
别用翻译软件来忽悠人啊,中式英语很容易看出来的,呵呵。万分感谢!真的很急用~~~ 电子商务发展到今天,行业化的电子商务应用前景日渐光明。随着互联网的普及,国内上网人数己突破1亿人,发展行业性的、纵深性的电子商务应用,将是未来我国经济发展的源泉。从国内各行业特点和电子商务本身对产品的要求来看,医药电子商务,将会像金融界一样,成为下一个产生财富神话的领域。互联网实验室董事长方兴东认为:“电子商务的发展在中国起步一定是两种方式,一种是类似于卓越、当当这种依靠大批量的书籍和影碟产品;另一种是商品的标准化的其他传统领域,医药和化工产品无疑是最适合电子商务的行业。”    本论文首先描述了我国医药电子商务的现状,从相关政策背景、电子交易、电子支付、网站建设等方面进行了详细概念、功能、作用及应用系统进行了阐述。虽然我国医药电子商务目前取得了一些进展,但从总体上看,我国医药电子商务还存在着思想观念陈旧;相关法律、法规不健全;医药产业信息化发展水平落后等问题急待研究解决。在探讨我国医药电子商务发展中存在的问题的基础上,借鉴国外的经验并结合我国的实际情况提出推动我国医药电子商务发展的策略:完善政策法规环境,规范电子商务发展;推进医药企业信息化建设;转变观念,正确认识电子商务;加强电子商务安全技术的研究和标准的制订;加强人才培养;加快信用、认证、标准、支付和现代物流建设;建设全国性的医药电子交易网络;组建大型现代药品流通企业;政府加快推进医药流通现代化的步伐。
09-09-06 &
&br&你曾经告诉我,我就是你需要的那个人,我就是你梦寐以求的女孩,你说的每句话,我都相信,而现在,我一无所有的站在这里,一无所有~!   楼主,Just try to keep calm,OK? Keep it down ,everything's gonna be fine.Trust me.
求英语达人帮忙给出答案.【72607】 I believe travelling can broaden our mind,and that music can _____ our life.A. encourageB. ennobleC. enlargeD. enrich试题2 (6分)【72747】 _____ religion used to have a strong hold on people.A. TheB. AC. AnD. \试题3 (6分)【72814】 Remember,nothing hurts concentration _____ reading too slowly.A. rather thanB. as well asC. more thanD. instead of试题4 (6分)【72870】 One way to preserve species _____ threat of extinction is to remove them to zoos and parks and breed them there.A. forB. withC. underD. beyond试题5 (6分)【72875】 Experiments have to be made under carefully _____ conditions.A. treatedB. suppliedC. relatedD. controlled试题6 (6分)【72880】 If I had realized that you were really serious in what you said,I _____ more carefully.A. thought it overB. had thought over itC. would have thought over itD. should have thought it over试题7 (6分)【73106】 "Which books are yours?""Oh,_____ over there,of course."A. thisB. thatC. theseD. those试题8 (6分)【73109】 Finally after working hard for five years Jane _____ able to save her fare to Europe.A. isB. wasC. will beD. would be试题9 (6分)【73130】 The teacher's insistence on high standards resulted _____ excellent work.A. withB. fromC. in D. to试题10 (6分)【93739】 _____ is believing.A. SeeingB. SeenC. To be seeingD. To see二、Dialogues (一共5题,每题8分.)试题1 (8分)【72572】 -- What a pity you missed such a good film.-- _____A. Yes,I enjoyed it very much.B. Yes,I wish I had seen it.C. No,I didn't go there yesterday.D. No,I didn't enjoy it.试题2 (8分)【72590】 -- Can you tell me the time,please?-- _____A. Sorry I left my watch at home.B. Ok.I'll say it again.C. Yes,it's quite near here.D. He's busy at the moment.试题3 (8分)【72593】 -- Would you like tea or coffee?-- _____A. Certainly,here you are.B. Yes,how much?C. Not at all.D. Tea,please.试题4 (8分)【72615】 -- My roommate has been snoring at night.I can hardly go to sleep,you know.-- _____A. I never snore at night.B. How awful!C. Do you?I don't.D. Neither do I.试题5 (8分)【72640】 -- Would you like to go to a restaurant at the weekend?-- _____A. You'd better not go to a restaurant at the weekend.B. I'm sorry,I can't.I work on Saturday and Sunday.C. I've no idea where the restaurant is.D. Yes,it was great.
1.The sun gives off light and warmth, which makes it possible for plants to grow. (前面有逗号隔开,用which)2.His dog,that was now very old,became ill and dead. (become 后
1,没有空气:have not any atmosphere 或 have no atmosphere,所以A不对.B:the moon's having 只能是 the moon is having,有了完整的主谓宾结构,如果要用逗号跟后面的句子连在一起作为一整个句子,中间就需要加连接词,比如so之类的.C:根本就没
穿上你的红色礼服 换上你的高跟鞋 喷上你的芬芳香水从你身上散发迷人香味 涂上你的口红放下你的秀发因为宝贝当你打扮好我将让你看到今晚将多么特殊不论我们处于何处你在身边是我的骄傲我要让你知道你让我脱口而出我,的,天我,的,天你今晚沉鱼落雁你是如此完美我无法不赞美我,的,天我,的,天你今晚沉鱼落雁经过这么久 换上你的睡衣
这个世界上一定有另一个我,做着我想做的事,过着我想过的生活.修改后:There will be another me in this world who is doing the thing I want to do and living the life I'd like to live.回答完毕,你看可以不,可以的
w live in rain-proof tents,food and drink,and some volunteers slept roadside,she was very distressed,"they are not much,with my children almost."所以23日下午,领到赈灾大米的
Advertising industry is quite developed in China,and there are a lot of studies on advertisements.However,most of the studies on advertisements are about consum
Title: Study on the elements of national character represented by graphic worksContents: Now, the modern civilization is highly developed and the Industrial cit
It has been almost a year since we stay together,I dont know if it is the ture love between us.I take our relationship seriously,but deeper I fall into more dis
Even if we encounter is the occasional touch flat,I would also can not help but feel that special,brewing in the hearts Haoxiang one day to
21-25CDCAB,26-30CBDDB,31-35BBB--C,36-40DBBDC34No one was aware __where__________Jane had gone该题我认为where最佳答案另外你上面前面13道题目都是名词性从句的内容,最后两道是谓语动词的时态问题,好好找个老师辅导一下这方面的内
I am a lonely travellor before i know youLove is an luxury for meOn a summer dawn,i saw youVoice sounds like a violinEyes sparkling with stary lightYou are just
1.第一句不要用had the pleasure of doing,2.总觉得用at his request 不太好,最好能写出他需要推荐信的理由,以及我很乐意写这样一封信3.第二段第三行 agreed4.在经过一段时期的观察以后 那一句,不用完成时用过去时 talented前面少了冠词.后面的一句应该用过去时.5.l
第一题就是你出的题,后面几道题我自己出的,不知道是否符合小学水平.答案在括号内.如再需要请百度hi我.1.小明到超市里买笔记本,他有30元,每个笔记本3.5元,他买了7本,那么他还剩余多少钱?[答案:5.5元]One:one day,Xiao Ming went to the supermarket to buy so
从两个中选的话,Hiram比较好,接近你名字的读音.建议:HAROLD 原因:读音更接近原名些.其实其英文名多半根据自己的喜好,如果你喜欢你的中文名字多一点,那起英文名是就找个读音相近的;如果想换换新鲜感,那就无所谓了,念着喜欢就行了,无所谓是不是跟他人重名啦.不错的选择:Eric, Shawn, Richard, J
在百度上我也找过英语名呢但是 大家回答的 都一大段一大段的 看着头晕 没意思~我觉得 要完全和雅洁一样的谐音 不一定是英语名咯我找到一个 Yajaira 是西班牙的 女生名 (谐音:雅佳瑞)(PS,我不是西班牙人 只是推测)还有个 Jasmine 茉莉花的意思 (谐音:洁斯敏)(有道字典 读的)小小的 很清香还有一些像


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