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英文翻译百科解释chorus of the yellow riveryellow river cantata:&&&&the Huanghe R the Yello ...:&&&&cantata:&&&&The Yellow River Cantata:&&&&responsorial singing by the
...:&&&& chorus: 《黄河大合唱》 the ...:&&&&huang he bridge:&&&&errant of yellow river:&&&&repeat chorus详细百科解释
例句与用法The yellow river chorus , which was composed simply 6 days , made him a name他以《黄河大合唱》而著名,于1935仅用6天写成。 " the yellow river indignation " , a soprano solo , is the sixth movement of " the yellow river cantata "摘要《黄河怨》是《黄河大合唱》的第六乐章,是一首女高音独唱曲。 At the “ voices of xinghai ” large - scale chorus concert grandly held at the city sports centre on september 22 , 4000 people sang together the yellow river chorus , hence the most massive collective show in zhuhai history"星海之声"万众歌会大型音乐会22日在体育中心隆重上演,其中4000群众合唱了《黄河大合唱》等歌曲,使之成为了珠海历来规模最大的演出盛会。 With the background of the form and development of the republic , staged on the numerous and complicated social life , this play describes the peculiar bumpy life experiences of several republic ' s contemporaries during their youth , growth , and maturity periods该剧以共和国成立、发展的历史为背景黄河大合唱歌词,以纷繁、复杂的社会生活为舞台黄河大合唱歌词,描写了几个与共和国同龄的男女青年成长、成熟以及这代人特有的曲折、坎坷的人生经历。 &&
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