in our school rules作文英语作文加翻译

403 Forbidden
403 Forbidden一件有意义的事,英语作文,要带有翻译(初三水平,60词左右)
I have a lot of things to do in my free time.Usually I take exercise after school.I like basketball and volleyball very much.Sports help me to keep healthy and study better.I often watch TV or do some reading in the evening.Sometimes I listen to music for a while.I find it a good way to relax myself.Of course,I help my parents with the housework at the weekends.I clean the house,wash clothes and learn cooking.Sometimes I go on a field trip with my friends.We always have a good time!
my hobbyDifferent people have different hobbies.For example,someone likes reading,someone likes swimming and someone likes collecting and so on.     I used to r
Li Hua is my best friend. She is slim and beautiful with a pair of glasses. She is friendly and generous. She is good at English and I am good at maths so we of
My hobby is playing football. It is very interesting. Many people like to play it. It can make me healthy and strong. I often play it after class in my school.
 It is generally believed that there is a good supply of fresh water.But to our disappointment,the fact is just the opposite.  As we can see,the world populatio
My biggest problem 我最大的问题I like school very much.And I have many subjects to learn in school.I am doing rather in most of these subjects.Maths is my favourite,w
On my third day of the summer holiday,my classmates and I spent some happy days on the village.During that day,we did morning exercises and then had breakfast t
The students are discussing how to do a meaningful thing/event .
一件有意义的事 星期天的上午,阳光灿烂,天上飘着几朵雪白的云.太阳公公笑眯眯地,好像在向小朋友们招手. 这天,妈妈要做很多家务事,我一看,只见妈妈正在擦桌子,额头上流着像珍珠那晶莹似的汗珠.看见妈妈那样累,我走过去,说:“我来帮您做吧!”妈妈答应了. 我走到洗槽,学着妈妈那样子.首先往盆里倒些水,放一些洗衣粉,把衣服放
一件有意义的事在我身边发生过许多有意义的事,大部分都慢慢地忘记了,但有一件事却一直记在我的脑海里. 那是去年暑假的一天中午,吃完饭,妈妈去睡觉了,我坐在客厅里看书,忽然听到窗外有鸟的叫声,跑到窗前一看,我看到一只刚出生不久的小麻雀,停在我家的窗台上,它的羽毛还未丰满,小嘴巴黄黄的,明亮的小眼睛一眨一眨的,可爱极了!我轻
1.一件有意义的事 暑假里的一天,我和我的好朋友相约,兴致勃勃地来到图书馆,在少儿借阅室做了一回“小小图书管理员”.一到少儿借阅室,和蔼可亲的阿姨就热情地接待了我们.她先让我们逐一作了登记,然后给我们别上了印有“少年儿童图书馆馆员证”的胸牌,我摸着粉红色的胸牌,特别自豪,有一种成为大人的感觉.接着阿姨告诉了我们注意事项
My Summer VacationI have an interesting thing in my Summer Vacation,My Family get a ticket to Singapore.I was very Excited,the ticket was of my father‘s colleag
范文 有意义的一件事作者: 白松 发布时间: 来源:作文网 点击: 335 次 发表评论 “上课了!上课!”老师喊着.老师说:“同学们,今天我们搞一个室内活动,叫“纸条里的乐趣多”.”同学们听了非常激动,我更是激动万分,因为我最喜欢做室内活动了.老师说活动规则了:首先撕一些纸条,然后在纸条上写出让做
A Letter to a Friend Dear Zhang Wei I’m glad to know that you are coming to my city during the summer vacation. However I’m afraid there’s some bad news. I’m pl
关于回忆的初中英语作文,去年暑假,我去学游泳,那是很难忘也很有趣的一件事.我和爸爸去游泳池,他叫我怎么游.起初,我害怕潜入水里.  Last summer holiday,I learned to swim.It was very unforgettable and interesting.I went to the
An interesting Sunday in my winter holiday!Yesterday is Sunday,I went to the park to find someting interesting to amuse the eye .But the winter was not very goo
参考作文:My living Habbits I have some habbits, some are good, but some are bad. I like reading very much. From reading science books, I get a lot of knowledge. Fro
I think Internet has advantage and disadvantage.Advantage of Internet is that you can do anything that you want on Internet when it was connected to independent英语作文8篇(范文加翻译)_百度文库
【 - 中考英语作文】
  I was born in a small village with a hill behind it and many big areas of feilds in front. Most of the villagers live in tall buildings like the people in cities.In their home, they have telephones,TV sets,washing machines and so on.They can also use drinking water supplied by the water company in the village,but it costs them a little money every year.If they plant crops, the goverment will give them some money as encouragement.The more land they farm, the more money they will get.All around the year, they work on their farm land for only four or five months.In the rest time,they often work in the cities nearby for money.They needn&t worry about anything for living, such as food or clothes.
  There is a tall teaching building with a computer room, a reading room, a meeting room,a lab and sixteen class-rooms in our school.Around it are big trees and behind the building is a wide playground for us to do sports on.All the teachers work carefully and teach us very well.
  What is more,when we are ill or want to do some shopping and so on, everything is OK without leaving the village.
  But in the past, it is said there were few people living in two houses made of wood,grass and mud.That is why it is still called Two Houses today.It is not hard to imagine what their life was like.
  Now I feel that I am proud of my hometown.As a student,I must study hard to get more knowledge so that I can build my village better when I grow up.
瑞文网 版权所有英语作文 我的班级要有中文翻译,尽量长一点
英语作文 我的班级要有中文翻译,尽量长一点
my classmy class is like a big family.i love it very the big family has my favourite teachers and my lovely classmates.the fllowing is something aboout my the class time,we all listen to the teachers carefully,after class ,we play together.sometimes the teachers will take part in our our part time ,we will do something meaningful,such as listen to the music,drawing pictures,makeing some cards and so on.after school ,we often go home together if we have the same way to go .so ,i think our class is not only a class ,but a big family.this is my class,a big family,i love it forever.我的班级我的班级就像是一个大家庭,我非常喜欢它,在这个大家庭里有我最喜欢的老师,有可爱的同学们,下面是一些关于我们班的事情.在上课时间,所有的同学都会认真听讲,下课后,我们一起玩耍,有时,我们的老师也会加入我们的活动.在我们的业余时间,我们会做一些很有意义的事,比如听音乐,画画,做卡片还有很多.放学后,我们同路的同学通常都会一起回去,所以,我认为我们的班级不仅仅是一个班级,而是一个大家庭.这就是我的班级,一个大家庭,我永远都爱它.
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