Oxford English Chinese dict 大司马秒退挂

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牛津?外研社英汉汉英词典 – DioDict 3.6.4
千万流量共享 百度高权重排名
软件大小: 54.6M
软件语言: 简体中文
软件授权: 限免
支持类型: iPhone、iPad
牛津?外研社英汉汉英词典 – DioDict3.6.4应用截图
Oxford?FLTRP English-Chinese Chinese-English Dictionary ? contains over 300,000 words, phrases and 370,000 translations ? input characters using Pinyin or by writing them on the screen with your finger ? ideal for learners and even professional translators of Chinese and English ? no internet connection needed.
The Oxford FLTRP English-Chinese Chinese-English Dictionary is the culmination of a unique and ground-breaking international project. It was created through collaboration between Oxford University Press in the UK; OUP China, based in Hong K and FLTRP (Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press), based in Beijing.
List of features:
? comprehensive two way Simplified Chinese-English Dictionary.
? largest single-volume dictionary of its kind
? The most authoritative Chinese bilingual dictionary available, with over 300,000 words and phrases, and 370,000 translations
? all the Chinese headwords are shown with Pinyin and tones so the learner of Chinese can pronounce each correctly.
? completely up-to-date and contains thousands of new words (in English and in Chinese) from fields such as computing, business, the media and the arts.
? includes tens of thousands of example phrases illustrating key points of construction and usage.
? contains over 300 cultural notes giving essential information about many aspects of life and culture in the Chinese- and English-speaking worlds
? all English material compiled by English native speaker experts, and all the Chinese material by Chinese native speaker experts based in China and so in daily contact with modern Mandarin Chinese
? designed both for English speakers learning Chinese and Chinese speakers learning English
? no internet connection necessary to use dictionary.
--- Chinese character input methods ---
Enter Chinese characters using one of five methods:
(i) Hanyu Pinyin,
(ii) writing character on the screen with your finger (automatic handwriting recognition)
(iii) total stroke number of character
(iv) radical of character
(v) iPhone’s built-in Simplified Chinese input method.
--Search Features--
? wildcard search: enter “?” or “*” in place of a letter when you are unsure of the spelling (e.g., “man*in” retrieves the word “mandarin”).
? browse through the dictionary alphabetically or flip from one entry to the next with a flick of a finger.
? search results are narrowed down as you type your look-up word.
--Vocab Revision--
? history menu lists all your recent word searches.
? save words and expressions to any number of flashcard folders.
? mark words in your flashcard folder which you still need to memorize.
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牛津高阶英语词典DioDict 4 4.0.10
千万流量共享 百度高权重排名
软件大小: 283 MB
软件语言: 英语
软件授权: ¥128.00
支持类型: Touch、iPhone、iPad
牛津高阶英语词典DioDict 44.0.10应用截图
?Special discount?$24.99 -& $19.99DioDict 英语词典完整版 ? 内置 184,500 个词汇、释义和例句 ? 拥有成千上万条语法和词汇用法注释 ? 无需上网便可轻松查词。** 为 DioDict 3.5 English Dictionary 用户提供免费的版本升级。 如果您正在使用 DioDict 3.5,请注意不同版本具有不同功能。 由于数据库更换,Wordbook/History(单词本/查询历史)功能在最新版本中可能无法使用。 ** ===== 强大而独特的功能===== ? 采用“Multi Search(多重搜索)”功能,让您更轻松地查询 ? ? 输入一个单词进行查询时,将搜索相关句子习语和动词词组,并自动检查拼写。? 在单个搜索窗口中可执行多种类型的搜索,无需选择搜索模式。? 搜索功能 ? ? 通配符搜索:不确定拼写时,请输入“?”或“*”代替相关字母(例如,可输入“man*ver”来检索单词“maneuver”)。 ? 不仅可以搜索词汇,还可以搜索短语或例句。 ? 拼写检查功能可纠正拼写错误——如果您不确定拼写或错误输入一个单词,将为您提供一个匹配的单词列表。 ? 搜索相似单词:例如,在条目中单击“adding”即可生成一个相似的派生词列表:“addition”、“additional”、“additive”、“addition reaction”。? 输入一个关键词时,将立即列出搜索结果。? Google 网站链接使您可以搜索一个特定词汇的更多信息。? 词汇复习 ? ? History(查询历史)菜单列出您最近搜索的所有词汇。 ? 将词汇和表达方式保存到任意数量的闪存卡文件夹中。 ? 您可以通过“摇篮”游戏和“是/否测验”功能有效地学习保存在文件夹中的单词。=====词汇丰富=====? 该应用程序涵盖《牛津高阶英语词典》2010 年第 8 版词汇库。 想象一下您随身拥有最畅销的英语学习词典有多么的方便!?词典功能包括 : ? 来自英式英语和美式英语的 184,500 个词汇、短语和释义。 对英式/美式专用单词进行了专门标记。 ? 成千上万个地道英语例句向学习者展示单词的常见用法。? 具有朗读引擎,让您可以聆听真人的地道朗读,从而掌握正确的单词和句子发音。 ? 内置 1,000 个新造词汇,例如“podcast”、“wiki”、“carbon footprint”、“social networking”和“tiger economy”。 ? 具有 7,000 个同义词和反义词,以及 5,000 个涉及科学、文学、计算机和商务方面的词汇。 ? 词汇解释和例句采用地道、通俗易懂的英语。? 每个词条旁边还显示发音指南 (IPA) 和单词重音。 ? 具有大量的语法信息: -- 每个单词的词性(名词、动词、形容词等)。-- 不规则动词形式和名词复数-- 与动词和形容词配合使用的对应介词。 -- 名词是可数或不可数。=====值得信赖的词典应用程序供应商===== ***获得顶级智能手机制造商(如 Samsung 和 LG)青睐的电子词典应用程序。- 安装在超过 90% 的 Samsung 和 LG 智能手机上,用户遍及世界各地。 在词典应用程序中具有最高市场占有率。*** 是国产手机电子词典市场中的头号公司,驰骋业界 10 多年,其研发部门的员工超过 100 人。- 公司自身的测试部门与客户支持部门共同执行细致的测试。■ CS center : Our company name is now 'SELVAS AI' officially changed from DIOTEK.The new name reflects our dedication to Artificial Intelligence technology, all of us at SELVAS AI strive to do our best for our customers.版本 4.0.10 中的新功能A. Add Consent Popup for User Information Collection in &Send Feedback&B. Other bug fixes
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The Oxford Dictionary of English has been completely revised and updated to include the very latest vocabulary,
with over 350,000 words, phrases, and meanings as well as 75,000 audio pronunciations of both common and rare words,
dubbed in both British and American voice versions. This edition includes thousands of brand-new words and senses, as
well as up-to-date encyclopedic information including words with controversial or variable pronunciations.
Whether you're writing a letter, preparing a report, composing an essay, or writing creatively, the Concise Oxford
Thesaurus is ideal for helping you pinpoint exactly the right word. The Thesaurus contains over 300,000 synonyms and
antonyms to improve your writing or to find the word on the tip of your tongue. Other useful features include thousands
of example phrases to help you select the correct word, with opposites and related terms clearly marked.
o Learn in style with any of the four colorful new themes – The colorful layout will turn
your learning experience into an enjoyable routine. Customize your dictionary and benefit from the cheerful mood your
favorite color brings you. o Dive right into the intricacies of the language - With new and convenient Home page,
sleeker and more intuitive visual layout, as well as innovations in the speed of searches, you can get to the desired
entry faster than ever. o Translate and learn as you speak by using Talk & Translate – Use the speech
recognition & text-to-speech app by downloading it for Free from the App Store. The great synergy between the two
apps will be there to help you optimize your studies.
SEARCH TOOLS - quickly find words with the clear, functional, and easy-to-use interface.Designed to provide the
most comprehensive search experience, the dictionary combines several search tools to match or predict what
looking for, including: o Search autocomplete helps you find words quickly by displaying predictions as you
type. o Keyword lookup allows you to search within compound words and phrases. o Camera search looks up
words in the camera viewfinder and displays results in seconds. o Voice search helps you find an entry when you
don’t know how a word is spelled.Looking for a specific word but don't know how it's spelled? We've got you
covered with our automatic ‘Fuzzy filter’ to correct word spelling, as well as ‘Wild card’ ('*' or '?') to replace a
letter or entire parts of a word.
LEARNING TOOLS - engaging features that help you further enhance your vocabulary. Designed to give you freedom to
structure your studies, the dictionary combines several learning tools to help you be more organized, including: o
‘Favorites’ that allow you to create custom folders with lists of words. o Recent list which helps you to easily
review looked-up words. o Swipe-to-delete functionality in the Recent and Favorites menus.
Word-of-the-day option to teach you a new word every day.Feel excited by the new word or definition you just
learned? Share your discovery with friends on social media, email or any other option available on your device.
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