为什么要sign off on

&&&sign off
Result: 1. The
animals experiment showed
that the 1/2 part of root pulp and root tip became coagulative
necrosis ,especially the part of apical foramen of teeth , while the cement cell of the alveolar periosteum and parodontiumclosing to the apical foramen of teeth survived continuously , it′shape isregular ,no sign of death . The cement at apical foramen of tooth , the outer parodontium and alveolar periosteum have no sign off necrosis.
By using this verification environment, we successfully design and sign off 3 chips that add up to about 2 million gates.
OFF model.
Challenge from Sign
Sign of Spirit
Research on Position of Traffic Sign on Urban Expressway Off-Ramp
Static Timing Analysis Methodology and Research for Sign-off under UDSM Technology
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为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&&&&&& This paper brings forward a building scheme of atpg-based ASIC verification environment. It has integrated C, TCL and Verilog HDL languages to achieve good practicability and expansibility. By using this verification environment, we successfully design and sign off 3 chips that add up to about 2 million gates. 文章提出了一种基于自动测试向量生成(ATPG)的ASIC前端验证环境的构建方案,方案整合C,TCL和Ver鄄ilogHDL语言,有着良好的实用性和可扩展性。同时通过使用此验证环境,成功开发并流片成功三块总计约200万门的ASIC芯片。 Because the RISC has pipeline structure and various instructions,the traditional verification process Co-Verification is very complex and arduous.Based on the PSL/Sugar language and implemented by the ABV verification tool of Cadence,this article discussed a novel ABV verification method on RISC model.Here we used PERL programs to produce the binary random machine codes for RISC.The experimental result showed that the verification method was quite simple and powerful,and it can reach 100% function coverage and... Because the RISC has pipeline structure and various instructions,the traditional verification process Co-Verification is very complex and arduous.Based on the PSL/Sugar language and implemented by the ABV verification tool of Cadence,this article discussed a novel ABV verification method on RISC model.Here we used PERL programs to produce the binary random machine codes for RISC.The experimental result showed that the verification method was quite simple and powerful,and it can reach 100% function coverage and shorten the SOC developing period.It’s another important technical safeguard for the SOC before it’s design sign-off.由于RISC具有流水线结构和指令多样性的特点,传统的Co Verification方法使RISC验证工作复杂而艰巨.在用PERL语言编写产生的随机测试机器码的基础上,利用Accellera组织提出的PSL/Sugar语言,结合Cadence公司的ABV验证工具,探讨了一种新颖的RTL级RISC模块的ABV验证模式.实验证明,该方法简单、快捷、可靠,能保证验证功能覆盖率达到100%,可以节省大量验证工作量,缩短SOC的开发周期,为加快芯片从设计到产品化的过程增加了一道安全的技术保障. This paper introduces the application of static timing analysis (STA) in digital ASIC design, describes the basic principles and flows of STA, analyzes the possible problems in the STA analysis for digital ASIC with the design of I2C bus as an example, and puts forward the practical methods to eliminate the false path.Through the STA for the full chip, the veracity and reliability of the design can be validated, and the sign-off has been obtained for each part of the work in the design flow. 主要介绍了静态时序分析在数字ASIC设计中的应用,描述了静态时序分析的基本原理和流程,并以I2C总线设计为例,分析了对数字ASIC作静态时序分析中可能出现的问题,提出了消除虚假路径的实际方法.通过对全芯片进行静态时序分析,可以确认设计的准确性和可靠性,从而为设计流程中每一部分的工作取得sign-off提供可靠保证.&nbsp&相关查询
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signoff是什么意思 signoff在线翻译 signoff什么意思 signoff的意思 signoff的翻译 signoff的解释 signoff的发音 signoff的同义词 signoff的反义词
signoffsignoff 网络解释1. 退出登录& & signature line 签字行 | signoff 退出登录 | simple bom 简单 BOM2. 解雇& & signoff 结束解雇 | signoff 解雇 | signofinequality 不等号3. 结束解雇& & signoff 结束 | signoff 结束解雇 | signoff 解雇4. 结束& & signofequality 等号 | signoff 结束 | signoff 结束解雇signoff 网络例句1. Companies took to achieve their signoff and file with securities regulators was 55 days, compared with 60 in the United Kingdom, and 64 in Europe. & &2006年,美国公司完成报告并提交报告的平均时间为55天,而英联邦是60天,欧盟是64天。2. As a result, a transaction that clears three distinct screening points can proceed to completion without further signoff. & &最终,能通过三个特殊的筛选点的交易可以进入下一步直至交易完成,而不需要退出。3. This Phase 3 is priced with travel within the US only for supervising the build and signoff of primary door assembly equipment. & &第三阶段的报价包括仅为监督制门流水线主要设备的制造和结束而进行的美国国内差旅费用。4. Tracy closes the note with this signoff -&As always, thanks for all the love and support you guys keep sending my way.& & &但是你能原谅麦迪离开球队的方式吗?从他的博客中可以看出来他是很真诚的,你们觉得呢?5. Q. Does the quality section need to signoff/approve the validation reports in addition to validation protocols? & &问:质量部门是不是在验证方案之外还必须签名或是批准验证报告?6. From working with wide range of projects, I have learned one thing: designers are lazy. Most often it comes from our desire to get a quick signoff and move on with the next project. While several posts could have been written on this, I offer here a few suggestions guaranteed & &在Smashing Magazine 上面看到这篇文章,如何停止当一个懒人设计师,里面列出了五点避免成为懒惰设计师的方法,但是以现在的设计流程与时间,用很好的图片,或是在图层上命名,或是一套方法吃遍所有的设计案等,还是会无法避免的会一再发生,但是如果有好的设计习惯,还是必须要有的。7. Obtain financial, legal and administrative project closure (e.g., final payments, warranties, contract signoff). & &取得财务、合法以及行政的专案结案如:收款、保证书、合约,32signoff是什么意思,signoff在线翻译,signoff什么意思,signoff的意思,signoff的翻译,signoff的解释,signoff的发音,signoff的同义词,signoff的反义词,signoff的例句,signoff的相关词组,signoff意思是什么,signoff怎么翻译,单词signoff是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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