hubble fellowship是什么意思 奖学金有多少 美元

作者: 亿邦动力网来源: 亿邦动力网 09:42:03
【编者按】在这里,亿邦动力网将为你提供电商视角下的国际品牌最新动向。欢迎关注公众号“国际电商消息”(微信号:ECguoji)。导读:Adidas计划2020年在中国开12000家门店;隐形眼镜线上直销品牌Hubble完成融资720万美元;品牌管理公司Marquee Brands收购水上极限运动品牌Body Glove;迅销集团欲大力发展姊妹品牌GU,加重电商比至30%;雀巢1.45亿美元投资食品过敏研究公司Aimmune,欲拓展健康食品领域。1.Adidas集团计划2020年在中国开设12000家门店在2016年前9个月,中国销售额录得全球最快增长高达25%。德国运动品牌adidas集团大中华区董事总经理Colin Currie指出,运动表现系列和运动时尚系列成为增长的强大驱动力,本季度旗下所有品牌都实现了两位数的强劲增长,这充分证明adidas对中国消费者的吸引力正逐渐增加。为实现2016年的业绩增长,adidas制定的主要战略之一就是大胆的零售扩张。截止到本季度,adidas大中华区门店数量已超过10000家,集团将在2020年大中华区开设12000家门店。2.隐形眼镜线上直销品牌Hubble完成融资720万美元Hubble成为美国第通过互联网订购的隐形眼镜直销品牌,致力于以合理的价格出售高质量的隐形眼镜。Hubble将自己生产的日抛型隐形眼镜直接卖给消费者,价格不到传统品牌的一半。Hubble的商业模式也获得了投资者的关注,刚刚完成720万美元(约4862万元)融资。消费者可以通过官网按月订购Hubble的日抛型隐形眼镜。据悉,Hubble的隐形眼镜可在公司官网上购买,年费为每年264美元(约1782元),或每月30美元(约202元)。每名新客户都可以免费试用两个星期(需3美元运费和配送费),订购随时可以取消,试用期间亦是如此。3.Marquee Brands收购水上极限运动品牌Body Glove继去年二月份收购意大利鞋品牌Bruno Magli及去年七月收购英国品牌Ben Sherman后,品牌管理公司Marquee Brands近日收购加利福尼亚南部的美国极限水上运动品牌Body Glove。Marquee Brands将计划开设西海岸工作室支持Body Glove的品牌管理和销售团队。Body Glove官网截图Body Glove是由双胞胎兄弟Bill和Bob Meistrell创建于1953年的美国品牌,以发明氯丁橡胶材料的绝缘潜水服起家。而该品牌在美国并没有拥有旗舰店,但大概拥有100家专卖店,Marquee Brands总裁Michael DeVirgilio预计一年至一年半的时间内在加利福尼亚或佛罗里达州中开设第一家旗舰店。4.迅销集团欲大力发展优衣库姊妹品牌GU加重电商比2016财年,日本服装巨头优衣库(Uniqlo)增速放缓至个位数,而GU销售额同比增长32.7%。集团董事会主席柳井正(Tadashi Yanai)表示,集团未来会大力发展快时尚品牌GU,使其成为仅次于优衣库的集团第二大品牌。GU CEO柚木治(Osamu Yunoki)表示:“我们的销售额目标是1万亿日元。(约654.9亿人民币)”目前,GU主要是以女性客户为中心,为了扩大客户群,品牌今后会强化男士和儿童商品,及电商。公司计划将电商占比从目前的5%发展至30%,品牌的另一大计划是扩展海外市场。继2013年在中国大陆和台湾开设首批海外门店后,未来五年,品牌将进军韩国、香港、新加坡、泰国等市场5.雀巢1.45亿美元投资食品过敏研究公司Aimmune瑞士食品巨头雀巢(Nestle)旗下子公司Nestle Health Science近日宣布,将向美国食品过敏专业研究公司Aimmune Therapeutics投资1.45亿美元(约9.79亿元),用于拓展食品健康领域。今年,雀巢健康科学部门已投资了多家科研公司和工厂,目的是提振其疲软的食品业务。雀巢集团今年一月宣布将业务重心转向健康行业,六月任命了德国医疗保健公司Fresenius的原CEO Ulf Mark Schneider为新任CEO,随之展开了一系列相关收购。
每天有点进步,少浪费时间发信人: theonlyone (唯一&&每天有点进步,少浪费时间), 信区: DP.THU
标&&题: 物理系两位系友又获Hubble Fellowship
发信站: 水木社区 (Wed Mar&&6 00:59:32 2013), 站内 && 【 以下文字转载自 TsinghuaCent 讨论区 】
发信人: chemeng (化云坊人), 信区: TsinghuaCent
标&&题: 物理系两位系友又获Hubble Fellowship
发信站: 水木社区 (Sat Mar&&2 13:35:04 2013), 站内 &&
&&&& 物理系两位系友又获Hubble Fellowship &&&& && 春节前,物理系2003级本科生、2007级硕士生胡人予和2004级本科生姜燕飞荣获2013年度国际天文和天体物理界声誉极高、竞争超强的Hubble Fellowship。物理系沈悦、刘昕和白雪宁三位系友亦于2012年分别获此殊荣。Hubble Fellowship是面向国际、久负盛名和竞争非常激烈的天文和天体物理博士后项目,以20世纪最伟大的观测天文学家Edwin Powell Hubble的名字命名,随哈勃空间望远镜计划设立二十多年来每年的Hubble Fellow获奖人数为7到17人不等。姜燕飞系友还同时获得2013年度国际高能天文和天体物理界声望极高、竞争激烈的Einstein Fellowship(原称Chandra Fellowship)。Hubble Fellow和Einstein Fellow两项目支持力度相当。此外,物理系2000级本科生、2004级硕士生边福彦获澳大利亚2013年度 Mount Stromlo Observatory Fellowship (5年)。 && 三位系友简介 && 姜燕飞:物理系2004级本科生。曾获2008年物理系叶企孙奖、清华大学优秀学士学位论文奖(楼宇庆教授指导)、优良毕业生奖、国家一等奖学金、清华大学第26届“挑战杯”创新奖等.2008年秋赴美国普林斯顿大学攻读博士学位,将携Einstein Fellowship赴美国哈佛大学的理论和计算研究所(Institute of Theory and Computation - ITC)、哈佛史密森天体物理中心(Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)从事研究工作(结合ITC的支持共5年)。 && 胡人予:物理系2003级本科生、2007级硕士生。曾获2009年清华吴有训奖、优秀硕士学位论文奖(楼宇庆教授指导)、中国高校本科生实验研究论文一等奖。曾赴法国著名的巴黎中央理工学院(école Centrale Paris)、英国马拉德空间科学实验室(Mullard Space Science Laboratory)进行两次暑期实习、2009年秋赴美国麻省理工学院攻读博士学位,将携Hubble Fellowship赴美国加州理工学院喷气推动实验室(Jet Propulsion Laboratory)从事研究工作。 && 边福彦:物理系2000级本科生、2004级硕士(楼宇庆教授指导)。曾获2007年清华吴有训奖、任之恭提名奖、洪燕华光奖等、用清华80厘米TNT望远镜(THCA-NAOC Telescope)在世界上率先发现三颗新的超新星(中国大陆高校首次)、曾赴英国马拉德空间科学实验室(Mullard Space Science Laboratory)进行暑期实习、2007年秋赴美国University of Arizona (光学观测研究实力雄厚)- 2012年博士毕业,获2013年度澳大利亚Mt. Stromlo Observatory Fellowship (5年)。&&&& -- && ※ 来源:·水木社区·[FROM: 211.99.222.*]
文章数:1&分页:【导读】在2016年前9个月,中国销售额录得全球最快增长高达25%。德国运动品牌adidas集团大中华区董事总经理Colin Currie指出,运动表现系列和运动时尚系列成为增长的强大驱动力,本季度旗下所有品牌都实现了两位数的强劲增长。
  Adidas计划2020年在中国开12000家门店;隐形眼镜线上直销Hubble完成融资720万美元;品牌管理公司Marquee Brands收购水上极限运动品牌Body G迅销集团欲大力发展优衣库姊妹品牌GU,加重电商比至30%;雀巢1.45亿美元投资食品过敏研究公司Aimmune,欲拓展健康食品领域。  1.Adidas集团计划2020年在中国开设12000家门店  在2016年前9个月,中国销售额录得全球最快增长高达25%。德国运动品牌集团大中华区董事总经理Colin Currie指出,运动表现系列和运动时尚系列成为增长的强大驱动力,本季度旗下所有品牌都实现了两位数的强劲增长,这充分证明adidas对中国消费者的吸引力正逐渐增加。  为实现2016年的业绩增长,adidas制定的主要战略之一就是大胆的零售扩张。截止到本季度,adidas大中华区门店数量已超过10000家,集团将在2020年大中华区开设12000家门店。  2.隐形眼镜线上直销品牌Hubble完成融资720万美元  Hubble成为美国第一个通过互联网订购的隐形眼镜直销品牌,致力于以合理的价格出售高质量的隐形眼镜。Hubble将自己生产的日抛型隐形眼镜直接卖给消费者,价格不到传统品牌的一半。Hubble的商业模式也获得了投资者的关注,刚刚完成720万美元(约4862万元)融资。  消费者可以通过官网按月订购Hubble的日抛型隐形眼镜。据悉,Hubble的隐形眼镜可在公司官网上购买,年费为每年264美元(约1782元),或每月30美元(约202元)。每名新客户都可以免费试用两个星期(需3美元运费和配送费),订购随时可以取消,试用期间亦是如此。  3.Marquee Brands收购水上极限运动品牌Body Glove  继去年二月份收购意大利鞋品牌Bruno Magli及去年七月收购英国品牌Ben Sherman后,品牌管理公司Marquee Brands近日收购加利福尼亚南部的美国极限水上运动品牌Body Glove。Marquee Brands将计划开设西海岸工作室支持Body Glove的品牌管理和销售团队。  Body Glove是由双胞胎兄弟Bill和Bob Meistrell创建于1953年的美国品牌,以发明氯丁橡胶材料的绝缘潜水服起家。而该品牌在美国并没有拥有旗舰店,但大概拥有100家专卖店,Marquee Brands总裁Michael DeVirgilio预计一年至一年半的时间内在加利福尼亚或佛罗里达州中开设第一家旗舰店。  4.迅销集团欲大力发展优衣库姊妹品牌GU加重电商比  2016财年,日本服装巨头优衣库(Uniqlo)增速放缓至个位数,而GU销售额同比增长32.7%。集团董事会主席柳井正(Tadashi Yanai)表示,集团未来会大力发展快时尚品牌GU,使其成为仅次于优衣库的集团第二大品牌。GU CEO柚木治(Osamu Yunoki)表示:“我们的销售额目标是1万亿日元。(约654.9亿人民币)”  目前,GU主要是以女性客户为中心,为了扩大客户群,品牌今后会强化男士和儿童商品,及电商。公司计划将电商占比从目前的5%发展至30%,品牌的另一大计划是扩展海外市场。继2013年在中国大陆和台湾开设首批海外门店后,未来五年,品牌将进军韩国、香港、新加坡、泰国等市场。
国内服装零售行业回暖迹象渐显,越来越多的国内服装品牌申请IPO,近日,上海拉夏贝目前棉纱市场的逐渐萎缩,给各厂商带来一定的压力,为减少库存压力,按订单生产,频繁伴随与“她经济”相关的市场规模不断扩大,作为 “她经济”重要支撑之一的女性内衣行05-03?05-03?05-03?05-03?05-03?05-03?05-03?
Copyright&2003- 深圳市明日网络科技有限公司版权所有 本站网络实名:品牌服装网
为了您的权益不受侵害,品牌服装网提醒您在咨询企业品牌时, 请认真考察欲加盟代理经销企业的资信度!Hubble Heritage
Danny Lennon
Born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Danny was awarded his Ph.D in 1984 from The Queen's University of Belfast. The award of a Royal Society European Exchange Fellowship at the Universitaets-Sternwarte of Munich in 1989 lead to his appointment as Research Scientist from , exploring the spectra of massive stars in nearby galaxies, and exploiting the newly launched Hubble Space Telescope.
In 1998, he was appointed Head of Astronomy at the Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes in La Palma, Canary Islands.
In 2008, he accepted a European Space Agency position of Instrument Scientist at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, at the time of the fifth Hubble servicing mission.
He supported the commissioning of the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph and the re-commissioning of the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph.
In 2010, he was appointed Head of the Instruments Division at STScI.
A spectroscopist by nature, Danny has recently begun to exploit the power of Hubble to perform high precision astrometry and measure proper motions of very massive runaway stars.
Elena Sabbi with daughter Luce
Elena Sabbi
Elena was born and raised in Bologna, Italy. She received her PhD in
2005 at the University of Bologna studying the effects of dynamics on
stellar evolution in globular clusters.
Elena is interested in the
questions of how star formation occurs, how it is affected by local and
global conditions, how different dynamic conditions may influence the
evolution of a stellar population, and how the evolution of stellar
populations impacts the chemical evolution of galaxies. In pursuing
these goals, she has investigated simple stellar populations, such as
young star forming regions and old globular clusters, and more complex
stellar populations, such as those commonly found in nearby dwarf
Selma de Mink
Selma de Mink was born in the Netherlands and studied physics and
mathematics at the University of Utrecht. After an internship in Spain
at the Instituto de Astrof&sica de Canarias, she decided to continue in
Astronomy. Before starting the Ph.D. program at Utrecht she took some
time off to to study Spanish and work as volunteer teaching English and
astronomy at a primary school in a small, remote village in Guatemala.
In 2010 she graduated cum laude from Utrecht and was awarded a NASA
Hubble Fellowship. After spending some time at the Argelander Institute
in Bonn, Germany, she moved to the United States. Selma&s main
expertise is in computer simulations of the evolution of massive stars
towards their death. In particular, she is interested in the effects of
rotation, interacting binary systems, star clusters and the earliest
stellar generations that formed in Universe.
While her background is
in theoretical work, she is closely involved in various observing
programs with the Very Large Telescope and the Hubble Space Telescope.
Jay Anderson
Jay Anderson
Jay Anderson received his Ph.D. from UC Berkeley in 1997 studying mass
segregation in globular clusters. He has been at the Institute since
His research has been focused on ways to measure accurate
positions for stars in Hubble images. The resolving power and stability
of HST provide an unprecedented opportunity
for differential astrometry in crowded fields, such as globular
clusters. Many long-anticipated projects are now possible, such as
measuring the bulk motions of satellite galaxies, determining the origin
of hypervelocity stars, searching for intermediate-mass black holes in
clusters, and studying in detail how stars move within clusters.
Roeland van der Marel
Roeland van der Marel was born in the Netherlands. He obtained degrees
in astronomy and mathematics at Leiden University. He is now a tenured
astronomer at the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI), as well as
an Adjunct Professor at nearby Johns Hopkins University.
Roeland has
led teams dealing with the scientific operations of Hubble&s Advanced
Camera for Surveys, and dealing with the telescope structure and focus
for both Hubble and its planned successor, the James Webb Space
Telescope. Roeland is an expert on black holes and the structure of
galaxies. To study these topics, he combines Hubble Space Telescope
observations of galaxies with theoretical models based on the laws of
Nolan Walborn
Nolan Walborn
Nolan Walborn is a native of Pennsylvania but lived in Argentina for 8 years prior to graduating from the American Community High School in Buenos Aires.
He did his undergraduate studies at Gettysburg College with a major in physics, followed by graduate work at the Yerkes Observatory
of the University of Chicago, where he obtained his PhD in astronomy in
After a postdoctoral fellowship at the David Dunlap Observatory
of the University of Toronto, he returned to Latin America for an 8-year
staff appointment at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in
Following a National Research Council senior fellowship at the
Goddard Space Flight Center, he joined the scientific staff of the Space
Telescope Science Institute in 1984, where he is currently an
Instrument Scientist for the spectrographs on the Hubble Space
His research interests are the optical and ultraviolet
spectra of hot, massive (OB-type) stars and the giant nebulae of the
Galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds in which they are formed.
Chris Evans
Chris Evans
(STFC, Edinburgh, UK)
Chris Evans is based at the UK Astronomy Technology Centre in Edinburgh. He received his Ph.D. from University College London in 2001, spent three years as a post-doc in La Palma, then moved north to Scotland to work on instrumentation and scientific simulations for the European Extremely Large Telescope.
His research focusses on the evolution of massive stars,with Chris spending much of his time exploring the high-mass stellar populations of the Magellanic Clouds.
He is the principal investigator of the VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey, a large project using the Very Large Telescope in northern Chile which has obtained spectroscopy of 1000 of the luminous stars in 30 Doradus.


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