六年级下英语unit4 planting trees isunit 5 good mannersfor us怎么读

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新湘少版六年级下册英语Unit 4 Planting trees is good for us课文朗读mp3录音下载
新湘少版六年级下册英语Unit 4 Planting trees is good for us课文朗读mp3录音下载是新版英语资源,新湘少版六年级下册英语Unit 4 Planting trees is good for us课文朗读mp3录音下载由【新时代英语备课大师】收集整理,推荐免费下载新湘少版六年级下册英语Unit 4 Planting trees is good for us课文朗读mp3录音下载,如您发现新湘少版六年级下册英语Unit 4 Planting trees is good for us课文朗读mp3录音下载侵犯您权益,请联系我们,我们即对新湘少版六年级下册英语Unit 4 Planting trees is good for us课文朗读mp3录音下载进行相应处理!谢谢您对【新时代英语备课大师】的支持!
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小学六年级英语练习题-Unit 4 Planting trees is good
来源:学大教育& & 时间: 23:29:46
学习是一个循序渐进的过程,也是一个不断积累不断创新的过程。下面小编为大家整理了小学六年级英语练习题-Unit 4 Planting trees is good,欢迎大家参考阅读!
( ) 1.We need more trees.
A. plant B. to plant C. planting
( )2. Trees can keep cool.
A. us B. we C. our
( ) 3.The weather is getting in August.
A. more hot B. hoter C. hotter
( )4. We should not cut trees.
A. off B. up C. down
( ) 5. There are books in our library.
A. many and many B. more and more
C. some and some
以上是学大小编为大家提供的小学六年级英语练习题-Unit 4 Planting trees is good,更多内容请关注学大教育官网六年级英语栏目。
Unit 4 Planting trees is good for us教案1教学目标 1、知识与技能(1)能认读七个新单词(Tree Planting Day, air, place, plant trees, keep, make, enjoy.)和两个新句型:①Planting trees is good for us.②能用“ Trees can…”描述植树给我们的生活带来的影响。做到发音准确、清晰,并能听懂其含义。(2)能听懂、会说A部分的对话。2、过程与方法(1)通过师生说和自主听读体验交际式英语教学的一般过程,掌握英语听说的基本方法;(2)通过自己动脑动手操作领会英语单词和句子的含义及用法。(3)仔细倾听老师和同学的发言,用英语表达和与同学交流。(4)采用视听法、听说法、任务型活动教学法及交际法,创设各种真实或接近真实的语言环境,以学生参与、体验的形式,来激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,调动学生学习英语的积极性。【来源:21•世纪•教育•网】3、情感态度与价值观(1)激发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助学生树立学好英语的信心,培养学生热爱生活、热爱英语的态度,并在成功中体会英语学习的乐趣。(2)增强学生的参与意识,培养学生团队合作意识和团队合作精神,引导学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。21•世纪*教育网(3)能理解、运用B部分的词组。2学情分析 1、学生是小学六年级的学生,大部分学英语将近四年了。2、六年级的学生,思维活跃,喜欢直观形象思维,对动画、特别感兴趣。善于与同学交流,乐于表达自己,渴望得到同学和教师的的赞许。3、学生对英语学习的兴趣还较为浓厚,听说读写演的能力已有了一定程度的发展,但随着知识点难度的加大兴趣逐渐在减弱,说写能力还有待加强。www-2-1-cnjy-com3重点难点 1、教学重点(1)能听懂、会说/认读新单词或词组(Tree Planting Day, air, place, plant trees, keep, make, enjoy.21*cnjy*com(2)能
Unit 4 Planting trees is good for us教案1教学目标 1. Aims on knowledge:(1).To enable the students to listen and say the new words: air, place(2).To enable the students to listen and say some phrases:plant trees, Tree Planting Day, keep the air clean, keep us cool, make the place beautiful.21世纪教育网版权所有(3).To enable the students to master the sentences:21教育网What can trees do?Trees can ….Listen and say the dialogue of Part A.2. Aims on ability:(1).To develop the students’ ability of listening and speaking.(2).To foster the students’ ability of communication.2c•n•j•y3. Aims on emotion:To enable the students to love nature and try to protect our earth.2学情分析 The students have learnt English for four years. Maybe English is difficult for them. They find it boring to learn English. So the teachers should play games or do some competition to inspire the students' interest.【来源:21•世纪•教育•网】3重点难点 1. Listen, say and read the new words and phrases.2. Understand and remember the phrases about environmental protection.
1教学目标 1 认知目标:能听懂、会说、认读新单词 tree planting day, air, place能用"trees can ..."表达树的好处;能用"be good for..."告知他人种树的好处;(复习)能用"I enjoy doing sth or I like to do sth.."告知他人自己喜欢做某事(种树)。(复习)2 能力目标:增强学生口语表达能力和逻辑推理能力3 情感目标:传播爱护绿植,保护地球的环保理念;增强学生英语学习的信心及兴趣。2学情分析 针对六年级大部分学生来说,本课可以说是没有全新单词,大部分属于曾经学过单词的新的运用,因此,在本课的学习中,将根据学生这一基础特点,将课文及单词的学习偏重在鼓励、引导学生通过联系旧知识辅以自然拼读法推导出新知识,让学生在自我解决问题的过程中感受学习英语的满足感并获取继续学习的兴趣及自信。================================================压缩包内容:Unit 4
Planting trees is good for us 教学设计 (5).doc
1教学目标 语言目标: 1.能熟练运用新短语plant trees, keep the air clean, keep us cool, make the place beautiful.2. 句型:能运用句型询描我将做什么事"I will..."应用目标:1.能正确使用动词短语.2. 能够翻译第三单元的句型并熟练运用.3. 能自学B部分词汇及重点句子并教给其他同学。2学情分析 1.创设情境,让学生能够熟读、理解并表演课文内容。2.通过小组活动,培养学生良好的协作意识。3重点难点 1.会说新单词并熟练运用能运用。2.能自学单词及句型并正确翻译出来。3.一般将来时态I will的用法。================================================压缩包内容:Unit 4
Planting trees is good for us 教学设计 (4).doc
Be able to speak、write and understand the new words and phrases in this lesson. Such as Tree Planting Day, air,place, plant trees,keep the air clean,keep us cool,make the place beautiful.Be able to understand clearly the meaning of the story in part A.Be able to tell others the advantages of planting trees with the phrase "be good for" and can express one’s willing with the sentence " I enjoy doing sth or I like to do sth".2Ss analysis Be able to tell others the advantages of planting trees with the phrase "be good for" and can express one’s willing wbasic vocalbularies and sentences patterns.However, they are less interested in studying English than the low grade.Ss divided, the whole class also stepped into disharmonious state.So, as their teacher,I must pay more attention to them and teach them in accordance with their aptitude.Try to create a more interesting class.================================================压缩包内容:Unit 4
Planting trees is good for us 教学设计 (3).doc
1教学目标 1 我会认读新单词或词组:Tree Planting Day, air, place, enjoy ,keep us cool, keep the air clean, make the place beautiful2 我能认读和理解句子:Planting trees is good for us.Trees can ...3 能用英语简单地描述树木给我们的生活带来的影响。2学情分析 1. 在农村小学整个六年级学生的英语基础知识差。2. 大部分学生学习英语的兴趣还是较大,但个别学生的基础实在很差所以心有余而力不足,面对越来越难的知识点就失去了信心。3. 这次上课选择的班级是六(3)班,一共有56个学生。3重点难点 1 掌握新单词或词组:Tree Planting Day, air, place, enjoy ,keep us cool, keep the air clean, make the place beautiful2 能运用句型:Planting trees is good for us. Trees can ...================================================压缩包内容:Unit 4
Planting trees is good for us 教学设计 (2).doc
1教学目标 1、学习新单词:能听懂、会说、认读新单词tree planting day, air, place.2、句型:能用"be good for..."告知他人种树的好处;能用"I enjoy doing sth or I like to do sth…"告知他人自己喜欢种树的意愿;能用"trees can keep..."表达种树的好处。2学情分析 本单元是湘教版六年级下册第4单元,这一课的课文内容贴近学生生活,了解植树节的意义,如果没有树我们的家乡、城市、地球将会是什么样子? 如果没有树对我们人类有没有危害? 所以本话题让学生了解多植树对我们有很大的好处, 培养学生有意识的爱护树木, 保护环境。3重点难点 掌握新单词及四个短语;能用英语流利表达种树有哪些好处。4教学过程 4.1 第一学时 4.1.1教学活动 活动1【讲授】Unit 4  Planting trees is good for us. Step 1 Warming up================================================压缩包内容:Unit 4
Planting trees is good for us 教学设计.doc
教学目标1、能听懂、会说、认读新单词 tree planting day, air, place 2、句型:能用“be good for...”告知他人种树的好处;能用“I enjoy doing
like to do sth..”告知他人自己喜欢种树的意愿;能用“trees can keep...”表达种树的好处。教学重难点能听懂、会说、认读新单词tree planting day, air, place;能听懂、会说词组plant trees ,keep the air clean,keep us cool,make the place beautiful。理解、记忆B部分词组; make the place beautiful 的发音教学准备能听懂、会说、认读新单词tree planting day, air, place;能听懂、会说词组plant trees ,keep the air clean,keep us cool,make the place beautiful。理解、记忆B部分词组; make the place beautiful 的发音教学过程Step 1 热身(warm-up)1 Greetings
2 Look and sayX K b 1.C omStep 2 新课呈现(presentation)1、New words and new sentences(1)教学单词tree planting dayT:there are so many festivals in china? One day we should plant more trees. Guess! Is it tree planting day?S:Yes it is tree planting dayT:tree planting day(板书,带读)(2)教学句型“we enjoy ....”和核心词汇trees can keep the air clean,keep
us cool, make the place beautifulT:we enjoy planting trees. It is good for us. We also enjoy doing sth elseS:we enjoy playing gamesT:we enjoy reading books(板书we enjoy doing sth)T:Trees can keep us coolS:trees can keep the air clean T:trees can make the place beautiful(板书make,place;带读单词)(3)创设情境
教师用课件呈现planting trees的场景,引导学生用what,why,how等疑问词造
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