pre out端子汽车端子型号什么意思思

天逸AD86SED功放输出无PRE OUT低音炮端子,只有REC OUT模拟音频输出端子。如何_百度知道
天逸AD86SED功放输出无PRE OUT低音炮端子,只有REC OUT模拟音频输出端子。如何
OUT模拟音频输出端子。如何连接波士顿ASW250低音炮(有LFE,音频L R输入端子)?商家说功放的PRE OUT的模拟音频端子不能接低音炮!我理介不了!不知哪位高师能帮我介决!先谢了!
这款功放我有,它是2.0功放,不能连低音炮,其实它是hifi功放,玩hifi的喜欢高保真,不需要低音炮增低音的量。也有2.1hifi功放,但比较少,例如NAD C 326BEE。pre out是前级输出,也不适合连低音炮。连低音炮的接口是SW全称:subwoofer,通常功放会给它一条独立音轨信号。有这个接口就能接低音炮,没有这个接口就不能连低音炮。
与之相对应,在后背板上也可以看到FM/AM的天线、一对带塑料保护套的螺旋式 喇叭接线柱、Aux的辅助输入和Pre Out(前级输出),也就是说MC-3还可以当前级来使用,毕竟,对MC-3来说,它的输出功率是有限的,配备外接后级或合并式放大器的端口,这样一来便可...
我在天龙2809背板上找到了前置输出(PRE OUT),但是没看到纯后级输入的口子,只看到一组多声道的输入口,标识为(EXT.IN),请问这个这个是后级输入的口子吗?
Write out pre-existing appointments.
What kind of performance anxiety can be called a pre-out?
In the United States, the three major US credit bureaus (Equifax, TransUnion and Experian) allow consumers to opt out from related credit card solicitation offers via its Opt Out Pre Screen program.
So these names, they don't really make any sense why they're called past s p and f, and it turns out that it comes from spectroscopy terms that are pre-quantum mechanics where, for example, this is called the sharp line, I think the principle, the diffuse, and the fundamental.
So, it seemed like a good start for me, pre-med/bio, and I signed up for my bio class -- I found out, as Professor Drennen did, that I had to take chemistry as well. I wasn't as upset, I was sort of a neutral chemistry person at this point, but I thought it was pretty smart to get it over with on the first semester, so that's what I did.
Many live streaming services are free for personal use, though don't rule out pre-recording videos when you're starting out to get the hang of things before making the plunge into 100% live lifecasting.
And younger Iranians have reacted against an unrelenting diet of Islamic history and culture by seeking out pre-Islamic glories.
The life-like digital avatar is placed in key points around the airport, such as just before security, and reads out pre-recorded messages covering a variety of common topics.
- 来自原声例句
这次XLR/RCA转换线是要使用在先锋SC-LX86与柏林之声082上,由于是要将LX86的主声道(Front)pre out进入082的surround in,LX86变成纯前级,082变成纯后级,因此XLR/RCA转换线需要用到两个RCA端子头、XLR公头。
本XLR/RCA转换线可用来取代"XLR/RCA转换头+RCA信号线&的组合,在实际上动手前,我们需要确定放大器上的XLR是美规还是欧规。如果是台湾品牌或进口品牌台湾公司货就有可能是美规【2 (+), 3(-), 1(GND)】,否则就是欧规、日规【2(-), 3(+), 1(GND)】。规格最大的差别在于正负极是相反的,因此如果搞错规格就会出现相位相反的情况,声音会变得怪怪的且有杂音出现。
这次实作的XLR/RCA转换线是要使用在Pioneer SC-LX86 (AV综合放大器)与burmester 082(立体声综合放大器),由于是要将LX86的主声道(Front)pre out(如图一)进入082的surround in(如图二),LX86变成纯前级,而082变成纯后级,因此XLR/RCA转换线需要用到两个RCA端子头、以及两个XLR公头(如第三图)。
图一:LX86主声道pre out是采用RCA端子座
图二:082的surround in的XLR输入使用了XLR母座
接下来,我们再来看一下所需的工具。如图四,从左至右依序为线材(47 labs stratos 0.4mm OFC单芯线)、笔刀、剥线钳、烙铁、烙铁架、銲锡。
为了配合单芯线特别选择中空中心针的端子,原因在后方会说明,本次使用RCA端子为aeco ARP-4051纯银版本及碳纤壳XLR镀铑公头端子。
图五,将XLR螺丝旋出并取出本体组成 。
本次采用的47 labs单芯线的线材,其原厂的RCA端子头结构十分特殊,单芯线的裸线只是缠绕在塑胶端子上。为了能够尽量贴近47 labs单芯线原厂的建议使用方式,在此我特别分享47 labs单芯线使用上的小技巧。请注意,此技巧须搭配前述所说的中空中心针端子(如图九A),先把单芯线的裸线稍微扭曲,然后如图九B伸入中心针,接着如图九C略为突出中心针,再将突出的部分略为下弯,与中心针外部贴近。如此,当端子头推入母座时,就能让单芯线的裸线直接接触到母座内壁上。
大致焊接完成后,再查看一次,依XLR的规格配线是否正确,缆线的焊接是否确实,必要时使用三用电表检查是否导通正常。如图十三,将三用电表转到测电阻,再将两隻探针分别接触到XLR负极(-)或地线(G)、以及RCA的负极(-),然后再量XLR与RCA的正极(+)是否量得到电阻(即导通)。如果量不到电阻,就再检查是否焊接不良。然后还要再量一下XLR负极(-)或地线(G) 与RCA的正极(+)是否量得到电阻,以确定没有接错。
不过,本次实作使用47 labs单芯线,因为线身太细,而端子头太大,二者直径差异过大,很难同时紧密包覆住端子头与线材。但为了防止拉扯,导致线材与端子头之间分离,在被外壳包覆住的单芯线的部分多绕一些胶带,以增加厚度,如同一般同轴线。(如图十四)完成上述动作后,就完成了XLR/RCA转换线成品(如图十五)。
ID:HIFI中国音响网 ID:hifidiy_2016查看: 20486|回复: 4
关于功放的PRE OUT输出
创新GIGAWORKS S700音箱第三次坏了 。准备把低音炮中的功放电路拆掉,买个入门级功放连创新的喇叭。" V; Z) u, @( v) g- E5 y" R
功放目前看上的YAMAHA的RX-V465和ONKYO TX-SR507,不过发现这两款的低音输出和其它5声道不一样,低音输出标记为PRE OUT,查了下是好像是前级输出的意思,貌似是要连有源低音炮才行的?不能直接连低音喇叭?
jiangfannew 发表于
13:37 4 e$ Q8 f&&N6 K8 W' H1 w! |- Z
难道现在功放流行把低音PRE OUT的?有没有可以直接接低音喇叭的5.1功放推荐?最好能支持DTS-HD等等解码的。
针对你的问题先回答一下4 i: J0 K0 j% K6 d7 ?&&K. T
是的,你要再接一个炮房。或者接一个有源炮& ^9 X/ w5 }+ P% y% _2 B, l3 ]: G&&{5 H9 K
其实性质还是一样。就是需要外接一个功放。& _$ X8 A: z5 m, q+ [% C
不想要炮房的话,要重新选一款功放0 v: n0 D! ~6 e) k
" H) D6 F5 \. s
我问一下,是你的S700功放模块坏了吗?5 x$ h8 x) x" c
; H- K! K7 Y0 h% }( p
: a# _. O) e- w: r
一个搭配3片BASH功放,3 J7 g5 v- F; D! i' X
/ |0 P3 Z) N; U* ~. c
你看,能不能再维修一次0 ^, A6 e0 B: x! z- @
另外,你要外置功放的话! n+ `, b) @/ ?- |
: ^/ e) ~# R4 e3 p/ q
这样的话* {2 A- Y# d, ~$ r
针对你的问题先回答一下&&S- b) {0 W$ u( f: r
我问一下,是你的S700功 ...3 @. ~' Z" C% {% `6 c& j/ [. g6 F
孙仲陵 发表于
$ c/ a! u2 n# X1 A+ |8 I
这次坏应该在供电部分吧,楼里用点多电压不稳,突然音箱里啪的一声就坏了。其他电器都好好的,就它死翘翘了。 ) k( r, T- e7 z3 A* a
Powered by Discuz! X3.4kris gethin's muscle building secret is out!
It's time to turn up your workout intensity, increase performance, KRUSH overtraining syndrome, and supercharge your adrenaline.* Discover the high-performance power of this revolutionary new formula from Kaged Muscle(TM) Supplements.
PRE-KAGED(TM). There's absolutely nothing else like it on the sports supplement market. NOTHING!
I never was one to follow a trend. Anything I do has to make logical sense. My mental circuitry is only wired and charged on results. When results lead to success, that's the only lead I need to follow.
Around 7 years ago, when I personally began testing other brands for safety, purity, and performance, it quickly dawned on me that I would have to mix my own single fill ingredients in the doses I knew were effective to gain better performance and results that would only benefit to health. 7 years later, I am lucky enough to have patented and fully tested ingredients in one supplement to create the most unbelievable Pre-Workout that's created some of my most unbelievable workouts.
When you take PRE-KAGED(TM) something happens. You scoop…add water… shake or stir…drink…then 15 – 20 minutes later…IT happens.
It will energize your brain and shock your muscles into anabolic overdrive to help you KRUSH personal records and workout plateaus.*
I've always considered the mind-to-muscle connection the secret weapon. Not enough people use its ability to create and evolve. When you can tap into adrenaline, focus, energy, and positive aggression, you're on the path to success. When you couple this with prolonged, physical intensity, you're able to conquer your fears, achieve goals, and destroy personal records.
Pre-Kaged consists of every single patented, studied, and proven ingredient to help promote every aspect of the mind-to-muscle connection in efficacious dosages.
PRE-KAGED was formulated with cutting-edge, premium ingredients that are SAFE and backed by published studies. It is unlike anything you've ever tried!
Kaged Muscle(TM) is bringing innovation to the Pre-Workout Category unlike anything you've ever seen.
1) Full Label Disclosure
2) Efficacious Dosage
3) Patented Ingredients used in actual studies (not generic form)
4) Banned Substance Free
5) Contains Artificial Flavors
6) Contains Artificial Colors
7) 3rd Party Tested to guarantee what is on the label is on the bottle
At Kaged Muscle WE TEST, we DON'T GUESS. When it comes to formulating our premium products, we don't borrow the research, we DO the research. Our products are backed by proven clinical studies, NOT claims, or reinterpreted science from experts or brands that you shouldn't trust.
We will never use hype, puffery or borrowed science to try to deceive our loyal customers.
Generic is just what it sounds like – an inferior replica that claims to be the same, but has no evidence that the product works or delivers results.
Claiming that generic ingredients are just as good as the proven, patented forms is like saying, all cars perform the same because they're made out of metal. Would you say a 12-cylinder sports car performs the same as a standard 4-cylinder, economical vehicle? I didn't think so, and neither does the R&D Team at Kaged Muscle.
Kaged Muscle has partnered with reputable and innovative ingredient manufacturers such as BetaPower(R), Carnosyn(R), Prohydrolase(R), SPECTRATM,CapsimaxTM, and PurCafTM, that spend millions of dollars on research, testing, and safety to maximize your results in the gym.
It has been my dream now, for 7 years, to come out with a supplement line that was based on ETHICS and RESULTS, not PROFIT. It is our goal to give you the absolute best products truly backed by science. We have tested each and every one of these products in lab and the gym.
I personally took over 150 blood, urine, saliva, hair, and GI tests over the past 28 months while developing KAGED MUSCLE to make sure not only every product works but is also safe.
-Kris Gethin
Your bodybuilding efforts are too important to risk on unproven, generic, mystery ingredients, or through science that hasn't been validated. That's why when athletes go supplement shopping they choose Kaged Muscle(TM). They know that each and every product bearing the Kaged Muscle(TM) name contains only the highest-quality ingredients that are safe and backed by REAL SCIENCE.
At Kaged Muscle(TM), shortcuts are not taken. They're never even considered. When it comes to quality, there are no shortcuts. And when it comes to your health, there shouldn't be.
Why does PRE-KAGED(TM) have 274 mg of caffeine and not 300 mg or 350 mg like some of the competitors' products?
Through vigorous R&D testing, the Kaged Muscle(TM) scientists discovered that when caffeine exceeds 275 mg, it may cause anxiety and can diminish the effect of nitric oxide production.* Finding the perfect balance PurCafTM Caffeine in Kaged Muscle(TM) provides an excellent mixture of energy and focus while NOT diminishing the effects of your pump.*
Our goal was to formulate the BEST performing Pre-Workout on the market, not give you another stimulant cocktail that keeps you counting sheep while your heartbeat is racing late into the night.
PRE-KAGED(TM) Neuro-Focus Matrix consists of PurCaf(TM) Caffeine, two forms of L-Tyrosine, and Taurine along with B-Vitamins for further mood enhancement.* It keeps you focused and in the game.*KAGED MUSCLE(TM) is the opposite of the competition because of our combination of CLEAN caffeine and NEURO enhancing ingredients gets you in the ZONE without over-stimulation.*
PRE-KAGED(TM) gets in you in the zone, and then IN-KAGED(TM) keeps you in the ZONE. They are your two training partners that won't let you down.
The caffeine and key nitric oxide ingredient are timed perfectly between PRE-KAGED(TM) and IN-KAGED(TM) for maximum effect without losing performance.*
Plus IN-KAGED(TM) also has 3 additional grams of L-Citrulline to keep you SWOLE your entire workout and even hours later!
Take PRE-KAGED(TM) 30 minutes prior to working out and start sipping IN-KAGED(TM) 40-45 minutes after consuming PRE-KAGED(TM).
The answer is simple – all our ingredients meet MICROPURE(TM) standards which means they are 3rd party tested for purity and potency! In return for a premium price, Kaged Muscle(TM) manufacturers commit to strict ethical and environmental standards, ensuring our ingredients are manufactured with care.
Exclusive MICROPURE(TM) BCAAs in the proven 2:1:1 ratio to help fuel skeletal muscles.* MICROPURE(TM) BCAAs are Non-Genetically Engineered, manufactured by vegetable fermentation, and are microencapsulated by a patented technology that maximizes absorption and solubility.
Exclusive to KAGED MUSCLE(TM), MICROPURE(TM) Leucine is fermented and ultra-soluble for maximum absorption.
Leucine works as a trigger, metabolized directly in muscle tissue to encourage a muscle building stimulus. Leucine can be used as an energy source for muscles, but more importantly, it slows the rate of protein breakdown in skeletal muscle tissue. Leucine has also been shown to decrease delayed onset muscle soreness following intense exercise.*
Increases Training Capacity by Increasing Blood Oxidation Within Normal Levels*
Promotes Positive Nitrogen Retention*
Helps Preserve Lean Muscle Mass*
A 2.5 gram oral dose of leucine almost doubles fasting levels of plasma leucine
L-Citrulline delivers the purest form of natural nitric oxide support available. Not only is Kaged Muscle(TM) L-Citrulline ultra pure, but it works from the very first dose!
PRE-KAGED(TM) has a POWERFUL 6.5 g PUNCH of PURE L-Citrulline vs. 4 g in the leading Pre-Workout per serving.
Once you train with KAGED Muscle(TM) MICROPURE(TM) L-Citrulline, you will never work out without it!
Carnosyn(R) beta-alanine delivers a bio-friendly form of beta-alanine, a naturally occurring beta amino acid essential for synthesis of muscle carnosine.* Muscle carnosine acts as a buffer, delaying the onset of muscle fatigue and failure.
Clinical Studies
Not ALL Beta-Alanine Is Created Equal Many companies claim the amazing benefits of beta-alanine from the human studies that were conducted using Carnosyn(R), yet they use generic material in their product.
Beta-alanine available in the market is either the REAL DEAL – patented Carnosyn(R) used in the studies – or generic material. This is not always clear from the product labels. The published athletic performance and safety studies have been conducted by using patented Carnosyn(R) beta-alanine. Make sure your products contain only the proven and high-quality form of beta-alanine that WORKS – Carnosyn(R).
BetaPower(R) betaine is a natural nutrient for athletic strength and performance.*
This unique molecule has two important functions and associated health benefits in the human body. As a methyl donor, it is part of several essential metabolic reactions and contributes to the synthesis of proteins for muscle strength and power.*
As an osmolyte, betaine protects cells, proteins, and enzymes from environmental stress (e.g., low water, high salinity or extreme temperature).
BetaPower(R) has been shown in a number of clinical trials to improve athletic performance, especially strength and power.*
Some companies claim the amazing benefits of betaine from the human studies that were conducted at the University of Connecticut using natural BetaPower(R), yet in their product they use generic, synthetic material.
This practice is deceiving and unethical. It's what we at Kaged Muscle(TM) Supplements call using “borrowed science” to dupe you, the customer, into thinking their product is the real deal, when in fact it is an unproven copycat with no research or safety data.
Betaine available in the market can be of natural or synthetic origin and this is not always clear from the product labels. The published athletic performance and safety studies have been conducted using BetaPower(R) natural betaine. Make sure your product contains the guaranteed high quality and purity of BetaPower(R).
The REAL DEAL BetaPower(R) used in 7 Human Studies is 99%+ pure and derived from the molasses of sugar beets.
Patented Creatine HCl is the only patented highly pure creatine hydrochloride (HCl). Patented Creatine HCl has superior solubility resulting in improved creatine uptake to muscle cells.* Patented Creatine HCl eliminates the need for a loading phase or cycling off. There is NO water retention, bloating, cramping or gastrointestinal distress.
Patented Creatine HCl contains no sugar, no fillers, no binders, and no buffering agents.
Patented Creatine HCl is Gluten Free and has Non-Meat components.
Patented Creatine HCl is the ORIGINAL PATENTED Creatine HCL that is manufactured by VIREO SYSTEMS and protected by the following Patents:
If your CREATINE HCL product does not say Patented Creatine HCl, it's not the REAL DEAL!
Breakthrough Beadlet Technology Solves Delivery Problem
While the weight management properties of capsicum have been widely recognized, the problem has always been how to deliver the many benefits of hot red peppers without the oral and gastric burn that accompanies that kind of heat. On average, however, one would need to ingest 10 g daily of red hot peppers to gain the benefits associated with capsaicinoids. Unfortunately, red hot pepper consumption at 10 g daily for healthy benefits is unbearably hot, and can cause severe irritation to the GI tract.
Quercetin is a type of phytonutrient called a flavonoid. It is found in fruits and vegetables – particularly citrus fruits, apples, onions, fava beans, teas, red wines, and uncaria leaves.
Quercetin, like all flavonoids, has antioxidant properties.* Antioxidants scavenge damaging particles in the body known as free radicals.* Free radicals damage cell membranes, tamper with DNA, and play a role in many health conditions. Through their antioxidant properties, flavonoids like quercetin can help to neutralize free radicals.*
SPECTRA(TM) is a new dawn in our understanding of how fruits, vegetables, and herbs positively interact and influence physiological functions in the human body.
Unique combination of fruit, vegetable, and herb extracts and concentrates
Clinically researched free radical targeting
Gluten Free
Non-Genetically Engineered
Tender Coconut Water Powder is one of nature's superfoods that has a complete balance of electrolytes and minerals that help to rehydrate the body.* Our coconut water powder is carefully manufactured and freeze dried in the beautiful island of Bali exclusively for Kaged Muscle(TM).
Taurine is an amino acid that supports neurological development and helps regulate the level of water and mineral salts in the blood.* Scientists have discovered that taurine levels in muscle cells are critical for muscle force and strength. That means keeping muscular taurine levels high during workouts is essential for maintaining strength. Taurine's positive effects on fatigue may be due to its antioxidant properties, which can prevent muscle fatigue during exercise.* In addition, taurine can aid muscle size by drawing more fluid into the muscle cells.*
L-Tyrosine is an amino acid and a precursor of catecholamine neurotransmitters including L-dopa, dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. These neurotransmitters are responsible for supporting emotional well-being and mental function.* L-Tyrosine plays a role in promoting healthy neurotransmitter function in response to environmental and emotional stress.* Research has indicated its potential to promote cognitive function and memory under stressful conditions.*
Vitamin B-12 supports energy metabolism and contributes to the health of the nervous system.* In addition, B-12 is important for heart health and the normal formation of blood cells in the body.*
Methylcobalamin is the form of vitamin B-12 active in the central nervous system. It is essential for cell growth and replication.* (8) In some people the liver may not convert cyanocobalamin, the common supplemental form of B-12, into adequate amounts of methylcobalamin needed for proper neuronal functioning. (9) Methylcobalamin may exert its neuroproductive effects through enhanced methylation, acceleration of nerve cell growth, or its ability to maintain already healthy homocysteine levels. (10)(11)*
PurCAF(TM) is a premium, 90% pure caffeine extract derived from water extracted green coffee beans for unpolluted plant-based energy. Time to kick synthetic caffeine to the curb and make the switch to green energy. PurCAF(TM) is manufactured by a solvent free process and is exclusive to Kaged Muscle(TM).
What really sets PRE-KAGED(TM) apart from the competition is the attention to detail that goes into sourcing the world's purest ingredients. Kris and the Kaged Muscle(TM) R&D Team traveled five continents over 28 months to bring you game-changing supplements.
We will never be satisfied with only paper evidence.
-Kris Gethin
Patented Ingredients Exclusive to Kaged Muscle(TM)
Exclusive Natural Flavor Technology
Proprietary Manufacturing Process
In fact, PRE-KAGED is so innovative that it's currently being reviewed by the U.S. Patent and Trademark office for the issuing of patents.*
PRE-KAGED was one of the SECRET WEAPONS that allowed me to pack on 20 lbs of lean muscle in just 12 WEEKS!
When I filmed the Muscle Building Video Trainer, I felt some insecurities and self-doubt about whether I could add the 12 lbs of muscle I had planned to put on over the 12-week series. I hadn't weight trained in 4 months following my pec and hamstring tears from my snowboarding accident. Although I was coming from a large deficit, I was in a strong place by being surrounded by the best supplement, nutrition and exercise scientists in the world. Doubled with my motivation, drive, and mental intensity, I was able to surpass my expectation by weighing in over 20 lbs heavier with evidential fat loss. The proof is within the unadulterated daily videos on where people can see me transform in real time.
PRE-KAGED(TM) is incredible because it works from the very first dose. It's the best Pre-Workout on the market. You won't find anything that comes close.
Once you try it, you will never train without it!
Ratings & Reviews
1,680 Ratings
1,115 Ratings
Berry Blast
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Reviews section. Products in the Store are not intended to diagnose, treat,
cure, or prevent any disease.
Berry Blast
Fruit Punch
Krisp Apple
Pre-kaged is unlike any other pre-workout. It's all I will use, after trying 100s of different brands over the past 8 years. I would recommend every product Kaged Muscle has to offer. The quality and effectiveness they other is unmatched.
Verified Buyer
Great product, taste is strong for me... overall does what is promoted.
Berry Blast
Only had a few uses of it so far so things could change a bit but for the first few uses i've found the stimulants to be a bit strong (for me) and the taste to be a bit strong as well, I would recommend starting off with 3/4 a serving the first time still in 8oz of water.
Definitely works and would recommend to someone looking for a stimulant based pre workout, just a bit strong so far.
Verified Buyer
Berry Blast
Fruit Punch
Krisp Apple
Kaged Muscle has outdone themselves here. I came from another strong competitor who used a lot of sweetners and as I wanted to limit my sugar intake it was clear the natural colors and flavors in Pre-Kaged was what I wanted to try. The flavors are great though I wish the Krisp Apple was more green Apple but is still a fair taste. The Fruit Punch was my long time favorite but that was recently ousted by Berry Blast. This is probably the first supplement I’ve seen that is called Berry and actually tastes like mixed berries. Pick some up, you won’t regret it.
Berry Blast
berry blast Flavour is awesome and mixes really well, if your looking for the one pre workout that actually works PICK THIS!
when pair'd with IN-kaged the pump and the focus lasts the whole workout!
Verified Buyer
10/10 berry blast
Flavour is awesome and mixes really well, if your looking for the one pre workout that actually works ..... pick Kaged muscles pre Kaged !
All the ingredients are the best out there to bring you the best workout full of focus and pump!
Fruit Punch
Oh man! 10 min after i took this i was ready to kill it in the gym. amazing energy and focus. mixed up very easy and goes down incredibly smooth. taste great as well. amazing PRE!
Verified Buyer
Berry Blast
Fruit Punch
Krisp Apple
Prekaged has helped me take my lifts to the next level! You will find your focus is greatly enhanced especially during tough lifts. I’ve tried all flavours and while my favorite tends to be Krisp Apple, they are all great tasting. Some find it sweet. If so I’d suggest mixing with a bit more water to get the desired flavour. I mix with 28oz in my shaker which seems to work well. A great product offering from KM!
Verified Buyer
Berry Blast
I’ve been using prekaged for awhile now and was so excited that they came out with a new flavor. And let me tell you Berry blast is spot on with the flavor.
Berry Blast
I'm not usually a preworkout person, but I enjoy using Pre Kaged.
I like that I don't crash from the caffeine and feel awake and focused during my workout.
The berry flavor isn't too sweet and doesn't taste artificial.
I take half a scoop and I feel awesome! I feel super focused and pumped during my workout.
Also, I like that I don't feel bloated after taking it.
Verified Buyer
Berry Blast
This berry blast flavor is amazing. So hard to believe it’s made with only natural flavors and colors. Packs the same amazing punch pre Kaged has always had. But this is by far my favorite flavor this far. KM never disappoints.
Krisp Apple
I tried this product Twice. First time it got me a sick feeling in my stomach. I didn’t try it again til this week. I thought it was me but nope. Although it gave me a good energy it give me a nausea feeling middle of my workout intensity wasn’t high.
Verified Buyer
Berry Blast
My new favorite flavor berry blast wow. Taste so good and amazing pump and Focus!!!!!
Highly recommend this new flavor
Berry Blast
Pre-kaged is the perfect blend of essential ingredients to get you energized, focused and pumped up during a workout and might I add that the Berry Blast flavor is off the chain good! I've used a lot of preworkouts that made me crash, feel yucky or just didn't work and now finally I've found one that is second to none, it's hands down the best!!
Verified Buyer
Berry Blast
Hands down the best pre-workout available. Love the new Berry Blast flavor. Just like the other flavors it taste amazing and primes my body to perform the best during my workouts.
20 Servings
$1.90 Per Serving
Berry Blast
Fruit Punch
Krisp Apple
20 Servings
- Berry Blast
20 Servings
- Fruit Punch
20 Servings
- Krisp Apple
Serving Size: 30.2g (approximately 1 scoop)
Servings Per Container: 20
Total Carbohydrate
Niacin (as Niacinamide)
Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxine Hydrochloride)
Vitamin B12 (as Methylcobalamin)
L-Citrulline (fermented)
QU995(TM) (Quercetin Anhydrous)
L-Leucine (fermented)
L-Isoleucine (fermented)
L-Valine (fermented)
L-Leucine (fermented)
CarnoSyn(R) (Beta-Alanine)
BetaPower(R) (Natural Betaine)
Patented Creatine HCl
Coconut Water Powder
Consisting of green coffee extract, green tea extract, broccoli sprout concentrate, onion extract, apple extract, acerola extract, camu camu concentrate, quercetin, tomato concentrate, broccoli concentrate, acai concentrate, basil concentrate, cinnamon concentrate, garlic concentrate, oregano concentrate, turmeric extract, carrot concentrate, elderberry concentrate, mangosteen concentrate, blackberry concentrate, blackcurrant extract, blueberry extract, chokeberry concentrate, raspberry concentrate, sweet cherry concentrate, spinach concentrate, kale concentrate, bilberry extract, brussel sprout concentrate
PurCaf(TM) Caffeine (from green coffee beans)
+ Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
? Daily Value not established
Other Ingredients:
Citric acid, Natural flavors, beet root extract (color), sea salt, stevia, sucralose, silicon dioxide, calcium silicate, sunflower lecithin.
Contains: Tree nuts (coconut)
BetaPower(R) is a registered trademark of DuPont or its affiliates. PurCaf(TM) is a registered trademark of Applied Food Sciences, Inc. QU995(R) is a registered trademark of Novel Ingredient, Inc. SPECTRA(TM) is a registered trademark of VDF Futureceuticals, Inc. Patented Creatine HCl is covered by one or more of Vireo Systems, Inc. U.S. Patent Nos. 8,962,685, and/or 8,354,450, and/or 8,026,385, and/or 7,608,641. Natural Alternatives International (NAI) is the owner of patents as listed on and registered trademark CarnoSyn(R).
Directions For PRE-KAGED: As a dietary supplement, mix one scoop with 16-20 ounces of cold water in a shaker bottle 30 to 45 minutes before workout. Continue to shake bottle lightly between sips and drink entirely between 25 minutes of mixing.&
Warnings: Contains 274 mg of caffeine per serving or about as much caffeine as two and a half cups of coffee. Avoid using with other caffeinated products or if you are sensitive to caffeine because too much caffeine may cause nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness and occasionally, rapid heartbeat. Consult your physician prior to using this product if you are pregnant, nursing, under 18 years of age, taking medication or have a medical condition. Immediately discontinue use and contact your physician if any adverse reactions occur. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place away from excessive heat. Contents may settle during shipping. Sold by weight, not volume.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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