
常用中文俚语的英文翻译--“囧”用英语怎么表达? - 词汇学习 - 英语爱好者
囧 embarrassed, awkward;
大姨妈 aunt flo;
宅人 homebody;
菜鸟 noob;
蹭饭的人 moocher;
炒作 publicity stunt;
吃老本 rest on one's laurels;
吃错药了 get up on the wrong side of bed,
扯平 even steven;
牛 awesome;
电灯泡 third wheel;
切!- Whatever!
黄牛党 出气筒punching bag;山寨knockoff/copycat;水货smuggled goods;纯爷们儿macho men;卖萌selling cutesy/acting cute;吃货food junkie;去你的get lost!
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On the face of it, scentless cologne might seem pointless. If it's not going to spritz you with enticing-smelling scent, what's the point? 乍看起来,无味香水可能毫无意义。如果洒上香水却不能让你拥有诱人的香味,意义何在? And yet one perfum
Playboy magazine has announced it is bringing back nudity, reversing a decision made last year. 《花花公子》杂志日前宣布,将重新开始刊登裸照,改正去年的错误决定。
The move was announced by Playboy's new chief creative officer Cooper Hef
Geologists claim to have discovered a new continent to the east of Australia: Zealandia. At 4.9 million square kilometres of land mass, 94 percent of which is under water, Zealandia would be the world's smallest continent. 地质学家声称,在
He is literature's most eligible bachelor: handsome, wealthy, and the inspiration for countless romantic spin-offs in the last 200 years. 他是文学史上最完美的钻石王老五,既英俊又富有,并在过去两百年间启发人们创作了无数浪漫剧作。
一头栽进手机,不理别人 When a friend or loved one wants to show you something on television or play you a track, they probably mean for you to engage in the experience rather than focus on your phone or tablet. It's distracting and a litt
Sources confirm to The Hollywood Reporter that TV's No. 1 comedy among the all-important adults 18-49 demographic is near a deal for a two-season renewal as the show's five stars -- Jim Parsons, Johnny Galecki, Kaley Cuoco, Simon Helberg an
George Clooney and wife Amal are expecting twins in June. 乔治·克鲁尼和妻子阿迈勒即将在六月迎来双胞胎宝宝的降生。
The Talk's Julie Chen announced the couple's double joy on Thursday's show after confirming the news with the 55-year-old
In a move that could be lifted straight from science fiction, workers at a Belgian marketing firm are being offered the chance to have microchips implanted in their bodies. 就像科幻故事中那样,比利时一家销售公司的员工将有机会在身体内植入芯
The Eiffel Tower in Paris is to have a 2.5m-high wall of reinforced glass built around it as protection against terror attacks, officials say. 法国官员表示,将在巴黎埃菲尔铁塔周围建造2.5米高的加固玻璃墙,使其在遭到恐怖袭击时得到保护。 The
Teachers in UK schools are trialling the use of body cameras in class to record bad pupils’ behaviour, it has been revealed. 英国学校的教师们正在尝试在课堂上使用随身摄像头,记录表现差的孩子们的行为。 At least two schools in England have
Smog in Europe and North America could be more than 25 times more lethal than the average air pollution found in Chinese cities, a new study suggests. 一项最新研究发现,欧洲和北美的雾霾致命性可能比中国城市平均空气污染水平高出25倍以上。 In
Nokia is going to bring back the historic 3310 in the biggest tech comeback of all time. A homage to the Finnish giant's classic feature phone will reportedly be released later this month when HMD unveils its new range of Nokia branded devi
Officials in the Iwate Prefecture have developed a lineup of tourism signs that display info about menu choices, payment options and locker room etiquette in simple, illustrated form. 日本岩手县发明了一系列旅游标志,以简洁明了、图文并茂的
A businessman in southern France is suing ride-hailing company Uber over his wife's discovery of rides he took to see his lover, his lawyer said. 法国南部一名商人的律师表示,其客户将向法庭起诉叫车公司优步,因为优步的应用程序导致他的太太发
Russia has contemplated returning Edward Snowden to the United States as a &gift& to President Trump, less than four years after the former NSA contractor took refuge there, according to a new report. 根据一篇新报道,俄罗斯正考虑将前美国国
This is the hair-raising moment a stunning Russian model posed for a death-defying photoshoot on top of one of the world's tallest skyscrapers. 这是一个惊心动魄的时刻:一位美貌的俄罗斯模特在世界最高的摩天大楼之一拍下了这张“亡命照”。
An autonomous drone that can transport humans will start ferrying passengers around Dubai this summer.
The head of Dubai's transportation agency said that self-flying taxis would star
For thousands of years, poetry (诗歌) has been the favorite type of literature for many in China. As China Highlights website noted, “Chinese literature is one of the major (主要的) parts of China’s ancient traditions, and Chinese poetry
A former Chinese soldier who was unable to leave India for 54 years flew home to China over the weekend, Xinhua News Agency reported.据新华社报道,上周末,一位滞留印度54年的中国老兵坐飞机回到了中国的家。Wang Qi, now in his 70s, was an army
These photos give a whole new meaning to the term 'fat cat'.这些照片重新定义了“肥猫”。The images on People's Daily Online show some rather tubby Siberian tigers lolling around at a zoo in northeast China’s Harbin province.“人民日报网”
When The President Goes Out To Eat, Who Pays For The Food?总统出门吃饭,谁付钱? B. DickersonI worked for a President (several actually). In the case of George H.W. Bush (41): 我曾经几次过服侍过总统,比如第四十一任
Chinese President Xi Jinping has pledged to prepare and host the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in a green, sharing, open and corruption-free manner, saying the event will be &remarkable, extraordinary and excellent.& 中国国家主席习近平承诺将以
Japan is reportedly seeking to co-host the 2030 FIFA World Cup with China and South Korea, after an announced increase of the number of competing teams to 48 beginning 2026 from the current 32, according to Japanese news outlet Zakzak. 日
A Chinese-made electromagnetic test satellite will be launched in the second half of 2017 to monitor earthquakes. It will be the first satellite of its kind for China. 一枚中国制造的电磁感应卫星将于2017年下半年被发射进入太空,这是中国首枚
Researchers have designed a lithium-ion battery that contains a fire-extinguishing material, which is released if the battery gets too hot. 研究人员设计出一款自带灭火材料的锂离子电池,在电池过热时就会释放灭火材料。 Flame retardant triphen
A US company has secured funding to become the first private entity to travel to the moon, with a planned 2017 voyage that will be an international milestone in space exploration. 一家美国公司已筹集到资金确保其成为首个赴月的私人公司,他们
China plans to launch the Chang'e-5 lunar probe at the end of November this year, from the Wenchang Space Launch Center in southern China's Hainan Province, aboard the heavy-lift carrier rocket Long March-5. 中国计划于今年11月底在海南文昌
China plans to build a next-generation synchrotron radiation facility in Beijing, according to a researcher from Chinese Academy of Sciences, one of the country's top research institutes. 中科院一位研究员透露,中国计划在北京建造新一代同步
Ataraina has unveiled a slew of new gadgets that will take the effort out of cleaning. Ataraina公司日前展示了一系列让清扫更省力的新玩意。
At CES in Las Vegas lately, the firm presented what it says is the 'world's first flying air clean
After years of development, protest and regulatory red tape, the first genetically modified, non-browning apples will soon go on sale in the United States.
Monday marks the end of US President Donald Trump`s first month in office. US mainstream media spared no efforts in satirizing and criticizing him. The latest Gallup poll released Saturday local time shows that Trump only had a 40 percent a
Although it’s acceptable for characters from Disney animations (动画片) to suddenly break into songs and dances in the middle of a conversation, it’d still be weird (怪异的) for “real life” actors to do the same, wouldn’t it?迪士尼动画
A Russian newspaper has claimed victims of domestic abuse should be 'proud of their bruises'.一家俄罗斯报纸声称,家暴受害者应“为他们的伤痕而感到骄傲”。Victims of domestic violence are more likely to give birth to boys, it has stated.这家
What sort of food does Queen Elizabeth II eat daily?英国女王伊丽莎白二世每天吃什么? GowerShe’s actually quite disciplined. 她在饮食方面真的很自律。For breakfast, she’ll have cereal, cornflakes or Special K, wi
There's no denying the Trump aesthetic is a unique one. That creosote tan / comb-over combination being instantly recognisable the world over.特朗普的审美非常独特,这一点是不可否认的。浅黄色头发搭配上为了掩盖秃顶而梳得整整齐齐的发型,使他立
Chances are that you are friends with at least one of your parents on social media and chances are that you have severely regretted it at one point.如果你的社交媒体好友里有你父母,那么你很有可能在某个时刻十分后悔把他们加为好友。This hilario
During the grand ceremony which is nationally televised, the Houston Rockets owner Leslie Alexander called Friday night &a great moment in Rocket history, to honor a man of such magnitude& and described Yao as &a really great basketball pla
Traditional Spring Festival celebrations include firecrackers, family reunions and temple fairs, but today it might be worth adding cinema to the list.放鞭炮、阖家团聚、逛庙会都是传统的春节习俗,而如今,去电影院看电影或许也要位列其中了。Chi
The postcard featuring an aerial view of the Plaza de la República in Buenos Aires was meant as a thoughtful gesture from a longtime friend.这张明信片,画面为布宜诺斯艾利斯共和国广场的鸟瞰图,本是多年老友体贴的招呼问候。But as it made its
特朗普上任以来,风风火火地每天都要搞个大新闻,世界人民看得目瞪口呆。Vox新闻说:特朗普上任才14天,用外国领导人的话来说,“特朗普日常发火”(normal Trump tantrum)已经成常态了。而且他发起火来六亲不认。这两天,他的火力都集中到澳大利亚身上了,
January 28 marks the beginning of the Chinese New Year, and this year's calendar allows for a possible ten-day break.1月28日是中国春节的开始,这个新春假期让人们可能有了10天以上的小长假。While the holiday used to be a period of family reunio
An eight-year-old has been forced to stay indoors all his life because he terrifies other children and suffers from horrific pain if he touches anything due to a rare condition.由于一种罕见疾病,一名八岁男孩被迫终生呆在室内,因为他会吓到其
今天是大年三十,阴历的大年三十,那么问题来了,阴历用英语怎么讲?并不是把“农历”直译成 agricultural calendar 哦,虽然它字面意思是对的。正确的讲法其实是 lunar calendar,月亮的历法,其中的月份叫做 lunar month。因为这是根据月相定出的历法。不
funny-kids-taking-things-literally-1 Usually kids aren't familiar with the full scope of language (metaphors, allusions, and so-on), meaning when an adult tells one to &keep an eye on the ball&, he might as well try to put his eye on the ba
10. Actors and Comedians10.演员和喜剧演员When times are uncertain, artists thrive. The unusual nature of his presidency will inspire endless entertainment. SNL has had unsurmounted success with this election, and the door is open for comedy
As bishops and priests walk back to the Vatican after a long day they might be dreaming about the the Pearly Gates but they will instead be welcomed back by golden neon gates.当主教和牧师经过漫长的一天后回到梵蒂冈,他们可能在幻想着天国之门
What Is The biggest Mindfuck Ever?哪些知识最毁三观?得票最多的回答 @Henry Johnson1. The continents look entirely different than you think they do.大陆板块本来的样子跟你认为的完全不一样。The map you’re used to is more Western-focused and st
&The revision is a correction,& said Li, explaining that the six years of resistance before 1937 -- which included the establishement of the Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army and the Suiyuan Campaign -- is ignored if the clash is describe
An Instagram account is using pictures of adorable chubby Asian babies to rack up 55,000 ovaries. Uh, followers.一个Instagram账号用可爱的亚洲宝宝的照片吸粉5.5万人。Called Tiny Gentle Asians, the page has posted more than 500 pictures of Eas
One giant panda has some serious selfie skills, and these pics with a lucky tourist are here to prove it. 这只大熊猫自拍技术一流,这里展示的几张她和一位幸运游客的合影就是证明。 Taking a photo with a panda is a service offered by the Dujia
A meeting between Alibaba Group Chairman Jack Ma and US President-elect Donald Trump on last Monday signals that Trump, whose tough stance on China has cast dark clouds over China-US trade relations, left a door open for pragmatic cooperati
这两周对科技界和投资界来说挺热闹的。因为,从1月5号开始,今年的CES又开幕了。啊?你问CES是什么?他叫:Consumer Electronics Show国际消费类电子产品展每年这个时候,全世界的科技公司都会带着他们的顶尖产品到这里秀一秀,你既能看到苹果、三星这些公司
Are you an evil supervillain? Are you looking for a new lair? Then check out this list of diabolical-looking buildings for some seriously sinister inspiration. They might look like dodgy dens from a James Bond movie, but they're actually a
话说,下周就要登基的川普同志这两天会见了马云爸爸,会见地点就是川普的纽约总部——川普大厦。不知道马云有没有被迫吃川普牛排。川普一甩假发讲了一连串各种音调的 great ,马云承诺做点小生意给美帝创造100万个就业机会。各大外媒已经把这场世纪之会报道了
As one of the biggest celebrations of film and television in Hollywood, the Golden Globes grabs the attention of not only audiences in the US, but also the media in China as well.作为好莱坞影视界最大的盛事之一,金球奖不光吸引了美国观众的眼
Emily Temple-Wood was 12 years old the first time she was trolled online. They left ugly comments on her Wikipedia and Facebook pages about her looks “that would make my mother’s hair curl,” says Temple-Wood, now 22 and in medical school
在刚刚结束的金球奖颁奖礼上,曾经主演《穿普拉达的女王》的梅姨 Meryl Streep 获得了终生成就奖,不过她的获奖感言却没有用来说自己,还是把重点放到了川普身上。双语字幕版的视频如下:她在演讲里所说的“川普歧视残疾人”其实是这么回事:川普去年为了自己
The Queen has made the journey back to London after her traditional winter break came to an end.冬季假期已然结束,英国女王日前也已启程返回伦敦。The 90-year-old monarch appeared in high spirits as she boarded a train at King's Lynn station i
If you had a family photograph taken how many people would be present?拍一张全家福的照片会有多少人到场呢?Well, for one supersize family in China, 500 relatives turned up for their photo session, requiring a drone to fly back from a distanc
A Minnesota police force has threatened to punish drink drivers with Justin Bieber's dance moves if they get behind the wheel while intoxicated.明尼苏达州的一个警局扬言道,如果司机醉驾,就用贾斯汀·比伯的舞蹈来惩罚他们。Police in Wyoming, M
US first daughter Ivanka Trump and her daughter came to the Chinese Embassy in Washington, DC last Wednesday night to attend a Spring Festival celebration. Her appearance attracted wide attention.上周三晚,美国“第一女儿”伊万卡o特朗普和她
Baikal is impressive. It's the deepest and the cleanest lake on Earth.贝加尔湖震撼人心,是世界上最深最清的湖。Lake Baikal is about 600km in length. Ice has different patterns in different parts of the lake. It happens because water is freez
导语:万花筒网罗各种题材短文,带你领略文章精妙用词!今天的主题是——尤其是大过年走亲戚的时候你会不会搞混亲朋好友的名字?这是为毛?注:划线加粗部分为重点表达,翻译时要注意哦!原文:When Samantha Deffler was young, her mother would often call
Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 20摩羯座12月22日—1月20日Like everything else in your life, you’re not reckless with your finances. The best time to invest and boost your earnings is in late January, and early February, the 9 th to 11th, is especia
At first glance, it's a simple video of a dancer spinning. However, in fact it is an optical illusion that some say could actually reveal how smart you are.乍看,这是简单的舞者旋转视频。然而,事实上,这是种光学假象,有些人说这能体现出你有多
Gemma is extremely caring and sensitive. She pays a great deal of attention to others’ emotions and is kind and considerate. Her colleagues love working with her because they see her as a beacon of calm. Gemma’s manager enjoys dealing wit
What is the trendiest baby name in American history? Jayden? Madison? Khaleesi?在美国历史上最流行的宝宝名是什么呢?杰登?麦迪逊?卡丽熙?The answer might not sound so trendy to you: Linda.对你来说,答案听起来可能并不那么流行:(因为答案是)
Bundespraesidentenstichwahlwiederholungsverschiebung. It has a ring to it, doesn’t it? Try it out for yourself: Bundespraesidentenstichwahlwiederholungsverschiebung. To an English speaker, it may seem like a meaningless, even endless assor
Switzerland has retained its position as one of the most expensive spots in the world to buy a Big Mac, as the Swiss franc remains strong against all major currencies.瑞士仍然是全世界巨无霸汉堡包价钱最贵的地方,这是由于瑞士法郎兑其他主要货
A woman in Taiwan recently discovered that an anonymous blood donor who saved her life nine years ago turned out to be her boyfriend of two years.一名台湾女子最近发现九年前匿名献血救她的人竟是她交往两年的男朋友。The woman, Lin Xiaofen, and
The genes that predispose people to attain higher levels of education have been in decline over the past 80 years, and researchers are suggesting that they’re now under negative selection, which could have a big impact on our species in th
FIRST SPACE-TIME RIPPLES DETECTED发现第一个时空波A hundred years after Einstein predicted their existence, faint ripples in the fabric of the cosmos finally made their debut. Called gravitational waves, these ripples are created by some of
Just eight super-rich men hold the same amount of wealth as the poorest half of the world’s population, according to an analysis from the charity Oxfam released Sunday night. 根据慈善组织乐施会周日晚上公布的分析数据,这八位超级富翁的财富
What's your lame superpower?你有没有一种毫无用处的超能力?获得1.6k好评的 @Ellen Vrana:I have an insane sense of smell. Like a basset hound. I’m like a 5ft basset hound.我对气味有一种疯狂的感知能力。就像一只短腿猎犬,我就像一个5英尺高的短
Fishermen in China got a shock when they recently spotted a mystery creature in the water.中国渔民最近在海域中发现一只神秘生物,被它吓了一跳。There has been much confusion about what the animal could have been with some suggesting it may ha
The dumbest 'smart' objects of 年最不智能的9种智能产品In 2016, we've seen a whole lot of new gadgets join the Internet of Things (unfortunately, we've also seen them harnessed by hackers to bring downhuge swaths of the internet). F
They look like the work of an abstract artist, instead these perplexing pictures show salt fields.它们像抽象艺术家笔下的作品,这些令人震撼的照片所拍摄的是盐地。They are the work of Vancouver-based photographer David Burdeny, whose ‘Salt Se
Since Duke and Duchess of Cambridge became parents three years ago, they have turned Anmer Hall in Norfolk into their perfect family home, offering a “normal” childhood for Prince George and Princess Charlotte away from prying eyes.自从剑
Another year over, a new one about to begin. With the sentiment in mind, here are the photos we discovered, adored and shared this year.又是一年过去,新的一年即将开始。心中怀有情愫,这一年里,我们发现了这些照片,甚是欢喜,一齐分享。以下为《
Move over millennials, here comes Generation Z, today’s youngest group.继千禧一代后,如今最年轻的群体便是——Z世代。Born in 1995 or later, a lot of Gen Z-ers are entering into adulthood and will soon join the workforce. People of Generatio
Donald Trump is now in the same league as Mahatma Gandhi, Winston Churchill, Queen Elizabeth II, three *popes and the Apollo 8 astronauts. In what must have been the easiest decision ever to confront the editors of Time magazine, they chose
The Residencias Kiss Me in Cali, Colombia is one of the many not-so secret escapes that have gained popularity in South America and Asia.这家名为“Kiss Me in Cali, Colombia”(在哥伦比亚卡利吻我)的酒店是众多不算秘密的消遣地之一,而且这种酒
Students may be breaking up for school this week but that doesn't mean that their Christmas break will be study-free.这周学生马上就要放假了,但这并不意味着他们圣诞假期不用学习。With January exams on the horizon, it seems there's no end to t
A few days before Donald Trump launched his Twitter attack threatening to cancel Boeing’s Air Force One contract, he let loose on American companies that employ the services of foreign factories. They will be punished, he typed. “There wi
China has started to build a new-generation supercomputer that is expected to be 10 times faster than the current world champion.中国已开始研制新一代超级计算机,预计其运行速度将是当今世界最高水平的10倍。This year, China is aiming for breakt
Letters as a way of communication have long given way to phone calls and WeChat messages.信件这种沟通方式早已被电话和微信所取代。But a TV show, Letters Alive (《见字如面》 ), is helping bring this old way to keep in touch back into the pres
Making a speech at the United Nations in front of 500 people from around the world isn’t an easy task. And doing it in a foreign language is even harder. But Wang Yuan, 16, a member of Chinese boy band TFBoys, was up for the challenge.在联
Surrogacy will continue to be banned in China, and violations will be punished, China`s top health authority announced last Wednesday.上周三,我国最高卫生部门回应,代孕在中国依然被禁止,违反规定将受到处罚。The announcement follows recent di
Foxes are my guide animal. Whenever I’m struggling the most, they always show up somehow. I have several fox tattoos and I’m probably gonna get more.狐狸是为我指引方向的动物。每当我奋力前行的时候,他们总会莫名其妙地出现。我有几个狐狸图案
Donald Trump has angered feminists all over again, after a new report suggests that he has told the female staff of his administration that they need to always &dress like women& when at work.一篇新报道指出,唐纳德·特朗普告诉他管理部门的女
A young woman from Moscow, Russia, has come up with an innovative way to supplement her income – charging single men a hefty fee for laying in their bed for an hour to warm it and fill it with her positive energy, thus guaranteeing a good
There have been pesky pandas and sneaky snowmen and now the latest brainteaser to baffle the internet takes on a festive theme.以前是(找)烦人精熊猫还有“你猜鬼鬼祟祟的雪人在哪里”,如今网上最流行的难题是节日主题的!To celebrate 2017 being
Nope, this is not a joke. His dad is named Akira Toriyama and must be very proud. He's 5' 8&, had a monkey tail as a child and has fought off some of the universe' s biggest threats.不不不,这可不是开玩笑!他的“父亲”名叫鸟山明,这位父亲一
Among the many upsides to being British royalty, there is this: You never have to use a last name. For one thing, everyone already knows who you are. There’s only one Queen, for instance, so it’s not like Elizabeth has to specify which on
2017 is the Year of the Rooster according to Chinese zodiac. The Year of the Rooster will start from Jan. 28, 2017 (Chinese New Year) and last to Feb. 15, 年是中国生肖排列中的鸡年,按中国新年计算,鸡年会从日持续到2018年2
小编导读:每个人心中都住着另一个自己,不停地掐着架。1. When your goals are bigger than your bladder.1.你的目标比你的膀胱大。2. How you really feel about drama.2.你对戏剧的真实看法。3. When your focus is two places at once.3.同一时间你可以关
如今在说英语的人群中,非母语者的数目已经渐渐要超过母语者了,为此那些母语为英语的人们亚历山大——如何能够在不说俗语和俚语的情况下顺畅沟通,这是个问题……BBC总结了在交流中最令人困扰的那些单词、词组,以及这些问题所产生的困扰:It’s all Greek t
&Have you gotten married?&&Have you received a salary raise??&&Have you bought a house???&“你结婚了吗?”“你加薪了吗??”“你买房了吗???”Are you familiar with these questions starting with &have you& and ending in at least one questi
A 17-year-old girl who met her doppelganger at a San Diego mall has now received photos of at least four other people bearing a striking resemblance to her.一位17岁的女孩在圣迭戈的一家商场里遇见了自己的“二重身”,现在竟收到了至少4位和她长
As 2016 came to close, BabyCenter has released its annual list of most popular baby names. See the top 20 names for boys and girls below. 在2016年接近尾声的时候,BabyCenter的年度最受欢迎宝宝名字榜单出炉了。看看下面20个最受欢迎的男宝和女宝
To-do lists are a great way to keep your life organized and track goals. For instance, my to-do list for today is ‘ wait home for the courier to drop off shopping at 1PM; ’ and that’s bas
The official start of the Year of the Rooster in the Chinese Zodiac begins on January 28th, and the fashion industry has been paying homage in a big way.日,中国将正式迎来农历鸡年的新年。而时尚界已经开始大规模向鸡年致意。Given it
In case you didn't know, Michelle Obama is celebrating her 53rd birthday today. She's been a pretty incredible First Lady. Since I couldn't throw her a real party, I decided to honor her by rounding up a few photos of her and the President
The most expensive home ever listed in the United States has hit the market in Bel Air, Los Angeles at $250million.美国有史以来最贵的房子上市了,这座豪宅位于洛杉矶贝尔艾尔,价值2.5亿美元。Handbag tycoon and owner-developer Bruce Makowsky dr
A train will travel a long journey from China to London as the Silk Road trading route is revived for a new era.随着“丝绸之路”贸易路线的复兴,一列火车将从中国出发,历经漫长的行程到达伦敦,而丝绸之路也将迎来新的纪元。The East Wind locomoti
Backpacker bible Lonely Planet has published its annual list of best value destinations in 2017 for people looking for wallet-friendly sightseeing experiences.背包客圣经《孤独星球》已经发布了2017年度最具价值的旅行目的地,面向寻求经济实惠观
This woman proves that swimwear models don’t have to be young.这个女人证明,泳装模特不必年轻。Believe it or not, Yazemeenah Rossi is 61-years-old.不管你相信与否,Yazemeenah Rossi已经61岁了。She was born in France in 1955 and was raised on
A teenage girl who spent her life being carried around in a plastic bowl because her body stopped growing when she was a baby has died.少女一生都住在塑料盆里,因为当她还很小的时候,她的身体就停止了发育。Tragic Rahma Haruna became famous aro
As we increasingly rely on all things digital, writing things out by hand is becoming less common.随着我们日益依赖一切数字化的事物,手写材料变得不太常见了。Much like our body language often does, our handwriting is sending out smoke signals
1. Scotland’s King Alexander III insisted one night on making a solo trek to return to his wife, Yolande, after a time away. Unfortunately for all parties involved, he was thrown from his horse and instantly killed.苏格兰国王亚历山大三世离
A sheep's head, a prosthetic leg, Kermit the Frog and a live ferret are among a top ten list of the weird and wonderful 'gifts' people have given to UK charities.一只羊头、一条假腿、一个布偶青蛙卡米特、一只活雪貂,这些都挤进了伦敦慈善机构收
导读:中国网友们常常会用诙谐又颇具讽刺意味的表情包来评论国内的热门话题。2016年,脑洞大开的网友又创造出许多风靡网络的表情包。这些表情包你在日常生活中有用到过吗?Set a “small goal”设定一个“小目标”In a TV interview, China’s richest man Wa
Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell. Gentlemen may no longer prefer blondes - according to research.  Gentlemen no longer prefer blondes - with most believing brunettes make better wives and girlfriends,
  国外地名与中国地名中英对照时的重合,爆笑。  都说Pearl harbour是“ 珍珠港”的意思,其实还有更中土的翻译: 蚌埠。  都说Greenland是“格陵兰”的意思,其实还有更中土的翻译:青岛。  都说Deep River是宇多田光的专辑,其
  If you have a loud voice and aren’t too scared of large animals then you may be interested in a new polar bear spotting job that has become available.   如果你有个大嗓门,而且你并不是很恐惧大型动物,
  New Zealand officials have released a list of baby names put forward by parents that were rejected because they were too bizarre or offensive, including &Lucifer& and &Mafia No Fear&.  新西兰官员公
    在Cooper照片展览上   Ever wonder what the cat gets up to when you let it out? Well, now you know, thanks to the amazing Cooper - the feline photographer.   你想明白猫猫平时都去哪里玩嘛?让Cooper这
Blobfish wins ugliest animal vote 英国票选最丑动物 深海水滴鱼夺冠   The grumpy-looking, gelatinous blobfish has won a public vote to become the official mascot of the Ugly Animal Preservation Society.
  American street artist Mark Jenkins creates disconcerting, lifelike mannequin scupltures and install.  American street artist Mark Jenkins creates disconcerting, lifelike mannequin scupltures and in
Meet the furry Fuhrer!小狗形状酷似希特勒爆红网络  When Lynda Whitehead introduced her new puppy Patch to her family, she didn’t realise quite how much of a führer he would cause.  当琳达将小狗丁丁带回
囧事一箩筐:没有最囧只有更囧!   1、英国女子称因“太幸福”被迫辞职   Beauty is usually seen as a blessing. But for some, it would seem, it can be a curse. Laura Fernee says her good looks are so powerful t
  President Dilma Rousseff may be among the world’s most popular presidents but her re-election next year is being jeopardised by a formidable opponent: the humble tomato.  巴西总统迪尔玛罗塞夫(Dilma
  Dog people are 50% more likely to be conservative  养狗的人更保守  Cat people skew liberal  养猫的人更不拘小节  Dog people are 23% more likely to have an iPhone  养狗的人多用iPhone  Cat people are 7
  对于《甄嬛传》里的经典台词,有10年翻译经验,重庆灏华博盛翻译公司同声传译员程灏然给出了他的翻译,并解释了缘由。  1、贱人真是矫情  搞笑版:bitch is so bitch。  正解:Bitch is so bitching。  解读:bitch意指贱人。后
    日本作家夏目漱石有一次让他的学生翻译“I Love You”,有学生翻译成我爱你。夏目说,日本人怎么可能讲这样的话,“今夜月色很好”就充足了。这段风雅的文坛轶事,昨天稀里糊涂成了网络段子手吐槽的范本,什么李云迪说“找力
  Police are under investigation for jokingly filling in a witness statement in the name of a force dog.  英国某警局的警察因为以警犬的名义而开玩笑地填写证词而被调查。  Officers became exasperated when
  It's a common belief that over time pet owners start to look like their animals. Now comes the terrifying news that cats look up to their owners as role models and mimic their behavior.  人们普遍认
  It is a debate that has raged since Titanic became one of the most successful films of all time: Did Rose leave Jack to die by not letting him up on the makeshift lifeboat as they floated in the oce
  Men hit on hotties despite their own unattractiveness, study confirms.  最新的一项研究证明了人们的一个常识:不管多么差劲的男人都会自认为自己能赢得美女的芳心。  &You're prettier than I am,& Seth Rogen'
Worrying too much? Researchers found dwelling on negative events can increase levels of inflammation in the body.  Worrying too much about stressful events can trigger inflammation, according to a new
Stick a bunch of smart engineers in a room to build a product and you're bound to get a few funny ideas.让一帮智慧的工程师呆在一间屋子里研发一件产品,你肯定能收获些有趣的想法。  April Fool's is typicall
  One of the Chinese Internet's most popular microbloggers, former Google China chief Kai-fu Lee, became the perpetrator of one of the country's most pointed April Fool's jokes on Monday morning.  中
  This pint-sized politician may not speak softly but he sure does carry a big stick. Mayor Robert Tufts is calling the shots in Dorset, Minn., a small community near Park Rapids.  这位小小政治家可能
  Research suggests that balling up the right hand and squeezing it tightly makes it easier to memorise lists.   Clenching your fist could be enough to help you get a grip on your memory.   Research s
Loyal dog searches for his missing owner 成都版“忠犬八公” 车站苦等寻主人   成都一只小狗近日受到人们的关注,最近几周里,它每天都等候在与主人分别的车站,搜遍每一辆公交车,试图寻找失踪主人的气息。   Every day
Cute cat takes over Internet萌猫红小胖爆红网络  The internet`s favourite felines have a new challenger to the title of cutest cat.   网上最受宠爱的喵星人们现在又多了一个争夺“最萌宠物”桂冠的竞争对手。  
  The rise of the creepy perma-smile   Women in South Korea are resorting to dangerous and painful surgery in their quest for a more western face.   Demand for double jaw surgery, a bone-cutting proce
The world's most extreme loo全球最极品厕所,你敢试吗?  This loo with a view has been voted the most extreme place to do you ablutions in the world.  这座拥有良好视野的洗手间,最近被评为了“世界上最极品的
Best bad family photo ever? 最失利全家福爆红网络   It can sum up parenthood pretty succinctly.`That`s how 32-year-old Steve Cramer described a family photo that shows his wife, Elizabeth, launch the c
  Hanging out: A cat idles across the bars on a laundry rack, in an at first perceived awkward position, until noticing its tranquil face and jello hind legs   晾晒姿:在衣架上睡觉真是个不错的选择,各处
Awkward family photos – Chinese style!网友晒“不堪回首的童年照”走红  We all have the odd photographic skeleton in our closets - those embarrassing childhood pictures that we hope never see the light of
Everyone wants control《控制》:讲述阴谋与救赎的故事  It’s bad luck getting involved in a crime without knowing why. So imagine how terrible it is to be controlled all the time without being able to brea
星星大结局,你有“叫兽假”吗?近日,厦门一化妆品公司负责人利用微博公开表示,将为员工放半天至一天的“叫兽假”,让他们得以同步观看韩国大热剧集《来自星星的你》的大结局。 据悉,苏先生所在的公司共有两百多名员工,而在24
Long journey to victory《霍比特人2》:期许续集的完美Last year’s The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey — the prequel to thetrilogy The Lord of the Rings — was quite a success at the box office (it reached abo
Time travel wins fans穿越时空爱上你: 美中韩虐心穿越剧大盘点America美国The Time Traveler`s Wife《工夫旅行者的妻子》The Time Traveler`s Wife is a film based on the bestselling novel by US author Audrey Ni
第86届奥斯卡金像奖完整获奖名单: BestPicture最佳影片 TwelveYearsASlave《为奴十二年》 Actor(inaLeadingRole)最佳男主角 MatthewMcConaughey,DallasBuyersClub马修·麦康纳《达拉斯买家俱乐部》 Actress(inaLeadingRol
What do an eccentric British detective, a cut-throat Washington pol and a bunch of nerds at Caltech have in common? 一个怪异的英国侦察、一个残酷的华盛顿政客,以及一帮加州理工学院的神经大条,会有什么共同
Duo on hunt for truth 《真探》:时下最好看的美剧? I’m usually skeptical whenever I read such words from critics as “the best” or “the greatest”. So, I didn’t quite buy it when True Detective, HBO’s crime
If some of your favorite US television series are currently on a break and you’re upset about having to wait several weeks or even months for the next episode, don’t be. A handful of new and returning
《生活大爆炸》等多部美剧下架 且看且珍惜  Video streaming websites in China have been ordered to stop showing four popular American TV shows, including The Big Bang Theory and The Good Wife.   中国多家视
“Frozen” breaks with tradition 《冰雪奇缘》:颠覆迪斯尼童话定义 A beautiful princess with magical powers, an adorable snowman withbuck teeth and a carrot for a nose, and a picture-perfect prince. These c
迪塞尔在保罗车祸现场演讲:希望好兄弟仍在   Vin Diesel finally broke his silence on the death of his friend Paul Walker last night -- arriving at the crash site and thanking mourners for &showing that a
Director’s paternity sparks debate 张艺谋身陷“超生门”  Family planning authorities confirmed on Monday that film director Zhang Yimou fathered three children out of wedlock, ending months of speculati
Unusual comedy《无人区》:冲破喜剧传统的贺岁片  When it comes to a Chinese holiday film that is directed by Ning Hao and stars Xu Zheng, 41, and Huang Bo, 39, it’s easy to expect another no-brainer comed
《速度与激情》男主角保罗沃克车祸身亡   Actor Paul Walker died in a car crash in Santa Clarita, Calif., on Saturday (Nov. 30). He was 40 years old.   《速度与激情》男主角保罗·沃克于美国当地工夫周六(11月30
《爸爸去哪儿》落幕,为啥这么火?  Where Are We Going, Dad? presents a new generation of men who, in a break from Chinese tradition, now take an active role in their children’s lives.   综艺节目《爸爸去哪儿
Feng’s comedy surprises《私人订制》:惊喜还是意外?  “What you don’t dare imagine, we dare to do.” The slogan of Personal Tailor, Feng Xiaogang’s latest comedy project, not only introduces the film’s basi
Breeze of memories 《等风来》:你若等候,清风自来   Critically acclaimed or not, well received by audiences or not, the film Up in the Wind is undoubtedly going to be compared with Love Is Not Blind, the
王诗龄“撞脸”天后,撞脸英语怎么说?  近日,有网友在微博上传了两张李湘和王岳伦的女儿王诗龄参加《爸爸去哪儿》的截图和王菲的童年照,王诗龄和王菲看起来眉目之间颇为神似,王菲也在该条微博下评论“哈哈有”,还配上了一个
探秘大溪地   Celebrated as the &island of love&, Tahiti is the French territory’s administrative and commercial backbone. Its breezy cosmopolitan capital, Papeete, sits on Tahiti’s northeastern tip an
  Zhang Guoli to host 2014 Spring Festival Gala   张国立将主持2014年春晚   The host list of 2014 Spring Festival Gala, including Zhu Jun, Dong Qing, Bi Fujian, Li Sisi and Zhang Guoli, are released on
1.RYAN:I apologize for not complying. I should’ve stopped working as soon as you instructed me to. 瑞恩:我很抱歉我没有遵从你的命令,我当时应当听你的命令赶紧终止工作。 MATT:We were gonna get hit no matte
A New China in ’House of Cards’ 热门美剧《纸牌屋》中的中国新形象 When the history of America’s onscreen visions of China is written, from Charlie Chan to “House of Cards,” it may be that a turning point
爸爸去哪儿英文版演唱:阿摩司Twinkle, twinkle, little star,How I wonder what you are.See my daddy he looks so coolLife with papa likes magic bookLovely father cooks tasty foodTeaching me everything to d
Marvel gets political 《美国队长2》:是超级英雄,更是血肉凡人   Whether you’re a comic fan or not, you have to admit that Marvel Studios knows how to make superhero movies. Its latest offering Captain Ame
《真爱如血》 (True Blood)-HBO 《真爱如血》在经历情节缓慢的第一季之后,这部吸血鬼剧在第二季点燃了粉丝们的热血。但当粉丝们终于开始接受乔·曼根尼罗(Joe Manganiello)等新角色之后,这个吸血鬼的宇宙圈子突然就膨胀得
  In a twist of events, it wasn’t EXO, Justin Biever, or One Direction that took home the 2013 MTV Europe Music Awards. Instead, on November 10, it was Chris Lee, who won the World Wide Act. She was r
Korea’s finest export 韩剧《来自星星的你》火热的背后 Beer and fried chicken — this seemingly unorthodox combo has been the most sought after late-night snack recently in Yang Xiaoqian’s dormitory on the


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