad/ Nice to see you! 【拓展】be pleased with sth/sb 对某事/某人满意 如:She is pleased with her new dress. 她很满意她的新裙子。 操练:我很乐意帮助你。 I’m _____/ _____ _____ help you. 我的老师以前很满意我的发型。 My teacher _____ _____ _____ _____ hair cut. 孩子们很乐意从大人那里得到压岁钱。 Kids are pleased _____ _____ lucky money _____ the old. 2. must 意为“必须” ,表推测时,意为“ 一定,肯定” 。 如:She isn’t in her bedroom. She must be in her study. 她不在卧室,一定在书房。 You must be careful when you cross the road.过马路时,你必须小心。 【拓展】can't 表示否定的猜测,意为‖不可能‖.过去式用 couldn't。 操练:他一定是康康的爸爸。 He _____ _____ ______ ______. This bag _____ _____ his. His things are in it. (can’ must be) 3. be fond of 喜欢,喜爱. be fond of 后面常跟名词,代词和动名词做宾语, 操练:我很喜欢吃肉。 I am fond of ______( eat ) meat. 她很喜欢读书,所以经常去学校图书馆。 She ____fond of books, so she often _____ _____the school library when she was young. V. Having a Quit.当堂检测 (I) 根据句意及首字母提示, 补全单词。 1.---Hi, Larry!P_____ to see you again. ---Me, too. 2 ---What are your h_____? ---I used to travel, but now I collect telephone cards. 3. Li Ming has a lot of valuable c_____. 4. There is a table in my house. It’s made of s_____. 5. I am i______ in basketball. (II) 根据汉语提示补充句子。 1. My brother _____ ____ _____fishing, but I am fond of running.(喜欢) 2. Children can _____ a lot about special moments _____ stamps.(从……了解) 3. They often sing English songs after school, but I enjoy _____ the guitar.(弹奏) 4. I _____ _____ _____ playing computer games, but now I never do it.(对……感兴趣) 5. I _____ tea _____ coffee, because tea is better for our health.(比起……更喜欢……) (III)单项选择。 ( ) 1. ― Which does your brother prefer, singing or dancing? ― I think he ___ singing ___ dancing. A. to B. to C. to D. to ( ) 2. ― What kind of sports do you like? ― I am interested in soccer. 能代替划线部分的是______. A. be fond of B. enjoys C. don’t like D. am fond of ( ) 3. Our math teacher is very kind to us and often helps us ___ math after class. A. study B. studies C. studying D. studied ( ) 4. If a student enjoys ___ computer games, he must do badly in his study. A. play B. played C. to play D. playing ( ) 5. Many young people like dancing _____ music in their spare time. A. with B. to C. for D. in ( ) 6. ―Why do you like _____? ― I think it is great fun. A. act B. acts C. action D. acting ( ) 7. _____ kites is my hobby, because they are beautiful. A. Collect B. To collect C. Collecting D. Collection ( ) 8. ― _____ do you love _____? ―I love collecting model planes. A. W collect B. W collect C. W collect D. W collecting VI. Homework 课后作业 1. 认真读、背今天的D学习重点‖ 和D知识链接‖,并默写。 2. 熟读 1a,2a.并背诵,默写一遍。 3. 用上 prefer, like, love, enjoy, be interested in, be fond of 调查班上的几名同学的D个人兴趣爱 好‖。 3. 按 Section B 中自主预习部分的要求,预习 Section B. 4. 完形填空。 What do you do at the weekend? Some people like to 1 at home, but others like to go 2 a walk or play football. My friend Jack works hard in a factory during the 3 . At the weekend, he always 4 the same things. On Saturday he 5 his car and on 6 he goes with his family to a village by car. His uncle and aunt have a farm there. It isn’t a 7 one but there’s always 8 to do on the farm. The children help with the animals and give them their ____9____. Jack and his wife help in the fields(田地). At the end of the day, they are all ___10___and Jack’s aunt gives them a big meal. ( ) 1. A. play B. live C. stay D. enjoy ( ) 2. A. to B. for C. in D. at ( ) 3. A. day B. time C. autumn D. week ( ) 4. A. does B. makes C. borrows D. has ( ) 5. A. watches B. drives C. sells D. washes ( ) 6. A. Monday B. Sunday C. Saturday D. Wendsday ( ) 7. A. small B. big C. hard D. short ( ) 8. A. much B. little C. fast D. far ( ) 9. A. clothes B. places C. food D. water ( ) 10. A. clean B. late C. hungry D. friendly 5. 阅读理解。 The word Dhobby‖ is an interesting word. Everyone has one thing he or she likes to do for fun. Some people like to collect things, like story books or stamps. Others like to play soccer or go window shopping where you can look at many beautiful things without buying them. I have many hobbies for fun. Sometimes I play golf with my son and play tennis with all the family. I like to collect music books. I also like to collect musical instrument(乐器) from China like Erhu, dizi, xiao, suona, and the pipa. These are the instruments of China. They can’t be found in America. My favorite hobby is fishing. I like to go and see my brother in the state of Alaska where fishing is wonderful. The two of us take a boat and go to a small river where we fish for salmon. America has the most famous fish. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 ( ) 1. The word Dhobby‖ means collecting stamps or story books. ( ) 2. The writer like Chinese musical instruments. ( ) 3. Playing golf with his son is the writer’s hobby. ( ) 4. Salmon is a kind of instrument. ( ) 5. The writer has five hobbies.Unit 3 Topic 1 Section B I used to be a movie fan.I. Learning Aims 学习目标 1. 同学们能掌握 used to do sth.的用法。 2. 同学们会使用 used to do sth.阐释过去的行为。 II. The Key Points 重点 1. 重点掌握下列词及短语的写法、读法及用法|: spare 空闲的/多余的; share 分享; e-mail 电子邮件; address 地址; pop 流行的; in one’s spare time 在某人空闲时间里 2. 请同学们掌握下列句型: (1)―What do you often do in your spare time?你在空闲时都干什么? (2) ― Sounds good! Maybe I need a change.听起来很好。可能我需改变一下。 (3) I used to be a movie fan.我曾经是一个电影迷。 (4) My interests are changing all the time.我的爱好一直在变。 (5) I used to enjoy listening to music, and I wasn’t interested in sports at all. But now, my hobbies are sports like soccer and swimming.我以前喜欢听音乐, 而且我对体育根本不感 兴趣,但是现在,我的爱好是足球和游泳这样的体育运动。 (6) I used to know little about paintings. But now I like collecting them. 我以前对油画一窍不通,但是现在我喜欢画油画。 (7) I used to collect stamps, but now I don’t like/enjoy it. I prefer collecting coins. 我以前喜欢集邮,但是现在我不喜欢它,我更喜欢收藏硬币。 (8) I didn’t use to go shopping, but now I enjoy it.我过去不逛街,但现在很喜欢。 III. Difficult Point 难点 used to do sth.句型的用法 IV. Preview 自主预习 1. 请同学们认真读 55 至 56 页单词,直至读熟,如有词读不准音,请标出来。 2. 请同学们在 Section B 中找出含有下列单词的短语并理解 Section B: know 3. 仔细阅读 1a, 用自己的语言概述 Helen 和 Wen Wei 两人空闲时间都干什么,准备在课堂 上展示。 4. 请同学们预习 3a, 4,至少找出 used to do sth.的肯定句和否定句例子各两个,然后注意观察 其肯定句与否定句形式上的变化,准备在课堂上展示。 肯定句:(1)._____________________ (2)._______________________ 否定句:(1)._____________________ (2). _______________________ 5. 请注意预习并掌握 used to do sth.的用法,课堂上展示。 6. 在某些方面,你的过去与现在肯定有所不同,请根据 4,准备一段话描述一下不同之处是 什么吧。 IV. Hot links 知识链接 1. spare time 闲暇时间= free time in one's spare time = in one's free time 操练:我经常在业余时间打篮球。 I often play basketball in my _____/ _____ time. 他们在空闲的时间经常做什么? What do they often do in _____spare time? What do they often do when they are _____/____ they _____ time? 2. Why not 后接动词原形,表示建议, “为什么不” ,我们学过的表示建议的句型还有: A._______________________ B.______________________ C._______________________ F. _______________________ 3. change 意为转变, 变化, 多用作可数名词。 有时也可用作不可数名词, 表示D零钱‖、 D找头‖。 change 作动词时,意为改变,变化,交换等, 操练: 我们换换口味,到饭店去吃吧! Let's go out to a restaurant for a ______. 不要忘记找给你的钱。 Don’t forget your __________. 我身边没带零钱。 I have no (small) __________ with me. D._______________________ 当你在胖东来百货下车后,你需要转乘 48 路公交车。 When you get off at Pangdonglai Department Store, you need _____ _____ _____ _____ Bus No.48. 4. used to do 句型表示D过去常常做某事‖,表示过去经常反复发生的动作或状态,但现在已经 不再做了,后接动词原形。 如: I used to live there when I was a child. 在我还是个孩子的时候,我就住那。 【拓展】其否定式结构:didn’t use to do sth. 疑问式结构及回答形式: Did sb. use to do sth? Yes, sb. did./No, sb. didn’t. 如: I didn’t use to live there when I was a child.我小的时候不住那里。 ― Did you use to live there when you was a child?你小时候住那里吗? ―Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.是的。/不是。 操练:他过去在外面做运动。 He _____ _____ _____sports outside before. 将上句变为否定句 He ________ ________ to do sports outside before. 我的父亲曾是一位农民。 My father _____ _____ _____a farmer. 将上句变为一般疑问句并做肯定回答。 ______your father _____ _____ _____a farmer? Yes, he _____. I used to go swimming in the river.(对划线部分提问) _____ _____ you _____to go swimming? 李雷曾经去河里游泳吗? _____ Li Lei _____ _____ _____ in the river? 你以前做什么? What _____ you _____ _____ _____ before? 5. share v. 分享,共有,共享,与某人有共同的看法,经历,感受等 如: We don't have enough books for everyone, so you'll have to share. 我们的书不够每人一本,所以大家要合着用。 They share a small room between them. 他们共用一个小房间。 【拓展】 share sth with sb 和某人合用某物 如: My mother told me to share my apples with others. 妈妈让我和其他人一起分享苹果。 操练:多好吃的食物啊,我要与我的朋友们一起分享。 What delicious food! I want to share it ___ my friends. V. Having a Quit 当堂检测 (A) 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1. My i_____ are fishing, traveling and cooking. 2. I u_____ to play soccer. 3. Don’t swim in the p_____. 4. Celine was interested in singing, but now she h_____ it. 5. I’m a movie fan. I often rent V_____ and watch them at home. (B) 根据汉语提示完成句子。 6. We are working hard for it (一直). 7. The boy hates .(随着音乐跳舞). 8. What do you usually do _____ _____ ____ _____(在业余时间)? 9. Let’s_______ _____, OK? (去钓鱼) (C) 用所给词的适当形式填空。 10. My father used to ____(live) in the countryside. 11. Jack’s dog is lost. Let me _____(help) him _____(look) for it. 12. I didn’t _____ (used) to be a basketball fan, but now I often watch basketball games on TV. 13. _____(watch) TV too much is bad for the eyes. VI. Homework 课后作业 1. 复习 Section B,背诵“重点”和“知识链接” 。 2. 背诵 3a.自己先默写一遍,检测背诵效果。 3. 按 Section B 中自主预习部分的要求,预习 Section B. 4. 单项选择。 ( ) 1. My father likes ____ books in the morning. He doesn’t often ____ TV. A. watch B. see C. watch D. sees ( ) 2. ― Can you ____ my interests? ― Of course. A. share B. collect C. believe in D. change ( ) 3. Wang Hui’s mother is fond of ____. A. cook B. cooker C. cooking D. cooked ( ) 4. ― What’s your hobby? ― I ____ listen to music, but now I enjoy dancing. A. am used to B. used to C. am used D. use to ( ) 5. The film is very ____. I’m ____ in it. A. interesting B. interested C. interested D. interesting 5. 根据首字母提示填词完成短文. A hobby is an interesting way of s 1 your free time. There are so many d 2 hobbies for Different people to choose. Some hobbies are very popular, while others are quite u 3 . You may choose one for yourself that i 4 you most. You may enjoy c 5 things, such as stamps, foreign coins, etc. If you like to work w 6 your hands, you may enjoy paper cutting(切割) and model m 7 . Or you may enjoy creative(有创造的) hobbies, like planting. Many people prefer the activities o 8 to the activities inside, like sailing, riding and so on, which they can enjoy with others. W 9 you live, there is always a hobby for you to choose. The hobby will give you many hours of pleasure and make your s 10 time interesting. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 6. 完形填空。 Someone ___1__, DTime is money.‖ But I think time is__2__ important than money. Why? Because when money is spent, we can get it back. However, when time is gone, it’ll never _3 . That is 4 we mustn’t waste time. It goes without saying that the 5 is usually limited(有限的). Even a second is very important. We should make full use of our time to do something useful. But it is a pity that there are 6 people who don’t know the importance of time. They spent their limited time 7 , drinking, and playing. They do not know that 8 time means wasting part of their own 9 . In a word, we should save time. We shouldn’t leave today’s work for tomorrow. Remember we have no time to 10 . ( ) 1. A. say B. said C. saies D. says ( ) 2. A. much B. less C. much less D. even more ( ) 3. A. return B. carry C. take D. bring ( ) 4. A. what B. that C. because D. why ( ) 5. A. money B. time C. day D. food ( ) 6. A. a lot B. much C. many D. lot of ( ) 7. A. smoking B. smoke C. smoked D. to smoke ( ) 8. A. waste B. save C. wasting D. saving ( ) 9. A. time B. food C. money D. life ( ) 10. A. lose B. save C. spend D. take 7.阅读理解。 I’m Sam. My hobby is playing chess(棋). My mom taught me how to play when I was 7. She beat(打败) me every time for the first year. But then on my eighth birthday, I won for the first time. I nearly always beat her from then on. It takes about a day to learn the rules(规则). But if you want to be good, you have to practice for years. You don’t need much to play chess---just a chess set(棋 具) and someone to play with. Chess sets can be quite cheap, or very expensive. Some people collect chess sets as a hobby, but some prefer playing. There is a chess club in our school, and we meet every week to play with each other. I’m the best player in the club, and the captain of the school chess team. This year we won the All English Schools’ Championship(锦标赛), and I had to go up on stage(台子) in front of the whole school to collect the trophy(奖品). I’m saving up my money to buy a chess computer. It’s very expensive, but very good for practice. In that way, I’ll always have someone to play with. One day I will be the world chess champion(冠军). 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。 ( ) 1.Sam’s mom never beats him at chess. ( ) 2.You have to spend a lot of money on a chess set. ( ) 3.Sam doesn’t collect chess sets. ( ) 4.Sam’s school has a very good chess team. ( ) 5.Sam has got a chess computer.Unit 3 Topic 1 Section C HobbiesI. Learning Aims 学习目标 1. 同学们能熟练掌握 used to do sth.的用法。 2. 同学们会使用 used to do sth.来讨论过去的行为爱好。 II. The Key Points 重点 1. 重点掌握下列词及短语的写法、读法及用法|: vacation 假期; pond 水池; nobody 没有人; secret 秘密; paint 绘画/油漆; chat 聊天; such 这样 的; happiness 幸福; friendship 友谊; knowledge 知识; daily 日常的; such as 例如; and so on 等等 2. 请同学们掌握下列句型: (1) ― Did you use to go swimming during the summer vacation?你曾在暑假里去游泳吗? ― Yes, I did.是的。 (2) ― Where did you use to go swimming?你以前在哪里游泳? ― I used to swim in the pond in front of my house.我以前在我家房前的水塘里游泳。 (3) ― What hobbies did you use to have?你以前有什么爱好? ― I used to listen to pop music.我以前听流行乐。 (4) People usually do what they like in their spare time.人们常在闲暇时做喜欢做的事情。 (5) …hobbies can bring them happiness, friendship and knowledge…….爱好可以带给他们快 乐,友谊和知识。 (6) Hobbies can help people relax after their daily work.在一天的工作后,爱好可助人放松。 (7) … hobbies can keep them healthy. … hobbies can help them get well soon.爱好可助其保 健…… ,爱好可助其早日康复。 (8) How clever!太聪明了! 3. used to do sth.的用法。 4. teach 的用法。 III. Difficult Point 难点 keep 的用法。 IV. Preview 自主预习 1. 请同学们认真读 57 至 58 页单词,直至读熟,若有不会读的单词,请标出来。 2. 请同学们在 Section C 中找出含有下列单词的短语并理解 Section C: daily 3. 请同学们仔细阅读 1a,并试着将其改写为一篇短文,写在作业本上。 4. 请同学们认真阅读 3a,归纳文章大意. ___________________________________________________________________ 5. 完成 2 和 3b. IV. Hot links 知识链接 1. teach 其过去式为 taught。其用法为: (1) teach sb to do sth 教某人做某事 (2) teach sb sth 教某人某事 (3) teach oneself sth. 自学 =learn sth by oneself 如:Teachers teach us to learn knowledge every day.老师每天都教我们学习知识。 Miss Liu teaches us Chinese. 刘老师教我们语文。 操练:谁教你学的游泳? Who _____ _______ _____ _____? 她教我们英语。 She _____ ______ _____. 他自学英语。 He _____ _____ _____ _____. = He _____ _____ _____. 2. keep (1) keep 常跟复合结构(keep+宾语+补语) 。用作宾语补足语常见的词有现在分词、过去分 词、形容词、副词以及介词短语。意为使??处于某种状态(情况) 如:He kept me waiting for half an hour. 他让我等了半个小时。 The doctor kept me in for a week. 医生一周没让我出去。 He always keeps his books in good order. 他总是把书放得整整齐齐。 (2) keep 做系动词,后接形容词做表语. 如:Please keep quiet. 请保持安静。 We're keeping in very good health. 我们身体非常好。 操练:多穿些衣服可以使我们感到暖和。 Wearing much can keep _____ _____. 父亲让他在门外呆了很长时间。 Father kept _____ _____ for a long time. 手套可以保暖。 Gloves can _____ _____. 我们应多了解一些交通规则以便在过马路时确保自己安全。 We should know the traffic rules to _____ _____ _____ when crossing the road. 总结所学所有的系动词(不少于 4 个) : ____________________________ V. Having a Quit 当堂检测 (I)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1. He often goes swimming during summer v_______. 2. Chatting on the Internet can bring us happiness and f_______. 3. ―Who t_____ you to swim when you are young? 4. The children can learn a lot of k___________ on TV. 5. Hobbies help people relax after their _______ (日常的) work. (II)句型转换。 1. I often go fishing in my spare time.(对画线部分提问) _______ do you often _______ in your spare time? 2. I like playing computer games because it is very interesting.(同上) _______ _______ you like playing computer games? 3. I enjoy listening to music.(同义句转换) I am _______ _______ listening to music. 4. The stamps are very beautiful.(改为感叹句) _______ _______ stamps! 5. The boys used to go fishing by the river.(改为一般疑问句) _____ the boys _______ to go fishing by the river? VI. Homework 课后作业 1. 复习 Section C,背诵“重点”和“知识链接” 。 2. 背诵 1a,自己先默写一遍,自我检测背诵效果。 3. 按 Section D 中自主预习部分的要求,预习 Section D. 4. 阅读理解。 (A) Many children like stamp-collecting. Stamp-collecting didn’t start until 1854. As time passes, there are more and more stamp-collectors. Not only children but also men and women are collectors. In some countries, there are even lessons on stamp-collecting in school. People are becoming more and more interested in stamps. Every picture on a stamp has its meaning in it. It may be the head of a famous person or an important place. Each stamp tells us a story. ( ) 1. Stamp-collecting started ____. A. earlier than 1845 B. later than 1921 C. in 1854 D. hundreds of years ago ( ) 2. Stamp-collectors are ____. A. men and women B. boys and girls C. neither young nor old D. both A and B ( ) 3. Lessons on stamp-collecting are given in ____. A. a few countries B. few countries C. our country D. America only ( ) 4. There are more and more stamp-collectors. This sentence means ____. A. Differentt kinds of stamps are being collected B. the number of stamp-collectors is growing C. a group of people are collecting stamps D. more and more stamps are being printed ( ) 5. Every picture on a stamp ____. A. is the head of a stamp-collector B. tells us something interesting C. has nothing to do with America D. tells us a story about some schools (B) A man lives in a very tall building. He has lots of money and he has a parrot at home. It’s a clever pet bird. The man often trains(训练)the bird to speak. So the bird can speak lots of words. Every morning, after the man gets up, the bird says “Hello!” When the man comes back from work, the bird says, “Is that you? Come here. I can see you.” One evening, when the man was asleep, a thief(贼) came into his home by climbing up the building. When he found some money and began to leave the house by climbing down through the window again, he heard a voice in the dark. “Hello! Is that you? Come here. I can see you.” The thief was so frightened(害怕) that he fell down from the window. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 6. Is the parrot clever? _______________________________ 7. When does the parrot say DHello!‖ to the man? ___________________________ 8. When did the thief come? ______________________________ 9. How did the thief come into the man’s home? ______________________________ 10. What do you think of the thief at last? ______________________________Unit 3 Topic 1 Section D My favorite pet is a dog.I. Learning Aims 学习目标 1. 同学们学会谈论自己的宠物。 II. The Key Points 重点 1. 重点掌握下列单词的写法、读法及用法|: whether 是否, ugly 丑陋的, lovely 可爱的, lazy 懒惰的, stupid 愚蠢的 2. 请同学们掌握下列句型: (1) I keep him behind my house.我把它养在我家房子后。 (2) He enjoys eating fruit and vegetables.它喜欢吃水果和蔬菜。 (3) He doesn’t mind whether they are good or not.它不介意它们好不好。 (4) I often take him out for a walk. 我经常带它外出散步。 (5) He always follows me, just like a little friend.它总跟在我身后,像个小朋友。 (6) What is your pet like? 你的宠物怎么样? III. Preview 自主预习 1. 请同学们认真读 59 页单词,直至读熟,如有不会读的单词,请标出来。 2. 请同学们在 Section D 中找出并理解含有单词 bath 的短语和含有 whether 的句子,并认真 理解 Section D. 3. 请同学们根据 3a 归纳 used to do 的用法并分别举例说明其用法,课堂上展示。 4. 你的爱好都发生了什么样的变化呢?请根据 2 中的提示,写一篇不少于 60 词的短文说说 吧。 IV. Having a Quit.当堂检测 (I)根据句意或首字母,补全单词。 1. My daughter is very clean. She often takes a b_____. 2. I don't mind w_____ it’s fine or not. I’ll keep on practicing. 3. The birds in our room are u_____. We don't like them at all. 4. My pet is a cat. It looks l_____. I like it very much. 5. My dog always sleeps. It is so l_____. (II)根据汉语提示完成句子。 1. I call my pet Pink because _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ is pink.(它的肤色) 2. The boy hates _____ _____ _____. He is interested in reading.(跟着音乐跳舞) 3. What _____ you _____ _____ _____?(曾经是) 4. Linda’s hobbies are sports.(对划线部分提问) _____ _____ Linda’s _____? 5. I like collecting things, _____ _____ coins. (例如) Ⅴ. Homework 课后作业 1. 复习 Section D, 背诵“重点” 。 2. 再次复习 Unit 3Topic 1 中的“重点”和“知识链接” ,准备下节课听写。 3. 按 Unit 3 Topic 2 Section A 中自主预习部分的要求,预习 Section A. 4. 单项选择。 ( ) 1. It is very valuable _____ stamps. We can learn a lot from them. A. to collect B. collect C. collecting D. for collecting ( ) 2. Our teacher is _____ and never _____ to us all the time. So we like her a lot. A. friendly B. unfriendly C. friendly D. unfriendly ( ) 3.You may _____ this book home to read. But you will have to _____ it to me tomorrow. A. take B. fetch C. bring D. carry ( ) 4. ―What hobbies do you have? ―_____. A. I used to chat on the Net. B. I keep pets. C. I am watching TV. D. I sometimes go roller-skating. ( ) 5. I don't know when _____. A. will the train leave B. the train will leave C. would the train leave D. the train leave 4. 阅读理解。 (A) A hobby is not a job or a school subject. A hobby is something you enjoy doing in your spare time. It’s not something you need to do. It’s just fun. Some people make model ships, keep pets, plant flowers, play computer games or chat on the Internet. Some paint pictures or dance to music. Some collect everything from stamps to seashells (海贝壳) ... People take up hobbies because they think these activities can bring them many things like happiness, friendship and knowledge. Anyone, rich or poor, old or young, sick or well, can have a hobby. A hobby will make your life colorful. ( ) 1. What is a hobby? A. A job. B. A school subject. C. Something interesting. D. Something you enjoy doing in your spare time. ( )2.How many hobbies are mentioned(提到) in this passage? (((B. In the daytime. D. In the holiday. ( B) My name is Scott and my hobby is collecting stickers (贴纸). It is popular with many people because it is not an expensive hobby. I began to collect stickers in 1938. One day when I was playing in the house of my neighbor, Bob, he showed me his sticker albums(册子). I was happy to see so many beautiful stickers of different shapes and sizes. He gave me a few from his collection, and my interest in stickers started from that day. At first, I kept my stickers in sticker albums. Later I found it difficult to move the stickers in the albums, so I decided(决定) to keep them in boxes. Most of my stickers are from my parents. They often buy me nice stickers. I also exchange(交换) some of my stickers with my aunt. She is an air hostess (空姐) and she buys me stickers from different countries around the world. In my free time, I like to bring out all my lovely stickers, lay them on the floor and take a look at them. I really enjoy doing this and it helps me recall(回忆) who gave them to me, where and when I got them. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。 ( ) 6. Collecting stickers is a common and cheap hobby. ( ) 7. Bob was Scott’s neighbor and his stickers were in different shapes and sizes. ( ) 8. Scott keeps his stickers in boxes because the boxes are easy to move. ( ) 9. Scott’s aunt can go todifferent countries because of her job. ( ) 10. Scott has a lot of stickers, so he doesn’t know who gave them to him, where and when he got them. 5. 书面表达。 假如李明是你的好朋友, 根据提示写一篇 80 词左右的短文介绍李明的业余爱好。 提示语: 1.李明以前是个电影迷, 一周至少去看两次电影,有时租 VCD 在家里看,最喜欢的影星是姜 文;2.现在的兴趣是集邮, 认为集邮非常有趣,可以从邮票上学到很多关于人物、地点、历史 的知识, 有些旧邮票非常有价值; ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________A. 7. B. 8. ) 3. Hobbies can bring people _______. A. much money C. happiness, friendship and knowledge ) 4.What kind of people can have a hobby? A. Rich or poor. C. Sick or well. ) 5.When do people often take up hobbies? A. In their work time. C. In their free time.C. 9. B. health D. lots of trouble B. Old or young. D.A、B and C.D. 10. Unit 3 Topic 2 Section A Are you going to join the school rowing club?I. Learning Aims 学习目标 1. 同学们复习巩固,牢固掌握一般将来时 be going to 结构。 2. 同学们学会使用感叹句来表达惊叹。 II. The Important Points 学习重点 1. 重点掌握下列词和短语的用法: go on doing sth. / with sth.继续做某事, lend (过去式 lent )借出, play the violin 弹奏小提琴, musician 音乐家 (形容词 musical 音乐的), pay 付款(动词短语 pay for…为…付款) 2. 同学们需掌握下列句型: (1) How exciting!多么令人激动呀! (2) It sounds wonderful. 它听起来很美! (3) Wonderful! 精彩! (4) That’s too bad! 太糟糕了! (5) I can lend you some tapes of her songs. 我可以借给你一些她的歌的磁带。 (6) Where is she going to give the concert? 她打算在哪儿开音乐会? (7) What are you going to do this Sunday evening?这个周末晚上你打算做什么? (8) If you want to have a guitar lesson and a disco lesson,you will pay ¥150. 如果你想学吉他和迪斯科,你要付 150 元。 III. The Difficult Points 学习难点 同学们学习掌握感叹句的用法。 IV. Preview 自主预习 1. 请同学们认读生词表中 P61-62 的词汇五遍,直至读熟。若有词读不准,请标出来。 2. 请你从 Section A 中找出各种乐器名词,并用英语解释出来。并试着总结乐器及球类用法 的不同之处。 3. 请同学们从 Section A 中找出含有下列单词的短语并划在书上,会翻译。 concert, go..., take...lessons, lend, instruments 4. 找出 Section A 中含有 be going to 的句子并复习归纳其用法,准备课上讲述。 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. 请同学们认真预习知识链接,重点注意感叹句的用法和构成,准备课上讲述。 6. 根据 1b 部分的海报仿照 1a 写一篇对话。准备上课时与搭档一起展示。 7. 根据实际情况回答 2b 部分的问题,并完成 3 部分的选择题,准备在课堂上回答。 V. Hot Links 知识链接 1. How exciting! 此句是 how 引导的感叹句。感叹句是比较重要的句子类型,它是用来表达 说话人喜怒哀乐等强烈感情的句子。感叹句句末常用感叹号,语调一般用降调。 (1)以 what 引导的感叹句结构: ① What + a / an +形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语+! 多么简单的问题! What ________ easy ____________ it _________! 多么漂亮的一个女孩呀!What ________ ________ girl ________ _________! ② What + 形容词+可数名词复数+ 主语+谓语+! 多美的花呀! What _______________ ______________ they are! ③ What +形容词+ 不可数名词+主语+谓语+! 天气真糟糕!What bad _________ it is! (2) 以 how 引导的感叹句结构: ① How + 形容词或副词 + 主语 + 谓语 + ! 他多聪明呀!How clever ___________ ___________ ! ② How + 主语 + 谓语 + ! 光阴似箭呀! How time flies! 【注意】感叹句中的主语、谓语通常可以省略。 What a nice girl (she is)! 多好的女孩呀! How handsome (he is)! 真英俊! (3)以 how 引导的感叹句结构:感叹句除了由上述的 what, how 引导之外,也可以用单词、 短语或句子加感叹号构成。如: Wonderful! 精彩! The book is so interesting! 这本书真有趣! (4) what 感叹句和 how 感叹句有时可以互换。 This is a nice dog. 这是一条很漂亮的狗。 其感叹句有两种形式: 这条狗多漂亮呀! What a nice dog this is! = How nice this dog is! 2. It sounds wonderful. sound 在句中作系动词,后接形容词、名词构成系表结构,意为“听 起来……” 。 如: 那听起来是个好主意。That ___________ a good idea. (sound + n.) 这个主意听起来很棒! The idea _____________ great! (sound + adj.) 3. price 用法 ① price n.价钱,价格 the price of … ……的价格 如: 这本书的价钱是多少? How much is the book? = What’s _________ ___________ ___________ this book? ② each 在这里是副词,意为“每,每个地” 。如: The ticket is $5 each. 每张票 5 美元。 each 还可做形容词,后跟可数名词单数,上句相当于 Each __________ is $5. each 又可以作代词,构成“each of + 可数名词复数”结构,作主语时视为单数,故上 句可换为:Each of the tickets ____________ $5. 4. If you want to have a guitar lesson and a disco lesson,you will pay ¥150. (1)这是一个由连词 if 引导的条件状语从句的复合句,若主句是一般将来时,由 if 引导的 条件状语从句要用一般现在时表示将来。从句在前时,与主句之间用逗号隔开。如: 如果明天不下雨,我们将去野炊。 If it __________ __________ tomorrow, we will go out for a picnic. 如果明天不上课,我们就去看电影。 We __________ ____________ to the movies if we don’t have lessons tomorrow. (2)pay v. 付钱,给…报酬 过去式为 paid。 如: 如果你想买这本书,你要付 10 元。If you want to buy this book, you will ____¥10. 【拓展】 (1) pay for sth. 为…付款 我来付晚餐费吧。 Let me _______ ________ the dinner. (2) pay sb. for sth. 为某物/ 某事付款给某人。如: 你会把这本书的钱付给我吗? Will you _________ me __________ this book? (3) pay + money + for sth. 为某物付了多少钱 如: 我为这架钢琴付了一万块钱。I _________ ten thousand yuan _________ this piano. (4) pay n. 报酬,薪水,工资 如: 他的工资每月只有 500 元左右。 His _________ is only 500 yuan a month. VI. Having a Quit 当堂检测 ( I ) 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1. Liu Hua is coming to Xinxiang. He will give a c________________. 2. ---Can you l____ your bike to me? ---Sorry, Zhang Jie borrowed it yesterday. 3. I want to listen to rock music, but I have no t___________ for such songs. 4. He can’t play the piano. But he can play the v_____________ well. 5. The p_____________ of a piano lesson is 100 yuan. It’s a little high. ( II ) 单项选择 ( ) 1. He isn’t good at English. So he has to ________ English lessons on weekend. A. is B. does C. take D. give ( ) 2. I have no money. I want to look for a job __________ the ad. A. with B. in C. of D. after ( ) 3. Each of the students ____ a book quietly. It’s a good way to learn a language. A. are reading B. read C. is reading D. reading ( ) 4. How much is it _____________ this book? A.to B. at C. of D. for ( ) 5. If he _____________, what will you do? A.won’t come B. doesn’t come C. not come D. don’t come (Ⅲ) 句型转换。 1. How blue the sky is! (同义句转换) ____________________________________ 2. He often lends his bike to me. (同义句转换) I often ___________ the bike ___________ ____________. 3. What’s the price of this book? (同义句转换) __________ _________ is this book? 4. The bike cost me 300 yuan. (同义句转换) I ____________ 300 yuan for the bike. VII. Homework 课外作业 1. 认真读、背今天的“学习重点” 和“知识链接” ,并默写。 2. 熟读 1a,背诵,默写一遍。 3. 背诵 Section A 中的重点单词、短语及句子,准备听写。 4. 按照 Section B 中自主预习中的要求预习 Section B。Unit 3 Topic 2 Section B What kind of music do you like?I. Learning Aims 学习目标 1. 同学们复习表达喜欢和不喜欢的功能用语。 2. 同学们继续学习感叹句,学会用感叹句表达自己的情感。 3. 同学们了解音乐的分类知识。 II. Key Points 学习重点 1. 同学们重点掌握下列词和词组的用法: be famous for…以……而闻名.,everyday 日常的;每日的 (every day 每天) ,simple 简 单的;简易的 quickly 迅速地;很快地 folk song 民歌 2. 同学们需要掌握下列句型: (1) What kind of music do you like? 你喜欢什么种类的音乐? (2) It’s hard to say. 很难说。 (3) Li Xiang likes jazz best of all. 李翔最喜欢爵士乐。 (4) I used to enjoy pop music, but now I like folk music. 我以前喜欢流行音乐,但是现在喜欢民乐。 (5) Pop music often comes and goes quickly. 流行音乐总是来得快去得也快。 (6) It is usually about love and everyday life. 它的主题通常是关于爱情和日常生活的。 (7) What sweet music!多么美妙的音乐呀! III. Preview 自主预习 1. 请同学们认读生词表中 P63-64 的词汇五遍,直至读熟。若有词读不准,请标出来。 2. 请同学们从 Section B 中找出含有下列单词的短语并划在书上,会翻译。 used, free , …at all, …best , famous, popular , theater 3. 请同学们认真预习知识链接,重点注意 be famous for / as 的用法,准备课上讲述。 4. 阅读 1a 并完成 1b,上课时同学们齐读 1b。 5. 找出 Section B 中表达好恶的功能用语并在课堂上总结陈述。 6. 熟读 3a 并找出关键词,尝试复述课文并准备在课堂上展示。 7. 根据 3b 做与 1a 相似的对话,上课时与搭档一起展示。 IV. Hot Links 知识链接 1. What kind of …什么种类的… 你喜欢什么种类的书? ___________ _____________ ____________ do you like? 2. It’s hard to say. 动词不定式是真正的主语,it 是形式上的主语。如果要表示不定式的动作是 谁做的,一般在不定式前加 for sb.。如:对我们来说赢得这场比赛很难。 It’s hard ________ _________ to ___________ the match. 【拓展】还有一些形容词,如:difficult, easy, important 等,也可用于这种结构。 如: 对哈利而言,记住它很容易。 It’s easy ____________ Harry _________ _________________ it. 3. used to do sth. 过去常常做某事 pop music 流行音乐 folk music 民族音乐 我过去是个学生,现在是个老师。 I ____________ ___________ ______________ a student, but I’m a teacher now. 4. like…best of all 在…中最喜欢 在所有歌曲中,Lily 最喜欢刘德华的歌。 Lily _________ the songs of Liu Dehua _________ ___________ ____________. 【拓展】like …best 最喜欢 吉姆最喜欢爵士乐。Jim likes jazz best. = Jazz is Jim’s favorite. 5. everyday 日常的,每天的 【知识辨析】every day 与 everyday everyday 是_______________ 词, 意为“每天的, 日常的, 普通的” 只做定语。可以 , 与 daily 互换,表示“日常的,每天的” 。 every day 意为“每天” ,常作状语。如: 他懂得许多日常英语。He knows a lot of _____________________ English. 他每天都上学。She goes to school __________________________. 6. be famous for = be known for 因…而出名 苏州以园林著名。Suzhou ___________ ____________ ____________ the gardens. 【拓展】be famous as = be well known as 以某种身份而著名,被公认为 他被公认为是一个好学生。He ________ _________ ___________ a good student. Ⅴ. Having a Quit 当堂检测 (Ⅰ)根据汉语提示完成句子。 1. ---What films do you like? ---_____ ______ _____ ______ (很难说). 2. The buildings looks ________________ (简单朴实). 3. Among the singers, I ______________ Jackson ________________ (最喜欢). 4.This kind of clothes used to be popular, but it ________________ (流行得快,过时得也快). 5. Listen!What ____________ ________________ (美妙的音乐)! 6. I _____________ (过去曾是) a student, but now I’m a teacher. (Ⅱ)单项选择 ( ) 1. China is ______ the Great Wall. A. famous as B. famous by C. famous for D. famous of ( ) 2. ---_______kind of music do you like best? ---I like country music. A. How B. Which C. What ( ) 3. The songs of Jay Chou are very popular _______ young people. A. between B. during C. of ( ) 4. Most fans want to know more about ______life of famous stars. A. every day B. everyday C. daily ( ) 5. It’s easy for the students _______ the homework in half an hour. A. finish B. to finish C. finishing VI. Homework 课外作业 1. 认真读、背今天的“学习重点” 和“知识链接” ,并默写。 D. This D. with D. B or C D. to finishing 2. 3. 4. 5.听、读、背 1a, 默写一遍。 仿照 1a,根据 3b 写一段对话。 按照 Section C 中自主预习中的要求预习 Section C。 完成下列阅读理解题。 John: I’m 15 years old and I love football. I also like reading, especially(尤其是) stories about people from other countries. I don’t enjoy singing or playing computers. I think that rock music is terrible. Ann: Hi, I’m Ann. I’m 16 and I like dancing and computers. I also like rock music. I hate hiking and I’m not interested in classical music. I don’t enjoy reading too much. Steve: I’m 14 years old and I love skiing. Other favorite hobbies are reading and singing. I don’t like hiking. I think that rock music is too noisy and I think that football is boring. Peter: I’m from Australia. I’m 15 and I am fond of singing. I sing a lot, and when I’m not singing, I listen to rock music or use my computer. I don’t like football and I think that classical music is terrible. I hate dancing! Sarah:My name is Sarah and I’m 14 years old. My interests are reading novels, playing football and singing songs. I think that rock music is terrible, and I don’t like dancing. I don’t enjoy computers, either. Joe:Hi, I’m Joe. I really like computers. I surf the Internet all the time and I like playing computer games. I don’t enjoy football and I hate hiking. Rock music is OK, and so is skiing. 根据短文内容, 完成下列句子。 1. Steve is a _________ boy, Ann is a __________ girl, but we don’t know Joe’s age. 2. ___________, ___________ and ___________ don’t like hiking. 3. John and Sarah could be friends, because they both like ___________. 4. Ann and Sarah could not be friends, because they ___________. 5. Who do you want to be friends with? ___________, because ________________.Unit 3 Topic 2 Section C It is one of the most famous rock bands in the world.I. Learning Aims 学习目标 1. 同学们学会谈论喜欢的乐队和歌星。 2. 同学们学会写个人资料。 II. The Key Points 学习重点 1. 同学们掌握下列词和词组的用法: at last 最后,终于, set up 建立,创立, member 成员,会员,continue 继续, birth 出生,诞 生 director 导演 (其动词形式为 direct, 导演) weight 重, (weigh 称…的重量) height , 重量 , 高度(high 高的) 2. 同学们掌握下列句型: (1) It is one of the most famous rock bands in the world.它是世界上最著名的摇滚乐队之一。 (2) In the fall of 1978, a 17-year-old high school student, Larry Mullen, looked for some musicians to form a band. 1978 年秋, 一个叫 Larry Mullen 的 17 岁高中生寻找一些乐手 来组建一个乐队。 (3) At last, he found another 3 boys and they set up a band. 最终,他找到了另外 3 个男孩,他们组建了一个乐队。 (4) More and more people got to know them and love their music. 越来越多的人开始知道他们并喜欢上他们的音乐。 (5) The four members are still close friends and they continue to make music. 四个乐队成员依然是亲密的朋友,他们继续创作音乐。 Ⅲ. Preview 自主预习 1. 请同学们认读生词表中 P65-66 的词汇五遍,直至读熟。若有词读不准,请标出来。 2. 请同学们从 Section C 中找出含有下列单词的短语并划在书上,会翻译。 last , set, get, 1980s , continue , date / place, one of the most... 3. 请同学们认真预习知识链接,重点注意 at last, in the end, finally 等短语的用法,准备课上 讲述。 4. 请同学们根据 1c 部分提供的问题编写一段对话,准备在课堂上展示。 5. 请同学们熟读 1a 并完成 1b 部分。 6. 请同学们根据个人情况模仿 2 部分写出个人信息。 Ⅳ. Hot links 知识链接 1. in the fall of 1976 在 1976 年秋天 form 形成,建立 我出生于 1983 年秋天。 was born __________ __________ ____________ ___________ 1983. I 在春天 _______________ 在秋天 _______________ (注意加不加 the) 一个好计划在他脑海中形成了。 good plan began ____________ _____________ in his mind. A 2. at last 最后,最终; set up 建立 【拓展】at last , finally 与 in the end 的区别 (1) at last 最后,指经过一段周折、等待、耽搁等之后的结果,常常有较浓厚的感情色彩 需用过去时。如: 我儿子终于回到家了。My son __________ _____________ __________ ____________. (2) finally 表示某一动作发生的顺序是在最后,无感情色彩。如: 起初她不同意,但最后还是同意了。At first she did not agree, but she said OK finally. (3) in the end 表示事物发展的自然顺序的终结;一般情况下可以与 finally 互换。 in the end 可用于对将来的预测。finally 和 at last 没有这种用法。 最后我们会到达北京。__________ _________ ________ we will arrive in Beijing. set up 组建,开办,形成。 set up 与 build 都有建立的意思,但有区别。set up 多用于组建一个组织。build 多用于 建筑、制作。 他们想建立一家新工厂。They want to __________________ a new factory. 这些鸟在树上建筑他们的新家。These birds _____________ their new house in the tree. 3. close friends 亲密朋友 continue to do sth. 继续做某事 我想继续留在新乡。I want to ____________ _____________ ______________ in Xinxiang. continue to do sth. 与 continue doing sth. 表示“继续做某事” ,在意义上已不再做区分。 Ⅴ. Having a Quit 当堂检测 (Ⅰ)根据汉语提示完成句子。 1. Yao Ming’s _____________ (身高) is 2.26m. 2. Zhang Yimou is a famous _______________ (导演). 3. The _____________ (出生) of Mary made her parents happy. 4. ---How many ______________ (成员) are there in your English club? ---About fifty. 5. I think we are ______________ _______________ (亲密的朋友). (Ⅱ)单项选择 ( ) 1. I was born in _______fall of 1973. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 2. ______ we will visit the Great Wall. A. At last B. Last C. At the end D. In the end ( ) 3. They like travelling very much, so they want to ______ a travelling company next month. A. set up B. setting up C. build D. building ( ) 4. --- We’ll continue _______ the classical music tonight. --- Sounds great! A. listening B. to hear to C. to listen to D. hearing ( ) 5.Class was over, but some students continued ____ in the classroom. A.study B.studied C.studies D.studying ( ) 6. ---How heavy is your baby? ---_______ is 13kg. A.Its weigh B. It weighs C. It weight D. Its weight (Ⅲ)情景交际。选择方框中的句子完成对话,其中有一项多余。 He Jing:What do you often do in your spare time? Wei Han:______ He Jing:It’s great! But I can’t play the piano. I can play the guitar. Wei Han:______ He Jing:I like pop music. What about you? Wei Han:I also like it. _______ I like folk music best. I’m Tenger’s fan. I like singing all of his songs. He Jing:I know little about folk music, but I enjoy listening to Song Zuying’s songs. Wei Han:______ He Jing:Yes, I like them. My favorite English song is Yesterday once More. Wei Han:______ But I prefer Take Me to Your Heart. A.What kind of music do you like? B.It is a sweet song. C.I like playing the piano. D.Classical music is serious music. E.Do you like English songs? F.But it’s not my favorite. Ⅵ. Homework 课外作业 1. 认真读、背今天的“学习重点” 和“知识链接” ,并默写。 2. 3. 4. 5. 根据 2 部分提供的材料,写一篇文章介绍人物信息的文章。 熟读 1a 并划出关键词,能够复述课文。 按照 Section D 中自主预习中的要求预习 Section D。 完成下面的完形填空。 Mrs. Black was a famous musician a few years ago. She 1 music at a school and her students did well in their lessons. They liked her very much. Now the old woman stays at home with her husband. The old man looks after his wife well and she 2 worries about anything. And she is very 3 . Just like some old people, Mrs. Black finds that her memory(记忆) is falling. Sometimes she 4 what she did or will do. It often gets her in trouble. Her 5 noticed(注意到) it and asked her to see a famous doctor. He bought two tickets 6 London and told her he put 7 into her handbag while she was playing the piano. The next morning, they got to the 8 just on time to catch the plane. Mrs. Black said, DI wish we had the 9 with us.‖ 10 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( DDon’t be a fool, dear!‖ said Mr. Black,DWe are not going to hold a concert, but to see a .‖ DI know,‖she said,Dbut I left the tickets on it!‖ ) 1.A.loved B.taught C.enjoyed D.studied ) 2.A.always B.often C.never D.sometimes ) 3.A.sorry B.worried C.sad D.happy ) 4.A.forget ) 5.A.husband ) 6.A.to ) 7.A.it ) 8.A.airport ) 9.A.money ) 10.A.doctor B.remember B.daughter B.in B.them B.bus stop B.music B.film C.forgets C.son C.from C.this C.station C.tickets C.play D.remembers D.student D.of D.that D.hospital D.piano D.houseUnit 3 Topic 2 Section D How carefully he studies!I. Learning Aims 学习目标 1. 同学们复习巩固如何谈论人们的兴趣和爱好。 2. 同学们复习巩固感叹句用法。 II. The Key Points 学习重点 1. 同学们需要掌握下列单词和短语的用法: lovely 可爱的, carefully 认真地,仔细地(形容词 careful 细心的) ,everybody 每人 2. 同学们需要掌握下列句型: (1) When he was eight, his father asked a music teacher to teach him to play the piano. 当他 8 岁的时候,他的父亲让一个音乐老师教他弹钢琴。 (2) He thinks playing the drums is exciting. 他认为敲鼓很让人兴奋。 (3) What a lovely dog! 多么可爱的一条狗呀! (4) How wonderful! 多么精彩呀! (5) What bad weather! 多么糟糕的天气呀! (6) How carefully he studies! 他学习真认真呀! (7) What beautiful flowers! 多么美的花儿呀! (8) How delicious! 味道真好呀! III. The Difficult Points 学习难点 感叹句中 what 与 how 的使用 IV. Preview 自主预习 1. 请同学们认读生词表中 P67-68 的词汇五遍,直至读熟。若有词读不准,请标出来。 2. 请同学们从 Section D 中找出含有下列单词的短语并划在书上,会翻译。 teach, drums, make…, piano… 3. 请同学们认真预习知识链接,重点注意 fun, funny 的用法,准备课上讲述。 4. 同学们熟读 1 部分课文完成表格。 5. 同学们完成 2 部分感叹句并回顾总结感叹句用法。 6. 同学们在课前根据 4 部分写一篇文章。 V. Hot links 知识链接 1. When he was eight 当他 8 岁的时候 teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事 ① when he was eight 是一个时间状语从句,当主句与从句主语一致时,可以与介词短语 at the age of eight 互换。如: 他七岁就会游泳。 He could swim ___________ __________ _________ __________. = He could swim __________ __________ ___________ ___________ ____________. ② 本句包括两个动词不定式作宾补的结构:ask sb. to do sth. 让/ 要求某人做某事 teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事。如: 我们老师让我教他游泳。 Our teacher ____________ ___________ ____________ __________ him _________ swim. 2. fun 有趣的人/事,乐趣,玩笑,娱乐,不可数名词,前面不加不定冠词 a/ an,也不用复数。 夏天游泳是件大乐事。It’s great ___________ to go swimming in summer. funny adj. 滑稽可笑的,好笑的 那个人的行为很滑稽可笑。The man’s action is very ______________. VI. Having a Quit 当堂检测 (Ⅰ)单项选择。 ( ) 1.The music _______ beautiful. A.looks B.feels C.hears D.sounds ( ) 2. ---Jane, can you play _______ baseball? ---No, I can’t. But I can play _______ violin. A. the B./; the C./; / D. / ( ) 3. --- How much is it _______ piano lessons? ---It’s¥100. A.of B.in C.to D.for ( ) 4.Liu Dehua, Zhou Jielun and Lin Junjie are famous _______ their pop songs. A.as B.for C.with D.of ) 5.They _______ some books from the library last week. A.lent B.lends C.borrowed D.buy ( ) 6.---Hi, Linda. _______ a hot day! Let’s go swimming, OK? ---That’s a good idea! A.How B.What C./ D.Which ( ) 7.Could you make her _______ her radio? It’s too noisy. A.to turn up B.to turn down C.turn up D.turn off ( ) 8. My brother taught me _________ a bike when I was seven. A. ride B. rode C. to ride D. riding ( ) 9. How _________ the boy reads the book! A. carefully B. careful C. care D. careless ( ) 10. Alice asked me __________ another bag for her. A. get B. got C. to get D. getting (Ⅱ)根据句意及汉语提示填空。 1.---What is your _______(身高)? ---165 cm. 2.If you want to learn to dance, you have to _______(支付) $20. 3.He found 12 girls and they _______ _______(组建) a girls’ band. 4.---Who is going to sing at the _______(音乐会)? ---Celine Dion. 5.You can _______(继续) playing the piano after class. (Ⅲ)感叹句专练。 1. ____________ a good idea! 2. ____________ lovely! 3. ____________ a beautiful painting! 4. ____________ interesting! 5. ____________ a wonderful party! (Ⅳ)句型转换。 1. My brother likes rock music a lot.(改为否定句) My brother _______ _______ rock music _______ _______. 2. She is a lovely girl.(改为感叹句)_______ a _______ girl! 3. I like country music.(对划线部分提问)_______ _______ of music do you like? 4. She is going to learn dancing and singing.(改为选择疑问句) _______ she going to learn dancing _______ singing? 5. Can you lend your pencil to me?(同义句转换)May _______ _______ your pencil? (Ⅴ)从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。 A. B. C. D. E. F. I like piano music, but I don’t play the piano. In fact, I’m not interested in it. Yes, I do. What kind of instrument do you play? Do you play the guitar? How do you know Tom, Liu?(A: Hi. Are you Tom’s brother? B: Yes, I am. My name is Jay. A: Hi, Jay. I’m Liu. B: ___1___ A: Oh, we’re in the same music group. B: Oh, yes. ____2____ A: Yes, I do. What about you? B: Yes, but seldom. _____3____ A: Do you play the piano? B: Well, _____4_____ A: _____5_____ B: Uh, well, I play the violin. 1. ___________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________ VII. Homework 课外作业 1. 认真读、背今天的“学习重点” 和“知识链接” ,并默写。 2. 3. 4. 5. 听、读、背 1 部分, 默写一遍。 背诵 4a, 4b 部分的重点句子,抄写一遍并翻译。 全面复习 Topic 2,准备考试。 阅读理解。 Frederic Chopin was born in March 1810 near Warsaw in Poland(波兰). He was one of the greatest musicians in the world. In 1831, he went to Paris. No people but he could play the piano very well. At that time people in Paris liked the Hungarian(匈牙利的) pianist Franz Liszt. One night, at a concert, Liszt went to the piano and people shouted. As all the lights in the concert were turned off, a wonderful piano concert started. The music was so good that the listeners were all greatly interested. They kept praising(不停地赞扬) the pianist and thought that Liszt had reached something new in playing the piano. Suddenly, all the lights were turned on again as the music came to an end. And there stood a young men instead of the famous Hungarian pianist Franz Liszt. Liszt planned all this. As the lights went out, Liszt left his chair and let Chopin take his place. So with the help of Liszt and his own talent(天赋), Chopin soon became famous. ( ) 1.Chopin was _______. A.the greatest musician in the world B.a famous Polish(波兰的) pianist C.a famous Paris pianist D.one of the greatest musicians in Hungary ( ) 2.The wonderful piano concert started _______. A.after all the lights were turned on B.when Liszt sat down at the piano C.after the lights were turned off D.when Chopin went to the piano ( ) 3.When the music came to an end, _______. A.Liszt stood at the piano B.all the lights were turned off again C.Chopin stood at the piano D.people went out of the hall ( ) 4.Chopin became famous _______. A.before he came to the concert B.because he was a student of Liszt’s C.because people in Paris liked him very much D.since he played so well at the concert ( ) 5.From the story we know _______. A.Chopin could be famous because of his own talent and the help from Liszt B.Liszt planned to make Chopin famous C.Liszt was Chopin’s teacher D.one could be famous only with the help of a famous pianist Unit 3 Topic 3 Section A What were you doing from seven to nine yesterday?I. Learning Aims 学习目标 1.同学们学会运用过去进行时 was/were doing (sth.)。 2.同学们学会使用一些打电话用语。 II. The key points 重点 1. 同学们需要掌握下列单词和的短语的用法: shower n.淋浴,阵雨, take a shower (美式)洗淋浴=have a shower(英式) radio n. 收音 , 机,listen to the radio 听收音机,无线电, duck n. 鸭子, eat Beijing Roast Duck 吃北京烤鸭, answer the phone 接电话,at this time yesterday 在昨天的这个时候, at nine o’clock last Sunday morning 在上周日上午的九点钟,give a report to sb. 向某人做报告 2. 同学们需要掌握下列句型: (1) ― What were you doing at this time yesterday? 你昨天的这个时候正在做什么? ― I was taking a shower. 我(当时)正在冲澡/ 洗淋浴。 (2) ― What were you doing from seven to nine yesterday? 你昨天七到九点的时候在做什么? ― I was learning English. 我正在学英语。 (3) ― Were you playing computer games? 你当时正在玩电脑游戏吗? ― Yes, I was./No, I wasn’t. (4) Hold the line, please. 请别挂电话。 (5) Jane answers the phone. Jane 接电话。 (6) What was he/ she doing at nine o’clock last Sunday morning? 他/她上周日上午 9 点在做什么? (7) Then give a report to your class. 然后向你们全班做一个报告。 Ⅲ Difficult points 难点 过去进行时和一般过去时的区分使用 Ⅳ. Preview 自主预习 1. 请同学们认读生词表中 P69-70 的词汇五遍,直至读熟。若有词读不准,请标出来。 2. 请同学们从 Section A 中划出表示过去的时间点或一段时间的表达,并试着用英语解释 出来,准备上课回答。 3. 请同学们从 Section A 中划出含有下列单词的短语并理解 Section A: shower, radio, duck, answer, report 4. 请同学们在课文中找出含 was/ were doing (sth.)的句子并划出、翻译,然后仿造 3 个含 有此结构的句子。 _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 5. If you want to know what Jane was doing at 10 o’clock yesterday morning, you can ask her ________________________________________________________________________ 6. 熟读第 70 页 2a 中根据图 1 所给的例子,并将剩下的五幅图仿照例子练习,准备上课 展示。 7. 请同学们认真预习知识链接,重点注意过去进行时的意义、结构和用法,准备课上讲 述。 8. 仔细阅读 1a, 回答下列问题。 (1) Who is Jane talking with?___________________________________ (2)What was Jane doing when Maria called her at this time yesterday? _____________________________________________________________ Ⅴ. Hot links 知识链接 1.过去进行时 was/were + v.-ing: (请仔细阅读课本 118-119 页内容并完成下列练习) (1) 过 去 进 行 时 表 示 __________________________ , 其 时 间 状 语 往 往 是 表 示 _______________________________的短语和句子。如: What _________ ________ ________ at 8:30 this morning? 今天早上 8:30 你在干吗? When I called him, he ______ ______ _______.当我给他打电话的时候,他正在吃饭。 (2) 过去进行时还表示______________。 如: 昨天上午 7 到 12 点我都一直在看书。 (肯定句) I _____ ____ ______ _____ from 7 to 12 yesterday morning. (写出上句的否定句) I _______ ___________ __________ _______ from 7 to 12 yesterday morning. (写出一般疑问句) _______ _______ _________ ______ ______ from 7 to 12 yesterday morning? (对动作内容提问) What ________ ______ __________ from 7 to 12 yesterday morning? 【小试牛刀】 (1) I______ _____ ______ ___________at that time.那时我正在读报纸。 (2) -_________he singing then?他当时在唱歌吗? -______,_______ ________.是的,他在唱。/ _______,____________ ___________.不,他没有唱。 (3)_______ ________ ________ ________when I called you last night? 昨天晚上我给你打电话时你正在干什么? 过去进行时和一般过去式的区别: ______ ________ ___________ ________ __________ yesterday morning. 昨天上午我一直在做作业。 _________ _________ _________ ___________ ___________yesterday morning. 我昨天上午做了作业。 I________ _________ _________at seven. Then I went to bed. 我七点钟开始看书,然后十点上床睡觉。 2. Hold the line, please. 请别挂电话。是一种常用的电话交际用语。 类似的表达有:________ _________, please . _______ ________ _______, please./ Just a moment, please. 请稍等一会儿。 3. answer the phone 接电话 The telephone is ringing, and I’ll __________ ________at once.电话铃响了,我马上就去 【拓展】answer 的意思是“回答,答复” ,它还可以和很多别的名词连用表示不同的意思。 如:Did you ___________ __________ __________ yesterday? 你昨天回他的信了吗/你昨天给他回信了吗? ________ ________ _________, please, Jack. Someone is knocking at the door. 请你开一下门,杰克,有人在敲门。 4. nobody, somebody, anybody, everybody 没人/某人/任何人/所有人,均为不定代词 somebody 常用肯定句中;anybody 常用否定句,疑问句和 if(whether)引导的从句中; nobody 和 everybody 可以用于任何句式中。 如:(1) We asked _________to help us. 我们没向任何人求助。 (2) __________left his umbrella. 有人忘了带走伞。 (3) ____________likes to be free.每个人都喜爱自由。 5. take a shower(美式)冲澡/洗淋浴 同义词组 have a shower(英式) have/ take a bath(bath 通常指盆浴)。在此类短语中通常 take , 和 have 可互换,如: 休息一下__________________ ____________________ 看一看 ___________________ ____________________ 散步 ____________________ _____________________ 如: I ______ _____ _____ ______when the bell rang. 当门铃响的时候我正在洗澡。 Ⅵ. Having a Quit 当堂检测 (Ⅰ) 根据句意写单词,使句子完整、通顺。 1. Sally was listening to the r__________ at nine last night. 2. He was taking a s__________ at this time last night. 3. It was eight o’clock. The Smiths __________ __________ (watch) a movie. 4. He did some ___________ (read) last night. 5. They __________ ____________ (shop) when you met them. 6. The twins _________ ____________ (dance) under the tree when I saw them. 7. What ________ his sister _________ (do) from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm last Sunday? (Ⅱ) 单项选择。 ( ( ( ( ) 1. I _______ a museum with my friends at this time yesterday. A.am visiting B.was visiting C.visited D.will visit ) 2. It was raining hard _______ I got up this morning. A.if B.when C.after D.until ) 3. I _____ on the computer when Jim came to visit me yesterday. A. draw B. drew C. was drawing D. am drawing ) 4. She got ____ when she heard the ____ news. A. excited B. exciting C. exciting D. excited ) 5. ― What do you think of this film? ― I think it is ____. It’s not very interesting. A. wonderful B. just so-so C. good D. beautiful ) 6. What _____ you _____ when I called you at 9:00 am yesterday? A. doing B. doing C. do D. do ) 7. ― Hello. May I speak to Mike? ― _______. A. Yes, I’m Mike B. Sorry, I’m not Mike C. No, I am not D. Hold the line, please(( ( () 8. Listen! Someone is knocking ____ the door. A. for B. at C. toD. with(Ⅲ) 句型转换。 1 .I was making model planes when my mother came back.(对画线部分提问) _______ _______ _______ _______ when your mother came back? 2. He read a story-book last night.(改为过去进行时) He _______ _______ a story-book at eight o’clock last night. 3. ―Were you learning English from seven to nine yesterday?(给出肯定和否定回答) ―Yes, ______ _______. / No,________ _________. 4. I was playing on the computer when the bell rung. (改为一般疑问句) ________ _______ ________ on the computer when your mother came back? VII. Homework 课外作业 1. 认真读、背今天的“学习重点” 和“知识链接” ,并默写。 2. 熟读 1a,背诵,默写一遍。 3. 仿照 2a 的对话,问你组内的三个同学(对话练习) ,并填在 2b 的表格里,然后在作业 本上将其改写成一段话,介绍你们组里的同学在不同的时间都在做什么事。 4. 按照 Section B 中自主预习中的要求预习 Section B。Unit 3 Topic 3 Section B I agree with youI. Learning Aims 学习目标 1.同学们继续学习过去进行时。 2.同学们学会表达自己同意或反对的观点。 II. The key points 重点 1. 同学们需要掌握下列单词和的短语的用法: agree v. 同意,应允,agree with sb.同意某人的看法,pleasant adj.令人愉快的,舒适的, handsome adj. 英俊的,useful adj.有用的,有益的,sad adj.难过的, (使人)悲伤地,laugh v&n. 笑,大笑,发笑,make faces 做鬼脸 2. 同学们需要掌握下列句型: (1) ― What were you doing at this time last night? 昨天夜里的这个时候你正在做什么? ― I was watching a Harry Potter movie. 我正在看一部哈利波特的电影。 (2) Because I made faces and made my classmates laugh when she was giving us a lesson. 因为当她正在给我们上课的时候,我做了鬼脸,惹得同学们都笑了。 (3) What was the mouse doing when the cat knocked at the door? 当那个猫敲门的时候,那只 小老鼠正在做什么? (4)― I think classical music is pleasant. 我认为古典音乐很怡人。 I agree with you. / Yes, I think so. 我同意(你的观点)/是的,我认为是这样。 ― I don’t agree. / No, I don’t think so. I think it’s boring. 我不同意(你的观点)/不,我不这么认为。 Ⅲ. Difficult points 难点 过去进行时和一般过去时的区分使用 Ⅳ. Preview 自主预习 1. 请同学们认读生词表中 P69-70 的词汇五遍直至读熟,若有词读不准,请标出来。 2. 请同学们从 Section B 中找出含有下列单词的短语并划在书上,会翻译。 agree, pleasant, useful, sad, make 3. 请同学们从 Section B 中划出所有表达观点的句子, 并试着用英语解释出来, 准备上课回答。 4. 请同学们在文中划出所有使用过去进行时(was/were+v.-ing)的句子,并翻译。 5. 认真阅读 1a,回答 What did Jane think of the movie, Harry Potter? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 6. 请同学们认真预习知识链接,重点注意 agree 的用法,准备课上讲述。 Ⅴ. 知识链接 Hot link 1.see a movie 看一部电影=watch a film 看电影,see movies/ watch films 泛指看电影。相关的 固定短语还有:去电影院_________ _________ ___________ ___________ 看电视_______ _________ 看球赛_________ ________ __________ 2. agree v. 同意,应允 agree with sb. 同意某人的观点/看法,agree about/on sth.就某事达成一 致意见 (1) agree with ①表示同意某人或某人的意见、想法、分析、解释等 (即持同一观点),后跟 sb.或 idea 等。 They may not agree ______ ______/ _______ _______ ______. 他们可能不同意他的意见。 ②表示D (食物、天气、工作等)对……适宜‖: The weather does not agree with me. 这种天气对我不适宜。 ③表示D与……一致‖: What he does does not agree with what he says. 他言行不一致。 (2) agree on/ about 用法一样 如:They never agree about politics. 关于政治问题,他们总是意见不一致。 Can we agree on a date for the next meeting? 我们能不能为下次会议确定一个时间? We agreed _______ ________ ________。我们就这个计划达成了一致 (3)涉及建议或计划用 to。主要用来表示一方提出一项建议、安排、计划等,另一方同意协 作。如: We agreed to their arrangement. 我们同意了他们的安排。 She agreed to the marriage. 她同意结婚。 (4) agree 后可接动词不定式。 We _________ _________ __________ at once. 我们同意马上离开。 3. pleasant: 令人愉快的;舒适的 【拓展】pleased: (某人) 高兴的,喜欢的;满意的[(+at/about/with)]/[+to-v]/[+that 从句] pleasure 愉快,高兴;满足[U] 【小试牛刀】The walk was very__________. 那次散步很愉快。 I had a __________ trip last summer. 去年夏天我做了一次很愉快的旅行。 I'm always ________to see you. 我一直都很乐于见到你/见到你我总是很愉快。 He finds great_________ in reading.他从读书中得到很大乐趣。 4. made my classmates laugh make vt. (1) 做;制造;建造 Mary ________ a paper boat. 玛丽做了一只纸船。 (2) 做出 (某种举动) I didn't _______ any promise. 我没有作出任何承诺。 (3) 使得; 使…做... make sb. do sth.=have/let sb. do sth. 使 sb./sth… make sb./ sth. + adj.The news ________ John ________. 这消息使约翰伤心。 His jokes __________ us all _________. 他的笑话把我们都逗笑了。 5. You look so sad. sad adj.悲伤的,反义词为 sadly adv.悲伤地,不幸地,反义词为 happily;sadness n.反 义词为 happiness He shook his head _________. 他伤心地摇了摇头 He is crying __________.他在悲伤地哭。 He still felt _______ about his sister’s death.对于他姐姐的去世,他仍然感到很悲伤。 In people’s lives, they have happiness and _________.在人们的生活中,既有快乐也有痛苦。 6. be angry with sb.生某人的气 Don’t always _______ _______ ________ ________.不要总生别人的气。 The teacher _______ ________ ________ Tom because he made a lot of noise in class.


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