怎么理解business is a seperate divideentity from its owner

英语翻译1.The owner of the sole proprietorship is legally responsible for the debts and taxes of the business.2.The owner the sole proprietorship may then have to pay the debts of the business from personal saving or other personal resources.3.A partnership can last only as long as the life span of any of its partners.The death or withdrawal of one partner ends the partnership.4.In the eyes of the law,the corporation becomes for most purpose a “person” with its own federal identification number.5.The corporate form of business entity is unique because ownership can change through the sale of shares of stock by one individual to another without the form ending.英翻中,
1.The owner of the sole proprietorship is legally responsible for the debts and taxes of the business.私营企业主依法对公司债务和税收负责;2.The owner the sole proprietorship may then have to pay the debts of the business from personal saving or other personal resources.私营企业主一旦公司处于负债可以动用个人财产或储蓄偿还公司债务3.A partnership can last only as long as the life span of any of its partners.The death or withdrawal of one partner ends the partnership.合资公司的寿命紧贴合伙人寿命,一旦合伙人死亡或者撤资,公司解散;4.In the eyes of the law,the corporation becomes for most purpose a “person” with its own federal identification number.依法来看,一个集团相当于一个人,有政府都有身份备案;5.The corporate form of business entity is unique because ownership can change through the sale of shares of stock by one individual to another without the form ending.集团的名分是的唯一的,法人可以转移股份,只要在公司不解散的情况下
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Business Entity Concept
In accounting we treat a business or an organization and its owners as two separately identifiable parties. This concept is called business entity concept. It means that personal transactions of owners are treated separately from those of the business.
Businesses are organized either as a , a
or a . They differ on the level of control the ultimate owners exercise on the business, but in all forms the personal transactions of the owners are not mixed up with the transactions and accounts of the business.
A CPA has 3 rooms in a house he has rented for $3,000 per month. He has setup a single-member accounting practice and uses one room for the purpose. Under the business entity concept, only 1/3rd of the rent or $1,000 should be charged to business, because the other 2 rooms or $2,000 worth of rent is expended for personal purposes.
The CPA received $900 bill for utilities. He paid the whole amount using his business account. $600 is to be considered a withdrawal because only $300 (1/3rd) related to business and the other $600 was for domestic purpose.
Assuming each public accounting business is required to pay $100 to a local association of CPAs each month. If the CPA pays that amount from a personal bank account the amount shall be considered additional capital.
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Current Chapterdistinct business entity
Popular Terms
1. Accounting: An
on which a
is regarded as a
from the . Therefore, the
must keep its own records separate from the transactions of the owners. See also .
2. Finance: A distinguishable
from the rest of the . A distinct business
will either have separate geographic , different
or a distinct service. Because of its , a distinct
in . See also .
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All Rights Reserved.Unauthorized duplication, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited.The most common
, and one which is
by a state and given many
separate from its owners. This form of business is characterized by the
of its owners, the issuance of
, and existence as a . The process of becoming a corporation, call , gives the company separate legal
from its owners and
those owners from being personally
in the event that the company is sued (a
known as limited liability). Incorporation also provides
with a more
way to manage their
. In , there are different tax
for corporations, although these can be both advantageous and disadvantageous. In these respects, corporations differ from
and .For more information, see:
The corporation was very powerful and they used their leverage over the rest of the business, which made everyone mad.
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The rebel did not want to work for the corporation because he felt it represented everything that was wrong with the state and government.
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A business registered within a particular state that issues transferable stock, limits the liability of the stockholders, and continues to do business is a corporation.
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