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亲情 基本解释亲情词典词典亲情 网络解释1. Kinship:实际上,人们在分歧发生的同时往往忘记了本来存在的亲情(kinship)或友情,在随意伤害和积极交流之间,人们容易选择前者(the former). 差异可能永远存在,然而情(care)和爱却不能就此丢弃. 当亲情(tie of kinship)将人们拉近的同时,差异便开始渐渐远去......2. 2. Family love:回复即可接收亲情 (Family Love)铃声以下为亲情 (Family Love)歌词,现为Lrc版,亲情 (Family Love)文本歌词显示及下载尚未完成.本页只提供亲情 (Family Love)在线试听,亲情 (Family Love)MP3下载本站不提供3. 3. parent-child relationship:社会适应能力 social adaptation | 亲情 parent-child relationship | 健康查体 Physical Examination4. Week Twelve Family Ties:Week Ten Diet and Health饮食与健康 | Week Eleven Animal Protection动物保护 | Week Twelve Family Ties亲情亲情 双语例句1. 亲情是人们渴望的,但更多的是渴望从亲情中得到温暖和支持。&&&&But how many of us are determined to contribute to our beloved one?2. 你是家居装饰,还是馈赠亲友,让我们的产品在您联结亲情、友情的同时也传递着带有时代印记的怀旧情结而意味深长。&&&&You are home decorations, gifts or relatives and friends, let us link the products on your relatives and friends at the same time also convey the imprint of the era with nostalgia complex and profound significance.3. 现在好了,有我们的合香园花店,能够随时随地快捷订购到您需要的鲜花和礼品,为您搭一座通往亲情、爱情、友情的桥梁。&&&&Well now, there is U. S. co Shannon Park Florist, to be able to go fast you need to order flowers and gifts, for you to ride an affection, love, Friendship bridge.4. 渴望》、《孽债》、《今生是亲人》、《手心手背》、《老屋》、《静静的艾敏河》、《亲情树》、《兄弟》是比较典型的作品。&&&&Long for, Evil Debt, Being Dear Ones in This Life, The Palm of The Hand and The Back of The Hand, Silent Aimin River and Brothers is typical cases of this kind of texts.5. 打开心儿,你会感受到亲情的温暖,友情的可贵。&&&&Open heart, you will feel the warmth of family ties, the value of friendship.6. 无论亲情、友情都是很宝贵的。&&&&Regardless of family ties, friendship is very valuable.7. 他寻求自我认同;早期爱情的渴望幻想与伤痛;走入婚姻的期待与失落;离婚后的情海沉浮终至稳定,都成为他不停书写的重要区块;在亲情上,林以书写记录对祖辈的怀念与不舍、对父母的恩怨情结,以及对子女的愧怍和关爱。&&&&He seeks self-identification. Early fantasies, the marriage and the divorce all became his drive to writing. Lin describes his mixed fee he describes his friends and express appreciations for friendships and the beauty of ideal.8. 生活的真谛是什么,金钱,名誉,亲情,友情,爱情?&&&&What is the truth of life? Money, fame, family, friendship or love?9. 在亲情的蒙蔽下,一元未能认清富来包藏祸心,以致养虎为患。&&&&In the affection of the deceived, the dollar failed to recognize the rich to harboring evil intentions, so Yanghuweihuan.10. 我们后来做的,只能是去适应自己的亲情,无论出生多么高贵&&&&We make later, can only to go, meet one's own kindred, no matter how noble does it born11. 亲情的反义词11. 作为关汉卿代表作的《窦娥冤》写出了窦娥三岁丧母、七岁被父亲抛弃,后受冤而死的故事,反映出真正的悲剧是由于人性中的亲情所造成的,揭露了当时的社会现实,具有普遍的社会意义。&&&&&&This article argues that the real tragedy of Dou E is caused by kinship in human nature and it exposes the social reality then and has profound social significance.12. 何谓爱情?两心一体;何谓友情?两体一心。)重爱情,轻亲情友情的人,注意啦&&&&&&Love is one boby with two hearts, friendship is one heart with two bobies.13. 911查询·英语单词13. 我认为,人与人之间的情感的最高境界是亲情与友情。&&&&&&I believe that the feelings between people is the highest state of brotherhood and friendship.14. 生活也开始出现经济和父系亲情的危机。&&&&&&Began showing signs of life and Sire sentiments of the economic crisis.15. 哪怕四壁皆空,但只要有个窝,就可以挡住风寒,挡住雨雪,里面有自己最亲爱的人,有爸爸妈妈,有兄弟姐妹,有亲情,有温暖的地方。&&&&&&Even though you have nothing in the house, it still keeps the cold and rain out. There are still your loved ones, parents, brothers and sisters, and lots of love and warmth.16. 16. 这个版本的新约圣经,是由代表约35手稿可追溯到公元7世纪,后来,他们查看亲情与一个文本喜欢到D&&&&&&This version of the New Testament is represented by some 35 manuscripts dating from the seven they show kinship with a text like to D.17. 17. 至爱的亲情,至纯的友情,熏风一般温和,月光一样轻柔。&&&&&&The deep kinship and pure friendship, is as warm as the breeze and as tender as the moonlight.18. 当大部分人关心你飞得高不高时,只有很少人问你累不累,这就是亲情、友情与体惜。&&&&&&37 Recently I'm very busy for something. So I seldom have the chance to gain access to the Internet.19. 这些作品抒心志、述亲情、叙友谊、展天性,情真意挚,灵动活泼,在本质、题材、形式及表达方式等方面都异于其它散文,呈现出独特的风貌。&&&&&&With particular features, the essays of this kind are quite different from other ones in the nature, theme, form and expression ways. Yuan Meis essays of spirituality show both real sentiments and inspiration.20. 20. 所以,我们每个人都应该好好珍惜自己所拥有的一切精神的和物质的东西。包括:爱情、亲情和友情等等。&&&&&&Therefore, we should treature every spiritual and material thing in our life, which incloud love, relative, friendship and so on.亲情是什么意思,亲情在线翻译,亲情什么意思,亲情的意思,亲情的翻译,亲情的解释,亲情的发音,亲情的同义词,亲情的反义词,亲情的例句,亲情的相关词组,亲情意思是什么,亲情怎么翻译,单词亲情是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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