谁会古英语词汇?帮我把这个翻译成古英语词汇 Ancient land

网译+修正,仅供参考 手书秀丽我来自潍坊安丘市,安丘是一座山水相连,风景秀丽的城市,她有着悠久的历史.安丘自古就是人文荟萃之地.早在2100多年前,孔子的门徒公冶长就在安丘设立书院讲学,从此开启了安丘源远流长的文化传统.I come from Weifang Anqiu City,Anqiu is a city of be linked mountains and rivers,the beautiful scenery of the city,she has a long history.Anqiu is the ancient land of the gathering of talents.As early as 2100 years ago,Confucius disciples Gong Ye Chang on the establishment of the College Lectures in Anqiu,opened a long cultural tradition of Anqiu.全省最大的水库——峡山水库就坐落在安丘市.舒展着大海般的风姿,奔流不息的汶河水无私(地)润泽着两岸平畴沃野.The province's largest reservoir -- Xiashan reservoir is located in Anqiu city.Stretch a sea like charm,endless torrents of water moistens the cross-strait fertile plains selflessly.占地3000多亩的青云山民俗游乐园是国家级风景区,是游玩的好去处.徜徉园中,令人心旷神怡.青云湖的下游是4000多亩的江北最大的生态湿地——大汶河国家生态湿地公园,成千上万的鸟儿栖息嬉闹.Covers an area of 3000 acres of Qingyunshan folk amusement park is a national scenic area,is a good place to have fun.a good place to have fun.Wandering in the garden,a feel fresh.Qingyun Lake downstream is 4000 mu of Jiangbei biggest ecological wetland -- Dawen River National Ecological Wetland Park,tens of thousands of birds to frolic.这就是我秀美的家乡,我爱我家.This is my beautiful hometown,I love my family.
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扫描下载二维码英文单词翻译_百度知道  Title: ONE'S-SELF I SING  题目: 我歌唱的是人  ONE'S-SELF I sing, a simple separate person,  我歌唱的是人,歌唱简单而独立存在着的个人,  Yet utter the word Democratic, the word En-Masse.  而民主和大众集体,将是我歌中的唱词。  Of physiology from top to toe I sing,  我所歌唱的人,是指包括从头到脚的完整形态的人啊,  Not physiognomy alone nor brain alone is worthy for the  因为仅仅是外貌,或者头脑,都还不值得诗人把灵感  Muse, I say the Form complete is worthier far,   贡献,但是我要说,这完整的形态则远远地更值得歌唱,  The Female equally with the Male I sing.  至于女性,我也要平等地把她们与男性一起歌唱。  Of Life immense in passion, pulse, and power,   这充满着激情、冲动,以及力量的生命,  Cheerful, for freest action form'd under the laws divine,   兴奋雀跃,按着神圣的法则无拘无束地行动,  The Modern Man I sing.  当代的人,我歌唱。
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  As a poet,Walt Whitman wrote in a new style - "free verse".His colection of poems, Leaves of Grass ,was first published in 1855.His poetry glorifies workers,machines,liberty and the black slaves' right to freedom.
  Title: AS I PONDER'D IN SILENCE  题目:当我在寂静中沉思  As I ponder'd in silence,  当我在寂静中沉思,  Returning upon my poems, considering, lingering long,  思绪回到我的诗句,长长地思索、徘徊,  A Phantom arose before me with distrustful aspect,  一个幽灵般的幻影出现在我的眼前,面带犹疑,   Terrible in beauty, age, and power,  这幻影无比美丽,与岁月永恒,充满力量,  The genius of poets of old lands,  这是旧大陆诗人们的精魂,  As to me directing like flame its eyes,  它用火焰般的眼睛直视着我,  With finger pointing to many immortal songs,  它的手指向那无数的不朽诗章,  And menacing voice, What singest thou? it said,  用逼人的语调,你歌唱的是什么?它说,  Know'st thou not there is but one theme for ever-enduring bards?  难道你不知道不朽的诗人,只吟唱唯一的一个主题?  And that is the theme of War, the fortune of battles,  这个主题就是战争,战斗中的命运,  The making of perfect soldiers.  完美战士们的成长。  Be it so, then I answer'd,  让它们去吧,这是我听完后的回答,  I too haughty Shade also sing war, and a longer and greater one than any,  我的魂灵同样高傲,我也歌唱战争,但那是一场比任何其它的战争都更长更伟大的战争,  Waged in my book with varying fortune, with flight, advance and retreat, victory deferr'd and wavering,  我在我的书里展示各种各样的命运,有溃逃,前进与后退,胜利在推迟在摇晃,  (Yet methinks certain, or as good as certain, at the last,) the field the world,  (但是我想最后的胜利是确定的,或者差不多是确定的,)这场战争啊,将以整个世界作为战场,  For life and death, for the Body and for the eternal Soul,  这是为了生命和死亡的战斗,这是为了肉体也为了永恒灵魂的战斗,  Lo, I too am come, chanting the chant of battles,  喏,我也会来参加,高唱着战歌,  I above all promote brave soldiers.  我最先赞颂的啊,是那勇敢的战士。
  Title: IN CABIN'D SHIPS AT SEA  题目:在海上那些有舱室的大船上  IN cabin'd ships at sea,  在海上那些有舱室的大船上,  The boundless blue on every side expanding,  无边蓝色向四方伸展,  With whistling winds and music of the waves, the large imperious waves,  伴着风儿吹出的笛哨,和浪儿,那巨大而傲慢的浪啊,奏出的乐声,  Or some lone bark buoy'd on the dense marine,  或者在某一条漂泊在厚稠海面的孤独小舟上,   Where joyous full of faith, spreading white sails,  在那里她快乐而充满信心,伸展开白色的帆,  She cleaves the ether mid the sparkle and the foam of day, or under many a star at night,  在白天闪着亮光泛着泡沫的海水之中,或是在夜晚的繁星点点之下,她劈开了那无边的海疆,  By sailors young and old haply will I, a reminiscence of the land, be read,  In full rapport at last.  在这些地方,那些老老少少的水手,最终都会偶然地,把我,作为一种对陆地的纪念,  以一种非常亲密的方式读起。  Here are our thoughts, voyagers' thoughts,  这里讲的是我们的思想,航海者的思想,  Here not the land, firm land, alone appears, may then by them be said,  这里说的不仅仅有大地,那坚实的大地,那时他们或许会这样说。  The sky o'erarches here, we feel the undulating deck beneath our feet,  这里的天似穹庐覆盖,我们在脚下感觉着甲板的起伏,  We feel the long pulsation, ebb and flow of endless motion.  我们触摸到悠长的律动,潮起潮落无穷的运动,  The tones of unseen mystery, the vague and vast suggestions of the briny world, the liquid-flowing syllables,  看不见的神秘物体哼着曲子,咸涩的世界里隐晦宏大的联想,水流一样的音节,  The perfume, the faint creaking of the cordage, the melancholy rhythm,  芬芳的气息,缆绳微弱的吱嘎声,悲怆的旋律,  The boundless vista and the horizon far and dim are all here,  渺茫无边的视野,遥远暗淡的地平线,所有这些都写在这里,  And this is ocean's poem.  这是海洋的诗篇。  Then falter not O book, fulfil your destiny,   所以,哦,我的书儿,不必再犹豫,去完成你的使命吧,  You not a reminiscence of the land alone,  因为你不仅仅是对大地的纪念,  You too as a lone bark cleaving the ether, purpos'd I know not whither, yet ever full of faith,  你也是一只劈浪的孤寂小舟,虽然我不知道你要去往哪里,可是你永远都充满信心,  Consort to every ship that sails, sail you!  与海上航行的船儿一起去哟,起航啊,你!  Bear forth to them folded my love, (dear mariners, for you I fold i)  满载我深藏的爱驶向他们,(亲爱的水手啊,我在这每一页里都藏下了对你们的爱,)  Speed on my book! spread your white sails my little bark athwart the imperious waves,  我的书儿,快快航行!我的小小的舟儿,横跨那傲视一切的海浪,伸展开你白色的帆,  Chant on, sail on, bear o'er the boundless blue from me to every sea,  高歌向前,扬帆向前,从我这儿出发,穿越无边蔚蓝,去往每一片海疆,  This song for mariners and all their ships.  把这首歌唱给所有的水手和他们的航船。
  Title: TO FOREIGN LANDS  题目:致美国以外的国度  I HEARD that you ask'd for something to prove this puzzle the New World,  我听说你们在寻找证据来解开新世界这个谜团,  And to define America, her athletic Democracy,   想给美利坚下个定义,定义她如运动员般强健的民主,  Therefore I send you my poems that you behold in them what you wanted.  因此我把我写的诗送给你们,在里面你们能找到你们想找的东西。
  Title: TO A HISTORIAN  题目:致一位历史学家  YOU who celebrate bygones,  你,赞美过往岁月,  Who have explored the outward, the surfaces of the races,the life that has exhibited itself,  探索世界的外在,不同种族的表象,还有生命主动展示给你的那部分内容,  Who have treated of man as the creature of politics, aggregates, rulers and priests,  你,把人看成了政治生物,社会群氓,王侯将相和术士巫师,  I, habitan of the Alleghanies, treating of him as he is in himself in his own rights,  而我,艾丽盖尼的山民,我只把人当成他自己,当成拥有天赋权力的人的自身,  Pressing the pulse of the life that has seldom exhibited itself, (the great pride of man in himself),  我触摸到生命的脉搏,这脉搏很少向人袒露真实的脉象,(这脉象啊,就是他自己心中的伟大尊严),  Chanter of Personality, outlining what is yet to be, I project the history of the future.  我是人格的歌颂者,我勾画将会实现的理想,我投射未来将要走过的历程。
  Title: TO THEE OLD CAUSE  题目:献给你,密如老友的事业  To thee old cause!  献给你,密如老友的事业!  Thou peerless, passionate, good cause,  你是无以伦比的,充满热情,充满美好的事业,  Thou stern, remorseless, sweet idea,  你有坚定、无悔、甜蜜的理念,  Deathless throughout the ages, races, lands,  经历无尽岁月,在每个种族心中,在每片土地之上永不熄灭,  After a strange sad war, great war for thee,  在一场不同寻常与悲伤的战争,一场为你展开的伟大的战争之后,  (I think all war through time was really fought, and ever will be really fought, for thee,)  (我相信,一切已经发生的战争其实是为你展开,一切将要发生的战争其实也是为你展开,)  These chants for thee, the eternal march of thee.  请听这些为你而颂的歌声,踏上你那无尽的征程。  (A war O soldiers not for itself alone,  (这是一场,哦,战士们啊,并非仅仅为了战争本身而展开的战斗,  Far, far more stood silently waiting behind, now to advance in this book.)  这场战斗曾经远远,远远地站在后面默默等待,如今在我的书里向前进发。)  Thou orb of many orbs!  你是万物要遵遁的轨道之中的轨道!  Thou seething principle! thou well-kept, latent germ! thou centre!  你是让人心血沸腾的信念!你是潜伏着的被精心保护的幼芽!你就是一切的中心!  Around the idea of thee the war revolving,  围绕着你的信念,战争在进行,  With all its angry and vehement play of causes,  各种愤怒和热情的思想在战争中交锋演绎,  (With vast results to come for thrice a thousand years,)  (三千年来这样的交锋产生了多么深远的影响啊,)  These recitatives for thee, —— my book and the war are one,  在对你的吟诵中,----我的书和这场战争将唱出同样的曲调,  Merged in its spirit I and mine, as the contest hinged on thee,  我和我的书也将融入战斗的精魂,成为对你不舍的追求,  As a wheel on its axis turns, this book unwitting to itself,  就像车轮围绕车轴,我的书啊,无法克制地,  Around the idea of thee.  围绕着你的思想而转。
  Title: EIDóLONS  题目:精神之魂  I MET a seer,  我遇见了一个能预知未来的人,  Passing the hues and objects of the world,  他从有形和无形的世界中穿过,  The fields of art and learning, pleasure, sense,  在艺术与知识的田野上,从贪欢享乐中,从理性智识里,  To glean eidólons.  像拾捡麦穗,把精神之魂拾捡。  Put in thy chants said he,  把它们写进你的赞歌,他说,  No more the puzzling hour nor day, nor segments, parts, put in,  不要再写那些令人困惑的时间和日子,或者那些片段与零碎,  Put first before the rest as light for all and entrance-song of all,  要把它们置于一切之先啊,就像世界要先有光,合唱要从第一首歌开始,  That of eidólons.  这就是那些精神之魂。  Ever the dim beginning,  它们总是处在朦胧的初生,  Ever the growth, the rounding of the circle,  它们总是在成长之中,总是在变得完满无缺,  Ever the summit and the merge at last, (to surely start again,)   它们总是处在高峰的顶点,并最终消逝,(为了毫无疑义地再次重生,)  Eidólons! eidólons!  精神之魂啊!精神之魂!  Ever the mutable,  总是自那无测的变幻中,  Ever materials, changing, crumbling, re-cohering,  总是自那有形的物质,那蜕变,那崩溃,那再一次的结合中,   Ever the ateliers, the factories divine,  总是自那艺术家的工作室,那圣洁的工厂车间中,  Issuing eidólons.  汩汩地流动出精神之魂。  Lo, I or you,  喏,无论是我还是你,  Or woman, man, or state, known or unknown,   无论是男人还是女人,无论是尊贵的,知名的还是不知名的,  We seeming solid wealth, strength, beauty build,  表面上啊,我们是在生产财富,磨练体格,创造美丽,  But really build eidólons.  可是实际上啊,我们是在铸造那些精神之魂。  The ostent evanescent,  转瞬即逝的奢华,  The substance of an artist's mood or savan's studies long,  艺术家灵感的创造,或者学者长期研究的成果,  Or warrior's, martyr's, hero's toils,  或者战士、殉道者、英雄的磨难,  To fashion his eidólon.  装饰着各自的精神之魂。  Of every human life,  把每一个人的生命,  (The units gather'd, posted, not a thought, emotion, deed, left out,)   (把生命中每一个单元聚拢,昭示啊,不遗漏每一片思想,每一段情感,每一次经历,)  The whole or large or small summ'd, added up,  把那完整的生命,无论是壮观还是渺小,都累积起来,叠加起来,  In its eidólon.  放进各自的精神之魂。  The old, old urge,  攸长,古老的呼唤,  Based on the ancient pinnacles, lo, newer, higher pinnacles,   来自那些远古高塔的塔尖,喏,一些更新更高的尖塔啊,  From science and the modern still impell'd,  又从科学与时代吸取动力,继续推动  The old, old urge, eidólons.  这古老,悠长的呼唤,那些精神之魂。  The present now and here,  现在,此时此地,  America's busy, teeming, intricate whirl,  美利坚啊,无论是你宏观的总体还是微观的细部,  Of aggregate and segregate for only thence releasing,   To-day's eidólons.  你都是那么令人眩晕地忙碌,拥挤,纷繁复杂,  但唯有如此啊,才能把当代的精神之魂释放。
  (Continue)  (续)  These with the past,  把与过去有关的事物,  Of vanish'd lands, of all the reigns of kings across the sea,   那些湮灭的国度,大洋对岸的所有王朝,  Old conquerors, old campaigns, old sailor's voyages,  古代的征服者,逝去的战争,前辈水手的航程,  Joining eidólons.  都融合进那些精神之魂。  Densities, growth, fa?ades,  内涵或深或浅,成长参差不齐,面孔各式各样,  Strata of mountains, soils, rocks, giant trees,   在山脉的地层里,在土壤里,在岩石里,在大树里,  Far-born, far-dying, living long, to leave,  有的诞生于远逝的过去,有的谢幕在遥远的将来,有的长久活跃,有的行将离去,Eidólons everlasting.  精神之魂啊,不朽永恒。  Exaltè, rapt, ecstatic,  兴奋,狂喜,亢奋,  The visible but their womb of birth,  Of orbic tendencies to shape and shape and shape,   The mighty earth-eidólon.  满目所见的都是那些非凡的大地之精神魂魄,  向着那完美的最终形态,在孕育着它们的子宫里,  形成,形成,继续形成。  All space, all time,  在所有的空间里,所有的时间里,  (The stars, the terrible perturbations of the suns,  (那些恒星们啊,那些极度地躁动不安的太阳们,  Swelling, collapsing, ending, serving their longer, shorteruse,)  膨胀塌陷,终结,正在完成它们长长短短的使命,)  Fill'd with eidólons only.  充满着的只有那些精神之魂。  The noiseless myriads,  成千累万,无言寂然,  The infinite oceans where the rivers empty,  是无穷的洋海能迎纳百河千川,  The separate countless free identities, like eyesight,   像视线一样,来自无限万物,彼此无系,彼此无拘,  The true realities, eidólons.  它们是真实的存在啊,那些精神之魂。  Not this the world,  所谓世界并非世界,  Nor these the universes, they the universes,   所谓宇宙也非宇宙,它们才是真的宇宙,  Purport and end, ever the permanent life of life,  它们是最终的目标与终点,它们才真正是生命中永恒之生命,  Eidólons, eidólons.  精神之魂啊,精神之魂。  Beyond thy lectures learn'd professor,  它,博学的教授,并不在你那长篇大论的理论里,  Beyond thy telescope or spectroscope observer keen, beyond all mathematics,  它,敏锐的观测者,也不在你的显微镜下和分光镜中,它,全部的数学学科都不能包容,  Beyond the doctor's surgery, anatomy, beyond the chemist with his chemistry,  它,医生的外科手术、人体解剖,并不能涵盖,它,化学家的化学知识全不能概括,  The entities of entities, eidólons.  它是本质中的本质啊,它是那些精神之魂。  Unfixed yet fix'd,  变化不定,却又扎实牢固,  Ever shall be, ever have been and are,   无疑呀,它们将会,无疑呀,它们已经并且正在,  Sweeping the present to the infinite future,  席卷起现在,冲向无穷的未来,  Eidólons, eidólons, eidólons.  精神之魂,精神之魂,精神之魂。  The prophet and the bard,  先知和诗人啊,  Shall yet maintain themselves, in higher stages yet,  他们自己必须保持在更高更高的高度,  Shall mediate to the Modern, to Democracy, interpret yet to them,  他们将成为当代和民主的信使,同时还要向它们,传达和诠释那些,  God and eidólons.  来自上帝与精神之魂的声音。  And thee my soul,  至于你自己啊,我的灵魂,  Joys, ceaseless exercises, exaltations,  多少次欢乐的洗礼,不休的磨练,多少次的升华,  Thy yearning amply fed at last, prepared to meet,   你的渴望终于得到了完全的满足啊,你已准备充分要去会合,  Thy mates, eidólons.  你的伙伴,那些精神之魂。  Thy body permanent,  你那不死的真身,  The body lurking there within thy body,  潜藏在你身体内部的那个真身啊,  The only purport of the form thou art, the real I myself,   那是有形身体存在的唯一目的,是真正的我的自我,  An image, an eidólon.  那是一个影像,是一个精神之魂。  Thy very songs not in thy songs,  真正属于你的歌声并不是你所唱的歌声,  No special strains to sing, none for itself,  那歌声并不需要特别的曲调,也根本没有属于它自己的曲调,  But from the whole resulting, rising at last and floating,   但是从所有这一切之中,将会产生,渐渐升起,并且飘荡飞扬,  A round full-orb'd eidólon.  一个像完整的球体那样完美的精神之魂。
  Title: FOR HIM I SING  题目:我为他歌唱  FOR him I sing,  我为他歌唱,  I raise the present on the past,  我举起现在,放在过去之上,  (As some perennial tree out of its roots, the present on the past,)  (就像历久长青的树木从根上生长,现在在过往之上生长,)  With time and space I him dilate and fuse the immortal laws,   我让他,在时间和空间里扩张,我把他,与永恒的法则融合,  To make himself by them the law unto himself.  我用这些,使他成为他自己的法则。
  Title: WHEN I READ THE BOOK  题目:当我读起那本书  WHEN I read the book, the biography famous,  当我读起那本书,那本著名的传记,  And is this then (said I) what the author calls a man's life?  难道(我说)这就是这位作者记录的一个人的生命?  And so will some one when I am dead and gone write my life?   然后,当我死了逝去之后,也会有这么一个家伙来写我的生命?  (As if any man really knew aught of my life,  (装模作样好像真地有人了解我生命中所有的零碎,  Why even I myself I often think know little or nothing of my real life,  而其实就算是我自己也常常想到,对我的真实的生命我所了解的是那么少甚至是毫不了然,  Only a few hints, a few diffused faint clews and indirections  除了这一点点线索,这一点点散乱的爪痕和转弯抹角的暗示,  I seek for my own use to trace out here.)  这些我为了自己的需要而勾勒在这里的东西。)
  Title:BEGINNING MY STUDIES  题目:我的探索刚刚开始  BEGINNING my studies the first step pleas'd me so much,  我的探索刚刚开始,这第一步就让我如此欣喜,  The mere fact consciousness, these forms, the power of motion,   仅仅是触碰到了精神的存在,看见了这些实在的形态,感受到了运动的动力,  The least insect or animal, the senses, eyesight, love,  还有最渺小的昆虫或者动物,还有感觉,还有视线,还有爱,  The first step I say awed me and pleas'd me so much,  我要说仅仅这第一步的景象啊,就令我这般敬畏,叫我如此欣喜,  I have hardly gone and hardly wish'd to go any farther,   我几乎没法再往前行,也几乎不想走得更远,  But stop and loiter all the time to sing it in ecstatic songs.  我只想在此永远停留,用狂喜的歌声把它咏唱。
  Title:BEGINNERS  题目:先驱者  HOW they are provided for upon the earth, (appearing at intervals,)  要怎样啊,世界上才能出现他们这样的人,(零散而萧疏地现出身形,)  How dear and dreadful they are to the earth,  多么地可爱而又可畏啊,对于世界,他们是如此的一群,  How they inure to themselves as much as to any —— what a paradox appears their age,  他们要怎样勉强地适应着别人甚至适应着自己呀 —— 对他们来说,时代是那么地荒谬,  How people respond to them, yet know them not,  为什么人们愿意响应他们啊,可是对他们却毫不了解,  How there is something relentless in their fate all times,  为什么总有那些残酷啊,在他们的命运之中,   How all times mischoose the objects of their adulation and reward,  为什么总是会错误地选择啊,他们刻意迎合的目标和想要得到的酬答,  And how the same inexorable price must still be paid for the same great purchase.
  Title: TO THE STATES  题目:致联邦  TO the States or any one of them, or any city of the States,  致联邦,联邦中的每一个州,联邦里的每一个城市,  Resist much, obey little,  要竭力抗争啊,决不顺从,  Once unquestioning obedience, once fully enslaved,  一旦无条件顺从啊,就会被彻底奴役,  Once fully enslaved, no nation, state, city, of this earth, ever afterward resumes its liberty.  一旦被彻底奴役啊,在这地球上,无论是哪个民族,哪个邦国,哪个城市,都再也不能重获它的自由。
  Title: ON JOURNEYS THROUGH THE STATES  题目:在横跨美国的旅途上  ON journeys through the States we start,  我们开始这旅途,去横跨美国,  (Ay through the world, urged by these songs,  (哎,在这些歌儿的激励下,我们将横跨世界,   Sailing henceforth to every land, to every sea,)  从这儿出发,驶向每一片土地,每一片海洋,)  We willing learners of all, teachers of all, and lovers of all.  我们心甘情愿,做所有人的学生,所有人的老师,和所有人的爱侣。  We have watch'd the seasons dispensing themselves and passing on,  我们看到了四季如何将自己划分,并且如何地交替相接,  And have said, Why should not a man or woman do as much as the seasons, and effuse as much?  我们也曾说,难道人,莫管是男人还是女人,就不能也让自己像四季一样殊异千姿,并且奉献良多?  We dwell a while in every city and town,  我们在每个城市和集镇驻足小住,  We pass through Kanada, the North-east, the vast valley of the Mississippi, and the Southern States,  我们穿过加拿大,穿过东北边疆,穿过密西西比那广袤的河谷,以及南部的各个州郡,  We confer on equal terms with each of the States,  每一个州啊,我们都与它们平等相商,  We make trial of ourselves and invite men and women to hear,   我们审问自己,并且邀请男人们和女人们都来旁听,  We say to ourselves, Remember, fear not, be candid,promulge the body and the soul,  我们对自己说,记住,不要害怕,要坦白直率,把肉体和灵魂都向四方播散,  Dwell a while and pass on, be copious, temperate, chaste, magnetic,  驻足小住啊,然后继续行进,我们要学识过人,我们要稳健节制,我们要高尚纯洁,我们要魅力超凡,  And what you effuse may then return as the seasons return,   像四季循环轮回,那些你所播撒奉献的,还将回归你的怀中,  And may be just as much as the seasons.  并且你所收回的,也正像四季一样繁茂丰富。
  Title: TO A CERTAIN CANTATRICE  题目:致某个女歌唱家  HERE, take this gift,  来,把这份礼物拿去,  I was reserving it for some hero, speaker, or general,  我本想将它留给某个英雄,演说家,或者将军,  One who should serve the good old cause, the great idea, the progress and freedom of the race,  留给那将要奉献于那美好而古老的事业,奉献于伟大的思想,奉献于人类的进步和自由的人,  Some brave confronter of despots,  留给那勇敢地面对专制君主的人,留给那大胆的叛逆者;  But I see that what I was reserving belongs to you just as much as to any.  但此时我发现你与他们中的任何一个一样,同样值得得到我这份迟迟不肯送出的礼物。
  Title: ME IMPERTURBE  题目:我沉静地  ME imperturbe, standing at ease in Nature,  我沉静地,在天地间悠然直立,  Master of all or mistress of all, aplomb in the midst of irrational things,  我是万物的主人,我是万物的主母,于无理性的万物之中,我镇定直立,  Imbued as they, passive, receptive, silent as they,  我像它们一样充实,也像它们一样驯服,顺受,无声无息,  Finding my occupation, poverty, notoriety, foibles, crimes, less important than I thought,  我的职业,我的贫困,我的昭著臭名,我的怪癖恶习,我所犯的罪恶,其实啊,都没有我曾经以为的那么重要,  Me toward the Mexican sea, or in the Mannahatta or the Tennessee, or far north or inland,  无论我面朝墨西哥的大海,还是身在曼纳哈塔,或者是在田纳西,在北方远疆以及内陆深处A river man, or a man of the woods or of any farm-life of these States or of the coast, or the lakes or Kanada,  ,  无论我是一个河畔渔夫,还是林中猎手,或者无论是在某一个州,某个海滨,大湖地区或是加拿大度着农庄生涯,  Me wherever my life is lived, O to be self-balanced for contingencies,  无论我生活在何地何方啊,哦,面对意外偶然,让我能处变不惊,  To confront night, storms, hunger, ridicule, accidents, rebuffs, as the trees and animals do.  勇敢面对黑夜,风暴,饥饿,嘲讽,事故,挫折,像树木和动物们一样地勇敢面对。
  Title: SAVANTISM  题目:穷源求真的学者精神  THITHER as I look I see each result and glory retracing itself and nestling close, always obligated,  朝那儿我看去,我看到,每一个结果,每一种荣耀,都犹如一项必尽的义务,要把自己的源泉追溯到那里,让自己紧紧依偎在那里,  Thither hours, months, years —— thither trades, compacts, establishments, even the most minute,  时刻,日月,年岁都发源自那里----贸易,契约,公司机构,最微细的活动和组织都根植在那里,  Thither every-day life, speech, utensils, politics, persons,  日常的生活,言谈,用具,政治活动,人,阶级,都依赖于那里,  Thither we also, I with my leaves and songs, trustful, admirant,  我带着我的片片草叶和首首歌儿,我们也忠实而景慕地朝向那里啊,  As a father to his father going takes his children along with him.  就像一个父亲,带着自己的孩子们一起,向自己的父亲走去。
  Title: THE SHIP STARTING  题目:船儿正在起航  LO, the unbounded sea,  喏,这无边的大海,  On its breast a ship starting, spreading all sails, carrying even her moonsails,  在它的胸膛上,有一条船正在起航,所有的帆都在张开,就连月帆也都挂上,  The pennant is flying aloft as she speeds she speeds so stately  —— below emulous waves press forward,  船儿在飞驰,三角旗高高飘扬,船儿飞驰,姿态如此端庄----在她身下激荡的浪头被推向前方,  They surround the ship with shining curving motions and foam.  波浪绕着船啊,泛起泡沫,上下起伏翻着闪亮的波光。
22:52:17  好贴  -----------------------------  谢谢捧场。新年快乐。
  Title: I HEAR AMERICA SINGING  题目:我听见美利坚在歌唱  I HEAR America singing, the varied carols I hear,  我听见美利坚在歌唱,各种各样的颂歌呀,我都听到,  Those of mechanics, each one singing his as it should be blithe and strong,  机械工人唱起他们的歌,每人的唱法都不同,因为他要把歌唱得快乐又雄壮,  The carpenter singing his as he measures his plank or beam,   木匠师傅唱起他的歌,那是他在把板材和横梁量,  The mason singing his as he makes ready for work, or leaves off work,  泥瓦工匠唱起他的歌,那是他在准备上工,或收工,  The boatman singing what belongs to him in his boat, the deck-hand singing on the steamboat deck,  船夫在唱歌,在他的小船上,唱着属于他的歌,水手在唱歌,站上了蒸汽船的甲板呀,就是他在歌唱,  The shoemaker singing as he sits on his bench, the hatter singing as he stands,  鞋匠在唱歌,坐在他的板凳上呀,就是他在歌唱,帽商在唱歌,站立在那里呀,就是他在歌唱,  The wood-cutter's song, the ploughboy's on his way in the morning, or at noon intermission or at sundown,  伐木工人有他的歌,耕田的小伙也有他的歌,清晨出工他们歌唱,午间小憩他们歌唱,夕阳落山呀,他们还歌唱,  The delicious singing of the mother, or of the young wife at work, or of the girl sewing or washing,  悦耳的甜歌唱起来,那是母亲在歌唱,那是年轻主妇在劳作,那是还没嫁人的姑娘呀,她在洗洗又缝缝,  Each singing what belongs to him or her and to none else,  每一个他或者她呀,都在唱,唱着只属于自己而不属于别人的歌,  The day what belongs to the day —— at night the party of young fellows, robust, friendly,  白天唱着属于白天的歌----晚上,在年轻同伴们的聚会上,那强壮而友善的声音,  Singing with open mouths their strong melodious songs.  又把他们美妙有力的歌曲大声歌唱。
  Title: WHAT PLACE IS BESIEGED?  题目:什么地方被围困  WHAT place is besieged, and vainly tries to raise the siege?   什么地方被围困,并且一次次的失落掉解围的希望?  Lo, I send to that place a commander, swift, brave, immortal  喏,让我来向那儿派一个统帅,他敏捷,英勇,不死长生,  And with him horse and foot, and parks of artillery,  和他一起的还有马军步军,成群的大炮,  And artillery-men, the deadliest that ever fired gun  加上那些炮兵,和从没见过的最要命的大炮。
  Title: STILL THOUGH THE ONE I SING  题目:即使是这样,我还是要歌颂这样的人  STILL though the one I sing,  即使是这样,我还是要歌颂这样的人,  (One, yet of contradictions made,) I dedicate to Nationality,   (肉体是一个整体,精神却充满矛盾,)我把他奉献于我们的民族,  I leave in him revolt, (O latent right of insurrection! O quenchless, indispensable fire!)  我把叛逆留存在他的心底,(哦,这是潜伏着的反抗的天性!哦,这是无法熄灭也片刻难离的烈焰!)
  Title: SHUT NOT YOUR DOORS  题目:不要关上你的大门  SHUT not your doors to me proud libraries,  不要朝我关上你的大门,傲气的图书馆们,   For that which was lacking on all your well-fill'd shelves, yet needed most, I bring,  因为,有一本书,一本在你所有堆满书的架子上都没法找到,却又最最为你需要的书,是我把它带来,  Forth from the war emerging, a book I have made,  这本书经过战斗才得以现身,这本书是我把它写成,  The words of my book nothing, the drift of it every thing,   我书中的字句无足轻重,但让我的书儿流传却意义非凡,  A book separate, not link'd with the rest nor felt by the intellect,  这本书孤独无伴,旁的书与它略无关联,睿智的学者也对它毫无知觉,  But you ye untold latencies will thrill to every page.  但是你们,你们这些数不清的潜在的读者啊,将为每一页而尖声叫喊。
  Title: POETS TO COME  题目:未来的诗人们  POETS to come! orators, singers, musicians to come!   未来的诗人们!未来的演说家、歌手、音乐家们!  Not to-day is to justify me and answer what I am for,  为我进行的辩护不会在今天举行,我所追寻的答案也不会在今天得出,  But you, a new brood, native, athletic, continental, greater than before known,  但是你们,一群土生土长,健壮活跃,比以住所有的种族都更为伟大的新大陆人啊,  Arouse! for you must justify me.  请站起来!因为你们必须为我辩护。  I myself but write one or two indicative words for the future,  我自己只不过为未来写下了一两句隐约的文字,  I but advance a moment only to wheel and hurry back in the darkness.  我只是在某一瞬间冲上前来,但随即又匆匆折回黑暗。  I am a man who, sauntering along without fully stopping, turns a casual look upon you and then averts his face,  我是这样的一个人,他沿路闲逛漫游,但也未曾完全停下,他转头向你们投来随意的一眼然后又转脸它顾,  Leaving it to you to prove and define it,   留下这一切让你们来求证与解释,  Expecting the main things from you.  期待着那最重要的工作能由你们来完成。
  Title: TO YOU  题目:致你  STRANGER, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me?  陌生人啊,如果在你我擦肩而过的时候有话要对我倾诉,那为什么你不开口对我倾吐?  And why should I not speak to you?  如果在你我擦肩而过的时候有话想对你倾诉,难道我就不应当开口对你倾吐?
  Title: THOU READER  题目:你啊,我的读者  THOU reader throbbest life and pride and love the same as I,   你啊,我的读者,你像我一样,有着让人最血脉喷张的生活、尊严和爱情,  Therefore for thee the following chants.  所以啊,让我把下面的赞歌献给你。
  Title: Starting from Paumanok (1)  题目:从鲍马诺克出发(1)  STARTING from fish-shape Paumanok where I was born,   从鱼形的鲍马诺克出发,那是我诞生的地方,  Well-begotten, and rais'd by a perfect mother,  在那里我继承了父亲的优点,还受到了一个完美的母亲的抚育,  After roaming many lands, lover of populous pavements,   此后我曾漫步浪游了许多的地方,我曾热爱着那挤满了人的街道,  Dweller in Mannahatta my city, or on southern savannas,   我也曾居住在我的城市曼纳哈塔,以及南方的稀树草原,  Or a soldier camp'd or carrying my knapsack and gun, or a miner in California,  我曾做过兵士宿营在野外啊,我曾身背着背囊肩扛枪,也还曾是一个矿工在那加利福尼亚,  Or rude in my home in Dakota's woods, my diet meat, my drink from the spring,  我曾经茹毛饮血啊,在达科他林地我的家,把兽肉当做食物,清泉做我的琼浆,  Or withdrawn to muse and meditate in some deep recess,  我亦曾隐退到僻土幽乡,在那里冥思苦想,   Far from the clank of crowds intervals passing rapt and happy,  远离人群的纷乱喧嚣,在亢奋快乐中消磨数度时光,  Aware of the fresh free giver the flowing Missouri, aware of mighty Niagara,  我了解了流动着的密苏里,这清新自由的施舍者,我也懂得了强大的尼亚加拉,  Aware of the buffalo herds grazing the plains, the hirsute and strong-breasted bull,  我知道水牛群觅食的平原,也知道毛发粗长胸脯壮健的大公牛,  Of earth, rocks, Fifth-month flowers experienced, stars, rain, snow, my amaze,  我曾欣赏过大地,岩石,五月的鲜花,我也惊愕于星星,雨水和雪,  Having studied the mocking-bird's tones and the flight of the mountain-hawk,  我研究过模仿鸟的音调,我观察过高山鹰隼的猎翔,  And heard at dawn the unrivall'd one, the hermit thrush from the swamp-cedars,  我听到过破晓时北美隐居鸫在沼泽雪松林中那超逸绝伦的叫声,  Solitary, singing in the West, I strike up for a New World.  如今我独自地在西方歌唱,为一个新的世界唱响我的歌声。
  Title: Starting from Paumanok (2)  题目:从鲍马诺克出发(2)  Victory, union, faith, identity, time,  胜利,联盟,信仰,身份,时间,  The indissoluble compacts, riches, mystery,  牢不可破的契约,财富,奥秘,  Eternal progress, the kosmos, and the modern reports.  永不停止的进步,宇宙,以及现代的通讯报道。  This then is life,  这就是生命,  Here is what has come to the surface after so many throes and convulsions.  这就是那些,要经过无数次颤动与震荡才能出现的东西。  How curious! how real!  多么奇妙!又如此真实!  Underfoot the divine soil, overhead the sun.  脚下是神圣的土地,头顶是那太阳!  See revolving the globe,  看哪,这旋转的地球,  The ancestor-continents away group'd together,  远方是我们祖先居住的大陆,它们成团地抱在一起,  The present and future continents north and south, with the isthmus between.  而代表着现在和未来的这南北两块大陆啊,中间由一条地峡隔开。  See, vast trackless spaces,  看哪,这里有广阔的荒无人迹的空间,  As in a dream they change, they swiftly fill,   犹如在梦境中,它们的面貌改变了,它们被迅速地填满了,  Countless masses debouch upon them,  无数的人群流向它们,  They are now cover'd with the foremost people, arts, institutions, known.  如今啊,它们有了第一流的人,第一流的艺术,第一流的制度,第一流的名声。  See, projected through time,  看哪,它在时间的流逝中投射出来,  For me an audience interminable.  为我搭建了一个永不谢幕的讲坛。  With firm and regular step they wend, they never stop,  迈着坚定而整齐的步伐他们来了,他们永不停步,  Successions of men, Americanos, a hundred millions,  连绵不断的人啊,亚美利加人,千千万万,  One generation playing its part and passing on,  一代人完成着他们的使命并且走过去,  Another generation playing its part and passing on in its turn,  又轮到另一代人完成着他们的使命并且走过去,  With faces turn'd sideways or backward towards me to listen,  他们的脸向旁边向后面转了过来,朝着我他们倾听,  With eyes retrospective towards me.  他们的眼睛朝向着我,充满追思与回顾。
  Title: Starting from Paumanok (3)  题目:从鲍马诺克出发(3)  Americanos! conquerors! marches humanitarian!  亚美利加人哪!征服者呀!人性在进军!  Foremost! century marches! Libertad! masses!  走上前来啊!世纪的进军!自由!大众!  For you a programme of chants.  为你们我呈上这张写满颂歌的曲单。  Chants of the prairies,  这里有大草原的颂歌,  Chants of the long-running Mississippi, and down to the Mexican sea,  这里有密西西比的颂歌,它长途奔流,直达墨西哥海,  Chants of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota,  这里有俄亥俄,印第安纳,伊利诺斯,衣阿华,威斯康星和明尼苏达的颂歌,  Chants going forth from the centre from Kansas, and thence equidistant,  颂歌从这片大地的中心,从堪萨斯出发,然后同等地,  Shooting in pulses of fire ceaseless to vivify all.  以永不平息的火焰的律动幅射而去,让一切焕发生命。
  Title: Starting from Paumanok (4)  题目:从鲍马诺克出发(4)  Take my leaves America, take them South and take them North,  亚美利加啊,请接受我的片片草叶,请接受它们,南方,请接受它们,北方,  Make welcome for them everywhere, for they are your own offspring,  让每个地方都向它们做出欢迎的表示吧,因为它们是你们自己的子孙,  Surround them East and West, for they would surround you,  东部和西部环绕起它们吧,因为它们也将把你们环绕,  And you precedents, connect lovingly with them, for they connect lovingly with you.  还有你们,那些唱响在昔日的颂歌,与它们深情相连吧,因为它们与你们深情相连。  I conn'd old times,  我细读过以往的岁月,  I sat studying at the feet of the great masters,  我曾蹲坐在大师们脚下研习,  Now if eligible O that the great masters might return and study me.  如今如果我的蕴积已够,哦,或许那些大师们将回转身来把我研读。  In the name of these States shall I scorn the antique?   难道以联邦各州的名义,我就可以对那古代的遗产表示不屑?  Why these are the children of the antique to justify it.  决不,联邦各州本是这古老遗产的孩子,它们要给这古老的遗产正名。
  Title: Starting from Paumanok (5)  题目:从鲍马诺克出发(5)  Dead poets, philosophs, priests,  Martyrs, artists, inventors, governments long since,   Language-shapers on other shores,  大洋彼岸诸邦那已逝的诗人,哲学家,  祭司神父,殉道者,艺术家,发明家,  悠远古时的统治者和语言的创制者们,   Nations once powerful, now reduced, withdrawn, or desolate,   那些曾经强盛,如今也衰落,隐退,甚至被冷落的民族们,  I dare not proceed till I respectfully credit what you have left wafted hither,  我不敢迈步向前啊,除非我先把你们飘流到这里的遗产恭敬地颂扬歌唱,  I have perused it, own it is admirable, (moving awhile among it,)  我曾仔细察看这份遗产,我确认这份遗产值得敬仰,(因为我曾一度在这遗产中四处流连,)  Think nothing can ever be greater, nothing can ever deserve more than it deserves,  我看哪,没有任何东西能比它更伟大,也再没有任何东西能够超越它的价值,  Regarding it all intently a long while, then dismissing it,   我长久地全神贯注地注视了它啊,然后将它放下,  I stand in my place with my own day here.  我站在了我自己的位置上,在这里我与我自己的时代在一起。  Here lands female and male,  这里有片片土地,女性和男性共同拥有,  Here the heir-ship and heiress-ship of the world, here the flame of materials,  这里是一个世界,男人和女人都有权继承,这里是物质之火,  Here spirituality the translatress, the openly-avow'd,  在这里,诠释这一切的精神灵性,那个被公开地承认了的她呀,  The ever-tending, the finalè of visible forms,  那实体形态的最终追求和最后归宿,  The satisfier, after due long-waiting now advancing,  那个使人得到满足的东西,在经过预定的长时间的等待后,现在向前走来,  Yes here comes my mistress the soul.  是的,这是我的主人,我的灵魂,她走来。
  Title: Starting from Paumanok (6)  题目:从鲍马诺克出发(6)  The soul,  这灵魂,  Forever and forever —— longer than soil is brown and solid ——longer than water ebbs and flows.  将永远永远存在----她比坚硬的褐色土地还要长久----她比涨落的潮水还要长久。  I will make the poems of materials, for I think they are to be the most spiritual poems,  我要为实在的物质写诗,因为我认为它们将成为最具精神灵性的诗篇,  And I will make the poems of my body and of mortality,  我还要为我的肉体和必死的尘世生命写诗,  For I think I shall then supply myself with the poems of my soul and of immortality.  因为我认为这样才能把我的灵魂和不朽的永生谱成诗篇献给自己。  I will make a song for these States that no one State may under any circumstances be subjected to another State,  我要给这些州邦写一首歌,告诉它们在任何情况下一个州邦都不要臣服于另一个州邦,  And I will make a song that there shall be comity by day and by night between all the States, and between any two of them,  我还要再写一首歌,呼唤在所有的州邦之间,在任意两个州邦之间,每天每夜啊,都能做到互敬互让,  And I will make a song for the ears of the President, full of weapons with menacing points,  我还要写一首唱给总统听的歌,歌中排满武器,矛头尖锐刀口锋利,  And behind the weapons countles   而在那武器的后面啊,有无数写着不满的脸庞,  And a song make I of the One form'd out of all,  我还要写一首歌啊,一首用所有的歌写成的歌,  The fang'd and glittering One including and over all,   这首歌牙齿尖利,华丽眩目,它蕴含一切歌调超越一切歌调,  (However high the head of any else that head is over all.)  (其它任何的歌啊,任你的头颅如何高昂,我这首歌的头颅仍昂得最高。)  I will acknowledge contemporary lands,  我要向同时代的国家致意,  I will trail the whole geography of the globe and salute courteously every city large and small,  我要跟着整个地球的地势起伏,去向每一个城市,无论它是大是小啊,我都彬彬有礼地致敬,  And employments! I will put in my poems that with you is heroism upon land and sea,  还有各行各业啊!在我的诗里我将让,那陆地和海洋上的英雄业绩和你们排列在一起,  And I will report all heroism from an American point of view.  我还会从一个美国人的观点出发,来报道这所有的英雄业绩。  I will sing the song of companionship,  我要唱一首同伴友爱之歌,  I will show what alone must finally compact these,  我要告诉大家只有靠什么才能把这些友爱最终紧密地契合,  I believe these are to found their own ideal of manly love, indicating it in me,  我相信同伴友爱就是去寻找属于他们自己的理想的男性之爱啊,这种爱,在我身上写下标记,  I will therefore let flame from me the burning fires that were threatening to consume me,  因此我将让火焰从我身上升腾,这燃烧的火焰啊,正要可怕地把我燃尽,  I will lift what has too long kept down those smouldering fires,  我要把这层压抑揭开,那层对那郁积着的火焰太久太久的压抑,  I will give them complete abandonment,  我要让这火焰得到彻底的放纵,  I will write the evangel-poem of comrades and of love,  我要为同志和爱写下宣道的诗篇,  For who but I should understand love with all its sorrow and joy?  因为除了我还有谁会理解这爱,这爱中所有的悲哀和欢喜?  And who but I should be the poet of comrades?  除了我还能有谁应当成为同志们的诗人?
  Title: Starting from Paumanok (7)  题目:从鲍马诺克出发(7)  I am the credulous man of qualities, ages, races,   我是这样的一个人啊,我毫无保留地相信人,不管他的禀赋,年纪与族群,  I advance from the people in their own spirit,   我从人群中,在他们的精神里向前挺进,  Here is what sings unrestricted faith.  在这里歌唱着这无边无际的信任。  Omnes! omnes! let others ignore what they may,  所有的人啊!所有的人啊!让别人去无视那些他们打算视而不见的东西吧,  I make the poem of evil also, I commemorate that part also,  而我就连邪恶也要谱成诗篇,为这样的东西我也留下纪念,  I am myself just as much evil as good, and my nation is —— and I say there is in fact no evil,  我自己就是正邪参半的人啊,而我的国家也是如此----但是我说啊,其实邪恶并不存在,  (Or if there is I say it is just as important to you, to the land or to me, as any thing else.)  (或者说,假使真的有邪恶存在,我说啊,对你,对这片土地,或者对我来说,它与其它的任何东西都一样重要。)  I too, following many and follow'd by many, inaugurate a religion, I descend into the arena,  跟随着许多人的足迹,很多人也跟随着我的足迹,我也让那宗教般的信仰升起,我走下了竞技场,  (It may be I am destin'd to utter the loudest cries there, the winner's pealing shouts,  (也许这就是我的命运,要在这里放出最大的吼声,这胜利者的轰然大叫,  Who knows? they may rise from me yet, and soar above every thing.)  谁知道呢?也许这些吼叫已经从我口里升起,并且在万物之上翱翔。)  Each is not for its own sake,  每个事物的存在都不是为了它自己,  I say the whole earth and all the stars in the sky are for religion's sake.  我说啊,这整个的地球,这天空中的所有星星都是为了信仰而存在。  I say no man has ever yet been half devout enough,   我要说啊,还没有人付出了哪怕是一半的虔诚,  None has ever yet adored or worship'd half enough,  还没有人表达了哪怕是一半的尊敬或崇拜,  None has begun to think how divine he himself is, and how certain the future is.  没有人开始思考啊,他自己有多么的神圣,而未来是多么的确定。  I say that the real and permanent grandeur of these States must be their religion,  我要说啊,这些州邦真正而永远的光荣必须在于它的信仰,  Otherwise there is no real an  除此之外再没有什么真正和永久的荣光,  (Nor character nor life worthy the name without religion,   (如果没有了信仰,任何品格任何生活,都不值得有自己的名字,  Nor land nor man or woman without religion.)  如果没有信仰,也就没有什么土地,没有什么男人和女人。)
  Title: Starting from Paumanok (8)  题目:从鲍马诺克出发(8)  8  What are you doing young man?  年轻的人啊,你现在在做什么?  Are you so earnest, so given up to literature, science, art, amours?  你是在非常真诚地,非常投入地献身于文学,科学,艺术,私情吗?  These ostensible realities, politics, points?  沉醉于这些浅表的现实生活,政治活动和观点看法?  Your ambition or business whatever it may be?  还是献身于你的雄心大志,或者不管是什么样的职业和生意?  It is well —— against such I say not a word, I am their poet also,   这很好----我对此不置一词,因为我的诗也献给它们,  But behold! such swiftly subside, burnt up for religion's sake,  但是看哪!在信仰面前这些东西都将迅速消逝,如被火焚尽,  For not all matter is fuel to heat, impalpable flame, the essential life of the earth,  因为并不是所有的东西都能用来当作燃料,发出热量,燃烧那无形的火焰,维持这大地的生命之本,  Any more than such are to religion.  而对于信仰来说啊,它的要求至少也是如此。
  Title: Starting from Paumanok (9)  题目:从鲍马诺克出发(9)  What do you seek so pensive and silent?   你如此忧郁如此沉默是在寻找什么?  What do you need camerado?  同志伙伴啊你需要的是什么?  Dear son do you think it is love?  亲爱的孩子你认为这就是爱情吗?  Listen dear son —— listen America, daughter or son,  听啊,亲爱的孩子----听啊,亚美利加的女孩和男孩,  It is a painful thing to love a man or woman to excess, and yet it satisfies, it is great,  虽然过于深情地爱着一个男人或者一个女人是痛苦的,但这却令人满足,这是伟大之物,  But there is something else very great, it makes the whole coincide,  不过还有另外一种非常伟大之物啊,它会使一切都和谐一致,  It, magnificent, beyond materials, with continuous hands sweeps and provides for all.  它,宏伟庄严,超越于物质之上,用不停息的手,席卷一切而又抚育一切。
  它的手指向那无数的不朽诗章,  And menacing voice, What singest thou? it said,  用逼人的语调,你歌唱的是什么?它说,  Know'st thou not there is but one theme for ever-enduring bards?  难道你不知道不朽的诗人,只吟唱唯一的一个主题?  And that is the theme of War, the fortune of battles,  这个主题就是战争,战斗中的命运,  The making of perfect soldiers.  完美战士们的成长。  Be it so, then I answer'd,  让它们去吧,这是我听完后的回答,  I too haughty Shade also sing war, and a longer and greater one than any,  我的魂灵同样高傲,我也歌唱战争,但那是一场比任何其它的战争都更长更伟大的战争,  Waged in my book with varying fortune,
with flight, advance and retreat, victory deferr'd and wavering,  我在我的书里展示各种各样的命运,有溃逃,前进与后退,胜利在推迟在摇晃,  (Yet methinks certain, or as good
certain, at the last,) the field the world,  (但是我想最后的胜利是确定的,或者差不多是确定的,)这场战争啊,将以整个世界作为战场,  For life and death, for the Body and for the eternal Soul,  这是为了生命和死亡的战斗,这是为了肉体也为了永恒灵魂的战斗,  Lo, I too am come, chanting the
of battles,  喏,我也会来参加,高唱着战歌,  I above all promote brave soldiers.  我最先赞颂的啊,是那勇敢的战士。
  Title: Starting from Paumanok (10)  题目:从鲍马诺克出发(10)  Know you, solely to drop in the earth the germs of a greater religion,  你要知道啊,完全是为了在这大地上播撒一种更为伟大的信仰的种子,  The following chants each for its kind I sing.  我才要唱出后面的那些颂歌,为每一颗种子,都配上属于它的歌。  My comrade!  我的同志啊!  For you to share with me two greatnesses, and a third one rising inclusive and more resplendent,  与你,我要分享,两种形式的伟大,以及那第三种,一种正在成长的包罗一切而且更加辉煌的伟大,  The greatness of Love and Democracy, and the greatness of Religion.  这就是爱的伟大和民主的伟大,还有信仰的伟大。  Melange mine own, the unseen and the seen,  这是一个五花八门的拼盘,属于我自己,包括有形和无形的事物,  Mysterious ocean where the streams empty,  这是一片神秘的海洋,百川千流都向这里汇入,  Prophetic spirit of material shifting and flickering around me,  这是能够预言未来的物质的精灵,在我的前后左右跳动闪烁,  Living beings, identities now doubtless near us in the air that we know not of,  这是有生命的物体,是毫无疑义地存在于我们近旁的实体,在我们毫无察觉的空气中,  Contact daily and hourly that will not release me,  他们每日每时紧挨着我,不会把我放开,  These selecting, these in hints demanded of me.  这些遴选出的精粹,这些藏身于隐喻的东西,对我强烈地提出了要求。  Not he with a daily kiss onward from childhood kissing me,  Has winded and twisted around me that which holds me to him,  他亲吻着我,从我的孩提时代起就每日亲吻着我,  但并不是因为他对我的纠缠环绕才让我投入他的怀抱,  Any more than I am held to the heavens and all the spiritual world,  After what they have done to me, suggesting themes.  而是如同天堂和所有的精神世界一样,只有在用这些满含暗示的旋律,  对我施加了影响之后,才能把我拥入他的怀抱。  O such themes —— equalities! O divine average!  哦,这样的旋律——处处平等!哦,圣洁的尘世凡人!  Warblings under the sun, usher'd as now, or at noon, or setting,  在阳光下的婉啭着,就在此刻,在正午,在日落时分,被引领着过来了,  Strains musical flowing through ages, now reaching hither,  这音乐的旋律流过了多少岁月,如今来到了这里,  I take to your reckless and composite chords, add to them,and cheerfully pass them forward.  而我捡起你们那鲁莽大胆的复合的弦声,为它们添加新的内容,然后再欢乐地把它们向前传去。
  Title: Starting from Paumanok (11)  题目:从鲍马诺克出发(11)  As I have walk'd in Alabama my morning walk,  当我在阿拉巴马的清晨沿着散步的路线行走,  I have seen where the she-bird the mocking-bird sat on her nest in the briers hatching her brood.  我曾看到了那只雌嘲鸟蹲伏在荆棘丛中,在鸟巢中孵育着后代。  I have seen the he-bird also,  我也看到了那只雄鸟,  I have paus'd to hear him near at hand inflating his throat and joyfully singing.  我曾暂且停下步子,听他在我的近旁鼓荡着喉咙快乐歌唱。  And while I paus'd it came to me that what he really sang for was not there only,  就在我停步的那刻,我突然意识到他真正歌咏的对象,并非仅在彼地彼方,  Nor for his mate nor himself only, nor all sent back by the echoes,  他并非仅仅为他的伴侣和自己而唱啊,他所唱的也不会仅仅变成回声返还,  But subtle, clandestine, away beyond,  他的歌声以一种无法描述的方式,悄无声息地飞向了远方,  A charge transmitted and gift occult for those being born.  对于那些正在出生的生命,这歌声是被传递的责任和看不见的赠礼。
  Title: Starting from Paumanok (12)  题目:从鲍马诺克出发(12)  Democracy! near at hand to you a throat is now inflating itself and joyfully singing.  民主啊!你的近旁有一条喉咙,正在鼓荡着快乐地歌唱。  Ma femme! for the brood beyond us and of us,   吾妻!为了我们的前辈族人和我们现在的族人,  For those who belong here and those to come,  为了那些属于今天的人们和未来的人们,  I exultant to be ready for them will now shake out carols stronger and haughtier than have ever yet been heard upon earth.  为了他们我狂喜地作好准备,现在我将要让这些颂歌播洒,这些颂歌啊,要比这地球上曾经听过的任何颂歌都要更加强劲和高傲,  I will make the songs of passion to give them their way,   我要创作那充满热情的歌,为他们指出他们的道路,  And your songs outlaw'd offenders, for I scan you with kindred eyes, and carry you with me the same as any.  我还要为你们啊,那些被定罪的罪人作歌,因为我把你们视为同胞骨肉,我挽着你们,如同挽着其他人一样。  I will make the true poem of riches,  我将写下真正的财富之诗,  To earn for the body and the mind whatever adheres and goes forward and i  来为肉体和思想赢取一切,赢取那一切与它们相连,并且向前走去,不会因为死亡而失落的东西,  I will effuse egotism and show it underlying all, and I will be the bard of personality,  我要把自我向外张扬,我要指出自我是一切之本,我将是一个人格的吟唱者,  And I will show of male and female that either is but the equal of the other,  我还要让男人和女人都知道啊,不论是男还是女,彼此都必定平等无差,  And sexual organs and acts! do you concentrate in me, for am determin'd to tell you with courageous clear voice to prove you illustrious,  性的器官和性的活动!请你们浓聚于我吧,因为我注定必须要用充满勇气而且清晰的声音来讲述你们,证明你们的辉煌与卓越。  And I will show that there is no imperfection in the present, and can be none in the future,  而且我将告诉大家现在是完美无暇的,将来也只会是完美无暇的,  And I will show that whatever happens to anybody it may be turn'd to beautiful results,  我还要说不管在一个人的身上发生了什么啊,它们都有可能转化出美丽的结果,  And I will show that nothing can happen more beautiful than death,  我还要说,任何事物的出现,都不如死亡更加美丽,  And I will thread a thread through my poems that time and events are compact,  我要在我的诗歌间穿上一根线头,让时间和事件浓缩在一起,  And that all the things of the universe are perfect miracles, each as profound as any.  还要让宇宙间的一切事物都变成完美的奇迹,每一件都同样地意义深长。  I will not make poems with reference to parts,  我不会写下诗篇,去咏赋那零杂碎片,  But I will make poems, songs, thoughts, with reference to ensemble,  但我要吟颂这集合在一起的整体,用诗,用歌,用思想,  And I will not sing with reference to a day, but with reference to all days,  我也不会把歌唱献给某一个日子,但我将为所有的日子歌唱,  And I will not make a poem nor the least part of a poem but has reference to the soul,  如果不是为了歌咏灵魂,我将不会写下诗篇,哪怕只是诗的片语孤行,  Because having look'd at the objects of the universe, I find there is no one nor any particle of one but has reference to the soul.  因为在查看过这宇宙万物之后啊,我发现没有任何东西,没有任何东西上的任何一点碎屑,能与灵魂无关。
16:34:00  厉害,都是楼主自己翻译的么?  -----------------------------  谢谢。是我自己翻的,但主要参考的前辈译作是赵萝蕤老教授的译本。
  Title: Starting from Paumanok (13)  题目:从鲍马诺克出发(13)  Was somebody asking to see the soul?  有没有人曾经要求,想要看看灵魂?  See, your own shape and countenance, persons, substances, beasts, the trees, the running rivers, the rocks and sands.  看吧,看你自己的形体和面孔,看这些人,这些实在的物质,这些走兽,这些树,这些奔流的河,这些岩石和沙子。  All hold spiritual joys and af  所有这些都曾拥有过精神的欢乐,然后把它们放开,  How can the real body ever die and be buried?  一个真正的肉体,怎么可能竟然死去并被埋葬?  Of your real body and any man's or woman's real body,   其实你的真正身体,任何男人任何女人的真正身体,  Item for item it will elude the hands of the corpse-cleaners and pass to fitting spheres,  将一个元素接一个元素地躲闪开那些沐洗尸体的人们的双手,去往最适合它的地方,  Carrying what has accrued to it from the moment of birth to the moment of death.  带着从出生那一刻起,到死亡的那一刻止,它所积累的一切。  Not the types set up by the printer return their impression, the meaning, the main concern,  印刷工人排好了铅字,它们的效果,意义和主旨就不再改变,,  Any more than a man's substance and life or a woman's substance and life return in the body and the soul,  同样,构成一个男人的物质和生活,或者,构成一个女人的物质和生活,也决不会在身体和灵魂里发生改变,  Indifferently before death and after death.  无论是在生前还是死后。  Behold, the body includes and is the meaning, the main concern, and incl  瞧啊,身体就涵盖了意义和主旨,就是这意义和主旨,身体也包括了灵魂,就是这灵魂,  Whoever you are, how superb and how divine is your body, or any part of it!  无论你是谁,你的身体,你的身体中的每一个部分,都是那么的壮丽和那么的神圣!
  Title: Starting from Paumanok (14)  题目:从鲍马诺克出发(14)  Whoever you are, to you endless announcements!  不管你是谁,我都要对你喋喋不休地布道!   Daughter of the lands did you wait for your poet?  这片大地的女儿呀,你是在等为你吟颂的诗人吗?  Did you wait for one with a flowing mouth and indicative hand?  你是在等这样的一个诗人吗?这个诗人他口若悬河这个诗人他指手划脚,  Toward the male of the States, and toward the female of the States,  向着联邦里的男人们,向着联邦里的女人们,  Exulting words, words to Democracy's lands.  让字句狂喜跃动,让献给民主之地的字句狂喜跃动。  Interlink'd, food-yielding lands!  这片互相连结着的,生产着食物的土地啊!  Land of coal and iron! land of gold! land of cotton, sugar, rice!  这里有生产煤和铁的土地!这里有生产黄金的土地!这里有生产棉花,糖和大米的土地!  Land of wheat, beef, pork! land of wool and hemp! land of the apple and the grape!  这里有生产小麦,牛肉和猪肉的土地!这里有生产羊毛和大麻纤维的土地!这里有生产苹果和葡萄的土地!  Land of the pastoral plains, the grass-fields of the world! land of those sweet-air'd interminable plateaus!  这片土地有平整的牧场,它们是属于世界的绿草青原!这片土地有那些空气甜蜜的无边无际的高原!  Land of the herd, the garden, the healthy house of adobie!  牧群的土地,花园的土地,益人身心的砖房坯舍啊,建在这片土地的上面!   Lands where the north-west Columbia winds, and where the south-west Colorado winds!  这片土地西北蜿蜒着哥伦比亚,这片土地西南蜿蜒着科罗拉多!  Land of the eastern Chesapeake! land of the Delaware!  这是东部切萨皮克湾的土地啊!这是特拉华河的土地!  Land of Ontario, Erie, Huron, Michigan!  这是安大略湖,伊利湖,休伦湖,密歇根湖的土地!  Land of the Old Thirteen! Massachusetts land! land of Vermont and Connecticut!  这是老十三州之地啊!马萨诸塞的土地!佛蒙特的土地和康涅狄格的土地!  Land of the ocean shores! land of sierras and peaks!   海岸线上的土地!峰岭绵绵的土地!  Land of boatmen and sailors! fishermen's land!  舟夫和水手的土地!渔人的土地!   Inextricable lands! the clutch'd together! the passionate ones!  这是不能分割的土地!这是咬合在一起的土地!这是充满热情的片片大地!  The side by side! the elder and younger brothers! the bony-limb'd!  肩并着肩的土地!是年长的阿哥和年轻的阿弟!是有着筯强骨壮的四肢的大地!  The great women's land! the feminine! the experienced sisters and the inexperienced sisters!  这是伟大妇人的大地!这是女人般娇美的土地!是饱历人事的姐姐和不谙人事的妹妹!  Far breath'd land! Arctic braced! Mexican breez'd! the diverse! the compact!  那在远方低语的土地!那北极拥抱的土地!那墨西哥的微风吹拂的土地!那面貌多彩的土地!那紧凑简洁的土地!  The Pennsylvanian! the Virginian! the double Carolinian!  宾夕法尼亚人!弗吉尼亚人!南北卡罗来纳的人!  O all and each well-loved by me! my intrepid nations!   哦,所有的你们,每一个的你们,都被我深深地爱着!我的坚韧不拔的族群们啊!  O I at any rate include you all with perfect love!  哦,至少,我能用无暇的爱地把你们全部包拥!  I cannot be discharged from you! not from one any sooner than another!  不可能把我和你们分开啊!不可能把我与你们中的任何一个分开!  O death! O for all that, I am yet of you unseen this hour with irrepressible love,  哦,死亡啊!哦,因为这一切,我还不肯在此刻带着不可压抑的爱与你相见,  Walking New England, a friend, a traveler,  我要走遍新英格兰,如同一个朋友,一个旅行者,  Splashing my bare feet in the edge of the summer ripples on Paumanok's sands,  我要在鲍马诺克的沙滩上,让夏季的微波轻拍我赤着的双足,  Crossing the prairies, dwelling again in Chicago, dwelling in every town,  我要从大草原上穿行而过,我要再一次居留在芝加哥,我要在每一个市镇居留,  Observing shows, births, improvements, structures, arts,   我要观察展览演出,观察出生,观察进步,观察建筑,观察艺术,  Listening to orators and oratresses in public halls,  倾听男女演说家们在公众会堂里的演说,  Of and through the States as during life, each man and woman my neighbor,  在我一生中啊,在这些州邦之内,在这些州邦之间,每一个男人每一个女人都是我的邻人,  The Louisianian, the Georgian, as near to me, and I as near to him and her,  路易斯安那人,佐治亚人,和我相距一样近,而我也和他或是她啊,相距一样近,  The Mississippian and Arkansian yet with me, and I yet with any of them,  密西西比人和阿肯色人,依然与我在一起,我也和他们中的每一个人在一起,  Yet upon the plains west of the spinal river, yet in my house of adobie,  因为我就在那脊柱之河西边的平原上啊,也已然身在我的砖房坯舍,  Yet returning eastward, yet in the Seaside State or in Maryland,  因为我就在东归的途中啊,我也已经到了这滨海之州,已经来到了马里兰,  Yet Kanadian cheerily braving the winter, the snow and ice welcome to me,  我已经看见加拿大人欢乐地面对严冬啊,冰和雪正在对我表示欢迎,  Yet a true son either of Maine or of the Granite State, or the Narragansett Bay State, or the Empire State,  我依旧是它们真正的儿子啊,是缅因州和大理石之州的儿子,也是纳拉甘西特海湾之州的儿子,也是帝国之州的儿子,  Yet sailing to other shores to annex the same, yet welcoming every new brother,  我也正在向其它的海岸航行啊,我要用同样的信念把它们征服,并且迎接每一个新来的弟兄,  Hereby applying these leaves to the new ones from the hour they unite with the old ones,  因此,让这些草叶飘向这些新来的人吧,从他们与旧的居民融合的那一刻起,  Coming among the new ones myself to be their companion and equal, coming personally to you now,  我自己也夹在这些新来者之间走来了,我是他们的伙伴,我与他们一样,我现在亲自朝你走来,  Enjoining you to acts, characters, spectacles, with me.  逼迫你和我一起去参加演出,去扮演角色,去创造那壮观的场面。


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