relax与keepkeep you healthyy语法

& Unit2知识点 & “Hello,boys and girls...”习题详情
Hello,boys and girls. My name is Li Jing. I am a girl student. I am thirteen years old. I think as students, we should work hard at school on weekdays. But we also need to have a good rest to relax myself. So I always study hard when I am at school, but on my day off I often do something else to relax myself.I had a very relaxing day off. In the morning, I got up at seven o’clock. Then I went to run with my father. I think we need to exercise every day. After all, it’s important to keep healthy. After running, I took a shower and had breakfast. At nine o’clock, I went to the aquarium with my friends. We saw some sharks and seals there. Sharks are very scary but the seals are cute. We also saw a dolphin show. I think dolphins are very clever animals. In the giftshop, we bought many gifts. We had great fun there.In the afternoon, my parents took me to see my grandparents. They live in the beautiful countryside. They were very happy to see me. I talked with my grandfather for long and he told me many interesting things about him. My grandmother cooked lots of delicious food for us.In the evening, I watched TV with my cousins. We watched a basketball match. The match was very exciting. We were glad when we saw our favorite team in the match.What a happy day off I had! I hope all of you can have an interesting day off!阅读短文,回答下列问题。【小题1】What does Li Jing do when she is at school?&&&&【小题2】What did she do after running?&&&&【小题3】What does she think of sharks?&&&&&&&&&&【小题4】Who cooked dinner for Li Jing?&&&&【小题5】When did Li Jing watch TV?She studies hard.&
习题“Hello,boys and girls. My name is Li Jing. I am a girl student. I am thirteen years old. I think as studen...”的分析与解答如下所示:
这篇短文中作者主要介绍了自己对学习和休息的看法,同时详细介绍了自己如何过了一个轻松的假日。【小题1】细节理解题。根据短文 I always study hard when I am at school的描述可知,作者在学校通常努力学习。故应答She studies hard 。【小题2】细节理解题。根据短文After running, I took a shower and had breakfast的描述可知,跑步之后作者通常洗澡,吃早餐。故应答She took a shower and had breakfast.【小题3】细节理解题。根据短文Sharks are very scary的描述可知,作者认为鲨鱼很可怕。故应填Sharks are very scary.【小题4】细节理解题。根据短文My grandmother cooked lots of delicious food for us的描述可知,奶奶为李静做晚饭。故应答Her grandmother.【小题5】细节理解题。根据短文In the evening, I watched TV with my cousins的描述可知,作者晚上和堂兄弟姐妹们看电视,故应填In the evening。
Hello,boys and girls. My name is Li Jing. I am a girl student. I am thirteen years old. I think as s...
经过分析,习题“Hello,boys and girls. My name is Li Jing. I am a girl student. I am thirteen years old. I think as studen...”主要考察你对“Unit2”“Unite”“Unit2”
与“Hello,boys and girls. My name is Li Jing. I am a girl student. I am thirteen years old. I think as studen...”相似的题目:
— Zhang Lili, “the most beautiful teacher”, has moved us deeply. — Yes, and she is &&&& popular with her students.sometimesneveralwayshardly
Don't forget &&&& your homework with you when you come to school.& to bring bringingto taketaking
—Which of the two T-shirts will you take?—I’ll take&&&&. One is for my brother and the other is for myself.A. both&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. either&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. neither&
“Hello,boys and girls...”的最新评论
欢迎来到乐乐题库,查看习题“Hello,boys and girls. My name is Li Jing. I am a girl student. I am thirteen years old. I think as students, we should work hard at school on weekdays. But we also need to have a good rest to relax myself. So I always study hard when I am at school, but on my day off I often do something else to relax myself.I had a very relaxing day off. In the morning, I got up at seven o’clock. Then I went to run with my father. I think we need to exercise every day. After all, it’s important to keep healthy. After running, I took a shower and had breakfast. At nine o’clock, I went to the aquarium with my friends. We saw some sharks and seals there. Sharks are very scary but the seals are cute. We also saw a dolphin show. I think dolphins are very clever animals. In the giftshop, we bought many gifts. We had great fun there.In the afternoon, my parents took me to see my grandparents. They live in the beautiful countryside. They were very happy to see me. I talked with my grandfather for long and he told me many interesting things about him. My grandmother cooked lots of delicious food for us.In the evening, I watched TV with my cousins. We watched a basketball match. The match was very exciting. We were glad when we saw our favorite team in the match.What a happy day off I had! I hope all of you can have an interesting day off!阅读短文,回答下列问题。【小题1】What does Li Jing do when she is at school?____【小题2】What did she do after running?____【小题3】What does she think of sharks?____【小题4】Who cooked dinner for Li Jing?____【小题5】When did Li Jing watch TV?”的答案、考点梳理,并查找与习题“Hello,boys and girls. My name is Li Jing. I am a girl student. I am thirteen years old. I think as students, we should work hard at school on weekdays. But we also need to have a good rest to relax myself. So I always study hard when I am at school, but on my day off I often do something else to relax myself.I had a very relaxing day off. In the morning, I got up at seven o’clock. Then I went to run with my father. I think we need to exercise every day. After all, it’s important to keep healthy. After running, I took a shower and had breakfast. At nine o’clock, I went to the aquarium with my friends. We saw some sharks and seals there. Sharks are very scary but the seals are cute. We also saw a dolphin show. I think dolphins are very clever animals. In the giftshop, we bought many gifts. We had great fun there.In the afternoon, my parents took me to see my grandparents. They live in the beautiful countryside. They were very happy to see me. I talked with my grandfather for long and he told me many interesting things about him. My grandmother cooked lots of delicious food for us.In the evening, I watched TV with my cousins. We watched a basketball match. The match was very exciting. We were glad when we saw our favorite team in the match.What a happy day off I had! I hope all of you can have an interesting day off!阅读短文,回答下列问题。【小题1】What does Li Jing do when she is at school?____【小题2】What did she do after running?____【小题3】What does she think of sharks?____【小题4】Who cooked dinner for Li Jing?____【小题5】When did Li Jing watch TV?”相似的习题。Unit 7 Will people have robots?
话题Topic 未来的生活Life in the future
功能Functions 能谈论对未来的预测Make predictions
语法Grammar 一、能正确使用一般将来时谈论对未来的预测。
Words & expressions 1.能正确使用下列词汇 (按词性排列)
play a part,space station,over and over again,hundreds of,fall down,look for
Strategies 1.通过与一般现在时、一般过去时的对比学习一般将来时态。
文化知识Culture 1.了解当今世界污染问题。
target 知识与
技能 1.能掌握以下单词:
play a part,live to be…years old,world peace,on the earth,be free,in great danger,in the future,space station,hundreds of,fall down,wake up,over and over again,be able to,look like,take a holiday
Do you think there will be robots in people’s homes?
They’ll study at home on computer.
People will live to be 200 years old.
—Will people use money in 100 years?
—No,they won’t.Everything will be free. 
Today there are already robots working in the factories.
We never know what will happen in the future!
4.学习使用will表将来,能区分be going to/will表示将来的差异。
target 过程与
方法 1.学习与别人谈论关于未来的各种话题,学习使用will表示将来,同时复习形容词的比较级的相关用法。
2.课堂引入可采用图片教学、PPT教学以及视频教学相结合的策略,引导学生学习谈论对于未来的预测。采用Group work 和Pair work的方式来展开讨论,提高口语交际能力。同时进行听力训练,提高听力水平。
3.在Section B部分继续采用Group work 和Pair work相结合的方式,带领学生继续对未来进行预测,了解关于机器人的知识。
与价值观 1.通过引导学生展望未来,及对未来生活的设计,来达到前景教育的目的,同时也通过对前景的设想,让学生在潜移默化中反省自己的现状,使之对目前的学习、生活习惯作适当的调整,并不断地改善自己的现状,使学生的理想观和价值观更为科学,更具发展价值。
Section A 概述 1.本部分围绕“未来的世界”这一话题,运用一般将来时谈论对未来的预测,呈现含will的肯定句、否定句、疑问句和there be结构在一般将来时的用法。
3.2a-2d以听说教学为主,活动2a让学生通过听、读、谈论等学习There will be…句型以及more,less 和fewer的用法,为后面的语法归纳做铺垫。2b 进一步理解一般将来时,2c两两对话,口头练习一般将来时表示预测的句型。2d为学生提供了口语范例,在真实语境中再现了目标语言的使用。
4.在Grammar Focus中呈现了语法经典句型。
目标 1.掌握本部分的要点词汇与短语。
3.归纳一般将来时以及there be句型的将来时。 
Section B 概述 1.本部分从谈论“未来世界”过渡到谈论“个人的未来生活”。按照“听力输入→阅读训练→由读促写”的过程逐层推进。
2.1a-1e 是听说板块,1a-1b是听前活动,1c通过三幅图获取听力内容大意。1d是听取细节信息。1e是听后口语输出,将三种时态的问句和答语融会贯通。
目标 1.掌握本部分的要点词汇与短语。
2.学习用will+ v.表示将来。
第一课时:Section A 1a-2d
第二课时:Section A Grammar Focus-3c
第三课时:Section B 1a-2b
第四课时:Section B 2c-Self Check
卡片 名词: paper,pollution,future,environment,planet,earth,part,peace,sea,sky,
副词: already,even,probably
归纳 play a part参与(某事) live to be…years old活到……岁 world peace世界和平 on the earth 在地球上 be free免费的 in great danger极度危险之中 in the future在将来
move to sp.搬往某地 space station太空站;宇宙空间站 wake up醒来,叫醒 hundreds of许多;大量 fall down突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌 one day(将来)某天 over and over again多次;反复地 be able to do sth.能够做某事 look for寻找;寻求 look like看起来像 take a holiday度假
集锦 1.Do you think there will be robots in people’s homes?
2.People will live to be 200 years old.
3.—Will people use money in 100 years?
—No,they won’t.Everything will be free. 
4.—What will the future be like?
—Cities will be more polluted.And there will be fewer trees. 
5.Today there are already robots working in the factories.
6.It will be difficult to make them really think like a human.
7.We never know what will happen in the future!
8.—Will there be world peace?
—Yes,I hope so.
语法 一般将来时。
考什么 1.will的将来时。
2.There be句型的将来时。 
4.more,less,fewer 的用法。
5.单元相关的考点(everything的用法;paper的用法;in用于将来时的用法 ;in danger的用法;even修饰比较级的用法;hundreds of的用法;during的用法)。
I’m George.I’m dreaming of a more relaxing life in the future.I hope I can have a robot called Superman.It will help me clean the room,cook the meal and feed my pet dog.It will be able to play soccer with me.If I’m hurt or ill,it can look after me well.The robot will be one of my best friends.I think my dream will come true some day.
第一课时 Section A 1a—2d
1.记忆单词:paper,pollution,prediction,future,pollute,environment,planet,earth,plant,短语:play a part。
2.掌握句型:—What will the future be like?
—Cities will be more polluted.And there will be fewer trees.
Will people use money in 100 years?
Will there be world peace?
Kids will study at home on computers.
3.了解语法:“will + 动词原形”表达一般将来时态。
2.There be句型的将来时的用法。
2.掌握There be句型的一般将来时态的结构。
本课教学内容是八年级上Unit 7 第一课时,主要涉及学生对未来生活的预测。在授课前做一个调查,让学生对他们家人的过去、现在和未来生活进行预测,采用合作学习,相互交流,提高学生的学习欲望。
Ask the Ss to translate the following Chinese into English.First ask the Ss to put them into English orally,and then let them write English down without looking at the textbooks.
【Keys】 (1)have robots/have a robot (2)use money (3)on paper (4)study at home (5)there will be (6)more pollution (7)play a part in (8)in 100 years (9)live to be 200 years old (10)in the future (11)free time  (12)in great danger (13)use the subways more (14)move to other planets
[设计意图] 根据学生预习的情况,复习本节所用到的短语,帮助学生更有目的性地预习。同时通过检测学生的预习效果,教师可以更有针对性地教,学生可以更有针对性地学。
Step Ⅱ.Lead in
Leading in 【情景1】
T:What’s this?
Ss:It’s a robot.
T:Do you have a robot?
T:Me,neither.But I think I will have a robot in the future.Will people have robots in the future? Today we will learn Unit 7 Will people have robots?
Ss:Will people have robots? (Read it three times.)
T:In this unit,we will talk about “How to make predictions”.
[设计意图] 图片导入新课,使学生的兴趣更加浓厚,同时出示每单元的语言目标,学生学习起来能够做到心中有数,可以更好地帮助学生去学习新课。
Leading in 【情景2】
Look at the picture.
—What do you want to be when you grow up?
—I want to be a scientist.
—How are you going to do that?
—I’m going to study science hard.
—I will go to Science and Technology College.
—I’m interested in robots.I’ll invent many robots.
—Robots? Sounds interesting.
—Will people have robots in their home in 50 years?
—Yes,they will.
—Will kids go to school then?
—No,they won’t.They will study at home.And books will not be on paper.
[设计意图] 通过学生感兴趣的职业,到询问机器人的情况,再对未来进行推测,导入新授。
Step Ⅲ.Games
How will the world be different 100 years from now? Read these predictions.Check A for agree or D for disagree.
  People will have
a robot in their homes  Everything will be free.
  Books will be on
computers,not on paper.  Kids will study on computers.
 People will live to be 200 years old
  A   D People will have robots in their homes.
  A   D People won’t use money.Everything will be free.
  A   D Books will only be on computers,not on paper.
  A   D Kids won’t go to school.They’ll study at home on computers.
  A   D There will be only one country.
  A   D People will live to be 200 years old.
The following language points should be explained.
1.Everything will be free.
◆everything pron.每件事物;最重要的东西。作主语时谓语用单数。有形容词修饰时,该形容词要放在everything后;若与否定词连用则表示部分否定。
Everything begins to grow in spring.春天万物开始生长。
Everything isn’t ready.并不是所有的东西都准备好了。
◆free 形容词,意为“免费的”。
There’s no free lunch in the world.天下没有免费的午餐。
【拓展】 free为形容词,表示“有空的,空闲的”,反义词是 busy。 还表示“自由的,无拘无束的”。
What do you usually do at your free time?你闲时通常干什么?
Everyone is free to express themselves.大家都可以畅所欲言。
2.Books will only be on computers,not on paper.
paper意为“纸”,是不可数名词。表示“一张纸”,用表示“两张纸”,用 two pieces of paper。
【拓展】 paper 也可作“报纸,作业,试卷,论文”解,是可数名词。
Please give me an evening paper to read.请给我一张晚报看看。
Our teacher has many papers to correct every week.我们的老师每周要改很多作业。
He is reading a paper.他在读一篇论文。
3.People will live to be 200 years old.
“live to be+基数词+years old”表示“活到……岁”。
Some people can live to be 100 years old,but few people can live to be 130 years old.有人能活到100岁,但很少有人能活到130岁。
【拓展】live还可表示“居住,过生活,过着”,其后可接地点状语或同源宾语。live on表示“以……为生,以……为食”。
She lives about ten miles from my house.她的住处离我家约十英里远。
The people in the south live on rice.南方的人们以大米为主食。
[设计意图] 创设情景,并逐步引导学生们在实际运用中初步认识将来时态。
Step Ⅳ.Listening (1a-1b)
1.Listen for the main idea.
The main idea of the conversation is about    .
B.the predictions
2.T:Who can tell us your answer? And are you clear how many predictions are mentioned? Listen for the specific ideas.Circle the predictions you hear.
(1)People will have robots in their homes.
(2)People won’t use money.Everything will be free.
(3)Books will only be on computers,not on paper.
(4)Kids won’t go to school.They’ll study at home on computers.
(5)There will be only one country.
(6)People will live to be 200 years old.
3.After sharing the answers,ask the Ss to listen to the tape a third time and finish the tape scripts.
Boy 1:Do you think people will have     in their homes in 100 years?
Boy 2:Yes,I do.I     a robot on TV,and it cleaned the kitchen.
Boy 1:Well,I don’t think people will use     .
Boy 2:Do you think everything will be     ?
Boy 1:Yeah,probably.
Boy 2:I think there will be only one     .
Boy 1:Only one country in the world? Will there be world     ?
Boy 2:I hope so.
Boy 1:I think kids     go to school.They’ll study at home on     .
Boy 2:Oh,I    .
Boy 1:You do?
Boy 2:Yeah,there will always be schools.
【Keys】 1.B 2.(1) (2) (5) (4) 3.robots,saw,money,free,country,peace,won’t,computers,disagree
[设计意图] 通过完成1b的听力训练,学生进一步理解和巩固所学知识;通过听力填空,重在培养学生们听寻大意和听寻细节信息的能力。
Step Ⅴ.Pair work
1.Let Ss read the conversation in 1c after the teacher.
2.Then let Ss ask and answer questions about the predictions in 1a.Then make their own conversation.
For example:
  Explain the main point in 1c.
Will people use money in 100 years?
in 100 years在一百年后,“in+时间段”表示“在……之后”,常用于将来时中。
I’ll come back in three days.我3天后回来。
【辨析】 in,after
(1)in是介词,用来表示从现在算起的“过一段时间以后”,常用于将来时态的肯定句中,一般与go,come,start,arrive,return ( be back),finish等表示瞬间动作的终止性动词连用。
I’ll come and see you in two days.两天之后我再来看你。
He will arrive after four o’clock.他将在四点以后到达。
After two hours’ walk,we felt very tired.走了两小时的路之后,我们感到很累。
[设计意图] 通过对话练习巩固学生对1c和1a中句型句式的掌握。
Step Ⅵ.Listening (2a-2b)
1.Listen for the general idea of 2a.
Show the picture of 2a to the Ss and ask them to listen to the tape about what the four Ss are talking about and find out:
The general idea of the conversation is about    .
A.more people
B.fewer cars
C.predictions about the future
T:Have you got the answer? Who can share it with us?
T:(After checking the answer,say,)After listening,we know there will be many changes in 100 years.What are they? More or fewer people?More or less free time?Let’s go on with 2a and 2b.
2.Listen for the specific ideas of 2a and 2b.
T:Listen again carefully and circle the words you hear.
(1)There will be(more/less/fewer)people.
(2)There will be(more/less/fewer)free time.
(3)There will be(more/less/fewer)cars.
(4)There will be(more/less/fewer)pollution.
(5)There will be(more/less/fewer)trees.
Explain some main points in 2a.
1.There will be(more,less,fewer)people.
【拓展】 fewer是few的比较级,less是little的比较级,more是many,much的比较级。
2.There will be(more/less/fewer) free time.
“There will be+名词+其他成分”意思是“将要有……,将举行……”。相当于“There is going to be+名词+其他成分”。
There will be a wonderful concert this weekend.本周末将有一场精彩的音乐会。
There is going to be a football match this afternoon.今天下午将举行一场足球赛。
【拓展】 否定结构为:There won’t be+名词+其他成分。一般疑问句结构及其回答为:Will there be+名词+其他成分?肯定回答用:Yes,there will.,否定回答用:No,there won’t.。
3.Check the answers,then play the tape again and ask the Ss to check (√) the predictions they hear.(If possible,they’d better change the wrong ones into the right ones.)
(1)There will be fewer people.   
(2)There will be less free time.   
(3)People will use the subways less.   
(4)There will be more pollution.   
(5)Cities will be very big and crowded.   
4.Play the tape a third time and ask the Ss listen carefully and fill in the blanks.
Ms.Steen:OK,now I want to hear everyone’s predictions about the     .
Girl 1: Well,I think there will be     people.
Ms.Steen:More people? OK.What else?
Boy 1:I think that there will be     free time.
Ms.Steen:I hope not!
Girl 2:Well,I think there will be     cars.
Ms.Steen:You do?
Girl 2:Yes,people will use the subways     .
Ms.Steen:That’s a great idea.Let’s hear another prediction.
Boy 2:There will be     pollution.
Ms.Steen:That will be good for the earth!
Girl 1:I think there will be     trees.And cities will be really big and     because there will be a lot     people.
【Keys】 1.C 2.(1)more (2)less (3)fewer
(4)less (5)fewer 3.略4.future,more,less,fewer,more,less,fewer,crowded,more
[设计意图] 通过对对话的挖空填空,进一步对对话有了更深的理解,增强了学生的交际能力。
Step Ⅶ.Practice (2c)
1.Tell Ss to make conversations about the predictions in 2a and 2b.
2.Let Ss read the conversation in 2c first after the teacher.
3.Ss talk about the predictions with the information in 2a and 2b.
4.Ask some pairs to act their conversations like this:
A:What’s your prediction about the future?
B:I think there will be more pollution.
A:Really? I don’t think so.But I think there will be fewer trees.
[设计意图] 通过对话、表演对话,学生运用目标语言进行交流,培养交际能力。
Step Ⅷ.Role-play
1.Read the conversation and answer the questions.
(1)What will the future be like in the book?
(2) What can people do?
2.Read the conversation after the teacher.
3.Ask the students to practice the conversation with their partner.Then let some pairs act out the conversation.
The following language points should be explained.
1.There will be fewer trees and the environment will be in great danger.
in great danger处于极度危险之中,是主语本身处于危险之中,处于危险状况/危险处境,其反义词组为out of danger,表示“脱离危险”。
Doctors said she is now out of danger.医生说她已脱离危险。
【拓展】 danger(s) of表示“……的危险/危害”,of后接名词、代词或动名词形式。dangerous是形容词,表示“危险的”, 反义词为safe。danger的反义词为safety(安全)。
Do you know the dangers of driving too fast? 你知道开快车的危险吗?
Knocking into other players and falling down would be dangerous.撞到其他运动员身上,跌倒都会很危险。
—She likes playing basketball.她喜欢打篮球。
—So do I./ Me,too.我也喜欢。
3.Everyone should play a part in saving the earth.
play a part in… 是一个固定短语,表示“参与……;在……中尽自己的一份力量”,in是介词,后接动词时用动词-ing形式。
He didn’t play a part in making this decision.他并没参与作出此决定。
【Keys】 1.(1)Cities will be more crowded and polluted.There will be fewer trees and the environment will be in great danger. (2)We can use less water and plant more trees.Everyone should play a part in saving the earth.
[设计意图] 首先读对话,带着问题阅读,更深层次地理解和巩固本课时的语言交际目标,在阅读、会话交流的语言实践过程中,将综合运用语言的能力提高到一个新的、更高的层次。
4.Ask the students to fill in the blanks.
Nick:What are you reading,Jill?
Jill:It’s a book about the    .
Nick:Sounds cool.So what will the future be    ?
Jill:Well,cities will be more     and polluted.There will be fewer trees and the environment will be in great danger.
Nick:That sounds bad! Will we have to move to other    ?
Jill:Maybe.But I want to live on the    .
Nick:Me,too.Then what can we do?
Jill:We can use     water and plant more trees.Everyone should play a part in     the earth.
【Keys】 future,like,crowded,planets,earth,less,saving
[设计意图] 通过对对话的挖空填空,进一步对对话有了更深的理解,增强了学生的交际能力。
Step Ⅸ.Summary
T:What have you learned today?
Lead the Ss to sum up what they have learned like the following:
[设计意图] 总结本节语言知识和语法知识,使其直观化,更容易理解。
StepⅩ.Exercises:the end-of-class test
1.Air    (pollute) is becoming more and more serious in some big cities.
2.—What’s your    (predict) about the future,Handy?
—I think people will fly to the moon for vacation some day.
3.I have    (little) money than you,but I have more friends.
4.I think people will live    (be) longer and longer in the future.
5.The earth is one of the    (planet) that move around the sun.
Do you think            robots in people’s homes?
People                200 years old.
            money in 100 years?
Cities         very big and crowded.
Everyone should                    the earth.
【Keys】 Ⅰ.1.pollution 2.prediction 3.less be 5.planets
Ⅱ.1.there will be 2.will live to be 3.Will people use 4.will be a part in saving
[设计意图] 通过检测学生的学习情况,有助于以学定教。
My future is not just a dream!
T:What will you be?Will you be pretty? Will you be a teacher /doctor…?Write a conversation to talk about your dream.
[设计意图] 通过对话及时巩固将来时态的运用。
Section A 1a-2d
Words and phrases:paper,pollution,prediction, future,pollute,environment,planet,earth,plant,part,play a part
—What will the future be like?
—Cities will be more polluted.And there will
be fewer trees.
Will people use money in 100 years?
Will there be world peace?
Kids will study at home on computers.
They won’t go to school.
16.move to sp. the future 100 years the earth       
20.sound cool        
Ⅲ. 根据汉语意思完成句子
What’s your prediction             ?
The environment will be            .
I think there will            .
I want to                the city park’s clean-up.
Will we                other planets?
1.His     (predict) was right.His son became a writer.
2.Would you please give me two pieces of     (paper)?
3.We plant trees every year.There will be     (many) trees in the future.
4.There will be more robots everywhere,and humans will have     (little) work to do.
5.I think English is     (much) popular than Chinese.
6.People will have robots in their homes.(改为同义句)
There         robots in people’s homes.
7.We will have a party this Sunday.(改为否定句)
We         a party this Sunday.
8.They will go to the zoo tomorrow.(对画线部分提问)
         they    tomorrow?
9.Everything will be free.(改为一般疑问句)
    everything    free?
10.There will be a sports meeting this weekend.(改为同义句)
There                a sports meeting this week.
11.We should protect the animals     danger.
A.on   C.of
12.—Will Mr.White be back from London    two days?
—Yes,he will.
A.for C.after D.on
13.Kate needs three     .
A.papers B.pieces of papers
C.pieces of paper D.piece of papers
14.—Let’s go swimming in the river.
—That sounds     a good idea. if
C.because D.was
15.—I think there will be    air pollution whenever there are    people driving.
—That’s true! I hope the air will be fresher soon.
A.less,less B.less,fewer
C.fewer,fewer D.fewer,less
16.What do you think     the most helpful invention(发明)?
17.Everyone should play a part in    the environment clean.
C.keeps D.keeping
18.—Will you go hiking with us this weekend?
—Sorry,I     my grandparents with my mother.
A.was visiting
B.will visit
D.have visit
19.—Why are you walking so quickly,Edward?
—There    a talent show in ten minutes.
A.will be B.will have going to have
D.are going to be
20.—Will there be more robots in the future?
—    .
A.Yes,there won’t B.No,there will
C.Yes,there will D.No,there aren’t
Ⅰ.1.paper 2.pollution 3.future 4.pollute 5.environment 6.planet 8.预言;预测 9.种植;植物 10.部分
Ⅱ a part to be…years old 13.on the earth free great danger 16.搬往某地  17.在将来 18.在百年后 19.挽救地球 20.听起来很酷
Ⅲ.21.about the future great danger more pollution a part in  25.have to move to
Ⅰ.1.prediction 2.paper 3.more  4.less
Ⅱ.6.will be 7.won’t have 8.What will,do 9.Will,be going to be
Ⅲ.11.D 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.B 16.B 17.D 18.B 19.A 20.C
第二课时 Grammar Focus-3c
1.能掌握以下单词: peace,sea,sky,build。
2.进一步复习巩固运用Section A 部分所学的生词和词组。
3.归纳总结There be句型的将来时的用法。
本课教学内容是八年级上Unit 7 第二课时,是一节语法课。总结一般将来时的用法,分析will引导的句型特点,并在此基础上大量操练一般将来时的各种句式,通过教师讲解will,won’t,There will be的句式特点?more,less,fewer填空→分析理解语法知识→造句练习→实际运用→总结的形式,开展教学活动。
—What will your life be like in ten years?
—I’ll be an engineer.I’ll go to Sydney on vacation.
—What will your life be like in twenty years?
—There will be more people and cars.Cities will be crowded and polluted.
  —What will your life be like in 200 years?
—The environment in earth will be in great danger.People will have to move to other planets.
What can we do to save the earth?
We can use less water and plant more trees.
T:Everyone should play a part in saving the earth.
[设计意图] 通过PPT投放,复习了上节内容。
StepⅡ.Lead in
Leading in 【情景1】
1.Ask some Ss to give some predictions. 
T:What’s your prediction about the future?
S1:There will be less free time.
S2:There will be more pollution.
2.Role-play the conversation in 2d.
[设计意图] 通过询问学生感兴趣的未来生活,引入本节要点内容。
Leading in 【情景2】
Guessing game.
T:I am a teacher,and I go to the school from Monday to Friday.Let’s have a guessing game.
In the past,how did I go to work?
Today,how do I go to work?
In the future,how will I go to work?
T:In the future I will go to work by it.Is it cool?
Ss:Yes,it’s cool.
T:I won’t go to work by bus or BRT.They are too crowded.So,if we talk about future,we use“S+ will/won’t+v.”.(Write it on the blackboard)
[设计意图] 通过自由谈话,引出去学校的交通方式,复习以前学过的时态,并让学生体会一般过去时、一般现在时和一般将来时的不同,从而引出今天的学习目标,由will构成的一般将来时态。
StepⅢ.Reading and writing
1.学生阅读Grammar Focus中的句子,然后根据汉语意思完成句子。
What    the     be     ?
  Cities             polluted.And there             trees.
     people     money     100 years?
No,they    .Everything             .
            world peace?
Yes,I         .
Kids         at home         .
They         to school.
2.学生们完成填空试题后,可以打开课本根据Grammar Focus部分检查答案,对错误的句子,单独进行强化记忆。
【Keys】 (1)will,future,like (2)will be more,will be fewer (3)Will,use,in (4)won’t,will be free (5)Will there be (6)hope so (7)will study,on computers (8)won’t go
一般将来时表示    某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,也表示    经常或反复发生的动作,常与tomorrow,in the future,next week/month/year,in 100 years等表示    的时间状语连用。
There will be less free time in the future.
I will come to see you next week.
People will have robots in their homes.
They’ll study at home on computers.
Kids won’t go to school.
—Will people live to be 200 years old?
—Yes,they will./No,they won’t.
What will the future be like?
(1)一般将来时的肯定形式:    ,will可缩略为    。
(2)否定形式是在    后加    ,可缩写为    。
(3)变一般疑问句是把    ,肯定回答用    ,否定回答用    。
(4)特殊疑问句:    。
归纳任务三:There be句型的一般将来时
There will be more people/trees.
There won’t be fewer cars.
—Will there be less pollution?
—Yes.there will./No,there won’t.
(1)肯定形式: ________________________________________
(2)否定形式: ________________________________________
(3)一般疑问句: ___________________________________________
肯定回答: __________________________________________
否定回答: __________________________________________
★温馨提示:be     (有/无)人称和数的变化
less news更少的消息
fewer actors更少的演员
【Keys】 归纳任务一:将来,将来,将来
归纳任务二:(1)will+ 动词原形,’ll (2)will,not, won’t (3)will提到句首;Yes, 主语+will.,No,主语+ won’t. (4)特殊疑问词+一般疑问句?
归纳任务三 :(1)There will be… (2)There won’t be… (3)Will there be…?;Yes,there will.;No,there won’t.★无
[设计意图] 首先练习语法句型,通过句型总结规律,方便学生记忆。
Step Ⅳ.Practice (3a)
Have Ss open their textbooks again and read the sentences in Activity 3a.Then ask them to fill in the blanks with more,less or fewer.
【Keys】 3a:1.less,more  2.more,more  3.fewer,more  4.more,more  5.more,fewer/ less,more
[设计意图] 这一个环节进一步地巩固了fewer,more和less的用法。
Step Ⅴ.Complete the predictions
T:Complete the predictions with what you think will happen.
(1)Kids study at school now.In 100 years, _____________________________________________
其次,明确预言应当用一般将来时,结构为:主语 + will + 动词原形。
(2)I sometimes see blue skies in my city,but in the future
指导: skies用作复数,表示天气或某地的天空看上去怎样。
(3)People now usually live to be about 70—80 years old,but in the future
(4)Families usually spend time together on weekends,but maybe in 200 years
【Keys】 (答案不唯一)(1)they will study at home on computers. (2)I will almost see the blue skies every day. (3)people will live to be 200 years old. (4)families will spend time together every day.
[设计意图] 引导学生归纳总结语法规律,在加深认识的同时,训练了他们归纳与总结的能力,通过想象进行语言输出,综合运用所学知识,检验学生的学习成果。
Draw a picture of what you think a city in the future will be like.Then describe it to the class.
For example:
S1:I think there will be more tall buildings,and there will be fewer cars and more buses.
S2:I think there will be more trees and flowers.The air will be cleaner.The skies will be bluer.
S3:I think there will be more people.People will live under the sea.There will be less water.Robots will do most of the heavy work.People will have more free time.
There will be more people in the future.Because people will live to be 200 years old.There will be more high buildings.The cities will be more crowded and less polluted.Because there will be fewer cars and there will be more buses.People will mostly work on the Internet.There will be more robots working in the factory.
[设计意图] 教师引导学生发挥想象,让学生能够熟练使用目标语言,达到巩固的目的。
Step Ⅶ.Exercises:the end-of-class test
1.I have     (little) water than my sister.
2.There are     (few) girls in our class than in their class.
3.     Jim     (climb) the mountains tomorrow?
4.I’m still hungry.Can I have much     (much) hamburgers?
5.I’m sure there     (be) robots in my home in the future.
6.His father     (not be) back home in a week.
7.There will be less     (pollute)in the countryside.
8.People in the future will live     (be) 200 years old.
9.My father     (fly) to Beijing next week.
10.I think cities in 50 years will be big and     (crowd).
Look! There are many birds            .
I think there             tall buildings.
In 50 years,people will have             .
I think                trees here.
People will live to be 150 years old            .
【Keys】 Ⅰ.1.less 2.fewer 3.Will,climb 4.more  5.will be 6.won’t be  7.pollution be  9.will fly 10.crowded
Ⅱ the sky 2.will be more  3.less free time
4.there will be more the future
[设计意图] 当堂检测紧扣本节课重难点,目的是以学评教、强化落实,对知识的掌握达到当堂达标。
Step Ⅷ.Homework
1.Read Grammar Focus on Page 51.And try to recite(背诵) the sentences.
2.Descwrite at least 10 sentences by using “will”.
T:You can begin like this:My dream city will be very big/beautiful/clean …
[设计意图] 两项作业主要是巩固will的用法,强化记忆。
Section A Grammar Focus-3c
—What will the future be like?
—Cities will be more polluted.And there will be fewer trees.
Will people use money in 100 years?
There will be more people.
There will be fewer trees.
There will be more pollution.
There will be less free time.
1.The     (地球) travels around the sun.
2.Do you like swimming in the     (海)?
3.After years of fighting,people wanted      (和平) very much.
4.People will     (建造) more buildings in the country.
5.Look!Some birds are flying in the     (天空).
8.在农村 peace        
10.more pollution        
Ⅲ. 根据汉语意思完成句子
In the    ,there will         fresh water.
There will be more cars            .
People now usually            70—80 years old.
Families usually spend time             .
In the    ,the children         to school.
1.You should eat     (little)meat and more fruit and vegetables to keep healthy.
2.Some people think there will be    (few)trees in the future.
3.Are there any tall    (build)in your hometown?
4.People    (not ride)bikes to work in the future.
5.I think the cities    (be)more crowded in 100 years.
6.My father often flies to Shanghai on business.(用tomorrow替换often改写句子)
My father         to Shanghai on business tomorrow.
7.She will buy a big house.(改为否定句)
She         a big house.
8.They will study abroad next year.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)
—    they    abroad next year?
—Yes,they    .
9.He will live in Beijing in the future.(对画线部分提问)
         he    in the future?
10.There are going to be more tall buildings in cities.(改为同义句)
There         more tall buildings in cities.
A:Let’s talk about the future.I think it always makes us excited.
B:I agree with you. 11 
A:I think every home will have a car.
B:But I think cars will make more pollution.
A:No. 12 
B:Great.Do you think people will have more free time in the future?
A:Yes. 13 They will help people do some work.
B:I hope so. 14 
A:No.I think more people will live in the countryside.
A:Because the air there is very clean.It’s good for people’s health. 15 
B:You’re right.
A.Cars in the future will be green ones.
B.That’s because there will be more robots.
C.Will people live to be 200 years old?
D.What’s your prediction about the future?
E.Do you think it will be more crowded in the future?
F.More people will care about health.
G.Everything will be free.
16.The weather is hot,and there are many people swimming     the sea.   C.on
17.The train will leave    .
A.five minutes later B.after five minutes
C.five minutes ago five minutes
18.The boy     to Sanya with his family next vacation.
B.went C.will go D.has gone
19.—Will there be more wild animals in the world?
—No,    ,I think.
A.they will B.they won’t
C.there will D.there won’t
20.There will be    people and    space for each person.
A.more,less B.more,fewer
C.fewer,less D.less,less
Ⅰ 2.sea 3.peace
Ⅱ the future the sea the country
9.世界和平 10.更多的污染
Ⅲ.11.future,be less 100 years to be  14.together on weekends  15.future,won’t go
Ⅰ.1.less 2.fewer 3.buildings 4.won’t ride 5.will be
Ⅱ.6.will fly 7.won’t buy 8.Will,study,will 9.Where will,live 10.will be
Ⅲ.11.D 12.A 13.B 14.E 15.F
Ⅳ.16.B 17.D 18.C 19.D 20.A
【Section A】
1b Circled:1,2,5,4
2a Circled:1.more 2.less 3.fewer 4.less 5.fewer
2b Checked:2,5
3a 1.less,more 2.more,more 3.fewer,more 4.more,fewer 5.more,fewer/less,more
第三课时 Section B 1a-2b
shape,fall,inside,possible,impossible,短语:over and over again,hundreds of,fall down,look for。
2.能掌握以下句型:—Where do you live?
—I live in an apartment.
There are already robots working in factories.
Robots will never be able to wake up and know where they are.
We never know what will happen in the future!
本课教学内容是八年级上Unit 7第三课时,可以以出示图片的形式展示工作、交通方式和住址,让学生回忆和学习单词,从而为下面的内容做好铺垫。
StepⅠ.Lead in
Leading in 【情景1】
T:What do you want to be in the future?
S1:I will be a pilot.
T:Where will you live?
S1:I will live in a high building.
T:How will you go to work?
S2:I will be an astronaut.I will live on a space station.I will go to work by rocket.
[设计意图] 先给学生们创设易于理解的语言情景,并逐步引导学生们在实际运用中初步感知will的用法。
Leading in 【情景2】
T:Boys and girls,which year is it now? Do you know?
Ss:It’s 2015.
T:What’s your job now?
Ss:I am a student.
T:Yes.You live in…and study in… School,right?
T:Great! Do you want to have a prediction about the future?
T:Now,let’s have a prediction.(Point to one student) You,please.What will you be in the future?
S1:I will be a/an…
S2:I will be a/an…
S3:I will be a/an…
S4:I will be an astronaut.
T:You will be an astronaut in the future.Where will you live?
S4:I will live in an apartment.
S5:I will live in/on…
S6:I will live in/on…
S7:I will live on a space station.
T:You’ll live on a space station.How will you go to work?
S7:I will go to work by rocket.
S8:I will go to work by…
S9:I will go to work by…
S10:I will go to work by…
[设计意图] 通过谈论学生现在的职业、居住地,过渡到谈论学生的未来,导入句型I will be a/an…/I will live in/on…/I will go to work by…和表示职业、居住地以及交通方式的单词,进入新授。
Step Ⅱ.Write words
Ask the students to look at the pictures and find out the jobs,transportation and places to live in.
The teacher can ask like this:
space station
T:What can you see in this picture?
S:It’s a space station.
T:Yes,it’it’s a place to live in space.
T:What can you see in this picture?
S:It’s an astronaut.
T:Yes,it’s an astronaut.It’s a job.Yang Liwei is a famous Chinese astronaut.
Write each word in the correct column in 1a.
computer programmer
【Keys】 1a:Jobs:astronaut,computer programmer Transportation:train,rocket Places to live:house,apartment,space station
[设计意图] 1a是考查学生对职业,交通工具及居住地点的名词的掌握及总结情况,为了激发学生的学习兴趣,所以用图片的形式展示给学生,让学生逐渐掌握利用图画等非语言信息理解文本学习主题。
Step Ⅲ.While-listening activities(1c)
1.Listen for the general idea.
T:Boys and girls,just now we talked about the jobs,transportation and places to live in.Now,please look at the boy and the girl in 1c.They are talking about something.Please listen to the recording carefully and find out the main idea of the conversation.
The main idea of the conversation is to talk about    .
A.their jobs
B.their living places
C.their life at present,in the past and in the future
【Key】 C
[设计意图] 让学生通过听录音整体感知,并找出谈论的主旨大意。学生逐渐掌握Listen for the general idea 的听力策略。
2.Listen for the specific ideas.Listen and number the pictures.
T:Class,please look at the three pictures.They are talking about Joe’s life in different periods.Now,please listen to the recording carefully and number them(1—3).
First,let the students look at the pictures and say the things they can see.
Next,ask them to listen to the recording (just once) carefully and number them in right order.
Then,check their answers.
【Keys】 2,3,1
[设计意图] 听听力之前,让学生对三幅图进行了预测,并且通过听大意了解到这三段对话是描述的现在、过去和将来的生活,因此给三幅图排序,在听完大意之后,大部分学生能够直接说出答案。
3.Listen and fill in the blanks in 1d.
T:Boys and girls,please listen to the recording again,and fill in the blanks with the correct verbs in the box.When you listen to the recording,you should pay attention to the pictures that you numbered in 1c and the three tenses:the Simple Past Tense,the Present Tense and the Simple Future Tense.
am  live  work  lived took will be
will live will fly
(1)I     in an apartment across the street from here.
(2)I     near here.
(3)I     a computer programmer.
(4)We     in a house in the country.
(5)I     the train to school.
(6)I     an astronaut.
(7)I     rockets to the moon.
(8)I     on a space station.
【Keys】 (1)live (2)work (3)am  (4)lived
(5)took (6)will be (7)will fly  (8)will live
4.Listen once more.In order to grasp this listening text well,ask the students to listen and fill in the blanks.
Conversation 1
Alexis:Hi,I’m Alexis.
Joe:Nice to meet you,Alexis.I’m Joe.
Alexis:Nice to meet you,Joe.Do you     here in Highville?
Joe:Yes,I do.I live in an    across the street from here.
Joe:Yes.I work near here,too.I am a    .
Alexis:A computer programmer? That    interesting.
Joe:Well,actually it’s kind of    .I do the same thing every day.
Conversation 2
Alexis:Hey,Joe,is that a    of you?
Joe:Yeah,that     me ten years ago.
Alexis:So,did you live here in Highville 10 years ago?
Joe:No,I     with my parents in Greenville.We lived in a house in the country.I went to school here in Highville,though.
Alexis:Really? That’s pretty far from here.How did you     to school?
Joe:Oh,I     the train to school.
Conversation 3
Alexis:So,Joe,what do you think your life will be like in ten years?
Joe:Oh,I think I’ll be an    .
Alexis:An astronaut? Are you kidding?
Joe:No,I’m    .I’ll fly    to the moon.Maybe I’ll also fly to other planets.
Alexis:Oh,and where will you live?
Joe:I’ll live on a    .
【Keys】 Conversation 1: live,apartment,computer programmer,sounds,boring
Conversation 2:picture,was,lived,get,took
Conversation 3:astronaut,serious,rockets,space station
[设计意图] 在前面听力的基础上深挖文章内容,更全面地把握听力课文,以便于帮助学生加深对课文的理解和掌握一般过去时,一般现在时和一般将来时。
Step Ⅳ.Practice
Student A is Alexis and Student B is Joe.Talk about Joe’s life now,10 years ago and 10 years from now like this:
A:Where do you live?
B:I live in an apartment.
10 years ago
A:Where did you live 10 years ago?
B:I lived in Highville.
A:How did you get to school?
B:I took the train to school.
In 10 years
A:What will your life be like in 10 years?
B:Oh,I think I’ll be an astronaut.
A:Where will you live in 10 years?
B:I will live on a space station.
[设计意图] 通过三段交际会话,练习一般现在时、一般过去时和一般将来时在语境中的运用。
Step Ⅴ.Discussion
Tell your partner what you know about robots.What do they look like and what can they do?
For example:
[设计意图] 通过预测,培养学生的预测能力,同时也让学生对机器人的形状和作用有一个比较直观的初步了解,调动学生对阅读材料的期待感。
Step Ⅵ.Reading activities
1.T:Read 2b first.It tells us what the robots look like,and what they can do now and will do in the future.Let’s come to 2b.
T:Read the article fast and find the general idea of 2b.
The general idea of the article is about    .
A.what robots look like in the movies
B.what robots can do today
C.robots’ today and future
【Key】 C 
[设计意图] 能够培养学生快速理解文章大意的能力,做出正确判断,提高阅读技巧。
Explain the following points to students.
1.Will robots think like humans in the future?
human n.人。作名词时为可数名词,其复数形式为humans。
Only a truly free person has human dignity.只有真正自由的人才具有人的尊严。
How long can a human being live without food?人不吃东西能活多久?
【辨析】 person,human,people
(1) person泛指一切人,包括男女老幼,既有单数形式,也有复数形式。
We need a person to help us.我们需要有个人来帮助我们。
She is just the person you wanted.她就是你要找的人。
Are robots as clever as humans?机器人跟人一样聪明吗?
(3) people意为“人,人们,人民”, 可用some,many等修饰。表示复数意义。people 在句中用作主语时,谓语动词为复数形式。 people 在俗语中还作“家人,亲属”解。
A lot of people go to enjoy the cool under the big tree every evening.每天晚上都有许多人去那棵大树下面乘凉。
2.Today there are already robots working in factories.
“There be+ sb./sth.+doing sth.”表示“有某人或某物正在做某事”,该句型常用来强调动作,一般对进行时态进行强调。
There are many children playing on the playground.有很多孩子在操场上玩耍。
There is a girl singing under the tree.树下有个女孩在唱歌。
【拓展】 (1)“There must be sb./sth.doing sth.+地点” 表示“某处一定有某人/某物在做某事”。
There must be a child crying in the room.房间里肯定有个小孩在哭。
(2)There is no doing…意思是“(口语)不可能……”。
There is no knowing what he is doing.无法知道他在做什么。
3.…do simple jobs over and over again.
over and over again意为“一再地;再三反复地”。相当于once and again,again and again 等。
  He read it over and over again.他反复地阅读它。
He wrote these words again and again.他反复地写这些词。
【注意】 over again 意为“再重复一次”,与 once again,once more 同义。
I didn’t get it.Would you please read it over again?我没有完全听懂。请再读一遍好吗?
4.Scientists are now trying to make robots look like humans…
make sth.使某人做某事。使役动词make和see,hear,listen to,look at,watch,notice 等感官动词都接不带to的不定式作宾补。help后可带to,也可不带to。
She made me stay with her.她让我和她待在一起。
【注意】 make sth.在变为被动结构时,不定式的to要还原回来。
The boss made his workers work over twelve hours a day.
=The workers were made to work over twelve hours a day.老板逼迫工人每天工作超过12个小时。
5.However,they agree it may take hundreds of years.
hundreds of数百的,成百上千的。
Hundreds of people were killed in the earthquake.那次地震中有数百人死亡。
【拓展】 hundred百,thousand千,million百万,这几个词前面有具体的数词(one,two…)时,不能在它们的后面加s和of。“hundreds of /thousands of/millions of +复数名词”表示“数百的/数千的/数百万的……”,此时hundreds,thousands,millions前不能加具体数词,可以加some,several等。
five hundred people五百人
eight million dollars八百万美元
millions of trees几百万棵树
thousands of tourists成千上万名游客
6.…robots will never be able to wake up and know where they are.
wake是动词,意为“醒来”,wake up使……醒来,叫醒,后接人称代词宾格时,要放在wake up中间。
Wake me up at six,will you? 6点钟叫醒我,好吗?
Don’t wake up the boy.He fell asleep just now.别弄醒这个男孩。他才睡着。
  【注意】 awake是形容词,意为“醒着的”,在句中作表语。
Is she awake or asleep?她是醒着呢,还是睡着了?
Are you awake?你睡醒了吗?
[设计意图] 通过对要点词汇、句型的讲解,为后面的教学清除了障碍。
2.Ask the Ss to read the article more carefully and find out the main idea of each paragraph.
T:How many paragraphs are there in the article?
Then the teacher tells the Ss in each paragraph there is a question.Ask the Ss to go through the four questions,and match each paragraph with the right question it discusses.
Paragraph 1 Will robots think like humans in the future?
Paragraph 2 What will robots be like in the future?
Paragraph 3 What can robots do today?
Paragraph 4 What are robots like in movies?
Check the Ss’ answers.Ask one student how he/she found the right question for each paragraph.Use the words “in movies” in the last question as an example to lead the Ss to know when they see “movies” in the first paragraph,they can make sure Paragraph 1 is about “What are robots like in movies?”
【Keys】 Paragraph 1——What are robots like in movies? Paragraph 2——What can robots do today? Paragraph 3——Will robots think like humans in the future? Paragraph 4——What will robots be like in the future?
Paragraph 1 When we watch movies about the future…
Paragraph 2 Tdo simple jobs
Paragraph 3 …it will be difficult to make them really think like a human.
Paragraph 4 …in the future.Some …look like humans,…animals.…snakes.
3.Read again and then judge true (T) or false (F).
(1)Robots are just like humans now.They help with the housework,and do the most unpleasant jobs.
(2)There are robots that can walk and dance.
(3)All the scientists think that it will be difficult for a robot to do the same things as a person.
(4)Robots will never get bored when they do simple jobs over and over again.
(5)New robots will have many different shapes.
【Keys】 (1)F (2)T  (3)F  (4)T  (5)T
4.Read and answer the following questions.
(1)When we watch the movies about the future,what do we sometimes see?
(2)Which country has robots that can walk and dance?
(3)What are the scientists trying to do?
(4)Do the robots get bored if they do the simple jobs over and over again?
(5)What kind of job can a snake robot do?
【Keys】 (1)Robots. (2)Japan. (3)To make robots look like humans. (4)No. (5)It can help look for people under the buildings.
[设计意图] 本部分的内容重在培养学生们运用预测,略读,带关键词寻读等相关阅读策略概括文章大意和寻找细节信息的能力。
Step Ⅶ.Post-reading activities
1.Play the recording and ask the Ss to read the article with the recording.
2.After that,help the Ss to realize:in this class,we have learned about robots’ today and future.Tell the Ss that it’s time to challenge your memory.Please try to finish the sentences about robots.First lead the Ss to finish the information about robots’ today.Then finish the information about robots’ future.Then choose two Ss to retell it individually.
[设计意图] 本部分根据思维导图的内容,复述课文,培养学生们口头表达的能力,同时通过复述引导学生更好地内化语言知识。
Step Ⅷ.Exercises:the end-of-class test
1.Liu Yang is the first Chinese woman     (宇航员).
2.China will build a     (太空) station in about 20 years.
3.We lived in a house in the country a few years ago,but now we live in an    (公寓) in the city.
4.She was born in     (日本).
5.It’s very     (危险的) for children to cross the busy street.
         already robots     in the factories.
2.James White认为机器人永远都不会醒来。
James White thinks that robots will never    
They agree it may take         years.
It will             make them really think like a human.
We never know what                     .
【Keys】 Ⅰ.1.astronaut  3.apartment 4.Japan  5.dangerous
Ⅱ.1.There are,working able to wake up 3.hundreds of difficult to  5.will happen in the future
[设计意图] 当堂检测题是针对本节课所学内容进行的形成性评价,这样既能使学生巩固本节课所学知识,又能让老师了解到学生在本堂课真实的学习情况,并对错误较多的知识点进行巩固强化。
Step Ⅸ.Homework
1.Read the passage in 2b after class.
2.Write your own sentences with the phrases below.
over and over again  get bored
wake up hundreds of
be able to fall down
look for seem (im)possible
[设计意图] 巩固交际运用,练习所学短语。
Section B 1a-2b
Words and phrases:apartment,space,human,dangerous,already,factory,Japan,believe,disagree,
even,agree,shape,fall,inside,possible,impossible,space station,over and over again,hundreds of,fall down,look for
Sentences:—Where do you live?
—I live in an apartment.
There are already robots working in factories.
Robots will never be able to wake up and know where they are.
We never know what will happen in the future!
23.寻找;寻求 station        
25.look like        
Ⅲ. 根据汉语意思完成句子
The teacher tells us not to spend too much time playing games                .
Scientists are    to make robots         humans.
They         the housework and do jobs    working in dirty    dangerous places.
They think that robots will                talk like humans in 25 to 50 years.
30.然而,有些科学家认为虽然我们能够让机器人像人一样运动, 但是让它们真正像人一样思考将是困难的。
However,some scientists believe that    we can make robots move like people,it         difficult to make them really think like a human.
1.There were many people     (wait) in line at bus stop.
2.If people do the same jobs over and over again,they may get    (bore).
3.The robots in the future will have many different    (shape).
4.It is    (possible) for me to run as fast as Liu Xiang.
5.Now many robots look like     (human).
help with,over and over again,hundreds of,look like,the same… as
6.He works in     factory     I do.
7.To remember these new words,I read them    .
8.You     your father because you both have a big nose.
9.He is lazy.He never    the housework at home.
10.     students came to the playground to watch the basketball match.
11.He’ll     the train to Changsha.
A.take  D.use
12.—How are you feeling now,Betty?
—I’m feeling    worse,mom.
A.still B.very C.pretty D.even
13.—Mum,there’s something wrong with my alarm clock.Could you     tomorrow morning?
—No problem,dear.
A.wake me up B.wake him up
C.ring her up them up
14.Gthere is a school     the post office.You can find it.
A.across B.through
C.over D.across from
15.Finish your homework first,then you’ll     watch TV for an hour.
A.can able to to D.could
16.Fishing with Dad w


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