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深入理解计算机系统(第二版) 家庭作业答案
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深入理解计算机系统(第二版) 家庭作业答案
官方公共微信  这个系列已经很久没更新了,记得上一篇博文已经是三月份了,实在是抱歉。最近业余时间没有以前充裕了,因此更新一篇博文已经变成了一种奢侈。记得以前刚开始写的时候,最多的时候LZ一天写过3篇博文,现在想想,往事如梦。
  and:& & & & & & & &or:& & & & & & & & not:
  它代表着输出是a和b是否相等,如果用HCL来描述电路,就是(a && b) || (!a && !b)。我们不难看出来,这个表达式就是编程语言当中的a == b。
  在这个例子当中还不是特别明显,但是之后有更明显的例子说明&复用&的含义。以上这个电路如果用HCL表达,则是(a && s) || (b && !s)。这个电路的含义是如果s为1,则结果为a,否则结果为b。
  3、对于a && b这个符号来说,C语言中的规定是如果前者为假,则后者不会再计算。而HCL当中没有这种说法。
  这个图当中每个位相等的判断都是上面所提到的两个not门,两个and门和一个or门组成的组合电路。它们并列的一起进行,最终再通过一个and门,就完成了判断两个32位的数字是否相等的操作。也就是表达式A == B,值得注意的是,这里的A和B都是32位的。
  其中如果S1为code == 2 || code == 3,S0为code == 1 || code == 0。那么HCL可以用另外一种方式表达,即code in {2,3}和code in {1,0}。可以看出,HCL表达式其实就是一种硬件表述方式。
  当地址(address)输入,并且输入数据(data in)输入时,如果写(write)输入为1并且时钟(clock)变化时,存储器中地址为输入地址值的值将会变化,值就是输入数据(data in)的值。同样的,如果地址(address)输入,并且写(write)输入为0,则输出数据(data out)会输出地址为输入地址值的值。这里还有一点特殊的是,当读数据的时候,如果地址超出了范围,error信号将会输出为1。回忆一下刚才的HCL语言,error其实就可以看做是一个组合电路的输出,等于(address in & max address ) || (address in & 0),即当输入的地址值不在合法范围内时,它的输出为1。
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深入理解计算机系统 lab1 ——datalab 解答 (95个ops)
* CS:APP Data Lab
* &Please put your name and userid here&
* bits.c - Source file with your solutions to the Lab.
This is the file you will hand in to your instructor.
* WARNING: Do not include the &stdio.h& it confuses the dlc
* compiler. You can still use printf for debugging without including
* &stdio.h&, although you might get a compiler warning. In general,
* it's not good practice to ignore compiler warnings, but in this
* case it's OK.
* Instructions to Students:
* STEP 1: Read the following instructions carefully.
You will provide your solution to the Data Lab by
editing the collection of functions in this source file.
Replace the &return& statement in each function with one
or more lines of C code that implements the function. Your code
must conform to the following style:
int Funct(arg1, arg2, ...) {
/* brief description of how your implementation works */
int var1 = Expr1;
int varM = ExprM;
varJ = ExprJ;
varN = ExprN;
return ExprR;
Each &Expr& is an expression using ONLY the following:
1. Integer constants 0 through 255 (0xFF), inclusive. You are
not allowed to use big constants such as 0xffffffff.
2. Function arguments and local variables (no global variables).
3. Unary integer operations ! ~
4. Binary integer operations & ^ | + && &&
Some of the problems restrict the set of allowed operators even further.
Each &Expr& may consist of multiple operators. You are not restricted to
one operator per line.
You are expressly forbidden to:
1. Use any control constructs such as if, do, while, for, switch, etc.
2. Define or use any macros.
3. Define any additional functions in this file.
4. Call any functions.
5. Use any other operations, such as &&, ||, -, or ?:
6. Use any form of casting.
7. Use any data type other than int.
This implies that you
cannot use arrays, structs, or unions.
You may assume that your machine:
1. Uses 2s complement, 32-bit representations of integers.
2. Performs right shifts arithmetically.
3. Has unpredictable behavior when shifting an integer by more
than the word size.
* pow2plus1 - returns 2^x + 1, where 0 &= x &= 31
int pow2plus1(int x) {
/* exploit ability of shifts to compute powers of 2 */
return (1 && x) + 1;
* pow2plus4 - returns 2^x + 4, where 0 &= x &= 31
int pow2plus4(int x) {
/* exploit ability of shifts to compute powers of 2 */
int result = (1 && x);
result += 4;
For the problems that require you to implent floating-point operations,
the coding rules are less strict.
You are allowed to use looping and
conditional control.
You are allowed to use both ints and unsigneds.
You can use arbitrary integer and unsigned constants.
You are expressly forbidden to:
1. Define or use any macros.
2. Define any additional functions in this file.
3. Call any functions.
4. Use any form of casting.
5. Use any data type other than int or unsigned.
This means that you
cannot use arrays, structs, or unions.
6. Use any floating point data types, operations, or constants.
1. Use the dlc (data lab checker) compiler (described in the handout) to
check the legality of your solutions.
2. Each function has a maximum number of operators (! ~ & ^ | + && &&)
that you are allowed to use for your implementation of the function.
The max operator count is checked by dlc. Note that '=' is not
you may use as many of these as you want without penalty.
3. Use the btest test harness to check your functions for correctness.
4. Use the BDD checker to formally verify your functions
5. The maximum number of ops for each function is given in the
header comment for each function. If there are any inconsistencies
between the maximum ops in the writeup and in this file, consider
this file the authoritative source.
* STEP 2: Modify the following functions according the coding rules.
1. Use the dlc compiler to check that your solutions conform
to the coding rules.
2. Use the BDD checker to formally verify that your solutions produce
the correct answers.
* bitNor - ~(x|y) using only ~ and &
Example: bitNor(0x6, 0x5) = 0xFFFFFFF8
Legal ops: ~ &
Max ops: 8
int bitNor(int x, int y) {
/* DeMorgan's Theorem
~ (x | y) &=& ~ x & ~ y */
* fitsShort - return 1 if x can be represented as a
16-bit, two's complement integer.
Examples: fitsShort(33000) = 0, fitsShort(-32768) = 1
Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + && &&
Max ops: 8
int fitsShort(int x) {
int y = x && 15;
!( (y && 16) ^ y);
* addOK - Determine if can compute x+y without overflow
Example: addOK(0xx) = 0,
addOK(0xx) = 1,
Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + && &&
Max ops: 20
int addOK(int x, int y) {
int ans = x +
!( ( ( x ^ ans ) & ( y ^ ans ) )
&& 0x1F );
* allOddBits - return 1 if all odd-numbered bits in word set to 1
Examples allOddBits(0xFFFFFFFD) = 0, allOddBits(0xAAAAAAAA) = 1
Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + && &&
Max ops: 12
int allOddBits(int x) {
int y = x && 16; x &=
y = x && 8; x &=
! ( (x & 0xAA) ^ 0xAA) ;
* byteSwap - swaps the nth byte and the mth byte
Examples: byteSwap(0x, 3) = 0x
byteSwap(0xDEADBEEF, 0, 2) = 0xDEEFBEAD
You may assume that 0 &= n &= 3, 0 &= m &= 3
Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + && &&
Max ops: 25
int byteSwap(int x, int n, int m) {
int n_shift =
int m_shift =
int x_n = x & (0xFF &&
n_shift );
int x_m = x & (0xFF &&
m_shift );
return (x ^ x_n ^ x_m) | (((x_n && n_shift) & 0xFF) && m_shift) | (((x_m && m_shift) & 0xFF) && n_shift);
int n_shift =
int m_shift =
int x_n = ( x &&
n_shift ) & 0xFF;
int x_m = ( x &&
m_shift ) & 0xFF;
( x ^ ( x_n && n_shift) ^ ( x_m && m_shift ) ) | ( x_n && m_shift) | (x_m && n_shift);
int n_shift =
int m_shift =
int p = ( ( x && m_shift ) ^ ( x && n_shift) ) & 0xFF;
return x ^ ( ( p && m_shift ) | ( p
&& n_shift ) );
* sign - return 1 if positive, 0 if zero, and -1 if negative
Examples: sign(130) = 1
sign(-23) = -1
Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + && &&
Max ops: 10
int sign(int x) {
return (x && 0x1F) | !!x;
* getByte - Extract byte n from word x
Bytes numbered from 0 (LSB) to 3 (MSB)
Examples: getByte(0x) = 0x56
Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + && &&
Max ops: 6
int getByte(int x, int n) {
return (x && ( n && 3) ) & 0xFF;
* rempwr2 - Compute x%(2^n), for 0 &= n &= 30
Negative arguments should yield negative remainders
Examples: rempwr2(15,2) = 3, rempwr2(-35,3) = -3
Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + && &&
Max ops: 20
int rempwr2(int x, int n) {
int p = (~0) &&
int ans = x & (~p);
return ans +
( ( ( x & (~ans + 1) ) && 0x1F ) & p );
ans +( (x && 0x1F)
~ ( ( !! ans ) && n ) + 1 ));
* isPositive - return 1 if x & 0, return 0 otherwise
Example: isPositive(-1) = 0.
Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + && &&
Max ops: 8
int isPositive(int x) {
return !((x && 0x1F) | !x);
* isLess - if x & y
then return 1, else return 0
Example: isLess(4,5) = 1.
Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + && &&
Max ops: 24
int isLess(int x, int y) {
int not_y = ~y;
( ( ( ( x +
not_y + 1 ) & ( x ^ not_y ) ) | ( x & not_y ) )&& 0x1F ) & 1;
* trueThreeFourths - multiplies by 3/4 roun 9 isLess
ding toward 0,
avoiding errors due to overflow
Examples: trueThreeFourths(11) = 8
trueThreeFourths(-9) = -6
trueThreeFourths() =
(no overflow)
Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + && &&
Max ops: 20
int trueThreeFourths(int x)
int y = x & 0x3;
x = x && 2;
return ( x&& 1 )+ x + ( ( y + y + y + ( (x && 0x1F) & 0x3 )) && 2 );
* isNonZero - Check whether x is nonzero using
the legal operators except !
Examples: isNonZero(3) = 1, isNonZero(0) = 0
Legal ops: ~ & ^ | + && &&
Max ops: 10
int isNonZero(int x) {
((( ~ x +1 ) | x) && 0x1F) & 1;
* satAdd - adds two numbers but when positive overflow occurs, returns
maximum possible value, and when negative overflow occurs,
it returns minimum positive value.
Examples: satAdd(0xx) = 0x7fffffff
satAdd(0xxffffffff) = 0x
Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + && &&
Max ops: 30
int satAdd(int x, int y) {
int ans = x +
int ALL = (( x ^ ans) & (y ^ ans)) && 0x1F;
int x_sign = x && 0x1F;
return (ans | ALL) ^ ( ( (ALL & 1) && 0x1F ) ^ ( x_sign & ALL ) );
int ans = x +
int overFlow = (( x ^ ans) & (y ^ ans)) && 0x1F;
return ( ans && ( overFlow & 0x1F ) ) + ( overFlow && 0x1F ) ;
* float_abs - Return bit-level equivalent of absolute value of f for
floating point argument f.
Both the argument and result are passed as unsigned int's, but
they are to be interpreted as the bit-level representations of
single-precision floating point values.
When argument is NaN, return argument..
Legal ops: Any integer/unsigned operations incl. ||, &&. also if, while
Max ops: 10
unsigned float_abs(unsigned uf) {
unsigned ALL = 0x7FFFFFFF;
unsigned minNaN = 0x7F800001;
unsigned temp = uf & ALL;
if (temp &= minNaN)
* float_twice - Return bit-level equivalent of expression 2*f for
floating point argument f.
Both the argument and result are passed as unsigned int's, but
they are to be interpreted as the bit-level representation of
single-precision floating point values.
When argument is NaN, return argument
Legal ops: Any integer/unsigned operations incl. ||, &&. also if, while
Max ops: 30
unsigned float_twice(unsigned uf) {
unsigned temp = uf & 0x7F800000;
unsigned sign = uf & 0x;
if (temp) {
temp != 0x7F800000 ) {
uf = uf + 0x ;
if (temp == 0x7F000000) uf = (uf & 0xFF800000);
uf = ( uf && 1) |
权限设置: 公开
&&&&&&& 看完这一本《CSAPP深入理解计算机系统》自然应该将配套的实验好好做做,这是巩固知识提升运用能力的一个非常好的方法,第一个实验就是这个datalab,要求我们对位运算有很深的理解和掌握,在做这个实验的过程中,遇到了很多难题,基本上都能通过查阅资料和自我分析解决,下面我将我的答案贴出来,以便以后再做此实验的同仁能够参考一下,所有函数都通过检测,并且大部分函数都包含我自己的理解所以我都加上了注释,有网址的地方是借鉴和参考的原网址,在原内容的基础上我又增加了自己的思考与修改。由于CMU的这门计算机导论课程一直在更新,所以很多最新的内容在网络上比较乱,大家在这篇日志可以看到对该实验的最新解析。下面提供几篇可供参考的关于该实验的日志:
&& 这篇文章的实验内容比较新,少部分不同,美中不足的是注释不多。
&&&&&&& && 这个博客讲解比较详细,注释丰富,但实验内容不全。
* CS:APP Data Lab
* &Please put your name and userid here&
* bits.c - Source file with your solutions to the Lab.
This is the file you will hand in to your instructor.
* WARNING: Do not include the &stdio.h& it confuses the dlc
* compiler. You can still use printf for debugging without including
* &stdio.h&, although you might get a compiler warning. In general,
* it's not good practice to ignore compiler warnings, but in this
* case it's OK.
* Instructions to Students:
* STEP 1: Read the following instructions carefully.
You will provide your solution to the Data Lab by
editing the collection of functions in this source file.
Replace the &return& statement in each function with one
or more lines of C code that implements the function. Your code
must conform to the following style:
int Funct(arg1, arg2, ...) {
/* brief description of how your implementation works */
int var1 = Expr1;
int varM = ExprM;
varJ = ExprJ;
varN = ExprN;
return ExprR;
Each &Expr& is an expression using ONLY the following:
1. Integer constants 0 through 255 (0xFF), inclusive. You are
not allowed to use big constants such as 0xffffffff.
2. Function arguments and local variables (no global variables).
3. Unary integer operations ! ~
4. Binary integer operations & ^ | + && &&
Some of the problems restrict the set of allowed operators even further.
Each &Expr& may consist of multiple operators. You are not restricted to
one operator per line.
You are expressly forbidden to:
1. Use any control constructs such as if, do, while, for, switch, etc.
2. Define or use any macros.
3. Define any additional functions in this file.
4. Call any functions.
5. Use any other operations, such as &&, ||, -, or ?:
6. Use any form of casting.
7. Use any data type other than int.
This implies that you
cannot use arrays, structs, or unions.
You may assume that your machine:
1. Uses 2s complement, 32-bit representations of integers.
2. Performs right shifts arithmetically.
3. Has unpredictable behavior when shifting an integer by more
than the word size.
* pow2plus1 - returns 2^x + 1, where 0 &= x &= 31
int pow2plus1(int x) {
/* exploit ability of shifts to compute powers of 2 */
return (1 && x) + 1;
* pow2plus4 - returns 2^x + 4, where 0 &= x &= 31
int pow2plus4(int x) {
/* exploit ability of shifts to compute powers of 2 */
int result = (1 && x);
result += 4;
For the problems that require you to implent floating-point operations,
the coding rules are less strict.
You are allowed to use looping and
conditional control.
You are allowed to use both ints and unsigneds.
You can use arbitrary integer and unsigned constants.
You are expressly forbidden to:
1. Define or use any macros.
2. Define any additional functions in this file.
3. Call any functions.
4. Use any form of casting.
5. Use any data type other than int or unsigned.
This means that you
cannot use arrays, structs, or unions.
6. Use any floating point data types, operations, or constants.
1. Use the dlc (data lab checker) compiler (described in the handout) to
check the legality of your solutions.
2. Each function has a maximum number of operators (! ~ & ^ | + && &&)
that you are allowed to use for your implementation of the function.
The max operator count is checked by dlc. Note that '=' is not
you may use as many of these as you want without penalty.
3. Use the btest test harness to check your functions for correctness.
4. Use the BDD checker to formally verify your functions
5. The maximum number of ops for each function is given in the
header comment for each function. If there are any inconsistencies
between the maximum ops in the writeup and in this file, consider
this file the authoritative source.
* STEP 2: Modify the following functions according the coding rules.
1. Use the dlc compiler to check that your solutions conform
to the coding rules.
2. Use the BDD checker to formally verify that your solutions produce
the correct answers.
* bitAnd - x&y using only ~ and |
Example: bitAnd(6, 5) = 4
Legal ops: ~ |
Max ops: 8
int bitAnd(int x, int y) {
return ~(~x|~y);
* getByte - Extract byte n from word x
Bytes numbered from 0 (LSB) to 3 (MSB)
Examples: getByte(0x) = 0x56
Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + && &&
Max ops: 6
int getByte(int x, int n) {
return x&&(n&&3)&0
* logicalShift - shift x to the right by n, using a logical shift
Can assume that 0 &= n &= 31
Examples: logicalShift(0x) = 0x
Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + && &&
Max ops: 20
int logicalShift(int x, int n) {
return (x&&n)&(~((0x1&&31)&&n&&1));
* bitCount - returns count of number of 1's in word
Examples: bitCount(5) = 2, bitCount(7) = 3
Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + && &&
Max ops: 40
int bitCount(int x) {
int tmp=((0x01&&8|0x01)&&8|0x01)&&8|0x01;
int val=x&
return val&0
* bang - Compute !x without using !
Examples: bang(3) = 0, bang(0) = 1
Legal ops: ~ & ^ | + && &&
Max ops: 12
**If x!=0,x+(~x+1)=2^32,the highest bit of x and (~x+1)cannot be both 0(至少有一个为1再加上进位就可以继续进位,否则不会变成2^32).
int bang(int x) {
return (~((x|(~x+1))&&31))&0x1;
* tmin - return minimum two's complement integer
Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + && &&
Max ops: 4
int tmin(void) {
return 0x1&&31;
* fitsBits - return 1 if x can be represented as an
n-bit, two's complement integer.
1 &= n &= 32
Examples: fitsBits(5,3) = 0, fitsBits(-4,3) = 1
Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + && &&
Max ops: 15
/* if all negative numbers(e.g x) are changed into ~x, all the numbers those
* can be represented as an n-bit, two's complement integer will be in range
* of 0~2^(n-1). If it was arithmatically shifted (n-1) bits to right, it'll
int fitsBits(int x, int n) {
int isPositive=!(x&&31);
int shift=n+~0;
return (isPositive&!(x&&shift))|(!isPositive&!((~x)&&shift));
* divpwr2 - Compute x/(2^n), for 0 &= n &= 30
Round toward zero
Examples: divpwr2(15,1) = 7, divpwr2(-33,4) = -2
Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + && &&
Max ops: 15
int divpwr2(int x, int n) {
int sign=x&&31;
int bias=sign & ((1&&n) + (~0));
return (x+bias)&&n;
* negate - return -x
Example: negate(1) = -1.
Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + && &&
Max ops: 5
int negate(int x) {
return ~x+1;
* isPositive - return 1 if x & 0, return 0 otherwise
Example: isPositive(-1) = 0.
Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + && &&
Max ops: 8
int isPositive(int x) {
return !((x&&31)|(!x));
* isLessOrEqual - if x &= y
then return 1, else return 0
Example: isLessOrEqual(4,5) = 1.
Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + && &&
Max ops: 24
/* Because the substraction of two numbers with different signs may cause
* overflow, we should only judge whether x is negative then return
* 1(true). Otherwise we'll judge whether (x-y) is a non-positive
((x+(~y)+1-1)&&31,which includes the situation of x-y=0)
* number and return 1(true).
int isLessOrEqual(int x, int y) {
int signx=x&&31;
int signy=y&&31;
int IsSameSign=(!(signx^signy));
return (IsSameSign & ((x+(~y))&&31)) | ((!IsSameSign) & signx);
* ilog2 - return floor(log base 2 of x), where x & 0
Example: ilog2(16) = 4
Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + && &&
Max ops: 90
/* ilog2 is equivlance of finding the index of first 1 from left, the method is as following:
* check whether x's left half bits are all 0's, if so then throw them away,
* else right shift to reject the right half(remember the 16 bits thrown from
* right), to repeat it until only one &1& remaining and return the remembered
* number of x having been eliminated.
int ilog2(int x) {
int shift1,shift2,shift3,shift4,shift5;
//The value of 2^n has the form:0……010……0,so we can cut it short and increment the count variable with the corresponding number.
int sign = !!(x && 16); // whether x's left 16 bits aren't all 0's
shift1 = sign && 4;
x = x && shift1; // if so, right shift 16 bits
sign = !!(x && 8); // whether x's left 8 bits aren't all 0's
shift2 = sign && 3;
x = x && shift2; // if so, right shift 8 bits
sign = !!(x && 4); // whether x's left 4 bits aren't all 0's
shift3 = sign && 2;
x = x && shift3; // if so, right shift 4 bits
sign = !!(x && 2); // whether x's left 2 bits aren't all 0's
shift4 = sign && 1;
x = x && shift4; // if so, right shift 2 bits
sign = !!(x && 1); // whether x's left 1 bits aren't all 0's
shift5 = // if so, count will be added 1
// return all the shifts whose sum means the index of first &1& from left
return shift1+shift2+shift3+shift4+shift5;
* float_neg - Return bit-level equivalent of expression -f for
floating point argument f.
Both the argument and result are passed as unsigned int's, but
they are to be interpreted as the bit-level representations of
single-precision floating point values.
When argument is NaN, return argument.
Legal ops: Any integer/unsigned operations incl. ||, &&. also if, while
Max ops: 10
unsigned float_neg(unsigned uf) {
unsigned result= uf ^ 0x;//change the signed bit of uf
unsigned tmp=uf & 0x7//change the signed bit of uf to 0
if( tmp & 0x7f800000 ) //When argument is NaN(exponent bits are all 1 and mantissa bits arenot all 0), return argument.
//IEEE754 standard:1 bit signed bit,8 bits exponent,23 bits mantissa.
* float_i2f - Return bit-level equivalent of expression (float) x
Result is returned as unsigned int, but
it is to be interpreted as the bit-level representation of a
single-precision floating point values.
Legal ops: Any integer/unsigned operations incl. ||, &&. also if, while
Max ops: 30
unsigned float_i2f(int x) {//Rounding is important!
unsigned sign=0,shiftleft=0,flag=0,
unsigned absx=x;
if( x==0 ) return 0;
if( x&0 ){
while(1){//Shift until the highest bit equal to 1 in order to normalize the floating-point number
if( tmp&0x )
if( (absx & 0x01ff) & 0x0100 ) flag=1;//***Rounding 1
if( (absx & 0x03ff) == 0x0300 ) flag=1;//***Rounding 2
return sign+(absx&&9)+((159-shiftleft)&&23)+
* float_twice - Return bit-level equivalent of expression 2*f for
floating point argument f.
Both the argument and result are passed as unsigned int's, but
they are to be interpreted as the bit-level representation of
single-precision floating point values.
When argument is NaN, return argument
Legal ops: Any integer/unsigned operations incl. ||, &&. also if, while
Max ops: 30
unsigned float_twice(unsigned uf) {
/* Computer 2*f. If f is a NaN, then return f. */
unsigned exponent = uf & 0x7F800000;
unsigned sign = uf & 0x;
if (exponent) {
exponent != 0x7F800000 ) {
//if exponent bits are all 1 and mantissa bits arenot all 0,the number is NaN.
uf = uf + 0x;
//Increment exponent by 1,effectively multiplying by 2.
uf = ( uf && 1) |
//shift one bit to left
Score&& &Rating&& &Errors&& &Function
&1&& &&&&&&& 1&& &&&&&&&&&& 0&& &&&&&&&&& bitAnd
&2&& &&&&&&&&2&& &&&&&&&&&& 0&& &&&&&&&&& getByte
&3&& &&&&&&&&3&& &&&&&&&&&& 0&& &&&&&&&&& logicalShift
&4&& &&&&&&&&4&& &&&&&&&&&& 0&& &&&&&&&&& bitCount
&4&& &&&&&&&&4&& &&&&&&&&&& 0&& &&&&&&&&& bang
&1&& &&&&&&&&1&& &&&&&&&&&&&0&& &&&&&&&&& tmin
&2&& &&&&&&&&2&& &&&&&&&&&&&0&&&&&&&&&& & fitsBits
&2&&&&&&&&& &2&& &&&&&&&&&&&0&&&&&&&&&&&& divpwr2
&2&& &&&&&&&&2&& &&&&&&&&&&&0&&&&&&&&&&&& negate
&3&& &&&&&&&&3&& &&&&&&&&&&&0&&&&&&&&&&&& isPositive
&3&& &&&&&&&&3&&&&&&&&&&&& &0&&&&&&&&&&&& isLessOrEqual
&4&& &&&&&&&&4&& &&&&&&&&&&&0&&&&&&&&&&&& ilog2
&2&& &&&&&&&&2&& &&&&&&&&&&&0&& &&&&&&&&& float_neg
&4&&&&&&&&& &4&& &&&&&&&&&&&0&& &&&&&&&&& float_i2f
&4&& &&&&&&&&4&& &&&&&&&&&&&0&& &&&&&&&&& float_twice
Total points: 41/41
* 以上用户言论只代表其个人观点,不代表CSDN网站的观点或立场


更多关于 深入理解计算机系统 3 的文章

