something you keepkeep it in mindd will blossom someday[e

Keep Me In Mind-Johnny Hates Jazz, Keep Me In MindMP3下载,歌词下载 - 虾米音乐
Keep Me In Mind
1 . 2 . 3.
Zac Brown Band - Keep Me In Mind
This is gonna be funky
How come all the pretty girls like you are taken baby
I've been looking for someone like you to save me
Life's to easy to be so damn complicated
Take your time and I'll be waitin'
Keep me in mind
Somewhere down the road you might get lonely
Keep me in mind
In a place someday that you will love me only
I think about you somedays
And the way I would lay and waste a day after day with you
We always go our separate ways
But no-one can love you baby the way I do
Keep me in mind
Somewhere down the road you might get lonely
Keep me in mind
In a place someday that you will love me only
Well the world can be real tough
Find shelter in me
If there's no-one else to love
Keep me in mind
If ever you wanted me, I'll be your man
I'd be a fool to let you go with someone else
Whatever you want from me, I'll be your man
I'd give it all up just to have you for myself
Keep me in mind
Somewhere down the road you might get lonely
Keep me in mind
In a place someday that you will love me only
Well the world can be real tough
Why don't you hold on to me
When there's no-one else to love
Keep me in mind
(Keep me in mind)
And I'll hold you darling
(Keep me in mind)
I'll be your man
(Keep me in mind)
I'll hold you darling
(Keep me in mind)
C'mon little mama
Put it on me
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There is no trivial solution to this problem, and you should keep it in mind when designing your overall architecture and workflow.
First, think of something that you do or have done “in the heat of the moment”, and keep it in mind while we go through this material.
When you have made up your mind to do a thing, finish it. Keep it in mind until it is done.
This is a sound principle to follow, so keep it in mind as you prepare your first schedule.
So I think everyone should try to be honest in whatever he says and does. We should always keep it in mind that our society cannot prosper and thrive without honesty.
When I help a little girl cross the street, or I see something interesting, I will keep it in mind and Write it down.
A good trick is to keep it in mind whenever you read business news.
Keep it in mind the next time you're facing an intractable performance optimization problem -- it may just be the magic bullet that can save you a major redesign.
下次面临难处理的性能优化问题时要记住它 ——它可能就是避免大的重新设计的关键所在。
On deployment, specify the context root of the Web application and keep it in mind for the registration step in Lotus Connections.
Other important numbers are in the "ROC Area" column, in the first row (the 0.616); I'll explain this number later, but keep it in mind.
Keep it in mind, and then turn your approach to the question on its head by asking not "Are stocks cheap?"
It's worthwhile to read the curl man page and keep it in mind.
您需要阅读curl 的man页面,并将其记在心中。
Keep it in mind, though, that Hadoop is capable of handling much larger data sets.
We want you to keep it in mind that your state lawmakers pass laws that affect you as well.
I also hope all of you to keep it in mind that friendship comes first, safety comes first!
Just keep it in mind if you do the same that you make it clear you have already paid!
Snake: I'll keep it in mind. You said this was a solo mission, right?
I know but Im a workaholic. Thanks for your advice. Ill keep it in mind.
This was my unforgettable lesson. I'll keep it in mind forever.
That's an interesting theory. I will keep it in mind if another body drops.
When you have made up your mind to do a thing, finish it. Keep it in mind until it is done. <O.
Teaching is not only the thing to tell some new knowledge to child and ask them to keep it in mind.
Thanks for the advice, Mr. Macmillan. I'll keep it in mind. I had better head off though. I'm meeting my husband for dinner.
谢谢你的建议,麦克米伦先生。我会记住的。不过我得赶紧走了。我约了我先生吃晚饭。 。
You must keep it in mind that you are a student and you should obey the school rules.
OK, I'll keep it in mind. When shall we meet on Sunday?
I'll keep it in mind.
A. Thanks for the advice, Mr. Macmillan. I'll keep it in mind. I had better head off though. I'm meeting my husband for dinner.
A. Thanks for the advice, Mr. Macmillan. I'll keep it in mind. I had better head off though. I'm meeting my husband for dinner.
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