
税务师事务所一般从事以下业务:Special offers--&涉税鉴证业务&Taxation attestation:&财税顾问服务&1.taxation adviser service&企业财产损失税前扣除(坏账损失/存货资产损失/固定资产损失)& loss deduction pre-tax(Loss on bad debts\ inventory\F.A.)&弥补亏损&3.cover the deficit&技术开发费加计扣除&4.additional deductions of technological development expense&土地增值税税款清算审核并出具鉴证报告&5.calculate the payable Increment tax on land value and issue the report&房地产企业涉税审查并出具鉴证报告&6.Tax Review of real estate enterprises and issue the report&各项税收优惠政策的代理并出具审核报告,同时协助取得行政批文或备案(包括西部大开发税收优惠政策、高新技术企业认定、个人所得税审核等各项免税、减税、抵免、抵扣)&7.Agent preferential tax policies (Inc preferential tax policies for western development \innovation company qualification\ income tax for individuals review and so forth )&办理税务证的登记、变更和注销,并根据需要进行账务清理或出具清算报告&8.agent tax registration\change\apply for nullifying&企业所得税汇算&9.calculate the corporate income tax&税务稽查过程中的涉税咨询和税务关系的协调&10.advise and harmonization in tax inspection&代理记账&Bookkeeping and accounting:&优势&Our advantage:&一、知识更新快、将最新的政策融入到记账之中;&Keeping abreast of new policies.&二、做账、复核分开,避免差错的产生;&Doing bookkeeping and checking by divers staffs, avoiding stumble.&三、公司行为,避免了个人服务的风险;&We have qualification.&四、申报、记账、税收筹划三位一体;&Trinity of bookkeeping, tax returns filing and planning.&五、避免了客户员工工资及福利上的要求;&No need to think about wage and welfare of employing a new staff&六、与税务机关沟通更顺畅。&Communicating more smoothly with the revenue.&劣势:没有时间帮助客户做一些会计以外的工作。&Disadvantage:No time to do some else work for customers.外资企业的业务托管(主要是财务托管,以节约人工成本:(目前已经扩展到所有需要的企业、单位)&Service for overseas-funded enterprises&针对我们的客户中有相当一部分外资企业,他们为了自己的资料保密、避免不必要的劳资纠纷、节约开支以及需要知识及时更新的专业化服务,尽可能地少招正式员工,将企业部分业务交由我们托管。&Some of our customers are overseas -funded enterprises, they recruit as less full-time employees as possible in order to keep information security,avoid unnecessary labour trouble and save money as well as professional services that need up-to-date. Considering that, they can deliver some businesses to us for trusteeship.&服务方式:合同规定服务质量和时间,随叫随到服务。&Way of service: As contracted service quality and time, available on demand.(咨询服务详见,或直接搜索四川省直税务师事务所)其他特色服务Other special services:接受各类客户的纳税评估系统的填制委托,同时本所安排专门团队为各企业提供财务尽职调查和上市评估!代扣代缴个人所得税!代扣代缴印花税!Companies accept all kinds of customers tax assessment system of the agent,At the same time for each enterprise provide financial due diligence and listed assessment.Withholding individual income tax.Withholding stamp duty.此外,还可代为办理土地使用税、房产税的减免;为企业填制纳税评估报告和相应申报软件。银行贷款服务、大件运输服务、工商疑难服务、上市服务、企业财务托管、代扣税金申报、纳税评估。年终决算、年初预算业务,同时,继续为客户提供财税不同岗位的常年或阶段性服务,以满足客户的不同需求!---------------------------------------------86-028-----------------Sichuan direct taxation Tax Agency Co., Ltd. is an
intermediary service organizations registered by the State Administration of
Taxation, Tax Manager for approval (Tax Notes batch word [2000] No. 184)
established, is one of the earliest established Sichuan tax office, Sichuan
Vocational College of Finance internship education base, formerly run by the
Sichuan branch offices directly under the Inland Revenue Department.To
provide tax, accounting, financial, consulting, auditing, assurance, such as
full solution!四川省直稅務師事務所有限公司是經國家稅務總局註冊稅務師管理中心批准(國稅注批字〔號)設立的財稅中介服務機構,是川內最早成立的稅務師事務所之一,四川財經職業學院實習教育基地,其前身為四川省稅務局直屬分局所辦事務所。為客戶提供稅收、會計、財務、諮詢、審計、鑑證等全方位解決方案!Sichuan imposte dirette imposte Agency Co., Ltd è una
organizzazioni di servizi di intermediazione registrate dalla State
Administration of Taxation, Tax Manager per l'approvazione (Notes fiscali parola
lotto [2000], n 184) stabilito, è uno dei primi stabilita ufficio delle imposte
di Sichuan, Sichuan Scuola professionale delle Finanze base di educazione stage,
precedentemente gestito dalle filiali Sichuan direttamente sotto il Dipartimento
delle Entrate.Per fornire fiscale, contabile, finanziario, di consulenza, di
audit, la garanzia, come soluzione completa! , ?? ??? ??, ?? Manager? ?? ??? ?? ??
? ??? ?? (?? ?? ?? ?? [2000] ?? 184)? ???? ??? ?? ?? ??? ? ?????, ??? ?? ?????
?? ??? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??, ?? ???. , ??, ??, ???, ??, ???
?????!Sichuan fiscalité directe fiscaux de l'Agence Co., Ltd
est une des organisations de services intermédiaires enregistrés par
l'Administration d'Etat des Imp?ts, Tax Manager pour approbation (Tax Notes mot
de batch [2000] n ° 184) a établi, est l'un des premiers bureaux d'imp?t Sichuan
établie, Sichuan Vocational College de financer l'éducation de stage de base,
anciennement dirigé par les succursales Sichuan directement sous l'Inland
Revenue Department.Pour fournir fiscal, comptable, financière, conseil,
audit, assurance, comme une solution complète!Сычуань прямое налогообложение Налоговое управление Лтд
является зарегистрированные Государственной администрацией по налогам и сборам,
налоговый менеджер для утверждения посредника сервисных организаций (налог
Примечания партия слово [2000] № 184) установлено, является одним из самых
ранних, установленном Сычуань налоговой инспекции, Сычуань специальное финансов
стажировка образования базы, ранее в ведении филиалов Сычуань непосредственно
под Налогового департамента.Для обеспечения налоговых, бухгалтерских,
финансовых, консалтинговых, аудит, гарантии, такие как полное
решение!Sichuan direkten Steuern Tax Agency Co., Ltd ist ein von
der State Administration of Taxation, Tax Manager zur Genehmigung registrierte
Vermittler Service-Organisationen (Tax Notes-Batch-Wort [2000] No. 184)
gegründet, ist eines der frühesten gegründet Sichuan Finanzamt, Sichuan
Vocational College of Finance Praktikum Ausbildung Basis, die früher von den
Sichuan Niederlassungen direkt unter dem Inland Revenue Department laufen.Um
Steuern, Buchhaltung, Finanzberatung, Wirtschaftsprüfung, Sicherung, wie die
vollst?ndige L?sung!国税庁株式会社は、国家税務総局が登録した仲介サービス機関、承認のための税務マネージャー(税ノートバッチワード[2000]第184)に確立されている四川省直接税は、最も早く設立四川税務署の一つであり、金融インターンシップ教育拠点の四川専門学校卒、以前は直接税務局の下四川支店によって実行されます。そのような完全なソリューションとして税務、会計、金融、コンサルティング、監査、保証を提供するために!
(网络翻译有误请谅解) &86-28-
tax element
tax evasion
tax exemption
Tax Exemption Certificate
tax heldover
tax holiday
tax in default
Tax Innovation Committee
Tax Inspector
tax investigation
tax liability
tax loophole
tax payable
tax position
tax proposal
税收建议blank endorsement 空白背书;不记名背书
blanket insurance 总括保险;综合保险;统保
blanket policy 总括保险单;统保单
block 交易单位〔证券〕;大宗股票;集团
block allocation 整体拨款;整笔拨款
block capital grant 整笔非经常补助金
block discount policy 折扣统保单
block grant 整笔补助金
block grant system 整笔补助金制度
block offer [securities] 整批发售〔证券〕
block vote 整体拨款
blue chip 蓝筹股;优质股票
board lot 交易单位;上牌单位;&一手&
Board of Governors of the International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织理事会
Board of Governors of the World Bank 世界银行理事会
Board of Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited 香港期货交易所有限公司董事局
Board of Inland Revenue 税务委员会
Board of Review [inland revenue] 税务上诉委员会
Board of Trade Clearing Corporation [Chicago] 交易所结算公司〔芝加哥〕
Board of Treasury 库务管理委员会
board trading 上板式买卖
BOCI Capital Limited 中银国际融资有限公司
body corporate 法团;法人团体
Bogor Declaration 《茂物宣言》
bogus transaction 虚假交易
bona fide mortgage 真正抵押
bona fide transaction 真正交易
bona vacantia 无主财物
bond 债券;担保契据;担保书;债权证明书
bond denominated in Hong Kong dollars 以港元为本位的债券;港元债券
bond fund 债券基金
bond rating 债券评级
bonded warehouse 保税仓
bonus 花红;红利;奖金
bonus issue 红股发行
bonus share 红股保护关税(Protective Tariff)
保税制度(Bonded System)
布鲁塞尔估价定义(Brussels Definition of Value BDV)
差别关税(Differential Duties)
差价关税(Variable Import Levies)
产品对产品减税方式(Product by Product Reduction of Tariff)
超保护贸易政策(Policy of Super-protection)
出厂价格(Cost Price)
初级产品(Primary Commodity)
初级产品的价格(The Price of Primang Products)
出口补贴(Export Subsidies)
出口动物产品检疫(Quarantine of Export Animal products)
出口管制(Export Contral)
出口税(Export Duty)
出口退税(Export Rebates)
出口信贷(Export Finance)
·商务英语:集装箱术语缩写出口限制(Export Restriction)
出口信贷国家担保制(Export credit Guarantee)
出口许可证(Export Licence)
储备货币(Reserve Carreacy)
处于发展初级阶段(In the Early Etages of Development)
处理剩余产品的指导原则(The Guiding Principle of Clealing With the Surplus Agricultural Products)
从量税(Specific Duty)
从价(Ad Valorem) 从价关税(Ad Valorem Duties)
单方面转移收支(Balance of Unilateral Transfers)
动物产品(Animal Product)
多种汇率(Multiple Rates of Exchange)
反补贴税(Counter Vailing Duties)
反倾销税(Anti-dumping Duties)
关税(Customs Duty)
关税和贸易总协定(The General Agreement On Tariffs And Trade)
关税合作理事会(Customs Co-operation Council)
· 英语中11种“钱”的表达方法关税减让(Tariff Concession)
关税配额(Tariff Quota)
关税升级(Tariff Escalation)
关税水平(Tariff Level)
关税同盟(Customs Union)
关税和贸易总协定秘书处(Secretariat of GATT)
国际价格(International Price)
约束税率(Bound Rate)
自主关税(Autonomous Tariff)
最惠国税率(The Most-favoured-nation Rate of Duty)
优惠差额(Margin of Preference)
优惠税率(Preferential Rate)
有效保护率(Effective Vate of Protection)
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&&&&&&&& &Photo& Ronald Tilleman&
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for providing the following description:
&& Photo& Ronald Tilleman
UNStudio/ Ben van Berkel, with consortium DUO², realizes one of the most sustainable large
office buildings in Europe for two governmental offices
A greener approach to tall buildings in the post-iconic age &
The Education Executive Agency and Tax Offices move to one of Europe&s most sustainable
A new, 92 meter tall complex of soft, undulating curves marks the skyline of Groningen. This
asymmetric, aerodynamic construction is set amidst small, ancient woodland, sheltering rare
and protected species. The project includes the design, construction and financing of two
the national tax offices and the student loan administration. The commission
from the RGD (National Buildings Service) includes, besides the architecture, the
management and building maintenance and care of facilities and services for a period of 20
years. Accommodating 2,500 workstations, parking facilities for 1,500 bicycles and 675 cars in
an underground garage, the building will be surrounded by a large public city garden with pond
and a multifunctional pavilion with commercial functions.
The architecture aims to present these institutions with a softer, more human and
approachable profile. Tall buildings are generally associated with mid-twentieth century
modernism. Their harsh, businesslike exteriors contain powerful, inaccessible-seeming
strongholds. By contrast, the DUO and Tax offices deliberately cloak a commanding public
institution in an organic, friendlier and more future-oriented form.
&We paid a great deal of attention to how people would move through the building. The office
spaces are designed in such a way that they do not create simple linear corridors leading to
dead ends, but instead each corridor has a route which introduces a kind of landscape into the
building. You can take endless walks through the building, where there is a great deal of
transparency, also towards the surrounding landscape.&Ben van Berkel
&& Photo& Ronald Tilleman
A a mix of affordable and responsible & reaping material benefits of integral design
and construction with a Design Build Finance Maintenance Operate contract
The governmental office complex is built as part of a far-reaching form of public-private
partnership (DBFMO) that is designed to effectuate on a more efficient use of public funds.
The design, construction, financing, managing and maintenance of the building was hosted by
one consortium consisting of Strukton, Ballast Nedam and John Laing. This consortium won
the competition for the project on the basis of a combination of esthetic, technical and financial
criteria. UNStudio, as the architect of the project, collaborated with Lodewijk Baljon for the
landscape design, Arup for the engineering and Studio Linse as the interior advisor.
The life-cycle approach of a DBFMO contract requires that all relevant experts (designers,
lawyers, installation specialists, financial specialists, facility specialists) are involved from the
start of the project in order to find the best, most cost effective and environmentally-friendly
solutions for the continued use and maintenance of the building. This working methodology
stimulates not only creative and innovative ideas, but facilitates a reduction of total costs over
the entire contract period compared to the traditional means of contracting. In PPP projects
contracts are not awarded to the lowest bidder, but to the party with most effective solutions
providing the best value for money.
&In a PPP-construction you have to consider all the details concerning maintenance and the
sustainable use of the building from the very early stages. It is a unique way to gather all the
specialists and the end user around the table from the very outset of the project.&Ben van Berkel
&& Photo& Ronald Tilleman
Exemplary sustainability
&The design contains numerous new innovations related to the reduction of materials, lower
energy costs and more sustainable working environments. It presents a fully integrated,
intelligent design approach towards sustainability.&Ben van Berkel
The project is one of Europe&s most sustainable large new office buildings. The RGD brief
prescribed a future-proof building that couples flexibility and sustainability with an esthetic of
sobriety. The architectural response to this has been to strive for an all-round understanding of
the concept of sustainability, including energy and material consumption, as well as social and
environmental factors. Thus the sustainability manifests itself in reduced energy consumption
(EPC 0.74), as well as significantly reduced material consumption. Bringing back the floor
heights from 3.60 m to& 3.30 m resulted in a total reduction of 7.5 m on the entire building,
which also lessens the impact of the building on the surroundings. Both inside and outside the
architecture generates a bio-climate that is beneficial to both humans and the local flora and
All-round architectural sustainability: a sum of many parts
Sustainability and energy reduction have steered the design of the facade, which contains
technical installations that are tailored to be durable and cause minimal environmental impact.
The facade concept integrates shading, wind control, daylight penetration and construction in
fin-shaped elements. These horizontal fins keep a large amount of the heat outside the
building, reducing the requirement for cooling.
Concrete core activation
Another technical feature of the building that contributes to its sustainable character is the
combination of concrete core activation and underground long term energy storage. This
appreciably reduces the demand for external energy sources.
Individual climate control for each workspace
Creating a healthy, energy efficient interior climate and employee workspace comfort was also
an important element in the design. Plenty of natural daylight and adjustable heating,
ventilation and access to fresh air for individual workspaces contribute to the comfort of the
workspaces throughout the building.
The 11th floor
A high pressure ventilation system with natural air inflow and outflow via main engineering
shafts and the facade grills on the 11th floor reduces the need for artificial ventilation
Future possibilities
In addition, the residual energy of the data center and offices can be used to heat the homes
that will be realized in the future in the perimeter of the site.
And last, but not least, the building is designed so that it can be transformed into housing in the
future without major structural modifications. Therefore, the locations of elevators, stairs and
technical spaces have been carefully considered, and a structural grid of 1.20 m. has been
deployed, rather than the conventional office grid of 1.80 m.
The inclusion of diverse passive and active environmental and energy efficient solutions has
led to a building which is one of the most sustainable office buildings in the Netherlands.
&& Photo& Ronald Tilleman
Client of the consortium:
Dutch Government Buildings Agency (RGD)
Client UNStudio:
Consortium DUO² (Strukton, Ballast Nedam, John Laing)
Program: Office building (phase A); underground parking (phase B); public city garden, pavilion (phase C)
Building surface: 48.040m² offices, 21.000m² parking, 1.500m² pavilion
Building volume: 215.000m³
Building site: 31.134m²
Credits UNStudio:
UNStudio: Ben van Berkel, Caroline Bos, Gerard Loozekoot with Jacques van Wijk, Frans van Vuure, Lars Nixdorff and
Jesca de Vries, Ramon van der Heijden, Alicja Mielcarek, Eric den Eerzamen, Wendy van der Knijff, Machiel Wafelbakker,
Timothy Mitanidis, Maud van Hees, Pablo Herrera Paskevicius, Martijn Prins, Natalie Balini, Peter Moerland, Arjan van der
Bliek, Alexander Hugo, Gary Freedman, Jack Chen, Remco de Hoog, Willi van Mulken, Yuri Werner, Machteld Kors, Leon
Bloemendaal, Erwin Horstmanshof.
UNStudio, architecture and interior
Studio Linse, interior
Arup, structure, installations
Lodewijk Baljon, landscaping
Buro van Baar, wayfinding
YNNO, internal logistics
DGMR, acoustics
EFPC, fire prevention
Ingenieursbureau Wassenaar, prefab structure
BTS Bouwkundig Tekenburo Sneek, drawing agency
ISS Nederland B.V, maintenance
Peutz, environmental technology
WUR (Wageningen University & Research centre), ecology
Strukton Bouw en Vastgoed, management and costing
Strukton Betonbouw, construction
Strukton WorkSphere, installations
John Laing Infrastructure Limited, financial
RBC (Royal Bank of Canada) Capital Markets, financial
TCN SIG Real Estate Strukton Vastgoed, pavilion development
Allen & Overy LLP, legal
Sequoia, legal
&&&&&& Photo& Ronald Tilleman
条路线,你可在里面尽兴的散步,建筑同时保证透明度以与周围的景观互通。&Ben van Berkel
理,维修等综合调控由Strukton, Ballast Nedam 和John Laing财团负责. UNStudio是项目的建筑设计单位,
景观设计单位为Lodewijk Baljon,结构设计单位是奥雅纳,室内设计单位是Studio Linse。
有参与其中的专家和实际用户的独特方式。& Ben van Berkel
智能化的可持续性设计方法。& Ben van Berkel
力。具体体现:减少能源消耗(EPC 0.74),减少建筑耗材。将层高&#米降&#米,为建筑节约&#
&& Photo& Ronald Tilleman
&& Photo& Ronald Tilleman
&& Photo& Ewout Huibers
&& Photo& Ewout Huibers
&&&&&&&&& Photo& Christian Richters
&&&&&&&& Photo& Christian Richters
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