
给老师的感谢信 A Letter of Thanks to Teacher
Dear Miss Wang:
I am writing to express my sincere
gratitude for your help in my study. Without your help , my study would not be
the top three in my class. It was you who always standed by me when I am fall.
You pointed my mistakes and told me how to make them right. You always worked
tirelessly to train my patience.Your continuous encouragement is my greatest
I sincerely hope that you can have a good
health and stay happy. In addition, I wonder if you can pay a lot of attention
to your health, get more rest.
Again, I sincerely thank you for your help!
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Copyright &
南宁博大高科计算机有限公司 版权所有麻烦帮我修改下给老师的邮件,谢谢
thank you for you help me to correct the errors from my email. I have
finished my requisition ,could you help me to check
when you have free time ,i will visit your office.
Thanks for your help to check out mistakes in my email, I have already finished my application, if possible, could you please check for me again?
In addition, can I make appointment with you for disscussing more detais?
Best wishes!
—— david1805
I am greatly appretiated for your imroving my email, will you please do me another favor of checking my application of enrollment? By the way, may I have your convenient time to visit you in your office?
—— 王慧芬
thank you for you helping me correct the mistakes in my email. I have finished my declaration of enrollment. Would you please give me some advices about it? I'd be really grateful.
PS. I am wondering if I was allowed to visit you at your office when it is convenient for you.
—— 清芷香瑄
Thank you for correcting my email contents.
I have completed my college entry application, and would appreciate if you could check for me.
In additional, I would like to to pay a visit at your office at your convenience time, please advise on convenience time.
—— gmhm65
Thank you for correcting my errors. I have finished my application form, could you check it for me? I could bring it to your office. Can you fix a time for me?或者Can we fix a time?(我觉得后者更好)
—— zhao5578094
Thank you for your patience of my mail,i had finished my application of entrance,i am so appreciate if you can check it.I wanna thank you personally,if you are available,please let me know.
—— 曾经的卡普空
thanks for your help.because of your help, I correct the errors of my email. I have finished my requisition now ,could you please help me to check it ?Could you please tell me when you are free?So that I can visit you in your office.我的更正.你可以对比一下.
—— xiaotuzi112
help=〉helping, from=〉in
could you help me to check it= I wonder if you could spare me some time to check it.
when you have free time ,i will visit your office.
=&I want to visit your office. Would you let me know if it is suitable and when
—— 影求哲
  我们第一段的建议开头句就是:It's been a long time, hasn't it? 真是好久不见了。接下来我们可以谈一谈自己的近况,好让朋友们了解你的生活过得如何。
  我们第二段的建议开头句就是:Recently I've been so busy because I have to prepare for my natural exam and science project.。最近我很忙,因为要准备段考和科展。
  我们第三段的建议开头句就是:I really want to visit you some day soon, how about the day before your son's birthday?。我真的很想赶快找一天拜访你,你儿子生日的前一天可以吗?
  (亲爱的李老师)Dear Mrs Li,(真是好久不见了)It's been a long time, hasn't it?
  (自从上次拜访你之后,大概有一年没有看到你和你的家人了。)Since the last time I visited you ,I haven't seen you and your family for a year..(一切还顺利吧)How's everything going?
  (我一直很想念你,很想赶快跟你见面) I miss you so much that I really want to see you soon.
  (最近我很忙,因为要准备段考和科展) Recently I've been so busy because I have to prepare for my natural exam and science project.
  (你知道吗?我的科展晋级了耶。而且我觉得很有机会可以得奖哦。)You know what my project was advanced to an . .. and I think I can win the prize.(到时候我一定会第一个通知你)You will be the first know if I get it .(你的儿子还好吧)How is your son?(会说话了吗?)Can he speak now?(他真的是一个很可爱的小婴儿)He such a cute little baby!那你的女儿呢?How's your daughter? (她还在戴牙套吗?)Is she still wearing braces?(我真是迫不及待地想看到她把牙套拿下来的笑容)I can't wait to see her smile without it.( 我真的很想赶快找一天拜访你) I really want to visit you some day soon, (你儿子生日的前一天可以吗?) How about the day before your son's birthday?(这样我还可以带些玩具给他)So I can bring him some toys.(一定要赶快回我信哦,或打电话给我)Please reply as soon as possible or call me.(我真的很想听到你的消息)I really want to hear some news from you.(祝你新年快乐)Wish you a happy new year!(珍妮敬上)Your sincerely Janie.
官方微信:新东方英语 (微信号:xdfyyw)
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