
永久的是什么意思 永久的在线翻译 永久的什么意思 永久的的意思 永久的的翻译 永久的的解释 永久的的发音 永久的的同义词
永久的 双语例句1. 30例下肢深静脉血栓形成的病人,14例植入永久性腔静脉滤器,16例植入临时性腔静脉滤器;27例分别行单纯静脉溶栓或切开取栓+静脉置管溶栓;全部病例同时行抗凝治疗。&&&&MethodsThe implantation of vena caval filter was performed in 30 patients with DVT of lower extremities. A permanent filter was used in 14 cases, and temporary filter in 16. Of the 30 cases, 27 received venous thrombolysis or thrombectomy combined with interventional thrombolytic therapy.2. 2. 这将意味着一旦布鲁斯想永久得到彭南特的话,他们就必须支付一笔转会费。&&&&It will mean that if Blues were to look to make his transfer a permanent one, then a transfer fee will be involved.3. 富含盐的血浆就像一层包围大脑的保护层,但是因为Page夫人摄入如此低水平的矿物质,水分进入了大脑,导致了永久性损伤。&&&&The salt-rich plasma acts as a protective layer around the brain, but because Mrs Page's contained such low levels of the mineral, water had entered the brain, causing permanent damage.4. 在整个学习过程期间,教师和学生处于准永久性分离状态(以此与常规面授教育相区别);教育组织在材料计划、准备和学生支持服务准备两方面的影响(以此与个别学习和自教计划相区别);技术媒体(印刷媒体、视听媒体或计算机媒体)作为课程内容的载体,把教师与学生联系起来;提供双向通信,使学生可以主动对话并从对话中受益(以此与教育技术的其他应用相区别&&&&He was a major contributor to The distance teaching universities (1982), joint editor of Distance education: international perspectives (1983), joint editor of L'università a distanza. Riflessioni e proposte per un nuovo modello di università(1984), editor of Theoretical principles of distance education.(1993), joint editor of Distance education: new perspectives (1993), editor of The industrialization of teaching and learning (1994). In 1997 the European Commission in Brussels published his Distance training in the European Union.5. 该咒语的总费用会因此减少,减少的量为所牺牲的永久物之法术力费用(见规则409.1f)。&&&&The total cost of the spell is reduced by the sacrificed permanent's mana cost (see rule 409.1f).6. 6. 一直被模仿,从未被超越给我一次机会,给您永久的满意。&&&&Has been copied, I have never been given an opportunity to go beyond that to you permanent satisfaction.7. 本研究由4个试验组成,选用安装永久瘘管的6月龄山羊4只,采用4×4拉丁方试验设计,分别饲喂对照组饲粮、乙酰氧肟酸25mg/kg饲粮、丝兰皂甙36mg/kg饲粮、对苯二酚40mg/kg饲粮。&&&&Four 20kg six-month old goats with permanent remen cannula were used to study the effect of three kinds of urease inhibitors acetohydroxamic acid, hydroquinone, yucca extract on nitrogen metabolism, nutrient degradability in rumen and nutrient digestibility.8. 8. 更严重的问题包括磁盘头部撞击和臭名昭著的坏扇区,可造成永久性的损害。&&&&More serious ones include disk head crash and the notorious bad sectors which can cause permanent damage.9. 面对能力提高,忧郁自然减少,这才是永久有效的解决之道。&&&&The increase of facing ability can eliminate melancholy, which is the permanent and effective way to solve problems.10. 对我们来说,可持续发展就意味着我们将把永久有效的方法和我们的工程及业务结合到一起。&&&&To us, sustainability means we will incorporate lasting and effective solutions into projects and our operations.11. 11. 你的第二层会员买的东西,你能得到15%的佣金,永久有效。&&&&&&Anything people on your second tier buy nets you a 15% commission, forever.12. 12. 凡依据这种教训而训练儿童达到自治的父母或教师,就是最有效而永久成功的。&&&&&&The will is the governing power in the nature of man, the power of decision, or choice.13. 那个时候网站还被禁止使用永久有效的。现在,各家搜索引擎服务提供商都使用永久有效的。&&&&&&This was at a time when federal websites were prohibited from using persistent s altogether.14. 举例来说,痤疮,酒渣鼻条件是所造成的永久性扩大血管的皮肤脸颊和鼻子。&&&&&&For example, the condition acne rosacea is caused by permanent widening of the blood vessels of the skin of the cheeks and nose.15. 具体地说,就是国家开征土地占用税,将现行一次缴纳70年、50年、40年出让金的做法,改为由使用人按年缴纳土地占用税,置业人对购买的住房依法享有永久使用权。&&&&&&Specifically, is a national land use tax, the existing one will pay 70 years, 50 years and 40 years leasing practices, to be replaced by one annual payment of land use occupancy tax on the purchase of housing to buy their own people to permanent tenure.16. 同时,你多了一个永久的方式链接到您的网站,供任何人使用您的内容。&&&&&&And, you have one more permanent one way link to your website for every person who uses your content.17. 事实上这是永久改变地球上任何事物的唯一的方法。&&&&&&This is the only way actually to change anything upon earth in a permanent way.18. 有两个非常受欢迎的方法,得到一个永久的联系方式,将派遣交通到您的网站。&&&&&&There are two very popular methods for getting permanent one way links that will send traffic to your website.19. 19. 运输及房屋局常任秘书长建议行使该条例第17条赋予的权力,为工程或使用或附带事宜的目的,永久封闭该图则所示施工区范围内现有公共运输交汇处以及现有行车道的部分路段,并暂时封闭该图则所示施工区范围内现有行车道和行人路的部分路段。&&&&&&For the purposes of or incidental to the works or the use, the Permanent Secretary fro Transport and Housingproposes the at powers under section 17 of the Ordinance may be exercised to close permanently the exiting public transport interchange and sections of the existing carriageway and footpath within the limit of works area as shown on the Plan.20. 20. 正确合理的热定形,不会影响其它的整理工序,例如印染;也不会影响在服装上生成永久性皱折。&&&&&&If done properly, heat setting does not interfere with other fininshing process such as dyeing, nor does it prevent the formation of permanent pleats or creases in garments.永久的是什么意思,永久的在线翻译,永久的什么意思,永久的的意思,永久的的翻译,永久的的解释,永久的的发音,永久的的同义词,永久的的反义词,永久的的例句,永久的的相关词组,永久的意思是什么,永久的怎么翻译,单词永久的是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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