这个英语中句子缩写原型 为什么grow 是原型?

雅思阅读单元1?hoodia的答案 在线等
雅思专业老师 拥有10年以上教学经验
姓名:小明   性别:男   年龄:虽然1971年出生,但永远是小学生。  生卒年月:(1971---世界灭亡)  擅长:将墨水弄在作业本上、把鸡兔关在一个笼子里、同时开两个闸门又放水又灌水、走到学校门口发现本子忘带等等。  特征:不考第一就考倒数第一,既不骄傲又不气馁、犯错误主动承认、快要迟到时总会遇到没关的水龙头或者要过马路的老奶奶等等   社会地位:与小红、小强、小芳并称学业界四大金刚,称霸语文、数学界,目前正在英语界同李雷和韩梅梅展开争夺地位的殊死搏斗,被70、80、90、00后们深恶痛绝。
D B F E B F D A (ship&s) anchor/(an/the) anchor (escape) wheel tooth (long) pendulum second.
雅思阅读中 UNIT2 food 一课中,hoodia 是什么意思?san是什么意思?他的标题是hoodia
第一句是the san live in that part of Africa called the Kalahari Desert.
hoodia 应该是仙人掌的一种,SAN不太清楚.可是,作为雅思阅读理解,它只是要求你能做题,即使单词不认识,可是这并不重要啊, 阅读的能力只是想要让你能够准确提取有用信息,所以不需要每个词每句话都无比准确地知道是什么意思的.希望对你有帮助.
他们不能确切的知道是怎样奏效的;他们唯一确定的事是这种植物的确管用They didn’t know ethe only thing they knew for certain was that it did work.When they ate it, the hunger went, so we could say that hoodiawas the San’s traditional method of dieting.当他们吃下它,饥饿感消失了,所以我们说hoodia是san的传统_________(方法)diet作名词是食物的含义,而作动词是节食的含义,dieting是动名词取动词的含义,名词的形式功能:现在分词主要起形容词副词作用,在句子中作定语,表语,状语This is an amusing story.The book is interesting.The students came into the classroom laughing and talking.功能:动名词即源于动词又具有名词的功能,用作主语, 定语, 表语和宾语Learning is no easy job.My favorite sport is skating.Have you finished eating?语法区别:My mother goes shopping everyday.My mother does shopping everyday.Being an English teacher is not easy.Being an English teacher, I must work hard.Scientists have now discovered that the plant contains a substance which they have called P57.现在,科学家们已经发现这种植物中含有一种物质叫做p75This chemical makes the brain believe that the stomach is full and that the body doesn’t need food.这种化学物质使大脑感觉胃是饱的,身体不再需要食物了That is why people in the developed world, especially thosein pharmaceutical companies, are extremely interested in this very promising plant.这就是那些发达国家的人,尤其是制药公司对这种十分有研发价值的植物产生浓厚兴趣的原因1、句号:分割段落,以句子为单位把段切分成部分,便于各个击破2、逗号:一个逗号之后,前后并列或对比;两逗号之间补充说明和修饰被修饰We are tired, hungry and disconsolate.He is sick, not drunk.They want us, you and me ,to go there.3、冒号:前后从抽象到具体,冒号后面补充前面内容4、分号:作用介于句号与逗号之间;首先,可以分隔已有逗号的并列成分以避免歧义;其次,分号前后多是从抽象到具体的过程P unusual people make history interesting.Follow this procedure: first, get yo next, fill them out. S in fact, she is the most elegant person in the class.5、破折号:两个破折号之间或一个破折号之后为补充说明成分6、引号:引述某人的言论,关键要看懂这句话所支持的中心观点;解释生词The basic meaning of dumb in english is “unable to speak.”7、括号:补充说明、解释生词Obesity in the West is a huge and growing problem, not only among adults, but increasingly among children.It has been estimated that up to 50% of people in the developed world are overweight and 20% at the time ofwriting, for example,30% of Chinese children were considered to be too heavy for their age._____是西方国家面临的巨大而且越发严重的问题,不仅是成年人,而且越来越多的孩子也越来越____据估计,发达国家中高达50%的人超重,20%的人极其肥胖,例如在撰写这篇文章的同时,我们认为30%的中国孩子就其年龄而言太胖了被动语态的翻译—调顺序加主语One cause of obesity is eating too much, too often, and another is eating the wrong kind of food.肥胖的一个原因是多食多餐,另一个原因是吃错了食物Our grandparents had the time to prepare simple yet nourishing meals, and they didn’t have money to afford expensive food.我们的祖父母有时间来准备简单但是有营养的食物,而且他们买不起昂贵的食物They didn’t eat as much meat or fatty foods as we do nowadays, and that’s one reason why they were slimmer and healthierthan their descendants.他们不像现在的我们吃了那么多肉和脂肪,这是他们为何比后代苗条和健康的原因之一Today we have less time to cook, and we have more money, so the easiest thing to do is to buy ready-made meals.今天我们没有多少时间做饭,我们有钱了,所以最简单的是买一些经过加工的成品肉类They may be convenient and taste good, but they’re often high in fat, salt and sugar.它们可能很方便,口味很好,但常常脂肪,盐和糖的含量过高Too much of these make people unhealthy and fat.食用过多导致人们健康受损和体型过胖They need to lose weight, and that’s where hoodia comes in.他们需要减肥,这就是hoodia的卖点It seems to be the perfect solution.这似乎是完美的解决方式People in the West want to lose weight and hoodia is ideal.西方人想要减肥,hoodia 是理想的特殊用法:都做表语时The situation is encouraging.Reading is learning.2. 都做定语时A leading comrade.A swimming poor.
雅思阅读unit2 money答案
I. 1-6 CABCBAII. 1. hurt 2. took 3. will be 4. stay, not move 5. givingIII. 1. What should , do 2. Howare, feeling 3. What’s wrong 4. How longIV. Kangkang went to call a taxi and Jane andMaria looked after him. They took him to the hospital. Michael had to stay inhospital for a few days. I hope he will get well soon and return home.
智课网IELTS备考资料剑桥雅思阅读译文:电木(BAKELITE)摘要:为了帮助考生们更好地复习雅思考试,小马过河网雅思频道为各位考生整理了剑桥雅思阅读译文:电木(BAKELITE),供考生们参考使用,更多雅思阅读辅导请继续关注小马过河网雅思频道。下面小马过河网雅思频道为大家整理了剑桥雅思阅读译文:电木(BAKELITE),供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。BAKELITE The birth of modern plastics电木现代塑料的诞生1907年,一位在纽约工作的比利时科学家 Leo Hendrick Baekeland,发现了一种革命性的新型合成材料并注册了专利。他的发明,他称之为“电木”,极具技术重要性,并且有效地启动了现代塑料工业。“塑料”这一术语来自希腊语的plassein,意思是“塑造”。有些塑料来自于天然资源,有些是半合成的(天然材料的基础上进行化学反应的结果),还有一些是完全合成的,就是从煤炭和石油的组分当中通过化学方法加工而成的。有些是“热塑性塑料”,意味着它们象烛蜡一样,在加热时会融化并且可以被重塑。其它塑料是“热硬化性的”:象鸡蛋一样,不能还原原本的粘性状态,因此它们的形状是永远固定的。电木,因为是第一种全合成热硬化塑料而享有盛名。现代塑料的历史起始于19世纪中期一系列半合成热塑性材料的发现。这些早期塑料的发展的推动力是由许多因素造成的——化学领域巨大的技术进步,再结合广泛的文化变革,以及为日渐稀少的奢侈品供应找到可接受的替代品的实际需求,比如玳瑁和象牙。Baekeland对塑料的兴趣开始于1885年,那个时候,作为一个年轻的比利时的化学学生,他着手研究酚醛树脂,苯酚( 石碳酸)和乙醛(一种象酒精一样的挥发性液体)结合后所产生的一组粘性物质。然而不久他放弃了这个项目,几年后才将它拣起。到了1905年时,因为发明了新的照相纸,他刚刚发了财,成为一个富有的纽约人。尽管Baekeland忙于积聚钱财,在塑料的开发方面他依然取得了进步。1899年和1990年见证了第一种能够工业化规模生产的半合成热硬化材料的专利注册。从纯科学的角度来讲,Baekeland对这一领域的贡献与其说是以他自己名字命名的材料事实上的发现,还不如说是苯酚和甲醛之间的反应能够被控制的方法,进而使这种材料的商业化制备成为可能。日,Baekeland申请取得了他的著名专利,专利描述这一制备过程,其基本要素现在依然在使用。原型专利概括出一个三阶段过程,在这个过程中,首先将苯酚和甲醛在真空状态下在一个大的卵型壶内进行化学合成。合成物是一种被称为Novalak的树脂,加热后变得可溶解并具有延展性。树脂放在浅盘里让其冷却直至固化,随后将它打碎并研磨成粉末。接下来加入其它材料,包括填充物,比如木粉、石棉或者棉花,以提高强度和防潮性,催化剂(加速两种不能彼此结合的化学成分之间的化学反应的物质)和hexa,一种氨和甲醛的复合剂,它为热硬化树脂的形成提供必要的额外的甲醛。这种树脂随后被冷却、变硬、再一次被研磨。所得到的颗粒状粉末就是电木原料,可以被制成广泛的机器制成品。在最后阶段,加热了的电木被倒入一个所需形状的空模具中,耐受高温和高压,进而“固定”了其毕生的形状。电木物品的设计,每一件东西从耳饰到电视机壳,很大程度上受制于铸造过程的技术要求。物品不能被设计成卡在模具中很难拿出来。习惯的通用规范是,朝向模具最深处物品应该越来越细,必要的情况下,产品可以分成几个单元分别铸造。模具需要仔细设计,以便熔化了的电木能够均匀而完全地流入模具。尖角被证明是不可取的,所以要避免,这导致了平滑的、流线型设计风格在二十世纪三十年代的流行。模具壁的厚度同样至关重要:厚的模具壁使冷却和硬化的时间加长,为了能发挥机器的最大使用效率,对这个因素设计师必须加以考虑。在最初的年头里,尽管被人所轻视,Baekeland的发明一直受到前所未有的欢迎,这种流行持续并贯穿了二十世纪上半叶。作为“具有成千上万种用途的材料”,它成为工业扩张的新世界里的神奇产品。既防渗又耐热,电木厨房用品被当成无菌和可消毒产品来促销。电气制造商抓住其绝缘的特征;各地的消费者喜欢其令人眼花缭乱的色彩组合,很高兴他们现在终于不再受限于木质的色调和塑料时代之前的干巴巴的棕褐色。随后在二十世纪五十年代,它再次失宠了,它被轻视并且被大量销毁。然而近来随着收藏市场对原始电木物品更新的需求,随着博物馆、上流社会及热衷于此的个人再次欣赏这种革新材料的风格和创意,电木在经历某种程度的复兴。以上就是小马过河网雅思频道为大家整理的剑桥雅思阅读译文:电木(BAKELITE),非常实用。更多资讯、资料尽在小马过河网雅思频道。最后,小马过河网雅思频道预祝大家在雅思考试中取得好成绩!
雅思阅读中 UNIT2 food 一课中,hoodia 是什么意思?san是什么意思?他的标题是hoodia
第一句是the san live in that part of Africa called the Kalahari Desert.
hoodia 应该是仙人掌的一种,SAN不太清楚.可是,作为雅思阅读理解,它只是要求你能做题,即使单词不认识,可是这并不重要啊, 阅读的能力只是想要让你能够准确提取有用信息,所以不需要每个词每句话都无比准确地知道是什么意思的.希望对你有帮助.
  Adults and children are frequently confronted with statements about the alarming rate of loss of tropical rainforests. For example, one graphic illustration to which children might readily relate is the estimate that rainforests are being destroyed at a rate equivalent to one thousand football fields every forty minutes — about the duration of a normal classroom period. In the face of the frequent and often vivid media coverage, it is likely that children will have formed ideas about rainforests — what and where they are, why they are important, what endangers them — independent of any formal tuition. It is also possible that some of these ideas will be mistaken.
  Many studies have shown that children harbour misconceptions about ‘pure’, curriculum science. These misconceptions do not remain isolated but become incorporated into a multifaceted, but organised, conceptual framework, making it and the component ideas, some of which are erroneous, more robust but also accessible to modification. These ideas may be developed by children absorbing ideas through the popular media. Sometimes this information may be erroneous. It seems schools may not be providing an opportunity for children to re-express their ideas and so have them tested and refined by teachers and their peers.
  Despite the extensive coverage in the popular media of the destruction of rainforests, little formal information is available about children’s ideas in this area. The aim of the present study is to start to provide such information, to help teachers design their educational strategies to build upon correct ideas and to displace misconceptions and to plan programmes in environmental studies in their schools.
  The study surveys children’s scientific knowledge and attitudes to rainforests. Secondary school children were asked to complete a questionnaire containing five open-form questions. The most frequent responses to the first question were descriptions which are self-evident from the term ‘rainforest’. Some children described them as damp, wet or hot. The second question concerned the geographical location of rainforests. The commonest responses were continents or countries: Africa (given by 43% of children), South America (30%), Brazil (25%). Some children also gave more general locations, such as being near the Equator.
  Responses to question three concerned the importance of rainforests. The dominant idea, raised by 64% of the pupils, was that rainforests provide animals with habitats. Fewer students responded that rainforests provide plant habitats, and even fewer mentioned the indigenous populations of rainforests. More girls (70%) than boys (60%) raised the idea of rainforest as animal habitats.
  Similarly, but at a lower level, more girls (13%) than boys (5%) said that rainforests provided human habitats. These observations are generally consistent with our previous studies of pupils’ views about the use and conservation of rainforests, in which girls were shown to be more sympathetic to animals and expressed views which seem to place an intrinsic value on non-human animal life.
  The fourth question concerned the causes of the destruction of rainforests. Perhaps encouragingly, more than half of the pupils (59%) identified that it is human activities which are destroying rainforests, some personalising the responsibility by the use of terms such as ‘we are’. About 18% of the pupils referred specifically to logging activity.
  One misconception, expressed by some 10% of the pupils, was that acid rain is responsible for ra a similar proportion said that pollution is destroying rainforests. Here, children are confusing rainforest destruction with damage to the forests of Western Europe by these factors. While two fifths of the students provided the information that the rainforests provide oxygen, in some cases this response also embraced the misconception that rainforest destruction would reduce atmospheric oxygen, making the atmosphere incompatible with human life on Earth.
  In answer to the final question about the importance of rainforest conservation, the majority of children simply said that we need rainforests to survive. Only a few of the pupils (6%) mentioned that rainforest destruction may contribute to global warming. This is surprising considering the high level of media coverage on this issue. Some children expressed the idea that the conservation of rainforests is not important.
  The results of this study suggest that certain ideas predominate in the thinking of children about rainforests. Pupils’ responses indicate some misconceptions in basic scientific knowledge of rainforests’ ecosystems such as their ideas about rainforests as habitats for animals, plants and humans and the relationship between climatic change and destruction of rainforests.
  Pupils did not volunteer ideas that suggested that they appreciated the complexity of causes of rainforest destruction. In other words, they gave no indication of an appreciation of either the range of ways in which rainforests are important or the complex social, economic and political factors which drive the activities which are destroying the rainforests. One encouragement is that the results of similar studies about other environmental issues suggest that older children seem to acquire the ability to appreciate, value and evaluate conflicting views. Environmental education offers an arena in which these skills can be developed, which is essential for these children as future decision-makers.
雅思5.5基础课程阅读讲义 ielts 5.5 reading
雅思5.5基础阅读课程讲义UNIT 1 Education (3)UNIT 2 Food (5)UNIT 3 Health (7)UNIT 4 Media (10)Locating Information (14)UNIT 5 Practice 1 (18)UNIT 6 Advertising (20)UNIT 7 Learning to Speak (28)Summary Completion (30)UNIT 8 The Environment (30)Short Answers (33)UNIT 9 Sponsorship in Sport (33)UNIT 10 Practice 2 (38)Flowchart-Timeline Completion (39)UNIT 11 Transport (40)UNIT 12 Travel (47)UNIT 13 Technology (54)Labelling a Diagram (56)Unit14 Money (57)UNIT 15 Practice 3 (64)Multiple Choice (65)Labelling a Diagram (69)UNIT 17 Social Issues (70)IELTS Type Questions: Reading: for Details and for Main Ideas (72)Table Completion (72)UNIT 20 Practice 4 (77)Note Completion (79)UNIT 1 EducationEducation over the past 100 yearsAThe education of our young people is one of the most important aspects of any community, and ideas about what and how to teach reflect the accepted attitudes and unspoken beliefs of society. These ideas change as local customs and attitudes change, and these changes are reflected in the curriculum, teaching and assessment methods and the expectations of how both students and teachers should behave.词汇讲解:curriculum n. 教学大纲;reflect v. 反映;反射;assessment n. 评价;BTeaching in the late 1800s and early 1900s was very different from today. Rules for teachers at the time in the USA covered both the teacher's duties and their conduct out of class as well. Teachers at that time were expected to set a good example to their pupils and to behave in a very virtuous and proper manner. Women teachers should not marry, nor s hould they ?keep company with men.' They had to wear long dresses and no bright colours and they were not permitted to dye their hair. They were not allowed to loiter downtown in an ice cream store, and women were not allowed to go out in the evenings unless to a school function, although men were allowed one evening a week to take their girlfriends out if they went to church regularly. No teachers were allowed to drink alcohol. They were allowed to read only good books such as the Bible, and they were given a pay increase of 25c a week after five years of work for the local school.词汇讲解:manner n. 行为守则;be expected to:被预期…表示将来时:be expected tobe predicted tobe perspective toCAs well as this long list of ?dos' and ?don'ts,' teachers had certain duties to perform each day. In country schools, teachers were required to keep the coal bucket full for the classroom fire, and to bring a bucket of water each day for the children to drink. They had to make the pens for their students to write with and to sweep the floor and keep the classroom tidy. However, despite this list of duties, little was stipulated about the content of the teaching, nor about assessment methods. DTeachers would have been expected to teach the three ?r‘s—reading, writing and arithmetic,and to teach the children about Christianity and read from the Bible every day. Education in those days was much simpler than it is today and covered basic literacy skills and religious education. They would almost certainly have used corporal punishment such as a stick or the strap on naughty or unruly children, and the children would have sat together in pairs in long rows in the classroom. They would have been expected to sit quietly and to do their work, copying long rows of letters or doing basic maths sums. Farming children in country areas would have had only a few years of schooling and would probably have left school at 12 or 14 years of age to join their parents in farm work.词汇讲解:arithmetic:算数;literacy:文学,阅读;religious:宗教的;discrimination:歧视;religious discrimination:宗教歧视。ECompare this with a country school in the USA today! If you visited today, you would see the children sitting in groups round large tables, or even on the floor. They would be working together on a range of different activities, and there would almost certainly be one or more computers in the classroom. Children nowadays are allowed and even expected to talk quietly to each other while they work, and they are also expected to ask their teachers questions and to actively engage in finding out information for themselves, instead of just listening to the teacher.词汇讲解:engage in:依靠,依赖,把精力放在…地方;actively adv. 主动的;FThere are no rules of conduct for teachers out of the classroom, and they are not expected to perform caretaking duties such as cleaning the classrooms or making pens, but nevertheless their jobs are much harder than they were in the 1900s. Teachers today are expected to work hard on planning their lessons, to teach creatively and to stimulate children's minds, and there are strict protocols about assessment across the whole of the USA. Corporal punishment is illegal, and any teacher who hit a child would be dismissed instantly. Another big difference is that most state schools in western countries are secular, so religious teaching is not part of the curriculum.词汇讲解:corporal:肉体的;corporal punishment:体罚;GThese changes in educational methods and ideas reflect changes in our society in general. Children in western countries nowadays come from all parts of the globe and they bring different cultures, religions and beliefs to the classroom. It is no longer considered acceptable or appropriate for state schools to teach about religious beliefs. Ideas about the value and purpose of education have also changed and with the increasing sophistication of workplaces and life skills needed for a successful career, the curriculum has also expanded to try to prepare children for the challenges of a diverse working community. It will be interesting to see how these changescontinue into the future as our society and culture grows and develops.词汇讲解:Nigger:对黑人侮辱称呼;African-American:非洲裔美国人。culture:文化;religious:宗教;belief:信念。练习:Read the first sentence ONL Y of each paragraph in the reading passage. Take NO MORE THAN FIVE minutes to do this.Then, put these paragraph description into the same passage as the text itself. Write the letter of the paragraph, A — G, beside each one.______ Teaching content in the past______ Teaching in the present______ Rules for teachers in the past______ The importance of educational beliefs______ Changes in teaching and in society______ Teaching duties in the past______ Rules for teachers in the presentUNIT 2 FoodHoodia词汇讲解:Hoodia:南非食用仙人掌;AThe San live in that part of Africa called the Kalahari Desert. Life there is hard, and nature can be harsh. There are somewhere between 45,000 and 100,000 of them living in countries like Zambia and Zimbabwe. They're not rich and they don't live in expensive houses. There are no roads or schools or hospitals near them. They don't have many material possessions like cars or computers, things that people in the developed world can't do without. In fact, they have many problems such as unemployment and poverty. On top of this, they also suffer from alcoholism, drinking to forget their problems. They're the San, a tribe of traditional hunter-gatherers, who used to travel in search of food for their families instead of growing it or keeping animals. They have a culture that is 20,000years old, but their old way of life is disappearing fast and has nearly gone forever. So yes, they're poor, and yes, their lifestyle is not attractive to outsiders, but they do have one thing that certain people in the developed world are very, very interested in and want to have, and that may make them some money. It's called hoodia.词汇讲解:Kalahari Desert:喀拉哈里沙漠(位于非洲南部);harsh:严酷的;harsh words:刻薄的言语。tribe:部落。BMany countries have basic, common crops that people plant for food, such as rice or potatoes. Potatoes are grown in many European countries as well as South America (They originated there!), and rice is a staple food in Asia. But not all plants are some of them can also be used as medicine. A few examples are garlic, which is said to help with colds or high blood pressure, ginger to help with headaches or toothache, or the magnolia tree which is used in Chinese traditional medicine to treat some forms of cancer and heart disease. Hoodia, a cactus-like plant, only grows in the area where the San live, and they know where to find it and the best time to use it. They have known about it for centuries and they understand how to use it, but they don't use it for food, and they don't use it to cure disease either. They use it to fight hunger.词汇讲解:colds:感冒;high blood pressure:高血压。CIn the old days when the San had to travel in search of food, they and their children sometimes had to go without food for several days. This was even longer in times of famine or when the rains failed. They ate the hoodia plant when they were starving, to help them survive until they found food, to stop their children from crying, and to give them the strength to continue their search. However, it didn't give them energy like normal food would. Instead, the chemicals in the hoodia plant killed the feeling of hunger and stopped them wanting food. They didn't know e the only thing they knew for certain was that it did work.DScientists have now discovered that the plant contains a substance which they have called P57. This chemical makes the brain believe that the stomach is full and that the body doesn't need food. That is why people in the developed world, especially those in pharmaceutical companies, are extremely interested in this very promising plant.词汇讲解:substance:物质;同义词:chemicalEObesity in the developed world is a huge and growing problem, not only among adults, but increasingly among children. It has been estimated that up to 50% of people in the developed world are overweight and 20% at the time of writing, for example, 30% of Chinese children were considered to be too heavy for their age. One cause of obesity is eating too much, too often, and another is eating the wrong kind of food. Our grandparents had the time to prepare simple yet nourishing meals, and they didn't have money to afford expensive food. They didn't eat as much meat or fatty foods as we do nowadays, and that's one reason why they were slimmer and healthier than their descendants. Today we have less time to cook, and we have moremoney, so the easiest thing to do is to buy ready-made meals. They may be convenient and taste good, but they're often high in fat, salt and sugar. Too much of these make people unhealthy and fat. They need to lose weight, and that's where hoodia comes in.词汇讲解:obesity n. 肥胖症;obese adj. 肥胖的。cancer:癌症;-ache疼:heart disease:心脏病;headaches:头疼;toothache:牙疼;FIt seems to be the perfect solution. People in the West want to lose weight and hoodia is ideal. Western companies pay for the right to use the secrets by selling these rights to the West, the San make money and can then help themselves. Obese people lose weight and the San people make a profit, so everyone is happy.Locating Information练习1:The passage has six paragraphs, A-E Which paragraph contains the following information? Write the correct letter A-F, beside the statements below.NOTE: You may use any letter more than once. You may not need to use all the letters.6) ______ Some foods are used to cure health problems.7) ______ Many modern people do not eat well and have weight problems.8) ______ The San have something that people in the West want.9) ______ The sale of hoodia from Africa to the West might help everyone.10) ______ Hoodia was used by the San to control hunger when food was scarce.UNIT 3 HealthEnhancing the Taste of Our Food词汇讲解:Enhance:加强;AWhat are your favourite foods? Do you like pizza, hamburgers, roast pork, or sweet cakes and cookies? Chances are that, whatever you like best, it has a strong taste and a salty, sweet or savoury flavour. People generally like to eat tasty foods, and this can create potential health problems, especially with the consumption of fast or processed food. Fast food traditionally contain a lot of salt or sugar, because this is a cheap way to make food taste good and it encourages people to buy more cookies, chips and soft drinks, for example. However, people arebecoming increasingly aware of the dangers of an unhealthy diet, and the manufacturers of processed food know that sales will increase if they can advertise that their products have less salt or sugar. They also know that if their product tastes bland or boring, no amount of health benefits will make it a popular choice with consumers, and they will lose money if their product is not popular. However, a new technology is currently being developed that may allow fast food manufacturers to reduce salt and sugar without sacrificing taste.词汇讲解:roast:烤;chances are that:有…的可能;potential adj. 潜在的;n. 潜能;increasingly:越来越多地;aware of:了解;sacrifice:牺牲;BIf you stick out your tongue and look in the mirror, you will see that it is covered with tiny bumps. These bumps are called taste buds and they are the receptors in our skin that allow us to taste different kinds of foods. There are five different taste receptors, for sweet, salty, sour, bitter and savoury flavours. When we are born we have a lot of these on the roof of our mouth as well as on our tongue, but as we get older, we lose taste buds, which is why older people find it harder to taste things. Adults typically have about 10,000 taste buds, but older people may have as few as 5,000. We have more receptors for bitter tastes researchers think that this may be because these taste buds warn us if food is poisonous.词汇讲解:stick out:伸出舌头;bump:斑点;bud:蕾;taste bud:味蕾。receptor:受体,接收器;bitter:苦味,苦的;poisonous:有毒的;poison:毒品。CThe food that we eat contains natural chemicals that fit into the different shaped rece for example, sweet foods trigger the sweet receptors. The technology to mimic, or copy, these natural flavours with chemicals such as aspartame has been in existence for a long time, and aspartame is a common ingredient in many diet soft drinks and other diet products. While aspartame allows us to experience a sweet taste without eating sugar, it also has disadvantages. Firstly, many people do not like its bitter aftertaste, and secondly, some people say that it is bad for health if taken in large quantities.词汇讲解:chemical:化学物质;trigger:激起,激发,引发;mimic:模仿;aspartame:天冬甜素;ingredient:添加物,成分;soft drinks:软饮;DHowever, a new technology is being developed that may be an improvement on artificial sweeteners and other chemicals. Taste enhancers target the taste receptors on our tongues, and they make us more sensitive to sweet, sour or salty tastes. Just a few molecules of a taste enhancer could double the sweetness effect of a teaspoon of sugar, or the salty effect of a teaspoon of salt. This means that instead of using artificial chemicals to make food tasty, food manufacturers could use half the quantity of the real substance and a tiny quantity of taste enhancer to make the food taste good. This has the potential to save food manufacturers money, by replacing large quantities of sugar and salt with tiny amounts of chemicals. It could also benefit our health if we can eat food that tastes good and is low in sugar and salt.词汇讲解:artificial:人工的;molecule:细胞;ETaste enhancers have other advantages, too. People generally do not like bitter tasting food, but reversing this technology so that the bitter taste receptors are blocked instead of stimulated may reduce the bitter taste of some healthy foods. This means, for example, that people may be persuaded to eat more soy protein.词汇讲解:stimulate:刺激;soy:大豆;protein:蛋白质;persuade:劝说;convince:劝说。FTaste enhancer technology is very new to the marketplace, and as yet it is not widely used, but it has the potential to make a significant change to the processed food industry, and to improve the healthiness of many fast foods.Identification of InformationDo the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage?Write: TRUE if the statement agrees with the informationFALSE if the statement contradicts the informationNOT GIVEN if there is no information on this10) ______ Consumers are happy to buy healthy food even if it tastes bland or boring.11) ______ Taste buds enable the body to taste foods of many flavours.12) ______ Younger people can taste more flavours than older people.13) ______ Bitter taste buds are more uncommon than other taste buds.14) ______ Aspartame is a chemical produced in large quantities in the USA.15) ______ Artificial sweeteners and other chemicals cause tooth decay(退化).16) ______ Taste enhancers may be better for our health than aspartame.17) ______ Soy protein is an example of a bitter tasting food.UNIT 4 MediaComputer Generation of Animated Characters词汇讲解:animated 动画片/动画人物;paparazzo(意大利语)狗仔。阅读技巧:对文章标题进行合理预测。AAsk any young person to tell you the names of some famous movies and the chances are that many of those mentioned will be popular because of computer-generated special effects. Movies such as ?Star Wars', ?the Matrix' and ?Harry Potter' rely heavil y on computers to create special fantasy and space effects. Others, such as the famous ?Lord of the Rings' movies, created surprisingly lifelike humanoid characters using sophisticated computer-generated techniques. The creative effort that lies behind the se creatures is amazing. However, genuinely ?human‘ characters, indistinguishable from real actors, are still not quite possible, although we are getting very close to this elusive goal.词汇讲解:mention vt. 提到, 说到;e.g. : He mentioned them by name. 他提及到他们的名字。vt. 提及,说起;e.g. : As he has not done much, he is beneath mention.同义替换:when it mentions to 当涉及到..的时候;when it refers to / when it comes to / when it concerned toe.g. : When it refers to privacy, the line could not be crossed.privacy n. 隐私;private adj. 私人的/私有的。词汇讲解:fantasy n. 想像, 幻想e.g. : Everyone should indulge in fantasy on occasion.fantasize vt. & vi. 想像; 幻想; 做白日梦。e.g. : Many men fantasize about sleeping with someone who is not their partner.fan n. 粉丝;lord n. 主人/君主;landlord n. 房东;landlady n. 包租婆。surprisingly:出乎意料的,出人意料的,指的是出乎大家想象的。humanoid adj. 有人的特点的(形容动物/动画片);humanly adv. 和人相关的,用人力;humanity n. (总称)人, 人类人道, 人文学科;人性化。vegetarian n. 吃素的人;humanitarian n. & adj. 人道主义者;cannibalism n. 吃人肉; 同类相食sophisticated:adj. 老练的; 老于世故的;e.g.: Mr. Smith is a sophisticated world traveler.adj. 精密的, 尖端的;e.g.: This is a very sophisticated machine.adj.高雅的, 有教养的;近义词:Complex / Complicated:复杂的。genuine:adj. 真的, 非人造的;e.g.: This medal is made of genuine gold.adj.真诚的, 真心的;e.g.: As time went on, a genuine friendship grew up between us.artificial:adj.人造的, 人工的, 假的;e.g.: The new dam will form a large artificial lake behind it.adj.虚假的, 不真挚的, 矫揉造作的;e.g.: Her smile looks artificial.adj.人为的Artificial intelligence 人工智能indistinguishable n. 不可区分的,无法识别的。goal:n. 球门,进球得的分;e.g.: We scored a goal in the first minute of the game.n. 努力的对象, 目标;e.g.: When he at last arrived in Rome he felt he had reached his goal.近义词:achievement / destinationelusive adj. 难以捉摸的; 难以找到的; 不易记住的eg: I've been trying all day to reach him on the telephone, but he's very elusive.illusion n. 错觉, 幻想, 错误观念BThe process of imagining and developing a computer-generated character is complex, involving many stages. The first stage is to design the look of the character, and to create a three-dimensional model on the computer. The model must be able to move in a realistic manner and, most importantly, its face must mirror human faces when it laughs, frowns or talks. One way to achieve this is by building a real skeleton of the model. After using lasers to scan the real model into the computer, controls are added that allow the bones and muscles to be moved around.词汇讲解:three-dimensional (3D) / Index:3D动画;realistic adj. 真实的,实际的,真是存在;mirror v. 反射出,反映出;achieve:vt. 取得, 获得;e.g.: They achieved some victories despite these setbacks.v. 实现, 达到, 完成;e.g.: You will achieve your ambition if you work hard.固定搭配:名词形式:achievementskeleton:n. 骨骼,骷髅;e.g.: The boy bent curiously to the skeleton of the buck.n. 骨干, 框架;e.g.: The block is still just a skeleton of girders.skull n. 颅骨/ bone / A plusSkull and Bones is a secret society at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut.The society's alumni organization, which owns the society's real property and overseesthe organization's activity.Many Skull & Bones alumni have assumed positions of prominence, including President George W. Bush, and his 2004 Presidential opponent Senator John Kerry.muscle n. 肌肉,e.g.: Exercise conditions your muscles.CThis is where computer animation comes in. Because people are so conscious of how ?real' faces look, many detailed controls are needed on the computer to move the different features of the face. Up to a hundred may be needed to move the muscles of the face, so that the character's eyes, skin, mouth and other features all look natural to our eyes.词汇讲解:conscious:adj. 神志清醒的e.g.: She spoke to us in her conscious moments.be conscious of:意识到…e.g.: I was not consc ious of having made a mistake.self-conscious:不自在,不舒服。detailed adj. 详细的,逐条的;detail n. 细目, 细节; 小事control n. 控制器;control subjects:标准组;features n. 五官DAfter designing all of the components of the face and body, and the computer controls, the character is ready to move, or be animated. One way of achieving this is called motion capture, where a person acts out the character, and his movements are captured by video camera and uploaded into the computer. Another way is key-frame animation, where, instead of modeling actions from a real person, the animators use the controls to move all of the parts of the body and face to create movement on the screen. These methods are often used together in creating a both of them are slow and painstaking, requiring hours of effort and planning. 词汇讲解:component n. 成分, 组成部分, 部件, 元件;e.g.: A chemist can separate a medicine into its components.同义词:elementsmotion:vt. (向…)打手势, 示意;e.g.: The teacher motioned the boy to study.n. (物体的)运动;e.g.: object is no longer in cyclical motion.move v. 移动/ 感动;e.g.: news moved him very much.capture vt. 俘获, e.g.: captured the criminal.catch/ captureuploaded v. 上传frame n. 框架;key-frame n. 关键步骤;control subject:实验标准组;require /get / gain /obtain /need / acquirebe required to:被要求… e.g.: You are required take the study seriously.Ten chairs are required to take the class.EEnormous computer power is needed to make animation look real. For the ?Lord of theRings', thousands of processors and numerous workstations were used to create all of the characters and special effects. There were up to 160people working on computer graphics for these three movies, which took approximately 4million processing hours. It is estimated that the same process would have taken up to 200 years on a 4-gigahertz PC!词汇讲解:enormous adj. 极其多的;processor n. (计算机的)中央处理器;central process unit/ CPU:中央处理单元。graphics n. (作单数用)制图法,制图学,图表算法,图形;approximately adv. 近似地, 大约estimate vt. & vi. 估计; 评价, 评估e.g.: gardener estimated that it would take him four hours to weed the garden.overestimate:高估;e.g.:You can never ever overestimate him.FHowever, despite all of this extremely sophisticated and expensive technology, creating a real human face is still a challenge for our animators. People are very sensitive to facial expressions. We can immediately pick if a face is not human, and we often have a strong reaction to this. The closer the face is to looking truly human, the more negative
this effect has been christened the ?uncanny valley‘ by Jap anese roboticist* Masahiro Mori. However, he also suggests that once the animation gets close enough to the real thing, we begin to feel positive about it once more. So, maybe future Tom Cruises or Lindsay Lohans will be computer generated, and we will never know the difference.词汇讲解:extremely adv. 极端; 极其; 非常,e.g.: That is extremely interesting.significantly / absolutely / aweful(非常的)sensitive adj. 敏感的;uncanny valley:诡异谷;uncanny adj. 超人的; 不寻常的;valley n. 山谷;canyon /the great canyon:(没有水)的山谷;gorge n. 山峡, 峡谷,The Three Gorges 长江三峡robotics n. 机器人技术;robot n. 机器人;AI / Artificial Intelligence人工智能技术。练习1: Read the first sentence ONL Y of each paragraph in the reading passage and answer the question below. Take NO MORE THAN FIVE minutes to do this.Does this reading passage:a. Give a history of something?b. Describe how something is done?c. Compare and contrast two things?d. Discuss a problem and give a solution??Topic sentences ---最能反映文章大意的句子;?Supporting sentences:?RFacts:EStatistics.Scanning for Specific FactsSometimes in IELTS readings you need to look quickly over the reading passage to find facts, dates, numbers or names. It is important to practice focusing your eyes ONL Y on the information you need.(1)Skimming跳读:Main idea:Title,(2)Scanning逐字逐句阅读:scanner:扫描仪。定位词——特殊时间、人名、地名、年代、数字……选择原则:1)识别性强;2)重复率低。(3)Reading:仔细阅读,比较原文与内容的差别。练习2:Look quickly at the passage and write down the letter of the paragraph which contains the following information. Take no more than THREE minutes to do this!a. ______ Masahiro Morib. ______ Key frame animationc. ______ 160d. ______ Star Warse. ______ Three-dimensionalf. ______ A hundred练习3:Now, match the information above to the following. Write the letter of the paragraph where you will find this information beside each one.a. ______ Movie nameb. ______ Name of a person who works with robotsc. ______ Number of people working on a projectd. ______ Computer techniquee. ______ Number of computer controlsf. ______ Computer modelIELTS Type Questions: Reading for Details and for Main IdeasNow, you should be able to read this passage quickly to find details and answer the following questions.Locating InformationThe passage has 6paragraphs, A-E练习4:Which paragraph contains the following information? Write the correct letter, A-F, beside the statements below.Note: You may use any letter more than once. You may not need to use all the letters.1) ______ A description of motion capture2) ______ Lindsay Lohan of the future3) ______ Negative response to human-like expressions4) ______ Processing hours needed5) ______ Special effects make films popular6) ______ Creating a bone structure using lasers and adding controls7) ______ 100 muscle controls Sentence Completion-Type A练习5:Complete the sentences. choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS or a NUMBER from the passage for each answer.8) The ?Lord of the Rings' movies had a computer -generated character that was created using ______ techniques.9) A three-dimensional model created on the computer needs to move in a ______.10) Once a real model has been scanned into the computer by using lasers, the animators add controls to move the ______ around.11) Both motion capture and key-frame animation are described as being ______ methods.12) Not only thousands of processors, but also ______ were required to make the characters and special effects in ?The Lord of the Rings' movies.13) The animation for these movies required about ______ processing hours.14) Achieving a completely realistic human face is still a challenge for animators, as people are very conscious of ______.15) In general, people seem to have a more negative reaction to an animated face that is quite cl this has been called the ______ effect. Sentence Completion-Type B练习6:Complete each sentence with the correct ending A-L, from the box below.There are more endings given than beginnings.16) Among recent movies, many of the most successful ...17) There are many stages involved in imagining and developing ...18) In order to create a 3-D model on the computer, some people ...19) Once a laser has scanned this model into the computer, controls to ...20) Motion capture is a technique where an actor's movements are filmed and used to ...21) Key-frame animation is a technique where the animators use the controls to ...22)Whichever of these methods is used, it is necessary to ...After You ReadVocabulary-Adjectives练习7:Answer these questions.i.Which ending is common to the adjectives below? ______ii.Consider ?indistinguishable'. What does the ?-able' ending mean? ______ be doneiii.What does the ?in-' prefix mean? ______humanoid… sophisticated creativegenuine indistinguishable elusivecomplex three-dimensional realisticpainstaking extreme sensitive练习8:Complete the sentences below using the adjectives in the list above.a. ______ technology is very complex.词汇拓展:complex:复杂的,表示复杂困难的单词:sophisticated/ complicated/ complex.b. If something is ______, it is difficult to find or achieve.词汇拓展:elusive:难以琢磨,难以达到;exclusive: available or belonging only to a particular people and not shared/排他的;exclusive access/ access exclusive rights:排他的权利;exclusive club:专属俱乐部。ex- 开头表示向外;in- 开头表示向内。如:exclusive/ export/deport:驱逐出境;migration:移民,immigration移到国内/ emigration移到国外。c. Something that is ______ is similar to the real thing.词汇拓展:realistic:真是的,实际的。反义词:idealist理想主义的,幻想的/ naive傻,单纯/ silly傻。d. If someone is ______, they notice or are affected by slight changes.词汇拓展:sense:场景;道理, It does/ doesn‘t make sense.e. ______ means making new things.词汇拓展:creative: involve using of imaginations to produce new ideas for things.create:创造;建立,近义词:establish/ generate,辨析:create:侧重创造一些抽象的新事物或新事情;establish:建立(体系、组织);generate:创造;发电。f. If something is ______, it is real rather than artificial.词汇拓展:artificial:人造的,假的,矫揉造作的;genuine:真诚的,真挚的,=真的,非人造的,genuine leather真皮。g. A cube is ______; it has height, width and depth.词汇拓展:cube:立方体;h. Something that is ______ is the opposite of simple.i. A ______ character is like a human.j. To do something in a ______ way means that you take a lot of time and trouble.k. Someone who is ______ from someone else looks the same as that other person.词汇拓展:indistinguishable:无法区别的,无法分别的;distinguish:区别,区分,distinguish between/distinguished:尊贵的,successful, respected and admired.indifference:漠不关心,中立;More Vocabularyto mention... fantasy techniquesskeleton lasers animationfeatures to require... processorworkstations reaction facial expressions练习9:Match the words above to the meanings below.a. Ways of doing something ______词汇拓展:que发音为/k/,常见以-que结尾的单词:unique:独一无二的;antique:古董;b. Desks set up with computers, screens and other necessary equipment ______c. A central computing unit ______d. The set of bones, joined together, that makes up a human or animal ______e. The parts of a face, such as eyes, mouth and nose ______f. A magic or dream world ______g. To need (something) ______h. To talk about (something) ______i. Special light beams ______词汇拓展:lasers:激光;ray:光线。X-ray:X光线;Blue ray:蓝光;beam:光束;j. Ways of looking happy, sad etc ______k. A response to a statement or action ______l. A film with characters that seem to be alive ______UNIT 5 Practice 1Reading Passage 1 The AlbatrossAAlbatrosses are the largest seabirds in existence, with wingspans which extend to over three metres in width. They represent a small subset of the larger group known as tube-nosed petrels, which have strong, curved sharp beaks which they use for catching fish and squid on the surface of the ocean. While there is some debate about the exact taxonomy of the species, it is agreed that there are somewhere between 21 and 24 species of albatrosses.BOf these species, approximately half breed in New Zealand and about 80per cent breed or fish within New Zealand's territorial waters. Six species breed only in New Zealand or on its offshore islands. One of only two mainland nesting sites for these birds in the world, for the northern royal albatross, is on the Otago Peninsula in the South Island of New Z it is a popular tourist destination. Visitors can view the albatross colony from a special building which has been established beside the nesting ground and, while the site is closed during breeding season, at other times it is often possible to see parents and their chicks living and feeding only metres away from human observers.CAlbatrosses spend most of their lives at sea, coming to land only to mate and raise their chicks. Male and female birds cooperate in raising their offspring. At the Taiaroa nesting site in New Zealand, eggs are laid in October or November each year. Incubation takes about 11 weeks, and during this time both parents take turns to sit on the eggs for periods of up to three weeks, while the other bird goes off to sea to eat. It takes the chicks up to five or six days to hatch from their tough shell. Once they are hatched, the parents take turns in looking after them for about five or six weeks. After this time, they are left alone except for regular feeding until they get their feathers and are ready to fly, at about eight months of age.DOnce the young birds are ready to fly, they are off to sea. Albatrosses spend about 80 per cent of their lives at sea, soaring over the waves and feeding off surface fish and squid. Some albatrosses travel long distances over the pelagic, or deep, ocean, while others find food closer to land over areas of continental shelf. They can fly at great speed, at bursts of up to 140km/hour,and they can cover huge distances in one day, even as much as 1800 km.EThe royal albatrosses at Taiaroa Head stay at sea for the first three years of their lives, after which they return to the colony once a year for several years before finding a mate and beginning to breed at around the age of eight. Albatrosse they mate for life and raise one chick every two years on average. They are also long lived, and birds have been recorded still laying eggs into their 50s and even 6Os. However, their relatively low reproductive rate is one of the factors which make them vulnerable to the threat of extinction.FThere are also risks to albatross chicks on land. Natural predators such as seagulls can eat eggs and young birds, and in mainland areas there are also threats from dogs, cats and other land animals. On some offshore islands, sea lions have been observed raiding nests for eggs. It is thought that this is a new behaviour.GThe main threats to the adult albatross occur at sea, and most of these are man-made. Albatrosses like to travel close to fishing boats, to eat the leftover scraps of fish that are dropped over the side of the boat. Sometimes, however, they also eat the bait and accidentally ingest fish hooks, or get dragged along on fishing lines and drown. The number of albatrosses that any one boat catches is small, but because there are so many fishing boats, this may have a long term impact on population numbers. It is estimated that at least 100,000 albatrosses die in this way each year. As for all sea bird species, there are other threats, such as drift nets, oil spills and rubbish such as plastic in the ocean. While there are international agreements and fishing conventions to try and protect sea birds, albatrosses are among the million or so sea birds that get caught in drift nets and die each year.HThe albatross is a magnificent, beautiful and awe-inspiring creature. We need to work together to protect this bird and others from threats posed by human activity.词汇讲解:albatross:信天翁;mate:交配,养育;chicks:小鸟;offspring:后代;incubation:孵化;hatch:孵化;soar:快速上升feed on with 喂食squid 鱿鱼Note CompletionComplete the notes below Use no more than TWO words OR A NUMBER from the reading passage for each answer.UNIT 6 AdvertisingLook at the imagesPuffery in Advertising词汇讲解:puffery n. 吹捧,鼓吹,吹捧的广告;purify v. 使洁净,纯净; e.g.: The air in the room was purified.adj.: pure:纯洁的。A―Our coffee is loved by millions worldwide.‖ Do you often see this kind of advertising in your country? Statements like these, that no-one can prove, are called puffery This is a term that has been developed for exaggerated claims that are made in advertising. Puffery is legal, even though such claims cannot be proved. In fact, puffery has been termed ―a licence to lie‖, as it is vague enough to be classed as opinion, an expression of the salesperson's evaluation of the product, rather than an objective statement.词汇讲解:statement:陈述,说明,论据;state n. 国家,政府,e.g.: We must pay taxes to the state.n. 州,邦,e.g.: In America, the law varies from state to state.vt. 陈述,说明,e.g.: He stated his problem clearly.state –fact/ judgment/ opinion/ report/ theory/statesman n.褒义词,为人民服务的工作人员,政府机关;politician n. 政治家政客, 玩弄权术者;prove vt. 证明;exaggerate :vt. & vi. (使)扩大,(使)增加,夸大,夸张;同义词:overstate夸张;claim:vt. 声称,断言,宣布;e.g.: They claim to have discovered a cure for the disease.n. 主张,断言,e.g.: His claim to own the house is valid.legal adj. 法律上的,合法的,法定的,e.g.: he is my legal adviser. 他是我的法律顾问。反义词:illegal 非法的。Adequate:充分的(相对的充分),反义词:inadequate不充分的;Sufficient:充分的(程度更深),反义词:insufficient 不充分的;Valid:有效地,反义词:invalid。term v. 被贴上…的标签;licence n. 证书,证件;vague [veiɡ] adj. 模糊的;blur adj. 模糊的;n. 斑点;objective adj. 客观的;n. 目标;近义词:unbiased adj. 客观的,没有偏见的;indifferent adj. 不关心的,冷淡的,中立的;impartial adj. 不偏不倚的,公正的,中立的。反义词:subjective:主观的BUsing puffery to raise awareness of products and to generate increased sales is a common advertising strategy. Goods and services are described in terms of superlatives, subjective opinio various kinds of general claims are made, with no specific facts. So, why do some people worry about puffery? One of the concerns is whether consumers are misled by false advertising. Legal guidelines and government controls are required to prevent dishonest advertising. Companies understandably object to untruthful ads which give a competitor an unfair advantage in the market. These claims can be tested in the courts, and the decisions that are made help to make the boundary between acceptable puffery and illegal advertising.词汇讲解:awareness n. 知名度,知晓度;be aware of:知晓,了解;e.g.:I was not aware of that.generate vt. 生成,产生,引起, 导致;establish:建设组织;create:创造虚幻,理论等。concern n. 忧虑, 焦虑;担心、焦虑的原因;customer n. 消费者;consumer:消费者;v. consume:消耗,消费;n. consumption :消耗。guideline n. 指导方针,准则;tour guide:导游;be require to:需要;unfair adj. 不公正的;不公平的;fair enough:公平,公正;justices:公平;just:公平;equal:公平,公正;even:平均。boundary:n. 分界线(国界线),e.g.: the boundaries of that country were changed by a treaty.n. 界线,范围,e.g.: the ball was caught by a fielder standing just inside the boundary. Cpuffery is nothing new. It has been identified in documents dating from as long ago as the sixteenth century, when the notion of ―caveat emptor‖ or ―let the buyer beware‖ developed in business transactions. Although this initially applied to property deals, it came to be used more generally. This Latin term basically meant that anyone buying a product had a responsibility to check it carefully before payment. The seller did not need to take responsibility for defects (unless a problem had been deliberately concealed). In those days, of course, there was no notion of consumer rights or returns policies.词汇讲解:identify:vt. 认出, 识别;vt. & vi. 等同于;有关联,sth is identify …相同;document:文件,文书;documentary n. 纪录片。caveat emptor n. 货物出门概不退换,买主须自行当心(货物的品质);caveat n. 警告, 附加说明;emptor n. 买者。transaction n. (一笔)交易;(一项)事务;trans-代表变化,变动:transmit vt. & vi. 发射, 播送, 广播;transfer vt. & vi. 转移; 迁移;transport:交通;transformer:变形金刚,变压器;transparent adj. 透明的;translucent adj.透光的,半透明;transsexual n. 换性者;adj. 有异性转化欲的。initially adj. 最初的;ultimately adj. 最终的。applied:应用;applied linguisti:应用语言学。responsible adj. 负有责任的, 需承担责任的,e.g.: he must be responsible to me for thismatter.responsibility n. 责任,he has no responsibility for that accident.defect :n. 缺点, 过失, 瑕疵;vi. 违约。notion n. 概念, 观念, 看法;deliberately:蓄意的,故意的。DThese days, however, if a company claims to sell the country's ―best-loved‖ or ―favourite‖ product, whether a brand of coffee or a make of car, this is held to be puffery, rather than an objective claim of market share. Similarly, the company does not have to produce proof that this claim is actually backed up by numbers or facts. In other words, claims such as ―the world's best cup of coffee‖ are impossible to prove. They are also so exaggerated that it is expected that any consumer will understand how subjective they are. In effect, the company in question is said to be ―boasting‖ rather than making objective claims. The claims are therefore not considered to be deceptive. In fact, puffery is often considered to add to the entertainment value of advertisements, especially television commercials.词汇讲解:share:市场份额;分享。EOn the other hand, a company that states their product is the ―safest‖ or ―cheapest‖ needs to show proof, because these claims can directly affect their competitors. Statements that are objective need to be backed up by proof or statistics, as consumer rights organisations can run tests to compare products such as washing machines and vacuum cleaners. They also investigate companies involved in insurance, finance, property, credit cards and other such services. Companies and salespeople should therefore be very careful when making factual statements about a product, or assertions regarding the quality of goods and services. In most developed countries, there is likely to be an official organisation which oversees the validity of advertising claims. In addition, there may be a government council with the authority to take legal action against companies that overstep the limit.词汇讲解:direct adj. 直的, 笔直的, 径直的;引申义:直接的, 直系的;反义词:indirect adj. 间接的, 迂回的。back up:v. 支持,e.g.: The policeman wouldn't have believed me if you hadn't backed me up.I will watch your back. 我将会照顾你。aback:惊叫一声;buckle up:系好(安全带)。statistics:统计数字,统计学;investigate vt. 调查; 审查(犯罪);survey:调查(数据收起来);方式:questionnaire:问卷调查表;interview:面对面采访;response:反应;involve vt. 使某事物成为必要条件或结果; 需要,使参与,牵涉;involve in :使参与〔陷入, 牵扯到〕。insurance:保险;premium :保险费;finance n. 金融;financial adj. 财政的, 金融的;financial crisis :金融[财政]危机;subprime mortgage crisis:次级贷款。oversee:监督;近义词:supervision:监督。council n. 委员会, 理事会;British council:英国大使馆交流文化处;congress:国会;congressman n. 〈美〉国会议员(尤指众议员);committee n. 委员会; 全体委员authority:政府权力;n. 权力,职权,官方,当局,权威,专家;right : 人权,自由权的权利;FA primary function of advertising is to create product awareness. As consumers, we need to know about competing products, so we can make informed decisions on which one to buy. While it is important that advertisers are monitored to ensure they do not mislead consumers, it can be argued that puffery is a good technique for raising awareness of new products that otherwise would go unnoticed in a crowded market. As long as there are effective ways of monitoring the claims of advertisers, to prevent deliberate deception in terms of safety or particular aspects of performance, it seems that most puffery is relatively harmless. Rather, it should be seen as an integral part of advertising, which most consumers can detect and laugh at rather than being misled.词汇讲解:monitor :n. 监视器,监听器,检测器;vt. 监听,监视;CCTV:中央监测系统。as long as:一旦,既然;relatively:相对的;detect:识别出;mislead:过去式:misled 误导;leaded:含铅的。练习1:Identify whether the sentences below are objective (0) based on facts, or subjective (S) based on opinions and feelings.a. ______ This coffee is the best-your friends will love you!b. ______ This cat food will make your cat purr with delight!c. ______ This all-wheel drive car will let you get 10 kms for every litre of fuel.d. ______ We design the best houses in the word!e. ______ Sign up for this credit card now, and get a 10% discount on bank fees.f. ______ Bubbles! Kids' favourite soft drink ...练习2:IELTS Type Questions: Reading for Details and for Main IdeasThe reading passage has six paragraphs, A-E Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below. Write the correct number, i-vii, next to the appropriate paragraph.2) Paragraph B3) Paragraph C4) Paragraph D5) Paragraph E6) Paragraph F练习3:Identification of InformationDo the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage? Write TRUE if the statement agrees with the informationFALSE if the statement contradicts the informationNOT GIVEN if there is no information on this7)______ Some people argue against puffery because buyers might believe everything inadvertising.8)______ A court case is a way of determining whether advertising is deceptive or not.9)______ Puffery dates from the days of television commercials.10)______ ?Caveat empto r' means that the seller has a responsibility for any problems withthe item sold11)______ ?The world's best coffee' is an example of puffery12)______ ?The world's safest chainsaw' is an example of puffery.13)______ People should carefully check prices before they buy goods.练习4:Short AnswersAnswer the questions below. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the reading passage for each answer14)In addition to legal guidelines, what else is necessary to stop companies from usingdeceptive advertising? __________________15)When was puffery first used? __________________16)What does the writer say about claims such as ?the world's best'? __________________.17)What does puffery contribute to television commercials? __________________18)What should objective statements be supported by? __________________19)What is the main purpose of advertising? To __________________20)Consumers need information on competing products to make……? ________________总结Short Answer Questions :1. 绝大部分的题目要求有字数限制,一般有如下几种表达


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