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2014 年暑假班【语法概述】 一、被动语态的构成初二升初三 被动语态 (2 课时)课外辅导首选,相信品牌力量2.一般过去时的被动语态(was/ were +done)――新起点精品教育――The cup was broken by the boy. 杯子被那个男孩打碎了。 He was saved at last. 他最终获救了。 My bike was stolen. 我的自行车被偷了。 3.一般将来时与过去将来时的被动语态(will/ shall be + would/should be +done) A speech will be given this afternoon. 今天下午有一个演讲。 A new road will be built next year. 明年要修一条新马路。 He said that a greater number of magic English books would be published next year.明年将有更多的魔法英语书出版。 I thought thousands of people would be helped. 我认为将有数千人得到帮助。 4.现在进行时与过去进行时的被动语态(am/ is/ are being + was/ were being +done) The machine was being repaired at this time yesterday. 昨天这时,机器正在被 修理。 The problem is being discussed now. 问题正在被讨论。 A bus is being pushed by the passengers. 路人正在推一辆公共汽车。 5.现在完成时的被动语态(have/ has been + done) Two hundred trees have been planted by now. 到现在为止, 已经种了二百棵树 了。 The book has been read many times by me. 这本书已经被我读了许多遍了。 Several soldiers have already been killed in the conflict. 在冲突中已经有几名 士兵被杀害。 6.过去完成时的被动语态(had been+done) They said they had been invited to the party. 他们说已经被邀请参加晚会了。 She found the house had been destroyed by the storm. 她发现房子已经被暴风 雨摧毁。 He had been tortured by the illness for many years before he died. 他在去世前 已经被疾病折磨很多年了。 7. 情态动词的被动语态(can/may/must/should/would+be+done)被动语态的基本结构为:助动词 be + 及物动词的过去分词 助动词有人称、 数和时态变化, 其变化规则与 be 作为连系动词时完全一样。 现以动词 do 为例,将主动语态和被动语态的结构形式列表如下: 时态 一般现在 时 现在进行 时 现在完成 时 一般将来 时 过去将来 时 一般过去 时 过去进行 时 过去完成 时 情态动词 do/does am/is/are doing have/has done will/shall do would/should do did was/were doing had done can/may/must/should/would do 主动语态 被动语态 am /is/are done am/is/are being done have/has been done will/shall be done would/should be done was/were done was/were being done had been done can/may/must/should/would be done现将被动语态与具体的时态结合起来。 1.一般现在时的被动语态(am/ is/ are +done) English is spoken by lots of people in the world. 世界上的许多人都说英语。 Class meeting is held every Thursday. 每周四都举行班会。 The classroom is cleaned by the students every day. 学生们每天都打扫教室。欧洲城校区:龙川桥校区:新华书店校区:网址:1 2014 年暑假班China.初二升初三课外辅导首选,相信品牌力量――新起点精品教育――A large number of trees must be planted to prevent wind and sand in North 在华北必须要种植大量的树木来阻挡风沙。 Your mistakes should be corrected right now.你的错误应该立即纠正。 Tables can be made of stone.桌子可由石头制造。 注意: 主动语态变为被动语态时,其时态不变。 二、被动语态的用法 1.当不知道谁是动作的执行者,或者没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者时,通 常用被动语态。如: This computer was made in China. 这台计算机是中国制造的。 More trees must be planted. 必须种更多的树。 The bridge was built last year.这座桥是去年建造的。 He was elected chairman.他被选为主席。 2.当需要强调动作的承受者而不是执行者时,通常用被动语态。如: English is spoken in many parts of the world. 世界许多地方讲英语。 The book is read by all classes of people. 这本书社会各阶层的人都读。 The room hasn't been cleaned yet.房间还没有打扫。 If you break the school rules,you will be punished. 如果你违反校规,你将 受到惩罚。 3.为了强调动作的执行者而用 by 修饰时,通常用被动语态。如: The window was broken by the boy who lives next door. 窗子是住在隔壁的男孩打破的。 Such songs are usually sung by girls. 这些歌通常是女孩唱的。 The tiger was killed by the brave hunter.老虎被那个勇敢的猎人杀死了。 4.当动作的执行者不是人时,多用被动语态。如: The window was blown by wind.窗户被风吹开了。 The whole village has been washed away by the flood. 整个村庄都被洪水冲走了。 We were shocked by the news of his death. 我们听到他的死讯极为震惊。5.由于修辞的需要用被动语态使句子更加简洁、凝练。 He appeared on the stage and was warmly applauded by the audience. 他出现在舞台上,受到了观众的热烈鼓掌。 The old professor gave a lecture on American history and was well received. 这位老教授作了一个有关美国历史的讲座,受到大家的热烈欢迎。 6.为使语气婉转,避免提及自己或对方而使用被动语态, The new task must be finished by the end of next week. 必须在下周之前完成这项新的任务。 You’ ve been told many times not to make the same mistake.你已被多次告知不 要犯同样的错误。 Everybody is expected to obey the following rules. 希望大家遵守以下规定。 7.科技文献中为了客观地描述事情及其过程时应使用被动语态 The film is coated with light-sensitive chemicals, which are changed by the different shades and colours of light. 胶卷上涂了一层感光的化学物质, 这些 物质因光的不同色度与颜色而改变。 8.在新闻报道中使用被动语态可以体现新闻的客观性 The west-east gas pipeline project was started on July 4, a big event in the nation’s west development campaign. 西气东输工程 7 月 4 日全线开工,这 是国家西部大开发战略的一件大事。 9.有些动词习惯上常用被动语态 He was born in this city. 他出生在这个城市。 The school is situated in the suburbs. 这所学校位于郊外。 常用于被动语态的动词有 born(出生) 、 situate(坐落于) 、 build(建造) 、break(打破) 、publish (出版)等。但 happen, take place, come out 不用被动语态。 注意: 不及物动词不能用于被动语态,表示状态而不是动作的及物动词也不能用 于被动语态。如: Children sleep deeply. 孩子们睡得香。 (sleep 是不及物动词,不能用于被动语态。) They have a new house. 他们有一幢新房子。欧洲城校区:龙川桥校区:新华书店校区:网址:2 2014 年暑假班三、主动语态与被动语态的转换初二升初三课外辅导首选,相信品牌力量Salt is produced (by people) in Jiangxi. ―&People produce salt in Jiangxi. 3. 主动语态变被动语态应注意的问题――新起点精品教育――(不能说 A new house is had by them. ) 1. 主动语态变为被动语态的方法是: (1)将主动结构的宾语变被动结构的主语(如宾语为代词,宾格形式须变为 主格形式)。 (2)主动结构的谓语动词由主动语态变成被动语态, 应注R助动词 be 的人称、 数及时态的变化。 (3)主动结构的主语变为介词 by 的宾语(如主语为代词,主格形式须变为宾 格形式)。由于被动语态强调动作的承受者,在动作的执行者无须说明或 不必强调时,by 短语可以省略。 ①主动句 Most people love pop songs. 主语 谓语 宾语 大多数人都喜欢流行歌曲。 被动句 Pop songs are loved by most people. 主语 谓语 宾语 ②主动句 Did Johnson write the letter himself? 主语 约翰逊自己写的信吗? 被动句 Was the letter written by Johnson himself? 主语 状语 谓语 宾语 同位语 ③主动句 When did they finish the work? 主语谓语 宾语 他们什么时候完成这活的? 被动句 When was the work finished by them? 状语 主语 谓语 宾语 2.被动语态变为主动语态 被动语态变为主动语态与主动语态变为被动语态的方法相反,首先指出介 词 by 的宾语,把它改为主语,将谓语动词被动结构改为主动结构,改动时 应注意数和人称的变化。再次,把被动结构中的主语变为主动结构中的宾 语。如: 谓语 宾语 同位语(1)在主动语态里, 动词 make, let, hear, watch, see, feel, have, notice, help 等动 词后面作宾语补足语的不定式一般不带 to, 但变为被动语态时,to 必须保 留。如: She made her son sit down. 她让儿子坐下。 Her son was made to sit down. (被动语态) The boss made them work twelve hours every day. 老板让他们每天工作十二小时。 They were made to work twelve hours every day. (被动语态) We heard her sing this song last night. 昨晚我们听她唱了这首歌。 She was heard to sing this song last night. (被动语态) We often saw him play football on the playground. 我们经常看见他在操场上踢球。 He was seen to play football on the playground (by us ). (被动语态) (2)含有直接宾语和间接宾语的主动结构,变为被动结构时,有两种变法: 把指人的间接宾语变为被动语态句子中的主语,或把指物的直接宾语变为 被动语态句子中的主语,如果间接宾语需要保留,其前面常加介词 to。 如: He gave me a pen. 他给我一支笔。 I was given a pen by him. (被动语态) A pen was given to me by him. (被动语态) He showed me his new computer. 他让我看他的新电脑。 I was shown his new computer by him. (被动语态) His new computer was shown to me by him. (被动语态) Jack told us the truth. 杰克告诉了我们真相。 (被动语态) We were told the truth by Jack.The truth was told to us by Jack. (被动语态)欧洲城校区:龙川桥校区:新华书店校区:网址:3 2014 年暑假班初二升初三课外辅导首选,相信品牌力量(F) The sun is rose in the east everyday.――新起点精品教育――(3)含有复合宾语的主动句在变为被动语态的时候,将宾语变为被动句的主 语,原来的宾语补足语保留不变,成为被动句中的主语补足语。 I see him reading in the park every morning. 每天早土我都看见他在公园里读书。 He is seen reading in the park by me every morning. (被动语态) (4)带介词或副词的短语动词(如 look after, put on, pay attention to)用作被 动语态的谓语时,它们原来所带的介词或副词应保留下来。如: 她常照看小孩, She often looks after the children. 她经常照看小孩子。 The children are often looked after. (被动语态) They talked about the film very often. 他们常常谈论那部影片。 The film was very often talked about. (被动语态) We/People have never heard of such a thing before. 我们/人们以前从未听说 过这样的事。 Such a thing has never been heard of before.这样的事以前从没听说过。 (被动 语态) We should take good care of the old and the children. 我们应该照顾好老人和 小孩。 The old and the children should be taken good care of. (被动语态) 4. 被动语态的固定结构。 表示“据说”的句型。It is /was said that?据说;It is reported that? 据报道; It is believed that? 大家相信; It is hoped that? 大家希望; It is well known that? 众所周知; It is thought that? 大家认为; It is taken granted that? 被视为当然; It must be remembed that? 务 It is suggested that? 据建议; 必记住的是。 It is said that he is leaving for Wuhan next Tuesday. 据说他下周二要去武汉。 四、不能用被动语态的情况 (1)不及物动词不能用被动语态,因为它们没有宾语。 The sun rises in the east everyday.太阳每天从东方升起。(2)当及物动词的宾语是反身代词或相互代词时,主动句不能变为被动句。 They often help each other. 他们常常互相帮助。 (F)Each other is often helped. (3)某些后面带有表示D地点或处所‖的宾语的及物动词不能用被动语态。 They left home early in the morning. 他们大清早就离开了家。 (F) Home was left early in the morning. (4)当谓语动词是 have(有),like, prefer,succeed, suit, lack, contain, fit, take place,belong to 等时,不能用被动语态。 I like these flowers. 我喜欢这些花。 (F) These flowers are liked by me. These books belong to me. 这些书是我的。 (F) These books are belonged to me. These flowers belong to me. 五、主动形式表示被动意义。 1.wash, clean, cook, iron, look, cut, sell, read, wear, feel, draw, write, drive happen,cost,take 等。如: The kind of books sells well.这种书很畅销。 This knife cuts easily.这把刀很好用。 昨天发生了一起事故。 have An accident was happened yesterday. (F) An accident happened yesterday. (T) The flower smells sweet.这花闻起来很香。 (T) The watch looks good.这表看起来很好。 (T) The sports meeting will take place next week. 运动会将在下周举行。 2. blame. Remain, keep, rent, build 等。如: He was to blame for the accident.他要为这场事故负责。 Much work remains.还有很多事没做。 3.在 need, require, want, worth, deserve 后的动名词表示被动。如; Your coat is too dirty. It needs washing/to be washed.你的衣服太脏了,需要洗 了。It has been decided that? 大家已经决定;欧洲城校区:龙川桥校区:新华书店校区:网址:4 2014 年暑假班初二升初三课外辅导首选,相信品牌力量他将情人给他修车,因为车子坏了。――新起点精品教育――The door wants repairing.门需要维修。 This book is well worth reading.这本书很值得一读。 The little boy always made troubles around and deserved beating. 小男孩总是处处惹麻烦活该被打 The girl did a good deed and deserved praise.女孩做了好事应该受到表扬 六、被动形式表示主动含义。 be detedmined, be pleased, be grduated(from), be finished, be prapared (for), be occupied(in), get married 等动词短语可以用被动形式表示主动含义。 He is determined to work hard .他决定努力学习。 He has been worried all week.他整整担忧了一星期。 We are pleased with his performance.我们对他的表现很满意。 They have been married for over ten years.他们已经结婚十多年了。 七、特殊结构。 1.“get+过去分词”结构也可以表被动 The boy got hurt on his way to school. 这个男孩在上学的路上受伤了。 These cleaners got paid by the month. 雨中了。 He got married two years ago without inviting any friend. 他两年前就结婚了,没有邀请任何朋友。 类似短语 get burnt(着火) 、get killed(被杀) 、get hurt(受伤) 、get lost(迷路) get dressed(穿衣服) 、get changed(变化) 、get married(结婚) 、get washed (洗)等。 2. 固定短语结构 make sb.heard/understood 使别人能够听见/理解自己 have sth. done 要某人做某事/让某事被别人做 The lecturer spoke loudly in order to make him heard by the audients clearly. 演讲者声音很大是为了让所有观众都能清楚地听到。 The boy is trying to make himself understood. 这个男孩正努力想让大家明白他的话。 清洁工人按月拿工资。 在回家的路上他被困在大 He got caught in the heavy rain on his way home.He will have his car repaired, for there is something wrong with it. Unluckily, she fell off the tree and had her leg broken. 很不幸,她从树上摔了下来,断了一条腿。 【经典例题】 1. Mary didn’t go to John’s birthday party because she ________. A. wasn’t invited 答案:A 【解析】被动语态的用法。本句意思为“玛丽没有去参加约翰的生日聚会 因为她没有被邀请到” ,从“被邀请”可以知道此处应该用被动语态,从句 子中的 didn’t 可以看出本句为一般过去时,因此该处应该为一般过去式的 被动语态形式,故答案为 A。 2. It will be two days before the decision_________. A. has made 答案:D 【解析】本题考查被动语态的用法。句意为“在做出之前,将有两天的时 间” 根据语境可知选 D。 3. ----Did you go to Jim’s birthday party? ----No, I ________ . A. haven’t invited 【答案】D 【解析】 被动语态 句意为 “你去参加吉姆的生日聚会了吗” “我没被邀请” , I 与 invite 应为过去的被动的关系, 4. Each time tourists travel to Beijing, they_______ the Forbidden City. A. will be shown up C. will show around 答案:B 【解析】 考查一般将来时被动语态的用法。 短语 show up 意为 “揭露” , show around 意为“带领??看” ,此处明显是指那些人被领着参观紫禁城,每次 都要被带着去参观,故选 B。 5. ---Look, what have they done? B. will be shown around D. will show to B. didn’t invite C. am not invited D. wasn’t invited B. will be made C. was made D. is made. B. didn’t invite C. isn’t invited欧洲城校区:龙川桥校区:新华书店校区:网址:5 2014 年暑假班A. give 答案:D B. will be given初二升初三C. will give课外辅导首选,相信品牌力量答案:D D. am given――新起点精品教育――---Sorry. I think if I __________ another chance, I’ll do it better.【解析】被动语态。根据题意可知应用过去时态,而一般过去时态的被动 语态结构为 was\were + 动词的过去分词。 主语 this photo 是单数, 故用 was+ 过去分词。 10. ― When should I hand in my paper? ― Your paper must ______ as soon as the bell_______ . A. rings be 答案:D 【解析】 被动语态与 as soon as 的用法。 paper 作主语 (为 “交卷” 的承受者), 故要用被动语态,as soon as 表示“一??就??” ,从句用一般现在时代替 一般将来时。故选择 D。 11. When will the birthday party _______, on Monday evening or Tuesday evening? A. hold 答案 B B. be held C. held D. be holding B. will ring D. be handed in: rings【解析】动词语态。I 与 another chance 是被动关系。if 引导的条件状语从 句,主句用一般现在时,从句用一般将来时。根据句意:看,他们做了什 么?抱歉,如果再给我一个机会,我会做的更好。选 D。 6. Food safety is important. Rules ______ to stop people from food pollution. A. must make made 答案:B 【解析】被动语态的用法。 本句句意:食品安全很重要,必须制定制度来 阻止人们遭受食品污染;根据句意应该含情态动词 must 的被动语态,即 must be done。 7.― Do you know Lucy’s grandma? ― Of course. She is a kind woman, but she has_____for about a month since she______in the accident. A. was killed C. killed 答案:A 【解析】本题考查时态和被动语态的用法。根据题意:-你知道露茜的奶奶 吗?-当然,她是一位慈祥的老人,在车祸中丧生已经大约一年了。has been dead 表示已经去世的状况,was killed 表被动,丧生。故本题选 A。 8. At last the boy was made________and began to laugh. A. stop crying 【答案】C 【解析】被动语态与非谓语动词 make, have, see 等动词在变为被动语态时 要把省略的不定式符号 to 补出来;stop to do “停下来去干?” ; stop doing “停止做?”句意为“小男孩停止哭笑了起来” 9. ―Who’s the little baby in the photo, Li Ying? ―It’s me. This photo _______ fourteen years ago. A. is taken B. took C. takes D. was taken B. to to stop to cry C. to stop crying D. stop to cry B. was killed D. killed B. must be made C. can’t make D. can’tC. will ring【解析】考查被动语态的用法。birthday party 和 hold 构成被动关系,所以 为被动语态,由“will”可知,为一般将来时的被动语态。句意“什么时候 举行生日聚会,是周一晚上还是周二晚上啊?” ,用 be held。 12. Don't worry. Your package_______here until you come back, so enjoy shopping here. A. will keep 答案:C 【解析】选 C。考查语态。句意:别着急,你的行李将一直被保存到你回 来。??。此处表示将来时的被动,要用 will +be + done。故选 C。 13. In many places in China, the old over 90______ not only by their family but also by the government. A. is taking good care C. is taking good care of 答案:B 【解析】被动语态的用法。句意“在中国的许多地方,超过 90 岁的人不仅 B. are taken good care of D. are taken good care B. has kept C. will be kept D. has been kept欧洲城校区:龙川桥校区:新华书店校区:网址:6 2014 年暑假班初二升初三课外辅导首选,相信品牌力量A. remains A. have done C. has done A. heated B. gets――新起点精品教育――C. turns D. keeps被家庭好好照顾着,而且也被政府照顾着” 。the old 指一类人,因此是复数 形式,故排除 A、C,被动语态中的动作须是及物动词,因此选 B。 14.He likes reading very much.Most of his money______on books. A.is spent B.spend C.spends D.are spent 解析:本题考查动词语态。不可数名词 money 是动词 spend 的宾语,提前 了,要用被动语态,故答案选 A。 15. Today a lot of information can _____ online. A. receive 答案:B 【解析】 被动语态。 今天有很多信息能在网上收到,信息被收到要用被 动语态。含有情态动词的被动语态的构成:情态动词+be +过去分词。 【中考链接】 1. As we know, visitors ______ not to touch the exhibits when visiting. A. will request C. are requesting the tape then. A. will mend C. will be mended A. is staying B. stays B. is going to mend D. is mending C. is stayed B. W be held D. A can be held B. be made fun D. make fun with B. are giving D. are being given D. has stayed B. request D. are requested B. be received C. is received D. receiving8. Three quarters of the work ______ by the farmers. B. have been done D. has been done B. is heated C. heating D. is heating9. If ______ to a temperature above 0℃, ice can change into water. 10. Passing the entrance examination means ______ into college. A. to admit C. admitting 【课堂反馈】 1.The sick boy ______to hospital by the police yesterday. A. is taken A. be thrown A. offer next term. A. will be built B. was built C. has built D. will build 5. ---David, turn off the TV ______ no one is watching it. --But it ______ off already! The music is from the radio. A. so that, has been turned C. if,has been turned A. is offered B. offered B.when,has turned D. because,has turned C was offered D. has offered B. was taken B. throw B. will offer C. takes C. is thrown C. are offered D. took D. are thrown D. will be offered 2. Waste paper shouldn't ______ everywhere. It's our duty to keep our city clean. 3. -Do you have any problems if you _______ this job? 4. It is reported that more new teaching buildings _______ in our school in the B. to be admitted D. being admitted2. Don’t worry. Your recorder ______ this weekend. You’ll be able to listen to3. The city library ______ open till six o’clock on Saturdays. 4. ______ I suggest is that the meeting ______ next week. A. T should hold C. A hold A. make fun of C. be made fun of A. are being giving C. are given6. jack _______ a job in a bank, but to our surprise,he didn't take it. 7.-It's difficult for the village children to cross the river for school. --I think a bridge _______ over the river. A. was built A. told B. is being built B. have told C. has been built C. will tell D. should be built D. was told75. As is known to all, nobody in the world likes to ______.6. These top students ______ prizes now by the headmaster in the school hall.8. I _______ to get there before seven tomorrow, so I'll have to get up early . 9. It is reported that the Underground Line No. 3 ______ in our city in 2010.7. Once a person ______ infected with the HIV, it is impossible to get rid of it.欧洲城校区:龙川桥校区:新华书店校区:网址: 2014 年暑假班A. will build A. was locked _______ in space. A. can find B . can be found B. has built B. is locked初二升初三C. will be built C. will be locked课外辅导首选,相信品牌力量D. has been built D. should be locked A. must A. take away A. is worn out A. will be repaired C. is being repaired A. been given A. uses B. must be B. taken away B. wore out C. has――新起点精品教育――D. have D. be taken away D. were worn out2.A lot of new roads ___ built in the west of China. 3.This dictionary mustn’t ____ from the library. C. are taken away C. were worn off 4.My shoes ____ . I went out for a new pair.10. When you leave the room, make sure the door ________. 11.-Do you believe there are aliens? -I am afraid not. I don't think aliens C. can be found D. can't be found12. -I want to be a Chinese teacher when I grow up. --That's great. Chinese teachers _______ in China and some foreign countries. A. need A. will give B. are needing B. have given C. are needed C. will be given D. will need D. are giving 13. Don't worry. You _______ plenty of time to decide. 14. As China grows stronger and stronger, Chinese _______ in more and more schools out of our country. A. teaches B. is taught C. has taught D. was taught 15. -Our environment is getting worse than before. --You're right. But thanks to Earth Day, people have done more and more useful things to protect the earth since Earth Day________. A. is started A. to draw A. is regarded A. asked A. need A. finishes 【课后巩固】 1.The boy ___ to get supper ready after school. A. were told B. is telling C. was told D. tells B. was started B. to drawing B. has regarded B. am asked B. are needed B. will finish C. has started C. draw C. is regarding C. have been asked C. are needing C. is finished D. drew D. regards D. was asked D. will need D. will be finished 16. The young man was often seen ______ by the lake. 17. Ba Jin,one of the greatest writers in China,_______ as &People's Writer& 18. -Where did you go last night ? 19. -I want to be a doctor. - I _______ to go to Li Lei's birthday party.5.His car ___ tomorrow. B. is repaired D. has been repaired B. gave B. is used C. given C. is using B. Made of , made in D. Made from, made by C. D build B. was happened D. happened D. D build D. be give D. use6.No permission(允许) has ___ for anybody to enter the building. 7.A key ___ for opening and clocking a door. 8.Your coat looks nice. Is it __ wool? CYes, it is ___ Shanghai. A. Made of ,make by C. Made for, made in A. Is; built B. W built9._____ a new library _____ in our school last year? 10. An accident ____ on this road last week. A. has been happened C. is happened 参考答案; 【中考链接】 1-5 DCBBC 1-5 BACAC 【课后巩固】 1-5 CBDDA 6-10 ABBBD 6-10 DBDAD 6-10 CDDCB 11-15 BCCBB 16-20 AADBD- Doctors ______ in every part of the world, I think.20. The village is building a school. I hope it _______ before August this year.欧洲城校区:龙川桥校区:新华书店校区:网址:8 2014 年暑假班初二升初三课外辅导首选,相信品牌力量――新起点精品教育――数词(1 课时)【语法概述】 表示数目多少或顺序多少的词叫数词,数词分为基数词和序数词。 一、基数词 (一)基数词的构成 最基本的基数词如下 1 -10 11-19 20-90 100 以上 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty 其他基数词的构成: (1)21-99 的两位数,在十位数和个位数之间加连字符构成。如: 53 fifty-three (2)101―999 的三位数,由 hundred 加 and 再加两位数或末位数。如: 325 three hundred and twenty-five (二)基数词的用法 (1)当 hundred, thousand, million, billion 等和 of 连用,表示粗略的数目时, 须用复数。如: hundreds of people 数以百计的人/几百人 但如果 hundred, thousand, million, billion 等词前有具体数词或 several 时, 须 用单数: six hundred people 600 人 (2)表示数字的词,如:dozen (十二/一打)和 score (二十)等,常按以 下规则处理: dozens of eggs 成打的鸡蛋 six dozen eggs 六打鸡蛋 scores of people 几十人 (3)表示D几十年代‖或D几十岁‖时,用逢十的基数词的复数。如: in the 1930s 在 20 世纪 30 年代 in his fifties 在他 50 多岁时 (4)与基数词合成的复合定语,其中的名词用单数。如:a three-month-old baby 三个月大的婴儿 a five-year plan 一个五年计划 (5)在一些表示D一排‖或D一组‖的词组里。 They arrived in twos and threes. 他们三三两两的到达了。 (6)乘法运算的表示法,通常用单数。 3x5 = 15 Three multiplied by five is fifteen. 二、序数词 序数词一般以与之相应的基数词加词尾-th 构成,但要注意一些特殊形式。 见下表: 基数词 one two three five eight nine twelve twenty twenty-one fifty-five one hundred 序数词 first second third fifth eighth ninth twelfth twentieth twenty-first fifty-fifth one hundredth 序数词缩略形式 1st snd 3rd 5th 8th 9th 12th 20th 21st 55th 100th注意: 以 y 结尾的基数词构成序数词时,先把 y 变为 i, 再加-eth。 twenty-twentieth, ninety-ninetieth 其他序数词的构成 (1)几十几及以上的序数词,其中十位数或百位数、千位数等用基数词,只 有个位数才用序数词。如: 128th: one hundred and twenty-eighth 752nd: seven hundred and fifty-second (2)hundred, thousand, million 的序数词均在基数词后加-th 构成, 即 hundredth, thousandth, millionth。欧洲城校区:龙川桥校区:新华书店校区:网址:9 2014 年暑假班初二升初三课外辅导首选,相信品牌力量――新起点精品教育――三、数词的应用 (一)倍数表示法 (1)倍数用在形容词原级比较的第一个 as 前面。如: I have twice as many books as you do. 我的书是你的书的两倍。 (2)倍数用在表示度量的名词前。此时它的基本结构为D倍数 + the + 度量名 词(size, amount, length + of + 表示比较对象‖的名词,如: The earth is 49 times the size of the moon. 地球是月球的 49 倍大。 This bridge is three times the length of the old one. 这座桥是那座桥的三倍长。 (3)倍数+形容词或副词的比较级如: This building is twice higher than that one. 这个建筑物比那个建筑物高两倍。 The grain output is 8 percent higher this year than that of last year. 今年与去年相比粮食产量增加了 8%。 (4)by + 倍数, 表示增加多少倍。 The production of grain has been increased by four times this year. 今年粮食产量增加了 4 倍。 (5 表示倍数也可用 double 等词。如: The top-brand cigarettes are often sold at double the normal price here. 这里名牌香烟售价经常比正常价格高一倍。 (二)分数表示法 (1)分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于 1 时,分母用复数。如: one-third 三分之一 one-fourth(a quarter)四分之一 two-fifths 五分之二 three-fourths/three-quarters 四分之三 (2)分子与分母之间加 in, 分子在前,分母在后,分子、分母都用基数词。 如: one in ten 十分之一, four in five 五分之四 (3)分子与分母之间加 out of, 分子在前, 分母在后, 分子、 分母都用基数词, 如: one out of ten 十分之一, four out of five 五分之四(三)小数表示法 小数的表示法,小数点前的部分同其他数词一样,小数点用 point, 小数点 后面的数都把它读成个位数,如: 8.73 表示为 eight point seven three 21.25 表示为 twenty-one point two five 136.45 表示为 one hundred and thirty-six point four five (四)百分数表示法 表示百分数直接将数词放在单词 percent 前面。如: twenty percent 百分之二十 seventy-five percent 百分之七十五 注意: 分数和百分数后面不能直接跟名词或代词,而应是D分数或百分数 + of + 冠词或限定词 + 名词或代词‖,其谓语动词与 of 后面的名词在人称和数上 保持一致。如: Two-fifths of the money was spent on books. 五分之二的钱用在买书上。 (五)约数表示法 (1)用 ten, dozen, score, hundred, thousand, million 等数词的复数加 of 短语来 表示几十、几百、上千、上万、几百万等约数的概念。如: I bought dozens of pencils last year. 去年我买了几十支铅笔。 Hundreds of students were planting trees on the hill on Tree-Planting Day. 植树节那天有好几百名学生在山上植树。 Scores of police are sent to help the people in the flood. 几十名警察被派去帮助灾区的人民。 (2)用 more than, over, above, beyond, or more 等来表示多于某个数目。如: Our school has a history of more than sixty years. 我校有六十多年的历史。 (3)用 less than, under, below, or less, almost, nearly, up to 等来表示小于或接 近某数目。如: How can you finish your homework in less than half an hour? 你怎么能在半小 时不到就完成你的作业呢? (4)用 or, or so, about, around, some, more or less 等表示在某一数目左右。如:欧洲城校区:龙川桥校区:新华书店校区:网址: 10 2014 年暑假班初二升初三课外辅导首选,相信品牌力量――新起点精品教育――The doctor spent four or five hours performing the operation. 那医生花了四五 个小时做这个手术。 (5)用 to, from. . to, between... and 表示介于两数词之间。如: I will be back in three to four weeks. 我三到四周后就回来。 (六)时刻表示法 1.表示整点 用基数词加 o'clock 构成,o'clock 也可省略,介词用 at. 8: 00 读作:eight o'clock (或 eight) We often get up at six (o'clock). 我们经常 6: 00 起床。 2.表示D几点过几分‖ 用 past, 但分数必须在半小时以内(包括半小时)。 8: 05 读作:five past eight (或 eight five 或 eight o five) 8: 15 读作:fifteen past eight (或 a quarter past eight 或 eight fifteen) 8: 30 读作:half past eight (或 eight thirty) 3.表示D几点差几分‖ 用介词 to, 但分数必须在半小时以上(不包括半小时) 8: 40 读作:twenty to nine(或 eight forty) 8: 45 读作:fifteen to nine(或 a quarter to nine 或 eight forty-five) 8: 55 读作:five to nine(或 eight fifty-five) (七)编号表示法 1.基数词和序数词可以表示事物的编号。着重编号,用D名词 + 基数词‖; 着重顺序,用D序数词 + 名词‖。如: Lesson One = the first lesson 第一课 Chapter Four = the fourth chapter 第四章 2.国王等的头衔通常用罗马数字表示。如: Charles V 查理五世 3.电话号码读法。如: Tel. No. 797-7936 或 Telephone number 797-7936 读作:Telephone number seven nine seven seven nine three six 4.其他号码读法。如: Room 111 111 房间(读作:room one one one) Bus (No. ) 102 102 路车(读作:bus (number) one o two)page 176 第 176 页(读作:page one hundred and seventy-six 或 page one seventy-six 或 page one seven six) (八)年、月、日表示法 1.表示年份 用基数词,先读前一位或两位数,再读后两位数。 350 B. C. 公元前 350 年,读作:three fifty B. C. 或 three hundred and fifty B. C. 576 A. D. (或 A. D. 576) 公元 576 年读作: five seventy-six A. D. (A. D. 在 不会误解的情况下可省略) 1978 年读作:nineteen seventy-eight 1900 年读作:nineteen hundred 1806 年读作:eighteen hundred (and) six 2001 年读作:(year) two thousand(and) one 2.表示年代、世纪 1980s(或 1980's) 20 世纪 80 年代,读作:the nineteen eighties the 21st century (或 the twentieth century) 21 世纪 the sixties 60 年代 3. 表示月份 月份为专有名词,第一个字母须大写,书写时可用缩写形式: 1 月 January (Jan. ) 2 月 February(Feb. ) 3 月 March (Mar. ) 4 月 April (Apr. ) 5 月 May 6 月 June 7 月 July 8 月 August (Aug. ) 9 月 September(Sept. ) 10 月 October (Oct. ) 11 月 November(Nov. ) 12 月 December (Dec. ) 4.表示年、月、日 D年‖用基数词,D日‖用序数词。如: 1979 年 5 月 4 日,写作:May 4th, 1979, 读作:May the fourth, nineteen seventy-nine,或:the fourth of May nineteen seventy-nine 【经典例题】 . I'm 13 years old and my sister is 15 years old. So my sister is___ years older than me.欧洲城校区:龙川桥校区:新华书店校区:网址: 11 2014 年暑假班初二升初三课外辅导首选,相信品牌力量――新起点精品教育――A. one B. two C. three D. four 【解析】考查数词用法。句意为 “我 13 岁了,我姐姐 15 岁了,我姐姐比 我大 2 岁。 ”故选 B。 2. ________ visitors come to Xingyi during May Day holidays every year. A. Thousands of B. Two thousands C. Thousand of D. Thousand 【解析】A. 考查数词。当 hundred,thousand,million 和 billion 表示具体的 数目时,用单数形式;当表示不具体的数目时,用复数形式,且跟介词 of 连 用,故选 A 答案。 3. We are sure the______olympic Games in Beijing next Year will be one of __games in history. A twenty-nine more successful B twenty-ninth;more successful C twenty-ninth;the most successful D. twenty- the most successful [答案]C。[解析]本题综合考查序数词表次序,基数词表数量的用法。句意 为:来年的北京奥运会为第二十九届奥运会,这是不争的事实,此处应使 用序数词表顺序,由此可确定答案在 B 与 C 之中;再由句意可知,后面应 是一个最高级的句子,所以 C 项正确。 4. About __of the students in our school are hoys. A.third fifths B three fifths C.three fifth D. third fifth 【解析】B 在英语中表示分数的方式为&序数词+基数词&,如果分子大于 1, 则分母用复数形式。 5._____the students in these primary school is about three thousand, _____of them are girls. A.A two third B. T two thirds C.A two thirds D .T two third 【解析】 B a number of, 意为&许多?&, 后接复数名词, 谓语用复数形式; the number of 意为&为??的总数&,后接复数名词,但谓语要用单数。当分 子大于&1&时。分母的序数词后加&s&。分数常与 of 短语连用,作主语时, 其谓语动词的单复数取决于 of 后的名词。故选 B。 6.The doctor worked for __________ after twelve o'clock. A. two more hours B. two another hour C. more two hours D. another two hour 【解析】A。 数词、形容词连用,修饰名词时,数词放在形容词前。7. The river through our city, which is about _________, is clean again. A. 6000 metres long B. 6000-metres-long C. 6000-metre-long D. 6000 metre long 【解析】A 由基数词和名词加连字符号构成的复合词作定语时,其中名词 用单数。反之,则用复数。 8.During World War II, a Jewish (犹太) lady was protected by a local family in Shanghai in her ______. A. fifties B. fifty C. fiftieth D. the fiftieth 【解析】A 表示&某人几十岁&,用&in one's 十位数的基数词的复数形式&。 故选 A。 【中考链接】 1. About ____of the students in Grade Nine this year were born in the_____. A. 1996. B. 1990s C. 1997. D. 1990s 2. He wrote his ______ novel when he was ______. A. fifties B. fifty C. fiftieth D. fifty 3. The chairperson received about three ______ applications to join the Bird watching Club. A. hundred B. hundreds of C. hundred of D. hundreds 4. The______ action film has attracted millions of young people to the cinema. A. 130-minute B. 130-minutes C. 130 minute D.130 minutes 5. ―There is ______milk in the fridge. Please buy some on your way home. ―All right. A. much B. many C. little D. few 6. Some word puzzles in this book are ____ difficult that _____ students can solve them. A. few B. little C. few D. little 7. ―Do you know that there are many different _____ animals in the zoo? ―Yes, I do. And I also know that some of them are _____ scaring. A. kind of B. kinds of C. kinds of D. kind of 8. I am very thirsty. Could you please give me ______ water? A. some B. little C. many D. other 9. Between the two hills _____a deep river. A. are B. have C. has D. is欧洲城校区:龙川桥校区:新华书店校区:网址: 12 2014 年暑假班初二升初三课外辅导首选,相信品牌力量――新起点精品教育――10.We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen________we speak. A. as twice much as B. twice an much as C. as much as twice D. as much twice as 【课堂反馈】 1. Lincoln was born on ________. A. February 12, 1809 B. 1809, February 12 C. 1809, 12 February D. February . A _______ boy can sing the English song very well. A. ten-year-old B. ten years old C. ten-years-old D.tens years old 3. How many students are there in your class? ________. A. Twenty nine B. Thirty and two C. Forty-five D. fifties 4. Which number is wrong? _______. A. Ninety B. Ninteen C. Ninth D. Nineteenth 5. The number 4,123 is read _______. A. four thousand one hundred and twenty-three B. four thousand and one hundred twenty-three C. four thousand and a hundred and twenty-three D. four thousands a hundred and twenty-three 6. The old professor still works hard though he is _________. A. in his sixty B. in his sixties C. in sixties D. in the sixty 7. This classroom is ________ ours. A. three times big as B. as three times big as C. three times as big as D. as big three times as 8. Which of the following is wrong? ________. A. He is a fifteen-year-old boy. B. He is at the age of 15. C. He is a boy of 15. D. He is fifteen year old. 9. Our school is not very big. There are only ________ students. A. nine hundreds of B. nine hundred C. nine hundreds D.nine hundred of 10. Which room do you live in? ________. A. The 201 Room B. Room 201 C. Room 201st D. The 201's Room 【课后巩固】 1. _______the students will take part in English speech contest . A. Two hundred of B. Two hundreds of C. Hundreds of D. hundred of 2.. When he moved to Germany in _______, he was already in _________. A. fifties, his sixties B. the fifties, his sixties C. the fifties, his sixty D. fifty, sixty 3. Now turn to page ______and look at the ______picture in Lesson Four. A. twenty, three B. twentieth, threeC. twentieth, third D. twenty, third 4. He was born _______. A. on November 6, 1985 B. on 1985 December C. in 1985 December 5 D. in December5, 1985 5. DApril 21‖ may be ____________. A. April the twenty-first B. April twenty-one C. April the twentieth-one D. April twenty first 6. What will happen to us by __________. A. 2050 year B. year 2050 C. the year 2050 D. the 2050 year 7. They will have a lecture at _______(8:50) tomorrow morning. A. fifty past eight B. ten to eight C. ten to nine D. fifty to eight 8. Please wait here. I’ll be back in _______ hours. A. two and half a B. two and a half C. half and two D. two a half 参考答案: 【中考链接】 1-5 BBAAC 6-10 CAADB 【课堂反馈】 1-5 AACBA 6-10 BCDBB 【课后巩固】 1-8 ABDAACCB介词(2 课时)新华书店校区: 网址: 13欧洲城校区:龙川桥校区: 2014 年暑假班 【语法概述】初二升初三课外辅导首选,相信品牌力量――新起点精品教育――一、介词的分类 介词可分为三类: 1.简单介词 由一个单词构成的介词。如:about, after, but, for, from, below 等。 2.复合介词 由两个或两个以上单词合成的介词,如:into, throughout,onto,within, without, nearby 等。 3.短语介词 一个或两个简单介词和一个或几个其他词类组合成一个短语,相当于一个 介词,叫做短语介词。如:according to, because of, out of, in front of, instead of, together with 等。 二、介词短语及其用法 (一)介词短语的构成 介词短语是以介词为中心词的词组,其结构模式通常是D介词 + 补足成 分‖。 1.介词 + 名词 + 介词 in front of, in spite of(尽管), by means of (通过) , in addition to (另外) , for the sake of(为了?起见), in accordance with(和……一致)等。 2.形容词(或分词、副词、连词) + 介词 because of, instead of, according to, ahead of, due to(由于)等。 (二)介词短语的用法 介词短语作为一个成分在句中可用作定语、状语、表语、宾语补足语等。 1.作定语 介词短语作定语时,一般放在被修饰词的后面,作后置定语。 The book on the desk is very interesting. 书桌上的那本书很有趣。 2.作状语 介词短语作状语时,一般放在动词后面或句末、句首。用来表示时间、地 点、目的、方式和原因等。 The basketball match will start at nine. 篮球比赛将在 9 点开始。 He likes to swim in the river. 他喜欢去河里游泳。 I went there to get my book back. 我去那里取回我的书。 I came here by bike. 我骑自行车来到这里。 3.作表语 介词短语作表语时,一般放在 be 动词和连系动词之后。 I'm on duty today. 今天我值日。 My English teacher is from Australia. 我的英语老师来自澳大利亚。 4 作宾语补足语介词短语作宾语补足语时,一般放在宾语之后。 Help yourself to some fish. 请吃鱼。 We all think of him as an honest man. 我们都认为他是一个诚实的人。 三、常用介词的意义及用法 (一)表示时间的介词 英语中表示时间的介词很多,主要有以下这些:at, on,in, after,for,since, by,till,until 等。 1.at 的用法 时间介词 at 表示时刻或时间的某一点。如: at 4: 30p.m. 在下午四点半 2.on 的用法 时间介词 on 表示日期及某天的上午、下午、晚上等。如: on Sunday 在星期日 on Sunday afternoon 星期日下午 3.in 的用法 (1)时间介词 in 表示D时段,时期‖,在多数情况下可以和 during 互换,前者 强调对比,后者强调持续。如: in 1987 在 1987 年 in the 21st century 在 21 世纪 但是如果表示D在某项活动的期间‖,则只能用 during。如: during my holiday 在我度假期间 (2)时间介词 in 表示以说话时间为基点的D若干时间以后‖,常用于谓语是将 来时的时间状语。如要表示D若干时间内‖,则常用 within。试比较: The meeting will end in 30 minutes. 会议 30 分钟以后结束。 Can you finish it within 30 minutes? 你能在 30 分钟之内完成这件事吗? 4.after 的用法 时间介词 after 表示D在(某具体时间)以后‖,注意不要和 in 混淆。如: after supper 试比较: He will be back in two hours. 他将在两个小时以后回来。 He will be back after two o'clock. 他将在两点以后回来。 5.for 的用法 时间介词 for 表示D(动作延续)若干时间‖,有时可省略。常用&how long& 提问。如: I stayed in London for two days on my way to New York. 在去纽约的途中, 我 在伦敦呆了两天。 How long did you stay in London? 你在伦敦呆了多长时间? 6.since 的用法欧洲城校区:龙川桥校区:新华书店校区:网址: 14 2014 年暑假班初二升初三课外辅导首选,相信品牌力量――新起点精品教育――时间介词 since 表示D自(某具体时间)以来‖。常作完成时态谓语的时间状 态。如: since 1990 自从 I990 年 7.by 的用法 时间介词 by 表示D到……时候‖,注意其谓语时态的用法:动作动词常用完 成时态;状态动词(如 be)常用一般时态。比较: By noon, everybody will have arrived there. 到中午的时候,所有人都将已经 到了。 8.till 和 until 的用法这对介词的用法有两个: (1)在肯定句中意思为D直到……时候‖。如: He waited till (until) 5 o'clock. 他一直等到 5 点。 (2)在否定句中意思为D直到……才‖。如: Jack didn’t come home until about 11 o'clock. 杰克直到 11 点钟左右才回到 家。 (二)表示地点的介词 英语中表示地点的介词很多, 主要有以下这些: at, in, round, around, beyond, beneath,over, under, above, below, down, before, behind, between, among, on, up, 等。 1.at 与 in 的用法 at 表示D在……地点‖,通常指某一点的位置。in 表示D在……内‖,通常指一 个(有长、宽、高的)立体的地方。如: The car stopped at the gate. 车停在大门口。 She lives at Number 73 Chang'an Avenue. 她住在长安街 73 号。 What is in the box? 盒子里面有什么? They have arrived in Nanjing. 他们到达南京了。 注意: at 和 in 表示地点时的区别:一般的说法是表示小地方用 at,表示大地方用 in。 2.on, over,above, under, below 的用法 (1)on 表示D在……(平面)上‖。如: There is a colour TV set on the desk. 桌子上有一台彩电。 (2)above 和 over 都表示D在……上方‖,都没有接触面,其中 over 表示在正 上方,above 不一定在正上方。如: The plane is flying above the clouds. 这架飞机正在云层的上方飞行。 There is a bridge over the river. 河上有一座桥。 (3) under 和 below 都表示D在……下方‖,其中 under 表示在正下方;below 不一定在正下方。另外 under 还可以是 on 的反义词。如:The peasants are having a rest under the tree. 农民们正在树下休息。 Tom lives two floors below Jack. 汤姆住在杰克下面两层。 3.before 与 after 的用法 before 表示D在……的前面‖;after 表示D在……后面‖。如: The car stopped before a beautiful house. 小汽车在一所漂亮的房子前停了下 来。 She said it before him. 她是当着他的面说的。 He came back after two days.他两天后就回来了。 I used to walk after supper. 我以前经常晚饭后散步。 4.between 与 among 的用法 between 表示D在……(两者)之间‖。among 表示D在……(两者以上)之 间‖。如: Is there any difference between the two words? 这两个词之间有什么区别 吗? They visited the temple among the hills. 他们参观了那个群山环抱的庙宇。 (三)表示空间运动的介词 英语中表示空间运动的介词主要有 along, across, through, over, up down, from, to, into ,out of 等。 1.along, across, through, past 与 over 的用法 along 沿着;across 横过,横穿;through 通过,穿过,穿越; past 通过, over 越过。 They are taking a walk along the street. 他们在沿着那条街道散步。 Can you swim across the river? 你能游过河去吗? One day two young men were going through the forest. 一天, 两个年轻人穿过 森林。 He was talking to a woman when I walked past him.当我从他身旁经过的时 候,他正在和已为女士谈话。 2.up 向上方;down 向下方。如: He ran up the stairs. 他跑上了楼梯。 The ship is sailing down the river. 那条船正向下游开去。 3.from 从,自;to 向,到。如: He received a letter from the police. 他收到一封警察局的信。 She stood up and walked to the window. 她站起来,走到窗前。 4.into 进入;out of 出自。如:欧洲城校区:龙川桥校区:新华书店校区:网址: 15 2014 年暑假班初二升初三课外辅导首选,相信品牌力量――新起点精品教育――He jumped into the river. 他跳进了河里。 We walked out of the shop. 我们走出了商店。 (四)表示方向、方位的介词 英语中表示方向、方位的介词主要有 to, in, for, at 等。 1.to 在……面(不属于该地区);in 在……部(属于该地区)。如: Shanghai lies in the east of China. 上海在中国的东部。 Japan lies to the east of China. 日本位于中国的东面。 特别提示 若表示与某地接壤的方位,常用 on... 。如: Jiangsu province lies on the south of Shandong province. 江苏省位于山东省的 南面。 2.to 表示D去向‖;for 表示D目的地‖。如: He will go to Xi'an tomorrow. 明天他将去西安。 He will leave for Xi'an tomorrow. 明天他将出发去西安。 3.to 表示D朝……(方向)‖;at 表示D对准……(目标)‖。如: The waiter threw a towel to the guest. 服务员朝客人扔去了一条毛巾。 The child threw a stone at the dog. 那个小孩对准狗掷了一块石头。 (五)表示工具方式、方法和手段的介词 英语中表示工具方式、 方法和手段的介词主要有 with, by, in, through, on 等。 1.with 表示工具、方式(抽象),也可表示材料。如: Wood is often cut with a saw. 人们常用锯子切割木头。 We should face the situation with great courage. 我们应以足够的勇气来面对 当前形势。 2.by 表示途径或手段。如: I often go to school by bike. 我经常骑自行车上学。 We always get knowledge by reading books. 我们往往是通过读书获得知识。 3.in 表示方式。如: Can you do the experiment in another way? 你能用另一种方法做这个实验 吗? 4.through 也表示途径、手段。与 by 的意义较接近。如: Knowledge may be acquired through (= by) travelling, conversation and reading. 人们可以通过旅游、谈话和阅读来获得知识。 He became rich through hard work. 他通过辛勤劳动而致富。 5.on 有时也表示工具,通常是在习惯用语中。如: They heard the news on the radio. 他们从收音机里听到这消息。(六)表示原因的介词 英语中表示原因的介词主要有以下这些:at, for, from, with, of, because of, due to, on account of, owing to 等。 1.for 常与 famous, known, punish, suffer 等表示闻名、 奖罚和经受痛苦等意义 的形容词或动词连用,表示原因。如: The West Lake is famous for its scenery. 西湖由于景致美丽而闻名。 He was punished for stealing. 他因偷窃受到惩罚。 2.at 常与 happy, surprised, angry, delighted,等表示情感的形容词或动词连用, 表示原因。如: They are very surprised at the news.他们听到这个消息很震惊。 All of us are angry at his act. 我们所有人都对他的行为很生气。 子们高兴得跳了起来。 3.because of―般表示任何直接原因或理由,后面只能接名词或名词性短语。 而 because 后面通常接句子,表示直接的原因。如: Because of the heavy rain, we had to stay at home. 由于下着大雨,我们只好呆在家里。 She can’t go to school because she is badly ill. 因为她病得很重,所以不能去上学。 (七)表示D除……以外‖的介词 英语中表示D除……以外‖的介词主要有 besides, but, except, except for 等。 1.besides 表示D除……以外,(还,也)‖,相当于 in addition to。如: Besides English, they also study maths, physics and chemistry. 除了英语以外,他们还学习数学、物理和化学。 2.except 表示D除……外, (其余都……) ‖, 常与&all, every, no, none, nothing& 等含有整体肯定或否定意义的词连用。Except 其后除了可跟名(代)词外, 还可跟另一个由介词短语、动词不定式短语和 that 引导的从句。如: He answered all the questions except the last one. 除了最后一个问题外,他所 有的问题都回答了。 We all went except him. 除了他(没去)以外,我们都去了。 3.but 表示D除……外,(其余都或都不……)‖,和 except 的用法基本相同 并常互换。两者都可接动词不定式作宾语。 There is no one here but (except) me. 这儿除了我外,什么人也没有。 He said he would spend his holiday anywhere but in London. 他说除了伦敦以 外他愿意去任何地方度假。 四、介词的省略欧洲城校区:龙川桥校区:新华书店校区:网址: 16 2014 年暑假班初二升初三课外辅导首选,相信品牌力量――新起点精品教育――1.表示时间的短语中如果有 next, last, one, this, every, each, some, any, all 等 单词时,不用介词。 I will see you next week. 我下星期来看你。 You can come any day you like. 你哪一天来都行。 We worked hard all last year. 去年我们整年都在努力工作。 2.在不定冠词 a 或 an(a 或 an 的意思是:D每一……‖)的短语中,不用介 词。 three times a day 每天三次 an apple a day 每天一个苹果 3.在 home, here, there, upstairs, downstairs 等副词之前,不用介词。 I went home last week. 我上一周回家了。 【经典例题】 1.---When will Mr Black come to Beijing? ---___________ September 5. A. On B. To C. At D. In 【解析】答案:A。表示时间的介词的用法。表示某一天用介词 on。 2.The boys felt sad as they lost ________ the girls in the talk show. A. by B. in C. to D. on 【解析】答案:C。该题考查的是介词和动词的固定搭配。lose 表示输给谁 的时候用介词 to。应选 C。 3.No one can be successful ________ hard work. A.through B.for C.with D.without 【解析】D。考查介词。根据句意和句首 no one 提示用介词 without 表示否 定意义,句意为“不努力没有人会成功”。 4.―Thanks ______ joining the Talk Show! ―You're welcome. A. by B. on C. of D. for 【解析】考查固定搭配。Thanks sb. for sth. /doing sth.“为做某事而感谢某 人” 。句意“―谢谢来参加访谈节目。―不客气。 ”故选 D。 5. Oh, it’s you, Ella! Your voice sounds very different ________ the phone. What’s happening? A. from B. in C. of D. on 【解析】选 D。根据题意“在电话里你的声音听起来非常不同”可选出正 确答案为 D。on the phone 是“在电话里”的意思。需要注意的是,我们不 要受 different 的干扰而选 A。 6. Lin Lin often practices English ______ chatting with her American friend. A. in B. by C. for D. with 【解析】选 B。考查介词 by 表达方式、途径。由题意D林琳常常通过和她的 美国朋友聊天来练习英语‖ 可选 B。by 在这里意为D通过某种方式‖。7. Here are some flowers ________ you ________ our best wishes. A. for B. with C. to D. to 【解析】选 B。题意为D这儿有一些给你的带着我们最美好祝愿的花‖。for 表示对象,意为D为‖,with our best wishes 是介词短语,作名词 some flowers 的后置定语。故正确答案为 B。 8. -All the clerks went home ________ Mr. Wang. Why? Because he had to finish his work. A. except B. besides C. without D. beside 【解析】选 A。考查 except 与 besides 的区别。except 是D除了……(不包含 在内)‖,而 besides 是D除了……,还(包含在内)……‖。由句意可知是D除了 王先生(不包含王先生)‖故选 A。 【中考链接】 1.D I think drinking milk every morning is good _________ our health. DYes. I agree ________ you. A. to B. to C. with D. with 2. The two kids practice spoken English joining the English club. A. by B. in C. on D. with 3. ― the doctors, the most beautiful teacher Zhang Lili is out of danger. ―We wish her to live a healthy and happy life in the future. A. In front of B. Thanks to C. As for D. Across from 4.―Jack, is maths difficult to learn in high school? ―Sure. No subject can be learned well hard work. A. without B. through C. by D. with 5. Yesterday I downloaded a new program ______the Internet. Now I can watch TV and movies ______ my computer. A. from;on B. with;in C, in;with D. on;from 6. Don’t drive so fast! We must slow down when we drive the tunnel. A. past B. across C. over D. through 7. The 2012 London Olympic Games will soon start ____ the coming July. A. on B. in C. at D. to 8.Project Hope has built many schools ____ big classrooms and libraries. A.in B.of C.for D.with 9. ―Do you believe that paper is made _____ wood?. ―Yes, I do. And you can see that books are made____ paper. A. from B. of C. from D. of 10. The young men walked ______ the forest and came to a big river at last. A. on B. over C. through D. across 【课堂反馈】[ 来源:% 中*& 教网 ~^] [ 来%^ 源:中教网# ~*] [ 来# 源:~% 中教^ 网 *]欧洲城校区:龙川桥校区:新华书店校区:网址: 17 2014 年暑假班初二升初三课外辅导首选,相信品牌力量――新起点精品教育――1.Could you tell me something ______ UFOs? I am really interested in it. A. of B. with C. about D. at 2.I hope you will be here at half _____ eight tomorrow morning. A. in B. at C. to D. past 3.Fangfang’s father is _______ forty years old. A. about B. for C. to D. by 4.Don’t worry _______ your maths. I will help you _____ it. A. with...about B. about...on C. about...with D. on...about 5.They lived in a flat_____ the shop. A. about B. on C. to D. above 6.How can you go ______ the street when the traffic is heavy? A. across B. cross C. around D. past 7.How long would it take to swim _______ the river? A. by B. across C. over D. through 8.The river goes ______ the city from west to east. A. through B. over C. into D. throughout 9.Dongdong’s father was so tired ______ a day’s work that he went to bed early. A. after B. before C. in D. out 10.What’s time _______ your watch, please? A. on B. in C. by D. with 11.He left Luxun Park and walked ______ Sichuan road. A. along B. after C. for D. to 12.My brother is tall _______ I am short. A. while B. when C. as D. for 13.Where is Tom? You can find him ______ the boys over there. A. by B. between C. among D. into 14.The small town lies _____ the three mountains. A. among B. inside C. into D. between 15.There is a small house______ the trees. A. in B. through C. among D. around 16.The headmaster showed the foreign friends _____ the school. A. along B. to C. around D. over 17.There are a lot of trees and flowers ______ our school building. A. among B. above C. around D. with 18.As we all know, the earth moves ______ the sun. A. around B. over C. into D. for 19.I will work _______ a doctor in two months. A. as B. for C. at D. to20.My birthday is coming. My uncle gave me a new watch _____ a present yesterday. A. with B. like C. as D. for 【课后巩固】 1.We were very surprised ______ the news. A. into B. for C. out of D. at 2.You have lost the key of Tony’s bike, you’d better apologize _____ him. A. for B. in C. to D. at欧洲城校区:龙川桥校区:新华书店校区:网址: 18
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