love is momentt° love与promise^love的近义词是什么

Promise You Love-Con Funk Shun, Promise You LoveMP3下载,歌词下载 - 虾米音乐
Promise You Love
In the still of the night
Wild words were spoken
As we held each other, each other so tight
And the morning light
Found us still joined together
I was awakened by the glow in your eyes
The touch of your hand
So wonderful
The warmth of your smile
So beautiful
After a look in your sweet sexy eyes
I found to my surprise
That I promised you love, sweet love
I promised you love, sweet love
I promised you love, sweet love
And it's one I'll forever keep
Now we can waste
Now we can waste away the morning together
Getting to know
Just getting to know one another, baby, baby
And in a very special moment
We discovered we were friends, not just lovers
And when the evening sun turns to dusk, my baby
The twilight and your smile
Turns me on and on and on and on and on
Ooh, tonight, deep and warm in love's fire
I know in my desire
That I'll promise you love, sweet love
I'll promise you love, sweet love
I'll promise you love, sweet love
I'll promise you love, sweet love
Touch me, baby
Never stop
Hold me, baby
In your sweet love
Why don't you touch me, baby
Never stop
Never, well, well
Well, sugar
Ooh-whee, honey, honey, child, oh
You know, I don't think I wanna go nowhere
Why don't we just kinda waste away...
Never stop
Cover me, baby
With your sweet love
Well, I don't think
I'm gonna have to be there, really
Until I get there, you know what I'm saying
I'll cover you, baby
With my sweet love
I'll tell you what
Never stop
Come on over here one time
You know, just what did you in mind
This morning, you know what I'm saying
'Cause I really don't have anything
I just wanna kinda hang around a little bit
And fool around, you know what I'm saying
(Sweet love)
Uh-huh, I can see
What you got on your mind right now
(Never stop)
Why you looking at me like that
Cover me, baby
(With your sweet love
Wait a minute, what you doing
What you doing
Well, I'll you what, let me do this
(Sweet love)
Raise your hands
I just wanna get the hair out your face
So I can see what you're doing
(Never stop)
Hold me, baby
(Sweet love)
Squeeze me
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关注虾米:I promise to love you,every moment forever。
个性网内容精选:love you every moment
Coz as the time turns the page, my love won't age at all,因为我对你的love,系时间翻页再翻页都不会终结,
For better or worse, till death do us part,顺境与否,只有死神降临才可以将我们分隔天堂与地狱,
I swear to you,love you every moment......我心甘情愿向你发誓,你占据我的每一刻......... ...
I promise to love you every moment forever.
Isabella Swan, I promise to love you every moment forever.
Edward Cullen: Isstomhvachella swan effective Swan effective: I promise to love you every moment of forever.
- 来自原声例句
感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!Marry You-金贤重 I promise that moment I swear——love
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