soulr&br b是什么意思思?

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专辑: Time To Grow
流派: R&B
语言: 英语
日期: 2005-4
推荐曲目:If There’s Any Justice
施展出迷人节奏蓝调,灵魂等音韵的大本营”美国”,捧红多为扬名国际的歌手,然而进入90年代,传承Aretha Franklin、Roberta Flack等绝代动人的灵魂音韵,香醇搭配节奏蓝调、爵士、嘻哈等多类元素调和成的Neo-Soul乐派,在Erykah Badu、India.Arie、D’Angelo、Maxwell带领下,开出一朵朵鲜艳芬芳的灿烂花朵,无不为其诱人歌声、舒缓旋律而动容,这位出产自英国,散发无比骚灵式的魅力男声Lemar,可不输上述清一色来自美国的战将!Lemar请来纽约DJ/制作金牌好手Ron G(Michael Jackson、Mary J Blige、B2K)全盘掌舵,端出推第二张录音室作品《Time To Grow》,再展Lemar不凡的创作才能与动人Soulful金嗓!首选单曲”If There’s Any Justice”,在管弦乐的润饰谱奏下,Lemar漂亮真假音情绪转折,马上打进全英Top10之林中
I would be your man,
You would be my girl,
I beleive,
If there's any justice in the world,
I would be your man,
You would be my girl,
If i'd found you first you know its true,
He would be alone,&&
I would be with you,
When you decide, dont let me down,
Coz there's nothing to be certain in my life,
And you've seen a thousand times
There's not much justice in the world
If there's any justice in your heart,
You love pity it changed,
Ease it into heart,
Why dont you remember how it feels,
Not to give a damn,
For anyone but me
I cant believe you'd be decieved,
Changing memories from truth to fantasy,
Where there's nothing left but tears,
And there's not much justice in the world
Just because he's wrapped around your finger,
Don't fool yourself with dreams that might appear,
If in time you'll stop and trust your feelings,
The truth is out there somewhere
It's blowing in the wind
If there's any justice in the world,
I would be your man,
You would be my girl,
If i'd found you first you know its true,
He would be alone,&&
I would be with you,
When you decide, dont let me down,
Coz there's nothing to be certain in my life,
And you've seen a thousand times
There's not much justice in the world
If I should lose you girl you know,
That theres not much justice in the world
If there's any justice in the world,&&
You're gonna be my baby,
You're gonna be my baby,
You're gonna be my baby!
小海~~ 你来了~~
Powered byR & B是什么意思啊
“节奏布鲁斯”(R&B)在20世纪40年代中期出现的时候,它甚至还没有名字。但这个词才一出现,它就迅速广泛地传播开去。时至今日,R&B已经成了黑人流行音乐的代名词,尽管它更多的是作为一种区别于说唱乐(Rap)、灵魂乐(Soul)、都市歌(Urban)的音乐种类被特殊的听众和唱片界人士提及。早期的摇滚乐 就是以R&B为基础的,它是由受流行音乐影响的“乡村和西部音乐”延展而来。R&B不仅仅是...
hatter)。作为“灵魂乐”的教父们,这些人中有的后来在60年代成为了“灵魂乐”的超级巨星,比如查尔斯和布朗;而另一些则由于时代的变迁和不能解决的个人问题从此退出了音乐舞台,比如麦克菲特和约翰。 对于R&B来说,如今被赋予的纪念性意义和迟到的喝彩声并不能改变当初它所面临的窘境——早期的R&B唱片很难被全部的新听众所接受。而40年代和50年代的R&B歌手及唱片公司更多的是将注意力放在娱乐性方面,并不是致力于推广多元化的艺术作品。因此在R&B的全盛时期,人们听到的歌曲都是由相似的和声、进行模式以及编曲构成。不过,尽管R&B从诞生之初至今已经改变了许多,但它依然保留了摇滚乐、灵魂乐和说唱乐中极其重要的部分,并且在音乐的背后发挥着作用。
写是Rhythm and Blues,译作「节奏怨曲」或「节奏布鲁斯」。融合了爵士乐,福音音乐和蓝调音乐的音乐形式。这个音乐术语由是美国告示牌杂志(Billboard)于1940年代末所提出。它衍生了多种不同音乐类型,如我们熟悉的Rock'n'Roll,Disco和Rap,都可算是由R&B发展而成。...


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