
偏执是什么意思 偏执在线翻译 偏执什么意思 偏执的意思 偏执的翻译 偏执的解释 偏执的发音 偏执的同义词 偏执的反义词 偏执的例句
偏执 基本解释偏执[piān zhí]词典:偏执的,顽固的,心胸狭窄的;古板;泥。词典:狂妄,古怪,偏执。词典:顽固的,固执的;顽强的或有决心的;坚持的;棘手的。偏执 汉英大词典偏执[piān zhí] stubborn偏执 网络解释1. 偏执的解释1. Paranoid:达到后还希望能够一路向上成长,因此,如果有需要,除了特许外,还会有其它的合作伙伴,不过,截至目前,超微在晶圆代工领域只与特许(Chartered)达成产能合作协议. 问:领导超微的哲学是什么?您自认是个偏执(Paranoid)的人吗?2. intolerance:intolerably 到难耐的程度 | intolerance 偏执 | intolerant 不宽容的3. bigotry:bigot 抱偏见的人 | bigotry 偏执 | bilateral 两侧的4. 偏执的解释4. intolerance: n:intemperance: n.无节制,过度,放纵 | intolerance: n.不容忍;不宽容,不容异说,偏狭,偏执 | apprehension: n.1.忧虑,疑慎 2.逮捕,拘押 3.理解(力)偏执 双语例句1. 1. 他说,仅有偏执狂得以存活下来,而思科十年前的前十大网路 IT 竞争者已不复存在。&&&&Only the paranoid survive, and Cisco's top 10 network IT competitors from a decade ago are gone, he says.2. 研究生的自我概念与心理健康呈现出正相关性,即自我概念越积极心理就越健康,影响心理健康的因子主要是躯体化、强迫、人际关系、焦虑、精神病性和偏执。&&&&Graduate student's self-concept and mental health have shown a negative correlation, that is the more self-concept the more positive psychological health. Factors affecting mental health are mainly somatization, compulsion, interpersonal relationships, anxiety, psychosis and paranoia.3. 3. 人的天性中似乎存在着偏执的特色,喜欢把简单的事情弄得更复杂。&&&&There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that likes to make easy things difficult.4. 你可以说乔布斯是个完美主义者,也可以说他是偏执狂,的一篇文章对他的评价很到位,对于技术,或者股市,甚至是癌症,他都自作主张。&&&&You can say Qiaobusi is a completist, also can say he is paranoiac, an article of Cnn. com is evaluated to his very reach the designated position, To the technology, or the stock market, it is cancer even, he is act on one's own.5. 也很受欢迎的沙丁鱼(尤其是当烤作为sardinhas assadas ),章鱼,鱿鱼,墨鱼,蟹,虾和对虾,龙虾,龙虾,和许多其他甲壳类动物,如偏执狂和鹅偏执狂,鳕鱼,竹荚鱼,鳗,鲈鱼,剑鞘和多种其他鱼类和贝壳类和软体动物,如蛤,贻贝,牡蛎,periwinkles ,和扇贝。&&&&Also popular are sardines (especially when grilled as sardinhas assadas), octopus, squid, cuttlefish, crabs, shrimp and prawns, lobster, spiny lobster, and many other crustaceans such as barnacles and goose barnacles, hake, horse mackerel, lamprey, sea bass, scabbard and a great variety of other fish and shellfish and molluscs, such as clams, mussels, oysters, periwinkles, and scallops.6. 6. 也很受欢迎的沙丁鱼(尤其是当烤作为sardinhas assadas ),章鱼,鱿鱼,墨鱼,蟹,虾和对虾,龙虾,龙虾,和许多其他甲壳类动物,如偏执狂和鹅偏执狂,鳕鱼,竹荚鱼,鳗,鲈鱼,剑鞘和多种其他鱼类和贝壳类和软体动物,如蛤,贻贝,牡蛎,periwinkles ,和扇贝。&&&&Alsopopular are sardines (especially when grilled as sardinhas assadas), octopus, squid, cuttlefish, crabs, shrimp and prawns, lobster, spinylobster, and many other crustaceans such as barnacles and goosebarnacles, hake, horse mackerel, lamprey, sea bass, scabbard and a great variety of other fish and shellfishand molluscs, such as clams, mussels, oysters, periwinkles, andscallops.7. 7. 我听说这个家伙的一切告诉我,他是一个偏执的人和他的正确位置是要呆在家里。&&&&Everything I've heard about this guy tells me he's a bigot and the right place for him is to stay at home.8. 8. 这种偏执的角色定位导致了教师角色的畸形和片面发展。&&&&The role which caused the abnormal of thacher`s role with unilateral development fixed position of this kind of stubbornly biased.9. 偏执的近义词9. 观察你的孩子,如果出现像高亢兴奋、偏执和记忆或者注意力集中等问题时症状,则说明你的孩子可能缺少睡眠。&&&&Look for signs of sleep deprivation such as hyperactivity, crankiness and memory or concentration problems.10. 你希望能自给自足,但没有钱的话,你会觉得自己是依赖于伴侣或生活中其他监护人一般,随后就会开始偏执。&&&&You want to be self-sufficient, but without cash, you feel dependent on your partner or someone who figures as a caretaker in your life. And then the crankiness sets in.11. 11. 你是我见到的最固执最顽固最偏执最吹毛求疵的男人。&&&&&&You are the most rigid, inflexible, obsessive and-retentive man I've ever met.12. 我的世界里,没有争吵,没有害怕,貤不孤独,不会生活在教室的最后一个陌生角落,更没有夜晚在冰冷的宿舍楼道罚站,也不会常常看到妈妈在学校出现……那时候的我,偏执得很,受了伤后便学会了把自己包裹的严严实实,只将心中那些小想法,用画表现出来,每当我展开画纸,拿起笔,就感觉浑身有使不完的力气,脑中的形象也连绵不断。&&&&&&Hence, the path to my school study was fraught up with ups and downs, almost full of obstacles. As a matter of fact, there was no quarrel, fear, solitude in my own world, let alone put myself in the last strange cor neither be punished to stand in the lounge of cold school dormitory at dark night, nor see mum often appear in the school. Was I stubborn during that time, learning to hide myself tightly after being hurt, by trying to convey my little thought through my painting, while I felt immediately energetic whenever I grabbed my painting brush, with endless imaginations streamed out of my head. It is an awakening, a heart to heart communication.13. 偏执型和未定型两亚型间耳优势模式无显著性差异。5。&&&&&&There was no significant difference in ear advantage between the two subtypes.14. 如何去爱:坚持但不偏执,分享但不强求,理解但不苛求,受伤但绝不留着这些伤痛。&&&&&&How to be in love: be consisitent but not too persistent, share and never be unfair, understand and try not to demand, and get hurt but never keep the pain.15. 一些卖家如此偏执的国税局,他们没有任何人愿意显示他们的私人记录或计算机磁带的恐惧,买方可能是国税局代理人。&&&&&&Some sellers are so paranoid of the IRS, they are not willing to show anyone their private records or computer tapes for fear that the buyer could be an IRS agent.16. 其中的主观原因主要是指女大学生不能对自身的生理、心理和思想素质加以正确的认知和把握,如不能正确对待源自生理的性需求、心理失衡后偏执性人格障碍的出现、缺乏正确的世界观与人生道德观、法律观念淡漠等等。&&&&&&Female criminality in university caused by a variety of subjective and objective reasons. subjective reasons involve those relating to physiology, psychology and ideology. for example, some female students have incorrect outlook
they ca n't deal correctly with their sexual urge17. 鉴定诊断:以精神分裂症所占的比例最高,为 29.50 %,精神发育迟滞占 23.02 %,脑器质性精神障碍占 10.48 %,应激障碍占 6.83 %,情感性精神障碍占 4.50 %,癔症占 2.45 %,酒精所致精神障碍占 2.27 %,其余(包括偏执性精神障碍、人格障碍、急性短暂性精神障碍及妄想阵发等)占 6.39 %,无病占 14.56 %。&&&&&&3Appraisal diagnosis: The proportion occupies which by theschizophrenia is highest, is 29.50%, the spiritual growth sluggishlyaccounts for 23.02%, the brain nature dysphreniato account for 10.48%, should stir up the barrier to account for6.83%, the emotion dysphrenia accounts for 4.50%, the hysteriasickness accounts for 2.45%, the ethyl alcohol is the result of thedysphrenia to account for 2.27%, other (including biased dysphrenia, personality barrier, acute short dysphrenia and delusion send and soon) to account for 6.39%, not sickness accounts for 14.56%.18. 为了深入了解闽南地区高校学生心理健康及教育现状,采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数理统计等方法,对闽南地区高校学生心理健康及教育现状进行了调查与研究,结果表明:闽南地区高校学生SCL-90各因子均分大部分高于国内正常成年人常模但低于全国大学生常模,说明闽南高校学生心理健康状态好于全国大学生但逊于国内成年人;闽南地区高校女生SCL-90各因子均分高于男生,特别是在强迫、人际关系、抑郁、焦虑、恐怖、偏执等方面呈现非常显著差异,说明闽南地区高校女大学生心理健康状态劣于男大学生;闽南地区高校不同年级大学生SCL-90各因子均分并不平衡,总体看,二、三年级大学生各因子均分较高,四年级学生均值呈下降趋势;闽南地区高校文、理科大学生SCL-90各因子均分没有明显差异,说明高校学生整体并没有因为学习专业的差异导致心理健康的明显差异;闽南地区高校来自农村的学生SCL-90各因子均分大于来自城市的学生,特别是在强迫、人际关系、阳性项目等因子上呈现显著差异;闽南地区高校独生与非独生子女大学生SCL-90各因子均分并没有明显的。。。&&&&&&In order to deeply understand the status quo of students'psychological health and education in Southern Fujian Region colleges and universities, by means of literature, questionnaire, interview and mathematical statistics and so on, this paper conducts investigation and research on status quo of college students'psychological health and education in Southern Fujian Region colleges and universities, results show as the followings.19. 偏执是什么意思19. 为了深入了解闽南地域高校学生心理健康及教育现状,采取文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数理统计等方式,对闽南地域高校学生心理健康及教育现状入行了调查与研讨,结果表明:闽南地域高校学生SCL-90各因子均分大部门高于海内正常成年人常模但低于全国大学生常模,说明闽南高校学生心理健康状况好于全国大学生但逊于海内成年人;闽南地域高校女生SCL-90各因子均分高于男生,特殊是在强迫、人际关系、抑郁、焦急、恐怖、偏执等方面呈现非常显明差异,说明闽南地域高校女大学生心理健康状况劣于男大学生;闽南地域高校不同年级大学生SCL-90各因子均分并不平衡,总体望,二、三年级大学生各因子均分较高,四年级学生均值呈下降趋势;闽南地域高校文、理科大学生SCL-90各因子均分没有显明差异,说明高校学生整体并没有因为学习专业的差异导致心理健康的显明差异;闽南地域高校来自农村落的学生SCL-90各因子均分大于来自城市的学生,特殊是在强迫、人际关系、阳性项目等因子上呈现显明差异;闽南地域高校独生与非独生子女大学生SCL-90各因子均分并没有显明的差异;闽南地域高校学生中,因为母亲学历水平的差异而导致子女在心理健康方面的差异显明存在,一定水平上验证了母亲文化素质及教养方式的差异与子女心理健康水平相关的结论;少年时期的留守阅历对大学生的心理健康存在影响,与没有留守阅历的学生比拟,有留守阅历的大学生在敌对性、恐怖、偏执、精神病性及阳性项目等因子上有显明差异,而在强迫、人际关系、抑郁等因子上也有一定差异。&&&&&&In order to deeply understand the status quo of students'psychological health and education in Southern Fujian Region colleges and universities, by means of literature, questionnaire, interview and mathematical statistics and so on, this *** conducts investigation and research on status quo of college students'psychological health and education in Southern Fujian Region colleges and universities, results show as the followings. The average score of factors of SCL-90 for college students in most of Universities'within the Southern Fujian Region is higher than that of the domestic normal adults'norm but lower than the national college students'norm, which shows college students'psychological health state in Southern Fujian Region is better than the national college student but inferior to Average score for female college students'SCL-90 factors in Southern Fujian Region is higher than male college students', especially it shows very significant difference in aspects as compulsion, interpersonal relationship, depression, anxiety, terror, and paranoia, indicating female college students'psychological health is inferior to male students'; Average score for different grades of college students'SCL-90 factors is uneven in Southern Fujian Region, as a whole, average score of factors for Grade 2 and Grade 3 students are higher, while Grade 4 students are There is no significant difference on average score of SCL-90 factors between arts students and science students in Southern Fujian Region colleges, which shows overall college students'different majors don't lead to significant difference in their
Average scores of SCL-90 factors for college students from countryside are higher than those from city, especially indicating significant differences in the aspects as compulsion, interpersonal relationship, There is no significant differences on average score of SCL-90 factors between one-child college students and non-one-child college students in Southern Fujian Region.20. \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD20. SCL-90测试的9个因子中,达到中等及以上痛苦水平的因子依次为人际关系敏感、偏执、强迫与敌对。&&&&&&Among the nine factors of SCL-90 five factors reached the suffering level at the medium and over, which were interpersonal sensitivity, paranoid ideation, compulsion and hostil...偏执是什么意思,偏执在线翻译,偏执什么意思,偏执的意思,偏执的翻译,偏执的解释,偏执的发音,偏执的同义词,偏执的反义词,偏执的例句,偏执的相关词组,偏执意思是什么,偏执怎么翻译,单词偏执是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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英文翻译: get into the rut
Either no one had an answer, or they provided the stock response and would not see my perplexity at all.
behind the times
way behind
hit someone when he is down
2017落入俗套英文怎么写由沪江网提供。偏执型人格障碍,paranoid personality disorder,音标,读音,翻译,英文例句,英语词典
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-> 偏执型人格障碍
1)&&paranoid personality disorder
2)&&borderline personality disorder
Objective To explore the defense styles of patients with borderline personality disorder.
Objective:To explore the relationship of the traumatic experience in childhood and the dissociation experience in adulthood of the patients with borderline personality disorder.
Objective:To explore the potential characteristic of need-pressure system in patients with borderline personality disorder(BPD)with the thematic apperception test(TAT).
3)&&Narcissistic personality disorder
The symptom, formation and treatment
of narcissistic
Objective: To detect the history traits of mood disorders patients concurrent with narcissistic personality disorder based on systematic review of related research finding.
4)&&histrionic pesonality disorder
5)&&dependent personality disorder
The symptom, formation and treatment of
dependent personality disorder;
Treatment of dependent personality disorder is a difficult problem,but it plays an important role in our world.
6)&&impulsive personality barrier
paranoid personality disorder
  偏执型人格障碍(paranoid personalitydisorder)有这种人格障碍的人,一贯多疑,对人不信任,将遭受挫折和失败的原因归咎于他人,而不能反求诸己,例如抱顽固偏见的人,特别妒忌的丈夫或妻子,诉讼癖者。这种人性格具有以下特征:(l)没有根据地认为遭到他人的剥削或伤害。(2)无理由地怀疑朋友或同伴的忠诚和可靠。(3)认为一些无害的事件中隐藏着对自己的威胁,如疑心邻居一大早倒垃圾是有意打扰他。(4)对配偶的忠贞无端猜疑。(5)不愿向他人吐露秘密或委托别人办事,害怕因此受到损害。(6)常常揣度当前的事件中有针对自己的阴谋。(7)容易感到受怠慢或轻蔑,为此勃然大怒或立即进行反击。(8)对他人妒嫉心重,而且好记仇。


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