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Examinations:Abdomen plain,Abdomen +con.,
Pelvis plai..(More)
lopamiro 300 100ml/bot mlReport:Clinical HistoryHx of HBV cirrhosis,CT on 4/08 showed a suspicious left heaptic lesion,suggest Fu CT for progress,please book a Fu CT for progressCT ABDOMEN(Precontrast scans through liver followed by postcontrast scans from diaphragm to iliac crests. Delayed scans through liver )Comparison is made with CT done on 8.4.08.The liver has a nodular contour with hypertrophic caudate lobe,suggestive of liver cirrhosis.The nodular lesion located in the dome of left lobe of liver in last study now measures 1.5cm .It is isodense on precontrast scan,and showed arterial enhancement (HU 99) and later with washout (HU 68) in portovenous phase.Another well-defined hypodensity near the dome of right liver lobe measures 0.4cm and showed no interval change in size and appearance,likely a benign cyst.The spleen is enlarged measuring about 12.5cm.Esophageal varices are seen.Varices are also seen in lienorenal ligament.The gallbladder is unremarkable.The portal vein is patent.CBD and intrahepatic ducts are not dilated.The pancreas and kidneys are unremarkable.Small amount of ascites are noted at perihepatic and left subdiaphragmatic recess.No abdominal lymphadenopathy is seen.The lung bases are clear.Impression:Decompensated liver cirrhosis with ascites,splenomegaly and esophageal varices.A 1.5cm left hepatic nodule (at liver dome);highly suspicious of HCC.Hepatic cyst.
Examinations:Abdomen plain,Abdomen +con., Contrast:检查部位:腹部,平扫,腹部,强化Pelvis plai..(More) lopamiro 300 100ml/bot ml盆腔平扫,lopamiro 300 100ml/bot mlReport:结果报告Clinical History:临床病史Hx of HBV cirrhosis,CT on 4/08 showed a suspicious left heaptic lesion,suggest Fu CT for progress,please book a Fu CT for progress乙肝病史,08年4月CT检查发现可疑的左肝病灶,提示疾病进展。CT ABDOMEN(Precontrast scans through liver followed by postcontrast scans from diaphragm to iliac crests. Delayed scans through liver )腹部CT:先平扫肝脏,随后进行从膈面到髂骨棘水平增强对比扫描,随后进行肝脏延迟期扫描。Comparison is made with CT done on: 8.4.08.与08年8月4日CT比较。The liver has a nodular contour with hypertrophic caudate lobe,suggestive of liver cirrhosis.===肝脏增大的尾叶有个结节影。提示有肝硬化存在。The nodular lesion located in the dome of left lobe of liver in last study now measures 1.5cm .It is isodense on precontrast scan,and showed arterial enhancement (HU 99) and later with washout (HU 68) in portovenous phase.====上次CT检查位于肝左叶膈顶部的结节影病灶,目前约1.5厘米。增强前,表现为等密度,动脉期显示强化,门静脉其显示为迅速清除。Another well-defined hypodensity near the dome of right liver lobe measures 0.4cm and showed no interval change in size and appearance,likely a benign cyst.====另一个位于右肝膈顶部边界清楚的强化灶,0.4厘米,间期无明显的大小和强化改变,提示良性病变。The spleen is enlarged measuring about 12.5cm.=====脾大,12.5厘米Esophageal varices are seen.====食管静脉曲张Varices are also seen in lienorenal ligament.=====脾肾韧带亦可见静脉曲张The gallbladder is unremarkable.====膀胱无明显异常The portal vein is patent.====门静脉畅通CBD and intrahepatic ducts are not dilated.====胆总管、肝内胆管无扩张The pancreas and kidneys are unremarkable.====胰腺和肾脏无异常Small amount of ascites are noted at perihepatic and left subdiaphragmatic recess.=====肝周和左侧膈下可见少量腹水No abdominal lymphadenopathy is seen.====未见腹腔淋巴结增生The lung bases are clear.====肺底清晰Impression:印象:Decompensated liver cirrhosis with ascites,splenomegaly and esophageal varices.=====肝硬化,失代偿,腹水,脾大,食管静脉曲张A 1.5cm left hepatic nodule (at liver dome);highly suspicious of HCC.Hepatic cyst.左侧肝顶1.5厘米结节,高度考虑HCC,肝细胞肝癌。肝囊肿
Examinations:Abdomen plain,Abdomen +con., Contrast:检查部位:腹部,平扫,腹部,强化Pelvis plai..(More) lopamiro 300 100ml/bot ml盆腔平扫,lopamiro 300 100ml/bot mlReport:结果报告Clinical History:临床病史Hx of HBV cirrhosis,CT on 4/08 showed a suspicious left heaptic lesion,suggest Fu CT for progress,please book a Fu CT for progress乙肝病史,08年4月CT检查发现可疑的左肝病灶,提示疾病进展。CT ABDOMEN(Precontrast scans through liver followed by postcontrast scans from diaphragm to iliac crests. Delayed scans through liver )腹部CT:先平扫肝脏,随后进行从膈面到髂骨棘水平增强对比扫描,随后进行肝脏延迟期扫描。Comparison is made with CT done on: 8.4.08.与08年8月4日CT比较。The liver has a nodular contour with hypertrophic caudate lobe,suggestive of liver cirrhosis.===肝脏增大的尾叶有个结节影。提示有肝硬化存在。The nodular lesion located in the dome of left lobe of liver in last study now measures 1.5cm .It is isodense on precontrast scan,and showed arterial enhancement (HU 99) and later with washout (HU 68) in portovenous phase.====上次CT检查位于肝左叶膈顶部的结节影病灶,目前约1.5厘米。增强前,表现为等密度,动脉期显示强化,门静脉其显示为迅速清除。Another well-defined hypodensity near the dome of right liver lobe measures 0.4cm and showed no interval change in size and appearance,likely a benign cyst.====另一个位于右肝膈顶部边界清楚的强化灶,0.4厘米,间期无明显的大小和强化改变,提示良性病变。The spleen is enlarged measuring about 12.5cm.=====脾大,12.5厘米Esophageal varices are seen.====食管静脉曲张Varices are also seen in lienorenal ligament.=====脾肾韧带亦可见静脉曲张The gallbladder is unremarkable.====膀胱无明显异常The portal vein is patent.====门静脉畅通CBD and intrahepatic ducts are not dilated.====胆总管、肝内胆管无扩张The pancreas and kidneys are unremarkable.====胰腺和肾脏无异常Small amount of ascites are noted at perihepatic and left subdiaphragmatic recess.=====肝周和左侧膈下可见少量腹水No abdominal lymphadenopathy is seen.====未见腹腔淋巴结增生The lung bases are clear.====肺底清晰Impression:印象:Decompensated liver cirrhosis with ascites,splenomegaly and esophageal varices.=====肝硬化,失代偿,腹水,脾大,食管静脉曲张A 1.5cm left hepatic nodule (at liver dome);highly suspicious of HCC.Hepatic cyst.左侧肝顶1.5厘米结节,高度考虑HCC,肝细胞肝癌。肝囊肿
考试:腹部,腹部+反对。对比:骨盆plai…(更多)lopamiro 300 100毫升/机器人mlReport:乙肝病毒的临床HistoryHx肝硬化,CT显示4/08可疑左边heaptic病变,建议傅CT取得进展,请订一个傅progressCT腹部CT(Precontrast扫描肝脏紧随其后postcontrast扫描从隔膜到髂嵴。延迟扫描通过肝脏)比较与CT 8.4.08上完成。肝脏结节状轮廓与肥厚性尾状叶,暗示了肝硬化。圆顶的结节状病灶位于左叶肝在去年研究措施1.5厘米。等在precontrast扫描,显示动脉增强胡(99)与冲刷,后来胡(68)在portovenous阶段。圆顶附近的另一个定义良好的hypodensity肝右叶措施0.4厘米,没有间隔大小和外观的变化,可能是良性的囊肿。脾脏增大测量约12.5厘米。食管静脉曲张。静脉曲张也看到lienorenal韧带。胆囊是不起眼的。门静脉是专利。CBD和肝内管道不扩张。胰腺和肾脏平凡。少量腹水是指出在perihepatic subdiaphragmatic休会。不看到腹部淋巴结病。肺基地是显而易见的。印象:失代偿肝硬化腹水、脾肿大和食管静脉曲张。一个1.5厘米左肝结节(在肝脏穹顶);高度怀疑肝癌。肝囊肿。
(乙型肝炎 )
乙肝(viralhepatitistypeB,又称乙型病毒性肝炎)系由乙肝病毒(HBV)引起,临床表现为:乏力、食欲减退、恶心、呕吐、厌油、肝大及肝功能异常。发展中国家发病率高,多数无症状,其中1/3出现肝损害的临床表现。据统计,全世界无症状乙肝病毒携带者(HBsAg携带者)超过2.8亿,我国约占9300万。  乙肝包括下面类型:急性乙肝(急性黄疸型肝炎、急性无黄疸型肝炎)、慢性乙肝、重型乙肝、淤胆型肝炎、肝炎后肝硬化、小儿乙型肝炎病毒相关肾炎、新生儿乙型肝炎、乙型肝炎病毒性关节炎等。
治疗费用:市三甲医院约(3000 —— 8000元)网页版学习工具


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