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其他相似问题How to build project-wide UML diagram in IntelliJ IDEA? [如何构建项目范围在IntelliJ IDEA UML图吗?] - 问题-字节技术
How to build project-wide UML diagram in IntelliJ IDEA?
如何构建项目范围在IntelliJ IDEA UML图吗?
问题 (Question)
Trying to reverse-engineer existing project and it would be of great help to see how classes collaborate/depend on each other. Is there a way to build project-wide UML diagram (or class diagram of any kind) in IntelliJ IDEA using build-in functionallity or using some free plugin?
试图对现有的项目,这将是很大的帮助,看看类合作/相互依赖。有办法建立项目范围UML图(或任何类型的类图)在IntelliJ IDEA使用内置functionallity或使用一些免费插件吗?
最佳答案 (Best Answer)
Right click on your package no matter which. Click Diagrams > Show Diagram (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+U). You will see your package in diagram editor.
You can expand (E) or collapse (C) all nodes.
You can show dependencies
You can show many attributes of nodes (constructors, methods, properties...)
You can drag&drop other packages from project explorer.
So, play with it a bit and i think you will achieve what you need.
This is how it could looks like:
右键点击你的package无论哪一个。点击Diagrams &&(Ctrl + Alt + Shift + U)。你会看到你的包图编辑器。现在:你可以Show Diagram(E)或expand(C)所有节点。你可以显示依赖性你可以显示许多属性的节点(构造函数、方法、属性……)你可以从project explorer进行拖拽其他包。所以,玩它,我想你会获得你所需要的东西。这是如何看起来像:


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