
  当今科学技术的迅速发展,对中学生的认识水平等各方面的能力都提出了更高的要求。实施素质教育,培养创新人才,已成为当今教育发展的主旋律,把学生培养成为具有创新精神和实践能力的时代新人是当前素质教育中最基本、最重要的要求。为此,国家对教材课程进行了重大改革,而作为教育的直接实施者,培养学生的思维能力,让学生发现问题,解决问题,是我们做教师的责任和任务,也是实施素质教育的核心内容。那么在教学中如何提高学生的思维能力?笔者就地理教学谈一下自己的看法。 中国论文网 /9/view-893465.htm  一、要克服思维定势   思维定势是指人们按照某一种固定的思路去考虑问题,它与思维的灵活性、广阔性、独创性、敏捷性、多样性相悖。消除思维定势的消极影响是培养思维能力的前提,教师在教学中要善于发现和挖掘学生潜在的创新欲望,克服学生固有的思维定势,从而发现新问题,提出新设想。因此教师在教学中向学生提出的问题要推迟判断,避免武断,过早下结论或向学生做过深的提示,都不利于学生能力的培养。即使学生把答案搞错了,也不必大惊小怪,要善于区分“笨拙的错误”和“创造性的错误”。后者往往是成功的先导,应当引起教师的重视,以实现发展学生创造性思维的目标。   其次,教师要具有敏锐的变通能力,克服学生孤立思考的习惯和单一定势的影响,既对同一事件要善于从不同角度、运用不同方法进行揭示。同时,教师所提出的问题要有内涵,要提出需要多向思维才能解决的问题,使学生产生尽可能新的独创想法,促使学生广开思路,突破常规,形成独特的见解,使学生能从更多的途径认识事物的本质。比如,关于治理水土流失问题,可以从水土流失的含义、地形、土壤、气候、人类活动的影响、地区分布规律、标本兼治的措施等方面提出问题,诱发学生积极思考,点燃学生心中创造的火花,最终求得全新形式的思维成果。   二、巧设问题情境   把问题巧妙地隐含在富有启发性的具体的情境中,使问题含而不露,称为“问题情境”。问题情境通常由解决问题引起,解决问题的热情越高,思维也就越活跃。因此,教师应注意利用本学科的特点,有目的、有针对性地从地理知识本身出发,提出各种具有较强启发性的问题,引发学生深层思维。   1、教师要精心创设阶梯型问题情境。教学过程是一个不断提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的动态变化过程。教师要精心创设一系列由浅到深、环环相扣、层层深入的阶梯型问题,使学生沿着阶梯而上,既符合学生的认知心理,又能有效地引导学生的思维活动向纵深发展,从而求得在探求方面、思维深度诸方面的突破。教师要教给学生分析问题的方法,为思维提供一把钥匙。在地理教学中培养学生思维能力,主要是在培养学生分析判断地理事物现象,通过对地理事物的分析,教给学生分析问题的方法,发展学生的思维能力。比如讲“北美气候”时,首先要求学生阅读教材插图,然后设问:“北美与欧洲西部唯独相当,并且都西邻大洋,欧洲西部的其后表现出了海洋性的特征,而北美却以大陆性气候为主,为什么?”在教师的指导下,学生从纬度、地形、地势、洋流及季风等角度广泛思考,深入分析,对照比较得出确切答案。这样经过反复训练,学生不但学会了思维方法,而且给了我们一把获得知识和发展能力的钥匙。   2、教师要精心创设发散问题情境。教学中不应单纯要求学生记忆地理概念、原理、规律,还应有意识的引导、帮助他们对教材内容进行分析、综合、抽象和概括等思维加工,探幽索隐,找出多样性中的统一性,特殊性中的普遍性,创设以某一知识点为中心,沿不同角度、不同方位提供更多有价值问题。教学中要教给学生从整体出发,培养综合思维能力。培养学生的思维能力,是一个循序渐进的过程,实践证明,学生思维能力的培养必须从小抓起,将传播知识和培养思维能力同步进行。在课堂教学的具体操作中,要注意学生的年龄和智力,由浅入深,由易到难。比如讲“中国地形”时,首先给学生一个整体的概念:中国地形西高东低,呈阶梯分布,地形多种多样。学生在这一结论的指导下全面了解不同阶梯地形地貌,这样由整体性切入,有益于提高学生的思维能力,使其思维得到充分发散。   三、要注重实践   著名教育家奥尼舒说:“教师要把完成活动的方法教给学生,让他们独立地把知识应用于实践,独立去获取知识,并补充和扩大自己的知识、技能和技巧。”实践活动是培养学生能力的重要途径,它具有实践性、开放性、创造性、自主性的特点,是以学生为主体的合作性和独立性相结合的活动。教师应利用学生好动的特点,有意识的为学生创造多动手、动脑的机会,发展兴趣爱好,培养学生创造性应用知识的能力,在实践中求得一定的创新,使学生在活动中提高思维能力,比如让学生自制地球仪,掩饰地球的运动,分析昼夜的形成和季节的更替。在地理教材中,有许多与社会生产、生活相关联的实践探索性内容,教师可结合这些教学内容,特别是利用乡土教材组织学生开展野外考察、社会调查等实践活动,撰写小论文、小报告。这些活动不仅有利于学生思维能力的培养,更重要的是可以开发学生的潜能。   教师在地理教学中要注意习题的设计,习题要做到“五性”,即内容有针对性,形式要多样性,难度要用阶梯型,要求要有层次性,题量要有适度性。习题设计灵活多变,只要潜心钻研,循序渐进组织实施,就能激活学生的思维,培养思维的流畅性、独立性。   总之,素质教育的核心是思维能力的培养,培养学生的思维能力是我们广大教师迫切而艰巨的任务,我们要积极探索,努力实践,切实把素质教育落实到教学工作中去,为培养振兴中华的高素质人才做出自己的贡献。
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针对大唐南京发电厂2×660 MW超超临界机组化学水处理系统反渗透装置运行期间一段压差迅速上升问题进行了分析,故障原因为含有高分子助凝剂(聚丙烯酰胺)的污泥脱水分离液进入反渗透系统,造成反渗透膜严重污堵;采用了离线物理清理和在线化学清洗相结合的方法,使反渗透装置恢复了正常运行。分析结果表明:在化学水处理设置有反渗透系统的新建电厂中,含有高分子聚丙烯酰胺的污泥脱水分离液,应单独排放到工业废水池或煤冲洗水复用系统中,以免造成后续反渗透系统膜元件的严重污染。的翻译是:
以氧化硼、磷酸二氢铵、碳酸锂、氧化铕为原料,通过高温熔融法制备了发光硼磷酸锂玻璃,确定了Li2O-B2O3-P2O5基础玻璃系统组成;在不同组成系统中掺加Eu2O3,确定发光强度最大的硼磷酸锂系统组成。荧光测试结果表明,Li2O-B2O3-P2O5∶Eu体系中,Eu发光既有613nm的窄带光谱(Eu3+),也有380~550nm的宽带光谱(Eu2+),Eu2+发光强度高于Eu3+发光强度,表明主要以Eu2+形式存在。在Li2O-B2O3-P2O5∶Eu体系中,0.4Li2O-0.4B2O3-0.2P2O5∶Eu体系的Eu2+发光最强。证明Eu2O3在硼磷酸锂玻璃主要以Eu2+存在。的翻译是:Uses the boron oxide, monoammonium phosphate, lithium carbonate and europium oxide as the raw material, has prepared the illumination boron lithium phosphate glass through the high-temperature fused fabrication method, has determined the Li2O-B2O3-P2O5 parent glas Spikes Eu2O3 in the different composition system, determines the luminous intensity biggest boron lithium phosphate system composition. The fluorescent test result showed that in the Li2O-B2O3-P2O5∶Eu system, the Eu illumination already has the 613nm narrow band spectrum (Eu3+), there is a 380~550nm broad band spectra (Eu2+), Eu2+ luminous intensity to be higher than the Eu3+ luminous intensity, indicated that mainly exists in the Eu2+ form. In the Li2O-B2O3-P2O5∶Eu system, Eu2+ of 0.4Li2O-0.4B2O3-0.2P2O5∶Eu system shines strongly. Showed that Eu2O3 mainly exists by Eu2+ in the boron lithium phosphate glass.
The multiplicity of fragments in Fermi energy heavy-ion collisions was experimen-tally extracted. Compared with the results of calculation using the antisymmetrized molecular dynamics (AMD) model which accounts for the primary fragments only, the results calculated using the AMD together with a statistical decay code GEMINI to account for the deexcitation of excited primary fragments are in better agreement with those extracted from the experiment. This observation indicates that the experimental multiplici...的翻译是:The multiplicity of fragments in Fermi energy heavy-ion collisions was experimen-tally extracted. Compared with the results of calculation using the antisymmetrized molecular dynamics (AMD) model which accounts for the primary fragments only, the results calculated using the AMD together with a statistical decay code GEMINI to account for the deexcitation of excited primary fragments are in better agreement with those extracted from the experiment.
东北亚地区对中国有着特别重要的地缘、经济、政治与安全意义。由于东北亚地区有着复杂的地缘关系,这个地区的合作呈现出多重框架、多种机制、多重因素影响的特点。出于地缘经济、政治的考虑,尤其是东北地区发展的战略考虑,中国对东北亚地区的合作采取了积极参与和务实推进的政策。本文主要分析新形势下中国参与和推进东北亚区域合作的战略性思考与选择。的翻译是:The Northeast Asia area has the specially important geography, economy, politics and security significance to China. Because the Northeast Asia area has the complex geo-relationship, the cooperation of this area presents the multiple frame and characteristics of various machine-made and multiple factor influence. Particularly stemming from the geography the consideration of economy and politics, the strategic consideration that the northeast region developed, the cooperation of Chinese to Northeast Asia area adopts actively participated with the policy of practical advancement. This article mainly analyzes under the new situation China to participate and advance the strategic consideration and choice of Northeast Asia resource.
人源转录调控因子MRG15(MORF4related gene on chromosome 15)是在胚胎发育,细胞增殖和衰老过程中具有重要作用的蛋白质.在分子水平上,MRG15的chromo结构域能够与组蛋白H3甲基化的肽段H3K36me3相互作用.为了确定二者的作用位点和方式,利用液体核磁共振的方法对MRG15 chromo结构域和H3K36me3多肽进行了研究.对MRG15chromo结构域进行归属,用化学位移扰动的方法研究了其与H3K36me3肽段的相互作用,确定了相互作用位点的关键氨基酸为H21,Y46,W49和W53,并计算了解离常数约为1mmol/L.研究结果对于阐明MRG15与组蛋白H3的结合和相互作用机制提供了重要的线索.的翻译是:Person source duplication regulation factor MRG15 (MORF4related gene on chromosome 15) in the embryonic development, in the cell multiplication and senile process has the protein of significant role. In the molecular level, the MRG15 chromo domain can with the peptide section H3K36me3 interaction of histone H3 methylation. In order to determine two's function site and way, to has conducted the research using the MRG15 chromo domain and H3K36me3 polypeptide of method of NMR. Belongs to the MRG15chromo domain, with method study that the absolute configuration disturbs it with the interaction of H3K36me3 peptide section, had determined the essential amino acid of interaction site is H21, Y46, W49 and W53, and calculated the dissociation constant approximately is the 1mmol/L. findings regarding expounding MRG15 and union and interaction mechanism of histone H3 has provided the important clue.
STORMY WEATHER风景般的气候受未知的深渊所启发:是探索与发现、愈合与破坏的恒久至源,所有这一切都同时存在。在深幽的黑暗下方,数百万物种在另一个宇宙中欣欣向荣,人类之手虽未触及这里分毫,但却受到它们自己选择的影响。历经风霜的万物与人类在海滨小镇不期而遇,深壑的榴皱讲述着一个人的生命与体验,如同一只随波起伏的木船,日深年久的岁月磨砺了它的颜色,蚀刻了它的外观。深邃之的翻译是:The STORMY WEATHER scenery climate was inspired by the unknown abyss: Is explores and discovery, cicatrization and destruction permanent to source, all these also exist. Under deep and quiet darkness, several million species in another universe prosperous, although the hand of humanity has not touched here iota, but actually comes under the influence that they choose. Meets by chance in the seashore small town after the myriad things and humanity of wind and frost, the pomegranate wrinkle of deep pit was narrating a life and experience of person, was similar to the wooden boat that fluctuated along with Poland, the Japanese deep year long years wheted its color, the etching its outward appearance. Profound it
介绍了马钢120t转炉冶炼高硅铁水生产低碳低磷钢时,应用烟气分析动态控制炼钢技术。制定合适的装入、造渣、供氧制度,采用留渣双渣操作法,精确掌握倒渣时机,优化造渣过程和控制喷溅;确保终点w([P])低于0.012%,平均喷溅率由18.2%降低到5.1%,金属吹损由10.3%降低到8.2%,终点w([C])-t的命中率从81.5%提高到91.7%,实现优质低耗炼钢技术。的翻译是:Introduced when Maanshan Iron & Steel Company Ltd. 120t converter smelts the high silicon molten iron production low-carbon low phosphoretic steel, applies the flue gas analysis dynamic control steel-making technology. Formulates appropriate load, slag formation and ventilation system, with keeping dregs double dregs operation method, grasps the dregs opportunity but actually precisely, optimizes the slag-making process and Guaranteed that end point w([P]) is lower than 0.012%, the average splattering rate from 18.2% is cut to 5.1%, the metal blows to damage from 10.3% reduces to 8.2%, the end point w([C])-t hit probability from 81.5% enhances to 91.7%, realizes the high-quality low consumption steel-making technology.
针对筛管完井水平井水窜难以解决的问题,介绍了1种耐高温调堵材料。通过分析该种耐高温调堵材料的固化机理,结合室内实验数据,确定了调堵材料添加剂的种类及配比,并对材料的各项性能进行了分析实验。实验证明,该种调堵材料具有高温黏度低、组分粒径小、固化时间可调、耐高温、稳定性高等特点,可广泛应用于筛管完井水平井的高温调堵作业。的翻译是:Issue that is hard to solve in view of sieve tube well completion horizontal well water fleeing, introduced 1 thermostable accent material. Through analyzing the solidification mechanism of this thermostable accent material, unifies the laboratory experiment data, tuned firmly the material additive type and allocated proportion, and has carried on the analysis experiment to various performance of material. The experiment showed that this accent material has the high-temperature viscosity to be low, the component particle size is small, hardening time adjustable, thermostable and stable high and other characteristics, but widely applies in the high temperature of sieve tube well completion horizontal well adjusts a work.
目前我国高校培养模式的固化,注重知识的灌输而忽视了能力的培养,使很多大学生的实际能力并未得到提高。通过教育培养学生的辩证思维能力、逻辑思维能力和形象思维能力,使学生担当起我国经济建设和社会发展的职责,是高等教育的本质所在。的翻译是:At present the solidification of Our country University practice-oriented talent, paid great attention to instilling into of knowledge to neglect training of ability, making the practical abilities of many university student not be enhanced. Through the dialectical thinking ability and logical thinking of ability and thinking in images ability young student, enabling the student to take on the responsibility of our country economic construction and social development, is the essence of higher education is.
提出了一种基于频率正反馈的主动移相(APSPF)孤岛检测方法,适用于三相并网逆变系统。该方法通过引入频率误差形成主动移相角,并对系统的有功电流和无功电流采用不同的d-q变换形式,使得系统的有功不受频率误差的影响,而无功受控于主动移相角。经分析表明,该方法易于实现,对系统的无功功率影响小,且不影响并网电流的波形控制能力。仿真和实验证明了所提孤岛检测方法的正确性和可行性。的翻译是:Proposed frequency regeneration-based the initiative phase shifting (APSPF) islanding detection method, for three-phase incorporation inversion system. This method forms the initiative phase shifting angle through the introduction frequency error, and to the wattful current and idle current of system uses the different d-q transformation form, causes the system active not by the influence of frequency error, but the idle work is controlled in the initiative phase shifting angle. Indicated after the analysis that this method is easy to realize, the reactive power effect on system is small, and does not affect the incorporation electric current the wave form control ability. The simulation and experiment had proven proposes the islanding detection method the accuracy and feasibility.
以寒地黑土为研究对象,设置四种耕作方式:传统耕作(TT),免耕(NT),免耕秸秆覆盖(NTS),少耕秸秆覆盖(MTS),研究耕层深度、轮作方式、季节变化对土壤脲酶、蔗糖酶、酸性磷酸酶和过氧化氢酶活性的影响。结果表明,四种酶均表现为0-10>10-20>20-30 cm,在0-10 cm土层MTS的酶活性显著高于其他处理;不同保护性耕作方式下,除了过氧化氢酶外,土壤三种水解酶均表现玉米-玉米-大豆(CCS)>大豆-玉米-玉米(SCC);相同轮作方式下,脲酶、蔗糖酶和过氧化氢酶的酶活性均表现夏季>秋季,而酸性磷酸酶的酶活性在秋季较高。的翻译是:Uses coldly the black earth as object of study, establishes four farming methods: Traditional cultivation (TT), exempts plows (NT), exempts plows the stalks to cover (NTS), little plows the stalks to cover (MTS), studies the topsoil depth, the crop rotation way and seasonal variation to the soil urease, sucrase, the acid phosphatase and catalase active influence. The results show that four enzyme performance are 0-10&10-20&20-30 cm, significantly is higher than other processing in 0-10 cm soil layer MTS Under different conservation tillage way, besides the catalase, the soil three types of hydroltyic enzymes displays corn - corn - soybean (CCS)& soybean - corn - corn (SCC); Under the same crop rotation way, the enzyme activity of urease, sucrase and catalase displays in the summer & in the fall, but the enzyme activity of acid phosphatase is high in the autumn.
针对传统电容层析成像传感器在测量过程中灵活性的不足以及未来成像要求,提出了一种新型自适应传感器结构。新型的传感器结构由小极板阵列组成,在测量时根据所要得到的主要测量性能来设置不同的极板阵列组合,实现了在测量中使用不同模式的目的。通过详细介绍自适应ECT传感器的结构模型及极板阵列组合后的工作模式,并对两种工作模式进行仿真实验结果得知,新传感器结构在满足测量灵敏度与分辨率的同时又具有良好的灵活性,可代替传统结构成为传感器设计的新研究方向。的翻译是:In view of traditional capacitance tomgraphy future image formation request of sensor flexible insufficiency as well as in measuring process, proposed a new auto-adapted sensor structure. New sensor structure comprised of the small pole plate array, acts according to the main survey performance that must obtain to establish the different pole plate array combination when the survey, realized has used the different mode in the survey the goal. After introduced in detail the structural model and pole plate array of auto-adapted ECT sensor combine the working pattern, and carries on the simulation experiment result to know to two working patterns, new sensor structure while satisfying measuring sensitivity and resolution also has the good flexibility, may replace the traditional structure becomes the new research direction of sensor design.
利用短流程原位反应合成技术制备超细WC-Co复合粉,其平均粒径为300 nm,对此复合粉进行喷雾造粒以制备具有超细结构的热喷涂粉末。采用标准漏斗法测量造粒粉末的松装密度,并利用SEM观察其形貌与结构,结合实验测定结果与理论计算结果研究料浆成分、喷雾干燥温度及初始粉末粒径对造粒粉末松装密度的影响规律。结果表明:料浆固含量最高可达70%(质量分数),此时造粒粉末松装密度达到2.31 g/cm3;随粘结剂含量的增高,造粒粉末松装密度先增高后降低,最佳含量为2.5%(质量分数);分散剂最佳含量为1%~2%(质量分数);干燥温度显著影响造粒粉末形貌结构及松装密度,最佳温度为150℃;喷雾造粒粉末的最高密度实质上取决于初始粉末粒径。的翻译是:
为提高并联系统容量利用率,深入分析了PQ下垂法实现功率均分的基本原理,提出了基于虚拟阻抗的加权功率均分改进型PQ下垂控制方法。该方法依据按能分配的思想,实现了以各逆变器单元额定视在功率为比例的加权功率均分方案,从而提高了并联系统的有效容量。实验结果验证了提出的加权功率均分控制方法的可行性和有效性。的翻译是:In order to raise the parallel system capacity use factor, profoundly analyzed the PQ sagging law to realize the basic principle that the power divided equally, proposed virtual impedance-based the weighted power divided equally the advanced PQ sagging control method. This method basis presses the thought that can assign, realized has taken various invertor unit fixed apparent powers to divide equally the plan as the weighted power of proportion, thus enhanced the available capacity of parallel system. The experimental result confirms the weighted power of proposing to divide equally the control method the feasibility and validity.
以超临界CO_2流体为浸渍介质,活性氧化铝为催化剂载体,硝酸镍为活性前躯体,用超临界流体CO_2浸渍沉积技术制备了负载型Ni/A_2O_3催化剂,并以葡萄糖加氢为模型反应考察了负载镍基催化剂的加氢性能.研究了超临界CO,流体的温度、压力及氢气还原温度对镍负载量及催化剂加氢活性的影响,用XRD对Ni/Al_2O_2催化剂进行了表征.结果表明:与传统水介质浸渍制备方法相比超临界流体浸渍可以有效提高活性组分镍的负载量,进而提高负载Ni/Al_2O_2催化剂的催化活性;在试验范围内,当超临界CO_2的温度为60℃、压力为8 MPa时镍的负载量最佳,催化剂的还原温度为600℃时催化剂的活性最好,其活性为普通水浸渍方法制得样品的1.34倍.的翻译是:
We acknowledge our sincere thanks to our reviewers.Many reviewers have contributed their expertise and time to the peer review,a critical process to ensure the quality of our World Series Journals.Both the editors of the journals and authors of the manuscripts submitted to the journals are grateful to the following reviewers for reviewing the articles(either published or rejected) over the past period of time.的翻译是:We acknowledge our sincere thanks to our reviewers. Many reviewers have contributed their expertise and time to the peer review, a critical process to ensure the quality of our World Series Journals.Both the editors of the journals and authors of the manuscripts submitted to the journals are grateful to the following reviewers for reviewing the articles (either published or rejected) over the past period of time.
基因之间存在多种多样的表达调控活动,一般认为这些调控关系隐含在基因表达谱中。针对阿尔茨海默症(AD)起病隐匿、诊断难、发病机理复杂以及基因信号传导通路和调控关系难以重建等特征,利用非平滑非负矩阵分解(nsNMF)方法提取AD致病基因,聚类过程中利用共表型相关性系数(CCC)选取聚类数k的值,得到最优的聚类数目。针对基因表达数据噪声高、信息变量隐藏难分析的困难,考虑AD的发生发展与许多大脑功能区域密切相关的特性,提出将nsNMF分别应用于AD患者的大脑海马区、内嗅区皮质、颞中回及视觉皮层区的基因表达数据中,共提取3 800个显著基因,其中包括确定与AD致病机理有关联的10个致病基因,并进行了生物学分析,得到了AD相关的细胞凋亡、代谢及炎症反应等生物过程,显示nsNMF方法及大脑多区域数据集的联合分析能更全面地探寻AD信号传导关系及基因调控方式。的翻译是:
社会主义市场经济是市场经济与社会主义制度的有机结合。中国在向市场经济转型过程中,政府的主导与推动起到了根本性的作用。中国社会主义市场经济中的政府主导与东亚政府主导模式有相似之处,但更有本质区别。中国市场经济的发展必须从中国国情出发,学习借鉴东亚政府主导模式中的积极因素,努力克服政府主导过程中存在的问题,将政府主导与市场调节的作用优势有效地结合起来,以形成强大的经济社会发展动力。的翻译是:Socialist market economy is market economy and organic combination of socialist system. China to market economy reforming process, the leadership of government and promotes to play the fundamental role. Government leadership in the socialism in China market economy has the similarity with the East Asian government leading mode, but has the essential difference. The development of Chinese market economy must from China's national situation, the study profit from the positive factor in East Asian government leading mode, overcomes the government to lead the problem that in the process has diligently, unifies effectively the government the function superiority of leadership and market regulation, to form the formidable economic and social development power.
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