
Date: Sun, 18 Mar :30 -0700
From: Larry Woods
Subject: The Beer Store
Awakened by a hand massaging his balls, Josh yawned, glanced
at the clock, and rolled over. He said, "Sorry baby, but I was up
until two and I'm due at Joe's at nine-thirty. Tonight after the
meeting, I promise."
Josh's roommate slid from she went into
the living room, giving Josh another hour to sleep before he
shaved, showered, put on clean sweats, and jogged the five blocks
to Joe's restaurant, arriving just as one of his partners rode
After locking his bike, the partner, Brad Darland, joined
Josh on the sidewalk. "Sean must already be here. That's his
mom's car parked up top."
"Tim's here too then -- Sean stayed at his place."
After the men's weekly breakfast, Joe suggested the partners
expand their business. Sipping black coffee, he said he'd heard
rumors that the owners of Alcindoro's Market wanted to sell. "And
Doctor Mueller's willing to buy, provided you four are willing to
run the operation." Located five minutes from where everybody
lived except Tim, Alcindoro's stocked a limited line of staples
but a wide range of beers, explaining Joe's interest. He
continued, "As you probably know, there's a couple thousand empty
square feet on the east end -- you could do your brewing in
Tim asked, "Would Doctor Mueller have to buy all that shit
on their shelves?"
"We haven't discussed details," Joe answered. "Anyway, think
it over -- we'll discuss it this weekend."
"We'd need a new name," Sean said softly. "We could call it
The Beer Store."
As chair of the Gay-Straight Alliance's entertainment
committee, Brad had arranged for the Valentine's Day decorations.
Thanks to his sister, Gilda, who managed Corvallis Bouquets,
attendees had gawked when they'd seen the massive red-and-white
sprays adorning the dais. Leaving the meeting, his old friend
Courtney Wade said, "That was the biggest crowd we've had since
the Christmas party." She asked Josh, "What happened to Amber?"
"Her mother stopped by on her way home from Salem," Josh
Outside Milam Hall Courtney joined
Brad and Josh headed north, walking together until Brad entered
the Bijou, Oregon State's only residence facility that allowed
mixed-gender couples. A block further on, Brad turned right.
Halfway down the block he turned right again, climbed the three
steps to his porch, and collected his mail, all of it trash.
Inside his apartment, he'd dropped the ad he
was on his way to the kitchen when somebody knocked.
Uncertain whether he'd turned the latch coming in, Brad
returned to the door. He opened it to see his neighbor Cam
Phillips, who said, "I looked for you after the meeting but I
guess you'd already left. I bought you a present -- can I go get
it?" He returned moments later with a small gift-wrapped box.
Unwrapping the package, Brad realized that he hadn't
received a Valentine's Day gift since he'd been in high school.
He set the paper on his des inside, he found
a pair of white boxer shorts covered with red arrows and hearts.
"Thank you," he said. "Do you want a beer?"
"Uh huh," Cam replied.
Brad's refrigerator held a collection of his partners' most
recent experiments. Opening one of Sean's ales and one of Tim's
lagers, Brad wondered how his incredibly shy neighbor had worked
up the courage to buy such underwear. In the living room, as he
gave Cam the lager, he said, "Thanks again for the shorts."
After sipping, Cam set the bottle next to the wrapping
paper, asking, "Can I see how you look in them?"
"As soon as it warms up a little." Waiting for the heater to
take off the chill before he took off any clothes, Brad sat on
his sofa. "Finish the story you were telling me yesterday about
the time you shot in your pants."
Cam shrugged, "I was sitting in class and got this really
weird feeling. I couldn't believe I actually orgasmed without
touching myself."
"It must have been like a wet dream," Brad replied. "I had
wet dreams for a year before I started flogging my dog."
"I was twelve when I had my first one," Cam said.
Discussing their histories, Brad wondered why Cam turned him
on. Ordinarily his interest focused on men with good builds, Josh
especially, or tall, lanky ones like Tim, or ones with Sean's
boyish good looks, but Cam fit none of those patterns. Average
height and lean enough to merit the description of skinny, Cam
typified OSU's freshmen.
Cam asked, "Is it warm enough yet?"
Brad stood and slid off his levis. As he stepped out of his
old shorts, he saw Cam's eyes glued to his groin. When he'd put
on his new shorts, he asked, "How do you like them?"
Cam nodded, "They make you look really studly." Patently
hopeful, he asked, "Can I stay awhile more?"
"Take off your blue jeans," Brad answered. When both men
wore only their boxers and sweat shirts, he said, "Sit down
beside me."
In the five weeks the men had lived next door to each other
they'd connected two different times. One night Cam had locked
himself out of his apartment and had slept on Brad's couch.
Hearing Cam jacking, Brad had finished him off. The other
incident had happened the previous Wednesday. Tonight, Cam
sitting next to him, Brad laid his arm across the teenager's
shoulder. "When we watched that movie last week, which scene got
you the hottest?"
"The one with the sailors. That's why I hardly needed you to
masturbate me at all and I spooged." His gaze shifted from Brad's
face to the bulge in his shorts. "Could I touch your erection?"
"Take off your shorts and I'll show you another way I like
to JO with my buddies," Brad answered.
Caught dick in hand, Tim suggested as he switched off the
video, "Next time you might knock."
Mike stood in the doorway, "I wanted some help with my
project, but I can come back if you're busy."
Ignoring Mike's offer, Tim pulled up his pants. "Is this for
"Accounting," Mike answered. "What kind of an amortization
schedule is Josh using?"
"The only thing we amortize is the van," Tim said. "Nothing
else is worth more than five-hundred dollars."
After covering several issues pertaining to the beer-
manufacturing business, Mike asked one final question, "Does it
embarrass you when I catch you doing that?"
"No," Tim replied. "You've caught me before and no doubt
you'll catch me again. If Cindy'd been here, I'd have locked my
While the men had been talking, Tim had recalled that when
he'd been living with Brad, their sex had been awesome, often
exhausting both men. In hopes of similar action, he called a
sophomore he'd spent the night with after the alliance's mixer
last week, telling the female who answered the phone, "Hi, this
is Tim Benson. Is Dylan around?"
Waiting, Tim recalled that his quarry had shown an interest
in trying something new their next time. When Dylan came on the
line, Tim asked, "Are you up for a walk on the wild side?"
"You bet, but I've never been to your house -- you'll need
to give me directions."
Dylan arrived about ten dressed as he'd been dressed at the
he wore a black OSU hoodie, khaki cargo pants, and a
baseball cap. Setting the cap on the dresser, he said, "That girl
you were with's truly hot. Are you into them too?"
Tim confirmed that he was.
Removing his sweat shirt, Dylan exposed the bare skin
beneath. Watching Tim check him out, he asked, "Do I still look
like a swimmer?"
"I'll need to see the rest of you to be sure," Tim answered.
He undressed along with Dylan, matching the younger man shoes for
shoes, pants for pants, briefs for briefs. Naked, he said, "Yeah,
you still look like a swimmer."
Dylan frowned, "Is that dried nut on your dick?"
"Pre-cum," Tim answered. "My brother caught me tugging my
Whereas straight Josh, gay Brad, and bi Tim knew what they
wanted, Sean had never been sure. Saturday night in his garage he
told Joe, "I hook up with my girlfriend two or three times a
month and that's fine, but once in a while -- and it's been
getting worse lately -- some guy turns me on."
Joe had stopped by to taste a new limbic beer Sean had
brewed with dried cherries. "Not to change the subject," he said,
"but the taste is amazing. What's the alcohol content?"
"Eight and a half," Sean answered. "Here's something I made
with Granny Smith apples."
As the men continued to sample various beers, Joe seemed to
have forgotten Sean's quandary, but as they were sharing a bottle
of last December's Christmas ale, he asked, "What kind of guy
gets you going?"
"It isn't the guy so much as the action. For instance, I'd
always assumed that since Josh lives with Amber, that's how he
squirts, but she was up at her parents' house sometime last month
and he stayed over here. He woke me up beating off and I about
shot in my shorts."
Joe asked, "Do you ever fantasize guys when you jerk it?"
"Sometimes but just at the end," Sean revealed.
(Josh watches the changing of the signs, talks to two colleagues,
and visits Heart of the Valley.)
Although escrow wouldn't close until April 19, Doctor
Mueller had rented what had been Alcindoro's Market as of March
1. On that warm rainy Thursday the old sign came down to be
replaced shortly thereafter by a new sign reading THE BEER STORE.
Watching the installation from the opposite side of the street,
Josh told Joe, "We won't finish moving in until Sunday, but we'll
have beer on the shelves to reopen tomorrow. What should we do
with the old stock?"
"Box it up," Joe answered. "I drank a bottle of the porter
last night, and it wasn't half bad. Brad can serve it at the
GSA's alumni dinner next month."
A passing car's splash forced the men to retreat. Further
under the awning, Josh said, "There's all kinds of crap in those
lockers. I could haul it to the dump in my pickup."
"What kind of crap are we talking about?"
"Whatever folks didn't have room for at home but didn't want
to throw out like a lot of old pictures and a couple of wedding
"I'd like to look through it before you toss it," Joe said.
After their conference Joe returned to his restaurant, Josh
jogged to campus. That afternoon, following his inventory-control
seminar, he asked for two classmates' advice on how best to
promote his new project.
Graphic artist Ben Vintoli suggested, "I've been working on
a logo for you. You could show it with a list of your prices
compared to Sid Cohen's."
A Corvallis retailer's son, Sig Patterson, said, "You'll
want to allocate resources. The Gazette has a big circulation but
it's relatively expensive. You can staple fliers on telephone
poles for practically nothing."
Ben asked, "When can we see what you're selling?"
"Now, for example," Josh answered. "We had the locks changed
this morning, and I've got the new keys."
"I'll drive my own car," Sig said. "I promised Jeanne I'd
meet her downtown at five."
Riding with Ben, Josh remarked that given the traffic, he
could have made the trip faster on foot. Backed up at the
stoplight, he asked, "How's it been going with you and Suzanne?"
"Funny you ask that," Ben answered, "because I was about to
ask you if you still jerk it now that you're living with Amber."
No longer taken aback by Ben's bluntness, Josh answered,
"Well yes, as a matter of fact. She left for her sister's this
morning, so I'll probably do it tonight."
"My problem's always been I've never dated a girl as horny
as me. She'd be a whore if she was."
As de facto manager, Josh had hired the store's staff,
including stockboy Skip Pollock. When Josh entered the storeroom,
Skip stopped emptying lockers and asked, "What does Joe want done
with all this?"
"He wants to go through it." Spotting a steel box, its lid
secured with a padlock, Josh asked, "Where'd that come from?"
Skip answered, "The locker down at the far end. If you try
to lift it, be careful -- it's heavy."
The German boys, who'd been painting the main room, entered
Matthias told Josh, "We regresses to La Porte
Rouge now, Freund Yosh, for we has singings, ja?"
Matthias's friend Hansel said, "These days we paints alles
you ceilings und Morgen we paints alles you walls nicest weiss,
what means white in you languages."
"Okay and thanks a million," Josh said.
After the boys left, Josh caught up to Ben paging through a
pile of old 'Playboy' magazines. Something about the Marilyn-
Monroe centerfold rang a bell, but Josh wasn't sure why. Oddly,
there was no date on the cover.
Ben showed Josh the centerfold from a different issue
remarking, "They airbrushed her cunt out."
Glancing over Ben's shoulder, Skip asked, "Why would any guy
want to jack off on that? It's fairly disgusting."
Besides the 'Playboy' collection, which Josh supposed must
have some value, Skip had discovered a framed aerial photograph
of off-campus Corvallis that showed Brad's apartment and Sean's
folks' house but didn't show Josh's residence hall. Since Brad's
apartment had been built during the Second World War, the photo
must have been taken during the late 1940s or 1950s. Turning the
photomap over, Josh saw neatly printed, 'Norm Fisher, 917 Eighth
St. Corvallis, Ore.' Showing Ben, he said, "Norm doesn't live
there anymore. That's where the junior college is nowadays."
"Dudes," Skip called as he inspected a locker, "now here's
something that's right up my alley, figuratively speaking, of
course." He brought an old-fashioned suitcase to the table and
spread out its contents of yellow-edged photographs showing
improbably big-chested women engaging in soft-core girl-on-girl
"You're lesbophilic?" Josh frowned.
"Big time," Skip replied.
"I'll bet those titties are fake," Ben said. "They probably
padded their bras."
After examining the rest of Skip's accumulation, the men
left the store. Offered a ride, Josh climbed into Ben'
heading toward the campus, he asked, "Are you doing anything with
Suzanne tonight?"
Ben shook his head, "Nope, I'm a bachelor too. Did you have
something in mind?"
Josh replied that at the Valentine's Day meeting of the Gay-
Straight Alliance he'd won a fifty-dollar gift certificate from
Corvallis Adult Video Rental, the porn store Joe managed. "Amber
doesn't like me watching that stuff, so I had to wait till she
went out of town."
"I'll watch a movie with you," Ben chuckled, "as long as
you've got enough sheets. I'll wash them at my folks' place
tonight and bring them back to you in the morning."
"Use the ones on the bed," Josh answered. "They need
changing anyway."
At Heart of the Valley the men parked in the lot, climbed to
Joe's store, and were perusing X-rated titles when the clerk
manning the register called them over. Apparently a friend of
Ben's, the clerk nametagged BERT told him, "We got in our
Voluptuous Video shipment last night, so I can rent you Ingrid's
new movie, but you won't want to let Suzanne know you watched it.
It's got one very gay scene." Turning to Josh, he asked, "Aren't
you one of the brewers working with Joe at his beer store?"
"I handle the advertising and the bookwork," Josh answered.
"Brad, Tim, and Sean brew the beer."
When Bert rang up the sale, the register beeped and Bert
said, "Today's your lucky day, Josh. You're our fiftieth customer
so you get one of our gift packs. I'm assuming you'll be wanting
the straight one."
As Bert was taking the video from under the counter, Josh
asked, "What kind of free stuff did I win?"
"A couple of vids, four toys, and some lubes. Everything a
guy needs to have fun," Bert answered.
The men left Ben's car parked at Heart of the Valley and
crossed the street to the Bijou, where Ben followed Josh to his
and Amber's apartment. While Josh opened two pints of Tim's new
amber ale, Ben stripped the bed and brought the sheets into the
living room. By the time Josh caught up to him, he'd shed his
pants and his shorts, had set them on the floor alongside his
shoes, and had covered his lap with the white fitted Josh had
slept on last night, but since he hadn't doubled the sheet, Josh
saw his hardon tenting the fabric.
"Okay, Boner Boy," Josh said, handing Ben a mug full of ale.
"Go ahead and let the screen credits roll."
Josh undressed while watching the credits, but he didn't set
he tossed them into the hamper. Back in
the living room, he covered his lap with the flat sheet just as
the safe-sex advisory finished. He slid his right hand under the
sheet, massaged his dick-meat, and asked, "Did you start off with
a stiffy or did you have to work at it some?"
"I gave it a couple of yanks," Ben replied.
Scene one turned out to be the gay scene Bert had warned
J when the heretofore unseen Dakota took Jake Hall's
dick up the ass, Josh switched to scene two wherein Ingrid gave
Jake such a superior blow job Josh's hand went to work, as did
Ben's. Slow-stroking, Ben said, "This is already feeling real
"No kidding -- I'll have to be careful or I won't last out
the scene."
The men did manage to survive scene two unbusted, but the
next scene proved too much for their overheated libidos. During a
three-way where Tori took Dakota deep in her pussy while Bambie
licked the young porn-king's choad, the men pounded their cocks,
painting the sheets even before Dakota had popped.
Eyeing the dark stain seeping through the cloth in his lap,
Josh said, "That was a major explosion."
Ben studied his own sheet and said, "I'm not horny right
now, but I will be in fifteen minutes or so. Let's see what
you've got in your gift box."
(Sean works with Aaron, serves beer to Tim's fraternity brothers,
and accepts a ride home.)
Weekends had accounted for better than half of Alcindoro's
Market's sales, so in order to provide adequate coverage, when he
opened The Beer Store on Friday, Josh scheduled himself at the
front counter with Skip, Sean tending bar starting at six, and a
second stockboy, Aaron Tepper, backing up Sean. That afternoon
Sean transferred his inventory from his garage to the store.
Driving crosstown in the company van, he asked Aaron, "Where did
you hear we were hiring?"
"There was an ad on the bulletin board at Heart of the
Valley. How did you hook up with Joe?"
Sean explained that he, Brad, and Tim had been selling their
homebrew to local restaurants and that Joe had suggested they
expand into retail. "Josh is an old friend of ours -- he helps us
out with the bookwork."
Earlier that same afternoon Josh had hauled most of what
Skip had removed from the east room's lockers to the Corvallis
dump, leaving only a few things on the table. Carrying cases of
bock inside, Sean saw the collection of 'Playboys,' the aerial
map, a set of champagne flutes, an old-fashioned radio in a
mahogany case, a crystal decanter, and the mysterious heavy
locked box. Sean asked Aaron, "Did Joe throw out everything
"There's a little bit more in the office," Aaron said. Asked
what had become of the lesbian pictures, he answered, "Skip took
them. He considers them strokeworthy. They didn't do a whole lot
for me, but hey -- whatever gets a guy off's always been my
The Beer Store's business license allowed them to serve on-
premise beer provided food accompanied the order, so Joe had
supplied the boys' sausages, his aunt's rye bread, and his own
spicy mustard. To emphasize the German theme, the boys had
decorated the repainted walls with photographs of their youth in
what they still called das Vaterland.
After the men had emptied the van, they paused for a snack.
Sean stuck a toothpick into a one-inch-long chunk of sausage,
dipped it into the mustard, and chewed it, pondering a flavor he
couldn't identify. Oregano, he finally decided, or marjoram. That
settled, he asked, "Is our working so much over the weekends
going to cause problems?"
"Less for me than for you," Aaron replied. "I'm not dating a
gorgeous brunette."
"It doesn't change anything for me. Daphne works for her mom
Fridays through Sundays in Newport. She doesn't get back here
till her first class on Monday."
Aaron asked, "Does her mom run a restaurant?"
"A dress shop," Sean said.
By six customers had fille by seven
they were standing three deep. When Sean asked an outstandingly
pretty co-ed why The Beer Store had drawn such a crowd, he
learned that unbeknownst to the partners, Joe had placed a notice
in the college newspaper saying that the boys would perform.
At seven-fifteen Matthias and Hansel arrived dressed in OSU
sweatsuits. Matthias stood on a platform at the north end of the
room and began, "Guten Abend meinen Herren und Damen, mostly
Damen. These nights, for you listening pleasures, we sings you
favoritemost tunes, commencing mit you national anthems."
Even the obscure and somewhat dolorous 'Oregon, My Oregon'
drew cheers, and when Hansel segued into the Oregon State fight
song, he brought down the house. Following up, the boys shifted
to dependable Country-&-Western standards, 'Deep in the Heart of
Texas' receiving the greatest applause.
Although the crowd left after the boys returned to Joe's
restaurant, a steady stream of curious customers kept Sean and
Aaron busy all evening. Shortly after eleven Tim's fraternity
brothers arrived en masse, wanting to sample Tim's I
Sean went through his entire stock in an hour and could have sold
more if he'd had it.
At ten minutes before one Saturday morning, Sean was
counting the cash when Aaron asked, "Can I give you a ride?"
Although he'd been planning to walk, Sean sensed an
opportunity to learn more about his co- he answered,
"Thanks. I've been experimenting with something I'd like you to
At home Sean took two bottles of pilsner from the garage to
his room, where he poured the golden beer into mugs, gave one to
Aaron, and sat at his desk. After discussing The Beer Store's
first night, Sean asked, "What part of the state are you from?"
Like Brad, Aaron had grown up in Portland. "I'd have gone
home for the weekend," he said, "if I hadn't landed this job.
Have you always lived in Corvallis?"
"I've always lived in this house." Since Aaron had mentioned
Heart of the Valley, Sean asked, "Do they have stores like Joe's
up in Portland?"
"Gaetano's downtown is the best, but it's nothing like
Joe's. They don't keep it clean, and the place smells like
spooge." Aiming his thumb toward the DVD player in the bookcase,
Aaron said, "I wish I had one of those in my dorm-room. What kind
of porn do you stroke to?"
"Lately I've been concentrating on Ingrid," Sean answered.
While debating the merits of various actresses, the men
Sean brought two more from the garage, but
when Aaron saw it, he said, "Better not. I was sipping leftovers
all night at the bar, and I still have to drive home."
Sean hadn't realized Aaron had been drinking earlier. Since
the police would be stopping drivers this late at night, he said,
"Maybe you'd better stay here."
"Cool," Aaron nodded, reaching for the mug Sean had
refilled. "Did you have your first O in this room?"
"Right in that bed where you're sitting," Sean answered.
"I had mine in the shower," Aaron revealed. "Who showed you
how to JO?"
Relaxed by the beer, Sean found himself answering questions
he'd never been asked before. He told Aaron that no one had
showed him how to masturbate, that he'd figured it out for
himself. Replying to subsequent questions, he said that he'd
first gotten laid as a high-school sophomore, that he'd never
shot in somebody's mouth, and that he'd never hooked up with a
"I don't do gay sex either," Aaron said, "but I like to
whack off with my friends. I do it a lot when I'm home, mainly
because a jack-buddy can do things I can't do to myself."
Sean asked, "Like what for example?"
Smiling wanly, Aaron answered, "I'll wait till I know you
better to answer that question -- I don't want you thinking I'm
weird, and besides, I'm fucked up. Which way to the bathroom?"
After Aaron finished in the bathroom, Sean used it, then
returned to find Aaron still fully dressed, lying on his back on
the spare bed. Slightly slurring his words, he said, "I tried to
take off my shoes and about fell on the floor."
Aaron had tied his running shoes in a complicated double
knot that took a while to undo. When he'd removed Aaron's shoes,
Sean asked, "Want me to take off your pants?"
"Please," Aaron answered, raising his butt.
Pulling down Aaron's jeans, Sean learned his guest wore
undershorts different from anything in Sean's dresser. Pale blue
and resembling the speedos Tim sometimes wore, they constricted
his gonads. Sean asked, "How can you sleep in those things?"
"I don't -- I sleep naked." Aaron lifted his rear once
Owing to his conversations with Joe, Sean had overcome his
fears people mi he removed the tight-looking
shorts, then took off his own clothes except for his boxers and
climbed into bed. When he'd switched off the lamp, he said,
"Sleep tight," but Aaron must have fallen asleep.
Lying in absolute darkness -- the street light hadn't worked
since last summer -- Sean considered what Aaron had meant about
his jack-buddies being able to do things he couldn't do to
himself. He couldn't have meant th Sean
could do that and did. Nor could Aaron have meant his partners
p Sean did that after pushing his shorts to
his ankles, and he quickly became so excited he couldn't have
fallen asleep without popping, but his arousal didn't disturb him
since Aaron had said he often jacked with his friends.
Sean opened the drawer of his nightstand, took out his tube
of K-Y, and greased up. Sliding his fist, he recalled that when
Josh had stayed over last month, he'd slept in the same bed Aaron
slept in tonight. Sometime before morning Sean had awakened to
hear Josh pounding pud, and as Sean had told Joe, he'd
practically shot in his shorts. Picturing Aaron doing what Josh
had, Sean felt himself peaking. Too horny to brink himself, he
reached to the floor for a sock.
(Tim talks to Grady, sees Joe open the padlock, and watches
Ingrid's new movie.)
Early Saturday morning, when he came home from The Beer
Store, Tim found his roommate Grady O'Connor searching the
refrigerator. "I've got some more of that altbier out in the
garage if you're thirsty," Tim said.
"Please," Grady replied.
While collecting the beer, Tim reflected that Grady had to
be one of OSU's premier hotties. Short and compact, he wrestled
at 152, bench-pressed 275, and ran at least five miles per day,
in addition to all of which, he could keep up with Tim on a
bicycle. The men had round-tripped to Junction City last week.
Back in the kitchen Tim gave Grady a bottle and asked, "How'd
your date go?"
"Like most first dates," Grady answered. He swigged, nodded,
and said, "This is as good as your ales. Come on upstairs and
tell me about your grand opening."
Tim's bedroom connected with his brother'
Grady's connected with their fourth roommate Steve Trent's room.
In Grady's, Tim said, "Sean sold out of India pale."
"I like this even better," said Grady. "How long do you age
As the men discussed brewing, Tim wondered whether tonight
might be the right night to hook up. The last time, Grady had
been then as now, he'd been without
partnership sex for too long, so when the beer discussion wound
down, Tim asked, "Want to watch Ingrid's new movie?"
"Maybe tomorrow," Grady replied. "It's two in the morning
and we both have to work."
Tim had volunteered to take Saturday's early shift because
he never slept late whereas his partners frequently did. From
nine until nearly eleven, he worked at the front counter alone,
selling three six-packs of the commercial brands microbrewers
referred to as horse-piss. At ten-fifty, Skip arrived and put on
five minutes later he joined Tim at the counter,
confiding, "Me and some buddies drove down to Eugene last night
for the ladies' mud-wrestling championships. The girl that won
had tits bigger than basketballs."
Leaving Skip alone to contemplate mudwrestlers and tits, Tim
moved into the back. He opened a package of Willamette hops he'd
re it smelled as good as the last batch.
Because porters were brewed with soft water, he poured six
gallons into his kettle from the storeroom's dispenser. When he
couldn't find the chocolate malt anywhere, he called Brad's
apartment and asked if he'd seen it.
"Sean may have used what we opened," Brad said, "but there's
more in locker 217."
By noon, Tim had brought the he would
mash out in an hour. While waiting, he was trying to put the
brewers' supplies into some semblance of order when Joe entered
the room, followed by Josh.
"Joe's going to open the box," Josh said.
One bent paper-clip, two flicks of Joe's wrist, and the
padlock sprang open. Tossing the paper-clip into the trashbasket,
Joe said, "Now let's see what was worth locking up."
The box's weight had indicated that it might contain metal,
and it certainly did. When Joe opened the lid, Tim saw hundreds
of coins -- dimes, quarters, fifty-cent pieces, and a few liberty
dollars, each in its own cellophane package. Holding a dollar up
to the light, Joe asked, "Why would anybody abandon something
this valuable?"
Joe discovered the answer in an assortment of photographs
buried under the coins. Seventeen black-and-white glossies showed
a good-looking young man's solo session, starting with his taking
his clothes off and ending with squirts.
"That's copious jissum," Joe said. After rechecking several
coins, he continued, "They're all dated 1956 -- The 'bator was
about twenty back then -- he'll be about seventy now."
Tim asked, "How much is this worth and who owns it?"
"I'll need a numismatist to answer your first question and a
lawyer to answer your second." Joe took his cell from his jacket,
punched in a number, and said, "Hi Bonnie, it's me. Is Doctor M.
While Joe spoke on the telephone, Tim took Josh aside,
asking about the schedule for the rest of the weekend. Josh
answered that Sean would be tending bar Saturday evening but that
he hoped Tim could cover on Sunday. "Brad and I'll be at the
front counter both nights," he said.
Joe locked the coins in the he returned
at one-thirty with an assortment of food that included his Aunt
Gertrude's blueberry muffins, her small meat pies, quesadillas,
and flan, whereupon Tim said, "Everything you've got looks
delicious, but it isn't what you're supposed to be eating with
beer. You can save yourself a whole lot of trouble if you'll get
us a wheel of sharp cheddar and two boxes of plain Irish
crackers." Dubious, Joe asked if crackers and cheese would
satisfy the legal requirements. "I think so -- it's what they
serve at Muenchner's in Salem," Tim said.
At five Tim rode his bicycle home through a squall, arriving
soaked to the skin. He locked his bike in the garage, stripped in
the mudroom, and put his clothes into the washing machine.
Wearing only his watch, he crossed through the living room,
grinning when his brother Mike remarked, "That's a little
informal even for you." Mike added, "Some guy from The Beer Store
wants to see you. He's up talking to Steve."
Tim climbed the stairs, saw Steve's door open, and entered
the room just as his roommate was telling Skip, "Jerry's focused
on horticulture -- he doesn't do herbaceous at all. He calls them
wwssy plants." Noticing Tim, Steve explained, "Skip's taking the
same ag class I had last semester. What did you do with your
Tim answered, "They're in the washing machine." He told
Skip, "When you're finished talking to Steve, come over to my
room." Unsure why Skip had stopped by, Tim crossed the hall to
his room and wrapped a towel around his waist. When Skip joined
him, he asked, "No mudwrestling action tonight?"
"No, I wanted to borrow your magazine with the lesbian
action," Skip answered.
After Skip left with the magazine, Tim was answering e-mails
when Grady came in from the hallway. Bare except for his shorts,
he asked Tim, "Want to watch that movie you mentioned?"
The men watched the video sitting side by side at the foot
of Tim's bed. During the fist scene -- the gay scene involving
Jake Hall and Dakota -- Grady pretended disinterest, but his meat
stretched his briefs. After Jake had pulled out of Dakota and had
spooged all over his back, Grady asked, "Do you take dick up the
"It's something I've been staying away from, but for you I'd
make an exception," Tim answered.
Scene two demonstrated why Ingrid qualified as the porn
industry's foremost fellatrix, and Grady's dick leaked. During
the third scene's three-way Grady grew so aroused that he shed
his shorts. He laid his hand on Tim's towel, saying, "Go ahead if
you want."
Before Grady could withdraw the invitation, Tim knelt
between his friend's legs, administering a blow job like Ingrid
by licking Grady's dick thoroughly before jacking it. When his
saliva dried out, he sucked it and jacked it some more.
Eventually Grady said, "I'm ready to pop -- finish me off like
the last time."
Glad to cooperate, Tim took Grady's knob in his mouth. He
sucked the tip while jacking his shaft until Grady had finished
(Brad prepares to brew wheat beer, delivers three kegs to the
Lambda Tau frat-house, and watches a movie with Aaron.)
In The Beer Store's back room, chaos ruled. On the west end
stood the now-empty lockers, wasting several hundred square feet.
At the room's east end, Sean worked at a makeshift bar Mr.
Alcindoro had built in his garage, serving homebrew to customers
teetering on wobbly barstools. Between those two extremes Brad
and Aaron worked at a three legged table, the fourth corner
supported by boxes.
Flaking barley, Brad asked, "Didn't I see you at the Gay-
Straight Alliance's Christmas party?"
"I went with my girlfriend," Aaron answered. "She's got a
crush on Joe Dixon."
Brad recalled that Joe's speech that night had recommended
maximizing relationships. He asked, "Did you agree with what Joe
"Kind of," Aaron answered. He moved his mouth closer to
Brad's ear, lowered his voice, and explained, "I mean I wouldn't
want to suck a friend's dick or take him deep up my ass maybe,
but I'm a big fan of two-way JO's."
Aaron might not have been quite so frank had Brad not
earlier identified his own orientation as totally gay. Following
up on Aaron's 'maybe,' Brad asked, "What's the gayest thing you
could do?"
While Aaron was considering the question, Josh came into the
he asked Brad, "Could you break free for ten minutes?"
"As soon as this boils, I'm free for an hour," Brad
"Lambda Tau needs another three kegs, and we're swamped at
the counter."
"Tell them I'll be there in twenty minutes," Brad said. When
Josh returned to the front, he told Aaron, "You watch the kettle
while I load up the van. Meet me in back when you've added the
"I'll load the van -- you add the barley," Aaron replied.
Transporting the kegs gave the men a chance to talk
privately. On Harrison Boulevard, in response to Brad's earlier
question, Aaron said, "I've let a bud suck me. He wanted to do
it, and I wanted to see what it felt like."
By questioning Aaron about his sexual history, Brad learned
that his helper had begun jacking off at eleven, that he'd been
blown at fourteen by the bud and by girls two years later. He'd
fucked pussy twice but considered vaginal intercourse overrated.
"The girl I was dating wasn't the tightest," he said, "plus I was
wearing protection so I had to pull out and finish myself. Have
you ever done bondage?"
Surprised by such an off-the-wall question, Brad asked, "No,
what's your fantasy that way?"
Aaron answered that in a movie he'd rented from Heart of the
Valley, Karl Wankmeister had been tied up on a bed. "It was at a
party," Aaron said, "and everybody molested him -- he jizzed all
over himself. It was sweet."
Lambda Tau promoted itself as being friendly to gay, bi, and
transgendered male students. Consequently, Brad knew most of its
members from Gay-Straight Alliance meetings. When he pulled into
the driveway, the fraternity's president, Vince Raines, helped
unload the kegs. As he wrestled the first one onto a dolly, he
said, "This is the biggest crowd we've had yet." Wheeling the keg
up the steps to the porch, he asked, "Don't I know the fox you've
got with you from somewhere?"
"He's come to at least one of our meetings," Brad answered.
"Aside from that I'm not sure. He's a junior in forestry --
you're a senior in physics."
"It must have been from the meeting," Vince said. "He sure
doesn't look twenty-one."
"I agree but he's got a driver's license that proves it,"
Brad said.
Back at The Beer Store, the men found the boys standing on
their jury-rigged stage in a room filled with vixen. While Hansel
and Matthias performed their Hawaiian routine, Brad worked at his
kettle, resolved to wall off part of the room before somebody
backed into the burner. Scorched customers would not make a good
advertisement, he knew.
Matthias came to the rickety table after passing his hat.
Gesturing toward the cartons strewing the floor, he confirmed
Brad's assessment by saying, "Was ein Schlemassel [What a mess].
Morgen we has cleanings und moppings, ja Bradster?"
"I'll meet you here at eleven," Brad answered.
Between brewing his beer and helping Sean at the bar, Brad's
evening passed quickly. When the crowd thinned out about
midnight, he told Sean, who looked dead on his feet, "You go on
home -- I can handle this many folks for an hour."
Brad also suggested that Aaron go home, but he wanted to
stay, telling Brad, "I need to put in all the hours I can.
Besides, you promised to loan me a movie."
At one Sunday morning Brad locked the cash in the safe,
closed the back room, and told his partners goodnight. Walking
home beside Aaron, he asked, "When you jerk off with your
buddies, how do you do it?"
"Usually watching porn," Aaron answered.
Last September, Tim had moved in with his brother, but he'd
left his X-rated-video collection at Brad's. There, Brad took the
box from his closet, warning Aaron, "Most of what's in here's bi,
so there's mostly two guys doing one girl." Or each other, he
thought as he set the box on the bed.
Inspecting the contents, Aaron showed Brad an unlabelled
disk, asking, "What's this?"
Brad explained that when the partners had started supplying
La Porte Rouge's beer, Joe had suggested they film each other
JO'ing. "He said we'd get turned on watching ourselves, and he
was totally right. The disk you're holding shows Tim -- mine's in
the player."
Aaron said, "It's hard to imagine Sean letting somebody film
Brad confirmed that Sean hadn't.
After he'd reviewed Tim's collection, Aaron chose 'Having It
Both Ways.' Jake Hall's first partnership movie had paired him
with Karl, the men playing opposite Tori Faun. Swapping the disk
for the one showing him jacking, Brad said, "Take off some
clothes and get comfortable."
"I'll take off what you do," Aaron answered.
Brad undressed while the screen credits rolled, and Aaron
undressed along with him. By the time they sat down, Brad knew
Aaron still had his foreskin. He said, "My brother Gary isn't cut
Scene one showed Jake as Adam and Tori as Eve in a garden.
As they were fucking doggie-style on a meadow, Karl came onto the
set brandishing a trident that he lay on the grass, then knelt
behind Jake and cornholed him while Jake continued fucking Tori.
Slow-stroking his hardon, Aaron asked, "Have you ever been
"A couple of times but it hurt," Brad replied.
Scene two showed the men kissing while Tori sucked each of
their cocks. Understandably, Aaron didn't find two men making out
much to his liking, but he responded to the next scene, in which
both men fucked Tori simultaneously. The scene made him so hot
that his fist raced, and he spooged at the same time as the porn
stars. Watching Aaron excited B he shot before the fourth
scene had started.
Brad was drying his nut with a washcloth when he heard the
campus bells chiming twice, after which, Aaron asked to sleep on
the couch, pointing out, "If I drive home this late on a Saturday
night I'm liable to get stopped by the cops."
"The couch isn't very comfortable, but you can sleep in here
with me," Brad answered. "I'll leave you alone."
"Don't worry about it -- go with your urges," said Aaron.
Brad marked those words when he awoke two hours later with
Aaron's body snug against his, Aaron's hand holding his nutsac.
Recalling a similar circumstance when he'd been sleeping with
Gary, Brad slid under the covers, located Aaron's soft cock, and
took it into his mouth. As soon as it stiffened, he did what had
proved so effective with his brother. His lips midway down
Aaron's prick, Brad slipped his tongue between the foreskin and
cock-knob, then circled the tip, provoking a response dissimilar
to his brother's. Whereas Methodist Gary had exclaimed, "Jesus H.
Fucking Christ!" agnostic Aaron murmured softly, "Dude, I'm going
to owe you."
(Joe discusses the coins with Doctor Mueller, runs to Bald Hill,
and measures the back room at The Beer Store.)
Upon learning the value of the coins, Doctor Mueller
suggested, "If at all possible, I would like them returned to the
Gazing out The Beer Store's window at a pink-&-yellow
camellia, Joe asked, "Do we bill for the time I spend finding
Doctor Mueller answered, "We may if the task proves
difficult, but that doesn't seem probable. You share your
father's remarkable talents."
After talking to Doctor Mueller, Joe called Mr. Alcindoro to
ask where he might find the pertinent records. The octogenarian
answered, "My wife, rest her soul, tended to that, but all she
cared about was that a man paid his five dollars by the fifth of
each month. What he stored didn't interest her. Any paperwork
still around should be on the shelves in the office."
The boxes of filing cards Joe discovered gave the names,
addresses, and telephone numbers of hundreds of customers
covering the period from 1927, when Mr. Alcindoro's father had
opened the market, through 2002, the last year the Alcindoros had
rented lockers. Because Joe's interest centered on 1956, he
pulled the 158 cards dealing with transactions that year. He
faxed them to his grandfather's detective agency along with a
cover note saying he would call that evening to explain what he
From the office Joe went to the back room. While he was
helping drag the heavy steel lockers onto the loading dock -- a
girls club in Albany had offered to take them -- Matthias said,
"Gradish what wrestles, he wishes he runs mit you these days. I
puts die notes on you desks, ja?"
"I got it, thanks," Joe replied. Spotting two-by-fours, a
hammer, and nails on the stage, he said, "Don't spend too much
time fixing things up. A cabinet maker's coming tomorrow -- he'll
build what we need."
At two Joe left The Beer Store, returned to La Porte Rouge,
and changed into his running clothes. He called Grady, suggesting
they rendezvous in Chintimini P from there, the men headed
east along Harrison, their destination Bald Hill. While waiting
for the 35th Street signal to change, Grady broke the silence,
asking, "Could I get a reservation for Wednesday? It's my
girlfriend's twenty-first birthday."
"Yeah, I'll take care of it. When's your next meet here in
"Against Stanford on Friday," Grady answered.
The men had met two years earlier, introduced by their
mutual friend Aiden Lynch. Passing Arnold Park, Grady asked,
"How's our favorite geologist doing?"
Joe answered that Aiden had accepted a job as an assistant
professor at Lewis & Clark. Once past the park the men picked up
speed and concentrated on running until they reached the top of
the hill. There, looking down on the city, Joe said, "Tell me
about the new girlfriend."
"I've known Tanya for years but we'd never dated before,"
Grady answered. "She went with Connor Wood for a while."
Joe asked, "Have you cum in her yet?"
"No but it's on the agenda. I'll need to pick up some of
your Whisper-Lites."
Last year when Joe's principal supplier of ale, Tim Benson,
had been searching for an apartment for himself and his brother,
Joe had put them in touch with Grady and a fourth man, Steve
Trent. Grady and Steve had wanted to lease a four-bedroom house
on 29th Street but had needed two additional roommates. Joe
asked, "What are you going to do with your place when Steve and
Tim graduate?"
"I've got a cousin who'll be a freshman next fall," Grady
answered. "I imagine we can find a guy to take Tim's room. Race
me back to the fairgrounds?"
The men sped downhill to the fairgrounds, took time to
examine the antique cars on display, and trotted back to the
park, where Joe told Grady, "If I don't see you before, I'll see
you and Tanya on Wednesday."
"You'll see me before if you're working your usual shift at
Heart of the Valley tomorrow. I need to pick up those rubbers,"
Grady said. Jogging west, he stopped, turned, and said, "If you
have any free time tonight I'd like to talk something over."
"I'll be through at the restaurant at seven," Joe answered.
With an hour free before he opened La Porte Rouge, Joe
returned to The Beer Store. Now that Brad and the boys had
cleaned up the back room, Joe could request estimates for
replacing the old scarred linoleum with either carpet or vinyl.
He went to the office, returned with a one-hundred-foot tape, and
asked Matthias to hold one end while he measured. "Butt your end
into the baseboard," he said.
"Yes yes, for I does that. Whyfore Gradish runs mit you
these days? No workings he has?"
"They shifted his schedule around," Joe answered. "He worked
ten hours yesterday."
Hansel, drinking a coke at the bar, asked, "Was works
Gradish does, Yo?"
"He works for Brad's sister at Corvallis Bouquets mainly
making deliveries," Joe answered.
At five-forty Joe raced the boys to the restaurant. From six
until seven he worked in the foyer greeting customers and in the
bar mixing drinks alongside Vic Hammil, a senior majoring in
computer engineering. At seven, he joined Grady in his office and
asked, "So what's happening, handsome?"
Grady expressed a preference for conducting their discussion
in Joe's room, so Joe turned the restaurant over to his assistant
Steve Howard. Downstairs in Joe's living room, as the men sat at
the table sipping Sean's latest stout, Grady said, "You mentioned
one time you had a quick five-question test to tell how straight
a guy is."
Joe nodded, "Within a general range. You'll remember from
your psychology class that nobody's totally straight."
"I didn't believe it back then -- go ahead and ask me the
"How many times on the average do you spooge in a week?"
Grady took more time to answer than most men, finally
saying, "I'd guess five or six. It's not every day."
Joe asked, "What percent of those times are from jacking off
solo?" When Grady answered ninety, Joe continued, "Which of these
have you done with a girl?" He listed five possibilities.
"All of them except butt-sex," Grady replied. Given another
five possibilities regarding his fantasies, he answered,
"Everything with a girl and getting head both ways."
Lastly, Joe asked, "Which best describes your sexual
orientation? A) totally straight B) mostly straight C) bisexual
D) mostly gay E) totally gay."
"I guess I'd have to say mostly straight," Grady replied.
"I'd have to agree," Joe said, "so why did you want to take
the test."
Grady answered much as Sean had answered last month, saying,
"Because sometimes a guy gets me going, and it didn't use to be
like that."
As with Sean, Joe asked, "Any particular type of a guy?"
"Mostly the ones I hang out with," Grady answered.
In all the months they'd been friends, Joe had avoided
hitting on G he'd considered him too deep in denial to
appreciate any guy-on-guy sex, but now things had changed. Joe
asked, "Want to try an experiment?"
Grady said that he did.
Both men in sweatsuits, Joe lay on his back and told Grady
to lie on top of him. "Like when you used to dry-hump your
"I wasn't dry very long," Grady smiled, then positioned
himself as Joe had directed.
Grady's weight pressing him into the mattress, Joe slid his
hands inside Grady's sweatshirt. Rubbing Grady's broad back, Joe
asked, "Are you comfortable?"
"Very," Grady answered.
Although the experiment would have worked faster if the men
had been naked, it worked nonetheless. After massaging Grady's
back for a few minutes, Joe asked, "Are you stiff?" When Grady
said that he thought so, Joe said, "Raise up and I'll check."
Grady's biceps flexed when he pushed himself off of J
poised in midair, he said as Joe pushed down his pants, "I don't
really have the best dick."
Why, Joe wondered as he eyed Grady's hardon, do college men
think they have to be hung like a mule to have a good-looking
cock? "It's better than the bent ones I've seen," Joe said. He
opened the drawer of his nightstand, removed a tube of K-Y, and
popped the flap on the cap.
As Joe squeezed a strip of the gel onto his palm, Grady
cautioned, "If you jack me, I'll cum on your shirt."
"Cock-snot washes," Joe said. He watched Grady's large blue
eyes closely when he greased Grady's meat, seeing wariness give
way to enthusiasm. "Instead of me flogging your dog, how about if
I put my two hands together and you fuck them like you were
fucking a pussy?"
"That might feel really good," Grady acknowledged.
(Josh notes The Beer Store's improvements, splits a six-pack of
ale, and passes out on his bed.)
Much had changed at The Beer Store since Josh had last seen
it. By Friday evening Addison's Carpets had covered the floors
with new vinyl, Corvallis Furniture Rentals had installed
temporary fixtures, and the boys had scrubbed the grimed windows.
Joining a classmate at the counter, Josh learned that progress
had been made
Joe had returned the coins to
their owner, whose grandson Logan Flint said, "Grandad never
expected to see his collection again. Apparently the guy who
stole it stashed it here just before the Albany police arrested
him for flashing a waitress. The court sent him to Salem -- he
died in the mental hospital. It's a good thing Joe's honest.
Those coins are worth beaucoup d'argent as he says. I'll be in
grad school with you next year thanks to him."
Josh asked, "Did your grandad explain where he got all that
Logan answered, "A pornographer paid him to jerk off.
Grandad knew a lot about coins, and he'd heard the mint was going
to start making the silver ones out of crap, so he bought rolls
of what he calls uncircs, meaning uncirculateds. He'd put them
into individual envelopes and was waiting for the price to go up
when the crazy flasher guy stole them. The only thing we're not
sure about . . . "
Interrupting Logan's explanation, a Sigma Chi frat-man came
to the counter and asked, "Can I have a case of Sean's pale ale?"
Rather than calling for Skip, Josh brought the requested
beer from the cold room, rang it up, and asked Logan when the
frat-man had left, "How did you do on Smith's midterm?"
"It wasn't as bad as I'd thought," Logan answered.
Both business majors, Josh and Logan had taken many classes
together, but they'd never hung out. Their girlfriends had more
in common than they did. Like Amber, Logan's fiancee Danya
belonged to Tau Beta T also like Amber, Danya went home most
weekends. Josh said, "I'm working tonight until ten, but if
you're free afterwards I'll buy you a beer."
"I'll take you up on that," Logan said. "See you at ten."
Logan left, and Josh went to sign in, telling Joe in the
office, "I didn't realize it when I looked at the pictures, but
he does look a lot like his grandad."
Joe agreed, saying, "There's a distinct family resemblance.
Would you want to go running with Grady and me after church
Sunday morning?"
Josh said that he would.
The Beer Store did even more business its second Friday than
its first one due in large part to the crowd that packed the back
room for the boys' show. After the throng had cleared out, Josh
told Skip, "If a guy was hard up for pussy, he could do worse
than come here."
"I'm here all the time and it hasn't helped me any," Skip
answered. "Did you see those two blondes? I'll bet the tall one's
sucking the other one's titties right now."
Glancing at the wall clock, Josh said, "If you need to JO to
that thought, you'd better get started -- I'm leaving at ten."
"I'll wait till I'm home," Skip replied, adding that Joe had
loaned him a video.
At ten Josh went in back to sign out, returning to find
Logan talking to S the men shared a mutual interest in
skiing, Josh learned. Walking home with a six-pack of something
experimental Sean had requested he try, Josh told Logan, "I was
at Heart of the Valley last week, and I won one of Joe's gift
boxes. It's got the outtakes from Ingrid's new movie, but I
haven't been able to watch them with Amber around."
Logan nodded, "Danya doesn't like me beating off either.
Whenever she sees my load in the shower, she bitches." In Josh's
apartment, inspecting the gift box, he asked, "Is Beaver Balm
better than Astroglide?"
"I haven't tried the Beaver Balm yet," Josh answered.
The two bottles of ale each man drank while watching the
outtakes anesthetized their customary inhibitions. When the half-
hour video ended, Josh admitted, "That scene with her and Karl as
the milkman made me all-the-fuck horny."
"I about spewed my shorts when she was sucking on
Christian," Logan said. "Is that other movie you got any good?"
"I watched it with Ben Vintoli last weekend, and both of us
stroked, but it wasn't too gay. We had sheets in our laps."
News of the session failed to faze Logan, who said, "There's
nothing gay about two guys flogging the dog. Like we learned in
our freshman psychology course, if there was, most guys would be
gay." He looked toward the kitchen and said, "Let's finish that
ale -- I'll buy the next six-pack."
The next six-pack, however, didn't get bought as Logan had
planned, because when the men had finished the last of Sean's
ale, neither Logan nor Josh felt capable of walking to the
kitchen much less to The Beer Store. By the end of 'Ingrid Does
Indy's first scene, Logan had fallen at the
end of the second, Josh went into his bedroom and tried to beat
off, but he passed out while stroking. When he awoke Saturday
morning, last night's pre-cum had dried on his hand and his cock,
leaving a white, flaky coating.
Logan had left Josh's apartment sometime during the night.
He showed up at The Beer Store the next afternoon, taking Josh
aside to say, "I'm still into watching that movie. What time are
you through here?" J Logan said, "I'll be at
your place when you get there." Josh asked whether Logan had
jerked it that day. "No, I'm planning on doing it while we're
watching Ingrid blow Jake. It's not that I don't like to fuck,
but a mouth busts me better, even if the girl's not too good."
Josh said it had been his personal experience that few girls
sucked dick satisfactorily. "True, but I'm sure Danya means
well," Logan concurred. "Sell me a sixer of whatever we were
drinking last night."
At ten minutes past six Logan and his six pack were posted
outside the Bijou's front door. Inside Josh's apartment he asked
as he surrendered the beer, "What about you? Have you whipped
"I tried to last night but I couldn't get off, which means I
won't have any trouble today."
Josh opened two bottles, the men sat on the sofa, and Josh
started the video, but when he indicated his intention of
skipping the first scene, Logan gripped his wrist, saying, "No,
let it run -- I've always been interested in what gay guys do to
each other."
Josh had supposed he knew what gays did to each other --
they sucked cock and fucked butt, yet scene one began with
after they'd stripped, the two college men
sat on a bed facing and jacking each other. "Even I've done stuff
gayer than that," Josh said.
Logan topped Josh's admission by saying, "Last year I gave
Jed Michaels head." According to Logan, he and Jed had been
playing Truth or Dare with two other business majors, Brett King
and Jim Collins. "Jim asked me if I'd ever fucked Danya up the
ass. I didn't want to admit that I hadn't, so I took a dare, and
he dared me to blow Jed."
"Whenever I play Truth or Dare I just lie," Josh said.
"What's the fun in that? Anyway it wasn't as bad as I'd
thought. I wish he'd told me when he was starting to cum, though
-- his dick-spit got caught in my windpipe."
Ever since Tim had first claimed that males sucked dick
better than females, Josh had wondered how a superior blow job
would feel, but persuading Logan to suck him would probably
entail his sucking Logan. Could he do it? he wondered. As the men
onscreen continued their jack-off, he decided he could. "Would
you want to blow me if I blew you first?"
Logan answered, "I was thinking along those same lines
except I wouldn't mind me blowing you first."
Having no interest in watching two guys masturbating each
other, Josh repeated his offer, whereupon Logan accepted and took
off his sweats. Bare, there was something exciting about him Josh
hadn't noticed before, and it was more than just his extra-long
dick, a virtue he'd inherited from his
jacker pictured in the glossies had been hung like a bull. Also
like the bulls Josh had seen, Logan sported oversized balls.
Kneeling in front of his spur-of-the-moment partner, Josh asked,
"Do girls shriek with horror when they see what you've got?"
"It's not even seven inches," Logan protested.
"Maybe not, but it's as big around as that bottle you're
holding." Only the anticipation of his own upcoming blow job
allowed J he wrapped his lips around Logan's prick
immediately south of the crown. He slid his lips downward,
expecting to gag any time, but Logan's knob reached his throat
without any significant problem. Bobbing his head instilled
he was almost enjoying the action when Logan said,
"Don't breathe through your mouth. I'm going to shoot any
(Sean rhapsodizes over limbics, serves Clark beer, and
contemplates catalogues.)
To Sean's way of thinking, the fruit beers called limbics
represented a braumeister's ultimate challenge. Sean's best ones
evoked memories of bluebirds in the spring or the heady scent of
freshly mown grass in the summer, but as he told his classmate
Clark a few minutes before The Beer Store closed early Sunday,
"When I don't get them just right they taste gruesome."
"That's pretty much the way jacking off is for me," Clark
confided. "Sometimes an orgasm's so intense I think I'll pass out
-- other times it isn't much different from scratching an itch.
It always feels good, but some sessions are definitely better
than others." Leaning toward where Sean was working, he asked,
"Is it the same with a girl?"
Sean had to admit that it was.
Clark, who had come out of the closet soon after the men had
graduated from Corvallis High School, said, "It's always intense
with a guy, but I haven't connected that often -- it might get
old after a while." He smiled, "I'd sure like to find out."
Nearly four years earlier, when Clark had announced he was
gay, Sean hadn't exactly avoided him -- that would have been
difficult since the men lived across the street from each other -
- but he'd hung around with him less. Now, though, that Sean
questioned his own orientation, Clark's experience became
relevant. Sean asked, "When did you known you liked guys?" Clark
replied that he'd always know, and Sean said, "If you don't mind
talking about it, walk home with me. You can try my new cherry
At one Sean closed the bar, turned the cash over to Tim, and
put on his raincoat. Outside, walking with Clark, he said, "There
must have been one particular time when you first said to
yourself 'I want that guy.'"
Clark could remember two early examples that had
demonstrated his attraction toward males. "Freshman year Denny
Granger wanted to see how he looked when he spooged, so we
borrowed a video camera from school, and I taped him. I got
turned on so bad watching him I had to jack too." Clark's other
example could have landed him in serious trouble. "After our prom
Will Snider was too drunk to drive home. You might remember he
passed out at my place. He was wearing his boxers -- I pulled his
dick out and jacked him. Next morning he probably thought he'd
had a wet dream."
Crossing Harrison Boulevard on a damp, slippery night
required the men's full attention, but when they'd reached the
north sidewalk, Sean asked, "Who was the first awake guy you did
something with?" Sean doubted that videotaping an awake friend or
jacking a sleeping one qualified.
"If you count two-way JO's as doing something, that'd be
Marty Morris. The first guy I blew was Ted Harris, and the first
guy I took up the ass was Trent Larsen."
Sean had already known about T one night, drinking ale,
Ted had said that Clark had blown him. Clark's jacking with Marty
didn't surprise S some of Sean's teammates too had jacked
together, but he couldn't picture the recently married Trent
Larsen cornholing a male. When Sean voiced his amazement, Clark
said, "His brother had told him ass was better than pussy -- he
learned how much better it is."
Sean said, "I've seen Trent in the shower -- he's got a big
"Not as big as my butt-plug," Clark answered.
At home, instead of drinking beer in his garage as he and
his friends had done through most of October, Sean took a box
labelled CHERRY upstairs to his room. He opened two bottles,
poured them into two mugs, and gave one to Clark, who swirled a
small sip around in his mouth. When he'd swallowed, he said,
"That redefines the term smooth. Do you make it from plain old
Corvallis water?"
Sean shook his head, "There's a spring I found this side of
Westport. I bring back two fifty-gallon drums at a time." Anxious
to learn all he could about same-gendered contact, he asked, "Of
all the things you've done with a partner, what made you cum
"I love jacking off when I'm sucking a good-looking guy's
cock, and I love jacking off with a guy's cock inside me. It's
hard to say which one's better."
As much as Sean would have liked to continue the discussion,
his clock read 1:42 and he'd volunteered to open The Beer Store
at ten, so he told Clark goodnight, adding, "I'd like to pick up
where we left off when I get home tomorrow."
"Works for me," Cl he asked if Sean had
any lube he could borrow. "I'll pick you up some sample packs at
Heart of the Valley before I come back."
Too sleepy to use it himself, Sean loaned Clark his bottle
of Astroglide.
Businessman Josh had been lobbying Joe to install a section
selling beer-making supplies for a number of reasons. "First
off," Josh had said, "the markup's real good and there's no
competition -- nobody else sells the stuff this side of Eugene.
Maybe more important, our guys will be buying their own supplies
Another reason that Josh hadn't mentioned because he hadn't
been aware of it was that many vendors required so large a
minimum order that Sean had never been able to put one together.
After Joe announced Sunday morning that Doctor Mueller had agreed
to finance the new venture, Sean spent much of the day drooling
over catalogs from London's Prendergast's, Denver's Horn
O'Plenty, and Antwerp's de Koonig.
At six Sean signed out, walked home, brought four cold beers
upstairs, and called Clark, telling him to come across the street
anytime. When he returned to his room after his shower, Clark had
set Sean's bottle of Astro and sample packs of Beaver Balm on the
desk. Wearing only his bathrobe, Sean swiveled his desk chair so
it faced Clark on the bed, asking, "Where did we leave off when
you went home last night?"
"I'd told you my favorite ways to get off, but could we talk
about you for a while?"
Sean could hardly refuse after Clark's revelations last
through two bottles of pilsner, he told Clark whatever he
wanted to know, no matter how private. Sometimes Clark explained
his motive for asking a particular question, such as, "I always
wondered whether you two-sport jocks flogged dog as much as us
runners," and, "I've pictured you and Tim hooking up."
"Tim's never shown any interest," Sean said. "I don't know
what I'd have done if he had."
Once Clark had established that Sean had hooked up with no
males and only a very few females, he switched to Sean's
fantasies, asking, "Do you ever think about guys when you whip
Twenty-four ounces of eight-percent Pilsen had loosened his
tongue. Sean gave the same answer he'd given to Joe, "Yeah but
just when I'm ready to finish. I don't know how to explain it but
sometimes it feels really good stroking to girls, but -- like if
I'm tired and can't bust myself that way -- I'll think about
guys. I guess I'm just in denial."
"You're a prisoner of your culture," Clark said, "the same
way I was back when I wanted to do all the straight things.
Anyway, I appreciate you answering my questions, but I've drunk
too much of your beer, and you're tired after working all day, so
I'll be heading on home."
Sensing that Clark still wanted to talk and not tired
whatsoever, Sean said, "Don't move, and I'll get us another
couple of beers from the garage."
While collecting two bocks, Sean wondered if Clark had any
interest in the two of them getting together. As with Tim, Sean
had seen no indications, but Daphne maintained that he lacked
intuition. In the garage, he asked himself if he found Clark
attractive, and he decided he did, though in a much different way
from Tim, Brad, or Josh. He considered that trio studly, whereas
he considered Clark cute. Though Clark had lettered in cross-
country every year the men had been at the high, he should be
spending time in the gym.
Sean decided to let the evening play itself out. He brought
four beers rather than two back to his room. Opening the first
pair, he asked, "So if you and I were getting together, what
would you want us to do?"
"You name it," Clark answered. "I'd like to watch you jack
off, suck your cock, or take you deep."
Of the alternatives offered, Sean dismissed the first out of
hand. He saw no reason to think jacking with Sean watching would
be any better than jacking alone. He did like getting sucked -- a
freshman girlfriend had given him


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