we 什么we move lightly 下载his leg

n. 移动,迁居,步骤vt. 移动,开动,感动,鼓动vi. 移动,离开,运行,迁移,行动
7.v. 搬出,开始行动
8.v. 生活于,周旋于
11.v. 提前, 上升
与 move 相关的例句
1.I felt moved to speak.我想说两句。
2.…he moved easily over the hot earth.…他不紧不慢地在发烫的土地上走动。
3.To behave or move nervously or restlessly.烦躁紧张或不安地举止或移动
4.Work that involves mlegwork.要跑腿的工作需要步行来回跑的工作;要跑腿的工作
5.Please oblige me by moving the chair a bit.请帮我把那椅子移动一下。
1.I felt moved to speak.我想说两句。
2.…he moved easily over the hot earth.…他不紧不慢地在发烫的土地上走动。
3.To behave or move nervously or restlessly.烦躁紧张或不安地举止或移动
4.Work that involves mlegwork.要跑腿的工作需要步行来回跑的工作;要跑腿的工作
5.Please oblige me by moving the chair a bit.请帮我把那椅子移动一下。
6.We must move more players into the attack.我们要多调配运动员到攻球区.
7.Moving or occurring with remarkable speed or suddenness.闪电似的快速或突然地行动或出现
8.The policeman told the crowds to move along.警察叫人群向前走动.
1.the act of deciding to do something
he didn't make a move to helphis first move was to hire a lawyer
2.the act of changing your residence or place of business[同] ,
they say that three moves equal one fire
3.a change of position that does not entail a change of location[同] ,,,
the reflex motion of his eyebrows revealed his surprisemovement is a sign of lifean impatient move of his handgastrointestinal motility
4.(game) a player's turn to take some action permitted by the rules of the game
5.the act of changing location from one place to another[同] ,,
police controlled the motion of the crowdthe movement of people from the farms to the citieshis move put him directly in my path
1.the act of deciding to do something
he didn't make a move to helphis first move was to hire a lawyer
2.the act of changing your residence or place of business[同] ,
they say that three moves equal one fire
3.a change of position that does not entail a change of location[同] ,,,
the reflex motion of his eyebrows revealed his surprisemovement is a sign of lifean impatient move of his handgastrointestinal motility
4.(game) a player's turn to take some action permitted by the rules of the game
5.the act of changing location from one place to another[同] ,,
police controlled the motion of the crowdthe movement of people from the farms to the citieshis move put him directly in my path
1. move, travel, or proceed[同] ,,,[反]
How fast does your new car go?We travelled from Rome to Naples by busThe policemen went from door to door looking for the suspectThe soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before
2.perform an action, or work out or perform (an action)[同] ,[反] ,
think before you actWe must move quicklyThe governor should act on the new energy billThe nanny acted quickly by grabbing the toddler and covering him with a wet towel
3.give an incentive for action[同] ,,,,,
This moved me to sacrifice my career
4.cause to move, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense[同] ,
Move those boxes into the corner, pleaseI'm moving my money to another bankThe director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant
5.have an emotional or cognitive impact upon[同] ,,,
This child impressed me as unusually matureThis behavior struck me as odd
1. move, travel, or proceed[同] ,,,[反]
How fast does your new car go?We travelled from Rome to Naples by busThe policemen went from door to door looking for the suspectThe soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before
2.perform an action, or work out or perform (an action)[同] ,[反] ,
think before you actWe must move quicklyThe governor should act on the new energy billThe nanny acted quickly by grabbing the toddler and covering him with a wet towel
3.give an incentive for action[同] ,,,,,
This moved me to sacrifice my career
4.cause to move, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense[同] ,
Move those boxes into the corner, pleaseI'm moving my money to another bankThe director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant
5.have an emotional or cognitive impact upon[同] ,,,
This child impressed me as unusually matureThis behavior struck me as odd
6.follow a procedure or take a course[同] ,,
We should go farther in this matterShe went through a lot of troublego about the world in a certain mannerMessages must go through diplomatic channels
7.move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion[反]
He moved his hand slightly to the right
8.change residence, affiliation, or place of employment[反] ,,,
We moved from Idaho to NebraskaThe basketball player moved from one team to another
9.be in a state of action[同] ,[反]
she is always moving
10.go or proceed from one point to another
the debate moved from family values to the economy
11.arouse sympathy or compassion in
Her fate moved us all
12.dispose of by selling
The chairman of the company told the salesmen to move the computers
13.live one's life in a specified environment
she moves in certain circles only
14. in a debate or parliamentary meeting[同] ,
15. make one's move in a game[同] ,
Can I go now?
16.progress by being changed[同] ,,
The speech has to go through several more draftsrun through your presentation before the meeting
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Since last weekend my 3 year old came back from his fathers house limping on his left leg but never complained about anything hurting. Took him to the doctor monday and he moved his legs hips checked him out, sent me home said give him motrin over night and call in morining if still limping. of course he was, we got sent to do xray of his left leg from hip to toe and also a blood work done and all came back neg for any injury. it has been a week now and he is still limping and getting a little worse, especially in the morning. he told me to watch for fever and if still limping by this coming monday to bring him back in...anyone else went through this? if so what was your outcome of it? just very concerned because he use to be so playful and energetic now he is just slowly slowing down more :(
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Hi, my 2 yr old son has also been limping for about 4 weeks now. We've done X-rays twice (left side, from hip to toe) and came out normal. We are currently waiting for blood work results. Can somebody please tell me their official diagnosis? I am extremely worried :'(
a BabyCenter Member
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Oh hi there I have a son two years old and he is start limping for about three weeks and I'm very worried he doesn't have any pain he plays normal it seems like the same issue with your son that you prescribed can you please let me know how's your son doing and what was the diagnosis thank you very much have a nice day
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My son was playing in the backyard with his little cousin when all of the sudden he just wanted to crawl. He doesn't speak much so he could never tell me what happened. When I would try to stand him up he would scream but never cry! So to be on the &safe& side we took him to the ER but nothing abnormal would pop up in the Xrays. It became a torture not to know what was really wrong as the weeks went by and no doctors could give answers and it kept getting worst. Only thing we were told, was to give him was Motrin in case a nerve or tendon was swollen for instance. Eventually it went away and now he's back to the normal toddler he was before :) I still recommend taking your child to a specialist, it's better to do as many consultations necessary even if they fail to give a diagnosis. Check for any swelling, bruises, marks, fever, pain, lack of movement, or if limping gets worst every day! Good luck, hope your child gets well soon :)
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Ours turned out to be perthes have both hips checked xray only finds it
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Hi all - I am going through this right now with my 2 year old. Limping, no trauma, he won't say he is in pain, rx are normal and blood work is normal. Very concerned.. Please let me know how your experiences turned out.. Many thanks
a BabyCenter Member
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Hi all - I am going through this right now with my 2 year old. Limping, no trauma, he won't say he is in pain, rx are normal and blood work is normal. Very concerned.. Please let me know how your experiences turned out.. Many thanks
a BabyCenter Member
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Hi there my son had the exact same situation. What was the reason for yours?
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Yeah, my 1 year old son took a spill the other day when he was trying to run and tripped, he landed on his hands and knees and cried a little afterwards and refused to stand with any weight on his right leg afterwards but doesn't act like he's in any pain even if you move his leg/hip/ankle and had no bruises or swelling, and now he has a limp. I was worried and took him to the doctor who told me to get xrays which didn't show any fractures or breaks but he still limps and doesn't really want to walk anymore unless he's supported by something like the couch or whatever. Doc told me to give him some Motrin and to take him back in a week if it doesn't heal on it's own. Hopefully he'll get over it soon, and same to your baby-- I know it's nerve wrecking.
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He's doing well- the limp did come back but we followed the same advice and it got better again by itself. 3 weeks does tend to be the norm with toxic synovitis. It's viral and more common in boys. Keep him out of shoes for a few days, lots of rest time on the sofa and no jumping apparently. Check his shoes as well.Do take him to the doctor though as they will need to run x Rays to check for inflammation/infection. Good luck xx
a BabyCenter Member
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Just wanted to post and say this has happened with my 4 year old son. He's had full x rays, blood tests and head paediatrics observed him. My son wasn't in any pain but the limp was especially pronounced and had us all very worried. Eventually they diagnosed toxic synovitis (sounds scarier than it is- google it for more info but basically it's a viral infection of the hip) and is apparently very common in boys. It disappeared after a week or two and ibruprofen, which was prescribed by the doctor, but helped a little. Doctor advised shoe free days, lots of rest and no jumping. We have since taken him to clarks for a proper shoe fitting as the converse he was wearing just weren't offering him enough support (according to the chiropractor) Hopefully this has helped someone who is having the same worries that we were having.
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Innocent grandfather, 83, lost his leg when his 'paranoid' neighbour, 86, repeatedly rammed his car at him after five year dispute
Norman Harrison, 83, was run over as he walked to his car in August 2014 Neighbour Vincent Simpson attacked Mr Harrison during 'revenge mission'Preston Crown Court heard Simpson suffered from a serious mental illnessSimpson, 86, was detained indefinitely under the 2007 Mental Health ActBy
19:33 GMT, 5 April 2016
20:38 GMT, 5 April 2016
A innocent grandfather who lost a leg when his 86-year-old neighbour repeatedly rammed his car into him at the height of a 'revenge' mission has spoken of the impact on his life as his attacker was locked up indefinitely today. Norman Harrison, 83, wrongly incurred the wrath of pensioner Vincent Simpson, who blamed a string of petty incidents on his fellow octogenarian as his mental health declined.The pair had been neighbours in the quiet village of Shawforth, near Rochdale, Greater Manchester, for ten years before Simpson began targeting retired housing officer Mr Harrison in 2009.
Norman Harrison, pictured, was walking to the garage near his home in Shawforth, near Rochdale, when he was attacked by his neighbour Vincent Simpson, who had been suffering from a serious mental disorder
Simpson, pictured, deliberately drove his car at Mr Harrison, pinning him against a pillar, destroying his legHe made nuisance phone calls to his home - which he had shared with his beloved wife Gladys since 1955 - blamed him for 'petty wrongdoings' and even tried to pin a speeding ticket on him by claiming Mr Harrison to be the driver.Matters reached a disturbing climax on August 27 2014 when Mr Harrison walked from his home to his separate garage to pick up the car and saw Simpson perched behind the wheel of his own vehicle.
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Just as he opened the garage door, Simpson put his foot down and hit Mr Harrison - pinning him between the car and the concrete garage post.He then reversed the car and rammed the pensioner twice more before calmly driving away.As Mr Harrison received emergency treatment at Salford Royal Hospital, police arrested Simpson - who had been immediately identified by his victim.He told officers: 'I have been putting up with this for 12 years and wanted some revenge.'
Preston Crown Court heard Mr Harrison lived in the house with his late wife Gladys until her death Despite the best efforts of doctors, Mr Harrison - who had been his wife's carer as she battled cancer - had to have his leg amputated above the knee after suffering multiple fractures.His wife died the following March as the stress of the incident took its toll.But in the months after the attack, deluded Simpson continued his campaign and posted a note through Mr Harrison's letterbox depicting a person driving a mobility scooter alongside the caption: 'Vroom vroom.'Preston Crown Court heard that at the time of the incident and for some years previously, Simpson was suffering from 'severe' mental illness, including paranoid psychosis.He was experiencing hallucinations and had 'lost touch with reality', according to his treating psychiatrist.As Simpson was ordered to be detained at the secure Stockton Hall mental health unit in York after admitting grievous bodily harm with intent, grandfather-of-two Mr Harrison remarkably revealed he holds no malice against his former neighbour.He said: 'I'm getting on with my life the best I can. I don't know what it was all over, I've never done him no harm. I set off from here at ten to ten, I was going shopping with my wife. We've got a block of ten garages and I went there to pick the car up.'I had just opened the garage door and he came up the hill to me and I knew he wasn't going to stop. He just run right into me.'I think I said 'what the hell are you doing?' We hadn't spoken to each other for four years. Everything that went on was my fault so I just ignored him.'He reversed and then hit me again, I couldn't believe it. Then he reversed again and backed into me so he hit me three times. I never lost any blood though, he broke my leg and smashed the veins inside but I didn't lose any blood. There was a tiny scratch the size of my fingernail on my left leg. That's why I never imagined that I would lose one.
Mr Harrison said he had lived with is wife Gladys at the house in Quarry Street, pictured, since 1955, but following the incident her health deteriorated and died of cancer. He said he bears Simpson no malice
Preston Crown Court heard Mr Harrison has been forced to hire a gardener since he lost his leg following the attack on August 27, 2014 near this spot in Shawforth, near Rochdale, Greater Manchester 'I live in the front room more or less now. My family come round on a daily basis helping me out quite a lot. They live close and one does my washing and the other my shopping.'Losing my leg has had a huge impact on my life. I have a big garden outside that I can't get to so I've had to employ a gardener. My car is in in the garage and I can't drive that, it's been stood there 18 months.'My wife totally lost it, she couldn't cope with it. She used to sit in the chair and I would say "what's wrong with you?" Eventually I sent for the doctor and they took her away and found out she had cancer. I got a stair lift put in for her but she never came home.'My injuries took their toll on her. I was in bed in the front room and she was having to do for two of us. It was a lot to take on.'I'm not bothered what they do to him. There's no malice. Well there probably is a bit but I just don't want to get involved.'The court heard Simpson had led a law-abiding life until the incident, while Mr Harrison had lived on the same street in his quiet town since birth.He was only saved following the attack when neighbours heard his cries for help and were able to ring for the emergency services.On behalf of Mr Simpson, Dr John Kent of Stockton Hall said that without his mental disorder, the offence wouldn't have occurred.'He is a man who had a very ordinary, normal life until he developed mental health problems,' he added.'Sadly, it is a pessimistic prognosis. He will require care probably indefinitely. He does present a risk of serious harm to the public.'White-haired Simpson, who appeared in court via video link from York, wore a cream jacket and sat with his hands crossed over his chest as he listened to proceedings.Ordering his hospital detention with restrictions under the Mental Health Act, Judge Pamela Badley said: 'This is an unrelentingly tragic case for everyone concerned. The effect upon Mr Harrison was utter devastation. The fact he led an active life until that morning and these events caused him to become a man with a severe disability.'That, for him, is something no sentence can reflect.'I think it's important that Mr Harrison and his family understand that the man who perpetrated these actions was not someone in the right state of mind or right health. He was deluded regarding the victim of the offence, blaming him without rhyme, reason or justification and demonstrating no remorse because he doesn't understand the enormity of his actions.'Because of the circumstances of the case, the nature of the offence, the character and long-standing and complicated history of mental illness which started a few years before the offence, that the appropriate way of dealing with Mr Simpson is by way of an order under section 37 of the Mental Health Act.'
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