
因为你俩之间差一台千元神器魅蓝 Note6 ,点我购买直降300
we are always on your side
We support you forever.
We stand up for you forever.
we stand on your side forever那个stand on your side 是参考2l的,觉得很好
We back you up forever
I would like to complement a sentence:I stand by you forever. xixi.I just want to make it diverse
最后一波年终福利祭出 ,直降300,魅蓝 Note6 不惧全面屏
恩,英语无非也是一门人们知识、见识沉淀的语言。前几天看完了一本原著,发现好多句型稀奇古怪。又有一次听到自己家乡的方言,有好多都没听过。又看到can not help doing 表示情不自禁(这句话其实也不知道怎么表达的)。最后明白只要记住这些句子,会用这些句子,也不外乎一交流工具
the best answer is: I will always root for you!
还有一些像 back you up 是挺好但是这句话主要的意思是我们永远会给你做后盾,而不是支持。英文中后盾和支持中间不能画很等很等的等号。
哈 stand by you 也是很好的用法
what can I say, people are free to choose their diction. But comments should be made more carefully.
I never said anything about people can't choose their way of saying...but the range of words must be correct in the first place...about making comments carefully, I don't wanna ignore the awkward sentences when I'm actually looking at it...well just trying to help, if u can't accept my critical judgment, u can always ignore it.
then explain to me. How is "I will always root for you." being wrong? The fact that my effort and credit being dismissed is bothering me, and I really can't just ignore it.
回复21楼:Wt.....I said in my earlier comment about "像一些”so of course it includes urs. Yeh a tree can't stand without its root lol. Well however, I admit the first comment was a little narrow, cuz Im actually on my phone so can't read full page.... But this is why I typed the other two comments right after when I do finish reading. =.= My apology if u feel like being attacked....lmao, didn't know your first comment was referring to a specific line
回复25楼:神马情况O_O 自虐的小孩
apology accepted, it is said "read before you post". What am I doing, I'm just bored as hell, don't mind me.
We are behind you, all the way!
我好像记得也。。那个root for anonymous什么的...对吧。
  英语与汉语在表达习惯上有很多不同之处,这就使得英语学习者在英汉互译时容易犯搭配不当、结构不当等错误。由此,笔者总结出了翻译的十大原则,来帮助大家纠正在英汉互译中容易犯的一些错误。本期,笔者首先与大家探讨一下英译汉的三大原则。      一、 动宾连接原则   &&&&&&&& 在英译汉时,有许多翻译错误来源于动宾短语的翻译不当。许多人在翻译时常常按照原文的顺序——从左到右来确定动宾短语的翻译,即先确定动词的含义和翻译,再确定宾语的含义和翻译。但事实上,这种译法很容易造成译文的动宾短语搭配不当。我们来看一个例句:      1. We must avoid these stupid, short-sighted traps and constantly strive for an open communications system with objective information.   我们必须打破这些愚蠢而又短视的禁锢,坚持不懈地致力于建立一个公开的沟通系统,确保信息客观真实。   解析:在这个例句中,“avoid”和“traps”构成了一组动宾短语,很多考生将“avoid”翻译成“避免”,将“traps”翻译成“陷阱”,这样译文就变成了“避免陷阱”,这显然不符合汉语习惯。那我们该如何翻译这个动宾短语呢?可以试着先确定宾语“traps”的含义,然后根据原文意思选择合适的动词与之搭配。考生如果将宾语“traps”译为“陷阱”,可以把动词“avoid”译为“绕开”;如果将宾语“traps”译成“禁锢”,动词“avoid”可以译为“打破”或“冲破”。   由此可知,在翻译动宾短语时,考生应该首先根据上下文确定宾语的含义,然后再根据原文的意思选择适当的动词与之搭配——这就是笔者总结的“动宾连接原则”。为了让大家更深刻地理解这一原则,下面再举一例:      2. The power of markets and new technology, once unleashed, would address most of the world’s ills.   市场和新技术的能量一旦得到释放,将能够解决世界上的大多数问题。   解析:这个例句中的“address”和“ills”构成动宾短语。首先,我们来确定宾语“ills”的含义:它表示“烦恼,不幸”,此处可译为“问题”。然后,我们再来翻译动词“address”:“address”有“对付,处理”的含义,为了与宾语“问题”搭配得当,可将“address”译为“解决”。试想一下,如果我们首先去确定动词“address”的含义,其难度可想而知,因为“address”的含义很多,而且其作“对付,处理”解的用法在平时的学习中又比较少见。   简而言之,“先宾语,后谓语”是动宾连接原则的核心思想。在英译汉的过程中,每当翻译动宾短语时,我们都应该首先考虑宾语的译法,然后再确定动词的使用。         二、换序原则   在英译汉的过程中遇到宾语特别长的句子时,很多人往往容易根据习惯亦步亦趋地处理主、谓、宾的关系,结果导致中文译文的宾语过长,整个句子显得头轻脚重,不符合汉语习惯。要解决这个问题,大家可以采取换序原则:先把宾语译出,然后再译主语和谓语。请看下面两个例句:      3. The rest of the world will have to react to this millennial economic shift to Asia, and to the rising power of China.   在新千年,经济重心将向亚洲转移,中国将迅速崛起,世界其他地区将不得不对此作出反应。   解析:这句话的谓语是“react to”,表示“对……作出反应”的意思。它所接的宾语“this millennial economic shift to Asia”和“the rising power of China”非常冗长,若按英文语序直接翻译,势必会使译文头轻脚重,影响理解。因而最好的解决方法就是进行换序:先将宾语译出,然后再对主语和谓语进行翻译。      4. The project budget sustains both the existence of graduate students and the fiscal solvency of the university.   研究生的存在、大学的资金偿还能力,这些都依靠项目预算。   解析:此题中的谓语是“sustain”,表示“维持”的意思。它所接的宾语“the existence of graduate students and the fiscal solvency of the university”也非常冗长,故先将宾语译出,然后再译出主语和谓语,这样才能使句子结构更加清晰。   在英语中还有一类句子通常也是用换序的方式来翻译,那就是无生命主语句。无生命主语句的主要特征是:主语是动作的执行者,且主语表示的是无生命的事物。对于这类句子,最常见的译法是将主语和宾语互换翻译,使得译文符合中文习惯。请看下面一个例句:      5. From the moment we stepped into the People’s Republic of China, care and kindness surrounded us on every side.   一踏上中华人民共和国国土,我们就随时随地受到各方面的关怀和照顾。   解析:这个例句的主语是“care and kindness”,它是动作“surrounded”的执行者,但由于它表示的是无生命的概念,若按英文的“主—谓—宾”语序翻译成中文,势必会讲不通。所以,在翻译该句时,应该将主语和宾语互换翻译。   此类句子很多,下面再举几个例子,供大家仔细体会。      6. Alarm began to take entire possession of him.   他开始变得惊恐万状。      7. Later success favored me.   后来我就一帆风顺了。      8. The courage escaped from me at the moment and words also failed me.   那一刻我失去了勇气,也说不出话来了。      三、名词词组与分句相互转化原则   由于英汉两种语言在语言结构上存在差异,导致在英译汉的过程中需要经常对名词词组与分句进行相互转化,即把英文中的名词性词组译成汉语中的分句形式,或将英文中的分句形式译成中文的名词性词组,从而使译文更符合汉语习惯。二者之间的转化主要包括以下三种情况。   &1&.&&&&5W1H形式的宾语从句→名词词组   “5W”和“1H”分别代表以字母W开头的五个疑问词(what、when、where、who、why)和以字母h开头的一个疑问词(how)。也就是说,当宾语从句的连接词为what、when、where、who、why和how等疑问词时,宾语从句经常被翻译成名词性词组。请看以下两个例句:      9. The foundations provide a means by which wealthy people and corporations can in effect decide how their tax payments will be spent, for they are based on money that otherwise would go to the government in taxes.   通过基金会,有钱人和大公司能实际支配缴纳税款的用途,因为这些税款如果不用于基金会,就会划并到政府税收中去。   解析:此处将“how their tax payments will be spent”译成“缴纳税款的用途”,即将英语中的宾语从句转化成了汉语中的名词性词组,使得译文更加简洁,语言更加符合文体。      10. The committee cannot decide who will enter for the 100-meter relay.   委员会决定不了参加100米接力赛的人选。   解析:此处也将宾语从句“who will enter for the 100-meter relay”译成了名词性词组“参加100米接力赛的人选”,使得译文更加简洁,结构比较清晰。     &2&. 表示修饰关系的of结构→主谓分句   Of 结构可能表示所属关系,也可能表示修饰关系。如果是表示修饰关系的of短语,可将其译成主谓分句,从而使译文表达的意思更加明确。请看下面一个例句:      11. At present people have a tendency to choose the safety of the middle-ground reply.   由于不偏不倚的态度较为安全,所以现在人们都倾向于采取这种态度来回答问题。   解析:在名词性词组“the safety of the middle-ground reply”中,“safety”与“middle-ground reply”构成了修饰关系,此处将其翻译成主谓分句“不偏不倚的态度较为安全”,使得译文意思表达更加流畅。      12. Now, the debate has shifted away from the ethics of baby-making and toward the morality of cloning embryos.   现在,争论已经从制造婴儿是否违背伦理的层面转到克隆胚胎是否违背道德的层面上。   解析:这个例句有两个名词性词组:“the ethics of baby-making”和“the morality of cloning embryos”。在这两个名词性词组中,“ethics”与“baby-making”、“morality”与“cloning embryos”分别构成了修饰关系。若将它们译成“制造婴儿的伦理层面”和“克隆胚胎的道德层面”,意思不够明确。而将它们译成主谓分句“制造婴儿是否违背伦理”和“隆胚胎是否违背道德”,意思便清楚多了。      &3&. 多定语名词词组→主谓分句   英语中经常出现多定语的名词词组,而汉语却十分忌讳这样的表达。因而,在翻译多定语名词词组时,可以将其译为主谓分句。例如词组“a beautiful, sexy and simple woman”,若将其翻译成“一个美丽、性感、单纯的女人”的话,译文显得非常累赘。因此,通常我们都会将其译为主谓分句“这个女人漂亮、性感且单纯”,既简洁利落,又符合汉语习惯。&&
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扫描下载二维码英语翻译_中文的长主语该怎么翻? _沪江英语
英语的长主语多出现在written English中,不出现或少见于spoken English中,且即便是在wirtten 中它的数量也不是很多(一般多而已)。因此我们要是碰到中文的长主语,应该是尽量避免翻成长句,那该怎么翻才地道呢?请看下面的例子:中国的改革开放的深入和积累的经验已经使它对于WTO、符合WTO条件所带来的一些问题,已经提高了它的监管能力和承受能里,因此中国也准备作出最大的让步。划线部分为要翻的内容,这里提供两种最常见的处理办法:1. 利用with来将句子分流,结果是这样:with the deepening of the reform and opening wider to the outside world& and also with accumulation of experience in the regard, China...句式:with v-ing and also with v-ing2. 说起来也很简单---拆句法:China has deepened its reform, opened its door wider and accumulated experience. This has enabled it to...那可能你会觉得这两种方法好是好,不过这个句子是不是能再简化一下? 当然可以啦,下面就是用拆句法写的简化句子:China's reform and opening have progressed, and has accumulated some experience. This has enabled it to...长度虽然没有变化,但是大大省去了想搭配动词的工夫,原句是reform对deepen(深化改革可以用),door 用open还要加wider,experience也要另寻动词;相比之下,后一个句子要简单一些,不仅不用找3个v(2个就可以),而且progress和improve,strengthen这些词一样,有"大众效应",和谁都能成partners.本文由颜林海授权爱思英语发布,转载请注明出处和作者
(1)(a)She was small
(b)pale, (c)sandy-haired, and (d)with eyes habitually cast down: (e)when they looked up (f)they were very large, (g)odd, and (h)attractive, (i)so attractive, (j)that the Reverend Mr. Crisp, (k)fresh from Ox ford, and (l)curate (m)to the Vicar of Chiswick, (n)the Reverend Mr. Flowerdew, (o)fell in love with Miss Sharp. (W.M. Thackeray:Vanity Fair)
(2)(a)A fearful man, (b)all in coarse grey, (c)with a great iron on his leg. (d)A man with no hat, and (e)with (f)broken shoes, and (g)with an old rag tied round his head. (h)A man who had been soaked in water, and (i)smothered(j) in mud, and (k)lamed by stones, and (l)cut by flints, and (m)stung by nettles, and (n) (o)who limped, and (p)shivered, and (q)glared and (r) and (s)whose teeth chattered in his head (t)as he seized me by the chin.(Charles Dickens: Expectations)
译析:此段有三个非主谓句,特点是:定语+名词(+定语)。这种句式起环境烘托的作用,汉译时一般采用刈分法和移位法,将英语 &定语+中心词&结构译为汉语描写句句式:主语+描写性谓语。
(1)A movie of me leaving that foxhole would look like a shell leaving a rifle.
(2) Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.
汉语: NP(, (这)(NP)是+)adj+(的)。
(1)I returned home, and suffer suffered all through an unconscious and unrefreshing dinner.
(2) There were the same mountains and the same lovely valley at their feet.
&In the garden the sparrow chants&a desultory second courtship, a subdued passion, in keeping with the great heat, love in summertime, relaxed and languorous.
英语:(1)adj+ly+S +&V&(=It is (was) adj that S+V)
汉语:1) S+V (,(这/那)是+)adj+(的)。
汉语:主语+谓语, 名词+adj
(1)My head kept humming, &A blue trip slip for an eight-cent fare, a buff trip slip for a six-cent fare,& and so on and so on, without peace or respite.
脑海里不断地轰鸣着&蓝色票,八分钱;黄色票,六分钱,& 如此反复,从不间断,没有片刻的安宁,没有片刻的稍息。
(2)No judgment can be rightly formed either of my method or of the discoveries to which it leads, by means of anticipations (that is to say, of the reasoning which is now in use); since I cannot be called on to abide by the sentence of a tribunal which is itself on trial.
(3)Amelia took the news very palely and calmly.(William, Makepeace Thackeray:Vanity Fair)
(1)That region was the most identifiable trouble spot.
(2)The first is (the ambition)of those who desire to extend their own power in their native country, a vulgar and degenerate kind (of ambition).
(3)They, not surprisingly, did not respond at all.
(4) Constitutionally, Putin was to offer up a progress report at this yearly address.
(5)We cannot politely turn down their invitation.
(6)Japan tries vainly to blame us for the breakdown of the China-Japan relations.
英语:(逻辑主语)& +分词短语(V+ing, V+ed)
汉语:(逻辑主语)& +动词短语。
(1) I was a mile from Thornfield, in a lane noted for wild roses in summer,for nuts and blackberries in autumn,and even now possessing a coral treasures in hips and haws.
(2)The days of his youth appeared like dreams before him, and he recalled the serious moment when his father placed him at the entrance of the two roads&&one leading to a peaceful, sunny place, covered with flowers, fruits and resounding with soft, the other leading to a deep, dark cave, which was endless, where poison flowed instead of water and where devils and poisonous snakes hissed and crawled.
For everyone (besides the errors common to human nature in general) has a cave or den of his own, which refracts and discolors the light of nature, owing either to his own proper or to his education and conv or to the reading of books, and the authority of those whom he or to the differences of impressions, accordingly as they take place in a mind preoccupied and predisposed or in a mind ind or the like.(Francis Bacon)
译析:句中which为关系词,译为&这&指代中心词,四个(owning) to 介词短语易为动词与&refracts and discolors the light of nature&搭配,从而刈分出四个小句&要么......要么......;或者......或者......&。句中分词和形容词preoccupied, predisposed,indifferent和settled与mind分别刈分成四个小句。
(1) In sciences founded on opinions and dogmas, the use of anticipatio for in them the object is to command assent to the proposition, not to master the thing.
(2)What seems to come nearest to one is that of the waterspouts, often seen in the voyage over the Atlantic Ocean toward either of the Indies.
(3)Sunrays filtered in wherever they could, driving out darkness and choking the shadows.
英语: NP1(S) (&,&、&――&、&:&、&namely, that is, vz.&) +attr+NP2+(attr).&
汉语: NP1(S), (这/所谓)(NP1(S))是+attr+NP2+(的)。
(3)The last time I tried to purify myself by fire, I managed to acquire a zoo in the process and am still supporting it and carrying heavy pails of water to the animals, a task that is sometimes beyond my strength.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is pressing Congress to lift cold war trade restrictions on Russia, a country Romney has labeled America&s &No. 1 geopolitical foe.&
译析:a country Romney has labeled America&s &No. 1 geopolitical foe.&是其Russsia的同位语,翻译时刈分为小句,同时增益连接词&而&。
介词短语的理据与原则:英语介词分为两种:虚义介词和实义介词。虚义介词本身无意义(in, on, at),只有和名词(短语)才能构成实义,因此,翻译时,虚义介词本身无法刈分成句,只能刈分其中的名词(短语);实义介词往往含有动词含义,翻译只要找到实义介词的逻辑主语就可以刈分成句子。
英语:(逻辑主语)& +介词+NP
汉语:(逻辑主语)& +动词+NP。
(3) Tired from my run and the Texas heat, I got a cup of water and sat under a tree with the dog.
(4) Forty-two years ago, on my maiden voyage in the family car with my mother in the passenger seat, I accidentally hit a dog. On Easter Sunday.
(5)When Miss Emily Grierson died, our whole town went to her funeral: the men through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument, the women mostly out of curiosity to see the inside of her house.
(a)The mornings are the pleasantest times in the apartment, (b)exhaustion having set in, (c)the sated mosquitoes at rest on ceiling and walls, (d)sleeping it off, (e)the room a swirl of tortured bedclothes and abandoned garments, (f)the vines in their full leafiness filtering the hard light of day, (g)the air conditioner silent at last, (h)like the mosquitoes. ( 2012,《第三界&英语世界&杯翻译比赛英译汉原文》)
译析:英语中的独立主格结构,具有静态描写,补充信息的作用。本句可刈分为8个小句,其中(a)为主句,(b) (-(g)为独立主格结构,表示静态描写,翻译时翻译成汉语的描写小句。
(6)Yet surely (a)it is not fair (b)that the credit of true history should be lessened (c)because it has sometimes been injured and wronged by fables. (Francis Bacon:The New Organon)
(7) (a)Nay, (b)it is obvious (c)that when a man runs the wrong way, (d) the more active and swift he is, (e)the further he will go astray. (Francis Bacon:The New Organon)
(1) (a)It was hard (b)for me to accept (c)that it had mostly been about sex for him, (d)that and some damsel-in-distress fantasy (e)I seemed to have dispelled, (f)because I think (g)it&s possible (h)that he did care for me at some point.
此句可以刈分为6个小句。其中(a)与(f)构成因果关系,因此,翻译时将(a)句后移尽量靠近(f)句,这样(f)表示的原因就清晰起来。(c)和(d)属于 (a)句accept并列的宾语从句,翻译时,在每一个宾语从句前增益谓语动词&很难接受&;(e)属于定语从句,(g)属于(f)think的宾语从句,(h)是主语从句。试比较下列译文:
(2) (a)Days would pass and (b)I&d grit my teeth (c)to avoid picking up the phone, (d)lik (e)it felt (f)as if toxins were slowly leaving my body.
此句可刈分为6个小句。其中(e)中的it指代整个(e)小句,(f)小句中were...leaving my body表示对将来的假设,带有目的的含义。是比较下列两个译文
(1) The station chief would have to be close to the director,a member of the inner circle.
(2) The military is forbidden to &kill& the vessel, a relatively easy task.
(3) He arrived in Washington at a ripe moment internationally.
(4)Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, a universally accepted law.
(5) Their power increased with their number.
B611M is an advanced tactical ground-to-ground missile weapon system. It can precisely attack various types of ground military targets such as armored groups, troop concentration area, air defense facilities, airfields and command centers. It is mainly used for fire suppression and fire support.
(2)(a)张家窨子阁楼上的书房里,(b)顺庆油号老板张恒泰,正在(c)关着门(d)训斥自己的独生子张复礼。 (李怀荪,2011《湘西秘史》)
(a)In the Zhangs& Yinzi house, (b)Zhang Hengtai, the boss of Shunqing Oil Company, (c)shut himself up in the study of the attic. (d)He was tongue-lashing his only son Zhang Fuli.
In the Zhangs& Yinzi house, Zhang Hengtai, the boss of Shunqing Oil Company, was tongue-lashing his only son Zhang Fuli in the study of the attic with the door closed.
(a)In such circumstances, (b)we reaffirm our strong commitment to support growth and foster financial stability. (c)We also underscore the need for appropriate action to be taken by advanced economies in order to rebuild confidence,(d) foster growth and secure a strong recovery.
(4) (a)身材魁梧的张复礼(b)栽着脑壳,(c)耷着眼皮,(d)一声不吭地(e)站在父亲跟前,(f)任凭数落。(李怀荪,2011《湘西秘史》)
Zhang Fuli, (a)a burly-set young man, (e)were now standing (d)silently before his father, (b) with his head bowed and (c) his eyelids drooped, (f) letting himself at the mercy of his father&s scolding.
&But now you, you did such a foolish deed, and made it public in all parts of the Puyang Town. How do I give your father-in-law a proper explanation?!&
Though Mother was delighted,she was also trying to hide a certain feeling of sadness.She told me to sit down and rest and have some tea. (杨宪益,戴乃迭译)
China has a long history of more than 5,000 years, so the variety of culture has been preserved. These meaningful cultures are treated as our national treasure. In order to remember them, the governme
二.选项保留原则一般在听力四个选项中,含义对立的选项采取保留原则。比如:A) They only hire people with PHD in psychology.B) The payment details will be discussed in the interview.C) People from any backgrou
眼看着四六级考试越来越近了,大家对干货的需求也越来越大,而写译部分则是四六级考试可以最快提分的部分之一。写作中需要一些表明态度的高级词汇,那就是 “态度词”。今天小编给大家整理了四六级写译考前必背的态度词,赶
If you ask me what are the things that people should not do no matter how, the first thing that comes to my mind will be to postpone today's business to tomorrow.如果你问我有什么事情时无论如何也不
大学四年应该用来做什么?对于绝大部分人来讲,上大学当然是为了更好的就业机会,以及更好的发展前景。不过,很多人似乎并不知道大学四年应该准备些什么,到了最后,可能就只考一个四六级完事。 的确,四六级证书是职场的敲门砖。
Time schedule时间规划表For most of the language learners this seems to be a very crucial part of the language learning process. So if you have problems with this, you can find short-term solutions her
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