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英文翻译finish&&&& ultimate&&&& ...&&&& proced ...&&&&top off&&&& finishing shop&&&&final examination sequence&&&&final fabrication sequence&&&&eliminate one stfrom the process&&&&afters&&&&finish&&&&next process unit&&&&final weld&&&&last images of the shipwreck&&&&finish bead&&&&goaltender&&&&second operation work&&&&preceding working procedure&&&&in conclusion&&&&central back-end&&&&finishing operations (others)&&&&grou of people working together gang&&&&last&&&&at the last minute&&&&to place last &&&&at the last moment
例句与用法A final cleaning by pickling / passivating is necessary因而要进行最后一道工序:酸洗钝化。 Dimensional imperfections permited on machined surfaces provided customer finish is protected by x . xx " min stock只要采用了x . xx "的最小坯料来保证客户的最后一道工序,则机械加工表面上允许有尺寸瑕疵。 A conventional plaster application using metal lath mechanically fastened to the existing exterior and finished with a good acrylic cement finish is what is normally recommended通常建议的上灰泥的方法是,用金属板把灰泥固定在现有表面上,再以优质丙烯酸接合剂涂抹作为最后一道工序。 Other christmas cakes include royal iced cakes oval or round wi a soft - sugar iced cake both beautifully decorated and finishe a snowy iced cake , piped w a small cake topped with toasted marzipan in a gift box tied with ribbon and an unusual toasted marzipan wreath cake decorated with marzipan ivy leaves其它的圣诞蛋糕还有:装饰有手工雕刻雪人的冰糖蛋糕(有椭圆形和圆形的) 、柔软的冰糖蛋糕(最后一道工序是将精美的红丝带打成蝴蝶结,来作装饰) 、以“ merry christmas ”字样裱花的雪花状冰糖蛋糕及用烘烤过的杏仁蛋白软糖覆盖顶部的小型蛋糕,装在系有丝带的礼盒中。 Not to inherit by right of primogeniture , gavelkind or borough english , or possess in perpetuity an extensive demesne of a sufficient number of acres , roods and perches , statute land measure valuation 42 , of grazing turbary surrounding a baronial hall with gatelodge and carriage drive nor , on the other hand , a terracehouse or semidetached villa , described as rus in urbe or qui si sana , but to purchase by private treaty in fee simple a thatched bungalowshaped 2 storey dwellinghouse of southerly aspect , surmounted by vane and lightning conductor , connected with the earth , with porch covered by parasitic plants ivy or virginia creeper , halldoor , olive green , with smart carriage finish and neat doorbrasses , stucco front with gilt tracery at eaves and gable , rising , if possible , upon a gentle eminence with agreeable prospect from balcony with stone pillar parapet over unoccupied and unoccupyable interjacent pastures and standing in 5 or 6 acres of its own ground , at such a distance from the nearest public thoroughfare as to render its houselights visible at night above and through a quickset hornbeam hedge of topiary cutting , situate at a given point not less than 1 statute mile from the periphery of the metropolis , within a time limit of not more than 5 minutes from tram or train line e . g . ,他并不想根据长子继承制男子平分继承制或末子继承制237 ,把那幢有着门房和马车道的男爵宅邪及其周围那一大片辽阔的英亩路得和平方杆238法定土地面积单位,估价为四十二英镑239的泥炭质牧场地,或者那座被描述为“都会中的田园240 ”或“健康庄242 ”的有阳台的房子或一侧与邻屋相接的别墅,继承下来并永久占有。他只巴望根据私人合同购买一所继承人身分不受限制的不动产:要坐北朝南的一座草屋顶有凉台的双层住宅,房顶上装起风向标以及与地面相接的避雷针,门廊上要爬满寄生植物常春藤或五叶地锦,橄榄绿色的正门最后一道工序漆得漂漂亮亮,赛得过马车。门上有着精巧的黄铜装饰。 &&
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