
tense[tens]adj.紧张的, 拉紧的v.(使)紧张, (使)拉紧n.[语法]时态
建议复习一下ten和pen, pense。
present tense
past tense n.过去式、过去时态
future tense
will是动词的现在式,它本身也不表示什么意思“未来”,真正表示未来的是后面的“不定式”。 如果说will本身也包含时间上的概念,那也只能是代表“现在”,而不是“将来”。
如果你把will看成是表 “将来”的助动词,说明你没有搞清楚“助动词”的概念。如果你把will看成是“情态动词”,那就请你复习一下什么叫“情态动词”。
英语动词的现在式(present tense)是限定动词,含有时间概念,关键的问题是现在式有人称和数的变化。
还有人说:“还有一个will be呢!”
哈哈,正是这个will be让我们抓住了狐狸尾巴。
will be中的be是什么?
Be也被称为be的原形,它实际上就是去了to的to be(be的不定式)。请思考一下be和am,is,are最根本区别是什么?
我们只是人微言轻(the words of the lowly person carry little weight)的小人物,说了大家不一定相信。建议大家最好能认真地读一读下面的这篇文章:
The meaning of tense and aspect
This presentation aims at explaining some basic concepts that may help youin understanding what the English tense and aspect are about.
aim at v.瞄准, 针对
that may help you in understanding what the English tense and aspect areabout.
what the English tense and aspect are about
If you would like to know more about the use of tense and aspect inEnglish, you can consult, for instance, the following books:
Geoffrey N. Leech, Meaning and the English Verb (2nd edition), Longman.
George Yule, Explaining English Grammar, OUP (Chapter 3 'Tense and Aspect', this is particularly recommended for (future) teachers of English as it contains ideas and exercises for teaching).
tense[tens]adj.紧张的, 拉紧的v.(使)紧张, (使)拉紧n.[语法]时态
复习一下ten和pen, pense。
1. Present and past tense
The English verbs are inflected for two tenses: present (walk(s)) and past (walked).
inflect[in5flekt]vt.弯曲, 使屈曲, 改变, [语法]变化词尾或变形(in+flect)
flect源自flectere [弯曲]
相信大家认识elect, select, collect也可以熟悉lect这个词根,在lect前面加上f就成了flect,再加上前缀in-就成了inflect。
reflect[ri5flekt]v.反射, 反映, 表现, 反省(re+flect)
deflect[di5flekt]v.(使)偏斜, (使)偏转(de+flect)
In other words, tense is indicated by morphological marking: zero/-s forpresent tense and -ed for regular past tense.
morphological[7mC:fE5lCdVikEl]adj.形态学(上), 语形学的(morpholog(y)+ic+al)
morphology[mC:5fClEdVi]n.[生物]形态学、形态论, [语法]词法、词态学(morph+ology)
morph-[mR:f](=morpho-)表示“形, 形体, 形态”之义(用于元音之前)
ology[5ClEdVi]n.学问, 科学
Tense is not necessarily straightforwardly related to what TIME the eventrepresented by the verb takes place.
straightforwardly adv.正直地,直截了当地(straight+forward+ly)
For instance, the simple present tense can be used to refer to various times,as it is used for
levents which happen regularly or habitually:
He smokes, drinks, betrays people and has no guilt whatsoever.
habitual[hE5bitjuEl]adj.习惯的, 惯常的(habit+u+al)
habit[5hAbit]n.习惯, 习性
bit[bit]n.小块, 少量, 片刻, 马嚼子, 辅币vt.上马嚼子, 控制
vbl.咬n.[计]位, 比特
ltimeless truths:
The sun rises in the east.
lpresent events:
I declare the meeting open.
Bremner passes the ball to Lorimer.
lhistoric present, especially in literary English but also in oral narrative.
historic present n. 〈语法〉历史的现在时态
narrate[nA5reit]v.叙述, 讲述, 作解说, 讲故事(narr+ate)
It recalls or recounts the past as vividly as if it were present:
He just walks into the room and sits down in front of the fire without sayinga word to anyone.
levents that are expected to happen in the future:
When he returns to Manhattan 1000 years later, it has been destroyed andrebuilt three times.
2. What about time then?
We can, of course, situate events in time, but this is not only done bymeans of grammatical tense.
situate[5sitjueit]vt.使位于, 使处于(sit+u+ate)
源自 拉丁语 situs [位置]
The two tenses, past and present, combine with the aspects discussedbelow to indicate how the event is viewed in relation to time.
In the time-line perspective, we can talk about the past, present and future time.
perspective[pE5spektiv]n.透视画法, 透视图, 远景, 前途, 观点, 看法, 观点, 观察(per+spect+ive)
To take an example, English, unlike many other languages, does not have a separate verb form for the future.
Consequently, there is no future tense in English, even though there are, of course, many different ways in which we can talk about the future time:
consequently[5kRnsIkwEntlI]adv.从而, 因此(con+sequ+ent+ly)
consequence[5kCnsikwEns]n.结果, [逻]推理, 推论, 因果关系, 重要的地位(con+sequ+ence)
even though adv.即使
The parcel will arrive tomorrow. (modal auxiliary will)
modal auxiliary n. -ries 情态助动词
The parcel is going to arrive tomorrow. (be going to)
The parcel is arriving tomorrow. (present progressive)
present progressive 现在进行时
The parcel arrives tomorrow. (simple present)
The parcel will be arriving tomorrow. (modal auxiliary will + progressive aspect)
progressive aspect动词的进行态(be+现在分词)
aspect[5Aspekt]n.样子, 外表, 面貌, (问题等的)方面【语法】 (动词的)体:一种动词范畴,主要指动作与时间之间的关系,尤指完成、延续或重复等状态(a+spect)
1. Grammatical aspect
There are two grammatically marked aspects in English:
progressive aspect (be+-ing)
perfective aspect (have+past participle).
The situation may be represented as fixed or changing, it may be treated aslasting for only a moment or having duration, and it can be viewed ascomplete or as ongoing.
duration[djuE5reiFEn]n.持续时间, 为期(dur+ation)
during[5djuEriN]prep.在...的期间, 在...的时候(dur+ing)
complete[kEm5pli:t]adj.全部的, 完全的, 完成的vt.完成, 使完善(com+plete)
These are aspectual distinctions.
distinction[dis5tiNkFEn]n.区别, 差别, 级别, 特性, 声望, 显赫
distinct[dis5tiNkt]adj.清楚的, 明显的, 截然不同的, 独特的(dis+(s)tinct)
源自拉丁语distinguere的过去分词distinctus<dis-分开+ -stinguere刺,意指用刺的记号明显分开
Consider the meaning of the following sentences with the simple forms asopposed to the progressive ones:
I raise my arm! (event) / I'm raising my arm. (duration)
My watch works perfectly. (permanent state) /
My watch is workingperfectly. (temporary state)
permanent state 永久[持久]状态
temporary[5tempErEri]adj.暂时的, 临时的, 临时性(tempor+ary)
contemporary[kEn5tempErEri]n.同时代的人adj.当代的, 同时代的(con+tempor+ary)
The man drowned.(complete) / The man was drowning (but I jumped intothe water and saved him.)
When we arrived she made some coffee. (two events following one another) / When we arrived she was making some coffee. (ongoing action at the timewhen something else happened)
one another n.彼此, 相互
Consider the meaning of the following sentences with the simple form asopposed to the perfect(ive) form:
We lived in London for two months in 1986. (complete) / We have lived inLondon since last September (and still do.)
2. Lexical aspect
In addition to the grammatical marking of the aspect, the lexical meaning of the verb may convey aspectual meaning. This is called lexical aspect.
in addition to adv.除...之外
The verbs can be divided as follows according to their aspectual meaning:
as follows adv.如下
I. Stative verbs
stative verb 状态动词, 静态动词
Cognition verbs: believe, hate, know, like, enjoy, understand, want
Relations verbs: be, belong, contain, have, own, resemble
II. Dynamic verbs
dynamic verb 动态动词
dynamic[dai5nAmik]adj.动力的, 动力学的, 动态的
源自 dunamis [力量]
Punctual verbs Acts: hit, jump, eat, kick, stab, strike, throw, cough
punctual[5pQNktjuEl]adj.准时的, 严守时间的, 按期的正[精]确的点状的;【数】点的(punct+u+al)
punctuation[pQNktjJ5eIF(E)n]n.标点, 标点符号(punct+u+ation)
Durative verbs
Activities: eat, run, swim, walk, work, write / Processes: become, change, flow, grow, harden, learn
durative verbs持续动词
The verbs denoting stative concepts tend not to be used with progressive forms.
denote[di5nEut]vt.指示, 表示(de+note)
After buying a house, English speakers are not likely to tell people, I'm having a house now, because that would suggest a process rather than a fixed state.
The progressive aspect used with a stative verb often signifies a temporary state:
stative verb 状态动词, 静态动词
temporary state临时状态
You're being foolish. I'm having a bad day.
The verbs that typically signify punctual concepts, describing momentary acts, have a slightly different meaning in the progressive form:
momentary[5mEumEntEri]adj.瞬息间的, 暂时的; 时时刻刻的(moment+ary)
He's kicking the box, She's coughing. These are interpreted as repeated acts,not as single acts.
Dynamic verbs used in the progressive aspect typically signify ongoing activity.
The perfective aspect used with stative verbs typically signify pre-existing states (that may continue):
pre-exist[pri:I^5zIst](=preexist) vi.vt.先存在, 先于...而存在
He has believed in Allah all his life.
all one's life n.一生
We have known Fred for many years.
I have been ill.
The perfective aspect used with dynamic verbs, on the other hand, oftenindicate completed actions:
We have baked the cake (would you like to taste it).
I have written some notes (you can read them here).
Statistically, verb phrases marked for aspect are in the minority (only 10% of all the verbs in the corpus used for the Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English); in the same corpus perfect(ive) aspect was slightly more common than the progressive aspect.
corpus[5kC:pEs]n.(pl. -pora[-pErE])身体,[谑]躯体, 尸体,文献, 文集, 大全,(事物的)主体
the Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English


更多关于 英语的所有时态 的文章

