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福步外贸论坛(FOB Business Forum) |中国第一外贸论坛
UID 2173213
阅读权限 25
这个价格的报价是用我们现有的商标彩盒的报价,如果需要改动彩盒的外观是不行的,如果要做你们的商标就只能做吸塑+卡纸的包装(卡纸上面可以印刷你们要求的LOGO)但纸箱一定要用我们原来的纸箱!因为现在 的纸箱是之前纸箱的4倍成本!
UID 2654935
阅读权限 40
this price is based on our existing colorful box with logo. It is infeasibles to change the appearance of the box. If you want to print your logo, then it can only to make the blister card packing with your required logo, but it must to be packed our orignal carton, because the current cost is 4 times as much as before.
UID 2952373
阅读权限 40
原帖由 折射的我 于
14:00 发表
this price is based on our existing colorful box with logo. It is infeasibles to change the appearance of the box. If you want to print your logo, then it can only to make t ... 谷歌、百度翻译
UID 2173213
阅读权限 25
回复 #2 折射的我 的帖子
抱歉 因为我也在学习外贸出口&&所以好多时候还是请教大家一下!谢谢你的帮助
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