
核心导读:有趣的英语节 前几天,也就是星期一的时候,我们学校开了一个活动英语节。那真是好看极了! 我们在教室听到广播通知后就陆陆续续地走到操场上。 不一会儿,我们到了操场,等到其它班级到齐了,我们就开始听、看这有趣的英语节了。 先开始,我们五年级的英语老
有趣的英语节前几天,也就是星期一的时候,我们学校开了一个活动&英语节&。那真是好看极了!我们在教室听到广播通知后就陆陆续续地走到操场上。不一会儿,我们到了操场,等到其它班级到齐了,我们就开始听、看这有趣的英语节了。先开始,我们五年级的英语老师&&聂老师合我们班级上的袁云龙开始拿着话筒讲话,讲着讲着就宣布:&下面有请各位领导上台讲话,大家掌声有请!&说完,6个年级的所有师生都拍起了手掌,场子渐渐热起来了。时间过得真慢,终于到最后一位人说话了:&我宣布,英语节正式举行。&说完,我们全都认认真真地看学校的学生一齐表演的节目了。 过了一会儿,两位主持人说:&下面有请同学,观看白雪公主的故事&。 先开始,台上铺着红毯子。后来,台上又多了一些用泡沫做的花花草草。然后,学生们就开始表演&白雪公主&了!白雪公主主要讲了一位恶毒的王后问了魔镜谁最漂亮,魔镜却说白雪公主最漂亮。王后听了非常不开心,就叫一位猎人把白雪公主杀了,猎人在森林外见到白雪公主,准备杀了她,但他下不了手就叫她躲到森林里,最后,白雪公主遇到七个小矮人,快乐地在一起以及小动物们;直到有一天,王后知道白雪公主没有死,就喝了药水变成巫婆,趁七个爱人不在时,扮成一个卖苹果的老婆婆,结果不幸的是白雪公主中计吃了苹果,就晕倒在地,七个小矮人回来时准备埋了公主;最后,王子捧着花吻了公主,公主就醒了。然后学生演完节目以后,就一齐在台上跳起舞来。学生们还演了&三头小猪&的故事等等有趣的节目,相信我不用讲,你们也知道了吧!当所有节目都演完了,学校就来发奖,发完后我们就高高兴兴地回到教室里去了。啊,这真是一个有趣的英语节呀!我真高兴!
本文来自:加速度学习网 /zuowen/13484.html
初一的感觉 似水流年,今天的我们已不再是在草地里玩过家家的小朋友;今天的我们已不再是大声朗读“床前明月光”的小学生;今天的我们已经告别童年,走向青春.带着对未来的憧憬,我们来到了人大附中,走进了初一生活. 开学已经一个月了,对新的环境有了一定的了解.面对初一生活也有许多感受. 上初一了,第一个感觉是新鲜.校园是那样干净整洁、绿树成荫;老师讲课是那样富有活力、引人入胜;同学们相处是那样融洽、愉快;现代化的图书馆、电教中心、网络中心以及实验室又让我流连忘返.这一切与小学都有着很大差异,是我感到无比新鲜、有趣. 上初一了,第二个感觉是对未来的憧憬与向往.开学典礼上,我们怀着激动的心情把美好的心愿系在气球上,放飞到蓝天.大家的愿望各色各样,有的希望做个音乐家,把中国的传统音乐推向世界;有的希望做个记者,让全人类都为中国今天的飞速发展而惊叹;有的希望做个文学家,让人们听到社会角落里的弱小声音……理想要通过行动才能实现,初中这三年,我们会给未来打下坚实的基础,朝目标一步步迈进. 上初一了,再有的感觉便使紧张.在中学,尤其是优秀的中学,学习的竞争相当激烈,从而也会有一定的压力.稍不留神成绩就会拉在队伍后面,所以丝毫不能放松,要时时都处在学习状态.我们必须要适应这种紧张的学习气氛才能在三年的学习中取得成绩. 上初一了,既激动又期待还紧张.但无论如何,从一点一滴做起,融入到新生活中,让我们以昂扬的心态面对初一生活.
周记一件有趣的事 作文
求一篇英文周记 60字的.身边发生的事儿 或是一周心得.周记越多越好,英语的暑假作业就是这个,说是要写八篇.我知道我应该独立完成,但是我实在不知道怎么写。所以说不要误会,我只是借鉴一下。
This week is very meanningful because I have visited many interesting places in my hometown.There is a big mountain in my hometown ,many people go to climb and hike ,but some people threw the rubbish on the road ,so it is very bad smelling .My brothers and I decided to go to clean some road.We just clean some part of the road ,but we are very happy still,because an old gentleman praised us.What a wonderful memory it is!Tonight I finally watched the movie Before Sunrise,which made the best time of this weekend.There were so many lines and so many moments worth remembered time and time again in this movie.Those people who recommended this movie to me was right.It was worth watching.I couldn't help regarding myself as one of the main characters in this movie.There are moments in your life when you are very ready to meet someone like this--those are fresh moments of course.And the kind of conversations between the two young people are never going to happen between real couples.They are such soulmates that they would only end up not being together after all,because real couple won't be so frank to each other.This sad truth does not get in the way of the movie's being so warm and sweet--just try not to view life from a tragic perspective.On the other hand,I sensed the resless and uncertaity in the movie.Young people in this generation are brave,doubtful and have their own opnions.They refused to be persuaded and to believe in anything easily but how can you stand firmly if you don't have a blief.Some people would say he believe in love.But in the age when many people considers too much about only themselves to the extent of being selfish,can we be so sure about love?That's the problem.I remembered when Ethan Hawke sitting in the corner of the street and told Julie Delpy that he was sure he could love somebody and be a good husband but he just didn't want to right at that moment.I knew he was hurt and he was afraid.Yeah,this is a skeptical age,the result of liberation.You are free to choose and everybody is,which in the end,means there are many possiblities and uncertainties.And the possibilites sometimes could be exciting and sometimes could be very depressing.It is very sad to always say "who knows?" or "We'll see." Anyway,like those people who recommended this movie to me,I would like to say again here,it's a good movie,worth watching.And I'm looking forward to see its sequel Before Sunset sometime this week.By the way,my friends,tell me what's your favourite scenes after seeing it?Mine are many.So far I can only remember the palm reading,the street poet,the street talking and the imaginary phone calls to friends...希望对你有所帮助
it is a disgusting day as my feel. i borke the sunflower which my matement's. i say sorry to her,but she is still angry.what shall i do?although it's so short,but i hope you can do youself, because you will the hard, the better. if you can not do yourself , you can not learning english.
The beginning of the morning sun gets up , the genial sunshine splashes on plant's leaf, that accumulates a evening, from but the bead of dew taking form dropping off to a high degree on the leaf, lim...
1.Today my parents took me to my grandfather’s house. I played with my cousin. Suddenly my cousin suggested going to the park and having a rest. “that’s a good idea.” I said. Then we prepared for the ...


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