what was i thinkingan experience it was

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An Experience That Changed My Life
Valen C. Hocog
English 101-10
Dr. David Khorram
February... 09, 2011
Seven years ago I gave birth to a healthy boy who changed everything about me and my
life. Before his birth I was an optimistic person who only thought of the fun things that would
make my day. I was an immature girl without a care in the world. After his birth I grew up,
stopped partying, and took on the responsibility that was gifted to me.
It has not been a breezy walk...
In life we all have something that has changed the way we perceive things. Most things that change a person’s... perception happens to be an experience that they have gone thru and learned from. In my case it wasn’t necessarily an experience, it was a dog that changed my perception on life. My mind and heart was opened in a whole new way. I never thought I could love an animal just as much as I loved the people in my life.
I always thought it was strange that pet owners loved and treated...
John Winkel
My Life Experiences
&I, (state your full name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support... and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies,
that I will bear true faith and al and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.” This is the oath that every person joining...
with you five things that I implemented into my life that created amazing, compounding change, and completely shifted the... direction and energy of my life. I came to them through reading, talking with others, and taking an honest look at my circumstances and the chain of events that led me to be where I was. I was discouraged by the drudgery, loneliness, and lack of direction I found embedded in my day to day experience. I used the wisdom and experience of many to create a plan of action that has surprised...
The Death of my grandmother a life experience that changed my Identity...
My sense of independence was shattered when my grandmother departed from this world. I lost my grandmother and this experience shattered my perspective of life. Losing a loved one was like having a wisdom tooth pulled without any Novocain.
In spite of this painful occurrence happening to me at twenty-four years of age, emotions such as shock, anger, and guilt, came into play creating chaos. I rerun her death in my mind, yet...
My Life Experiences and Changes
Cynthia Carpenter...
Laura Prout
July 2, 2012
“The Crash that changed my life”
Paris Tallman
Developmental Writing
Life can be very... unpredictable, there are many accidents everyday. Some people perceive these events as unfortunate, while others believe it to be an act of god. Whenever I witness car accidents on the road, I view them as to be very unfortunate for the people involved. I never imagined one day I would firsthand experience the event of being in a car accident.
I remember it as if it was yesterday. On Sunday, September...
It was the month of November and the year was 2008. I did not plan on going to the hospital on this day but my mother received a phone call.... That one call was my reason for being waken up at 4 a.m. listening to my mom as she reused me to get dressed. One call changed my life forever. A person from the hospital called and said that my grandmother was not breathing normally. After we got to the hospital we find out that the cancer she was diagnosed with has affected her breathing, which caused tubes...
magical book that changed my life and opened my heart to a world of literacy. Harry Potter and the... Philosopher’s Stone (Rowling, 1997) not only intensified my already keen imagination, but filled me with a hunger for knowledge. I knew then that I had to enhance my literary skills in order to obtain the level of intellectual stimulation I craved, and Harry Potter gave me the tools and motivation to do so. To this day, the series carries an impact in both my personal life as well as fueling my own desire...
The Accident That Changed My Life
On the sunny morning of June 28th 2012, my life... changed forever. Or should I say the way I viewed it, in its own complicated, strange, yet beautiful way. After months of planning my friends Chasen, Aaron, Kayla and I left our hometown of Carlsbad, New Mexico to head to a concert in Las Cruces, New Mexico. We had eaten breakfast and my gas tank was full, so we just took off. We played our music super loud and laughed about little things that had happened in the previous...
21 September 2009
The day my life changed
In a life filled... with stumbling blocks
my father has always been my anchor.
Then one day my anchor was taken from me and I was set adrift. The last time I got to
see my dad was Christmas Eve of 1998. We had made plans to get together early because
that was going to be the first Christmas we didn't spend together. We gathered together
at my grandmothers home for our Christmas dinner and the smell of the...
That Changed My Life
It's been three years since that ghastly night, it shaped me into what I am now, not being... comfortable around the countless people in the street had become a part of me, from a simple walk from my work place to my house makes me unusually un-ease knowing that even though you might have done nothing wrong, there might be someone out to get you. Somebody should have told her, right at the beginning of her life, that she would die so young, so that she could live her life to the...
The Day My Life Changed Forever
I will never forget the day when my life was... changed forever. I was twenty-two years old and about to give birth to my first child. I was having a girl, who I was going to name Mia Alexandria. Up until this point in my life I was able to go and come as I pleased, but that was about to all change. I knew that having a child would change my life but did not know how much.
It was in December of 1996, and was a cold, dreary winter day. I was in my eighth month of...
John Trimble
9 January 2003
How Fight Club Changed My Life
Once, I was a young boy who believed everything I... heard, yet I knew nothing. I
was impressionable and weak. Above all else, I was confused. I did not understand
myself, and I did not realize why I wasn’t happy. Everything always went wrong. I felt
my life slipping away into oblivion with no palpable meaning. My life was an endless
array of homework, band camp, theater, girls, and a myriad other things that were not
making me happy...
For many people the most meaningful experience of their lives is well defined, clear and concise. One given occurrence, at a given time and in... a clear setting can change the meaning of life for a person.
One late night I sat down in a quiet room in my house to think about my personal experiences, the only sound in the house came from an old mantel clock, which I like to keep wound and on time. I very much enjoy listening to the rhythmic tic-tock, and I regard it as a remainder of our time here on...
The Day That Changed My Life
On August 8, 2009 I woke up like any other day, not knowing that it was going to... be the worst day of my life. As soon as I cracked my eyes, my hand went to my phone to check a variety of things including my Facebook, my text messages, and my instant messages. I was hoping to see a message from my boyfriend, Lucas.
Three months prior to this day, my boyfriend’s best friend, Michael, had died in a motorcycle accident.
As long as I had known the two of them, they...
share this information within the organizations that they
work for and as well as for the employees that are working for them.
By taking the Ethic... Awareness Inventory Assessment to see how well I do to realize my own ethical standpoint and compare the result with the inventory analysis. To my surprise, I scored high in the obligation and the results profiles. It stated real clearly that ethical decision-making involves three components awareness, articulation, and application (Ethics Awareness Inventory...
Aric Trujillo
The Day That Changed My Life
For years in my life graduating from High... School had been a date circled in my mind. For me graduating High School meant I could then do whatever I wanted to do without anyone telling me right from wrong. As I got older I began to realize that everything I had thought before was now totally wrong. I realized that graduating High School meant I was going to have to be more responsible there I ever had before. It now made me realize that I had to become...
My name is Melissa Losada. I was born in Michigan in the year 1995. I lived there with my mom until my younger... sister Rebecca was born. Soon after we moved to West Virginia to be with my grandmother, it was 1996 I was two years old when I moved to the city of Beckley, West Virginia and that is the only place I have ever lived since. Beaver elementary is where I went to elementary school, I lived directly in front of the school so I was never really far from home. Back then my mom was our girl scout...
English 101
7 September 2014
Becoming a 16 year old mother changed my life
Becoming a 16 year mother... changed my life in more ways than one. I was totally blown away knowing that I would have to devote my time, love, energy, smile, and money to another human being. Motherhood at such a young age was not a box of chocolate. In fact, it is a continuous fun, exciting, and overwhelming learning experience. Nevertheless, being a full-time mother, student, and wage-earner assisted in the astonishing...
A Moment That Changed My Life
If you happened to be at the Target Center on March 21, 2012 around seven in the... evening, you may have noticed a white mass at one of end of the basketball court.
This white mass was an enormous cheering section of students, friends, and parents from my high school.
Among this section were two boys that didn’t go to my high school, Andrew and Evan Mulville.
They went to another school in our conference, but early in the basketball season they became part of the “Watertown...
always one experience in life that
either makes you or breaks you, and having my
son has definitely made me... who I am. Before I had
Gabriel, my life was completely different but
now everything has changed for the better. I’ve never
loved anyone or anything like I love him.
Being a mother is absolutely amazing. The things my
son learns and teaches me every day are
also amazing and also make me better. There’s no way
I could ever not want him in my life.
English 101
Feb. 08, 2014
Narrative Essay
The Day That Changed... My Life
When I was a kid I was abused by my father and stepfather. I have been put through walls and windows. When I would get into trouble with my dad he would use a belt or a two by four on me. If I was with my mom and my stepfather was in a bad mood or I did something wrong or if I got anything below a b in school, I would get hit or I would have to choose between...
Moving to Virginia Changed My Life
By Laticia Miles
ENG121: English Composition I
Instructor Steve... Ryan
July 27, 2014
Who knew, changing environments could have a vast effect on my life and the lives of my four children.
Changing environments changed our lives socially, economically and spiritually.
All I had to do was want it bad enough, dream it big enough and prepare for the best life I had always envisioned for us.
Positive changes occurred within...
Night that Changed my Life
Will they like me?
Will I like them?
Are they going to like my... personality?
These are the thoughts that run through my mind as I anxiously await meeting new people.
Whether you are at school, a new job, or socializing at a party, meeting new people can be a very nerve racking.
Being able to walk up to a group of people and introduce yourself requires confidence and maturity.
Although I believe I do posses these qualities, I still get butterflies in my stomach when...
challenge? Describe a challenge you anticipate facing in any aspect of college life. On the basis of what you learned from your earlier... response, how do you expect to deal with this challenge?
5 Describe and evaluate one experience that significantly influenced your academic interests. The experience might be a high school course, a job, a relationship, or an extracurricular activity. Be sure to explain how this experience led to your setting the goals you now have for yourself, and why you think the...
technologies that changed and profoundly impacted our lives, along with the reasons why. Technology has shaped and is shaping many different... generations in different ways and will continue to do so for long periods of time. I know I always enjoy listening to others tell stories about the products that truly impacted them for the better and some of the reasons why. So here are the ones that shaped my life up to this point.
That’s right the very first EPIC NES. It was 1985 when the NES came into my house. I...
was doing was for songs. Songs that matched my feelings inside, things I didn’t yet have the words to explain or describe. I would listen to... songs that matched my loneliness, desperation, anger, and lack of hope, trying to understand myself through my own tears.
One summer my mother decided to send me to Ecuador for a month by myself. I was okay with her decision because I would be spending the whole summer with my family. While I was in Ecuador my family decided to go to the tropical part which...
December 17th, 2010 was a regular day for me. I was done with my finals and was heading to Tozeur, a town in the south west of Tunisia,... with a couple of friends to spend a couple of days to relax and have fun. We drove by a city called Sidi-Bouzid without being aware that in this city, an event that happened that day would change the destiny of a lot of countries.
A guy named Mohamed Bouazizi was spending a regular day, selling his vegetables in a corner of a street in Sidi-Bouzid as he was...
The Kid who Changed My Life
It’s a typical T I’m getting ready to check in the kids to their... respective classrooms. Today is my tur everyone that has worked with me before in the children’s department doesn’t really like the gym. It might be because the little boys that we work with are just plain rambunctious. They are very different from kids I have worked with before and now my perspective has changed and the way I work with these kids has changed also. Its six...
I volunteered with Outreach Kenya Development Volunteers for three months in Bungoma, Kenya. As a team of six volunteers, we lived with a traditional Kenya... family and shared in their daily experiences. Our primary focus this summer was AIDS education. We reached over 7,000 Kenyans about the potential dangers of HIV/AIDS. We used a secondhand vehicle bought by OKDV during the summer of 2000 and an old TV and generator to educate Kenyans. We traveled throughout rural western Kenya and reached people...
How Epilepsy Changed My Life
Gilbert Lutes
Essay ENGL 121
Writing Assignment
When I was just... seven-years old, I was diagnosed with epilepsy. I’d been having small and frequent seizures my entire life without ever knowing of it until one day when I was shelling walnuts in front of the fireplace.
Everything I ever knew was being stripped away from me. I no longer had control over any of the muscles in my body, my ability to speak, my actions, nor my sight. All I could do was relax...
I sit now quietly in front of a grand piano in my cousin’s living room. My cousin, Lana, is speaking to me- she had me... over for lunch to discuss the family- yet I am distracted by the large instrument that takes up almost half the room. I can only assume
the baby grand was once a shiny black, though because its keys have been played numerous times, its color is noticeably faded. My mother floats through my mind.
“Anastasia!” my cousin stops her rambling and finally notices that I have...
The Things my Deceased Sister told me
First, I must tell you that I had a sister named Cindy. When we were young, people thought we were... twins. She was 13 months older then me. About 23 years ago, she was diagnosed with cancer. They gave her 8 months to 5 years to live. She said she was going to prove them wrong and live longer. Well, she did exceed the 5 years by about 6 months. She passed away in October of 1995, at the age of 34.
I still miss her and when I heard about a medium from Stroudsburg...
How a Baby Changed My Life
I have heard that if you wait to have a baby until you are ready, you will... never have one.
Even at 39, I felt that I was not ready for the changes.
I did not even realize the amount of changes that having a baby would have on my life. I also had no idea that I would change my career after the baby was born.
I also did not know that I would have to function on little or no sleep.
Furthermore, the amount of free time that I used to enjoy has been greatly reduced...
This is my creative essay for the Film Program at NYU. The prompt was:
&Introduce yourself. Describe an unforgettable event in your... life and how it changed your perception of yourself or the view of someone close to you. This event can be dramatic and/or comedic. The assignment may be written as a short story in the first person or as an essay.&
My one fear is that my essay is hard to understand. So any feedback on how it reads to other people would be a huge help. And also any gramatical errors...
How Harry Potter Changed My Life
Written by: Colin Rhoney
English 111 (A2)
Ever since I first began to read,... books have always been a major influence in my life. My childhood was full of many memories of reading many wonderful books. I remember spending hours upon hours going from shelf to shelf, looking for new books. The library became almost like a treasure hunt, searching every row and every book before discovering just the right book to read. The most exciting part was when I would come...
excited for the history that waits inside. I draw in the Rosie the Riveter posters, the aircraft models, and war books that are hung up on their shelves....
“Can I help you, Miss?” The woman at the counter is retired, no doubt a woman that had a lot of experience either building aircrafts or helping in the war efforts during her time.
“Yes I I’m an English Student at Washtenaw. I was hoping to get an interview or tour of the museum.”
“G John will be giving the tours today...
Andrea Johnson
November 1, 2012
How Cancer Changed My Life
Cancer can make a change in... anyone’s life. It has been in my life for as long as I can remember. Many of my family members have had several different types of cancer and have lost their battle, but the one that impacted my life the most was the recent loss of my best friend. My friend’s name was Elke, and she battled brain cancer for almost 10 years. She was only declared in remission a couple times, it just kept...
The Day That Changed My Life Forever
It was a bone chilling J my mom received a call... at about 11:15 PM, a call that changed my life forever.
My Aunt June was on the other line.
She was crying so hard my mother could barely understand her.
Through the sobbing my mom finally understood that Brian, my cousin, had been in a horrible accident and she didn’t know how bad it was.
My mother jumped out of the bed after she hung up the phone.
She screamed up the stairs at my...
My Life Learning Experience with R.S.V
Course Title
Many individuals have experienced problems with their hospitals or health care facilities. An important concept that I learned from facing this family crisis that will be examined in this paper is that, when a family member becomes seriously ill, they need quality medical care. Sometimes, when a person's life is at stake, the further a person lives from medical facilities which can offer...


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