
英语:句子里如果没有动词 是不是就必须要在句子中加be动词?(如果有反例请举出来)为什么?
英语句子的基本结构是有两种:1 主语+系动词(be)+表语 即”主系表“结构.如:I am a teacher2.”主谓宾“结构 主语+动词(+宾语)如:I was reading ( a book).所以说一个完整的句子中,要么有动词,要么就有系动词的
一个句子里必须有谓语,谓语可以是行为动词,也可以是系动词(be动词也属于系动词)。但意思不同。例:I have a book。:我有一本书,This is a book:这是一本书。
be动词过去式如何与动词使用 就是 当be动词在一个过去式的句子里 用了过去式 那么动词需要变过去式吗
be动词和动词连用后,它和动词看做一个整体.比如:be study,就算是一个动词了然后,be负责表现现在时、过去时、完成体、未完成体、人称、数等的工作,动词负责表现主动态/进行体、被动态等的工作.比如:现在时:am/are/is studying/studied过去时:was/were studying/studied现在完成时:have/has been studying/studied过去完成时:had been studying/studied将来时:will be studying/studied过去将来时:would be studying/studied将来完成时:will have been studying/studied过去将来完成时:would have been studying/studied这样在开头添加新的助动词.而每次构成的新结构中第一个主动词负责时间变化,be在have的各种形式后一律变成been,have不打头阵时则保留原样have
翻译 i am play computer games
I play computer games——我玩计算机游戏
I am playing computer games——我正在玩计算机游戏
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  第十章 如何将动词改成形容词
  a smile face
  a run boy
  * People live in Taiwan are rich.
  以上的话为什么错呢?因为People是主词,are是动词,live in Taiwan形容people,可是live是一个动词,不能用作形容词的。怎么办呢?我们可以将一个动词用成一个形容词,我们的做法是利用分词(participle)和不定词(infinitive),而分词有两种:现在分词(present participle)和过去分词(past participle),我们在下一节,先谈现在分词的用法。
  10§1 现在分词(present participle)作为形容词
  任何一个动词,都有一个现在分词(present participle),现在分词的形式是在动词后面加上ing,如:
  a crying baby
  a smiling girl
  an exciting story
  running water
  a running boy
  a rising star
  a person walking in the woods
  the young man running very fast
  people living in Taiwan
  the person driving that red car
  the singer singing the national anthem(国歌)
  the boys playing in the fields
  the young boy swimming in the pool
  We have a crying baby here.
  Seeing is believing.(believing是形容词,seeing是名词)
  Loving is forgiving.
  He always wears a smiling face.
  Running water is important for mankind.
  Look at the rising sun.
  The person swimming in that cold river is quite strong.
  The young man driving the red car is rich.
  Those boys playing basketball are happy.
  This movie is exciting.
  This news is very upsetting.
  This story is troubling.
  The young boy swimming in the pool is my brother.
  People living in the United States consume more energy than other people.
  The person painting the house there is from Mexico.
  She has a loving hu**and.
  He is a rising star.
  1. 这是一本有趣的故事。
  2. 这门课很无聊(boring)。
  3. 看那只在唱歌的鸟。
  4. 那位微笑的人是我的哥哥。
  5. 住在乡下的人通常很健康。
  6. 我不认识那位骑脚车的男孩子。
  7. 那位正在吃冰淇淋的小孩子是我的儿子。
  8. 那位在问问题的学生非常聪明。
  9. 你见过那位打篮球的男孩子吗?
  10§2 过去分词(past participle)作为形容词
  a broken window (破碎的窗)
  a fallen angel (堕落的天使)
  a fallen star (已经不走红的明星)
  a depressed person (一个沮丧的人)
  a much appreciated action (为人很欣赏的动作)
  究竟过去分词和现在分词何不同呢?过去分词多半有动被和已经完成的意思。最好的例子是:开发中家叫做a developing country,已开发国家就叫做a developed country.
  1. (a)这本书很有趣。
  This book is interesting.
  I am interested in this book.
  2. (a)这是一部令人沮丧的电影。
  This is a depressing movie.
  I felt very much depressed after seeing that movie.
  3. (a)结果令人失望。
  The result is frustrating.
  He was frustrated because of the result.
  4. (a)这个消息真令人难过。
  This news is really upsetting.
  They are all upset.
  5. (a)约翰的进步令人鼓舞。
  John's progress is encouraging.
  I am encouraged by John's progress.
  6. (a)水在烧。
  The water is boiling.
  This is boiled water.
  This news is surprising.
  I was surprised by the news.
  8. (a)他的谈话令人困惑。
  His words are confusing.
  He is a confused person.
  *His statements are confused to me.
  *I am interesting in music.
  *He is an interested person.
  *This is indeed a surprised news.
  *This news is encouraged.
  His statements are confusing.
  I am interested in music.
  He is an interesting person.
  This is indeed a surprising news.
  This news is encouraging.
  America is a developed country.
  I found that dog killed in a car accident.
  The frustrated student needs help.
  I want the report completed before midnight.
  He is totally depressed.
  They are all frustrated.
  The car driven by that young man is a Cadillac.
  This book, read by almost every one, was written by Charles Dickens.
  This is still an unrealized dream.
  Are you interested in music?
  I am really surprised to meet you.
  I was excited by his arrival.
  The girl dressed in white is from Japan.
  A depressed person needs love from others.
  Millions got killed in the Second World War.
  He is a troubled child who needs advice.
  I have a broken leg.
  Broken glass is all over the place.
  *He is suffered.
  *This article will be appeared in the next issue of Science.
  He suffers.
  This article will appear in the next issue of Science.
  这个国家的法律已经崩溃(break down)了。
  三个人死于(get killed)这场车祸。
  1. He is totally (confuse)。
  2. I am (interest) in seeing that movie.
  3. This movie is really (excite)。
  4. That is a (break) promise.
  5. He has a (break) arm.
  6. Their marriage was (break) up.
  7. Justice is still not a (realize) dream.
  8. He is a (depress) person.
  9. The bicycle (ride) by the young kid is mine.
  10. I do not like to see any person (injure)。
  11. I was very much (surprise) to hear that news.
  12. His statements are (encourage)。
  13. The man (talk) about Hitler is a professor.
  14. The man (pilot) the airplane is quite young.
  15. The company (manage) by Mr. Lee is getting better and better.
  16. Poor John now has a (break) heart.
  17. There are boys and girls (dance) in the garden.
  18. The (steal) jacket has been found.
  19. The boy (laugh) there is not my son.
  20. He has a (smile) face.
  21. This is indeed very (excite)。
  22. This song, (hear) by almost everyone, was written by me.
  23. I don't like the song (write) by the Beatles.
  24. She is a (care) woman.
  10§3 不定词(Infinitives)作为形容词和副词
  You don't have the right to talk so loudly.
  He is to blame.
  To see is to believe.(To see是名词,to believe是形容词)
  My job is to teach poor kids to learn.
  We all have the duty to serve our country.
  He has a talent to sing.
  I don't have time to play.
  He is a person to be liked by us all.
  This is a book to be read by all students.
  He has no money to spend.
  This is not a good place for kids to grow up in.
  This law is to protect innocent citizens.
  I am glad to see you.
  He is ready to start a war.
  He is rich enough to buy the entire building.
  They are afraid to die.
  He has no right to kill anyone.
  John is too weak to do this job.
  My mother is too old to drive a car.
  It is easy to fall behind in school.
  我们都有保持缄默(remain silent)的权利。
  我看到你,感到很意外。(surprised to………)
  我们都有保持缄默(remain silent)的权利。
  我看到你,感到很意外。(surprised to………)
  第十一章 词组(Phrases)和子句(Clauses)
  Understanding English is easy.
  I want you to work hard.
  Peter, who has been to England, speaks good English.
  I told him that I was going away.
  Understanding English和to work hard有一共同特色,他们都没有主词,也没有动词,这种字群,叫做词组(phrase)。
  Who has been to England和I was going away中,内部都有主词和动词,这种字群,叫子句(clause)。
  11§1 问题型式的名词子句
  假如我们说〝我不知道他住在哪里〞,或者〝他究竟住在哪里仍是个谜〞,我们就可以用这种问题型式的名词子句,每一个名词子句都要用who, where, whether, which等来开始。以下是典型的例子:
  I don't know where he came from.(我不知道他来自何处。)
  Whether or not he is an American is still a secret.(他是否是个美国人仍然是个秘密。)
  I will find out where he is living.(我要找出他住在哪里。)
  I can not remember whether he smokes or not.(我不记得他是否吸烟。)
  Please let me know how old he is.(请让我知道他多大年纪。)
  Kindly tell me what you really need.(请让我知道你需要什么。)
  You have to decide which book you want to buy.(你应该决定买哪一本书。)
  Do you know where he is from?(你知道他是从哪里来的?)
  Do you know who he is?(你知道他是谁吗?)
  Please ask your brother whether he is coming or not.(请问你的兄弟他会不会来。)
  When she is coming remains a puzzle.(她何时来仍然是个谜。)
  I don't know what he is interested in.(我不知道他的兴趣何在。)
  I don't understand what he is talking about.(我不知道他在谈什么。)
  Do you know whose bicycle this is?(你知道这辆脚踏车是谁的吗?)
  Do you know which country Hawaii belongs to?(你知道夏威夷属于哪一个国家吗?)
  You should ask your mother where you were born.
  *I don't know where did he come from.
  *I will find out how old is he.
  *Kindly tell me what do you need.
  *You have to decide which book do you want to buy.
  *When is he coming remains a puzzle.
  1. 我不2. 知道你是谁。
  3. 请告诉我你是否是美国人。
  4. 我不5. 记得你是否喝咖啡。
  6. 请问你的姊姊她去年是否去过日本。
  7. 你知道他是谁吗?
  8. 他从哪里来的是一个谜(puzzle)。
  9. 我要找出他哥哥会不10. 会游泳。
  11. 我知道他为何如此悲伤。
  12. 你知道玛丽什么时候来吗?
  13. 你知道发生了什么事吗?
  14. 我知道天空为什么是蓝的。
  15. 请告诉我你去年去哪里工作的。
  16. 你知道他在谈什么吗?
  17. 我不18. 懂他的问题是什么。
  Please tell me why is he so sad.
  I do not know where is she from.
  Please tell me how many people are there in this house.
  Let me know how old are you.
  Is he a Japanese is a mystery.
  Do you know who is the president of the United States?
  May I ask you which kind of coffee do you like?
  I can not remember how old am I?
  What is he talking about is unclear to me.
  Do you know why is he coming?
  选择适当的代名词,如whether, which, what, who, how, when, why等填入下面句子的空格(有时会有多种正确的填法):
  1. I don't know book you bought.
  2. Do you know he is from?
  3. Please ask him he drinks tea or not.
  4. he is thinking about is well known to all of us.
  5. Let me guess old you are.
  6. May I ask you are so sad?
  7. I don't know he is.
  8. Do you know house this is?
  9. This is not I want.
  10. I don't care you want to say
  11§2 以that开始的名词子句
  *The earth is round is known to everyone.
  That the earth is round is known to everyone.
  *I demand he must work hard.
  I demand that he must work hard.
  That the sun rises from the west is wrong.(太阳从西方升起是错的)
  That a lot of Jews were killed during the Second World War is now a historical fact.
  I didn't know that he is such a diligent student.(我不知道他是如此勤快的学生)
  I demand that you go away.(我要求你离开)
  I suggest that you go swimming every morning.(我建议你每天早上游泳)
  That we should all respect our parents should be taught to our kids.
  I don‘t think that he is a good athlete.(我不认为他是一个好运动员)
  Do you think that she is a good actress?(你认为她是一个好的演员吗?)
  That he can speak good English helps him.(他能说很好的文,这点对他很有帮助)
  I propose that we get married.(我建议我们结婚)
  Let us always remember that there are a lot of poor people in the world.
  Never forget that we should always love one another.(不要忘记我们应该互相友爱)
  I am surprised to find out that he is a Catholic.(我很惊讶地发现他是个天主教徒)
  That we lost the game made all of us frustrated.(我们输了,这件事令我们大感沮丧)
  I can hardly believe that his English is so good.(我不能相信他的英文如此之好)
  1.*I told you you must leave.
  2.*I am glad you are here now.
  3.*He is an American is unknown to us.
  4.*Can you imagine he is Chinese?
  5.*Do you think he is a Chinese?
  6.*Hitler was defeated in the Second World War is an important event in the history of mankind.
  7.*I do not think he is a bad student.
  8.*I am surprised to know she is from Japan.
  9.*It is hard to imagine he does not have a high school diploma.
  10.*Do you believe he is innocent?
  11.*I demand my students they work hard.
  12.*The sun rises in the east is a fact.
  1. 我不相信他是我的哥哥。
  2. 我劝(advice)他到美国去。
  3. 你相信地球是圆的吗?
  4. 我告诉他他一定要读这本书。
  5. 我忘记了你是个小孩。
  6. 你能相信我会讲英文(speak English)吗?
  7. 他没有来令我生气(make me angry)。
  8. 我认为他是个好人。
  9. 不要忘记世界上有很多穷人。
  10. 我知道他教英文。
  11. 我从不知道他如此聪明。
  12. 我知道他不能来。
  13. 我希望他能来。
  14. 你相不相信他在台湾长大的?
  15. 我无法决定他该不该念大学。
  16. 你告诉我他去年到美国了。
  17. 这位老师不知道我的爸爸也是老师。
  18. 我要问他明天会不会来我家。
  19. 你知道这火车到台北吗?
  20. 请告诉我你会不会说英文。
  11§3 形容词子句(Adjective Clauses)
  *The person live in that house is my brother
  第一种办法是将live in the house改成living in the house,也就是说,我们可以将那个中文句子译成下列的形式:
  The person living in the house is my brother.
  以上的句子中,living in the house是一个词组,我们可以将这个词组改成子句。因此,以下的翻译是正确的:
  The person who lives in the house is my brother.
  在以上的句子中,who lives in the house是一个子句,因为它有主词,也有动词。他的作用是形容The person,所以是一个形容词子句。
  由于形容词子句永远都是在形容一个名词,因此我们在这个子句中必需有一个代名词(pronoun),像who, when, where, whom等。
  The people who live in the country are often very healthy.
  Do you like people who always talk about themselves.
  The house which we bought last year is located beside a lake.
  I met your uncle who has a red car.(我遇见了你的有红色汽车的叔叔)
  Do you know the author who wrote this novel?(你知道写这本书的作者吗?)
  I have been to the house where Charles Dickens lived.
  I don‘t remember the year when the Second World War broke out.
  Let me know the date when you got married.(让我知道你是哪一天结婚的)
  I bought the car which Michael Johnson drove.(我下了麦克强森开的车子)
  The storm which hit India last week is very strong.
  I thank all of you who helped me.(我要谢谢所有帮助过我的人)
  The girl whom you met last night works in a library.
  The students whom you taught like you very much.(那些你教过的学生很喜欢你)
  I like the professor who taught me English.(我喜欢那位教我英文的老师)
  In this country, there are a lot of students who go to school by bus.
  Have you heard about the murder case that occurred last night?
  Those who love others will be loved by others.(爱人者人恒爱之)
  He is a person whom everyone is talking about these days.(他是大家最近在讨论的人)
  The party which I went to is interesting.(我去参加的宴会很有趣)
  The professor whom I spoke to is very friendly.(这位我和他谈话的教授很和善)
  Russia, which this island belongs to, is a big country.
  He is a person whom everyone is talking about these days.
  He is a person.
  Everyone is talking about him these days.
  He is a person whom everyone is talking about these days.
  He is a person about whom everyone is talking these days.
  The party Which I went to is interesting.
  The party is interesting.
  I went to the party.
  The party which I went to is interesting.
  The party to which I went is interesting.
  The professor to whom I spoke is very friendly.
  Russia, to which this island belongs, is a big country.
  *I like the book which you gave it to me.
  *He is the person whom everyone loves him.
  *He is not the person whom you saw him.
  1. 我见到那位开快车的孩子。
  2. 我们在讨论那些有问题的学生。
  3. 每天游泳的人一定很强壮。
  4. 开车送我去火车站的人是我的学生。
  5. 你所看到的女孩子是我的妹妹。
  6. 我喜欢你所写的诗。
  7. 你们谈到的那位教授是我的哥哥。
  8. 你们所听到的音乐是蓝调韵律(R & B)。
  9. 我喜欢那些有图画的书。
  10. 我不知道林肯在哪一个城市出生的。
  11. 我很喜欢你送我的CD.
  12. 我昨晚看的电影很无聊(boring)。
  1.*I saw the man who you talked about.
  2.*He is not the man who we met.
  3.*Those cry very often are usually not liked.
  4.*I like to talk to people which are friendly.
  5.*I enjoy reading the book which you gave it to me.
  6.*Do you know the person which every one knows?
  7.*Peter is a good singer practices singing everyday.
  8.*Do you know Peter who we talked about?
  9.*Did you see the person who I spoke to?
  10.*I have seen the person whom we talked about him.
  将代名词如when, where, which等填入空格:
  1. He is the man is very good in English.
  2. I don't know the person you talked to.
  3. This is not the house the president lives.
  4. I do not like any one cries frequently.
  5. Did you read the book you bought last month?
  6. Do you know the year the Second World War ended?
  7. Do you know that student I taught?
  8. I have no idea about the person you are talking about.
  9. Do you know he is talking about?
  10. Do you know dress it is?
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