tell you one important onething吉他谱!!!!!

每逢学校毕业季,相信同学们都会被各种名人的毕业演讲激励到热血沸腾。今天特别推荐美国首席大法官的毕业演讲,和别的演讲嘉宾不同,他直面人性的弱点发表了一次最佳毕业演讲:「I Wish You Bad Luck.」
双语讲稿 &
I Wish You Bad Luck
(John G. Roberts, Jr.)
Rain, somebody said, is like confetti from heaven. So even the heavens are celebrating this morning, joining the rest of us at this wonderful commencement ceremony. Before we go any further, graduates, you have an important task to perform because behind you are your parents and guardians. Two or three or four years ago, they drove into Cardigan, dropped you off, helped you get settled and then turned around and drove back out the gates. It was an extraordinary sacrifice for them. They drove down the trail of tears back to an emptier and lonelier house. They did that because the decision about your education, they knew, was about you. It was not about them. That sacrifice and others they made have brought you to this point. But this morning is not just about you. It is also about them, so I hope you will stand up and turn around and give them a great round of applause. Please.&
人们说,雨就像天堂洒下的五彩纸屑。所以今早,连上天也在和我们一起庆祝这个美妙的毕业典礼(演讲时下雨了)。同学们,在我们演讲之前,希望你们先为一直在背后支持你们的父母和监护人做一件事。两年、三年、或四年之前,他们送你们来 Cardigan 学校,帮助你安顿下来,然后默默转身离开。他们或许一路含着泪,回到了家里空荡荡、孤独的房子。这对他们来说不容易,但他们知道,让你们接受教育,比他们自己的感受更重要。为了帮助你们成长,他们愿意做出牺牲,并愿意付出一切。所以今天不只是你们的大日子,也是他们的大日子,所以我希望你们能站起来,转过身,为他们送上热烈的掌声。
Now when somebody asks me how the remarks at Cardigan went, I will be able to say they were interrupted by applause. Congratulations, class of 2017. You’ve reached an important milestone. An important stage of your life is behind you. I’m sorry to be the one to tell you it is the easiest stage of your life, but it is in the books. While you’ve been at Cardigan, you have all been a part of an important international community as well. And I think that needs to be particularly recognized.
当有人问我在 Cardigan 学校的演讲怎么样时,我可以说,掌声如雷,把演讲都打断了(大家笑了,并鼓掌)。祝贺你们,2017届的毕业生。这是你们人生的一个重要里程碑。人生重要的阶段,其实还在你们身后。我很抱歉地告诉你,书本其实是你生命中最容易的阶段(大家会心一笑)。当你们在 Cardigan 的时候,同时也是国际社会的重要组成部分。我认为这需要特别认知。
「Roberts gave brief remarks in other languages.」
Now around the country today at colleges, high schools, middle schools, commencement speakers are standing before impatient graduates. And they are almost always saying the same things. They will say that today is a commencement exercise. ‘It is a beginning, not an end. You should look forward.’ And I think that is true enough, however, I think if you’re going to look forward to figure out where you’re going, it’s good to know where you’ve been and to look back as well. And I think if you look back to your first afternoon here at Cardigan, perhaps you will recall that you were lonely. Perhaps you will recall that you were a little scared, a little anxious. And now look at you. You are surrounded by friends that you call brothers, and you are confident in facing the next step in your education.
现在,在全国各地的学校里,有很多毕业典礼的嘉宾们正站在一群躁动不安的毕业生面前,说着几乎同样的话。 他们会说,「今天的毕业只是一个开始,而不是结束。你们应该向前看。」 我认为这也足够真实,但是,如果你想弄清楚该往哪里去,不妨回头看看你走过的路,然后决定哪里才是你要去的。回想一下当你来到 &Cardigan 的第一个下午,也许你曾感到孤独、一点害怕和焦虑。现在看看你自己,身边有很多称兄道弟的朋友,正信心满满地准备面对下一阶段的教育。
It is worth trying to think why that is so. And when you do, I think you may appreciate that it was because of the support of your classmates in the classroom, on the athletic field and in the dorms. And as far as the confidence goes, I think you will appreciate that it is not because you succeeded at everything you did, but because with the help of your friends, you were not afraid to fail. And if you did fail, you got up and tried again. And if you failed again, you got up and tried again. And if you failed again, it might be time to think about doing something else. But it was not just success, but not being afraid to fail that brought you to this point.
Now the commencement speakers will typically also wish you good luck and extend good wishes to you. I will not do that, and I’ll tell you why. From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly, so that you will come to know the value of justice. I hope that you will suffer betrayal because that will teach you the importance of loyalty. Sorry to say, but I hope you will be lonely from time to time so that you don’t take friends for granted.&
I wish you bad luck, again, from time to time so that you will be conscious of the role of chance in life and understand that your success is not completely deserved and that the failure of others is not completely deserved either. And when you lose, as you will from time to time, I hope every now and then, your opponent will gloat over your failure. It is a way for you to understand the importance of sportsmanship. I hope you’ll be ignored so you know the importance of listening to others, and I hope you will have just enough pain to learn compassion. Whether I wish these things or not, they’re going to happen. And whether you benefit from them or not will depend upon your ability to see the message in your misfortunes.&
Now commencement speakers are also expected to give some advice. They give grand advice, and they give some useful tips. The most common grand advice they give is for you to be yourself. It is an odd piece of advice to give people dressed identically, but you should — you should be yourself. But you should understand what that means. Unless you are perfect, it does not mean don’t make any changes. In a certain sense, you should not be yourself. You should try to become something better. People say ‘be yourself’ because they want you to resist the impulse to conform to what others want you to be. But you can’t be yourself if you don't learn who are, and you can’t learn who you are unless you think about it.
The Greek philosopher Socrates said, ‘The unexamined life is not worth living.’ And while ‘just do it’ might be a good motto for some things, it’s not a good motto when it’s trying to figure out how to live your life that is before you. And one important clue to living a good life is to not to try to live the good life. The best way to lose the values that are central to who you are is frankly not to think about them at all.
希腊哲学家苏格拉底曾说,「未经审视的人生是没有意义的」。对某些事而言,「Just do it」,或许是一个不错的座右铭,但在你还未想明白要过怎样的人生之前,这个座右铭其实并不适用。拥有美好人生的一个最好的路径,就是不要试图过轻松的人生。如果你从不思索生活的意义,那你很容易就会迷失自我。
So that’s the deep advice. Now some tips as you get ready to go to your new school. Other the last couple of years, I have gotten to know many of you young men pretty well, and I know you are good guys. But you are also privileged young men. And if you weren’t privileged when you came here, you are privileged now because you have been here. My advice is: Don’t act like it.&
When you get to your new school, walk up and introduce yourself to the person who is raking the leaves, shoveling the snow or emptying the trash. Learn their name and call them by their name during your time at the school. Another piece of advice: When you pass by people you don’t recognize on the walks, smile, look them in the eye and say hello. The worst thing that will happen is that you will become known as the young man who smiles and says hello, and that is not a bad thing to start with.
You’ve been at a school with just boys. Most of you will be going to a school with girls. I have no advice for you.
The last bit of advice I’ll give you is very simple, but I think it could make a big difference in your life. Once a week, you should write a note to someone. Not an email. A note on a piece of paper. It will take you exactly 10 minutes. Talk to an adult, let them tell you what a stamp is. You can put the stamp on the envelope. Again, 10 minutes, once a week. I will help you, right now.&
I will dictate to you the first note you should write. It will say, ‘Dear「fill in the name of a teacher at Cardigan Mountain School」.’ Say: ‘I have started at this new school. We are reading 「blank」 in English. Football or soccer practice is hard, but I’m enjoying it. Thank you for teaching me.’ Put it in an envelope, put a stamp on it and send it. It will mean a great deal to people who — for reasons most of us cannot contemplate — have dedicated themselves to teaching middle school boys. As I said, that will take you exactly 10 minutes a week. By the end of the school year, you will have sent notes to 40 people. Forty people will feel a little more special because you did, and they will think you are very special because of what you did. No one else is going to carry that dividend during your time at school.
我现在就教你怎样写。譬如:“亲爱的「填上学校老师的名字」:“从这所新学校开始。我们正在用英语阅读「空白处填写」。足球和足球训练都很难,但我很享受。谢谢您的教诲。” 把它放在信封里,贴上邮票寄出去。这些对于为了献身中学教育的人来说意义重大(爆笑)。就像我说的,你每周只需要10分钟。到学年结束的时候,你会给40个人寄出过信条。40个人会因为你做的这件事而感到自己很特殊,同时也会对你另眼相看。在你上学的时候,这是你一人独享的一份红利。
Enough advice. I would like to end by reading some important lyrics. I cited the Greek philosopher Socrates earlier. These lyrics are from the great American philosopher, Bob Dylan. They’re almost 50 years old. He wrote them for his son, Jesse, who he was missing while he was on tour. It lists the hopes that a parent might have for a son and for a daughter. They’re also good goals for a son and a daughter. The wishes are beautiful, they’re timeless. They’re universal. They’re good and true, except for one: It is the wish that gives the song its title and its refrain. That wish is a parent’s lament. It’s not a good wish.&
最后,我想用一段歌词来结束今天的致辞。之前,我引用了希腊哲学家苏格拉底的名言。下面,则来自伟大的美国音乐哲人鲍勃 o 迪伦的歌词。这些歌词,已有快超过50年的历史了。是鲍勃 o 迪伦当年巡回演出期间,为他失踪的儿子杰西写的,歌词表达了父母对子女的美好期盼。这些期盼是美好,是永恒的,也是普世的。……其中有一条除外,即歌名和副歌里表达的愿望,那只能算是家长们的叹息,算不得美好的愿望。
So these are the lyrics from Forever Young by Bob Dylan:&
这就是鲍勃 o 迪伦的《永远年轻》。
May God bless you and keep you always
May your wishes all come true
May you always do for others
And let others do for you
May you build a ladder to the stars
And climb on every rung
And may you stay forever young
May you grow up to be righteous
May you grow up to be true
May you always know the truth
And see the lights surrounding you
May you always be courageous
Stand upright and be strong
And may you stay forever young
May your hands always be busy
May your feet always be swift
May you have a strong foundation
When the winds of changes shift
May your heart always be joyful
May your song always be sung
And may you stay forever young
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友情链接 &&the important thing was to make the noise together,to add one's own small handclap to others 的翻译是:最重要的事情是将自己的小 handclap 添加到其他人一起,使噪音 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语
the important thing was to make the noise together,to add one's own small handclap to others
最重要的事情是将自己的小 handclap 添加到其他人一起,使噪音
最重要的事情是将自己的小 handclap 添加到其他人一起,使噪音
相关内容&a这样努力是为了在更高层次遇见你!洋 Such endeavor is for meets you in a higher level! Ocean & a我曾经发生过刚烧好的热水不小心倒在手上,因为当时端了两碗水,所以不小心就倒在手上了 正在翻译,请等待... & aDon't cry becuse it is over. 因为它是,不要哭泣。 & a做最好的自己,就是要有梦想,要让自己的今天比昨天做得好,明天要比今天做得好,天天都在做最好的自己。 Makes best own, is must have the dream, had to let own be able to complete today compared to yesterday, must be able to complete tomorrow compared to today, all was making best own daily. & a看清情况在做 Sees clearly the situation to do & aI will use the hands of the killer until you die to defend 我将使用凶手的手,直到您死保卫 & aTo travel it, and want to go and see a different environment, a change in a good mood 旅行它和想要去看一个不同的环境,在一种好心情上的一个变化 & aI'm china, it's better for me to know chinese people :p 我是瓷,它是好为了我能知道中国人民:p & a你提议把门开的更大些 You proposed the goalkeeper opens bigger & aI suddenly want to cry 我突然想要哭泣 & a世界上最著名的科学家大部分来自于大学 In the world the most renowned scientist majority of comes from the university & aan,have,i,eraser 正在翻译,请等待...
& a坚韧不摧 Paine & a因为下雨,他们没有来 Because rains, they have not come & a你愿意给我这个机会来爱你吗 You are willing to give me this opportunity to love you & aB.工作修女的家中。 In B. work nun's family. & aIts a BEAUTIFUL DAY AND I CAN'T SEE IT 它美丽天和我不能看它 & aspeed control-by VVFD and control 速度控制由VVFD和控制 & a灵魂21 Soul 21 & a我的高考成绩是117 My college entrance examination result is 117 & aPlease be kindly informed that Mrs. Wang Bing will take her annual leave from Jul.21th to Jul.25th ,2011 亲切地请被通知夫人。 Wang堆将采取她的年假从Jul.21th到Jul.25th 2011年 & aI’ve never seen such a tall boy. 我从未看见这样一个高男孩。 & aspecial wash for delicates 正在翻译,请等待...
& a你很不礼貌 Your very not politeness & ashe
at us 她把一根长的棍子指向我们 & agoyoon cheongan goyoon cheongan & ago up this street and turn left 攀登这条街道并且向左转 & a分析采用图像处理关键技术中适用于本论文研究的检测方法 The analysis uses in the imagery processing key technologies to be suitable for the present paper research examination method & adressed in dirty old clothes,is sweeping the floor.Enter Chris and Paul,laughing. dressed in dirty old clothes, is sweeping the floor. Enter Chris and Paul, laughing. & a3d Tube Clips 3d管夹子 & a在她五岁时开始打乒乓球,邓亚萍是惟一蝉联奥运会乒乓球金牌的运动员,也是惟一一位获得4枚金牌的乒乓球运动员 When her five years old starts to play the ping pong, Deng Yaping is only continues without interruption the Olympic Games ping pong gold medal athlete, also is the ping pong athlete who only obtains 4 gold medals & ahandsoff handsoff & aBubbles may not affect the LED manufacturing process if they are small enough, or if they end up deep inside the Epi ready wafer instead of at the surface. Only surface defects are responsible for negatively impacting GaN growth quality and downstream LED yields. 泡影可能不影响LED制造过程,如果他们是足够小的,或者,如果他们结果深在Epi准备好薄酥饼里面而不是在表面。 仅表面损坏负责对消极冲击GaN成长质量和顺流LED出产量。 & alwastojoinyour lwastojoinyour & aballpen ballpen & a哲理深入浅出,说服力强。 The philosophy explains the profound in simple language, persuasive power. & a在地图上有条河。 Has a river on the map. & aWhat does he often do after training 什么他经常做在训练 & a那是谁的衬衣? Whose shirt is that? & a弗朗索瓦丝 La France longue vivent ! & aLove me or hate me, it's still an obsession. Love 爱我或恨我,它仍然是成见。 爱 & a他太小以至于做不好那事 He too small cannot complete that matter & a法兰西万岁! La France longue vivent ! & ajuse for tow days juse拖曳天 & athe important thing was to make the noise together,toadd one's own small handclap to others 重要的事是一起弄出声响, toadd自己小拍手对其他 & a他太小以至于不能完成 He too small cannot complete & a中山支点软件有限公司 Zhongshan pivot software limited company & a我今天早晨一直睡到9点 I morning continuously rest today to 9 o'clock & aHowever, the raw material utilized must be certified that it is from an organic source. 然而,被运用的原料它是从一个有机来源必须证明。 & a我也很爱我的母亲只是有点害怕她。 I also very love me the mother only a little am afraid her. & ayou have entered an incorrect [NGM] ID or Password 您输入了一个不正确[NGM] ID或密码 & a分子结构 Molecular structure & a证明了油气润滑在造纸设备上的应用是可行的 Had proven the oil gas lubrication on the papermaking equipment application is feasible & a西方的英雄体现的是个人的意志 正在翻译,请等待...
& aNew Development 新的发展 & a积累专业知识 正在翻译,请等待...
& athe important thing was to make the noise together,to add one's own small handclap to others 重要的事是一起弄出声响,增加自己小拍手到其他 &


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