
招生季有关招生的一举一动都牵动家长的心家长们看过来德清县民办初中2017年招生简章出炉啦?华盛达外语学校1招生对象和人数招收身体健康、能适应华盛达外语学校学习要求的2017届县内外小学毕业生。招收5班共200名学生,其中4个班为普通课程班(共160名,120名为德清县学籍学生,40名为外县学籍学生),1个班为英语特长班(共40名学生)。?2报名条件普通课程班:身体健康,具备较强的学习能力和学习潜力,能适应华盛达的学习要求,三个学期(五年级第一第二学期、六年级第一学期)语文、数学、英语、科学的期末总评成绩均为“优”或累计“良”不超过两个,三个学期的品德等第均为“优”,五六年级国家学生体质健康标准测试等级原则在“及格”以上(以《小学生学籍卡》为准)。英语特长班:身体健康,具备较强的学习能力和学习潜力,能适应华盛达的学习要求,三个学期(五年级第一第二学期、六年级第一学期)英语、语文、数学、科学的期末总评成绩均为“优”或累计“良”不超过1个。三个学期的品德等第均为“优”,五六年级国家学生体质健康标准测试等级原则在“及格”以上。 兼报:符合英语特长班报名条件的学生可兼报普通课程班并参加普通课程班的摇号,根据摇号结果确定是否参加英语特长班的面谈。由集团公司推荐或者外县学籍学生报名的,报名条件在参考上述条件的基础上另行制定。?3报名时间、地点 日—6月5日,到华盛达外语学校招生办公室报名,逾期不予办理。4报名材料1.《小学生学籍卡》(到就读小学教务处索取); 2.三个学期(五年级第一第二学期、六年级第一学期)的素质报告单各一份(均需原件及复印件);3.五六年级县级以上荣誉证书、获奖证书和体艺等特长证书(均需原件及复印件); 4.六年级第二学期语文、数学、英语、科学四科作业本各一本; 5.一寸近期免冠彩色照片两张;6.《2017年华盛达外语学校招生报名表》(报名现场索取并填写)。?5录取办法普通课程班与英语特长班的招生分阶段进行。(一)普通课程班1.摇号录取:通过摇号录取普通课程班招生数(德清县学籍学生)的60%,共72名。摇号按照法定程序公开进行,摇号中签后,不得转让或由他人顶替,否则均视为弃权。摇号日期6月24日上午。 2.自主招生:通过自主招生录取普通课程班招生数(德清县学籍学生)的40%和外县学籍学生,共88名。未能通过摇号录取或未被英语特长班录取的学生和外县学籍学生,可参加自主招生。通过面谈和集团公司推荐等办法录取普通课程班学生。面谈日期6月25日上午(面谈具体办法另行制定,6月10日前由学校网站http://www.hsdwyxx.com发布)。 (二)英语特长班 1.共招收40人。6月24日上午摇号结束后确定最终报名名单。6月24日下午通过面谈、测试等方式予以录取。 2.《英语特长班实施方案》于5月底前在学校网站公布(网址同上)。?6报到注册1.通过摇号录取的普通课程班学生、英语特长班录取学生于6月25日下午缴费注册; 2.通过自主招生录取的普通课程班学生于6月26日缴费注册; 3.费用按物价部门核定的标准收取。7其它事项1.学生限报县内一所民办初中,兼报视作无效报名。学校审查小组对报名学生的材料进行核实,如发现弄虚作假,一经查实,取消报名资格。2.本简章未尽事宜由学校董事会商议决定,招生办法解释权归华盛达外语学校。 3.报名咨询电话:8665266 俞老师, 8665689徐老师,8665705 凌老师。咨询地点:华盛达外语学校招生咨询室。?千秋外国语学校1招生对象招收身体健康、品德优秀、成绩优良,能适应千秋外国语学校学习要求,五、六年级具备德清县学籍的2017届小学毕业生及部分非德清学籍自主招生学生。2招生计划计划招收8个班,共320名学生。(一)招生人数1.面向全县各小学招收188名(除莫干山外国语小学部外的本县各小学)。2.面向莫干山外国语学校小学部定向招收103名。3.面向非德清学籍自主招生招收29名,择优录取。(二)特色教育为充分体现外语特色,特设立2个雅思英语特色班,单独设立行政班。?3报名办法(一)报名条件1.身体健康:能适应千秋外国语学校就读,且五年级第一第二及六年级第一学期共三个学期的国家学生体质健康标准测试等级原则上为良及以上;2.品德优秀:能适应千秋外国语学校就读,且具备良好的行为习惯及思想品德,五年级第一第二及六年级第一学期共三个学期的品德等第均为优;3.成绩优良:能适应千秋外国语学校就读,且具备较强的学习能力和学习潜力,五年级第一第二及六年级第一学期共三个学期的语文、数学、英语、科学四科期末总评成绩为全优或11优1良或10优2良。(二)报名时间日—6月5日共三天(每天上午8点-11点,下午1点-4点),符合报名条件的学生到千秋外国语学校现场报名,逾期不予办理。(三)报名材料1.五年级第一第二及六年级第一学期共三个学期期末素质报告单原件及复印件;2.六年级语文、数学、英语、科学配套作业本原件及复印件(各两页);3.五、六年级各类荣誉及体艺特长证书原件及复印件;(现场报名时将原件带来进行校验,复印件一律A4纸并上交学校)4.《小学生学籍卡》原件(到就读小学教务处索取);5.一寸近期免冠彩照两张;6.报名登记表(报名时填写)。?4录取办法(一)如果报名人数少于面向全县各小学招生数,则全部录取,不再举行摇号与面谈。(二)如果报名人数多于面向全县各小学招生数,则录取方式分摇号录取和面谈录取。第一步:摇号录取。如符合条件的报名人数多于面向全县各小学招生数,则按法定程序举行摇号录取,摇号录取名额为面向全县各小学招生数的60%,摇号日期为6月24日上午第二步:面谈录取。符合报名条件但未通过摇号录取的学生可参加面谈,面谈录取名额为面向全县各小学招生数的40%,面谈日期为6月24日下午(详见《德清县千秋外国语学校2017年招生面谈录取办法》)。?5报到注册1.通过摇号录取的学生于6月24日下午(1点-4点)缴费注册,通过面谈录取的学生于6月26日下午(1点-4点)缴费注册。逾期作自动放弃处理。2.收费标准:每学期学费6475元/生(扣除425元为民办学校减免杂费,实际收取6050元),以物价局批复为准。另住宿费、伙食费等开学后收取。6其它事项1.5月20日上午(8点-10点)为家长开放日,届时欢迎有意向报名我校的学生及家长来校参观、指导工作。同时,学校将开通网上预报名。2.面向非德清学籍自主招生的学生于6月14日前做好报名录取工作,并于6月16日上午(8点-11点)缴费注册。逾期作自动放弃处理。3.面向莫干山外国语学校小学部定向招生工作根据学校理事会章程由莫干山外国语学校、千秋外国语学校负责实施,于6月14日前做好报名录取工作,并于6月16日上午(8点-11点)缴费注册。逾期作自动放弃处理。5.咨询电话
(贾老师、骆老师 )、(鲁老师、沈老师)。?莫干山外国语学校初中部1招生对象和人数招收身体健康,能适应莫外双语初中学习要求的2017届县内外小学毕业生。招收2个班共90名学生,其中面向德清县内小学(本校除外)招收50名,面向本校小学部联合招生22名,自主招生18名。2面向县内小学(本校除外)报名办法(一)报名条件身体健康,积极进取,习惯良好,具备较强的学习能力,能适应莫外初中的学习要求,三个学期(五年级第一第二学期、六年级第一学期)语文、数学、英语、科学的期末总评成绩均为“优”或累计“良”不超过两个,三个学期的品德等第均为“优”,五六年级国家学生体质健康标准测试等级原则在“及格”以上(以《小学生学籍卡》为准)。(二)报名时间和地点符合条件的学生于日—6月5日到莫外初中部报名,逾期不予办理。(三)报名材料1.《小学生学籍卡》(到就读小学教务处索取);2.三个学期(五年级第一第二学期、六年级第一学期)的素质报告单各一份(均需原件及复印件);3.五六年级县级以上荣誉证书、获奖证书和体艺等特长证书(均需原件及复印件);4.六年级第二学期语文、数学、英语、科学四科作业本各一本;5.一寸近期免冠彩色照片两张;6.《2017年莫外初中招生报名表》(报名现场索取并填写)。?3录取办法1.面向本县小学(本校除外)招生分两批进行。第一批通过摇号录取招生数的60%,共30名学生;第二批通过自主招生录取招生数的40%,共20名学生。 2.摇号办法。符合条件的报名人数如不超过招生数的60%,则全部直接录取。如超过,则对所有符合条件的报名学生通过摇号录取。摇号按照法定程序公开进行,摇号中签后,不得转让或由他人顶替,否则均视为弃权。摇号日期6月24日下午。3.自主招生。符合报名条件且未能通过摇号录取的学生,可参加面谈。通过面谈录取招生数的40%。面谈日期6月25日。?4报到注册1.通过摇号录取的学生于6月24日下午缴费注册;2.通过自主招生录取的学生于6月25日下午缴费注册;3. 收费标准:学费10000元/每学期,住宿费800元/每学期。5其它事项1.学生限报县内一所民办初中,兼报视作无效报名。学校审查小组对报名学生的材料进行核实,如发现弄虚作假,长您现在的位置: &
来源:家长帮北京站&&&&作者:草下水少&&&& 13:57:44
作者:佚名 资料来源:网络 点击数: &&&
文 章来源莲山 课件 w ww.5 Y k J.Co m 长春外国语学校学年第一学期期末考试初三年 级英语试卷&&& 本试卷包括两大部分,五道大题。共12页。全卷满分120分。考试时间为120分钟。考试结束后,将答题卡交回。注意事项:&&& 1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信&&&&&& 息条形码粘贴区。&&& 2.必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书&&&&&& 写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。3.请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;&& 在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4.作图可先使用铅笔画出,确定后必须用黑色字迹的签字笔描黑。5. 保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。部分(共25分)Ⅰ听对话,根据所听内容选出相应的图片。对话读一遍.(每小题1分,共5分)(& ) 1.What are they talking about?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&& A&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C(& ) 2.What kind of place is the man looking for?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&& A&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C(& ) 3.What kind of clothes are they talking about? &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&& A&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C(& ) 4. What kind of animal might Sam meet in the forest?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& A&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C(& ) 5. Where did the girl’s father go this morning?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&& A&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C
Ⅱ听对话和问题,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。对话读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)(& ) 6. A. By listening to tapes&&&&&&&&&&& B. By joining an English club. C. By practicing speaking often.(& ) 7. A. She was shy.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. She was serious.&&&&& C. She was outgoing.(& ) 8. A. It’s expensive.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. It works well.&&&&& C. It was made in New York.(& ) 9. A. Sam.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. Sam’s mother.&&&&& C. Sam’s uncle.(& ) 10. A. Because she likes eating dumplings.& B. Because she wants to get lucky money.&&&&&& C. Because she can spend time with her parents.Ⅲ听对话,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。对话读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题。(& ) 11. Whom might the man buy a comic book(漫画书) for?A. His son.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. His wife.C. His daughter.(& ) 12. How much will the man pay for this comic book?A. 50 yuan.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. 30 yuan.C. 20 yuan.听第二段对话,回答第13-15小题。(& ) 13.Where did Frank go for his vacation?A. To Canada.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. To the UK.C: To the USA.(& ) 14. When did Frank come back?&&& A. On August 25th .&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. On July 5th.&&& C. On August 15th.(& ) 15. What did Frank think of the summer course?&A. Boring.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. Difficult.&&&&&&&&& C. Wonderful.&&&&&&&&&&& Ⅳ听短文,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。短文读两遍。(每小题1分,共5 分)(& ) 16. How many kinds of colors are mentioned?A.Three.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. Four.C. Five.(& ) 17. How does green usually make us feel?A. Excited.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. Scared.C. Relaxed.(& ) 18. What may a cook like wearing?A. Red clothes.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. Blue clothes.C. White clothes.(& ) 19. Where may the color red be used mostly?&&&&&&&&&& A. In offices.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. On traffic lights.&&&& C. In a hospital.(& ) 20. Which colors may be helpful to patients?&&&&&&&&&&& A. Green and red.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. Red and blue.&&&&&&&&&&& C. Green and white.&&&&&&& V. 根据你所听到的信息完成下面的表格。(每小题1分,共5分)The meanings of different colorsColors&Meanings&UsesGreen&natural and relaxing&It is used in offices or (21)________Red&angry, scared, or(22)___________&It is used on fire trucks or (23)_________ for warningBlue&(24) __________or dirty&Dressing in blue may help you to calm down when you are stressed.(25)_________&clean and healthy&Doctors, nurses and cooks often wear it.
&&&&&&&&&&& 笔试部分(共95分)一、基础知识(共25分)I. 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。使句子完整、通顺。(5分)26. Speaking too loudly in p______ places is not polite.27. The shop is open t_____ nine o’clock on Fridays.28. Both China and Japan are A_____ countries .29. The singer has never p_______ in the music hall before.30. Can you t_______ this book from English into Chinese ?II. 用所给词的适当形式,使句子完整、通顺。(5分)31. I would rather ______ ( st ay ) at home on such hot days.32. You have broken our _____ ( agree ) by not doing the work you promised.33.It is ten years since Mr. Green _____ ( leave ) his hometown.34. Here is my dog and ____ ( it ) name is Max.35. I guess I don’t have any _____ ( music ) talent.Ⅲ.单项选择.(15分)从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。36. Lucy comes from ___ African country and Jim comes from ___ European country.&& A. a&&&&&&&& B. an&&&&&&&& C. an&&&&&&&&& D. a 37. Old Henry is so ____ that he often tells funny stories to make us laugh.&& A. humorous&&& B. shy&&&&&&&&&&& C. silent&&&&&&&&& D. polite38. Xiaogan, Hubei is well known ____ the culture of “Xiao”.&& A. in&&&&&&&&& B. for&&&&&&&&&&&& C. as&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. on39. CWe have missed the last bus. What shall we do ?--I’m afraid we have no ___ but to take a taxi .&& A. reason&&&&&&&& B. habit&&&&&&&& C. choice&&&&&&& D. mistake40. CDo you know the movie star Ge You ?&& --Of course. He is _____ known in my country .&& A. widely&&&&&&&& B. politely&&&&&& C. exactly&&&&&& D. suddenly41. CWhat are you looking for ?&& --I’m looking for the pen _____I bought last week .&& A.& who&&&&&&&& B. which&&&&&&&& C. whose&&&&&& D. what42. I think parents are supposed to avoid ____ too hard ____ us when educating us.&& A. on&&&&& B. with&&& C. on&&&& D. with43. His father _____ go to work by bike, but now he _____ going to work by car.&& A.& uses to&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. is used to&& && C. is used to&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. used to 44. The young man was made ___ his seat to an old lady on the bus.&& A. give&&&&&&&&&& B. giving&&&&&&& C. to give&&&&&& D. to going45. The students ___ their classroom when the visitors arrived.&& A. have cleaned&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. had cleaned&& && C. was cleaned&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. have been cleaned46. The book is interesting and educational and it’s well worth ____&& A. to read&&&&&&&& B. read&&&&&&&& C. reading&&&&&&& D. to reading47. CWhat’s the meaning of the activity “Let’s Save”?&& --Paper shouldn’t ____ in everyday life.&& A. waste&&&&&&&&& B. wasted&&&&&& C. be wasted&&&& D. is wasted48. CAre you going to have a part-time job during the summer vacation ?&& --Yes. I don’t think I should always ___ my parents because I’ve grown up .&& A. fight against&&& B. argue with&&&& C. hear from&&&& D. depend on49. CIs that Miss Liu over there ?&& --No. It ___ be her. She has gone to the U.S.A.&& A. mustn’t&&&&&&& B.& can’t&&&&&&&&& C. won’t&&&&&& D. needn’t50. CI will visit my uncle in Beijing next month. Could you please tell me ___?&& --Oh, you may take the subway there.&& A. where is the new airport&& B. how I can get to the new airport&& C. where will the new airport be&& D. how can I get to the new airport 二、交际运用(共5分)IV. 根据材料内容,将A---E五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整、正确。Maximillian Lu is 11 years old now.& ( 51 )& He became the national master ( 大师) in the US Chess Federation last year. But Max still wants to get better at chess. After all, the n ational master is not the highest level( 水平) . ( 52 )& In fact, less than 2 percent of the members of the US Chess Federation can become national masters, and most of them are older. This makes it even more special for Max.Becoming a chess master isn’t easy& ( 53 )& And he plays chess for one or two hours on weekends. He started playing chess in an after-school club when he was 6.& He has competed in tournaments ( 锦标赛 ) around the world.Max’s parents support him.& (& 54& )& After all, he’s just a kid.“As long as he is interested in it, we’ll encourage him,” Max’s dad said, “ ( 55 ) If you don’t enjoy it, it’s not really worth the work.”What does Max say about chess? “I just want to do it for fun,” Max says.A. Not all chess players can become national masters.B. And they’re careful not to let Max worry about chess too much.C. He is the youngest chess master in the United States.D. The higher you go, the more difficult it will be.E. Max practices chess for about an hour a day.三、(共45分)V.&完形。(15分)短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳 答案。&&& While some of us are worried about our Christmas presents, one Italian cat is shouting with joy--- for she has just become the 3rd richest&&& 56&&& in the world, thanks to her owner who left her about one million dollars!&&& 94-year-old Maria Assunta who died last month, had much&& 57&&& but she had no living relatives. So in 2009, when she was in&&& 58&&& health, she started to look for a suitable animals’ house that would take care of& her 4-year-old&& 59& Tommaso and her dollars.&&&&&& 60&&& , none of them seemed good enough for the little black cat. So, she asked her lawyers to&& 61&&&& the whole money to her pet. Since the cat couldn’t&&& 62&&& get the money, Stefania, a nurse who&& 63&&&& care of Maria Assunta until the day she&& 64& , has been named Tommaso’s guardian.&&&&& 65&&& Tommaso is richer than most humans, she is not the&&& 66&& pet in the world. Gunther IV, a German dog, who has over three million dollars. He&&& 67&&& the money from his father, Gunther III, the only receiver of the money left behind by his&&& 68&&& master(主人). It is said Gunther IV is&&&& 69&&& his money in his beautiful house. The house is so big and expensive that even the great American pop&& 70&&& Madonna( 麦当娜 ) can’t afford to buy it.&&&& &&& Now can you imagine how the rich pets are living?56. A. nurse&&&&&&&&&&&& B.& man&&&&&&&&&&&& C. pet&&&&&&&&&&&& D. woman57. A. food&&&&&&&&&&&& B. drink&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. money&&&&&&&&& D. room58. A. bad&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. usual&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. good&&&&&&&&&& D. special59. A. cat&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. dog&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. mouse&&&&&&&& D. bird60. A. Almost&&&&&&&&&& B. However&&&&&&&&&& C. Also&&&&&&&&&& D. Too61. A. take&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. leave&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. lend&&&&&&&&&& D. send62. A. happily&&&&&&&&&& B. quickly&&&&&&&&&&& C. luckily&&&&&&&&& D. really63. A. took&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. look&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. be&&&&&&&&&&&& D. are64. A. returned&&&&&&&&& B. died&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. came&&&&&&&&& D. started65. A. Although&&&&&&&& B. If&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. Because&&&&&&& D. Even when66. A. poorest&&&&&&&&&& B. happiest&&&&&&&&&& C. richest&&&&&&&& D. oldest67. A. lent&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. got&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. gave&&&&&&&&&& D. left68. A. German&&&&&&&&& B. American&&&&&&&&& C. Chinese&&&&&&& D. French69. A. living&&&&&&&&&&& B. watching&&&&&&&&& C. playing&&&&&&&& D. enjoying70. A. teacher&&&&&&&&&& B. writer&&&&&&&&&&&& C. singer&&&&&&&& D. playerVI.&阅读理解。(30分)( A )April Fool’s Day is a day to play jokes on others. No one knows how this holiday began but it was thought to begin in France.In France, New Year’s Day was celebrated on March 25 and celebrations lasted until April 1st. When New Year’s Day was changed from March 25 to January 1st in the 1560s b y King& Charles IX (查理九世), there were some people who still celebrated it on April 1st and those people were called April Fools.April Fool’s Day is a “for-fun-only” day. Nobody is expected to buy gifts or to take their friends out to eat in a fancy restaurant. Nobody gets off work or school. It’s simply a fun little holiday, but a holiday on which one must remain forever vigilant,(警惕的) for he may be the next April Fool!Each country celebrates April Fool’s Day differently. In France, the April Fool is called “April Fish” (Poisson d’Avril). The French fool their friends by taping a paper fish to their friends’ backs and when some discover this trick, they yell ”Poisson d’Avril!”In England, tricks can be played only in the morning. If a trick is played on you, you are a “noodle”. In Scotland, April Fool’s Day is 48 hours long and you are called an “April Gowk”, which is another name for a cuckoo bird. The second day in Scotland’s April Fool’s Day is called Tally Day. Tally Day’s gift to children is the still-funny “Kick Me ” sign.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(5分)71. April Fool’s Day began in&&&&&&&&& .A. America&&&&&&& B. France&&&&&& C. England&&&&&&&& D. Scotland72. In France people used to celebrate&&&&&&&&& on March 25 before the 1560s. A. New Year’s Day B. Father’s Day& C. April Fool’s Day& D. Mother’s Day73. On April Fool’s Day, people usually&&&&&&&&& .A. send presents to others&&&&&&&&&&& B. ask friends to have dinnerC. play jokes on others&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. have a day off74. The underlined word “trick” means “&&&&&&& ” in Chinese.A. 恶作剧&&&&&&& B. 打击&&&&&&& C. 策划&&&&&&&&&& D. 伤心75. In Scotland, you are called& “_____” ,which is another name for a cuckoo bird.& A. Poisson d’Avril& B. an April Gowk& C. a noodle&&&&& D. Tally Day (B)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& In the US, people prefer waiting for a table to sitting with people they don’t know. If you are sitting at a table with people you don’t know, it is impolite to smoke without first asking if it will disturb them. In American restaurants and coffee shops you are usually served tap water(自来水) before you order. You may find the bread and butter is free, and if you order coffee, you may get a free refill(补充).&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Serving(食物) in restaurants are often too large for many people. If you can’t finish your meal but would like to enjoy the food later, ask your waitress or waiter for a “doggie bag”. It may have a picture of a dog on it , but everybody knows you’re taking the food for yourself.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Supper and dinner are both words for the evening meal. Some people have “Sunday dinner”. This is an especially big noon meal. Tips are not usually added to the check. They are not included in the price of the meal, either. A tip of about 15% is expected and you should leave it on the table when you leave. In some restaurants, a check is brought on a plate and you put your money there. Then the waiter or waitress brings you your change.&&&&&&&&&&&& 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(5分)76. Which statement is TRUE according to the first paragraph?A. American people like sitting with people they don’t know.B. Hostess always seats a small group at a large table.C. American people never sit with people they don’t know.D. Without others’ permission, American people are not supposed to smoke at the same table.77.Which is NOT free in American restaurants and coffee shops?& A. Coffee.&&&&&& B. Bread&&&&&&& C. Butter.&&&&&&& D. Tap water.78.& When servings are too large f or them, American people&&&&&&&&&& . & A. leave the food on the table and go away& B. take the food home with a doggie bag for their dogs& C. ask the waiter or waitress to share the food with them& D. take the food home with a doggie bag and enjoy the food later79.& “Sunday dinner” in this passage is&&&&&&&&& .& A. a big supper on Sunday & B. a big lunch on Sunday& C. a big supper on the weekend& D. a big lunch on holiday80. Which statement is NOT mentioned in the passage?& A. Tips are not usually included in the total check.& B. A 10% tip in large cities shows satisfactory service.& C. People tip waiters and waitresses in America.& D. People usually put tips on the table.(C)If you want to become a better reader, what should you know about the speed of reading? Some people read very quickly, while others read very slowly. But which one is better? The quick reader may be a good reader when he reads a storybook for fun. But he may not be able to slow down to read instructions carefully. He may read so quickly that he does not take time to understand fully the ideas and information which are important to remember. The slow reader may be a good reader. But he may spend altogether too much time reading a simple story which is meant to be enjoyed but is not important enough to be remembered. So you see, neither the reader who reads everything quickly nor the one who reads everything slowly is really a good reader. Here are four important things to remember about the speed of reading:Knowing why you are reading will often help you to know whether to read quickly or slowly.Some things should be read slowly throughout. Examples are instructions for making or doing something, maths problems, science and storybooks which are full of important information. You must read such things slowly to remember each important step and understand each important idea.Some things should be read quickly throughout. Examples are simple stories for enjoyment, letters from friends, and bits of news from hometown papers.In some of your reading, you must change your speed from fast to slow and slow to fast, as you go along. You will need to read certain pages quickly and then slow down and do more careful reading when you come to important ideas.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(5分)81. What do you think is better, reading slowly or reading quickly?.&& A. Reading slowly&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. Reading quickly&&&&& && C. Both of them&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. Neither of them 82. What should you read slowly when you read?&& A. Letters, messages and e-mails&&&&&&&&&&& B. Newspapers and magazines.&& C. Something full of important information.&& D. Picture books.83. What should you read quickly when you read?&& A. Textbooks.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. Instructions for making something.&& C. Storybooks, newspapers and so on.&&&&&&& D. Science and history books.84. Why must we read instructions slowly?&& A. Because we must understand fully the ideas of them.&& B. Because we must remember the important information of them.&& C. Because we think the instructions are very funny.&& D. Both A and B.85. How can we become a good reader?&& A. Read as fast as possible and don’t remember them all.&& B. Change our speed when we read something different.&& C. Read things quickly throughout.&& D. Read things slowly throughout.(D)In real life, most people seem confident. But when they can’t have things they want, they are upset and lose themselves. Do you want t o learn how to be yourself? Here are some suggestions.Be kind to yourselfAppreciate what you have done. Everyone has different talents which can help to make the world become a better one. Remember you don’t need to satisfy everyone. No matter what others think of you, just be yourself .Make good friendsAlways make friends with people who are willing to make you feel better about yourself. Good friends neither talk about how great they are nor praise you a lot. They enjoy being with you, not because you are like them, but because you are yourself.Think about your family The values of your family are to give you what you really need. Maybe you can’t get help when you have small problems. But you can learn how to depend on yourself. When you meet big problems, your family will always be with you.Hold on to your dreamHolding on to your dream can make you braver and stronger. On the way of achieving your dream, you’ll know who you are and what you want. Even though you can’t achieve it, you’ll find you are better and you can still live a normal life.In a word, you are the only one. Accept yourself and be yourself. Being unsucc essful doesn’t mean you’re not good enough. You just need a long way to go.根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)、误(F)。(5分)(&&& ) 86. Everyone’s talents can help to make the world better.(&&& ) 87. Good friends are willing to make you feel how great they& are.(&&& ) 88. When you meet big problems, your family always make you solve them alone.(&&& ) 89. If you can’t achieve your dream, you will not be better.(&&& ) 90. This passage is mainly about how to be yourself. &(E)&CCTV reported that every year Chinese people throw away a lot of food, it can feed 200 million people for a year.Do we have too much food? Of course not. According to the UN world Food Program, there were 925 million hungry people around the world in 2010. Six million children die of hunger every year.Luckily, a number of people have realized the importance of saving food. Last November, Li Hong, a waitress in a restaurant in Nanjing, lost her job because she took some leftover(剩余的)food home for her son. Many people stood by her side and criticized(批评)the waste of food.What should we do in our daily life to waste less food? Here are some tips:1.&Don’t order too much food in a restaurant. Only order as much as you want to eat. If you cannot eat all the food you order, take the rest of it home.2.&Don’t be too picky(挑剔的) about food. Some food may not taste great, but your body needs it.& 3.& Don’t keep too much food at home, especially for vegetables and fruit.“Every grain on the plate comes from hard work”(谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦) It tells us everybody must save food.根据短文内容回答问题 。(10分)91.How many children die of hunger every year?92.Why did Li Hong lose her job?93. What should we do if we can’t eat all the food we order?94. Can we keep too much food at home?95.What can we learn from the passage?四、Ⅶ.书面表达(共20分)( A ) 假期里, 一些学生志愿者想担当交通小卫士,他们为司机朋友们制作了温馨提示卡,将一些安全驾驶时所注意的事项印在了上面。请将卡片上面的信息补充完整,每空一词。(5分)
Dear drivers,&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Enjoy driving
To keep&&& 96&&& , please follow the rules!You may go on if the light is green. When there is a red light, you must&& 97&&& .Wait&& 98&&&& the light changes to green if you want to turn left.Whether the light is green or red, you can turn right if there are no cars in front of you.Color-blind people cannot see the difference&& 99& red and green, so please don’t drive.Please remember not to drive&&& 100&&& around a school.
(B) 为了丰富学生的校园生活,你校将开设一些特色课程,供大家选择。请根据以下内容提示,为学校校园网站写一篇90词左右的短文。介绍这些课程,并提出你建议增设的课程和理由。( 文章开头已经给出,不计入总词数)(15分)
Special courses&Reasons篮球训练&倾身健体,增进友谊英语社团&练习口语,学习表演模型制作&了解科学,提高兴趣你的建议……&你的理由……
To make students’ school life more enjoyable, our school will offer some special courses to us .
期末答案I.& 1~5 : C-C-B-A-C&& II. 6~10: C-A-B-C-C&&& III. 11~15: C-B-C-A-C&&&& IV. 16~20: B-C-C-B-CV. 21. hospitals&& 22. excited&& 23. traffic lights&& 24. peaceful&& 25. White 笔试部分I.&& 26. public&&&&&&&& 27. till&&&&&&& 28. Asian&&&&&&& 29. performed&&&&&&&&& 30. translateII.& 31. stay&&&&&&&&&&& 32. agreement&&&&&&&&& 33. left&&&&&&&& 34. its&&&&&&&& 35. musicalIII.&&& 36~40 : D-A-B-C-A&&& 41~45 : B-A-C-C-B&&& 46~50 :& C-C-D-B-BIV.&51~55 : C-A-A-B-DV.&56~60& : C-C-A-A-B&& 61~65 : B-D-A-B-A&&& 66~70 : C-B-A-D-CVI.&71~75& : B-A-C-A-B&& 76~80 : D-A-D-B-B&&& 81~85 : D-C-C-D-B&& 86~90 : T-F-F-F-T91. Six million children&&&&&&& 92. Because she took some leftover food home for her son.93. Take the rest of the food home.94. No, we can’t.95. We must save food.VII.&&& 96. safe&&&& 97. stop/wait&& 98. until/till/before&& 99. between&&&&& 100. fast/quickly &文 章来源莲山 课件 w ww.5 Y k J.Co m
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