
答: 你好,一般来说老是想上大便的话,这个是要生了,所以说多观察一下比较好
括约肌是什么意思 括约肌在线翻译 括约肌什么意思 括约肌的意思 括约肌的翻译 括约肌的解释 括约肌的发音 括约肌的同义词
括约肌 基本解释括约肌词典:括约肌。词典:使压缩之物,括约肌,大蟒。词典:[医] 括约肌。括约肌 网络解释1. Sphincters:此时期在走路、讲话、思考,以及控制括约肌(sphincters)等能力迅速发展. 随著运动与知觉能力的提升,人际的技能也同样提升. 于是从被动的学习阶段进入主动的学习阶段,即性心理的另一发展期一一性器期. 在此时期里,性活动在程度上加深,2. sphincter n:spherical a. 球形的;球面的 | sphincter n. 括约肌 | sphygmomanometer n. 血压计3. sphincter muscle:sphincter 括约肌 | sphincter muscle 括约肌 | sphingoglycolipid 神经鞘糖脂类括约肌 双语例句1. 目的 介绍 1种低位直肠癌保留肛门括约肌的手术方法。&&&&Objective To introduce a new operative technique of the sphincter saving in low rectal cancer.2. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D2. 目的 探讨低位直肠癌保留肛门括约肌功能的手术方法和手术适应证。&&&&Abstract] Objective To investigate anus sphincter preserved surgical method and indication for low rectal cancer.3. 3. 结果 19例手术治疗病人均行术中胆道镜探查取石,37例行内镜括约肌乳头切开取石、鼻胆管引流术,其中3例伴有胆囊积液和颈部结石嵌顿,第2天行胆囊切除术。49例治愈,5例好转需二期手术,死亡2例。&&&&Of all the 56 patients, 19 underwent operation using intraoperative choledochoscope and 37 underwent EST plus ENBD. Among these 37 patients, there were 3 patients accompanying acute incarcerated cystic neck stone and gallbladder empyema who received cholecystectomy in second day. 49 patients were cured and 5 patients got better but needed reoperation, while 2 patients died.4. 括约肌什么意思4. 根据发病后内镜治疗时间分为两组:急诊内镜组168例,即在发病48 h内急诊行内镜逆行性胰胆管造影术、内镜下乳头括约肌切开/或取石术、鼻胆管引流术;延期内镜组192例,在早期非手术治疗基础上于发病48 h后延期行上述内镜治疗。&&&&The patients were divided into two groups: One hundred and sixty-eight cases received emergency endoscopic therapy EE group) within 48 hours from the onset of symptoms, including endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and endoscopic sphincterotomy, with or without stone extraction and endoscopic naso- 192 cases received delay endoscopic therapyafter initial 48 hours of conservative management.5. 911查询·英语单词5. 研究了17名健康志愿者(10男,7女,平均年龄38.3±11.6岁)的坐骨海绵体肌和球海绵体肌受刺激后肛门内、外括约肌的肌电反应。&&&&Methods:Electromyographic response of external and internal anal sphincters to ischiocavernosus and bulbocavernosus muscle stimulation was studied in 17 healthy volunteers(10 men.7 women, mean aged 38.3± 11.6 years).6. 6. 如确诊,则用药需慎重,尽量不用茶碱类及β2受体兴奋剂,而以增加胃动力药及抗酸药为主,以增加内容物身下排空及减少胃酸分泌返流,同时胃动力药吗丁啉还能增强食道下端括约肌的紧张度,阻止返流。&&&&Be like diagnose, need with medicine discreet, as far as possible need not tea is alkaline kind reach β 2 a shot in the arm accepting put oneself in another's position, and reach the medicine that fight acid in order to add gastric motivation drug to give priority to, reach in order to increase the platoon below content content body for nothing reduce hydrochloric acid in gastric juice to secrete return stream, at the same time gastric motivation medicine the tensity that fourth Lin still can enhance constrictor of esophagus lower end, prevent return stream.7. 然后我让剑经过喉结的后面,从喉结后面通过顶部食道括约肌。&&&&Then I have to go behind my Adam's apple, my prominentia laryngea, behind the voice box, the larynx, down about through the crichopharyngeal sphincter, up in the upper part of the mouth here.8. \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD8. 然后我必须让剑从喉结后面,然后从喉后面通过顶部食道括约肌,紧接着剑滑到食道,这时候需要抑制蠕动反射,蠕动反射是那些吞咽食物时起作用的22对肌肉的蠕动。&&&&Then I have to go behind my Adam`s apple, my prominentia laryngea, behind the voice box, the larynx, down about through the crichopharyngeal sphincter, up in the upper part of the mouth here.9. 张医生确认说我的括约肌功能正常,真是个好消息。&&&&Zhang confirmed that my sphincter muscle is working, what great news.10. 外括约肌在你的肛门皮下,是随意肌。&&&&The anal sphincter in your skin, muscle is arbitrary.11. 锁孔手术治疗,以加强该括约肌之间的食道和胃部。&&&&&&Keyhole surgery to tighten up the sphincter muscle between the oesophagus and stomach.12. 避免感染你的腹部,大腿,臀部肌肉,或排挤你括约肌只。&&&&&&Avoid contracting your abdominal, thigh, or buttocks muscles, or squeezing your sphincter muscle only.13. 13. 生物反馈的目的是条件,病人较为敏感,刺激一个完整的直肠和提高自愿纹肌括约肌的回应。&&&&&&Biofeedback which aims to condition patients to be more sensitive to the stimulus of a full rectum and to heighten the voluntary striated muscle sphincter response.14. 14. 通常括约肌,肌肉在加入之间的食道和胃部,收紧直至停止酸和食物来备份出来的胃。&&&&&&Normally the sphincter, the muscle at the join between the oesophagus and stomach, tightens up to stop acid and food coming back up out of the stomach.15. 15. 观察期中瞳孔括约肌及眼外肌的功能恢复速度与最终的恢复水平,神经压榨组都明显优于神经切断组。&&&&&&The reparation velocity and the possible level of functional recovery of pupillae sphincter muscle were better than those of extraocular muscles.16. 特别是进行膀胱括约肌和逼尿肌的锻炼,其锻炼方法最简单实用的就是让孩子白天多饮水,有意识地指导孩子憋尿忍尿,这样不但能增强膀胱逼尿肌和尿道括约肌的耐受性,而且还有利于大脑皮层良性排尿反射的建立和完善。&&&&&&Especially bladder detrusor sphincter and training, the training the most simple and practical method is to let the children during the day and more water, conscious guidance憋尿children forbearance urine, it will not only enhance the bladder detrusor and urethral sphincter tolerance, but also conducive to the cerebral cortex of benign micturition reflex the establishment and improvement.17. 这一研究的目的是为了查证环状软骨按压与瑞芬太尼、丙泊酚对食管的能动性及食道下端括约肌的作用。&&&&&&The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of cricoid pressure, remifentanil, and propofol on lower esophageal sphincter and esophageal motility.18. 一、MUPP检测结果:对43例有下尿路症状的病人进行了MUPP检测,制出了诊断下尿路疾病的典型图形,其中包括BPH、功能性膀胱颈部梗阻、逼尿肌-外括约肌协同失调、尿道狭窄、女性压力性尿失禁、以及女性尿道末端缩窄综合症等。&&&&&&Results in MUPP: We evaluated 43 patients with MUPP and manufactured some typical plots to diagnose some of the lower urinary tract disease, including BPH, functional bladder neck obstruction, detrusor-external sphincter dyssynergia, urethral stricture, the female stress incontinence, the female urethral meatal stenosis and so on.19. 19. 巩膜角膜肌、睫状肌发达,使其具有很强的双重调节能力;虹膜括约肌、瞳孔放大肌能迅速调节瞳孔大小;视网膜中视细胞由视杆细胞和视锥细胞组成,以视杆细胞占据绝对优势,而神经节细胞较少,从而使其光敏度提高。&&&&&&Its sclerocorneal muscle and ciliary muscle are flourishing, which cause its ability of double-regulating developed. The iritis sphincter and pupil enlarging muscle can regulate the size of the pupil quickly. There are rods and cones cells in Long-eared owl's retina. The dominant part of the visual cell is the rode cell and the neuromere cell being less that make its eyes high photosensistive.20. 括约肌在线翻译20. 本研究的目的是运用山葵过氧化氢酶(horseradish peroxidase,HRP)的逆向神经追踪术定位环绕在犬肛门囊上外肛括约肌(external anal sphincter muscle,EAS)的神经支配。&&&&&&Purpose of this study was to localize the neurons innervating the external anal sphincter muscles encircling canine anal sac using the retrograde neuronal tracing technique with horseradish peroxidase.括约肌是什么意思,括约肌在线翻译,括约肌什么意思,括约肌的意思,括约肌的翻译,括约肌的解释,括约肌的发音,括约肌的同义词,括约肌的反义词,括约肌的例句,括约肌的相关词组,括约肌意思是什么,括约肌怎么翻译,单词括约肌是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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