wernicke s area什么意思及同义词

temporal是什么意思 temporal在线翻译 temporal什么意思 temporal的意思 temporal的翻译 temporal的解释 temporal的发音 temporal的同义词
temporal英 ['temp?r?l] 美 ['t?mp?r?l, 't?mpr?l] temporal 基本解释形容词时间的; 世俗的; 暂存的; 表示时间的名词暂存的事物,世间的事物; 世俗的权力; 一时的事物,俗事temporal 反义词形容词手机查看temporal的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 temporal 即可temporal 相关例句形容词1. 1. The Church has no temporal power in the modern state.&&&&教会在现代国家中不掌握政权。temporal 网络解释1. temporal1. 时态:<>涉及到外币投报表折算它要求独立的子公司采用期末汇率(现行汇率,Current Rate)法,而整合的子公司采用时态(Temporal)法.2. 时间:面向时间数据管理: 时间(Temporal)数据库从文献内容可以看出,通向面向时间(time-oriented )临床数据的管理任务,正在从来自早期系统,大量应用是独立的,进步到更一般的途径,temporal 双语例句1. By studying on self-similarity and Fano factor curve of time series of spontaneous discharge of auditory nerve in guinea pig, we conclude that time series of spontaneous discharge of auditory nerve differ from random noise, and have the certain temporal structure that exits in re-ordered guassian time series.&&&&本实验通过对豚鼠听神经自发放电时间序列的自相似性和Fano因子特性的研究表明,听神经自发放电时间序列与一般的随机噪声过程不同,在时序上具有某种结构特征,而且证明这一时序结构特征可以通过跟随排序而在随机产生的正态分布数据中体现。2. From the analysis of the historical and measured data, some tendencies of flood in Zhejiang in the global change are predicted: 1low water year will take the upper hand in ten years or more, the global change will make the temporal and spatial changes of flood in Zhejiang more violent, and the flood disasters in coast area more serious.&&&&中文摘要:根据历史和实测资料分析,对于全球变化下浙江近期洪水的运作大势,可得如下几点认识:(1)在未来的十几年之内,浙江省将处在枯水年占优势的阶段,但全球变化将使浙江洪水的时空变化更为剧烈,使沿海地区的洪水灾害更为严重。3. An articular disc is interposed between the condyle of the mandible and the glenoid fossa and articular eminence of the temporal bone.&&&&颞下颌关节是一个独特的双侧联动关节,对人们的日常生活有致关重要的影响。4. temporal4. Based on the recognitions of the differences between dike-break and dam-break processes, the spatial and temporal distributions are discussed in connection with the break possibility and its characteristics in the Lower Yellow River. The quadtree grid system is employed incorporated with the Godunov-type finite volume method for hydrodynamic model, sediment transport model and breach-expanding model, which allows to provide detailed information on hydrodynamic characteristics, local scouring and breach spread nearby the breach in the dike-break process.&&&&考虑到溃堤和溃坝之间的差异,本文在对黄河下游河段决口可能的分布区间、决口可能的方式、决口可能的时机进行分析的基础上,采用四叉树网格,使用GODUNOV型有限体积方法,联合水动力学模型、泥沙模型和口门展宽模型,对决口过程中口门附近的水动力特性、局部冲刷和口门展宽过程进行了深入的研究。5. Results As the graft materials in tympanoplasty, tragus perichondrium and temporal muscular fasciae are effective to enhance the efficiency of drum membrane and audile of patients.&&&&结果 应用耳屏软骨膜及颞肌筋膜作为鼓膜移植材料,两者在提高鼓膜成活率和患者听力方面均效果良好。6. Be in early 2006, perfect and spatio-temporal the overseas business that has developed oneself all over the world, the business that waits for country and area in Chinese Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Philippine, Malaysia among them gained very great success.&&&&早在2006年,完美时空已经在全世界展开自己的海外业务,其中在中国台湾、日本、韩国、越南、菲律宾、马来西亚等国家与地区的业务取得了很大的成功。7. Still established deadly enemy in the industry at the same time, the one big social effects of pollution that suddenly change one's identity makes industry... this is perfect and spatio-temporal the experience that this a week comes to, probably that day the controller of clappers decide on a verdict now have been to not have language coagulate choke, do not know how wind up!&&&&同时还在行业树立了死敌,摇身一变成为业界的一大公害……这就是完美时空这一周来的遭遇,或许当天拍板定案的负责人现在已经是无语凝噎,不知道如何收场!8. With three different cumulus parameterization schemes in GRAPES-Meso model, a rain process lasting from June 17, 2005 to June 24 in south China is simulated, with the focus on temporal and spatial feature of convection provocation and the relation between rain forecast and the status of convection provocation. The reason why forecasted rain is less than observation is discussed. In the 24-hour rain simulation of June 21, the rain belt is very close to observation, but the simulated meso-scale torrential centre differs a lot from each of the parameterization schemes.&&&&针对GRAPES中尺度数值模式的三种积云对流参数化方案,对华南~25日的降水过程进行模拟,研究了不同参数化方案中对流激发的时间和空间特征,讨论对流的激发状态和预报降水量的关系以及模式预报降水偏少的可能原因。21日的24小时降水量模拟结果显示,总体上雨带与实况接近,但中尺度暴雨中心位置不同。9. The effect of pollutant source, wind and topography on the temporal and spatial distribution of 〓 concentration was discussed.&&&&分析表明,夏季由于风向多变,不同风向下不同区域所受的影响程度不同。10. He was Governor of Yunnan and gave up temporal power to write a novel with more characters than there are in the Hung Lou Meng, and to create a maze in which all men would lose themselves.&&&&我收下衣物,挂在卧室客厅的衣橱里,每件衣服都官厚禄,一心想写一部比《红楼梦》人物更多的小说,建造一个谁都走不出来的迷宫。11. 911查询·英语单词11. Notable novel elements include resolving significant adjustments in the relative processing of living chlorophyll-rich phytoplankton organics, non-phytoplankton organics and the remaining inorganic matter during both differential retention on the gill and selective pre-ingestive rejection within pseudofaeces. The model is validated with measurements of growth data of the cultured scallop from seeding to harvest in Sanggou Bay, and successfully predicts different scallop growth rates under different temporal and spatial scenarios of culture, indicating it is applicable to be used for assessment of carrying capacities.&&&&&&对贝类生态生理学的研究表明:栉孔扇贝主要通过改变滤清率维持其摄食速率,滤清率同时受饵料体积浓度和叶绿素a含量调节但以饵料体积浓度调节为主,这种调节呈单峰曲线变化,当饵料接近在自然海水中的条件时滤清率即达到最高;通过对饵料的过滤处理、形成假粪和进食前处理等机制,扇贝可同时选择性地摄食海水中的颗粒有机物和浮游植物性饵料,这两种选择性相互影响但以对颗粒有机物的选择性为主;扇贝对摄入消化道内的饵料的吸收率受进食饵料有机质含量的正调控而与季节变化无显著相关性;扇贝代谢中的O:N比在饥饿时最低,随摄食速率增加而提高;体重和适宜的温度对扇贝的摄食和呼吸代谢均有促进作用。12. The influence of the wall charge distribution on the forming process and the spatio_temporal dynamics of t...&&&&&&讨论了介质表面的壁电荷分布对发光斑图的形成及其时空动力学行为的影响。13. The proposed method is suitable to any causal temporal basis functions and can be extended to curvilinear patch and high-order spatial basis functions in a straightforward way.&&&&&&该方法适用于任意类型的时间基函数并可方便地推广到高阶曲面拟合和高阶空间基函数情形。14. The model provides both snapshot query and schema transformation functions to meet the requirement of run-time using and after-action analysis of temporal data.&&&&&&应用时态数据库的快照查询和模式转换技术,可以实现仿真数据的实时查询和不同仿真体系结构之间的数据转换,为仿真历史数据的运行时使用和事后分析提供了条件。15. A method of analysis temporal variability of yield data and management zoning map has been discussed.&&&&&&分析了产量数据的时间变异性,并据此提出了一种划分农田管理区域图的方法。16. The methods of the disperse fluorescence, temporal-resolved spectrum and spatial-resolved spectrum were used to study the excited dissociation kinetics of N2/H2O gas in the pulsed streamer discharge plasma at the standared atmospheric pressure (1.013×105 Pa).&&&&&&采用色散荧光光谱、时间分辨光谱和空间分辨光谱方法,在标准大气压(1.013×105 Pa)下,对以N2气为载气的H2O蒸气脉冲流光放电等离子体激发解离反应动力学过程进行了实验研究。17. Of or relating to space and time together (having both spatial extension and temporal duration).&&&&&&属于或关于时间和空间(有共同的空间范围和持续时间)。18. 18. Based on the derived solutions, the nonpropagating light solitons(temporal light soliton and bight-dark pulse light soliton), propagating light solitons, and the neutralisation phenomena of light-solitons were constructed.&&&&&&标 签 非线性光学联立薛定谔方程改进的映射法光孤子中和现象 nonlinear optics (1+1)-dimensional related to Schrdinger equation improved Riccati mapping approach light soliton the neutralisation phenomena19. Results: There were scalp numbness and paraesthesia in 18 cases, incision scar in 9 cases, alopecia in 6 cases, temporal fossa introcession in 4 cases, subcutaneous hematoma in 2 cases, injury of unilateral temple branch of the facial nerve in 2 cases and naso-orbital pachynsis in 1 case.&&&&&&结果:18例出现头皮麻木及感觉异常,9例有较宽切口瘢痕,6例出现脱发,4例发生颞窝凹陷,2例发生头皮下血肿,2例出现单侧面神经颞支损伤,l例发生鼻眶区肥厚。20. Major diseased regions of primary progressive phasia were located at left temporal or frontal lobe, where hypoperfnsion and hypometabolism were found as compared with those of contmlateml side and the number of fibers between Wemicke' s and Broca' s areas was decreased.&&&&&&结论原发性进行性失语病变的部位主要在左侧颞叶、额叶,与对侧相应区域对比呈现低灌注、低代谢状态,Broca区与Wernicke联系纤维减少。temporal 词典解释1. 世俗的;俗家的;尘世的&&&&Temporal powers or matters relate to ordinary institutions and activities rather than to religious or spiritual ones.&&&&e.g. ...their spiritual and temporal leader.&&&&&&&&&&&他们的精神领袖兼世俗领导人&&&&e.g. ...firmly believing in the need for the clergy not to become preoccupied with temporal matters.&&&&&&&&&&&坚信神职人员必须不为世俗之事所牵绊2. 颞部的;太阳穴的&&&&The temporal parts of your brain are the parts near the sides of your head.&&&&e.g. ...a small but important area of the temporal lobe of the brain.&&&&&&&&&&&大脑颞叶上虽小但很重要的一个区域3. 时间的;时间方面的&&&&Temporal means relating to time.&&&&e.g. One is also able to see how specific acts are related to a temporal and spatial context...&&&&&&&&&&&人们也能看出具体行为是如何与时空相关联的。&&&&e.g. The present world crisis should in principle be analysed from different temporal perspectives.&&&&&&&&&&&原则上说来,目前的世界危机应该从不同的时间角度加以分析。temporallyIn the last stages of dementia, persons will be spatially and temporally disoriented.到了痴呆症后期,患者的时空感会发生错乱。temporal 单语例句1. The Potala Palace used to be a center for both temporal and religious administration.2. This wide spatial coverage gives its temporal resolution an advantage - it can generate images of a certain region within less than five days'interval.3. Yet the temporal qualities of their live improvisation lend a " you had to be there " kind of feel to the night.4. Wei Chunyu's Variation analyses the temporal and spatial changes through the transformation of materials.5. At a time when recording machines were yet to be invented, melodious tunes were temporal and could not be heard beyond a certain physical space.6. She took parts of his right and left temporal lobes, and the right and left parietal lobes.7. In its own " constitution of Tibet in exile ", the Dalai Lama advocates the reintroduction of the old system featuring " temporal religious administration ".8. Once the wagon turns the corner, he turns his attention to more temporal matters.9. This initiated the combination of temporal and spiritual authority in the Tibetan local regime.10. Looking ahead, the researchers said their findings could be used in training people with temporal processing problems.temporal是什么意思,temporal在线翻译,temporal什么意思,temporal的意思,temporal的翻译,temporal的解释,temporal的发音,temporal的同义词,temporal的反义词,temporal的例句,temporal的相关词组,temporal意思是什么,temporal怎么翻译,单词temporal是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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911查询大全 微信公众号微信扫一扫关注网页版学习工具nick的中文意思沪江词库精选nick是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语短语、词汇辨析英音 [nik]&;美音 [nik]&;词形变化时态 ,,英语解释divide or reset the tail muscles ofcut a nick intocut slightly, with a razor of livestock(British slang) a prisonan impression in a surface (as made by a blow)a small cut例句More laughter rose at their homemade overseer's new nickname, &Ol' George,& since he was so ridiculously young 大家对他们自己制造出来的监工得了一个“老乔治”的新绰号又笑开了,因为他实在年轻得可笑。In 1997, Nickelback released their debut CD, Curb, and pushed the album with non stop touring. 1997年,乐队推出了他们名为《路边》的首张光碟,并马不停蹄地巡回演出,进行促销。Twain, too, is something of the cynical pedagogue, though one of his San Francisco nicknames was the Wild Humorist of the Plains 马克?吐温也有一点象愤世嫉俗的学究,虽然他在旧金山有一个绰号叫“平原上的野幽默家”。&I am Daniel Jones, but I go by my nickname, Dan. & 我叫丹尼·琼斯。不过我用教名的略称--丹。&The detective, nicknamed Holmes, is a terror to criminals.& 那个外号叫福尔摩斯的侦探令罪犯闻之丧胆。Many sulphides, selenides, and telluides have the nickel arsenide, NiAs, type of structure 许多硫化物、硒化物和碲化物具有砷化??iAs型的结构。&A nickel'd ha' ben enough,& she said.&It's just like you, no idea of the value of money. The child'll eat himself sick.& “给他五分就够了,”她说,“跟你一样,不知道金钱的贯重。会吃坏肚子的。”&316 stainless steel -- an alloy of iron, carbon, nickel, and chromium. a non-magnetic stainless steel with more ductility than 400SS.& 316不锈钢--一种含有铁、碳、镍和铬的合金材料,一种无磁性不锈钢材料,比400系列不锈钢具有更好的可锻特性。&Louis XIV's keen support of the arts earned him the nickname &The Sun King&, after Apollo, Greek god of the arts.& 路易十四因热心支持艺术而获得了"太阳神"之称号,即希腊艺术之神阿波罗的名字He was given the nickname, &Air jordan.& 于是他就被冠上「空中飞人乔丹」的绰号。相似短语 n. (= David 0liver Selznick) 大卫·塞尔兹尼克 phr. 刺果苏木 n. (= Jack Nicklaus) 杰克·尼克劳斯 n. (= Karl Wernicke) 卡尔·韦尼克 phr. 圣尼克 phr. 圣尼克 《尼古拉斯·尼克贝》(是查理斯·狄更斯的一部幽默小说和教育小说) phr. 刺果苏木 n. (= Jack Nicklaus) 杰克·尼克劳斯 美国创作型饶舌歌手,中文常译为“妮琪·米娜”或“尼基·米纳什”。相似单词 [ nickname ]的相关名词 [ nickname ]的现在分词 [ finicky ]的相关名词 [ finicky ]的形容词最高级 [ finicky ]的形容词比较级 [ snicker ]的现在分词 [ snicker ]的相关副词 [ snick ]的现在分词 [ snicker ]的过去式 [ nicker ]的现在分词最新单词 n. 蜑螺科 [ snick ]的过去式 [ plutocracy ]的相关副词;[ plutocrat ]的相关副词;[ plutocratic ]的相关副词;[ plutocratical ]的相关副词 four thousand one hundred and forty two seven thousand one hundred and forty two [ mallard ]的复数形式 two thousand and one [ rewire ]的第三人称单数;[ rewiring ]的第三人称单数holistic是什么意思_holistic在线翻译、解释、发音、同义词、反义词_英语单词大全_911查询
holistic是什么意思 holistic在线翻译 holistic什么意思 holistic的意思 holistic的翻译 holistic的解释 holistic的发音 holistic的同义词
holistic英 [h??'l?st?k] 美 [ho?'l?st?k] holistic 基本解释形容词全盘的,整体的; 功能整体性的手机查看holistic的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 holistic 即可holistic 网络解释1. 1. 合:维持人体身心健康的整合(Holistic)疗愈理念,强调健全或提升人体2. 奥拉康(Auracom)能量光场显析仪奥拉康是韩国光场科学公司(Aurascience)的产品,由韩国脑科学奥拉康不仅通过美国食品药物管理局(FDA)核准登录,专利证2. 全方位:Sarah认为Security2.0是融合(convergence)、集成(integration)、全方位(holistic)的安全,是融合物理、网络、软件、数据的安全. 数据摘要算法是密码学算法中非常重要的一个分支,它通过对所有数据提取指纹信息以实现数据签名、数据完整性校验等功能,holistic 双语例句1. Our formula brings together the holistic properties of Cascara Sagrada and Senna, two popular herbals that help promote regularity.&&&&本产品含有的其中两种草药-鼠李和番泻叶-都有利於促进大便畅通而有规律。2. By the end of the preceptorship component, students will have learned to provide holistic nursing interventions to patients, with all the relevant clinical experience to meet professional practice competencies andstandards....&&&&到了选习部分结束后,学生将学到并提供全面的护理干预措施,所有患者的有关临床经验,以满足专业实践能力和。。。3. By the end of your preceptorship component, you will have learned to provide holistic nursing interventions to patients and have gained the relevant clinical experience to meet professional practice competencies and standards.&&&&由您选习部分结束时,您将学会并提供全面的护理干预对病人,得到了有关临床经验,以满足专业实践能力和标准。。。。4. The holistic dilemma of higher education development should been made deep reflection on the aspect of basic idea.&&&&高等教育发展的整体性困境需要从基本理念的层面进行深刻的反思。5. 5. Holistic naturalism is the theoretic prerequisite of Quine's theory of linguisticrelativity, from which Quine advances a serial of indeterminacy theses and doctrines andshows the relativity of language:the doctrine of underdetermination of theory showsthe relativity of whole de the thesis of indeterminacy of translationshows the relativity of
the doctrine of inscrutability of referenceshows the relativity of
the transformation of ontology shows thereducibility of ontology in the language.&&&&奎因语言相对性理论的哲学前提是整体论自然主义,正是由此出发奎因阐发了一系列的不确定性论题,展现了语言的相对性:理论的不完全决定性学说表明了语言整体描述的相对性;翻译的不确定性学说表明了语言解释的相对性;指称的不可测知性学说表明了语言指称的相对性;本体论的变换表明了语言中本体论的可化约性。6. 6. The development of the countryside should be a holistic and all-sided one.&&&&农村的发展应该是整体的、全面的发展。7. The holistic paradigm is applied to aerospace enterprise's reorganization and reconstruction, therefore to build three basic systems of scientific research and production technology system with prominent advantages, specialized flexible production system of proper scale and beneficial management system and to build five specialized groups within five fields of development, research, production, test and service, which will together form an integrality to realize the high efficiency combined system in virtuous circle supporting balanced development of military, civil and tertiary industries.&&&&把整体式模式运用于航天企业的重组重构,在开发、研制、生产、实验与服务五大领域,构建突出优势的科研生产技术体系、适度规模的专业化柔性生产体系和效益型经营管理体系三大体系,组建五支专业化队伍,形成一个整体式结构,实现支撑军、民、三产均衡发展的良性循环的高效复合系统。8. &#x39;&#x31;&#x31;&#x67E5;&#x8BE2;&#xB7;&#x82F1;&#x8BED;&#x5355;&#x8BCD;8. Described and discussed the influential curve of parameters'effect on the holistic efficiency. Then the advantageous diathesis is deduced which can improve the holistic efficiency of HIPPS.&&&&HIPPS有压气机、高温空气加热炉、燃气动力循环、余热锅炉、蒸汽动力循环等几个主要组成部分,HITAF是HIPPS的一个特有结构,压缩空气在其中的温升程度对整体效率有着重要的影响。9. HIPPS; holistic HITAF&&&&同时在选择HIPPS的系统组成时10. In the research of the second part, after a brief introduction of DSand PM task synchronization protocols, this thesis proposed the tasktransaction worst-case response time analysis algorithm respectively.&&&&在第二部分的研究中,首先分别针对DS、PM两种任务同步控制方式提出了相应的任务序列最大响应时间分析算法,对原有算法进行了改进,并按照Holistic算法的思想提出了相应的计算迭代方程组。11. 11. At Heald, we take a holistic approach to education, providing...&&&&&&综上,我们采取一个整体的教育方法,提供必要的资源,成。。。12. The core of his theory is that a holistic, systematic methodology is adopted to explain texts, which are studied as a whole semiotic system.&&&&&&本文认为,洛特曼理论的基本出发点是把艺术看作一种特殊的语言,这种特殊的语言是作为第二模拟系统建立在自然语言基础上的,在把艺术确定为一种语言体系后,他用语言学的方法对它进行阐释。13. With the help of natural health training, you will begin to understand what is best for your body in a holistic sense.&&&&&&天然健康的帮助训练你就会开始明白什么是最适合你的身体以整体感。14. 14. The hemispheres of the brain display clear functional differences. Language and speech, brief duration stimuli, and detailed information are processed in the left hemisphere in most individuals. The right hemisphere appears to process information in a more holistic fashion, preferring spatial and tonal information. Lesions to Wernicke`s area in the dominant hemisphere result in a receptive language deficit with relatively intact speech fluency, whereas damage to Broca`s area results in loss of speech fluency. Damage to the arcuate fasciculus connecting these two regions will result in conduction aphasia, and damage to all of these regions will produce global deficit.&&&&&&大脑的两个半球显示清楚的功能上差异,在多数个体中的左半球负责著语言以及言谈简短期间的刺激及细节般的资料处理,右半球则明显地在一种较多全体论的潮流去处理资讯,较优於空间及音乐的资讯,在显性半球魏尼凯区域的损害导致於语言接收的不足,随著相对完整的流利言谈,虽然布洛卡区域的损害会引发言谈流利的丧失,有关於这两个区域对弓状的肌束的损害将导致失语症,同时对这区域的所有损害也将产生球体的不足。15. holistic的翻译15. A holistic approach is used, and no one factor will exclude an applicant from consideration.&&&&&&以全方位的方式使用,也没有人的因素将排除申请人审议。16. From the above two aspects, it improves the holistic twig joins algorithm.&&&&&&从上述两个方面对隐检整枝联接算法进行了改进。17. 17. This dissertation still introduces concept into holistic twig joins procedure.&&&&&&首先研究基于包含段划分的隐检整枝联接方法。18. 18. Therefore, This dissertation, based on the above two aspects, poses a new solution framework for the XML data streams queries using the holistic twig joins algorithm on containment segment partitions.&&&&&&因此,这篇论文也在上述两方面的基础上,提出了一个基于包含段划分的隐检整枝联接算法查询XML数据流的处理框架。19. There is a wonderful characteristic of holistic twig joins algorithm, that is, it only needs to scan the XML document streams once when produces three-tuple index for document nodes.&&&&&&隐检整枝联接方法有一个十分优良的特性,就是它只需要对整个XML文档顺序扫描一遍就可以生成所需的三元组索引。20. It develops a solution framework for the XML data streams queries using the holistic twig joins algorithm on containment segment partitions.&&&&&&对运用基于包含段的隐检整枝联接算法查询XML流数据也提出了一个解决框架。holistic 词典解释1. 整体论的;整体主义的&&&&Holistic means based on the principles of holism.&&&&e.g. ...practitioners of holistic medicine.&&&&&&&&&&&整体医学执业医师holistic 单语例句1. Taking a more holistic view, the catchment area of a river resembles a tree.2. The time has come to embrace a more holistic approach to global economic development.3. Its International Cancer Specialists Centre provides holistic treatment by compassionate, internationally qualified oncologists and surgeons for all cancers and related diseases.4. What is now extremely popular is an imported hot pot from Sichuan, and a dining concept that is holistic to say the least.5. Converting companies from their old ways is never easy, although there are signs that companies are being more holistic in their approach to costs.6. It is a holistic feeling stretching from the interior to the exterior, a perfect unison of details and layout and passion combined with quietness and enthusiasm.7. A conference promoting a holistic family approach in formulating policy and social services was held yesterday at the University of Hong Kong.8. It takes the holistic approach and focuses on functional analysis of the entire body.9. Greening cities not only requires advanced technologies, but also needs cultural understanding and a holistic approach to urban planning.10. The approach promotes holistic and sustainable urban development - finding potential synergies in urban functions and unlocking their efficiency and profitability.holistic 英英释义adj1. emphasizing the organic or functional relation between parts and the wholeholistic是什么意思,holistic在线翻译,holistic什么意思,holistic的意思,holistic的翻译,holistic的解释,holistic的发音,holistic的同义词,holistic的反义词,holistic的例句,holistic的相关词组,holistic意思是什么,holistic怎么翻译,单词holistic是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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