bequeath 如何背的反义词是什么

垂死是什么意思 垂死在线翻译 垂死什么意思 垂死的意思 垂死的翻译 垂死的解释 垂死的发音 垂死的同义词 垂死的反义词 垂死的例句
垂死 基本解释垂死[chuí sǐ]词典:渴望,切盼;垂死的,临终的;会死的;快熄灭的。词典:奄奄一息的;停滞不前的;濒死的,垂死的。词典:垂死;日暮途穷。垂死 汉英大词典垂死[chuí sǐ] dying:  例:垂死的人        处于垂死没落的时代    be in one's era    挽救垂死的命运    extricate [save] oneself from     我们看到他处于垂死的痛苦之中。    We found him in the agonies of death.垂死 网络解释1. 1. dying:我们可以将一个动词用成一个形容词,我们的做法是利用分词(participle)和不定词(infinitive),而分词有两种:现在分词(presentparticiple)和过去分词(pastparticiple),我们在下一节,先谈现在分词的用法. 10.那位垂死(dying)的病人是我的老师.2. on one's last legs:last but one 倒数第二 | on one's last legs 垂死 | now or never 机不可失3. 3. Like dying:Like dying in the sun就像在阳光下消逝 | Like dying 垂死...... | Will you hold on to me 你能给我支持吗?4. 4. on one's last legsadv:218membershipn. 成员资格,会员资格 | 219on one's last legsadv. 垂死 | 220boomn. 繁荣,隆隆声; v. 急速发展垂死 双语例句1. 被低泣声,了解它的意图,听它像掠夺者的热心吠声结束一样把它的次序给赖利的凯莱在一只垂死的动物上。&&&&Kelley mewled, understanding its intention, hearing it give its orders to Riley like the eager growl of predators closing in on a dying animal.2. 2. 双腿截肢的新西兰登山者Mark Inglis在他攀登珠穆朗峰的路上,从垂死的英国人身边经过,但他觉得无法即救英国人又能登顶。&&&&Double-amputee New Zealand climber Mark Inglis passed a dying Briton on his way to Everest's summit but realising nothing could be done to save him kept trekking to the top.3. 但在现实空间,有一个原因导致他们找不到买主:雷曼当时已在垂死挣扎。&&&&But there was a reason why no buyer could be found in this universe. Lehman was a firm in its death throes.4. 我的名字是卡西姆斌夫人,我是一个垂死女人谁已决定捐出我的慈善机构。&&&&My name is Mrs. Bin Kasim, I am a dying woman who had decided to donate what I have to the Charities.5. 那家伙立即沉下去了,但又马上浮起来在水里上下翻腾,拚命作垂死挣扎&&&&Immediately he sunk down into the water, but rose instantly and plunged up and down as if he was struggling for life6. 我看见一颗垂死的星,从遥远的天际殒落。&&&&I see a dying star, falls from the remote horizon.7. 他们去看望了那个垂死的人&&&&They went to see the dying man.8. 8. 他作为牧师被邀请去看一个垂死的人。&&&&He was called on to visit ministerially on the dying man.9. 我现在仍然记得他垂死时的尖叫。&&&&I still can`t forget the dying man`s scream.10. 因为那位老太太不治的病情,因为仍有四十年的夫妻,因为经过数年的病房工作,整天面对垂死的病人,我的丈夫仍会感动,仍存怜悯。&&&&Because of the medical crisis. Because there were still pople who hanve been married 40 years. Because my husband is still move and concerne after years of hospital rooms and daying patients.11. danci.911cha.com11. 首生盘古,垂死化身;气成风云,声为雷霆,左眼为日,右眼为月,四肢五体为四极五岳,血液为江河,筋脉为地里,肌肉为田土,发髭为星辰,皮毛为草木,齿骨为金石,精髓为珠玉,汗流为雨泽,身之诸虫,因风所感,化为黎氓。&&&&&&First Health pangu, gas clouds, the sound is thunder, his left eye for the day, the right eye for months, body limbs for five quadrupole Five Sacred Mountains, for the rivers of blood, as in NF, the muscle for the Land, a mustache for the stars, fur, for vegetation, for the golden tooth bone, the essence for Zhu Yu, Ze汗流for rain, are all the insects, because of the wind by a sense of vagrant into Lebanon.12. 仪式描述,即一个垂死的父亲bequeaths所有他给他的儿子。&&&&&&A ceremony is described whereby a dying father bequeaths all he has to his son.13. 它是像一颗树上的垂死的树叶。&&&&&&It is like the leaf on a tree dying.14. 垂死的解释14. 力量枯竭,归回,没入北地垂死的河水湖泊的深渊中,浸于阴寒的水底。&&&&&&The power faded and drew itself back, deep into the abyss of dying small brooks and lakes in the North.15. 科尼太太站在床边俯下身。床上垂死的女人睁开眼睛。&&&&&&Mrs Corney bent over the bed, and the dying woman opened her eyes.16. 你把我打倒在地上,我渴而垂死&&&&&&You knock me to the ground, i'm dying of thirst17. 17. 这部份你们理解,现在狂乱将会通过一切事情,不和谐与狂怒恐惧是短暂的垂死一个临终的范例,想必,无论早或晚,让步人类灵性进化,新时代到来。&&&&&&This part of your being understands that the current frenzy shall pass as all things pass, that the discord and fury of fear are fleeting gasps of a dying paradigm that must, whether soon or late, give way to the spiritual evolution of humanity, the new age that comes.18. 这种奉若神明的做法,使传统武术处在垂死的边缘。&&&&&&This kind of method is regarded as the gods, making traditional Wushu in dying edge.19. 19. 我们生活在一个社会中一直给予各种选择的自我决定的一个人的命运掌握在垂死作为一个已经能够自主决定的一个人的命运掌握在自己的生命。&&&&&&We live in a society that has been given various choices to'self-determine'one`s destiny in dying as one has been able to'self-determine'one`s destiny in life itself.20. 他脸上的表情与其说是恐惧,倒不如说是垂死的病容。&&&&&&The expression of his face was not so much of terror as of mortal sickness.垂死是什么意思,垂死在线翻译,垂死什么意思,垂死的意思,垂死的翻译,垂死的解释,垂死的发音,垂死的同义词,垂死的反义词,垂死的例句,垂死的相关词组,垂死意思是什么,垂死怎么翻译,单词垂死是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 遗书是什么意思_在线翻译、解释、发音、同义词、反义词_英语单词大全_911查询
遗书是什么意思 遗书在线翻译 遗书什么意思 遗书的意思 遗书的翻译 遗书的解释 遗书的发音 遗书的同义词 遗书的反义词 遗书的例句
遗书 基本解释遗书[yí shū ]词典:遗书。词典writings of an author now dead:遗书。词典a letter or note left by one immediately before death遗书 汉英大词典遗书[yí shū](后人刊印的前人书信) writings of an author now dead遗书 网络解释1. 1. last words:遗言 last will and testament | 遗书 last words | 遗赠 devise2. posthumous papers:posthumous edition, posthumous work 遗著 | posthumous papers 遗书 | preface 序言3. 3. Letter of last instruction:Note: If the changes are major then a new will should be drafted.注意:假如是遗嘱主体变更,则新的遗嘱可取而代之旧遗嘱 | Letter of Last Instruction遗书 | Not a legally binding agreement不具法律效力的文件4. Yishu:yin ren zhi qing 因人之情 | Yishu <> | yuan renqing 緣人情遗书 双语例句1. 没有遗书被发现,但是安眠药和一个拆箱刀在他的课桌下被发现。&&&&No suicide note was found, but sleeping pills and a box cutter were discovered under his desk.2. 2. 他有三次重大追捕是写好了遗书出门的,每年365天里,有300天在出差,常常是穿着衬衫出了家门,然后就去了海南、去了东北……衬衫变成了短袖,又变成了外套,再回到家时,衬衫已经变成了棉袄。&&&&He has 3 times great chasing is to had written posthumous papers to go out, annual in 365 days, 300 days are in be away on official business, often wearing a shirt to give a door, went next Hainan, went northeast... the shirt became short sleeve, became coat again, when farewell is excellent, the shirt had become cotton-padded jacket.3. 本文拟以《遗书》为立足点,从社会历史观的层面,以历史唯物主义、辩证唯物主义为指导,对梅叶的社会历史观作一个系统的综述,并对其历史进步意义和不可避免存在的历史局限性作一番粗浅的分析。&&&&So he became the first people of the enlightenment in the eighteenth century. the essay, basing on the 《Deathed Note》, summaries the concept of Social history of Meslier, and analyzes, guided by materialistic historicism and dialectical materialism, superficially its significance and limitations.4. 梅叶,法国乡村的一个低级神父,以其不朽的著作《遗书》向18世纪初叶宗教神学和神本史观的虚伪性和荒谬性、对法国的封建专制制度下的以国王为首的僧俗统治阶级的暴政、私有现象、社会的贫富悬殊现象、不平等现象发起了猛烈的攻击,对劳动人民的遭遇表示了极大的同情心,并以此为基础,号召广大人民群众起来,自己解放自己,以实现他关于未来共产主义公社的理想蓝图,从而成为了18世纪法国启蒙运动第一人。&&&&Meslier, a French inferior priest, wrote a famous work--《Deathed Note》, by which he attacked the hypocrisy and absurdity of religious theology in the beginning of eighteenth century, and he also assault the tyranny, the private ownership, the great desperation between rich and poor, and inequality under feudalism. He sympathized with the miserable life of working people. On the base of that, he called up the people stand up to liberate themselves and at last to realize the communism.5. 卢武铉的前秘书室室长文在寅说,卢武铉是自己从山上跳下的,他在死前留了遗书。&&&&Eight of the individuals were arrested for traffic disruption.6. 把青春译作life,不知是否合适敏柔的遗书:我们这个家的任何人,可以勇敢地死,却不能屈辱地生。。。。。。&&&&Anyone of our family can face bravely to the death, but we can`t humiliatory to the life … Nothing will let me alive, but I regret for my death.7. &#57;&#49;&#49;&#26597;&#35810;&#183;&#33521;&#35821;&#21333;&#35789;7. 张组长直接推理,认为唯一持有钥匙的管理员许志铭嫌疑最大,但於警方到场后却迟迟找不到许志铭,直到稍晚竟於河堤的杂草丛中发现了他的尸体,另找到了一份遗书,上面说明了许志铭杀害江唯馨的动机,全案即将终结。&&&&Captain Jhang has his conjecture that Syu Jhih-Ming, the court manager who holds the key to the badminton court, is the most suspicious suspect. But Syu Jhih-Ming disappears after the crime happens, and later his body is found near the riverbank with a letter, which pours out the whole story of why he kills Jiang Wei-Sin. The case is nearly closed.8. 算是我给你的遗书吧。。。。。。。&&&&As a will for you...9. 是吗?我不想看这份遗书,这与我无关。&&&&I don`t want to read it, because it has nothing to do with me.10. 医生:你要写遗书吗?&&&&Doctor:Do you want to write your will?11. 11. 他和他的妻子也留下了一封或许具有重要历史意义的遗书。&&&&&&He and his wife left behind a letter that may have historic significance.12. 在他身上,也发现了遗书。&&&&&&In his possession, it also found a suicide note.13. 根据德国媒体的报道,在他留下的遗书中写进了对他家人的道歉,但是丝毫没有提及他自杀的动机。&&&&&&According to reports in the German media, he left a suicide note in which he apologised to his family, but offered no concrete reasons or motives.14. 一些准备以暴力行动惩办国贼的学生写下遗书。&&&&&&Some are ready to punish acts of violence国贼students to write notes.15. 烈士们牺牲的年代不同,但遗书的字里行间,无一例外地表达了他们对党的忠诚,对祖国的热爱,以及对家人的深情眷恋。&&&&&&Revolutionary martyrs died in different times, but from their lines, we can see their loyalty to the Party and our motherland, and their love to their family.16. 这是一部遗书,在这里面他留赠给世界的是他的天才的光辉和他悲痛的异彩。&&&&&&It was the testament in which he bequeathed to the world the flame of his genius and the beauty of his sorrow.17. 她留下的遗书终于使阿芒明白了真相,原来是其父为了儿子的前程,硬逼玛格丽特重过卖笑生涯。&&&&&&She left in the room finally Amand to understand the truth, was originally his father to his son's future, and forced Margaret to resume his career selling laughter.18. 我知道我现在写的内容和一封遗书差不多。&&&&&&I know what I am writing now is similar to a posthumous paper.19. 请告诉我爱人,我对不起她,我给她留了一封遗书。&&&&&&Please tell me the spouse, I was unfair to her, I have kept posthumous writings to her.20. 第二天早上,人们在他的房间里发现了他的遗书和尸体!&&&&&&The following day in the morning, people discovered his posthumous papers and body in his room!遗书是什么意思,遗书在线翻译,遗书什么意思,遗书的意思,遗书的翻译,遗书的解释,遗书的发音,遗书的同义词,遗书的反义词,遗书的例句,遗书的相关词组,遗书意思是什么,遗书怎么翻译,单词遗书是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 相关词典网站:继任是什么意思_在线翻译、解释、发音、同义词、反义词_英语单词大全_911查询
继任是什么意思 继任在线翻译 继任什么意思 继任的意思 继任的翻译 继任的解释 继任的发音 继任的同义词 继任的反义词 继任的例句
继任 基本解释继任[jì rèn ]词典:继承人,继承权;继承顺序;[生]自然演替;一系列,接连。词典:成功;继承。词典succeed sb. in a post:继任。词典:保留;延期; 延续;继续上映。继任 汉英大词典继任[jì rèn](接替前人职务) succeed sb. in a post:  例:继任首相    succeed sb.    继任主席        他继任市长的职位。    He succeeded to the mayoralty.继任 网络解释1. succession:第二集:继任(Succession) 柏林,直升飞机吊走了一部电梯,里面困着两位CIA特工. 看到西德妮没有被洗脑,杰克很满意,他劝她不要向CIA承认她杀了Lazarey. 威斯帮助西德妮搬进了新家,他告诉她沃恩不愿回到CIA.
特工小组得知,2. succeed v:subject n. 题目,科目 | succeed v. 成功;接着发生;继任,继承 | success n. 成功,成就3. succession n.1:success n.1.成就,成功 2.成功的事物,取得成就的人 | succession n.1.连续,接续 2.一连串,一系列 3.接替,继任 | successive a.接连的,连续的继任 双语例句1. 论阿特斯坦死亡939 ,被扣押的英国的奥拉夫Guthfrithsson都柏林,并在其后的是英国阿特斯坦之间有争议的继任者埃德蒙和Eadred为一方,和国王的都柏林王朝的问题。&&&&On Athelstan's death in 939, the kingdom was seized by Olaf Guthfrithsson of Dublin, and thereafter the kingdom was contested between Athelstan's successors Edmund and Eadred on the one side, and kings of the Dublin dynasty on the other.2. 2. 例如,作为一个对罗马更加不满,他从来没有对轮胎的inveighing的事实,教宗马里努斯口( 882-84 ),约翰八世的继任者,被翻译从另一个见,而不是祝从罗马神职人员。&&&&For instance, as one more grievance against Rome, he never tires of inveighing against the fact that Pope Marinus I (882-84), John VIII's successor, was translated from another see, instead of being ordained from the Roman clergy.3. 如果这使现任美联储主席伯南克有点紧张,那么,上上周一些参议院民主党人在是否支持他确定继任问题上的摇摆不定,则无助于他保持镇静。&&&&If this has made Ben Bernanke, current Fed boss, a little nervous, the wavering last last week of some Senate Democrats over backing his confirmation for a second term will not have improved his composure.4. 一个副销售经理到老板跟前说他厌倦了这份工作,而且他已经找到了理想的继任者来接他的班。&&&&An assistant sales manager went to his boss saying that he was bored with his job and that he had the ideal successor lined up.5. 这个达赖喇嘛死去,没有经验的年轻继任者无力支配权力。&&&&This Dalai Lama dies and his successor is young and inexperienced and holds no sway in the chambers of the powerful.6. &#57;&#49;&#49;&#26597;&#35810;&#183;&#33521;&#35821;&#21333;&#35789;6. 对中国来说,这将是传给达赖喇嘛的继任者一个很严重的政治遗留&&&&That will be a terrible political legacy for China to bequeath his successor.7. 但是总得面临一个严峻的问题—退休之后如何找到自己的位置,如何胜利和他继任者相处。&&&&But beneath it all lay a austere affair -- how to acquisition a role afterwards retirement, and how to accomplish a success of what can be a catchy accord with those who appear after.8. 父亲文策尔环线,传教士在纽伦堡,前教授和院长的神学教授在维滕贝格,谁当选他的继任者,投了很多路德的看法是赞同的一章撒克逊省在1月举行,1522年,在维滕贝格。&&&&Father Wenzel Link, preacher at Nuremberg, former professor and dean of the theological faculty at Wittenberg, who was elected his successor, cast his lot with Luther, whose views were endorsed at a chapter of the Saxon province held in January, 1522, at Wittenberg.9. Halpern戴着一条缅甸罗衣进行工作,而且将这条罗衣放到椅子上留给了其继任者。&&&&Halpern wore a Burmese longyi to work, and left it draped over his chair for his successor.10. 10. 他把钥匙移交给他的继任者。&&&&He gave the days over to his successor.11. 11. 奥巴马将指定一位投票方式相同的人继任。但新人总是改变法庭和。。,可能是一位女士,可能是非弈美国人,也可能是首位西班牙人,都可能做出细小的改变。&&&&&&Obama will apoint some who were vote much the same way, but new people always change the court, and a new liberal justice perhaps woman, perhaps african- american perhaps the first to spanic on the court, realy could change for court, and subtle but real way.12. 12. 从而奠定了一个无限的宝藏,为人类,这珍惜,他既不是包裹在一个餐巾也躲进了现场,但委托给有福了彼得,关键旗手,并他的继任者,他们可能,为公正,合理的原因,分给信徒全部或部分缓解的颞处罚由于单。&&&&&&This treasure He neither wrapped up in a napkin nor hid in a field, but entrusted to Blessed Peter, the key-bearer, and his successors, that they might, for just and reasonable causes, distribute it to the faithful in full or in partial remission of the temporal punishment due to sin.13. 我坚定地将这款钢笔视为75的继任者,并在长期生产过程中发展出一系列的漆色版本。&&&&&&I could definitely see this pen as a successor to the 75, offering a wide array of finishes over a long production run.14. 14. 没有继任节点码头,该码头节点指标域是空的,这是空。&&&&&&No successor node terminal, the terminal node indicator domain is empty, that is NULL.15. 继任额尔德尼法王者依次是吉学巴洛桑维色、察瓦洛桑坚赞、白利丹达、厄巴洛桑克珠、娘热曲扎、色拉堆竹加洛桑降白。&&&&&&Successor Erdeni France King (note: the temple Chair) followed by JI Xue Baluosangwei color, Chawaluosang Gyaltsen, white Li Danda, E Baluo Cinque beads, mother hot song rolling, salad stack Zhu Jia Luosang down white.16. 彼得和保罗,并在她的死因bequeaths珍贵的形象展现给教皇克莱门特和他的继任者。&&&&&&STS. Peter and Paul, and at her death bequeaths the precious image to Pope Clement and his successors.17. 贝。布托19岁的儿子被指定为她的继任者。&&&&&&Ms. Bhutto's designated heir is her 19-year old son.18. 普金一手提携的继任者,****,以绝对优势战胜了其余三位候选人。&&&&&&Even with such small percentage of the votes counted.19. 每个箭头代表从每个节点方向的继任者。&&&&&&Each arrow represents the direction from each node to its successor.20. 获取节点的继任者(来自节点的下一个对所有树排序)。&&&&&&Gets node successor (node which comes next in the over all tree sorting).继任是什么意思,继任在线翻译,继任什么意思,继任的意思,继任的翻译,继任的解释,继任的发音,继任的同义词,继任的反义词,继任的例句,继任的相关词组,继任意思是什么,继任怎么翻译,单词继任是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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