
今天发现了个记录Google IP地址的网站,谁知晚上访问时变成了这样子: Sorry! Google doesn't want to publish these ip addresses. We have to close this site. Bye! 很后悔当时没有把那些IP记下来,马上上网查,幸好有人已经这样做了.我也记录下来吧,方便以后查阅. 来源地址:/justjavac/Google-IPs Google 全球 IP 地址库 IP 地址来源:ht
Bulgaria 93.
I used the Linux command telnet - telnet-based tools TELNET protocol This link: /blog/835485 (reprint, please indicate the source) Use Description remote login telnet command is often used. telnet program is based on
I used Linux command of telnet - telnet TELNET protocol-based tools This link: /blog/835485 (reproduced please indicate the source) Use Description The telnet command is usually used to log in remotely. telnet program
&! - @ Page {margin: 2cm} P {margin-bottom: 0.21cm} TD P {margin-bottom: 0cm} A: link {so-language: zxx} -& Introduction: Recently put the image cache to the web, the increase in the efficiency of the site visit, so I studied under the squid. Checke
闪电狗 网站 : /flash-dog/flash-dog 概述 闪电狗监控(flash-dog)起源于杭州斯凯网络科技有限公司一个真实项目,主要优点是轻巧快捷,非侵入式,不影响业务代码,只需加入几个jar包和修改log4j配置文件,就能监控任意指标,如CPU,内存.线程,游戏收入,在线人数等等.2012年开源后,在游戏.支付.教育等多种互联网公司广泛应用. 在线demo , 用户 admi
作者:Kendy 文章来源:Kendy's Blog unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ScktComp, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, WinSkinData, ShellA type TForm1 = class(TForm) Label1: TL Label2: TL
多备份服务器在备份你的数据库时,必须能够远程连接上你的数据库.但是一般来说mysql安装时都是关闭远程连接的,因此,需要你开通mysql数据库的远程访问权限.那么如何开启呢 开启 MySQL 的远程登陆帐号需要注意下面3点: 1.确定服务器上的防火墙没有阻止 3306 端口.MySQL 默认的端口是 3306 ,需要确定防火墙没有阻止 3306 端口,否则远程是无法通过 3306 端口连接到 MySQL 的. 如果您在安装 MySQL 时指定了其他端口,请在防火墙中开启您指定的 MySQL 使用
在6月份的黑防上看到&动网7.1漏洞惊现江湖&一文,说是admin_postings.asp文件存在注入漏洞,但利用的前提是拥有超级版主或前台管理员权限.我想起以前发现的动网7.x版本存在一个前台权限提升漏洞, 正好可以结合起来利用.这个前台权限提升漏洞对7.x的Access和 SQL版都有效.下面我们就以7.0 SP2 SQL版,讲解这个漏洞的利用. 漏洞分析: 我们知道动网是通过GroupID来判断当前用户所在的组的,然后再通过组的信息判断用户的权限.它是如何取得这个GroupID的呢?让
作者:沈小然 日期: 目录 1 VPN服务器环境说明... 2 2 安装VPN服务器包... 2 3 配置VPN服务器... 3 4 配置VPN服务器的路由转发功能... 3 5 FAQ.. 4 5.1 /var/log/messages日志中出现下面的错误,如何解决?... 4 1 VPN服务器环境说明 操作系统:CentOS release 6.4 (Final) 本地网卡: # ifconfig em1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 78:2B:
Cargo 远程部署 tomcat7x 和以前的版本部署略有不同. & cargo.remote.manager.url&改成了& cargo.remote.url&并且路径里 manager 后面加了 /text 正确的配置如下: &plugin& &groupId &org.codehaus.cargo &/groupId& &artifactId &cargo-maven2-plugin&/ artifactId&
起因 这两天线上遇到一个问题,合作方无法把用户的操作结果通知我们,造成用户在合作方操作成功,但我们这边业务一直失败,收到了不少用户的投诉.联系合作方查询,原来是对方的DNS域名解析出了问题,解析不成功,一直不能把操作结果通知过来.后来在对方的机房DNS Server中添加了我们域名授权DNS服务器的IP地址,才基本解决了这个问题.趁此机会,总结下DNS域名解析的问题诊断. --这篇文章最初写于几个月前了,一直没有写完,今天得空更新出来 工具:nslookup,dig,traceroute 域名解
有图有真相,这是部分页面.有部分内容还没有完成.我也只是想写的时候写写.尽量完善一下. 目前还存在几个问题,事务没有统一,部分页面功能没有实现.现在只是基本功能.色调准备后面再改改,样式已经改成扁平滴哒.我还觉得挺好看的.布局还得改改,部分地方比较空.嘿嘿.不错!. 心得: NODEJS上手挺快,搭建一个小系统也着实不错.语法结构还得适应.(截图有调整,以演示为准&) ----------------------GITHUB 地址:/tangdu/mblog
资料来源: 在实际情况中,在没有现实的网络环境的情况下,常常需要模拟网络的环境,利用 VMware 可以模拟一个虚拟局域网的环境,该虚拟局域网可以供那些没有网络环境的读者来测试.实践书中所介绍的入侵与防御技术.可以到 VMware 的官方网站& / &下载最新版本的 VMware Workstation 7.1.3 ,并在官方网站上注册获
示例地址(建议在Chrome下查看): js代码 var Utils = { //TODO:注意:0 == ''为true isNull: function (obj) { if (typeof obj == 'undefined' || obj == null || obj == 'null' || obj == 'NULL' || obj == '') { } else { retur
我并非git的极端崇拜者,在上个礼拜之前我对git还知之甚少(因为SVN基本满足了我对版本控制的各种需要,且TortoiseSVN客户端各种方便).但由于出现了新的需求,最近在折腾git~~花了很多时间,走了很多弯路.所以我在这里简单的讲一下怎么在Win7.CentOS下部署Git环境,希望想部署git的同学在实际操作过程中能比我顺利~~由于本人也是现学现卖,如有不对的地方,还希望大家不吝赐教~~ 在这里我要写的是CentOS下编译安装Git.Win7下安装Git.Win7下生成SSH公钥.Wi
FTP服务器日志解析 FTP是老牌的文件传输协议,在网络中应用非常广泛.本节就Vsftp服务器的日志进行重点讨论,在本书的FTP多级跳案例中就会涉及到本节学到的知识.在Redhat Linux系统下Vsftp的配置文件在/etc/vsftp/vsftp.conf文件中.默认情况下,Vsftp不单独记录日志,也就是说不会输出到一个单独的文件中存储,而是统一存放到/var/log/messages文件中.Vsftp日志实例显示如图1所示. 图1 Vsftp日志实例 通过在messages过滤得方法可
mail邮局系统的MX(邮件交换)记录配置,以便收发邮件.(MX记录,是邮件交换记录,它指向一个邮件服务器,用于电子邮件系统发邮件时根据收信人的地址后缀来定位邮件服务器,如果没有做域名解析,邮局不能正常使用,即不能正常的发送或者接收邮件.) centos6:postfix加dovecot邮件服务器配置 安装postfix和dovecot yum install postfix dovecot chkconfig postfix on chkconfig dovecot on 配置postfix
Start tomcat5.5.28 today found no apr configuration, reported [ 17:33:19,734] [main] ( DEBUG org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener - The Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal performance in p
在论坛上看到有位朋友希望对中文按拼音进行排序,刚好最近有点空,贴一份原来一个同事写的一个排序类,仅稍微改动了下下,拿出来分享下. 废话不多说,看例子: &?xml version=&1.0& encoding=&utf-8&?& &mx:Application xmlns:mx=&/2006/mxml& layout=&absolute& fontSize=&
一:安装Nginx 1,添加一个不能登录且没有主目录的用户: # useradd www -M -s /sbin/nologin(www可以用nginx,说明是nginx用户) 2,必要的组件 # wget # unzip # cd pcre-8.13 # ./configure # make && make install (
1function HashMap(){ 2 3 var ItemCollection=new Array(); 4 //private 5 6 this.getMapCollection=function (){ 7 return ItemC 8 } 9 10 var MapItem=function (key,value){ 11 12 this.key=(key==null?&&:key); 13 this.value=(value==null?&&
Javaeye site before it was written three dice will roll a number of kinds of the results of a surface sample questions, with the object-oriented way of thinking, then their own thought and thought one day late at night and found that this problem can
First, under the so-called java nio to understand is what! And hair design of a traditional server-based network is to use blocking I / O for multi-threaded model to achieve, but because the systems are often read and write at the time of making the
1 /* 2 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates 3 * and open the template in the editor. 4 */ 5 6 7 8 import java.util.ArrayL 9 import java.util.L 10 11 /** 12 * 13 * @author root 14 */ 15 public class Main { 16
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1. package excel. 2. 3. import 4. import 5. import 6. import java.util.ArrayL 7. import java.util.D 8. 9. import jxl.C 10. import jxl.CellT 11. import jxl.S 12. im
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Mathematics black hole is a king of ancient Greece were discovered by accident. In the 0-9 random selection among the four numbers, use this one of the largest four-digit number and a minimum number, then subtract, we reached a new numbers, then the
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The recent series of work is done to maintain the operation site, so a lot of support tools. Have to write VBA, Excel, as well as direct tools for C # do. Sometimes necessary to perform in the C # Excel VBA macros, and even sometimes in the implement
MAC MAC (Media Access Control, Medium Access Control ) MAC address is burning in the Network Interface Card (NIC, NIC) inside. MAC address, also known as the hardware address is 48 bits long (6 bytes), 16 hex .0-23 bit numbers assigned by the manufac
1. Parsing XML 2. 3. Maybe you want to do first is to resolve a certain type of XML document , It's easy with dom4j . Please see the following sample code : 4. 5. import; 6. 7. import org.dom4j.D 8. import org.dom4j.DocumentExcep
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- Provincial provincial create table provincial ( provincialID int, provincialName varchar (50), primary key (provincialID) ) Engine = INNODB default charset = insert into provincial values (1, 'Beijing'); insert into provincial values (2, 'Tian
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The full ASCII comparison table 0 NUT 32 (space) 64 @ 96 . 1 SOH 33 ! 65 A 97 a 2 STX 34 & 66 B 98 b 3 ETX 35 # 67 C 99 c 4 EOT 36 $ 68 D 100 d 5 ENQ 37 % 69 E 101 e 6 ACK 38 & 70 F 102 f 7 BEL 39 , 71 G 103 g 8 BS 40 ( 72 H 104 h 9 HT 41 ) 73 I
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Flash Developer Conference notes on March 28 -2,010 (Welcome to reprint, but please specify the original address) Conference photos and PPT // Mochi Media Technology:
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1 /* 2 * Copyright (c)
by OpenSymphony 3 * All rights reserved. 4 */ 5 6 package com.opensymphony.xwork2. 7 8 import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionI 9 import com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.LocalizedTextU 10 import co
Summary of several internal sorting algorithm! (Bubble sort, quick sort, direct insertion sort, split half insertion sort, simple selection sort) 1 # include &iostream& 2 3 4 /*/////////////////////////////////////////////// ///
Serious : Exception starting filter struts2 Unable to load configuration. - [unknown location] at org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.Dispatcher.init( at org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.FilterDispatcher.init( at
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processed in 0.053 (s). 9 q(s)今天发现了个记录Google IP地址的网站,谁知晚上访问时变成了这样子: Sorry! Google doesn't want to publish these ip addresses. We have to close this site. Bye! 很后悔当时没有把那些IP记下来,马上上网查,幸好有人已经这样做了.我也记录下来吧,方便以后查阅. 来源地址:/justjavac/Google-IPs Google 全球 IP 地址库 IP 地址来源:ht
Bulgaria 93.
作者:沈小然 日期: 目录 1 VPN服务器环境说明... 2 2 安装VPN服务器包... 2 3 配置VPN服务器... 3 4 配置VPN服务器的路由转发功能... 3 5 FAQ.. 4 5.1 /var/log/messages日志中出现下面的错误,如何解决?... 4 1 VPN服务器环境说明 操作系统:CentOS release 6.4 (Final) 本地网卡: # ifconfig em1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 78:2B:
资料来源: 在实际情况中,在没有现实的网络环境的情况下,常常需要模拟网络的环境,利用 VMware 可以模拟一个虚拟局域网的环境,该虚拟局域网可以供那些没有网络环境的读者来测试.实践书中所介绍的入侵与防御技术.可以到 VMware 的官方网站& / &下载最新版本的 VMware Workstation 7.1.3 ,并在官方网站上注册获
I used the Linux command telnet - telnet-based tools TELNET protocol This link: /blog/835485 (reprint, please indicate the source) Use Description remote login telnet command is often used. telnet program is based on
I used Linux command of telnet - telnet TELNET protocol-based tools This link: /blog/835485 (reproduced please indicate the source) Use Description The telnet command is usually used to log in remotely. telnet program
&! - @ Page {margin: 2cm} P {margin-bottom: 0.21cm} TD P {margin-bottom: 0cm} A: link {so-language: zxx} -& Introduction: Recently put the image cache to the web, the increase in the efficiency of the site visit, so I studied under the squid. Checke
闪电狗 网站 : /flash-dog/flash-dog 概述 闪电狗监控(flash-dog)起源于杭州斯凯网络科技有限公司一个真实项目,主要优点是轻巧快捷,非侵入式,不影响业务代码,只需加入几个jar包和修改log4j配置文件,就能监控任意指标,如CPU,内存.线程,游戏收入,在线人数等等.2012年开源后,在游戏.支付.教育等多种互联网公司广泛应用. 在线demo , 用户 admi
晨晨所管理的网络规模在迅速膨胀,而且电脑数量还在不断增加.为了能把工作搞好,晨晨不断地利用空余时间&充电&.这天他从一些资料中得知,在电脑数量比较多的网络中可以使用DHCP服务为客户端电脑自动分配IP地址,可以省去手动配置IP地址的麻烦.晨晨心想这倒不错,这样一来肯定能减轻不少工作负担.尽管通过看资料晨晨已经对DHCP有了一定地了解,但由于没有实践经验而不敢轻易动手操作,幸好有我们的高手阿昊在一旁手把手指导-- 准备安装 阿昊是一个有着良好习惯的技术高手,每次进行实际操作之前总要针对欲
电脑上网高速化,最少快40倍!(欢迎大家测试,呵呵)(转载自the world bbs) 试过之后吓倒的,请?e问我原因. 我不能保证有用,所以希望大家试试,如果试过有用的朋友希望在后面回复一下. 适用系统:Windows XP.2000.ME.98等视窗操作系统. 使用方法: 1.Windows XP.2000系统中,请将该文件放置到如下位置:C:\WINDOWS\system32内,并重新启动电脑: 2.Windows 98.ME系统中,将该文件放置于:C:\WINDOWS\system内,
作者:Kendy 文章来源:Kendy's Blog unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ScktComp, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, WinSkinData, ShellA type TForm1 = class(TForm) Label1: TL Label2: TL
多备份服务器在备份你的数据库时,必须能够远程连接上你的数据库.但是一般来说mysql安装时都是关闭远程连接的,因此,需要你开通mysql数据库的远程访问权限.那么如何开启呢 开启 MySQL 的远程登陆帐号需要注意下面3点: 1.确定服务器上的防火墙没有阻止 3306 端口.MySQL 默认的端口是 3306 ,需要确定防火墙没有阻止 3306 端口,否则远程是无法通过 3306 端口连接到 MySQL 的. 如果您在安装 MySQL 时指定了其他端口,请在防火墙中开启您指定的 MySQL 使用
在6月份的黑防上看到&动网7.1漏洞惊现江湖&一文,说是admin_postings.asp文件存在注入漏洞,但利用的前提是拥有超级版主或前台管理员权限.我想起以前发现的动网7.x版本存在一个前台权限提升漏洞, 正好可以结合起来利用.这个前台权限提升漏洞对7.x的Access和 SQL版都有效.下面我们就以7.0 SP2 SQL版,讲解这个漏洞的利用. 漏洞分析: 我们知道动网是通过GroupID来判断当前用户所在的组的,然后再通过组的信息判断用户的权限.它是如何取得这个GroupID的呢?让
Cargo 远程部署 tomcat7x 和以前的版本部署略有不同. & cargo.remote.manager.url&改成了& cargo.remote.url&并且路径里 manager 后面加了 /text 正确的配置如下: &plugin& &groupId &org.codehaus.cargo &/groupId& &artifactId &cargo-maven2-plugin&/ artifactId&
起因 这两天线上遇到一个问题,合作方无法把用户的操作结果通知我们,造成用户在合作方操作成功,但我们这边业务一直失败,收到了不少用户的投诉.联系合作方查询,原来是对方的DNS域名解析出了问题,解析不成功,一直不能把操作结果通知过来.后来在对方的机房DNS Server中添加了我们域名授权DNS服务器的IP地址,才基本解决了这个问题.趁此机会,总结下DNS域名解析的问题诊断. --这篇文章最初写于几个月前了,一直没有写完,今天得空更新出来 工具:nslookup,dig,traceroute 域名解
有图有真相,这是部分页面.有部分内容还没有完成.我也只是想写的时候写写.尽量完善一下. 目前还存在几个问题,事务没有统一,部分页面功能没有实现.现在只是基本功能.色调准备后面再改改,样式已经改成扁平滴哒.我还觉得挺好看的.布局还得改改,部分地方比较空.嘿嘿.不错!. 心得: NODEJS上手挺快,搭建一个小系统也着实不错.语法结构还得适应.(截图有调整,以演示为准&) ----------------------GITHUB 地址:/tangdu/mblog
示例地址(建议在Chrome下查看): js代码 var Utils = { //TODO:注意:0 == ''为true isNull: function (obj) { if (typeof obj == 'undefined' || obj == null || obj == 'null' || obj == 'NULL' || obj == '') { } else { retur
我并非git的极端崇拜者,在上个礼拜之前我对git还知之甚少(因为SVN基本满足了我对版本控制的各种需要,且TortoiseSVN客户端各种方便).但由于出现了新的需求,最近在折腾git~~花了很多时间,走了很多弯路.所以我在这里简单的讲一下怎么在Win7.CentOS下部署Git环境,希望想部署git的同学在实际操作过程中能比我顺利~~由于本人也是现学现卖,如有不对的地方,还希望大家不吝赐教~~ 在这里我要写的是CentOS下编译安装Git.Win7下安装Git.Win7下生成SSH公钥.Wi
FTP服务器日志解析 FTP是老牌的文件传输协议,在网络中应用非常广泛.本节就Vsftp服务器的日志进行重点讨论,在本书的FTP多级跳案例中就会涉及到本节学到的知识.在Redhat Linux系统下Vsftp的配置文件在/etc/vsftp/vsftp.conf文件中.默认情况下,Vsftp不单独记录日志,也就是说不会输出到一个单独的文件中存储,而是统一存放到/var/log/messages文件中.Vsftp日志实例显示如图1所示. 图1 Vsftp日志实例 通过在messages过滤得方法可
mail邮局系统的MX(邮件交换)记录配置,以便收发邮件.(MX记录,是邮件交换记录,它指向一个邮件服务器,用于电子邮件系统发邮件时根据收信人的地址后缀来定位邮件服务器,如果没有做域名解析,邮局不能正常使用,即不能正常的发送或者接收邮件.) centos6:postfix加dovecot邮件服务器配置 安装postfix和dovecot yum install postfix dovecot chkconfig postfix on chkconfig dovecot on 配置postfix
Javaeye site before it was written three dice will roll a number of kinds of the results of a surface sample questions, with the object-oriented way of thinking, then their own thought and thought one day late at night and found that this problem can
1. package excel. 2. 3. import 4. import 5. import 6. import java.util.ArrayL 7. import java.util.D 8. 9. import jxl.C 10. import jxl.CellT 11. import jxl.S 12. im
1. Js and css compatible with IE and FireFox (FF) 2. Css: 3.1. 4. Ul tag in FF has a padding value, but there is no margin value, while in IE, the opposite 5. The solution: the ul the padding and margin are set to 0 (or may not be 0) if: padding: 0;
1.alter v. Changes, changes , Change 2.burst vi.,n. Suddenly, burst 3.dispose vi. Remove : Disposal : Solve : Deal with (of) 4.blast n. Explosion : Flow vi. Fried , Blow up 5.consume v. Consumption, exhaust 6.split v. Cleave : Separate : A. crack of
Companies these days are busy with new products soon to be released, this does not have a client requests give them a test version, we present the condition is only Kongzhi 5 test platform of devices, Goodfellas, Zhuguangaile Tongxun bottom, I web co
- Provincial provincial create table provincial ( provincialID int, provincialName varchar (50), primary key (provincialID) ) Engine = INNODB default charset = insert into provincial values (1, 'Beijing'); insert into provincial values (2, 'Tian
Start tomcat5.5.28 today found no apr configuration, reported [ 17:33:19,734] [main] ( DEBUG org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener - The Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal performance in p
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Virtual key code Corresponding value Soft Key VK_LBUTTON 1 The left mouse button VK_RBUTTON 2 Right VK_CANCEL 3 Cancel VK_MBUTTON 4 Mouse button VK_XBUTTON1 5 VK_XBUTTON2 6 VK_BACK 8 Backspace VK_TAB 9 Tab VK_CLEAR 12 Clear VK_RETURN 13 Enter VK_SHIF
Create table create table Zone ( ZoneId int not null, Nm varchar(128) null, ParentId int null, constraint PK_ZONE primary key (ZoneId) ) sqlserver database insertion INSERT INTO Zone (ZoneId, Nm, ParentId) VALUES (1, ' Beijing ', 0);INSERT INTO Zone
Name Explain 0 MenuBar Menu bar 1 Standard Standard 2 Build Generate 3 XML Data XML Data 4 XML Schema XML schema 5 Context Menus Context menu 6 Style Sheet Stylesheet 7 Device Device 8 Microsoft Office Excel Microsoft Office Excel 9 Class Designer To
oracle dba should be familiar with the command 1 run SQLPLUS tool sqlplus 2 to OS, the default identity link / As sysdba 3 shows the current user name show user 4 directly into the SQLPLUS command prompt sqlplus / nolog 5 At the command prompt to con
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Here are the parameters of provincial area code: Other: 1 Hong Kong 2 Macau, Taipei, 125 Beijing 252 280 Shanghai Tianjin: Tanggu District 132 127 Tianjin Chongqing: Chongqing 213 201 212 Fuling Fengjie Hebei: Shijiazhuang 82 3 86 Handan Xingtai 8 12
When the JVM when running Java programs, it will load the corresponding class file, and extract the class file to open up the information stored in the JVM method area in memory. Then the class file which in the end what content? 1, class content of
When you apply ORACLE looks can be very difficult problems, particularly the novice who, today, I simply summarize what the Ta, released to everyone hope right help! And we Yiqi of progress together! ORACLE is not on the master to see. 1. Oracle inst
extjs study notes (e) of editable grid: Big Ben Source: blog garden : 01:46 Read: 2487 times the original link [Collection] Most of the time, we just use the grid for display of information, but sometimes also need to edit the information i
Permissions: All users Usage: cal [-13smjyV] [month [year]] Description: Show calendar. If only one parameter, represents the year (1-9999), showed that the calendar year. Year must all write: cal 89 1989 will not be displayed calendar. Use two param
1 using S 2 using System.C 3 using System.Text.RegularE 4 5 namespace mon.Validate 6 ( 7 /**//// &summary& 8 / / / RegularMatch the summary. 9 / / / &/ summary& 10 public class RegularMatch 11
1. Oracle installation is complete, the initial password? internal / oracle sys / change_on_install system / manager scott / tiger sysman / oem_temp 2. ORACLE9IAS WEB CACHE initial default user and password? administrator / administrator 3. Oracle 8.
// Install the necessary packages apt-get update apt-get install gcc apt-get install make apt-get install binutils apt-get install lesstif2 apt-get install libc6 apt-get install rpm apt-get install libaio1 apt-get install gawk apt-get install mawk ap
-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump -- version 3.2.4 -- -- -- Host : localhost -- Build date : 2010 In July. 13 Day 09:32 -- Server version : 5.0.91 -- PHP Version : 5.2.6 SET SQL_MODE=&NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO&; -- -- Database : `www.
1. import*; 2. import java.text.*; 3. import java.util.*; 4. import javax.mail.*; 5. import javax.mail.internet.*; 6. 7. /** 8. * Have a message object needs to create a ReciveMail 9. */ 10. public class ReciveOneMail { 11. private MimeMessa
Network Working Group J. Rosenberg Request for Comments: 3261 dynamicsoft Obsoletes: 2543 H. Schulzrinne Category: Standards Track Columbia U. G. Camarillo Ericsson A. Johnston WorldCom J. Peterson Neustar R. Sparks dynamicsoft M. Handley ICIR E. Sch
1.package com.hefeng. 2. 3. 4.import java.text.DateF 5.import java.text.ParseP 6.import java.text.SimpleDateF 7.import java.util.C 8.import java.util.D 9.import java.util.GregorianC 10. 11.public class Tim
In linux, we can own the NTP (Network Time Protocol) protocol through the network to its own system to keep accurate time. List of public time servers available from the following address to obtain:
Java Socket programming - Multithreaded chat program first, for server programming, as the service side, the main program by following a few steps: / / 1. Creating socket ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket (PortNumber); Socket s = ss.accept (); / / l
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Loading Overview Module loaded in the understanding of this approach, we should first know what Module module. Module is actually a pre-compiled SWF file. Although the SWF file format, but this file can not be run independently, and can only be loade
Recent internal management do need to use this thing to be reminded, so put it into a class, direct calls, over easy. Posted about the code, we look 1 using S 2 using System.W 3 using System.Collections.G 4 using System.T 5 6 /***
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