
its是什么意思 its在线翻译 its什么意思 its的意思 its的翻译 its的解释 its的发音 its的同义词 its的反义词 its的例句 its的相关词组
its英 [?ts] 美 [?ts] its 基本解释代词(it的所有格形式)它的; 厥手机查看its的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 its 即可its 相关例句形容词1. She gave the baby its food.&&&&她给了婴儿些吃的。代词1. 1. The dog wagged its tail.&&&&狗摇尾巴。2. The book has lost its jacket.&&&&那本书的包皮纸丢了。its 情景对话在邮局A:I'd like to buy some stamps for this letter.&&&&&&我想买这封信的邮票。B:Let me just weigh it first.&&&&&&请先让我称一称。A:How much will it be?&&&&&&要多少钱?B:Are you sending it by regular or by speed?&&&&&&你要寄平信还是快递?A:Just the regular.&&&&&&平信就好了。B:That'll be four yuan.&&&&&&四元。A:How long will it take for my mail to reach its destination?&&&&&&我的信件到达目的地要多久?B:Just two days.&&&&&&只要两天。A:Thanks.&&&&&&谢谢。B:Good day.&&&&&&再见!itsA:Good day also to you.&&&&&&再见!Pollution-(污染)B:Man, that sunset is beautiful. I’ve never seen one so red.&&&&&&瞧,日落真漂亮。我从未见过这么火红的日落。A:Yeah, it’s pretty nice, but its so red because of air pollution.&&&&&&对,很漂亮。可是颜色之所以这么红是因为空气污染。its什么意思B:Really?&&&&&&真的吗?A:Yeah, the smog from all these cars gets into the air and turns the sunlight red.&&&&&&是的,汽车产出的烟雾进入空气中,日光便显出这种红色。B:I never knew that.&&&&&&我可不知道这个。A:Yeah, more people need to take public transportation or carpool.&&&&&&是呀,应该有更多的人搭乘公交车或合伙使用小汽车。B:Well, we’ve already done our part.&&&&&&噢,我们自己已经尽力了。A:Yeah, it’s your turn to drive next week. Don’t be late picking me up.&&&&&&是呀,下个星期轮到你开车了。接我可别迟到了。B:Don’t worry. I’m getting more sleep these days. The baby’s finally growing up a little more.&&&&&&不用着急。我近来睡眠时间更充足了。小孩子终于长大了一些了。A:Well, give me a call if you can’t make it for some reason.&&&&&&哦,如果因为什么原因你不能来的话给我一个电话。Looking for an Apartment-(找房子)A:I need to find a new place to live.&&&&&&我要另找一个地方住。B:Yeah? Why? Don’t you like living with me?&&&&&&是吗?为什么?你不喜欢和我一起住吗?A:Oh, it’s not you. I just want my own place.&&&&&&哦,不是因为你的缘故。我只是想有自己的私人空间。B:Well, check the newspaper.&&&&&&好吧,看看报纸上有没有。A:Jeez…I didn’t realize a single bedroom apartment went for so much these days.&&&&&&哇呀,我没料到一个单间公寓这些天这么贵。B:Yeah, prices have really gone up the past couple of years.&&&&&&是呀,过去这几年价钱真是提高不少。A:Oh, here’s one. It’s looks like its in this neighborhood, $600 a month. That’s not to bad.&&&&&&哦,这儿有一个。好像在这儿附近。每个月600元,还过得去。\u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCDB:No, it’s pretty good. Why not give the landlord a call?&&&&&&不仅如此,真很不错呢。为何不给房东一个电话呢?A:Hello. I’m calling about the one bedroom in Lincoln Park. Could I take a look at it? Yes. Tonight at six is fine. Thanks.&&&&&&你好,我打电话过来询问林肯公园的这间房。我可以去看看吗?是的。今晚六点可以,谢谢。its 网络解释1. 1. 智能交通:这样,社会应急联动通信系统将与社会公众有线网、公众无线/移动通信网、INTER网、智能 交通 (ITS)网等一道,构筑一个更广义的信息通信平台,实现对突发事件的更快速、有效的应急处理.2. 公司:作物决心使印度尼西亚烤烟和白肋烟获得显要地位的印度尼西亚Tri Sembilan公司(ITS)最近在靠近Surabaya的东爪哇开设了一家先进的烟叶加工厂. 该公司是由标准商业公司控股的一家分公司. 该公司不仅对印度尼西亚烤烟和白肋烟的发展潜力充满信心,3. its:intelligen 智能交通系统4. 4. its:intelling 智能教学系统5. 5. its:railway intellig 智能运输系统6. its:inform 信息服务系统its 双语例句1. The success of a company is directly related to the competency of its managers.&&&&一个公司的胜利与它的管理人员的才干直接相关。2. its在线翻译2. For example, you may be interested in the average hop count a message has to travel before reaching its destination.&&&&例如,你可能对消息到达目的地之前的跳数的平均值感兴趣。3. The phenomenon of its synchronization error accumulation over hop count is also investigated.&&&&进一步讨论了TPLSN同步误差随跳数增长的现象。4. The notice of real estate registration system is a sort of creditor`s right with intense character of property right, and the system of China features its administrative property.&&&&内容摘要:不动产预告登记是一种带有浓厚物权色彩的债权,我国不动产登记制度同时又有类似行政的特色。5. 5. Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, a Swiss Verein, its member firms, and their respective subsidiaries and affiliates.&&&&Deloitte 泛指根据瑞士法律组成的社团性质的组织Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu、其成员所/公司、以及他们的附属机构和关联机构。6. Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, a Swiss Verein, and its network of member firms, each of which is a legally separate and independent entity.&&&&Deloitte泛指根据瑞士法律组成的社团性质的组织 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu,以及其一家或多家成员所/公司。7. danci.911cha.com7. It was a root pairs of strains of holly, higher than the eaves, leaves dense seamless, dark green light, in the winter, with bamboo light green color of show scenery, giving a good impression to leave, it will enable you germinal Prose The inspiration, though not as earth-shattering story of the source, from the cuttings to grow together in prayer for the two thick trees, the growth of its history, after the number of wind and rain, how many spent the winter and spring, winter does not fade dark green in color, hair can not count the new spring shoots, there are hundreds of thousands of young leaves crowded old leaves, people unknown knowing it.&&&&那是一个根的双株冬青,高过房檐,叶密无缝,墨绿发光,在冬天里,与竹的淡绿各展色景,给人留下美好的印像,它能令你生发散文的灵感,虽然不会成为惊天动地的故事之源,从插枝到成长为两根合掌粗的树,它的生长史,经过了多少风和雨,度过了几多冬与春,冬不褪墨绿的本色,春发不可计数的新枝条,又有千千万万的幼叶挤老叶,人不可知它自知。8. its什么意思8. For the period of years after the Closing Date either on its own account or in conjunction with any Restricted Business deal with any person who at the Closing Date is or who within a period of one year prior to the Closing Date has been a client or customer of the Company whether or not such person would commit a breach of contract by reason of t and&&&&自交易完成之日起年内,以自己的名义、或因从事受限制的商业活动,和那些在交易完成之时或交易完成之前一年内仍为公司客户或消费者的人进行交易,无论此人是否因转移业务而构成违约。9. for the period of years after the Closing Date either on its own account or in conjunction with any Restricted Business deal with any person who at the Closing Date is or who within a period of one year prior to the Closing Date has been a client or customer of the Company whether or not such person would commit a breach of contract by reason of t and&&&&自交易完成之日起年内,以自己的名义、或因从事受限制的商业活动,和那些在交易完成之时或交易完成之前一年内仍为公司「或子公司」客户或消费者的人进行交易,无论此人是否因转移业务而构成违约。10. 10. for the period of years after the Closing Date either on its own account or in conjunction with or on behalf of any person, firm or company, in connection with any Restricted Business endeavour to entice away from the Company any person who at the Closing Date is or who within a period of one year prior to the Closing Date has been a supplier of the Company whether or not such person would commit a breach of contract by reason of t and&&&&自交易完成之日起年内,以自己的名义、或联合任何个人、商号、公司、或以任何个人、组织、公司的名义、或与任何受限制的商业活动有利益关系,怂恿或诱使那些在交易完成之时或交易完成之前一年内仍为公司「或子公司」供应商的人抛弃公司「或子公司」和自己交易,无论此人是否因转移业务而构成违约;和11. 11. This account of the aspect of reformation of Chinese Opera reveals its features and limitations.&&&&&&这方面包括三个内容:第一是体制、结构、行当的变革,第二是语言风格的嬗变与曲律的解放,第三是舞台艺术的写实性追求。12. for the period of years after the Closing Date either on its own account or in conjunction with or on behalf of any person, firm or company, in connection with any Restricted Business, solicit the custom of or endeavour to entice away from the Company any person who at the Closing Date is or who within a period of one year prior to the Closing Date has been a client or customer of the Company whether or not such person would commit a breach of contract by reason of t and&&&&&&自交易完成之日起年内,以自己的名义、或联合任何个人、商号、公司、或以任何个人、商号、公司的名义、或与任何受限制的商业活动有利益关系,怂恿或诱使那些在交易完成之时或交易完成之前一年内仍是公司(「或子公司」客户或消费者的人抛弃公司和自己交易,无论此人是否因转移业务而构成违约;和字串513. 13. When an opportunity comes, it brings a promise but never realizes it on its own.&&&&&&没当机遇降临,伴之而来地时成功地希望,但时机遇不能自绗实现成功。188。14. Chapter four summarizes the institutions activity in the Anti-Japanese War and its communication inside and outside the country.&&&&&&第四章将考察汉藏教理院进行抗日救亡运动及与国内外交流的情况。15. 15. This paper introduces the syntax of XML singature and its processes, and by integrating with.&&&&&&本文通过分析XML签名的语法和过程,并结合。16. Because the generated key pair includes a singature, you can tell whether an assembly has been tampered with after its original creation.&&&&&&因为强名称工具生成的密钥对包含了一个签名,你可以判断程序集创建之后是否被篡改。17. 17. Its feet were tied with red bands, just like in Her Ladyship's dream!&&&&&&小猪的蹄子都被红色的绑绳捆着,和夫人的梦一模一样。18. According to the new subject idea and its special circumstances, the article which combines the new evaluation idea of senior history with the teaching method in the western mountains area in Shijiazhuang, puts forward a new idea about the school work evaluation devolepment of senior history, and offers a refrence for the teachers who are working in the local areas and those who are working in the less developed areas.&&&&&&本文从新课程的理念出发,结合历史学科的特性,把高中历史发展性学业评价的新理念与石家庄西部山区的教学实际相结合,提出高中历史发展性学业评价的策略与方法,力图为本地区高中教学一线的历史教师以及经济相对落后地区的同行提供参考。19. The increased expression of Tau is associated to delayed axotomy and neuron apoptosis. The neuroprotection of HSP70 is likely based its effect on reducing aggregation of Tau. A new approach to treatment of diffuse axonal injury may be developed through the enhancement of intrinsic neuroprotective functions.&&&&&&Tau蛋白表达增强可能参与了迟发性轴索断裂及迟发性神经元凋亡;HSP70可能通过减轻Tau蛋白的异常聚集而发挥神经保护作用;增强内源性神经保护作用可能是弥漫性轴索损伤治疗的新途径。20. As the origin and foundation of the commercial bank, intermediary business is the core business through coin identity and exchanging, storing during the early stage of the commercial bank`s development. When the money-exchanging businessman became the commercial banker which regard asset and liability business as the core business, intermediary business, the core business at one time, changed to sideline occupation. Although it always exists, it was actually unimportant. In the later period 20th`s, there was a intensely competition between commercial banks, and when each commercial bank maintained its asset and liability business, at the same time, they began to attach importance to intermediary business being neglected, and run it in an innovative way.&&&&&&中间业务是银行的起源和基础,在银行发展的早期曾经将铸币的鉴定和兑换、货币的保管、兑换作为其主营业务,但是,当货币兑换商演化为以存贷业务为主的银行之后,它赖以发家的主业----中间业务,就变成了副业,虽然这些业务一直都存在,但的确已经显得不重要了。20 世纪后期,商业银行之间的竞争异常激烈,各大银行在保持自己存贷业务的同时,开始重视一度被忽视了的中间业务领域,并开始用创新的方式去从事中间业务。its 词典解释Its is a third person singular possessive determiner. its 是第三人称单数所有格限定词。1. 它的,他的,她的(用于表示某物属于某东西、地方、动物、婴儿等)&&&&You use its to indicate that something belongs or relates to a thing, place, or animal that has just been mentioned or whose identity is known. You can use its to indicate that something belongs or relates to a child or baby.&&&&e.g. The British Labor Party concludes its annual conference today in Brighton.&&&&&&&&&&&英国工党的年度会议今天在布赖顿闭幕。&&&&e.g. ...Japan, with its extreme housing shortage...&&&&&&&&&&&住房严重短缺的日本Do not confuse its and it's. Its means 'belonging to it'. It's is short for 'it is' or 'it has'. The horse raised its head... It's hot in here… It's stopped raining. 切勿混淆 its 和 it's。its 表示“它的”,而 it's 是 it is 或 it has 的缩合形式:The horse raised its head (马抬起头),It's hot in here (这儿很热),It's stopped raining (雨已经停了)。its 单语例句1. Even if the group had done its homework carefully, the business of its Silver World restaurant wasn't so satisfactory.2. China and its neighbours have become a significant global force in business and economics.3. Lenovo is trying to turn around its overseas business by improving efficiency and cutting costs by laying off some workers.4. That will help it increase its operational efficiency, lower its human resources costs and channel resources into its core business.5. Japan has been making efforts across the board to improve its ability to defend itself, having depended on the United States for protection since World War II.6. The firm also said it expects its product divisions to developed at least one new sustainable and profitable business project by year's end.7. Yet China still pins a great deal of its hope to economic growth to further its development across the board.8. The company will split its business into two branches in the future, with one entity to develop educational products and the other to provide education and training.9. Its business in Beijing also ended in failure, closing in 1998.10. PetroChina will develop its own coalbed methane business after quitting the firm, the China Securities Journal this month cited industry sources as saying.its是什么意思,its在线翻译,its什么意思,its的意思,its的翻译,its的解释,its的发音,its的同义词,its的反义词,its的例句,its的相关词组,its意思是什么,its怎么翻译,单词its是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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911查询大全 微信公众号微信扫一扫关注最近看了日本企业家稻盛和夫写的自传,他在自传中提到:在他刚开始创业阶段,每天的工作都是通宵达旦,大家都精疲力竭。对此有人给他忠告说:这和马拉松是一样的道理,应该考虑合理分配节奏。但是稻盛和夫回答说:有人说长距离赛跑应该把握节奏,但对新人来说根本没有考虑节奏的空闲,我们现在参加的是整个行业的马拉松比赛,我们起跑已经比别人晚了 的翻译是:Recently read Japan entrepreneurs inamorikazuo wrote his autobiography, he mentioned in his biography: he just start a startup phase, work every day is night, we were all exhausted. It was gave him advice says: this marathon is the same reason, you should consider the reasonable distribution of rhyt 中文翻译英文意思,翻译英语
Recently read a Japanese entrepreneur Inamori written autobiography, he mentioned in his autobiography: the beginning of start-up stage in his daily work is through the night, we are exhausted. This advice was said to him: This marathon is the same reason, should be considered a reasonable allocatio
Recently read Japan entrepreneurs inamorikazuo wrote his autobiography, he mentioned in his biography: he just start a startup phase, work every day is night, we were all exhausted. It was gave him advice says: this marathon is the same reason, you should consider the reasonable distribution of rhyt
Recently read Japan entrepreneurs inamorikazuo wrote his autobiography, he mentioned in his biography: he just start a startup phase, work every day is night, we were all exhausted. It was gave him advice says: this marathon is the same reason, you should consider the reasonable distribution of rhyt
Recently, I read the Japanese entrepreneurs Inamori and wrote in his autobiography, the autobiography, he mentioned that he had only just begun in the work of both the start-up stage, the night every day, everyone was exhausted. In that respect, it was addressed to his advice and marathon said: This
Recently read the autobiography which Japanese entrepreneur rice Sheng Hefu writes, he mentioned in the autobiography: Just started in him to start an undertaking the stage, the daily work all was all night long, everybody was exhausted.Regarding this some people to him advised: This and the maratho
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& a“猫爸”给予女儿很大的自由空间,没有硬性规定几点吃饭,几点玩耍,几点看书等等。 “The cat father” gives the daughter the very big free space, does not have firm decision several to eat meal, several play, several reads and so on. & a我认为作为成年人,我们不应该在依靠父母 I thought takes the adult, we should not depend upon the parents & aHighest Impact 最高的冲击 & a我最近读了一本叫《哈利波特》的书 I recently read was called "the Harley Baud" the book & a临时照顾她的妹妹 Looks after her temporarily the younger sister & a现在库存只有 Now keeps in stock only then & aEuropean Goldfields 欧洲Goldfields & aan unprecedented scale 一个史无前例的标度 & a乘扶梯到二楼然后右转 While staircase with a handrail to two building then right-turns & a矢田ふナヤワラルート買い Idiot & aPlease visit this page from a banned IP 请参观这页从被取缔的IP & asatin body lotion 缎身体化妆水 & aI hope you can understand . China today with a large population calls for a word "competition",you`ll pay a lot for your survial. So come on ,try you best to achieve your dream,whether Charles comes in or not,he `ll acompany you somewhere not far. 我希望您能了解。 中国有多人口今天要求词“竞争”,您`ll薪水很多为您survial。 如此进展,最好设法您实现您的梦想,不论查尔斯进来,他`ll acompany不您某处。 & athe poor boy 贫穷的男孩 & a爱不爱只是一个人的事 正在翻译,请等待...
& a然而累积知识是一种漫长,艰辛的过程。 However the accumulation knowledge is one kind of long, difficult process. & aball
handle 球把柄 & ahow
to 怎么 & aLeg admittance (primary) 正在翻译,请等待...
& a我们买了好多吃的回来。 We have bought coming back which many eats. & aFew people own a garage in the city. 很少人在城市拥有一个车库。 & a以很低的价格 By very low price & a第三个离婚多长时间了? Third divorce long time? & acheck tirse then reactivate run flat indicator 检查tirse然后恢复活动奔跑平的显示 & aNUMPAD2 NUMPAD2 & a让所有在场的人感动的是他把毕生精力花在医学研究上并取得很大成绩 Lets the human who all presents be moved is he the lifetime energy flower in the medical research and obtains the very big result & a谦词 Modest word & aperform
themselves 执行它他们自己 & ahow"s everything going?last week our school held a sports meet.l took part in the boys` 400-meter race.l did my best and was the first one to pass the finish line.l felt very happy to get this result.l‘ll keep trying.l want to be a good player and i hope i"ll take part in the olympic games some day 怎么" s去的一切?我们的学校上星期举行了meet.l在男孩参与的体育400米race.l做我最佳并且是通过结束的第一个line.l感觉的`非常愉快得到这result.l `ll保留trying.l想要是一个好球员,并且我希望i " ll在奥林匹克运动会参与某一天 & adecrease contrast and color saturation 减少对比和颜色饱和度 & a____、if my future has you in it, I'm not afraid of anything null & a每日在校时间9小时 Every day in school time 9 hours & aIdiots, and we say together to watch meteor showers 蠢货和我们一起说观看流星雨 & a你认识这个抱孩子的妇女吗? You knew this hugs the child the woman? & a这么久我一直都很喜欢你的,不晓得为什么但我真的很喜欢你. Such long I continuously all very much like you, but why doesn't know me really very much to like you. & a每天完成作业才去睡觉 Every day completes the work only then to sleep & a我们也很愿意看到这架飞机正常的运行 We very are also willing to see this airplane normal movement & a我叫林浩 My name am Lin Hao & aget
self 克服您的自已 & aJohn Smith,aworkerinNeWYory,hadlostherjobandbecameunemployed. 约翰?史密斯, aworkerinNeWYory, hadlostherjobandbecameunemployed。 & aI know I am a bad girl , but I can change myself . To tell the truth , I dont want lose any body . 我知道我是一个坏女孩,但我可以改变自己。 要讲真相,我不想要丢失任何身体。 & ashanghai is the most important industrial,commercial and financial city in china 上海是最重要的工业,商业和财政城市在瓷 & aNext time, now so late 下次,现在那么后 & a你知道全部 You know completely & a特殊句式 正在翻译,请等待...
& a朗逸轿车空调系统的维护与检修工艺 Bright leisurely passenger vehicle air-conditioning system maintenance and overhaul craft & aset brightenss based on area inside frame 设置brightenss根据区域在框架里面 & achange myself . To tell the truth , I dont want lose any body . 改变自己。 要讲真相,我不想要丢失任何身体。 & a他非常喜欢参加聚会,总是第一个来,最后一个走。 He likes attending the meeting extremely, always first comes, last walks. & aPICTURE
DD 正在翻译,请等待...
& aI'd love to , but my daughter is going to be a senior three student , we should serve for her , don't you think so . 我会爱对,但我的女儿是资深三学生,我们应该为她服务,您不如此认为。 & aYou never know, for you I shed so many tears 很难说,为了您我流洒了许多泪花 & a你的幸福是我最大的心愿 Your happiness is I strongest wish & a目前中国城市普遍存在交通拥挤问题 At present Chinese city universal existence traffic congestion question & a最近看了日本企业家稻盛和夫写的自传,他在自传中提到:在他刚开始创业阶段,每天的工作都是通宵达旦,大家都精疲力竭。对此有人给他忠告说:这和马拉松是一样的道理,应该考虑合理分配节奏。但是稻盛和夫回答说:有人说长距离赛跑应该把握节奏,但对新人来说根本没有考虑节奏的空闲,我们现在参加的是整个行业的马拉松比赛,我们起跑已经比别人晚了 Recently read the autobiography which Japanese entrepreneur rice Sheng Hefu writes, he mentioned in the autobiography: Just started in him to start an undertaking the stage, the daily work all was all night long, everybody was exhausted.Regarding this some people to him advised: This and the maratho &


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