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The Boy Life of Napoleon, Afterwards Emperor of the French by Eugénie Foa - Free Ebook
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The Boy Life of Napoleon, Afterwards Emperor of the French
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Sep 7, 2004
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首先主角人物小档案姓名:如题生辰:1964(跟莪一个属相)星座:双子座职业:莪不管他现在是XX的副校长,曾经是莪们的数学老师此人生性急躁易怒说话语速极快生平的爱好就是数学痛恨上网痛恨慢虽然他很努力很努力地想把莪的数学教好可是莪还是没能逃脱高考数学30分的悲惨命运高中三年他的语言成就了莪上他数学课的唯一乐趣当年莪的陈伦全语录在十中曾经掀起一股风潮大家争相传阅还传抄出了各种修订版本莪身为陈伦全语录的最早的记录者现将原始版语录进行节选并附上全部原图PS:在莪去学美术集训走了之后莪教的教众继续在这个本子上进行记录所以笔迹颜色各异此人所到之处必将引起腥风血雨是个风云人物连教主莪都要退避三舍此人在十中任教被莪等数学白痴砸了招牌后去X中当了副校长然后模仿十中要求在女生宿舍门上打孔监视遭到一致反对并被控侵犯隐私权一度登陆中国最大的门户网站腾讯网大成网首页 正文开始1.莪讨厌慢!(这句话貌似是针对动作随时都慢慢的猪圈说的) 2.夜深人静的时候,在数学知识的海洋中遨游,真是一种乐趣呀!(莪估计除了他,在莪们班上没几个人觉得这是乐趣) 3.有的人一辈子都没享受过一次成功的脑力劳动,尽是失败的!(伦全猫,请问你会画画麽?) 4未必哪个奶壳壳生下来一生下来哭的第一声就是log呀?!(莪估计你的娃儿生下来就是这样的) 5.真是厕所里的石头,又臭又硬,你不来问!你问了莪陈老师你要掉个耳朵?!胆子大!不来问!死要面子已经到了变态的地步!(莪觉得你爱数学已经到了变态的地步,哈哈) 6.一个杨音子倒下去,成千上万个杨音子站起来!一个王主静倒下去,成千上万个王主静站起来!你们真是前赴后继啊!(当时莪坐在第一排,都要笑疯了,可怜的猪圈!) 7.天才啊!天才啊!基础又差,自尊心又强,又死要面子,,又不来问,动作又慢!天勒天勒!如果莪不哑的话,也要气死杀果哦!你哦的屎是红的吗黑的嘛! 8.坐到嘛,以你王龙为首的,跟到感觉,不动脑壳! 9.同学们,同学们啦同学们,开些国际玩笑,题都懂不起,读撒书嘛,读天书,集多种毛病于一体,你是多种人才!(这条语录乃本教家丁所记录) !10.看不出来,勒个你都看不出来!你是俄罗斯女瞎子啊看不出来,狗日一窝的瞎子。一窝男瞎子,一窝女瞎子!(这条语录乃本教家丁所记录) 11.你看嘛,看嘛!又是个不动脑筋的主儿,坐到教室头又不动脑筋,又不想问题,一天就晓得混日子,,天勒。莪说你以后纳闷办哦,简直要气死哟,这个哪还有法教嘛~(这条是郡主,也就是猪圈所记录,好像当时就是才说了她,她就气呼呼的记下了这条) 12.天勒天勒!勒个都做不来怪哪个嘛!基础啊!切~切找你初中老师,找你小学老师,找首都幼儿园的阿姨!你切买5把菜刀,从幼儿园老师杀起,最后才杀得到莪陈老师勒儿来! 13.有些人,一天做个正人君子的样子坐到里头,脑壳根本就没想事情,来挖。勒次遭莪逮到一个挖?高狄浩,你盯到莪抓,还盯到莪笑,你喜欢莪啊?你是同性恋啊?莪怕你装得像嘛!以后莪专门抽那种盯到莪笑的人!(在此需要说明的是,当时上数学课的气氛完全是笼罩在一片白色恐怖之下,大家听不懂怕挨骂只有装懂,,装起点脑壳,结果????????被识破了) 14.两脚给莪zhua出切!吃屎的还把哦屎的古道了!这个世界黑白颠倒,妖怪横行,群魔乱舞,人间正义到哪里去了?! 15.莪要开始实行法西斯专制了!有的人,你根本莫发用对人的办法来对待他,勒个一天坐到里头混日子也!课代表星期天在莪勒来拿名单,一个一个来办公室,做不来给莪滚出切! 16.莪无话可说,莪终于明白了为什么在国民党的黑暗统治下有的人说:莪无话可说,一个很著名的作家说:今时今日,莪无话可说。(要是当年莪冒死问一句,是哪个作家,恐怕????????) 17.莪不晓得还要纳闷教,你切喊北大数学家来教你,可能他还没教到两节课9要气晕在勒,用滑竿抬出切,,你不信切gao一哈,绝对是勒们的! 18.他对数学莫的感情也,晓不得你们的兴趣在哪儿,一个二个看起又不像杀人放火那种,,满脸横肉,一个二个看起就是那种淳朴老实的良民多嘛,94不学啊!(原来大家的演技在那个年代就一直在磨练中??????) 19.方火山,方火山,方灿(音cer,三声),胆子大的很,你是从哪转来的,醒来的胆子还有勒们大的,那你在你原来学校不晓得是啥样子,你是飞天蜈蚣啊?!(方灿就是莪教的家丁,哈哈,当年好像是坐在最后一排的角落里面,天天看武侠小说,结果不幸被逮) 20.现在只有那些印第安的土著人豆不得考数学,有裤儿不穿,,身体strong(莪估计是为了跟上他嘴巴的速度写的个英文在这里,,因为对于异国文化,这位数学界的佼佼者很不屑一顾)为什么怕运算?别个问十万个为什么,莪只问几个为什么(这条语录莪已经记不得是哪个写的了,因为凭字迹莪分辨不出来了) 21.只有亚马逊河流域,那些土著人才不的学数学,他们又不参加高考,一天捆个芭蕉皮皮,不穿裤儿。身体好得很,他们只晓得两个苹果两个人分,他9不晓得三个苹果两个人纳闷分,一人ao一口也!你们切学嘛!拒不接受现代文明的家伙!(从以上两条语录看得出来他对第三世界人民的鄙视,简直不顾世界和平???) 22.你们是另一种文明,不学数学的文明,你在南充个人跟到学等起了澳洲再切跟到跳(此条乃莪教光明左使所记录) 23.那些不学数学的人,个人跟到印第安土人切捉黄鳝,他们又不怕冷也,皮肤冬暖夏凉。(恐怕他们晓得了要像捉黄鳝一样捉你哟,伦全猫) 24.王主静连勒都找不到,别个郭冠男运动员也,都晓得到。 25.94二监狱那些挖地基的,你要学他们嘛,每当夕阳西下的时候,迈着整齐的步伐,扛着洋chuan儿,剃个光头儿,看着街上的花姑娘那种人! 26.运用怪异的思维方式,婉如爱因斯坦的再世 27.你们还没醒来,你们不是笨,是没把精力用在学习上,拿破仑那句话说:睡狮。莪说你们是“睡猪”!不晓得是“dog”还是“pig”(猪圈听见就很不平) 28.你说你一天在抓挖,一天不读书,哪怕你幼儿园天天戴大红花,小学天天当三好学生,初中当优秀干部。但是到了高三他反而不读书老,那前几十年不是等于零。你又想哈你能做撒,你可以从幼儿园穿开裆裤开始,就坐到诺玛特底下卖汤圆,3岁那时候有又胖又乖,正好当赖汤圆的形象代言人。(诺玛特已经倒闭了,谢谢???汗???) 29.有的人高三越长越胖,纳闷解释嘛?(莪来解释,因为没吃减肥药) 30.从现在开始,就要把这个公式记到,记到什么程度?――――要根深蒂固,直到你含恨离开人世。
接下来的时间就是恶补BIKE理论知识和在公路、山地、折叠之间进行抉择。一个多月的时间让我大开眼界,,让我认识了世界传动的两大王者SRAM和SHIMANO、让我懂得了3.0与X0的差距、V刹与碟刹的区别、转把和指拨、卡飞与旋飞、前拨和后拨的原理……原来自行车有这些奥妙!经过权衡考虑后还是选择了搬运相对方便的折叠车,放弃公路和山地也是不得已,因为小偷实在令我畏惧,现在的现代化小偷已经今非昔比,再好用的车锁在小偷液压钳的面前都变成了摆设,车不离身才是王道,所以我毅然放弃了山地和公路,投入到折叠的怀抱,。之前预算就是在700左右代步足矣,不需要太奢华的配置,3000RMB的车基本就是看看而已与我无关。HT060自然是我的首选,,735的价格,,合理的配置,性价比不错,,决定入手。回头查了查HT060的具体信息和口碑,感觉还不错,但车友一再鼓动说入了060肯定会想KC072,入了072还会想SP8,不如一次到位这样最省钱^_^,这时对SP8有些心动了,豪华的配置诱人的外观让我对这个大行的性价比之王有些垂涎三尺,但2850的价格让我有些心寒,毕竟2年前SP8才2000左右,2年竟然涨了近1K,很不爽!继续观望观望。无意之中SP9进入了我的视线,对比SP8飞轮升级到PG970、9速、前后SRAM X9、双轨坐管,直把。3K多的价格我认为还是很超值的,代步兼顾长途。毫无犹豫入手了,担心夜长梦多,再这样研究下去JP8、TT PRO、KC045这些更加中毒的车子都已经进入我的视线,本人意志力不强,心里防线容易崩溃,为了兜的Money还是及早入手了^_^。事实证明这是非常明智了,现在已经对鸟车和KHS有些YY了(~ o ~)~zZ!
提车回来之后更换了WELLGO M20脚踏,原装的折叠脚踏抓脚不是太好容易打滑,在超过30KM的巡航时有些危险。加装了西格玛906码表。暂时只是改了这些,骑行一段时间之后会改下FR5 V刹、HG73链条和前2后4久欲培林花鼓、加装副把,基本也就折腾的差不多了,4000多RMB就这样消失了,,心痛啊!全当锻炼+减肥了^_^。 简单谈一下骑行的感受,第一天骑行了40KM,绕行太阳岛,3档起速,巡航6档,最快速度33.8KM/H,平均速度16KM/H。总体上来讲,路况好的话巡航速度25KM问题是不大的,毕竟后飞轮是11T。早上通勤上班,因为哈尔滨正在修建地铁ing,路况很不好,堵车已经成为家常便饭,8KM的路程26分钟已经算是不错了,骑行中尤为感受到了刹车的重要性,目前原装的K标V刹感觉还可以,但还是建议改成更稳健安全的FR5。唯一不爽的就是原装的坐包,这几天让我的屁股受到了煎熬,适应一段时间在决定是否更换。总体给SP9打90分,很满意!当然HT060、KC072、FA073、KA082、SP8、SP16等也都是非常不错的车,希望能给最近打算买车的朋友一点帮助。最后奉劝车友购车要当机立断,犹豫到最后的结果只能是中毒越来越深,贵一定有贵的道理!
猪圈社讯,宝猪与LP在某海滩拍婚纱照的照片,,近日因国外某网站的传播,被国内著名论坛转载,引起轩然大波。而面对这组较私密的照片的曝光,,宝猪的经纪人予以了“侵犯隐私”的回应,“宝猪与LP拍婚纱照,,享受二人世界纯属正常生活的一部分,,属于个人隐私,我很同情宝猪、子怡和所有被侵犯过隐私权的名人,哪怕是拍婚纱照,,哪怕是普通人的正常生活,他们都很难享受。”而看过这组照片的部分网友也表示,,这些照片在窥探名人隐私方面有些太过头了,有些不道德,。 回贴过10楼就放出泄密照!!
Bored, bored to do not know what that would like to express. .
Always easy to find yourself happy,, sad but also very easy, happy happy, when abnormal, sad when hit rock bottom, always so capricious, and happy time will be more worrying, to some extent on the numb pain, I know I have been very sensitive to my feelings ...
changes in the day with the morning, hoping a bit, to the afternoon got tired at night to begin imagination, I feel I am suitable for the evening. deep and sinking at night ...
memory is always broken so I can not recall,, but very clear to know you've lost a man, she must be very important to me, my chest boring. boring ..
strangers ask me what are you doing?
I speechless. .
One, but what choice, it is difficult to give up. Very reluctant to give up .. just like to eat, always so few .. not my kind of lazy. Just because of love. 1 but love, and would like a long time .. this is paranoia.,
because that would be very hard, so do not want to invest,,, not willing to invest,,, do not want to comment, do not want to express, not to be moved and do not want to be confused, do not want to highlight their own, do not want to leave any traces, just passing through it. But eventually ... eventually could not resist ...
I have always been the wrong bus,, then the wrong station. Back and forth. Look at the stop sign on the neat station names .. I do not know where to go. . Where is my end ...
1、假如世界末日来临,你只能解救一种动物,你会救以下哪一种?  a 兔 b 羊 c 鹿 d 马 2.在非洲旅行土中,,你造访了一个部落,部落首领坚持让你选一种动物带回去当纪念品,你会哪一种?   a 猴 b 狮 c 蛇 d 长颈鹿 3.你做错事了,上天惩罚你变成人以外的动物,你想变成下面哪一种动物?   a 狗 b 猫 c 马 d 蛇 4.假如你有能力使某种动物消失,你会选择哪一种?   a 狮 b 蛇 c 鳄鱼 d鲨鱼 5.有一天,你碰上了一种会说人话的动物,你希望那是哪种动物?   a 羊 b 马 c 兔 d 鸟 6.在一个孤岛上,,你只能选一种动物来陪你,你会选:   a 狗 b 猪 c 母牛 d 鸟 7.假如你有能力可以驯服所有的动物,你会选择哪种动物来当宠物呢?   a 恐龙 b 白老虎 c 北极熊 d 豹 8.假如你有5分钟的时间可以当一种动物,你会选择当:   a 狮 b 猫 c 马 d 鸽子 答案是:   这些题目都告诉了你什么?   1.你在现实生活中会被哪一类人所吸引:   a 兔--有分裂的人格,外表像冰而内心炽热的人。   b 羊--重视顺从而温暖的人。   c 鹿--优雅及有礼貌的人。   d 马--不受约束向往自由的人。    2.哪种求爱手段最容易使你觉得情不自禁:   a 猴--有创造性,从不会让你感到无趣。   b 狮--直来直往,,直接地告诉你他爱你。   c 蛇--心情摇摆不定,忽冷忽热,游移不定。   d 长颈鹿--有耐性,对你永远不放弃。    3.你想给爱人什么样的印象:   a 狗--忠诚忠实,永不改变,。   b 猫--有个性的。   c 马--乐观的。   d 蛇--可通融的。    4.你最讨厌的个性中,哪一个会使你与爱人分手:   a 狮--你的爱人傲慢自大,表现得像一个独裁者,令你很生气。   b 蛇--情绪化,太过喜怒无常,而你不知道如何取悦他。   c 鳄鱼--无情冷血又爱讽刺人,。   d 鲨鱼--不安全牢*。    5.你想跟你的爱人建立一个什么样的关系:   a 羊--你俩不用多说话,用心沟通,对方自然知道你要什么。   b 马--你俩能谈任何事情,没有秘密。   c 兔--一种让你一直能够感受到温暖与恋爱的关系。   d 鸟--你和爱人不只关心现在也关心将来,,一种你能与之一起成长的长期关系。    6.你会有外遇吗:   a 狗--你重视社会跟道德规范,婚后你不会犯这样的错。   b 猪--你无法抗拒欲望,很有可能会越轨。   c 母牛--你不会主动,也不会拒绝,但你会很努力试著不要这样做。   d 鸟--你从来就不够坚定,事实上,你不适合婚姻,且你不想做承诺。    7.你对婚姻的看法:   a 恐龙--你非常消极,你不热内有快乐婚姻的存在。   b 白老虎--你认为婚姻是件很珍贵的事,一旦结婚,你会很珍惜婚姻及你的伴侣。   c 北极熊--你害怕婚姻,你认为婚姻会夺走你的自由。   d 豹--你一直想要结婚,但事实上,你甚至不知道婚姻到底是什么。    8.此刻你对爱情的看法:   a 狮--你总是渴望爱情,能为爱情做任何事,但你不会轻易坠入情网,。   b 猫--你非常以自我为中心,认为爱情对你是可以轻易得到和放弃的东西。   c 马--你不想被固定的关系绑住,你只想处处调情。   d 鸽子--你认为爱情是二人互相的承诺
1.感情已欠费,,爱情已停机,诺言是空号,信任已关机,关怀无法接通,美好不在服务区,,一切暂停使用,生活彻底死机! 2.也许没有结局的结局,才是最好的结局......我会用一生珍惜这个结局,因为你曾给过我“美丽心情”!
社会十种人 一种人:整得甚,游山玩水带小姘。 二种人:手段高,吃喝嫖赌全报销。 三种人:财路广,家花野花一起养。 四种人:路子野,办事全靠关系铁,。 五种人:靠外商,肥得放屁油裤裆。 六种人:跑销售,偷偷摸摸吃回扣。 七种人:坐机关,蹭顿酒饭逗包烟。 八种人:搞对缝,,没本求利把钱挣。 九种人:招待员,一个眼神就来钱。 十种人:烧锅炉,整不明白气不足。 麻星十种人 一种麻星用公款,专给领导把炮点。 二种麻星有钢条,连续作战不疲劳。 三种麻星风流女,傻老爷们给上水[①]。 四种麻星好激动,连坐两屉就失控。 五种麻星偷着练,老婆一来就没电。 六种麻星有神累,和女人打觉着得。 七种麻星是乏蛋,三把不和就冒汗。 八种麻星缺现金,呆得直闹中国心。 九种麻星道行浅,,,输俩钱儿好激眼。 十种麻星不在行,专门空手套白狼。 跳舞十种人 一种跳舞的是领导,舞伴不用自己找。 二种跳舞的图娱乐。从来不搞小动作。 三种跳舞的处朋友,由始至终不分手。 四种跳舞的贼能显,女人面前装大款。 五种跳舞的是独身,划拉异性寻开心。 六种跳舞的女风流,专门祸害小老头。 七种跳舞的婚外恋,偷着释放辐射线。 八种跳舞的不老松,搂得舞伴直起空。 九种跳舞的假夫妻,转战南北打游击。 十种跳舞的是损饼,老哥一个使劲整。 经商十种人 一种人:干批发,金钱女人一起抓。 二种人:倒外烟,,挣了大钱挂小篇。 三种人:卖小百,遇到傻帽使劲宰。 四种人:倒服装,,外出进货象逃荒。 五种人:修电器,拆拆焊焊八分利。 六种人:熟食品,就怕卫生查得紧。 七种人:干砍刀,亲朋卖肉不带膘。 八种人:煮茶蛋,给个教授都不换。 九种人:牵大驴,坑蒙拐骗厚脸皮,。 十种人:卖假药,连扯犊子带开哨。
Tourism Eight , ------------------------------------- hand treatment ---------------------------------------
only vomiting
small ailments caused by vomiting, can be used within the pressure off the middle finger points antiemetic. After the relevant points within the palm (palm orientation) between two-inch radial ulnar, pressure to have soreness in the sense that points have been completed, about a minute basis and vomiting.
only nosebleed
nose bleeding, immediately to patients with thumb and index finger pinching the heel (the ankle and foot depression between the calcaneus), the left nasal bleeding pinching the right heel,, right heel pinched nose bleeding, when can stop the bleeding.
general headache, their hands and fingers can press the head were bilateral temples, pressure to pain,, according to a clockwise turn around minutes, can reduce the headache.
only stomach
stomach pain, the use of two-thumb rubbing Zusanli. Zusanli three inches under the knee, lateral tibial cross-refers to a Department, to be a tingling sense of expansion three to five minutes, stomach pain can be significantly reduced to disappear.
When angina pectoris angina pectoris, nitroglycerin can not find a time piece, others can be a pinched thumb nail root of patients that have had a clear pain can be a pressure for a release, adhere to three to five minutes can relieve symptoms.
syncope syncope rule that pale,, nausea, vomit, a cold sweat or even unconscious. At this point, other people can squeeze the thumb and index finger pressing the jaws of death in patients with hand,, pinch under pressure more than a decade, the general can awake.
constipation in the stool to his left hand when the pressure in the left pointing Tianshu den, to feel significant soreness that hold fixed adhere to a minute or so, there will be Italian, then breath, increased abdominal pressure,,, can defecation.
不许乱改朋友的密码.教你看别人的QQ密码:随便点个好友,,在QQ对话框中,输入"我是&quot,;两字,,不要发送.再按住ALT键,然后顺序按小键盘29482,松开ALT键,,再按ALT键+S ,;
1.她很想陪着你,即使是在网上,一句话都不说。你开心的时候,她很想在你身边看到你微笑的样子。你失落的时候,她第一时间在你旁边安慰你,想破脑袋想帮你。你熬夜到很晚,她的QQ或者msn陪你一起亮着。如果你下线了,再登录一看,她的头像就暗了。你知道吗?她熬到那么晚只是在等你。 2.懂事,知道什么时候该撒娇,什么时候该像爱小孩子一样疼惜你。如果你是个学生,她不会任性地要求你翘课陪她逛街,不会让没有经济来源的你买奢侈品。如果你已经工作,她不会埋怨你忘记打电话给他,不会在你工作烦心的时候要你甜言蜜语,即使自己心情再不好,也会轻轻拥着你,始终站在你这边。 3.不放过任何与你有关的信息,融入你的生活圈,朋友圈。结识你的朋友,链接任何在你空间留言的朋友的页面,看你喜欢的电影和书,去你喜欢的餐厅,逛你喜欢的品牌店,甚至笨拙地模仿你欣赏的异性类型。她不是不够好,而是想变得更好,更适合你,更容易得到你的认可和赞许。 4.她绝不会在你同事同学家人朋友面前提你的缺点,嘲笑你,哪怕只是玩笑。她可能觉得你这么做那样做不对,但会给足你男人需要的面子,帮你打圆场,帮你找台阶下,,只晒幸福,只说你的好。 5.她需要你的肩膀,但是绝不会凡事都依赖你。她在你面前很弱势,常常需要你来把持局面。不是她笨,只是喜欢在你面前装傻,喜欢被你照顾。但她不会粘着你,把你当保姆,该独立的时候她可以一个人。 6.她不会总是要求你先让步。男生要懂得包容和迁就,不是因为她是女人,而是因为你是男人。但她绝不会因此被宠坏而从头至尾都等着你主动向她道歉,而是会很小心翼翼地跟你撒娇,求得你的原谅。 7.她发给你的短信几乎不会有错别字,,不会有歧义。她很注重跟你在一起时的一切细节,连发消息之前都会反复确认好几遍,措词,语气,甚至表情。 8.她和你朋友一起聚会时候会打扮得漂亮但不会妖艳,只会在你面前偶尔穿很火辣的衣服。她永远会把你与其他男生区别对待,,而不是总是孔雀开屏般向所有人展示美丽。 9.看到女人围着你转,她会吃醋,那些女人很优秀,,她更容易吃醋,但是不会无理取闹,兴师问罪。她关心你,在乎你,想要抓住你。只要你肯耐下心,不要吝惜让她安心的话。她需要的只是一句别人听不到只有她能听的话。 10.她也许会有很多异性朋友,也许不乏追求者,但是她会明确告诉他们她喜欢的是你,而且不会拿这些人的优点跟你作比较,。她会时不时告诉你谁谁谁要追她,看到你紧张的表情,会很满足地加一句,,我心里只会有你一个人o(∩_∩)o…不是她无聊,她很需要被重视,。
Year-old past, did not say, is nothing but naughty and naive.
13, four, began to have a good impression on the girls, but then he is far away from the girls, and girls
to hate itself, for fear of ridicule by their peers.
15 years old, I heard people saying that so large a man to spend, the girlfriend broke up, the girl committed suicide. He felt that this person
really vicious, their future must be a fool man, sure to love no one.
16 years old,, he liked a girl, but he dare not, and she said. Continue as usual, dirty
flying in the dirt to play on the playground. Only when the girls out of school, hiding in the second floor windows watching her back,
he felt that she must be an angel.
17 years old, a girl in love with him,, but he was far away from her, his heart which only his girl,
he feels to see other girls are unfaithful to her.
18 years old, saw an MTV, moved to cry, he thought, if the girls lose their eyes, he must
actor would not hesitate to give her own eyes, so that She can see the light.
19 years old, college entrance examination. Finally, and his crush on a girl, respectively, on the train to school, feeling more and more distant from her own , the same image is empty. Still want to own will not forget her, wait until after their success will have to go find her a .
two-year-old, I heard someone tell dirty jokes, think that people really shameful.
21 years old, her reply told him that he had a boyfriend. Secretly cried all night.
20-year-old, he justified himself to a girl, the girl said, "You are a good person, but I'm still young." he thought, I
is a good person, he said, "It does not matter, I can wait for you. "I thought, I do not like people who bother to bring the same three
I can wait five years.
20-year-old when, he said he was also a small girl and a handsome guy in love. He wondered, could have grown up so fast .
20-year-old, when He also declare a girl,, the girl said, "You are a good person, but I do not suit you."
he wondered for a long time,, I was good how do you not for me?
20-year-old, he would pursue a girl, the girl accepted him. He started very well for the future of hard work,, he
thought, a moment of fun is only temporary, only hard work, he and she can have a happy future, but after six months to
girl break up with him. Just because the other boy would say to make her happy, then. Girl said, "You are a good , I am sorry for you." He seems to understand the problem, he is a good man.
20-year-old, he began to fall, making friends. Dress fashion and cool, and gradually learning the words to please the girl . Soon, he had a girlfriend, although he is also very good to her, but he knew that he does not love her .
20-year-old, he and the girl broke up. He said the girl, "You are a good girl, I'm sorry you are."
20-year-old, he tried one night stand, found that other people can do their own too.
20-year-old, he learned to tell jokes, and to see a girl next to blush for fun.
three-year-old, he suddenly found himself becoming very capable of tracking of girls, but without the capacity to love. In
QQ on his own and wrote the following words
******************************** **************** 8
In fact, every boy who would want to be a specific feeling good man.
fact, each boy, the view is to see the girls face and not the chest.
In fact, every boy who would not tell dirty jokes to.
fact,,, each boy would have been eager to love a person until forever.
only, no girls love this boy, they think this boy is too naive, Pacific plate, no fun.
So the boy began to change, to become the kind of girls like wearing nasty mouth
cynical laughter or humor
learn to sweet talk rather than the heart wanted to say
learn to pretend care, learn to send trinkets girls learn how to please her
pursuit, how to make love. , or disillusioned, the game fair in love and become the kind of man a woman bitterly
they could easily capture the hearts of girls
they will shed tears in the dark of night smoking his heart there is love
time, no girls
with girls, but never feeling love to hear women complaining about in the world
not a good man when they do not go to
do good man, just smiled pass.
1.由于小部分人手里有几个漂亮的QQ(不知道是盗的还是早期申请了密码保护忘记了的,不要丢砖头打我哦) ,; 没有密码保护用着老是心里不塌实!老是用手机绑着太浪费钱了(俺是穷人养不起没有办法只有想其它办法申诉)
时间多的话在去和把资料改改3.不是要填3个密码嘛(可以填4个后面还可以增加1个)填密码的时候注意⑴以前要历史密码,现在其实不是他注意的是修改密码的地址 ,; ,;现在有人要问了那以前的密码没有用了(这个问题我也不知道怎么回答)
其次就是把个人帐户支付密码,拍拍支付密码(如果有条件最好把拍派认证了我成功的哪个6位就是用我自己的身 份 证认证的,注不象传说中的那样可以改证件号码)
还有腾讯财付通支付密码,QQ空间密码,通信录密码,网络相册密码等可以填的东西填上去!一、被盗号码QQ资料、历史密码、历史好友、用户个人身份资料、原有密码保护资料等,这些资料只要填写半年前就可以了。若原有密码保护或证件号码忘了,就直接在申诉表里注明“忘记了” 二、其他证明资料的填写(16个别人无法知道或很难知道的证明资料): 1、该号码何处申请(如:声讯台、网站、QQ客户端或手机申请等。如果是会员或QQ行用户顺便写上支付方式。) 2、该号码是否用手机绑定过(有的话就填上曾经绑定过的手机号码) 3、QQ游戏(如:你是否用过QQ游戏里面的双倍积分卡等游戏道具) 4、如果忘了原始密码,就填写个申请旧密码保护时的密码,并注明是申请旧密码保护时的密码(当然,这个要在你记得的前提下,如果不记的可以不填) 5、是否赠送过别人QQ秀或某些腾讯的业务,有的话填上并注明获赠人的QQ号码(当然,这里最好能填3个月前的,因为盗号者可以用你密码在QQ帐户里查到你最近3个月Q币消费记录,填早的更有说服力) 6、你的网络硬盘密码、通讯录密码、QQ帐户密码。(这些密码也很有说服力,,我想若不是号码的主人,就不大可能知道这些了吧。除非你把那些密码设的和你QQ密码一样) 7、如果你是会员,你还可以填写你QQ的客服电话的VIP服务密码。 8、该号码是否做过会员,有的话填上大体的时间。在会员服务期间是否克隆过好友,从哪个号码克隆的好友(如果有,这个也是个很好的证明) 9、是否向哪个群或QQ游戏家族捐献过Q币(有的话,还要填写群号码或家族名称) 10、是否获得别人赠送的QQ秀或腾讯的一些服务。 11、提供你QQ曾用过的昵称(要是号码是你的,,以前的昵称总知道吧,要是不完全记的完整的昵称,至少也要提供以前昵称部分“文字”) 12、有QQ宠物的可以填写自己宠物领取的方式(如:七夕情侣宠物蛋活动、银行卡支付、好友赠送的或曾经赠送给哪些好友宠物等) 13、是否用QQ梦想地带的积分换过奖品或某些增值服务(有的话写清兑换的奖品送于何人或是自己使用) 14、是否申请过蓝钻、红钻、黄钻等业务,并写上这些服务的获得方式和时间(如:QQ帐户支付、手机支付、积分兑换或好友赠送的以及服务开通的大致时间) 15、是否上传过聊天记录(这些腾讯公司就有存档的,是十足的证明资料) 16、如果你是会员的话,是否参加过会员活动。 还有一点重要的------就是大家能申请尽量多申请些业务(大家可能说那需要很多QB,其实免费的也很多)这样申诉的时候就有更多的资料可写。
走过陌生的街头 感受失落的冰冷 这种感觉已伴随我多年 不甘世俗的偏见 只愿某天她出现 对她诉说 喜怒与哀乐 飘飘荡荡多少年 独身一人永不变 怨怨恨恨这世间 竟会没有人来伴 再也不怨
曲:christopher chak 词:林夕徘徊过多少橱窗住过多少旅馆才会觉得分离也并不冤枉感情是用来浏览还是用来珍藏好让日子天天都过得难忘熬过了多久患难湿了多长眼眶才能知道伤感是爱的遗产流浪几张双人床换过几次信仰才让戒指义无返顾的交换把一个人的温暖转移到另一个的胸膛让上次犯的错反省出梦想每个人都是这样享受过提心吊胆才拒绝做爱情待罪的羔羊回忆是捉不到的月光握紧就变黑暗等虚假的背影消失于晴朗阳光在身上流转等所有业障被原谅爱情不停站想开往地老天荒需要多勇敢烛光照亮了晚餐照不出个答案恋爱不是温馨的请客吃饭床单上铺满花瓣拥抱让它成长太拥挤就开到了别的土壤感情需要人接班接近换来期望期望带来失望的恶性循环短暂的总是浪漫漫长总会不满烧完美好青春换一个老伴你不要失望荡气回肠是为了最美的平凡
15号准备去报名志愿者,但报上消息:报志愿者淘汰率高达80%,因为专业不对口!再想想自已无一长处……满腔激情被堵在胸中 地震过去已经整整6天半了,余震却不断!16号下午3点07分,5级几级余震持续十几秒钟17号凌晨4点10分,5级几级余震大约持续几秒钟18号凌晨1点几分,6级余震…… 今天看电视,9岁的小孩幸免于难,当每次余震来临时,都会吓得抖.18号凌晨的6级余震,吓得他拿起电话,要陪伴在身边的姐姐打电话,,问一下,还有什么时候有余震,,几点钟?几级余震?…… 18点白天,,,原为7.8级的地震,,,正式被确定为8级地震,。专家说,余震还会持续相当长一段时间,一个月、三个月、甚至半年…… 在这样子下去人肯定会疯的,精神会崩溃的!
呼气~吸气~呼气~吸气~呼气~吸气~ ,努力调节着自己的呼吸! 不知道是不是太累,我觉得全身上下像被卡车碾过一样,疼! 深圳之行比较顺利,,项目向好的方面进展,, 拿到几个不错的合作意向,结果就是我觉得快累垮了,。 天天东跑西颠儿,,穿高跟儿的后遗症是脚疼到麻木。 看着越来越厚的发票,感叹项目其实都是酒酿的, 从没想过去闻闻,也许手中的合同都是五味俱全,除了墨粉味应该还有五粮液的辛辣味吧,,。 -- At SZ
我的家庭很可爱 整洁美满又安康 什么是理想的家 角色扮演的童话 拥抱的次数可以算吗 娃娃哭着叫阿嬷 专心工作的单亲妈妈 是啊! 理想已经在身旁 你的家有没有属于你的肩膀 每个美丽的你的Family 陌生或熟悉都那么任性 无论走到了什么年纪彼此的眼里 还是初见面时的全心全意 不管你认不认同你自己 有一种疼爱藏在血液里 在每一丝发线的随意里瞳孔的深浅里 因为Family让温柔独立没有道理 放开激动的字句 爱或者恐惧一线相距 回忆终点原来在这里 每一题都钻进最脆弱的神经 在举手投足间的流动里放肆的大笑里 因为Family绵密而独立没有道理
[Change] girls made up my mind on the boy said: "We break up" , boy asked: "Why?"
Girl said: "tired, you do not need a reason"
guys who only smoke the hearts of girls do not speak
increasingly cool
『will not even retain the expression of what lovers give me pleasure? After a long time
』 boy finally can not help but say:" how to do what you can to stay? " Girl said slowly:" to answer a question,, if you can answer to my mind the answer I'll stay. " ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
example I like a flower on the cliff,, and you pick the result is 100% death,,, you will not Abstract me? " Boy then said:" Tomorrow morning, tell you the answer please? " Girl's heart suddenly gray down
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
morning I wake up,, boys have
not only a paper covered with writing under pressure in the warm Milk Cup
the first line, let girl's heart sank through a
"Honey, I will not pick
but Please allow me to not pick the reason
you will only use the computer program typing
always it was a big mess
and cry against the keyboard I have to keep fingers
you order program
you always forget to bring out the key to keep your feet
I run back to you open the door you
love traveling in their own cities, have often lost
I have to keep eyes to you lead the way
per month (good friend) to our body when
you're always cold, stomach ache
I also want to keep your belly warm palm
you do not love I fear you will go out
I want to keep your mouth footer lonely time for you always keep an eye on those computers
eyes may have been not too good to spoil the
so I want to live good lives You always had your nails
to help you pull the chagrin of white hair you pull your hand
at the beach enjoying the beautiful sunshine and soft sand
tell you a blossoming flower color
like your face ...
so I'm not sure people in more than I love you before I do not want to pick the flower
... " (girls in tears drop in paper form a crystal flower)
Ma Jing tears, the girl continued to look down:
If you have read the
also make you satisfied with the answer if you
open the door I was standing outside
carrying the milk you most like to eat bread ... " girl opened the door to see his face
tight like a child & br> will only hand tighten the bread in her eyes Akira
... ... ... ... ... ...
I think this is love or the happiness of quiet life
surrounded by a number of extraordinary love when
always been eager to ignore the passion and romantic heart
love! Many in both parties were negligible due to the action in,
never fixed pattern
can be any one form of
lackluster flowers,, romantic
but floating shallow surface of life in their decorating
Barbara following is our life
想打造属于自己的个性空间吗?别着急,,从这里开始 先介绍图片模块 你可以先把图片传到自己的QQ相册 先在自定义里选择添加模块,
把图片拖到适当尺寸,放到适当位置,,再保存。OK,图片就添加进去了,。不过如果你想要让图片跟背景更好的融合,,那就需要裁图和用PhotoShop或者Fireworks等工具做简单的修改。点击这里  有介绍。 再说一下图文模块 有几个朋友问我为什么用图文模块图放不大,要想把图放大再写字怎么办?别着急,这就告诉你们答案。 先在新建模块里建立图文模块 首先做个无链接纯文字的
之后把文字拖到合适的位置保存就可以。 再做个有图有链接的
注意图之能是100X70那么大。 那要想做大图片写字怎么办呢? 刚才都说过了图片模块和图文模块的方法了,,当然是做一个图片模块再做一个图文模块就好了。 再简单说下FLASH模版 如果你导入的是一个透明的FLASH,,要记得选上循环和透明
OK,困死了。就先说到这。 如果遇到什么问题可以在这提问,,我会尽量解答的。 祝大家都能做出自己的个性QZ!
,; 今天我感觉充满了POWER,居然在一个多月以来首次在公司加班到6点才离开,晚上回来坐到现在都还木有瞌睡,可以综合的说,在XY锻炼出了加班的毅力,而LX给了我加班的激情和动力,80给了我加班搞事获得喜悦的决心,WQ给了我加班奋斗的目标......感谢职业生涯中每个人给我上的每一课★★★★★★
,; ,; ★得到肯定,物质比精神更来得实在,天天被灌输白日大梦,不如一碗素椒杂酱更容易让人信服
>>> ※ wife travel a week >>> 1. Mrs. trip yesterday, so today my wife was not home. No dinner >>> 2. Today his wife not at home. No dinner. >>> 3. Today his wife is not home. Still no dinner. >>> 4. Today his wife is not home. Visit his parents in the parents house for dinner. >>> 5. Today his wife is not home. Visit sister, in sister for dinner. >>> 6. Today his wife is not home. Visit old friends, old friends wife is not home. No dinner. >>> 7. Today my wife not to go home. Dial-a-wife when the home.
>>> ※ accompany his wife playing chess >>> 1. Today, Saturday, at home playing chess, this bet his wife of five . No dinner. >>> 2. Today, Sunday, at home playing chess,, his wife of five straight sets. Stew to eat my wife at night. >>> 3. Today, Saturday, to discuss with his wife and get my first win Councils lose three games. And then to accompany his wife playing chess.
>>> ※ love his wife is a problem >>> 1. Today my wife asked me if I love her, and immediately replied yes. My wife asked me if I considered it carefully,, replied:
have to answer to get used to,, so there is no consideration. No dinner. >>> 2. today to be considered for a long time to answer my wife that I love her. No dinner. >>> 3. today refused to say whether his wife loved her. No dinner.
>>> ※ pro and being pro->>> 1. Today, Mrs. craft dinner comment. Fined dishwashing after meals. >>> 2. Today, his wife told a joke, I did not laugh. Coax his wife spent an hour laughing. >>> 3. forget to go to work today morning, turn off the light caught his wife. Penalty wife 5. >>> 4. Today was my wife caught smoking in the home. Fined 50. >>> 5. This morning before work pro-wife look. Late for work. >>> 6. this Saturday morning, my wife gave me a pro. Property of all the housework I do.
>>> ※ About Shopping >>> 1. Sat wife to go shopping, I said tired refuse. No lunch. Vowed to go tomorrow, he finally came to dinner. >>> 2. Sunday shopping, buy two shirts for my wife. 1 300, 1 200. >>> 3. Monday to shop,, buy a string necklace given to his wife. Price 1500. >>> 4. today that his wife fat. Evening wife lose weight, no dinner. >>> 5. Today my wife to wear new clothes,, and asked whether I look good, reply to \ "make do \." At their own laundry.
>>> ※ diary published after the ... ... >>> 1. diaries published today,, have a number of royalties,, pay and his wife . Sumptuous dinner twice than usual. >>> 2. today released the diary to see his wife, the wife of a man to eat, I am a person dishwashing.
In the colourful season,
we should quietly away.
If one day.
you leave in my life.
Psorry. ,; ,;
颜真卿书法欣赏 《争座位帖》      《争座位帖》亦称《论座帖》,《与郭仆射书》,为颜真卿行草书精品,唐广德二年(公元764)颜真卿写给仆射郭英又的书信手稿。行草书,传有七纸,约64行古时,。“乡里上齿,,宗庙上爵,朝廷上位,皆有等”。然而郭英又为了献媚宦官鱼朝恩,,在菩提寺行及兴道之会,两次把鱼朝恩排于尚书之前,抬高宦官的座次。为此颜真卿引历代及唐代成规抗争之,写下此长信。此稿系颜真卿因不满权奸的骄横跋扈而奋笔直书的作品,,,故通篇刚烈之气跃然纸上。许多字与行还写得豪宕尽兴,姿态飞动,虎虎有生气。似乎也显示了他刚强耿直而朴实敦厚的性格。宋代米芾在《书史》中说:“此帖在颜最为杰思,想其忠义愤发,顿挫郁屈,意不在字,天真罄露在于此书。”此帖本是一篇草稿,作者凝思于词句间,本不着意于笔墨,却写得满纸郁勃之气横溢,成为书法史上的名作,入行草最佳范本之列,后世以此帖与《兰亭序》合称“双壁”。苏轼曾于安氏处见真迹赞曰:“此比公他书犹为奇特,信手自书,动有姿态。”   《争座位帖》原迹已佚,刻石存西安碑林。 北宋长安安师文以真迹模勒刻石,石现在陕西西安碑林,。因摹刻精妙且真迹失传,好事者皆以该本为据辗转翻刻,故传世诸本以其最为所重。今北宋拓本已不传,南宋拓本亦稀如星凤,。此本43行“出入王命” 之“出”字完好无损,当为南宋所拓。末有清何绍基手书小字长篇诗跋。
━…◆…━…◆…━━…◆…━…◆…━迷茫的城市重逢着熟悉的战场 闪烁的霓虹灯中寻找迷失的方向━…◆…━…◆…━━…◆…━…◆…━━…◆…━…◆…━━…◆…━…◆…━生活就像嗨大了,,看到的全TM是假的━…◆…━…◆…━━…◆…━…◆…━ ━…◆…━…◆…━━…◆…━…◆…━??又??
:". ????.,??‘-≤x!ng生活“/、):?把???)、━…◆…━…◆…━━…◆…━…◆…━  
⌒??⌒ ---腾讯博客 1
⌒??⌒ ---腾讯博客 1 ,;
⌒??⌒ ---腾讯博客 1⌒??⌒ ---腾讯博客 1⌒??⌒ ---腾讯博客 1 ⌒??⌒ ---腾讯博客 1
drift far from home they normally live in large cities, not into the society, who cherish some ambition, at least to succeed in confidence. With the desire for success, they left home, choose the city as a stage to achieve their aspirations. But in social change in China, both seemingly free competition in Europe and America, but also a set of rules and their characteristics were unspoken rules, and this is the so-called harsh reality. Very few people who can adapt, so after some setbacks, many people have the confidence of heroic sacrifice, all of a sudden loss of life goals, like a boat without sails, with wave drift, only God knows when the dock . Of course, they did not go home because the clothes Jin to return home, tattered clothes on the back, not to mention neighbors, will be viewed themselves not willing to stay in his early day might be, although it is quite unlikely. Bleaching has become the only option.
2, mixed school
faction they are decadent and just the greatest tenets of life. Not leak into the house on the food tube full on-line, the only requirement is that hair and clothes can not be out of date. Most of them began to degenerate from the beginning of the study, generally after entering secondary school, rebellious potential pollution of the environment through, usually to start smoking toilet unawares, and then skip class, Chao Zuoye gradually tired of the textbooks had a psychological Some schools dropped out of school without graduating. Many adhere to the university entrance, not the early to fend for themselves, is the last technical schools, secondary schools continue to muddle along like. A few great difficulty into the universities,, even getting on lawlessness, and houses, Internet cafes have become the main place in Mixed. The future, the ideal and the like have long removed from their dictionary, so, early marriage has become another major feature of their.
three Chinese universities to play abroad to send
enrollment, foreign universities have to play the Chinese enrollment. Now go abroad too convenient, far away in the earth to hear the other side of the Chinese foreign purse houses tinkle,, care to put a talent like that in the domestic large-scale recruitment. Among these are really false, but it does so many young people go abroad to achieve the dream of fraudulent claims go abroad in high school reading matriculation. Abroad outcome manifold, there and coming back into the elite, have been deceived were refugees abroad and what foreigners reluctantly left behind sham marriages have returned home after the unemployed, and also in England, three years after returning home has not speak English.
actually not a bad thing to go abroad, but do not know why, after 80 out of a problem here.
4, by sending
they are most happy category of natural stand sits a rich daddy or officer of his aunt, honey pot grown, silk clothing and Yushi school is not that there are Also open on the car. Graduation, others are busy running the talent market, they are paid directly to the unit of work, this is the beginning of the school his family had arranged for them on the road. This reminds me of the Bill. Gates's words: society is not fair,, accept the reality of it.
5, Chuang sent
they are not back after 80 proof. Some natural, some acquired experience dictates, they rely on their wisdom and perseverance to work hard, bold vision and courage, confidence on the goals and ideals, goals and capabilities are the same person. Unfortunately, they are just a few, and many a child belongs to a class of naughty bad boy, fight, dig a nest, that sort of thing often does. Can be seen from them, determine a person's success is the human character.
6, returned home to send
send them is that unlike drift as too sentimentally attached to the city, or even as mixed as not motivated to send their faction is the most realistic, or the most stable of the faction. Finish college or go out working in a few years later, he returned home to a stable but limited job prospects in this rest of his life. However,, they have not completely given up on the city, as they are the next generation. Most of the work of students who return to village officials, teachers mainly.
seven, old school
eating them is the legendary Neets, a group of psychologically do not want to grow up, afraid of people with family responsibilities alone. Their over-indulgent parents, or foster,, bring up their too strong psychological dependence. Many of them have looked after graduation to work suffered a setback after the withdrawal of psychological initiation, and then abandoned to fend for themselves, home to allow parents to feed themselves.
eight, most of them were born to play to send
life rooted in the big cities or in big cities. For them, age is just numbers, to someone else Dangdie the age when your mother, and poor young outfit also in them by myself, also missed the game and the star-chasing. Some even married parents do not like,,, or simply not to have children, because they are still children. Not that they did not grow up, but they do not want to grow up, not very young, also always claimed to boys and girls. Perhaps, the island is the Peter Pan never where they should stay in place.
! ! 1Withdraw money last night when they pick up a deadly phone,, chatted chatted, took the money,, forget to take a card,, today found that while only two digits on the card money, but the hell is that, followed by withdrawals The people do not tell me. . . Now cards are disappeared. Other people have also forgotten to take cards,, I gave someone else (the man also went to get the ATM card on the check after a moment,, contempt,, convex-_-convex),, why do I never quite found a good man? ? ? ? ?
中国人唯一不认可的成功――就是家庭的和睦,人生的平淡!挺有感触的,,与大家分享!英国某小镇。这儿,有一个青年人,整日以沿街为小镇的人说唱为生; 这儿,有一个华人妇女,远离家人,在这儿打工。 他们总是在同一个小餐馆用餐,于是他们屡屡相遇。时间长了,彼此已十分的熟悉。有一日,我们的女同胞,关切地对那个小伙子说:“不要沿街卖唱了,去做一个正当的职业吧。我介绍你到中国去教书,,在那儿,你完全可以拿到比你现在高得多的薪水。” 小伙子听后,先是一愣,然后反问道:“难道我现在从事的不是正当的职业吗? 我喜欢这个职业,它给我,,也给其他人带来欢乐。有什么不好?我何必要远渡重洋,抛弃亲人,抛弃家园,去做我并不喜欢的工作?” 邻桌的英国人,无论老人孩子,也都为之愕然。他们不明白,仅仅为了多挣几张钞票,抛弃家人,远离幸福,有什么可以值得羡慕的。在他们的眼中,家人团聚,平平安安,才是最大的幸福。它与财富的多少,地位的贵贱无关。于是,小镇上的人,开始可怜我们的女同胞了 。 中国山东,有这样一对夫妇。 刚刚结婚时,妻子在济宁,丈夫在枣庄;过了若干年,妻子调到了枣庄,丈夫却一纸调令到了菏泽。若干年后,妻子又费尽周折,调到了菏泽,但不久,丈夫又被提拔到了省城济南。妻子又托关系找熟人,好不容易调到了济南。 可是不到一年,丈夫又被国家电业总公司调到重庆。于是,她所有的朋友,就给她开玩笑――你们俩呀,天生就是牛郎织女的命。 要我们说呀,你也别追了,干脆辞职,跟着你们家老张算了,。但是,她以及公婆、父母,都一致反对。“干了这么多年,马上就退休了,再说,你的单位效益这么好,辞职多可惜。要丢掉多少钱呀!再干几年吧,也给孩子多挣一些。” 其实,他们家的经济条件已经非常优越。早已是中层阶级,但是他们仍然惦念着那 一点退休金。于是,夫妻两个至今依然是牛郎织女。 我们,是一个尚义轻利的民族。中国人一直是为了某种自己未必真正明白的主义而活着。于是,中国人,不能在没有目标的生活中活着。而这个目标,可以是工作,可以是理想,可以是金钱,可以是孩子,可以是老人…… 但是,唯一不可能是的,就是自己。 中国人,可以很委屈的活着。可以是工作上的极不顺心,可以是婚姻上的勉强维持,可以是人际关系上的强作笑 颜,可以是所有欲望的极端压制,可以是为了一个所谓的户口……哪怕牺牲自己一生的幸福,也在所不惜。中国人,,可以过异常艰难的日子,但并不能安贫乐道,他所遭受的一切不幸,必定有一个近乎玩笑的借口;中国人,可以把高官厚禄当作成功,中国人可以把身家百万 当作理想,中国人可以抛却天伦之乐四海飘荡, 但是,中国人唯一不认可的成功―― 就是家庭的和睦,人生的平淡。 于是,,一个有着五千年文明历史的国度,把爱国、崇高、献身、成功、立业的情结推向了极致―― 他们要么在大公无私,其实是舍本逐末的漩涡里苦苦挣扎,要么在肩负重任,其实是徒有其名的怪圈里受尽折磨……唯一遗漏的就是自由和自我。 于是,在外国,妇孺皆知的道理;在中国,没人能整治明白。 人的一生,到底在追求甚么? 有一个美国商人坐在墨西哥海边一个小渔村的码头上,,看着一个墨西哥渔夫划着 一艘小船靠岸。小船上有好几尾大黄鳍鲔鱼,这个美国商人对墨西哥渔夫能抓这么高档的鱼恭维了一番,还问要多少时间才能抓这么多?墨西哥渔夫说,才一会儿功夫就抓到了。美国人再问,你为甚么不待久一点,好多抓一些鱼?墨西哥渔夫觉得不以为然:这些鱼已经足够 我一家人生活所需啦!美国人又问:那么你一天剩下那么多时间都在干甚么? 墨西哥渔夫解释:我呀?我每天睡到自然醒,出海抓几条鱼,回来后跟孩子们玩一玩,再跟老婆睡个午觉,黄昏时晃到村子里喝点小酒,跟哥儿们玩玩吉他,我的日子可过得充满又忙碌呢! 美国人不以为然,帮他出主意,他说:我是美国哈佛大学企管硕士,我倒是可以帮你忙!你应该每天多花一些时间去抓鱼,到时候你就有钱去买条大一点的船。自然你就可以抓更多鱼,在买更多渔船。然后你就可以拥有一个渔船队。到时候你就不必把鱼卖给鱼贩子,而是直 接卖给加工厂。然后你可以自己开一家罐 头工厂。如此你就可以控制整个生产、加工处理和行销。然后你可以离开这个小渔村,搬到墨西哥城,再搬到洛杉矶,最后到纽约。在那经营你不断扩充的企业。墨西哥渔夫问:这又花多少时间呢?美国人回答:十五到二十年。墨西哥渔夫问:然后呢?美国人大笑着说:然 后你就可以在家当皇帝啦!时机一到,你就可以宣布股票上市,把你的公司股份卖给投资大众。到时候你就发啦!你可以几亿几亿地赚!然后呢? 美国人说:到那个时候你就可以退休啦!你可以搬到海边的小渔村去住。每天睡到自然醒,出海随便抓几条鱼,跟孩子们玩一玩,再跟老婆睡个午觉,黄昏时,晃到村子里喝点小酒,跟哥儿们玩玩吉他?! 墨西哥渔夫疑惑的说:我现在不就是这样了吗? 人的一生,到底在追求甚么?
洞察力强他(她)有着惊人的洞察力,这种能力可能会表现在各个领域上。他(她)会以权威、有效的方式表达自己,在事业上必有所建树! 过于执着他(她)婚前的感情生活会有一段大的波折,,找到真爱的道路会比较崎岖。他(她)容易吸引不合适的人,从而遭遇对方的背叛、伤害和折磨,有陷入三角苦恋的可能。因此,,他(她)适合晚婚,需要在恋爱中成熟,否则婚姻容易遭到重大失败。
富于开拓他(她)适合相对自由的职业,最好能发挥自己的能动性,。不适合过于约束和死板的工作和场合,适合独立创业或者在创新型企业工作。 保护他(她)需要安全感和支持。他(她)赋有认真、负责和寻求明确界线的的性格倾向,但是他(她)常被认为是保守的。
心肠软他(她)的个性会被感情所驱使,过分挑剔的他容易被侮辱所伤害,,他(她)害怕被拒绝,或被其它的不安全因素所困扰,。他(她)感情丰富,讲究浪漫,鄙视丑陋的和不协调的事物,同时强烈的期望让世界变得更美好。 现实他(她)喜欢坚持传统的观念,而且颇为现实。
半糖主义聪明高挑,能给他(她)自由空间的异性是他(她)心目中的理想选择,。他(她)在爱情上有时冷漠、有时沉静、有时超然。如果感到愉悦,他(她)会十分忠诚热情投入,反之,就会试图逃脱。对他而言,两个人各自管好自己,别像口香糖那样彼此相黏、也别给对方找麻烦,那才是真的爱对方。 他(她)属于:伏尔甘Ⅻ宫个性ID由他的太阳守护神和其所在的黄金十二宫共同组成。
不要等被爱了以后,才要去爱 不要等到寂寞了,,才明白朋友的价值、重要 不要非要等到一份最好的工作,,才要开始工作 不要等拥有许多后,才开始分享一些 不要等到失败后,,才记得别人的忠告
不要等到痛苦了,才开始要祷告 不一定要等到有时间,,才能够去付出、服务
不要等别人受伤了,才来乞求原谅 也不要,等分开了,,才来挽回 不要等待 因为,,你不知道等待需要花费多少的时间 请记住:友谊像酒一样,,年代越久远越醇香。
,; 放开了.也许还会牵手.
,; 想通了.也许就这样了.
,; 明白了.心就会放下了.
,,; 开始了.起始点就在这.
,; 努力了.结果就会好的.
,;  他们一直相处不错,女孩对男孩的感觉,淡淡的,说男孩象自己的亲人.
,;  男孩对女孩爱甚深,非常非常在乎她.所以每当吵架的时候,男孩都会说是自己不好,自己的错.即使有时候真的不怪他的时候,他也这么说.他不想让女孩生气.
  有一个周末,女孩出门办事,男孩本来打算去找女孩,但是一听说她有事,就打消了这个念头.他在家里呆了一天,他没有联系女孩,他觉得女孩一直在忙,自己不好去打扰他. ,;
,;  男孩心急如焚,打女孩手机,连续打了3次,都给挂断了.打家里电话没人接,猜想是女孩把电话线拔了.男孩抓起衣服就出门了,他要去女孩家.当时是12点25.
1. Big brand management line, the implementation of well-known strategy of wide coverage.
VI system to strengthen the company, including trademark, company name, standard word spoken CI (example: "marry me! married nice! good
better love me! marry you home! wedding ever!" Spoken more than one is determined, we must often use), store-level image of the packaging,
store appearance overall brand positioning, window layout, kind of like the update, change albums, digital technology and so on.
1. by means of various media to establish their own brand awareness
(1) local television subtitles publicity or propaganda image of fixed cells,, newspaper publishing soft, expert interviews or public image of the celebrity hair
(2) Rural main road to the main city wall can be used for advertising (large-scale high-standard, company name, CI spoken mainly),
(3) design vehicle advertising, tax
(4) shopping malls, department stores, restaurants, restaurant, KTV, night club and posted on the company coverage hang
(5) to contacts with the media and mas
2. Note that all can contact with the image of the consumer positioning and brand attractiveness.
1) activities can be arranged shop window show, every Saturday, Sundays arrangements include: body painting, live bands, make-up will be published in the formation of corporate culture such as reputation
(under the eaves outside the shop can install audio,, supporting wireless microphone, radio momentum).
(2) shop door on Saturdays and Sundays can take a system of high 80 cm wide and 1 meter, 2 meters long stage board, to 6-8 combination
into the arena, arrangement Show, manufacturing shop-class brand image and market momentum.
(3) store the glass should be kept clean, and do not post "Recruitment" and "fighting?," gifts "and other words, simply put," wrap-around
"Company LOGO and oral CI, to form a store-
(4) operating room as much as possible within the light color uniform, and bright enough brightness to be strong enough, especially in the dress area, photo album display area,
cash register Taiwan is back, and the door opposite the other (the company behind the glass door and the cashier should have a large company LOGO and CI I
combination of symbols for the language);
(5) If the shop, a 3.5-storey meters, in order to create an atmosphere of the shop, or with the project activities can be made horizontal double
face hanging hanging flag (length 60 cm, width 45 cm, acrylic splint with hanging wire-based);
(6 ) in the company, without affecting the visual angle view looking to meet the VI image of the company under the premise of the same size can be made proportional
hanging sign, includes:
1] shape and packaging company photographer Type set master professional image and reputation, and with "specified services" 300
2] in the photo lounge arrangement "photographer fine garden," decorated in the model districts "popular makeup face and image display area released
(7) store uniform clothing, hair and makeup face and generous standard specification protocol behavior, type designer and photographers taste alone
with self-image packaging and etiquette (which can hang in a front-line staff in some regions of the image standard map, includes half-length, -body shooting);
3. full use of effective opinion-makers to form a higher brand loyalty.
1) to create more effective business lobby lively atmosphere and crowd phenomena, in order to attract future more popular, can be implemented
Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays for three days (AM9 :30 - PM16: 30) false bride make-up style in the lobby to do (at least 4 - 5,
and must be carried out more than 9 months time);
(2) for a more sensational brand can be a week? ⑷ looking before? - 6 female students or employees (part-time, 3
yuan per hour) through the make-up, styling, dress packaged to tour major shopping centers and department stores to display (each must
placards - Layout by: double-sided type, length 60 cm, width 45 cm, of which the company LOGO, Name, VI color, CI
spoken to smart);
(3) to increase business hall entrance hall with built-in radio equipment , where the guests to be broadcast immediately after closing, such as applause and congratulations to improve gas
atmosphere and guest satisfaction's pr
(4) shall be made in the stores within the exclusive broadcast of CD (required strong sense of rhythm, for example,, DISCO music), after each
gap with the first music company culture, brand, honor, and other advantages of the strengths and unique oral rhetoric CI (recording requirements men,
women with at least 4 minutes);
2. to establish, improve and implement the functions of various departments and functions.
company to continue development and strengthening of functional departments, departmental functions and the "responsible leadership system" to carry out and implement, so that the person responsible for the
know a decision, so the experience can be life experiences and develop a sense of responsibility ,, sense of honor! !
1. implement the "responsibility of business sector system" and "personal responsibility."
(1) staffing requirements for the implementation of the various departments and set the primary responsibility of various departments were responsible for implementing the company's policy to promote the sector
functions, the implementation of the system to perform and be responsible for the completion of
(2) Companies should be properly authorized person should be responsible for the duties and responsibilities, clear job responsibilities of cadres at all levels.
(3) the main person in charge of various departments primarily responsible for the performance of services output and promote incentive driving etiquette and subordinates, aggregate,,
(4) to require all persons responsible for each year, quarterly, monthly should apply for the job "sales plan" or "activities, the business case" or " task allocation table\There is no plan to act, confusion,
(5) Ministry of Development, Customer Service and Human Resource Center is particularly important, staff must be in place, departments, functions and mechanisms must be implemented
(This must be full-time dedicated staff, not Part-time).
(6) Human Resources Centre the four systems is particularly important house training should be organized as soon as possible, completely familiar with the four systems and implement them.
(7) retail sales department, the Department of type design, photography department should specify that each sector of marketing projects, sales types and quantity, and to the departments within
responsibility for the performance, so that each employee knows in order to ensure perfo
2. attention to process management, application of effective process management.
(1) the people, events, objects, materials, information, documents, etc. must be implemented "position, location, orientation, timing, and personnel," the five
set pattern, and a firm can implement effective (normal of using a list of documents must be on file, send and receive order);
(2) reverse the company management should be implemented (by the bottom-up system), so that subordinates within the stipulated time shall be in writing to the
superiors, to cancel any oral report on the concept of upward, where the company official part of the business in writing
3. for the work to enhance customer service and the specific arrangements, Wang has the following suggestions :
(1) the store's customer service department at least one establishment for 2 people, if there are two stores, a total of total of 4. A
(2) 4 of them in this arrangement a good recommendation of any customer service staff director of responsibility (in preparation for 06), by the
the supervisor within the department responsible for checking, the Steering and implementation of promotion, the person in charge for the exhibition industry in the superior head,;
(3) customer service work in the effective implementation, implementation of which is the implementation of talents and people to promote and perseverance, it can get the maximum
harvest, they must adhere to, keep on and keep! Do not interrupted, otherwise the
(4) the set of customer service personnel must be full-time work in customer service department, not by another act, otherwise the post
( 5) Customer Service Division of the workplace can be arranged inside the store, arranged in a corner of a desk and a straight line if you can call ;
(6) organizations, the staff of Customer Service Views ABS system of teaching VCD, organized, led, at least a week to maintain ;
3. fully expand the market attack line, using a variety of ways, go hand in hand.
attack is always the best defense, in order to make themselves invincible forever we should continue to attack and then attack. But also
to master the strategies and methods to be targeted.
1. from the store's limit, the full outreach.
(1) outreach venues sure to choose the best place for an appointment after the implementation of the quarterly or annual appointment, good to occupy contested.
(for outreach or engagement force every Saturday, on normal-type orders, in order to increase performance);
(2) the year on March 15, May 1, Oct. 1, Yuan On the 1st, Chinese New Year holiday t


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